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Sami putting her aunt in that spot just so Sami could attack makes Sami the shitty one not Kayla.


If Kayla were doing her job she would already be in the process of firing Gagby, with or without Sami's interference.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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If Kayla were doing her job she would already be in the process of firing Gagby, with or without Sami's interference.

Very true. Kayla has always been one of my beloved characters, but I can't feel sympathy for her for her simply having to do her job.  All management jobs come with times where one has to make hard decisions. And it's why some companies and hospitals don't allow family members to work together or being in management/non-management positions. If Kayla didn't want to deal with hiring/firing people than she should have stayed a regular doctor, not taken the chief of staff position. I can't help but feel if Tom Horton was still living that he would have handled the firing appropriately and given Abigail, great-granddaughter or not, a gentle but firm talk. 


Sami is the one wronged by Abby in this situation; Abby went after her fiance. When did Kayla become so judgmental and cold-hearted to her own blood relations?

Edited by Peanut6711
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Um, we haven't seen the scene yet.  That's why I don't participate in spoilers to set up my expectations but it's too easy to click on next unread thread here. But I definitely agree Kayla has not been used well on this show.


Abigail deserves way more than a gentle but firm talk.  She was - pardon me - one hair from doing the deed in the supply room which only got more intense in the Dimera board room.  The Hortons  (no apostrophe please) live off of Tom Horton's legacy and the hundreds of thousands of dollars he left each and every one of them.


I'm a thousand percent toward Sami moving to fire her ass.  Nobody else is trying to teach her a lesson and I'm enjoying every single minute.

Edited by QuelleC
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Abigail never did anything useful in the hospital, so I wouldn't feel torn up about having to fire her.


I didn't even know Abigail and Kayla were that close.


I guess Sami will lose Kayla (don't call me "Aunt" anymore), but it's not like she ever had much of her family's affection anyway, so I can see why she feels she has nothing to lose. Caroline is probably the only one in the family who seems aware that Sami exists. Maybe Ciara too, but only because of the earrings.

Edited by bantering
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I guess Sami will lose Kayla (don't call me "Aunt" anymore), but it's not like she ever had much of her family's affection anyway, so I can see why she feels she has nothing to lose.

I don't really understand why the family should give two shits about Sami anyways. It's not just a matter of her being a screw up. She's hurt her own family numerous times, most notably by kidnapping Belle and screwing with Carrie over the years. She's done even worse to her non-blood related extended family by damn near killing John by giving him pills or being partially responsible for the circumstances that led to Philip losing a leg. Those are just a few highlights. It's not unreasonable to me that her family doesn't have any loyalty to Sami, as she's gone out of her way to hurt so many of them.

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I wouldn't expect Kayla to care about Sami, but I don't get why she'd care that much about Abigail either.

She doesn't really interact with either of them. Maybe if Stephanie were around and hung out with Abigail, I might get why Kayla feels bad, but because a relationship between Kayla and Abigail hasn't been written into the show, I wouldn't  expect Kayla to have much of a reaction to having to fire Abigail.

I think I've seen scenes between JJ and Kayla over the rape, but I can't remember one single scene between Kayla and Abigail.


If I were Kayla, I'd probably just view whatever I had to do as business decision. I'd probably look at Sami as being somewhat over-the-top, but I doubt I'd bother to feel hurt on Abigail's behalf. I really wouldn't feel anything of the latter. Although if I heard about the closet sex I'd probably be side-eying Abigail too. Who does that at a workplace???

Edited by bantering
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I don't know how it will play out, but Sami threatening to withhold a grant to the hospital if Kayla doesn't fire Abby is what would set me off and tell her not to call me aunt anymore. I hope that it will be more about Sami putting Kayla in the middle *and* the threat than it will be about Abby's "goodness" or whatever it is they're selling.

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I'm a thousand percent toward Sami moving to fire her ass.  Nobody else is trying to teach her a lesson and I'm enjoying every single minute.

What lesson does she need to be taught that nobody else on this show needs to be taught? She's repeated herself over and over that she wasn't innocent and takes responsibility for what she did. She's even said she's gone after someone else's husband before. That's more than Sami has ever taken responsibility for. Nothing is ever Sami's fault.


Sami's business is not hospital policy, I don't see her getting involved in Brady's issues of being a board member and being high all the time, or Theresa or Daniel who has been suspended a bunch of times. Kayla has every right to detest Sami at this point for bringing her marriage issues into her family and work place.

