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  On 2/1/2018 at 5:49 PM, bigskygirl said:

I think there was one DCC who was sent to Pro Bowl twice, but in different years. Jackie Bob was a Pro Bowl Rep for the San Francisco team, and of course for the Dallas Cowboys. I think they said in the podcast yesterday Jackie met PBG Nicole Hamilton while she was representing SF, and she decided to try out for DCC after meeting Nicole at the game.


Dorie  Braddy was PBC in 1993 and 1995.

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I would be fine with someone being point girl for multiple years if that girl was unquestionably the best dancer and performer on team. Kashara is fine and did a good job, but no way would I say she’s the best dancer there. With that said though, I think they should always rotate and I would’ve been cool with Lacey at point this year. However, I don’t think she is heads and shoulders better to the point that it makes sense to essentially demote Kashara. If they didn’t do it with Jacie, who was fabulous, i don’t see it happening here. 

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If Jenna is currently the only veteran who intends to retire, then I sincerely hope - for their love of this squad - that Kelli and Judy do a good job of managing expectations, and perhaps even encouraging some retirements, during their end-of-season evaluations and reviews.  As much as I will miss any retirement from this lovely 2017-18 squad, I would hate seeing a large number of veterans cut at this year's auditions even more.

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  On 2/1/2018 at 5:49 PM, bigskygirl said:

I think there was one DCC who was sent to Pro Bowl twice, but in different years. Jackie Bob was a Pro Bowl Rep for the San Francisco team, and of course for the Dallas Cowboys. I think they said in the podcast yesterday Jackie met PBG Nicole Hamilton while she was representing SF, and she decided to try out for DCC after meeting Nicole at the game.


They mean the same team/same girl tho. 

Flatout going to be annoying if Kashara is point again next season. Please give Lacey or literally ANYONE else a chance. I legit would be more excited to see Yuko front and center. 

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  On 2/1/2018 at 5:23 PM, bigskygirl said:

In the minority once again, but I do not see anything wrong with a DCC being point girl for more than one season. 



I'm in that minority with you.  If a girl has earned it and proven to do a great job as I believe KaShara has, I have no problem with her continuing to do so.

Edited by go4luca
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  On 2/1/2018 at 2:30 PM, UnicornKicks said:

Usually Courtney the host irritates me but when she called JennK a Stage 5 clinger who wouldn't leave, I wanted to hug her. Did she say next week is DCC CHANEL or did I hear wrogn (assume she meant Chantel with Lauren).


Sounded like Jinelle and Lauren.  Weren't both of them on before?

I don’t think Kashara at point for next year is a given. If Lacey comes in and shines on the dance floor and behind the scenes, she could earn point. Maybe. Kashara will have to come back stronger... they expect their veterans to come back better every year. That being said, I think this squad is weak so unless she acts a fool or gets fat, it’s hers to lose.

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  On 2/1/2018 at 7:32 PM, PrincessLeia said:

I don’t think Kashara at point for next year is a given. If Lacey comes in and shines on the dance floor and behind the scenes, she could earn point. Maybe. Kashara will have to come back stronger... they expect their veterans to come back better every year. That being said, I think this squad is weak so unless she acts a fool or gets fat, it’s hers to lose.


Agree. I don't think it's a given at all; if Lacey or Robin is as motivated as Kash was this past year I could absolutely see either of them.  

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  On 2/1/2018 at 4:07 PM, HowdeeDo said:

It took a weeks for all of the ones who got cut/quit. If it’s not updated regularly after awhile, then we can assume she was cut/quit. 

I would love for them to surprise us and make Lacey point if both Kash and her comeback. Kashara was point/GL/Showgroup/PBC. She more than peaked her 3rd year, give some glory to the other hard working veterans. 



  On 2/1/2018 at 7:44 PM, LaurenBrook said:

Agree. I don't think it's a given at all; if Lacey or Robin is as motivated as Kash was this past year I could absolutely see either of them.  


