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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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Not Jaime's finest moment with Beth.

There is nothing Jamie can say to Beth at this point, so he'll try anyway with this: "I should have said no. That's what I should have done. Because then you couldn't blame me for doing exactly what you asked me to do". 

For 30 something years, I find it hard to believe John didn't get a sense something was wrong between Beth and Jamie. Did he think it was siblings playing when she was beating on him mentally and physically? He claims to know what goes on around there.

Dutton paid for Lloyd's hospital bills too. After that, he should have placed a rule to new ranch hires: "If you want to work at Yellowstone, NO Rodeo!",

I was almost certain when Monica arrived, she would have found Sila alive and unharmed. Wasn't mean to be. But now Monica has found purpose and will make this her problem. All she needs now are a mask and cape. Look out criminals!

After that scene with Rainwater and Monica, I'll be pissed if he loses the land.

The Buffalo scene was a waste of time. I thought there would be a confrontation with Wade or someone would get hurt.

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17 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Not Jaime's finest moment with Beth.

There is nothing Jamie can say to Beth at this point, so he'll try anyway with this: "I should have said no. That's what I should have done. Because then you couldn't blame me for doing exactly what you asked me to do". 

For 30 something years, I find it hard to believe John didn't get a sense something was wrong between Beth and Jamie. Did he think it was siblings playing when she was beating on him mentally and physically? He claims to know what goes on around there.

That whole situation is just sad!  I feel a little for Jaimie here though because he was barely more than a kid himself.  The magnitude of that couldn't possibly be realized as a teenager.

But why is all this coming to light now???  It seems rather disingenuous, especially that John didn't know anything about it, as you said.

Kind of disappointed John didn't hit him, just on general principle.

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Pretty short episode. 

So now John knows the secret about Beth and Jamie, so now what? What Jamie did was absolutely despicable and to snatch that away from Beth was horrific. Yet John takes no responsibility for being such an aloof and unapproachable father that his daughter couldn't come to him? I'm still suspending belief that any clinic would move forward with the procedure on a young and seemingly affluent teenaged white girl with the last name Dutton. 

Ideally a character like Beth's would go and get therapy and try to finally heal from what happened and stay away from Jamie altogether, but I guess family drama means they'll need to keep stirring the pot with the secret being revealed. I'm also not a Beth fan and I don't find her to be any heroine, but that IMO. I hope Willa gives her a run for her money. 

The plot with Sila was sad. I was holding out hope she'd be found alive, but I know all too often these stories don't end that way. It's reminiscent of Wind River and I'm glad they keep a focal point on this issue. It needs to be amplified as much as possible. 

Rainwater was magnificent in that conversation with Monica. 

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8 minutes ago, SuzieQ said:

But why is all this coming to light now???  It seems rather disingenuous, especially that John didn't know anything about it, as you said.

I'm guessing the writers heard the fan's question for 2 seasons (why Beth is on Jamie all the time?), didn't have an answer then and came up with this back story this season. Probably didn't realize this heavy plot just leaves more questions.

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1 hour ago, AnnA said:

The episode ended at 9:52pm!  

9:52 pm?  WTF?   

I don't think they wanted to interrupt all the commercials. My God they wore me slick with commercials. The commercial breaks were all over 5 minutes.

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Beth's accusations against Jamie were ridiculous.  So, too, John's defense of him.  He chose to create a huge chasm by running for AG.  Was he looking for Daddy's approval then?  Suuuure.  Then, he magnifies his idiocy by murdering the NYT reporter he was told to stop seeing.  Was that the obedient son Beth was describing?  He's Fredo, and John was telling Beth to trust him.  Sibling comity was more important than the super powerful enemies which are primed to get his land.  

She asked the teen Jamie for his help.  She got it.  More transference from her.

We were ALL cheated out of the actual notification of Daddy by Beth.  Garbage move, Sheridan.

I did love the scene with Rainwater roping Monica into his quest to turn back time.  The oral history he presented is not often spoken in polite settings, such as a soap opera like this one.  I have serious reservations as to the morality and righteousness of his view.  His passion and conviction, I do not doubt.  It was pure catnip to Monica and it is guaranteed to create monstrous frictions between her and her chosen family, the Duttons.  Like her frenemy John, she always wants it all ways - she insists on a world that will not and can not, exist at this time - bending to her.