But have they ever "demoted" a point? I think it's time they start rotating their points. They shouldn't be doing it every year but it's fair to the other girls as well. Although honestly, there are very few girls who deserve point more. I'd only want to see Lacey/Kashara rotating. Maggie is fine but she too far back in the formation to suddenly get point. Robyn is one of the best but isn't consistent. Cersten I could see,but not over Lacey. And yes I know that the above arguments are what people are using against Kashara as well,but even if we all agree that she didn't deserve the spot (which I personally dont believe), she more than earned it this year. So yes I think it's unfair to randomly decide to demote a point girl for the first time ever since she is doing one hell of a job. 

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  On 2/1/2018 at 8:34 PM, Katherine1904 said:

They’ve never demoted a point (Jenna doesn’t count she never did a game), and they won’t unless the current point does something to get it taken away. Other people stepping up won’t effect it, KaShara will be point now for the next season 


THANK YOU. Jenna was never officially point during the regular season.  They definitely will push girls back in the formation though. 

They like the same point for multiple years bc 1) you get a great girl you can trust, UTILIZE THE TALENT, 2) continuity with media AKA they don't have to change out stuff, photogs know which girl to look for when not in formation, etc.

They haven't had the same girl go more than 2 seasons since they started Thunderstruck at least. Don't know about before that.

  On 2/1/2018 at 8:34 PM, Katherine1904 said:

They’ve never demoted a point, and they won’t unless the current point does something to get it taken away. Other people stepping up won’t effect it, KaShara will be point now for the next season 


There goes my obsessive YouTubing the routines next year. Lmao I’ll still watch the show, of course. 

I’m glad that Kash is coming back, I just would prefer someone else as point her year after getting literally everything but game day girl all in one year (I’m saying this because she’s now also the obvious choice for Veteran of the Year). Spread the love a little!!

I also think it will effect some of the girls choosing to come back. If you can’t progress and build from what you’ve already done, it sorta takes the gleam out of challenging yourself for the upcoming year. 

I wonder if Jinelle loves being a DCC enough to be in the third row of Thunderstruck a third year while on her sixth year on the team lol 

Edited by tajalexander
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  On 2/1/2018 at 9:33 PM, tajalexander said:

There goes my obsessive YouTubing the routines next year. Lmao I’ll still watch the show, of course. 

I’m glad that Kash is coming back, I just would prefer someone else as point her year after getting literally everything but game day girl all in one year (I’m saying this because she’s now also the obvious choice for Veteran of the Year). Spread the love a little!!

I also think it will effect some of the girls choosing to come back. If you can’t progress and build from what you’ve already done, it sorta takes the gleam out of challenging yourself for the upcoming year. 

I wonder if Jinelle loves being a DCC enough to be in the third row of Thunderstruck a third year while on her sixth year on the team lol 


I’m not sure about vet of the year- she has the same things Jenn K had last year yet Jessica won it last year 

  On 2/1/2018 at 10:40 PM, Jess14 said:

I’m not someone who would have put Kashara at point, but I find it hard to say that anyone else deserves Vet of the Year. She went from not even being on show team to being a group leader, point, pro bowl, and on show team. If that’s not deserving of the award, what is? 


Jessica won it last year, didn't she?  And my opinion is because she continued to dial it up, wasn't complacent, set a good example, and a lot of other Kelli-ism's.   I wouldn't be surprised if Lacey won it for the same reasons.

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  On 2/1/2018 at 1:27 PM, tajalexander said:

I could be making this up, but wasn't there a Jackie Bob/Mia split at one point?


Yep there was. For a performance where they had to move some girls around due to injuries. it was shown on the show, season 7. Kelli asked Judy, are Jackie and Mia supposed to be even? Then she yells for them to adjust. 

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  On 2/1/2018 at 7:32 PM, PrincessLeia said:

I don’t think Kashara at point for next year is a given. If Lacey comes in and shines on the dance floor and behind the scenes, she could earn point. Maybe. Kashara will have to come back stronger... they expect their veterans to come back better every year. That being said, I think this squad is weak so unless she acts a fool or gets fat, it’s hers to lose.


So in my mind I am now seeing Lacey give Kashara these Swedish nutrition bars that help you burn carbs.