There is gigantic irony in that Jamie and Beth are correct in their financial assessment that $500 million is the smart move and one they would make given the chance.  I'm pretty sure Kayce would take it, too.  Then, he would be out of the politics and everyday tensions there.  Of course, Monica would want to give away his fortune to the Confederation.   Anyway...$500 million, John, is not "nothing."


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So when did John become a Livestock Agent? Does Kayce hand out those vests daily?

Not a word all episode about Rip being the father.  I wonder what John will do if he finds that out.  How different life would be if Jaime had refused to take her to the clinic.  She would have had to tell Dad about it and he would have found out about Rip.

Wade Morrow is correct that the Duttons have to fence off their own property to keep the bison out (the Open Range law), but that also means that the bunkhouse crew is trespassing when they rode out into his field.  How did they get through the fence?  That's going to come back on someone, for sure.

Personally I can't see anyone offering $500 million dollars for the property if they're hoping to make any kind of profit in the future.

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I wonder how much Beth told John, did she say outright Rip was the father? Or did she just say she was pregnant. Rip still has no idea and all this is coming out without Beth telling him. I'm expecting some type of outcome to that, since they're building her not saying anything to him.

When John said Tate would fight for the land alone, i remembered again Jamie's got a kid coming still. Jamie has any intentions to do anything about that? I'm guessing with Beth's threats, keeping that a secret may be for the best.


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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

So when did John become a Livestock Agent? Does Kayce hand out those vests daily?


I would guess John Dutton became a Livestock Agent when his father decided he was old enough to fight and gave him a badge. As John did with his oldest son who died fighting the Tribal Police. And as the recently retired Commissioner John is like a retired cop

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An okay episode but nothing more. Beth's coat gets the MVP this episode. Hot damn that was a nice coat. 

Sila plot was sad. Wanted to know more about her and her family. 

I didn't mind the buffalo scene, fun to see what they get up to in the bunk house off hours but it's just when you have a limited time for an episode it feels like you wanted more of something else instead. 

I like the Willa character so far even if we didn't get to see much of her. I was hoping for Beth & Angela scene but no and no Angela in the next episode either? What's up. That episode is called The Beating so I'm hoping for Rip vs Jamie or at least a little more action than Jamie trying to knock out a window 🤨 

I like Rainwater, preferably with Mo Brings Plenty, and want more of their side of this show but in that scene with Monica I, for the first time while watching actually, felt it would've felt better if the actress really was native american. I'm going to try and get over it though as I think Kelsey did some good acting in this episode. 

There should be a rule that there has to be a Beth & Rip scene in every episode 😏

12 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I'm guessing the writers heard the fan's question for 2 seasons (why Beth is on Jamie all the time?), didn't have an answer then and came up with this back story this season. Probably didn't realize this heavy plot just leaves more questions.

No this was always the way they planned to reveal this. They said in this interview that they knew even before the show started. This is the way Taylor tells the story and I for one is a big fan of his storytelling. As to why John - who believe & say he knows everything that goes on on the ranch - didn't know is beyond me though. Perhaps he was so stricken with grief after the death of his wife that he clocked out for a year or two during this time? That's the most likely scenario to me at least. I'm going to go back and watch season 1 I think to see/relive the impact her death had on the family. 

I agree with someone upthread about them robbing us of the Beth/John reveal of the abortion/hysterectomy. I would've liked to see how John handled those news, how he handled Beth and if Beth let down her shield while revealing it to her dad. 

I do wonder where Jamie's baby mama is. The actress doesn't seem to be in this season so maybe they are holding that plotline for next season? Not one I long to see though. 

4 episodes left... 

I liked this article That and the occasional voyeuristic wolf 

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23 minutes ago, MorbidPet said:

No this was always the way they planned to reveal this. They said in this interview that they knew even before the show started. This is the way Taylor tells the story and I for one is a big fan of his storytelling. As to why John - who believe & say he knows everything that goes on on the ranch - didn't know is beyond me though. Perhaps he was so stricken with grief after the death of his wife that he clocked out for a year or two during this time? That's the most likely scenario to me at least. I'm going to go back and watch season 1 I think to see/relive the impact her death had on the family

Ok. But that lingered on way too long. Could have been revealed sometime last season. 

Maybe In season 6, Kayce will finally have the confrontation with the coyote. (just kidding).

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I can understand how Beth might feel that Jamie letting her get sterilized without her knowledge was an evil act but I doubt Jamie's intentions were bad. He was a kid and likely barely understood it meant. But he may have done plenty of evil stuff since then, which doesn't make him much different from most of his family.

Having a hard time getting the point of barrel racing. Looks like it requires a high level of horse-riding skill though. Meanwhile, Jimmy seems to be healing up fast. Still feeling iffy about the woman who's attached herself to him though.

"Economic evolution"? Is that the 2020 version of "let them eat cake" or would it be "manifest destiny"? Ugh either way.

Were they suggesting that the Native girl was attacked by the coyote?

Not sure how I feel about that blue cloak Beth was wearing. Apparently it's Pendleton using something called "heritage blankets." Eh. (I guess Pendleton's longstanding relationship with Native American tribes has been varying degrees of complicated, and only recently has the term "cultural appropriation" relative their marketing of Native-looking patterns and imagery become an issue.) 

Whatever, I'm surprised Beth kept her mouth shut all this time to John about her issue with Jamie. She could've played that card years ago.

Yeah, I definitely think they've been trying to make Monica's skin look a little darker this season. Hmmm. Okay, Sheridan.

Re Beth's sterlization, a complete hysterectomy is generally not minor surgery and I doubt that would've been done in a small clinic on the reservation since it would usually require at least a few days' stay in the hospital afterwards. And she likely would've needed to go on hormone replacement therapy for at least a few years. I don't see how all that could've been going on without John's knowledge throughout her teens unless he was utterly oblivious to her life. But if they left Beth's ovaries in place it seems to me she could still have a child via IVF. Did the show consult with a doctor at all about this plotline?

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I just had a hysterectomy at the beginning of the month.  Even with today's more advanced method, it is major surgery that required an overnight hospital stay and about 6 weeks' total recovery time.  20 years ago the surgery and recovery would have been a lot more involved.  So, yeah, not something for an outpatient clinic.  And I'd be astounded that they managed to hide it not just from John but from everyone (including their other brothers).  Hormones likely wouldn't be needed if the ovaries were left.  Uterine ablation might make more sense as the sterilization method, but "I asked for your help not uterine ablation!" probably wouldn't have worked as well.

Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I loved the buffalo scene.  The wranglers are so entertaining I'd watch a full series of just their antics.  I like a little light comedy to break the tension in dramas.

The reservation scenes were heartbreaking, though the search seemed over pretty quickly.  I'm glad they didn't drag it out too much.  I did wonder why they didn't volunteer the Ranch's helicopter.  Maybe it would have been too expensive or something.


Were they suggesting that the Native girl was attacked by the coyote?

No, I think they were looking at it as a scavenger so they were using it to find her body.  Sort of like circling buzzards.


I did love the scene with Rainwater roping Monica into his quest to turn back time.  The oral history he presented is not often spoken in polite settings, such as a soap opera like this one.  I have serious reservations as to the morality and righteousness of his view.  His passion and conviction, I do not doubt. 

It's so interesting how much John and Rainwater are the same and, essentially have the same goal.  They are both trying to turn back the clock to a "glorious past" where they/their family/their people were in charge and unopposed.  They're just looking at different times in the past.  I think they're both wrong and doomed to failure, but it's interesting to see the conflict and frenemy cooperation between the two of them.

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I question the hysterectomy storyline  too.  It would have happened about 20 years ago and hospital stays were much longer back then.   Even in 2020, a hysterectomy is far from an outpatient procedure.   

I thought the buffalo scene was a waste of valuable story time and I'm not interested in a new Monica storyline at all.  I don't like her and the less I see of her the better.  

I expect them to pick up the pace since we're more than halfway through the season.   I am looking forward to seeing Beth and Angela face off with Willa.    