  • Love 15
  On 2/1/2018 at 3:51 PM, Katherine1904 said:

Lacey would probably be coming back to be point, and with KaShara there she wouldn’t be 


That would be really sad if she had a "if I can't be #1 then I quit" kind of attitude.


  On 2/1/2018 at 8:03 PM, dreamcatcher said:

I think it's time they start rotating their points.


I would like to see this as well. I don't even think they should have one point girl each year. I think they should have several each year - different women in front for different dances. What does it say about the DCC, who are supposed to be sooo uh-MAZing and world class and rehearse 5 nights a week, starting 3 months before the season even starts, and all that, but they only have *one* girl they can put in front of the formation?

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  On 2/2/2018 at 2:25 AM, sleepyjean said:

That would be really sad if she had a "if I can't be #1 then I quit" kind of attitude.


Why would it be sad? She’s been there for 4 years, which is longer than most people stay. She’s been on show team for multiple years, a group leader, and a second group leader. She had a legit claim to being the best veteran dancer on the team (who didn’t get in trouble) this year, and she was passed over for some of the more prominent positions. If she wants those positions and doesn’t think she’ll get them, what’s wrong with leaving. People leave jobs all of the time when they feel like they’ve passed over for positions that they think they deserved or when they don’t think there’s a chance for any more advancement. And those tend to be legit jobs that pay bills, not the DCCs which pays pennies, while taking up enough time that it’s hard to have a 8-5 job simultaneously.

For the record, I’m not saying Lacey feels this way, but if she does, i think it’s fine. 

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  On 2/2/2018 at 2:52 AM, Jess14 said:

Why would it be sad? She’s been there for 4 years, which is longer than most people stay. She’s been on show team for multiple years, a group leader, and a second group leader. She had a legit claim to being the best veteran dancer on the team (who didn’t get in trouble) this year, and she was passed over for some of the more prominent positions. If she wants those positions and doesn’t think she’ll get them, what’s wrong with leaving. People leave jobs all of the time when they feel like they’ve passed over for positions that they think they deserved or when they don’t think there’s a chance for any more advancement. And those tend to be legit jobs that pay bills, not the DCCs which pays pennies, while taking up enough time that it’s hard to have a 8-5 job simultaneously.

For the record, I’m not saying Lacey feels this way, but if she does, i think it’s fine. 


It's sad to me because she appears to very much enjoy being a DCC still. I don't see the sense of giving up something you enjoy just because you can't be the star of the show. That's cutting off your nose to spite your face. The way they've got this team structured, only one person can have that position. There are 35 other people on the team, and I hope they can all enjoy the experience being in whatever position they are in, whether it's the front or the back, and no matter how long they've been on the team.


I have no idea what Lacey's motivation is, and whether she's going or not.

Edited by sleepyjean
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  On 2/2/2018 at 1:27 PM, LaurenBrook said:

From what I know of Lacey, she is not the spiteful type at all and is happy for Kash's success.  Being the star of DCC is not the end all be all for either Kashara or Lacey, 


This. Did anyone else feel that Kashara seemed a bit overwhelmed with all of her roles (Group Leader, Point, Pro Bowl) in the Podcast? She mentioned several times that her "head was not in the game" at moments, particularly at the start of Pro Bowl. She also talked about how at the last game of the season she was really looking forward to going home, etc. And when she revealed that she was re-auditioning this coming year, she mentioned just wanting to enjoy the experience/being in the locker room/game day, and not be so stressed out (as I felt it was implied she had been this year). 

Honestly, I could see her being a bit relieved if they were to give Point to someone else this year, and she got to just enjoy being a regular cheerleader and not the focal centre piece of everything. 

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  On 2/2/2018 at 1:12 AM, mcmrdh said:
  On 2/2/2018 at 12:01 AM, UnicornKicks said:

So in my mind I am now seeing Lacey give Kashara these Swedish nutrition bars that help you burn carbs.


omg so funny!


I don’t get the joke, why would Lacey help Kashara burn carbs?  