The episode ended 8 minutes early.    That's 8 minutes of Rip and Beth time we could have had [sigh]


Edited by AnnA
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Is it possible they just tied Beth's tubes?  That seems more likely than such a major operation, like a hysterectomy is, especially 20 years ago, as others have stated.

It might even be possibly reversible.  Wonder is that would be a plot line down the road, although I do think Beth would be a horrible mother unless she went through some serious counseling and lifestyle changes.

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At the end John was yelling about children to help Tate defend the ranch but right now it is only his children we see. Is there a mention of John Dutton siblings and the offspring? Why can't Kayce just populate the ranch with more little Duttoins? I see this as a way of reintroducing Jamie's soon to be born child that seems to be MIA.

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The curious lack of content in this ep seems to me a result of having Sheridan write literally every word of every script and that the outrageous/outsized storylines can not be sustained.  Inevitably, it's a limiting formula.

I enjoyed the Buffalo scene.  I am certain it is a piece of Sheridan's recognition that Forrie J. Smith's Lloyd is popular, if not beloved, by viewers.  Just as Gilligan and Gould saw how great Banks and Seehorn were in Better Call Saul and play out their characters way beyond originally imagined, Sheridan is rewarding/newly emphasizing certain elements in this show. 

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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I never watched Better Call Saul so that comparison is lost on me.   However, I do like Lloyd but I don't remember him being a major factor in the buffalo scene.    I did think he was adorable watching the barrel racers practice 😍

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53 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

I am certain it is a piece of Sheridan's recognition that Forrie J. Smith's Lloyd is popular, if not beloved, by viewers. 

Yeah, it seems that he has glossed over the fact that Lloyd murdered a man in cold blood on Dutton's orders.

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8 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

Yeah, it seems that he has glossed over the fact that Lloyd murdered a man in cold blood on Dutton's orders.

So did Rip and Kayce and I still love both of them anyway. 

Edited by AnnA
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Is it possible they just tied Beth's tubes?  That seems more likely than such a major operation, like a hysterectomy is, especially 20 years ago, as others have stated.

That's what many have speculated. But geez, that'd be silly of Sheridan or whoever wrote these past couple of episodes not to have done enough research to know that getting tubes tied is not the same as having a hysterectomy, even if the end result may be the same.

Odds are that Beth has seen a gynecologist at least once as an adult so one would think she'd definitely know whether she had a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation. Also, with the former she'd have stopped having periods and with the latter she'd still have them. Hard to imagine she'd use the wrong expression to refer to what was done to her unless she's been utterly clueless about her own body since she was a teenager.

Wouldn't it be something if, when Rip eventually finds out what happened, he's the one who helps her figure out that she might still be able to have a kid if she's still got ovaries?

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7 hours ago, Absurda said:

I just had a hysterectomy at the beginning of the month.  Even with today's more advanced method, it is major surgery that required an overnight hospital stay and about 6 weeks' total recovery time.  20 years ago the surgery and recovery would have been a lot more involved.  So, yeah, not something for an outpatient clinic.  And I'd be astounded that they managed to hide it not just from John but from everyone (including their other brothers).  Hormones likely wouldn't be needed if the ovaries were left.  Uterine ablation might make more sense as the sterilization method, but "I asked for your help not uterine ablation!" probably wouldn't have worked as well.

I vaguely remember my mother having a hysterectomy over 30 years ago and she was out of commission for a while. I am able to suspend disbelief for a lot of things, but this particular storyline is a disaster.

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

That's what many have speculated. But geez, that'd be silly of Sheridan or whoever wrote these past couple of episodes not to have done enough research to know that getting tubes tied is not the same as having a hysterectomy, even if the end result may be the same.

Odds are that Beth has seen a gynecologist at least once as an adult so one would think she'd definitely know whether she had a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation. Also, with the former she'd have stopped having periods and with the latter she'd still have them. Hard to imagine she'd use the wrong expression to refer to what was done to her unless she's been utterly clueless about her own body since she was a teenager.

Wouldn't it be something if, when Rip eventually finds out what happened, he's the one who helps her figure out that she might still be able to have a kid if she's still got ovaries?

Well that's just it.  This story line which could have been amazing, with some more forethought and research is such an epic fail!!  It should have all been out in the open and known to the family YEARS ago!  Even if John was a shit father over grief from losing his wife.  I can't imagine Beth is in her 30's and never had a gynie appointment. She was young, so not getting a period isn't something that she would have kept to herself when she was that age. The stupid way they did it makes it totally unbelievable!

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 But now Monica has found purpose and will make this her problem.

I'm wondering if she will attempt a lame-brained murder investigation on her own and get killed off. The actress is the weak link in this series.

Hope they do a respectful job of showcasing the startling statistics on missing and murdered native women. In some cases the murder rates are more than 10 times the national average. Homicide is the third leading cause of death among native women between 10 and 24 years old.

I watched a 1995 rerun of Prime Suspect, and a very young Kelly Reilly was featured in several episodes.

The hair of the actor who plays Kelly's nemesis is a character in the series. He was swinging the back of it like teenage girls do with ponytails. Another weak acting link.

I love the series' opening - the images and the haunting score.

Kevin Costner was born to play Dutton.


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14 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Hope they do a respectful job of showcasing the startling statistics on missing and murdered native women. In some cases the murder rates are more than 10 times the national average. Homicide is the third leading cause of death among native women between 10 and 24 years old.

Taylor Sheridan listed a bunch of horrible MMIWG statistics during Wind River - either before the movie started or before the credits rolled, I can't recall. As much as that was a white saviour movie, I believe he will be respectful. Even in the dialogue between Rainwater and the police officer, "We both know what her chances are", there is an acknowledgement.

Monica's involvement in this storyline really called to my attention that the actor is not indigenous. It is a knock against the show, imho.

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On 7/27/2020 at 12:30 PM, MorbidPet said:

I agree with someone upthread about them robbing us of the Beth/John reveal of the abortion/hysterectomy. I would've liked to see how John handled those news, how he handled Beth and if Beth let down her shield while revealing it to her dad. 

Really. Would have liked to see how John handled that or if he cared enough to ask her questions. So you got pregnant at 15? WTF Beth? You wanted an abortion? Why didn't you come to me? Maybe we could have kept the baby.... who was the baby daddy? Yes, we were robbed of all of that if John even had any reaction except to hate Jamie even more than he already does. If John was so upset about Beth not being able to give him a grandchild then he should be equally pissed at her for wanting an abortion.  

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I knew there was no way Sheridan would sustain the staggeringly dark tone he had established at the beginning.  Who would watch?  

I did not expect the bunkhouse to become the House of Mirth.  A bastion of wokeness in female empowerment, even!  Rip and Beth were stone cold assassins.  There was no redeeming their nature.  Boom!  Their blooming love is as warm as a puppy pile.  The militant relationship and frequently spoken ethnic and racist slurs back and forth between the White Man and the Indigenous?  Why, we're all best buddies, now.  

The villains and monsters are the Gordon Gekkos of greed.  The corporations are so many Thanos'es.  Heck, even the wolves who destroy their livelihood are given respect and status!  

Anyway, the contrast from the original vision to today and its spiking ratings is stark.  I want(ed) the unforgiving darkness, but if the story has to lighten up in service to more eyeballs, so be it.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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WOW!!  So Jamie


 is adopted!!

That actually makes sense to the point I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

The scene with Beth & John about her marrying Rip was really sweet!!  I even got a little choked up.  The scenes between those two are some of the best in the show.  KC's acting  has certainly not declined with age.  He's amazing!


ETA:  I wonder if the Jamie storyline has anything to do with Wade?




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Wow!    I just can't get enough of this show!

I'm watching the encore and then I'll probably watch it on my DVR when I go to bed. 

ETA:.  No Monica tonight made the episode even better.

Edited by AnnA
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No Monica this week!

Dirty secrets are being revealed this season. I'm surprised John never slipped telling Jamie he was adopted in one of his many angry outbursts towards him.

Didn't seem John was ever planning to tell Jamie. 

This will be more fuel to Beth's hatred towards him when she finds out. 

Terrible way to find out about his real parents. 