  On 2/2/2018 at 2:39 AM, UnicornKicks said:

I dunno. Of course more than one girl could be point. You don't see the Cowboys just randomly rotating QBs so everyone gets a fair and equal turn.


The Cowboys don’t have a pool of 36 QBs though ?

  On 2/1/2018 at 9:33 PM, tajalexander said:

There goes my obsessive YouTubing the routines next year. Lmao I’ll still watch the show, of course. 

I’m glad that Kash is coming back, I just would prefer someone else as point her year after getting literally everything but game day girl all in one year (I’m saying this because she’s now also the obvious choice for Veteran of the Year). Spread the love a little!!

I also think it will effect some of the girls choosing to come back. If you can’t progress and build from what you’ve already done, it sorta takes the gleam out of challenging yourself for the upcoming year. 

I wonder if Jinelle loves being a DCC enough to be in the third row of Thunderstruck a third year while on her sixth year on the team lol 


I think Kashara was one of the first two game day girls but Im not sure. And also, Lacey has the chance of comimg back for the 5th year, she will definitely stay on triangle/show group/group leader, has a chance at pbc and voty. I too wish she could get point as well, but she has other reasons to return. Emma did. 

  On 2/2/2018 at 2:25 AM, sleepyjean said:

That would be really sad if she had a "if I can't be #1 then I quit" kind of attitude.


I would like to see this as well. I don't even think they should have one point girl each year. I think they should have several each year - different women in front for different dances. What does it say about the DCC, who are supposed to be sooo uh-MAZing and world class and rehearse 5 nights a week, starting 3 months before the season even starts, and all that, but they only have *one* girl they can put in front of the formation?


I think changing the formation every time will definitely mess things up. And it's true that they need to take other things like height into consideration. Imagine Kalyssa at Robyn' spot. Ans I personally didnt like Lacey-Jenna-Maggie, they were too uneven. To change point, they will probably need to change some of the other girls as well. Also, point girls is only "used" for thunderstruck and maybe some special performances. For the rest of the game when they split into groups, the group leaders are front and center too.

  On 2/2/2018 at 2:52 AM, Jess14 said:

Why would it be sad? She’s been there for 4 years, which is longer than most people stay. She’s been on show team for multiple years, a group leader, and a second group leader. She had a legit claim to being the best veteran dancer on the team (who didn’t get in trouble) this year, and she was passed over for some of the more prominent positions. If she wants those positions and doesn’t think she’ll get them, what’s wrong with leaving. People leave jobs all of the time when they feel like they’ve passed over for positions that they think they deserved or when they don’t think there’s a chance for any more advancement. And those tend to be legit jobs that pay bills, not the DCCs which pays pennies, while taking up enough time that it’s hard to have a 8-5 job simultaneously.

For the record, I’m not saying Lacey feels this way, but if she does, i think it’s fine. 


Lacey was almost a blender before this year. Last year, nobody here would abvocate for Lacey as point or even part of the triangle. This year she proved she had the power and dcc style down, so if she had stepped up last year or before the whole drama, she would have been chosen as point over kashara.

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  On 2/2/2018 at 5:19 PM, dreamcatcher said:

Lacey was almost a blender before this year. Last year, nobody here would abvocate for Lacey as point or even part of the triangle. This year she proved she had the power and dcc style down, so if she had stepped up last year or before the whole drama, she would have been chosen as point over kashara.


I wasn’t so much arguing in that post about who should’ve been point. I think there are legitimate arguments that can be made for Kashara, Jenna (even after the suspension), Lacey, and even Robyn to be point. I just think that if Lacey believes that she should’ve been point last year and is salty OR even if she’s not salty, but wants point and doesn’t think she has a good shot at it next year with Kashara returning, then there’s nothing wrong with her leaving. She did her job and finished out her contract for the year. If she wants to move on, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

I just don’t see the negatives in these girls choosing to leave or return for whatever reason they want to. Its their lives and their time. If a girl wants to be able to eat donuts when she wants and chooses to retire, cool! If another girl returns just because she wants to make show group, cool! If another leaves because she thinks she’s gone as far as she can on the team, i just don’t see a problem with any of it. 