Mia was testing Rips's patience. I was waiting for him to stop the truck and toss her out. 

The show didn't waste time getting Jimmy back on his feet.

Why does Jimmy need another lesson/reminder? His injuries will never put him in a rodeo again.

WTF! Kayce catches up the truck by horse, lassos the driver by the neck and driver immediately stops.

Wade's kid is pretty stupid. Hasn't learnt his lesson from last week, Second time he gets knocked on his ass.

John knows Rip well that the would never propose. 

The cattle thief is an asshole for getting in a gun fight with his daughter in the trailer. Maybe John will adopt her (yeah right)!

The Livestock agent wasn't trained on how to position himself? 

It took awhile for "Yellowstone Bourbon" to catch up and get advertising on this show.

Good to know: Beth stays dirty! TMI! 

Edited by mxc90
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So Kayce suspects the guy is a thief, rides after him (cut him off at the pass!) lassos him through the window (uh huh), and then beats a confession out of him.  Unless they're planning a lynching, that won't stand up in court no way no how.  He did say he would have to be the Commissioner his way, so I guess this is what they get.  I guess the other two agents getting shot is what they get when Kayce hands out vests to anyone.

I sensed right away when they filmed the county clerk walking down the hall that something was going to be amiss.  I really thought it would involve Wade, but that plot is still hanging. 

John tries to play the savior to Jamie.  "I raised you, fed you taught you." (Except those times I pissed all over you and beat whatever spirit you had out of you) "Look into his cold black heart and see if you want him for a father"  (Pay no attention to the fact that I myself have murdered people, and so have you.)  If Jamie had any balls he would pack up, call the Governor and resign, and move out of the state.  Who cares what anyone thinks of him?  He officially is not a Dutton now, only a calf that was raised for slaughter.

"Turtles All the Way Down" is a cool song.  Don't know if it's worth listening to Mia babble along, though.  What happened to Jimmy's authentic cowboy hat from last season?  The backwards ball cap is just stupid.  Then again, so is Jimmy.  He can't see that rodeo is not in his future.  Remember the episode in This is Us where the agent tells Rebecca that she is 'Pittsburgh good'?  Jimmy is Bozeman good. You don't need to go any further. 

"What is this, Paradise Island?"  Hee.

Agreed that Wade needs to put a leash on Kid Crash.  He tends to lead with his chin and wraps his stomach around the other guy's fist.

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8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

No Monica this week!

This alone made it one of the better episodes this season. 

8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Why does Jimmy need another lesson/reminder?

I don't get why they all continue to treat Jimmy like he is some kind of child.  Yes, he was quite the screw up when the show started.  But he has clearly grown and matured as the show progressed.  With respect to the rodeo, he set a goal for himself, worked hard towards that goal, and attained a degree of success.   I'm sure he realizes the implications to his health if he continues with the rodeo.  And didn't John tell him that there were less taxing events he could still participate in that wouldn't be as hazardous? 


2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

So Kayce suspects the guy is a thief, rides after him (cut him off at the pass!) lassos him through the window (uh huh), and then beats a confession out of him.  Unless they're planning a lynching, that won't stand up in court no way no how.

I don't really think this show is aiming for a realistic depiction of Montana law enforcement.   The same way John Dutton is apparently the final arbiter of who fills every government office position in the state. 


2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

"What is this, Paradise Island?"  Hee.


Rip having knowledge of this show was probably the most unrealistic thing they have ever shown.  

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Wow that explains a lot, Jamie being adopted. There was somethings before that made me think he wasn't John's. Like how Kaycee was always on this pedestal vs Jamie. Even when Kaycee dumped the family and walked away, Rip questioning John on his treatment of Jamie vs Kaycee. Beth also calling John out on not loving Jamie. I just thought that maybe Evelyn was pregnant by someone else and Jamie could be someone else's.   Never thought that he was fully adopted and nothing would have been said or outed this long. This family sure can keep long secrets.

So interested to see where this is going with Jamie not being a blood Dutton and all the people surrounding the family to go after the land.

I'm assuming from the Beth/John conversation where John basically suggested the engagement that he knows Rip was the father of her baby. Beth said "since the moment I met him" and John knows how long ago that was when he brought Rip to the ranch as a kid. Then John started his apology about her not feeling she could come to him about the pregnancy. I still don't think Rip knows.

I liked John knowing Rip would never ask her to marry him without asking him first and knowing he wouldn't want to put John in any position.  

With the way Rip walks towards guns, not sure Beth will get the "out live me" promise. Loved that "proposal" scene with Beth giving him a black totally Rip style ring, but  they can't legally marry because Rip can't file a license due to his having no existence? How does he have a drivers license? Does he have a drivers license? 

The Bunkhouse with the girls camping out is pretty annoying, Rip going in there laying down the get them out of there was needed. Lloyd should know better, it's not summer camp.  Jimmy needs to man up and say this is his job and take some control before Rip or John does it.  Mia is very easy to lose patience with, Rip stalking off to the house, slamming the door and drinking the beers fast before repeating the line from a few episodes about how was your day dear was hilarious.  

Jimmy being up and about with a broken back and new hip and all else is a bit out there with this timeline of it not being that long from the end of the previous season. Rip is still nursing his bullet wound. The windows guys recognize Beth from installing her new glass at her office weeks ago.  People keep going through glass around her. lol 

Kaycee's story of transitioning to be Livestock Commissioner  is a lot better without Monica, she doesn't really add anything since didn't miss her at all and this episode was great. He's growing from the person who just tried to run from his family before.

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Hot damn. They had me even before the opening credits. Rip & Beth is just pure perfection. And then John apologizing to Beth. I forgive everything and I love this season even if nothing else happens. Going to go watch the episode again. Bye. 

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Did not miss Monica at all. John says he deserves to be called father but not that I can see. Favoritism is not a good thing. But now we know why. Beth's proposal and ring was sweet. 

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38 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Rip stalking off to the house, slamming the door and drinking the beers fast

I was surprised that he could even talk to Beth without at least one belch.  Not that I would know anything about that, of course...

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

but  they can't legally marry because Rip can't file a license due to his having no existence? How does he have a drivers license? Does he have a drivers license? 

He works for John Dutton.  On this show, that's all the license you need. 

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Among the best eps.   Maybe the best.

The superfluous conversation where Beth asked if she could marry Rip ended with a wonderful admission from a real father.  That was a spiritual moment, imo.  

The other unnecessary scene, although well within the doofus Jamie's character, did not work as well because the 41 year old child is just that.  He didn't figure out instantly when the clerk told him of the murderous bio Dad that Dutton and his step mom did him a yooge good?  C'mon.  He needed that exposition from JD?  Puhleaze.  The breeding analogy was silly.

So, now, whatever treachery against his Dad that Jamie was plotting before the fateful moment he was told to get that birth certificate, is sure to happen.  Ugh.  I will say, his staring at the diploma and asking, "Who am I?" was pretty great.  That instance of sanity will not prevail.

It made so little sense for Rip to go so far out of his way to learn Jimmy about real-deal rodeo.  He dreaded it the entire time and he got Mia's girly girl chattering for his troubles.  

The SEAL episode which broke out was cool.  Turn your chest to the wall!  

The ring scene was aight.  The best moment, by far, was when Rip showed pure joy and bliss when he understood he could really and truly marry Beth.  Goodness, he lit up the entire state!

The meeting in Beth's office was classic soap opera.  Two alpha females staking out territories and understandings.  The actors pulled it off to my eyes.  This is unlike the summit Rainwater and JD had in the last ep where it never had the feel of existential/epic decisions being made.

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

With the way Rip walks towards guns, not sure Beth will get the "out live me" promise. Loved that "proposal" scene with Beth giving him a black totally Rip style ring, but  they can't legally marry because Rip can't file a license due to his having no existence? How does he have a drivers license? Does he have a drivers license? 


I must have forgotten some of the Rip backstory.  Why isn't there any paper trail of his existence?