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  On 2/2/2018 at 4:11 PM, Acromantula said:

This. Did anyone else feel that Kashara seemed a bit overwhelmed with all of her roles (Group Leader, Point, Pro Bowl) in the Podcast? She mentioned several times that her "head was not in the game" at moments, particularly at the start of Pro Bowl. She also talked about how at the last game of the season she was really looking forward to going home, etc. And when she revealed that she was re-auditioning this coming year, she mentioned just wanting to enjoy the experience/being in the locker room/game day, and not be so stressed out (as I felt it was implied she had been this year). 

Honestly, I could see her being a bit relieved if they were to give Point to someone else this year, and she got to just enjoy being a regular cheerleader and not the focal centre piece of everything. 


I agree with this. She definitely seemed to be overwhelmed especially because there was alot of NEW things going on for her this season. However, I wouldn't say she would be "relieved" if she weren't point. She'd definitely be more prepared. It's clear though that she really just wants to cheer, so i don't think she'll take it as a "demotion" if she doesn't get it again.

  On 2/2/2018 at 5:19 PM, dreamcatcher said:

Lacey was almost a blender before this year. Last year, nobody here would abvocate for Lacey as point or even part of the triangle. This year she proved she had the power and dcc style down, so if she had stepped up last year or before the whole drama, she would have been chosen as point over kashara.



  On 2/2/2018 at 6:40 PM, LadyMsJay said:

I agree with this. She definitely seemed to be overwhelmed especially because there was alot of NEW things going on for her this season. However, I wouldn't say she would be "relieved" if she weren't point. She'd definitely be more prepared. It's clear though that she really just wants to cheer, so i don't think she'll take it as a "demotion" if she doesn't get it again.



We can agree to disagree. I liked her last year too, but I don't think anyone would fight for her when girls like Erica Jenna and Holly were still up for consideration. If you go back to last year's comments (or even beginning of this year's tc) people were saying that Lacey is too lyrical and then boom this year she's killing it.

Surprisinly, rachel is the best in this group. Savanah is again out of sync.

  • Love 1
  On 2/2/2018 at 7:22 PM, dreamcatcher said:

We can agree to disagree. I liked her last year too, but I don't think anyone would fight for her when girls like Erica Jenna and Holly were still up for consideration. If you go back to last year's comments (or even beginning of this year's tc) people were saying that Lacey is too lyrical and then boom this year she's killing it.

Surprisinly, rachel is the best in this group. Savanah is again out of sync.


i was just going to say, Rachel killed it and her figure looks on point too! good for her!! Molly is also fun for me to watch, I just really like her.  And also hate her for looking that great when eating junk food non stop hahaha

At least Savannah has been going to classes - i think she is well aware she is not the strongest or most powerful.  I remember how hard Caila worked going into her second year; people thought she'd be cut and she came back so strong.  I hope for the same with Savannah! 

  • Love 6

New to commenting here (and this site overall) but ive been reading the forum for a while!

IMO what might happen with some of the vets.


I like Lacey and thought she was a shoe in for PBC but in the earlier years, she seemed kinda ditzy to me? Or it could have been just the way CMT edited her shots.


I think Robyn will be the next Jackie Bob, K&J have loved her from the start so maybe she will move up in the triangle.....or Cristen (s?) might if Robyn cant take the role.


I feel bad for Jinelle...it seems her fate is the same as Angela’s even though she had to go back to renew her visa. I know in an episode Angela said she returned again just to make SG....which she didnt lol

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  On 2/2/2018 at 7:22 PM, dreamcatcher said:

We can agree to disagree. I liked her last year too, but I don't think anyone would fight for her when girls like Erica Jenna and Holly were still up for consideration. If you go back to last year's comments (or even beginning of this year's tc) people were saying that Lacey is too lyrical and then boom this year she's killing it.

Surprisinly, rachel is the best in this group. Savanah is again out of sync.


Savannah can't be that bad of a dancer if she was on the Jets Flight Crew for 2 or 3 years. Maybe she has problems with the DCC choreography. I hope she'll improve and make it for another season. 

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