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There's likely a birth certificate for Rip and some other paperwork like school registration.  The backstory (as I understand it) is that when he was a teen/pre-teen (?) his father came in, beat him, killed his brother and was in the process of killing his mom, when Rip killed him.  Rip ran off and ended up on the ranch where he's been "hiding out" ever since.  He considers himself a criminal and on the lam from the police.  Though, I'd think that was a clear-cut case of self-defense and that most lawyers could get him out of any trouble.  So, IMO, it's really pretty dumb.  But, it seems to suit him and everyone else just fine.

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Too often I have to rewatch a scene several times to hear what was said because one of the characters mumbled their lines.   I watched last night's episode 3 times and still do not know what Jamie's assistant said to him when she walked in handing him a stack of documents.   The only thing I was able to decipher was "power of attorney for the Dutton ranch."    That worries me because Jamie can't be trusted.   Did anyone hear what she said? 

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40 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Too often I have to rewatch a scene several times to hear what was said because one of the characters mumbled their lines.   I watched last night's episode 3 times and still do not know what Jamie's assistant said to him when she walked in handing him a stack of documents.   The only thing I was able to decipher was "power of attorney for the Dutton ranch."    That worries me because Jamie can't be trusted.   Did anyone hear what she said? 

From closed captioning: "There's no court filing that changes power of attorney for the Dutton Ranch for John Dutton".

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I've been using CC all the way through for that reason.  Also, Jaime asked her to check on the Salt Lake City office too, and she asked if the POA would be valid in Montana, also.  That's what I remember, anyway.

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upon rewatch:

Jaime was up to no good researching power of attorney....the he stumbles upon he is adopted.  Very powerful scene at the end between Jaime and John. I still feel there is more to the story. Cant wait to see it unfold.

Beth and Rip! I'm not crying!You're crying !

Kaycie is very good at killing. Be afraid.

John and Beth in the opening sequence...great scene.


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10 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Also, Jaime asked her to check on the Salt Lake City office too, and she asked if the POA would be valid in Montana, also.

As we were reminded in the scene with Beth and the tribal attorney/fixer, Beth lived and worked in SLC before returning to the ranch at the start of the series. I wonder if Jamie was checking to see if she had filed something there to get control, or had been given POA to handle family matters.


On 8/2/2020 at 10:36 PM, mxc90 said:

WTF! Kayce catches up the truck by horse, lassos the driver by the neck and driver immediately stops.

I didn't understand why the guy didn't just close the window and hit the gas when Kayce was riding up twirling the lasso.

Jamie being adopted is quite a turn of events. Even if his life was better growing up as a Dutton, I can see why he would feel betrayed that his "father" hid it from him all these years. One thing I didn't understand was how is this the first time he ever needed a copy of his birth certificate? Didn't he need one when he got a driver's license? Went to college? Law school? Applied for a passport? Filled out an I-9 for a job? It seemed strange to me that a 40 year old would never have seen his birth certificate before.

We have an Australian Shepherd, and they are herding dogs. In fact, GF's last Aussie came from a cattle ranch in New Mexico where they raise Aussies to work on their ranch as well as sell puppies. Just last week I remarked to her that in all this time, we haven't seen a dog on the show - how could they have a big ranch and not have a dog? A few Aussies would help out immensely! So of course, this week we get to see dogs - yes, it was the bad guys using them, but nice job in using herding dogs (these looked like border collies) in the show.

Edited by Moose135
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1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

Jamie being adopted is quite a turn of events. Even if his life was better growing up as a Dutton, I can see why he would feel betrayed that his "father" hid it from him all these years. One thing I didn't understand was how is this the first time he ever needed a copy of his birth certificate? Didn't he need one when he got a driver's license? Went to college? Law school? Applied for a passport? Filled out an I-9 for a job? It seemed strange to me that a 40 year old would never have seen his birth certificate before.


I love this show, but they need better research on so many things!!  I'm adopted and upon the finality, a new birth certificate is issued with your new parents names.  You have to file for an original and it takes weeks.  You also have to know you're adopted in order to do it.  They could have handled this realistically so many different ways and it would have been just as powerful.  UGH!


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Well, of course Jamie is adopted.  I've said all along he looks nothing like any of the Duttons.  Too bad Mr. and Mrs. Dutton didn't spring for orthodontic work when Jamie was little.  Dang, the actor's teeth are nasty.

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