Edited by Artsda
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Without yet seeing how the scene is presented/played out, I'm going to assume that if Sami has the power to withhold a grant/funding then it's money coming from the Dimera companies that she now runs. Which she would have every right to do. Happens all the time with money and politics. Benefactors won't donate if there's something they don't like about how the organization is run/who they employ, even if they support the cause itself.  Didn't Roman's rich chic basically just do the same thing? She had art to donate to the fundraiser, she believed in supporting the school, but she only agreed to do so if Roman was her date for the event. That's far more shallow than Sami making Abby deal with the repercussions of her actions.  Abby getting fall-out is more true to life than all the ridiculous amount of support she has been getting. If you have an affair with an engaged man who also happens to be a board member where you work, I think it' pretty safe to say you'd better be prepared for people to talk behind your back, and depending on policy, lose your job.  When it comes right down to it, Abby valued EJ's penis more than she did her reputation and her career. 

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I'm still shaking my head at "Evil Eve" and Poor Theresa. So Theresa hits a man on the back of the head with a poker and lets Brady, who she allegedly cares about, take the blame. But Eve is the demon spawn for blackmailing her (I presume) and making her do her bidding. Which is different from what Theresa did to JJ... somehow? The whole thing is ridiculous and I hope Kristen tears poor "I'm the good one" Theresa limb from limb. Shouldn't she be her #1 target for snaring her man? Ugh, just die Theresa.


I can't get excited about Sami's revenge because I still think she'll get back with EJ in the end, which means she'll ultimately put all the blame and wrath on Abby.

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if Sami has the power to withhold a grant/funding then it's money coming from the Dimera companies that she now runs. Which she would have every right to do. Happens all the time with money and politics. Benefactors won't donate if there's something they don't like about how the organization is run/who they employ, even if they support the cause itself.


Sami threatening to withhold funding from the children's wing in order to force Kayla to fire Abby makes Sami look even worse than the actual cheaters. It's not like Sami's doing this because she cares about the state of the hospital. If so it's ok for Brady to be a board member? 


This will no doubt all backfire on Sami, can't wait for that. They're making her too disgusting with this revenge plot.

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If Kayla would just do her job, Sami wouldn't have to threaten anything.


JJ is supposed to get in Sami's face about what she is doing.  I hope he is stupid enough to man handle her, and Sami decks him.  Then the idiot can explain to his boring mother and sister that Sami gave him a black eye, and why.  Although it will probably turn into another rant about how dare mean Sami defend herself.

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This is so ridiculous.

"Disgusting" ?? That's a bit much. What has Sami done? Made the two dirty cheaters squirm with wedding plans? Got a criminal arrested for tax evasion? Staged a corporate takeover? Confronted the woman who slept with her husband...oops Fiancée! :p Getting Abby fired might be a bit much, but I guess Abby should have thought about consequences BEFORE she bounced on EJ's dick.

And "backfire"??? LOL. Sami would have to have the CURRENT support of people to lose it. Fuck you Bitch Kayla? That work better than Aunt?

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What has Sami done? Made the two dirty cheaters squirm with wedding plans? Got a criminal arrested for tax evasion?


What has Sami done this year and actually had to pay the price of? The fact is EJ spent the past year saving her ass from jail, protecting and parenting the kids while she was in jail, trying to get her out for her and the kids and what does she do in return? She does come out looking disgusting when she's a worse human this past year. Shootings people, dumping bodies in the river and covering up crimes and she's paid for it all by what? 


Yet Abigail needs to be fired from her job and lose everything? EJ's the one that needs to be jailed and Sami cares so much for her children that she put their father in jail when they're having nightmares and waking up looking for him. Then she threatens to take away money from a childrens wing at the hospital.


Taking money from sick kids. All because she needs Abby fired so badly. Sami looks really low. 

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The fact is EJ spent the past year saving her ass from jail


Why should he points for that when he only did it so he could have something to use against her one day.



Yet Abigail needs to be fired from her job and lose everything?


How has Abby lost everything? Getting fired from a job that she doesn't even care about enough to show up to isn't losing everything. Her reputation hasn't even been hurt because every single person is town is lining up to make excuses for her. Once Sami is gone Abby and the rest of the town will act like none of this ever happened.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Melanie's probable return makes me think Abby is heading for a major downfall. There's not enough room in Salem for two golden halos.

Edited by dmeets
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I think it's probably the Holy Horton Hoohah Holiday.  You know, the one where they hang ornaments on Abigail's Holy Horton.....oh, I'd better stop now.....

Well, the Horton Christmas tree is nothing but a bunch of balls.  Just sayin'! 

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Sami gets a restraining order against EJ.


Wednesday August 6:  Jordan attacks Kate!


I guess Jordan isn't okay with cheating when she is the one being cheated on.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Sami gets a restraining order against EJ.


Wednesday August 6:  Jordan attacks Kate!


I guess Jordan isn't okay with cheating when she is the one being cheated on.


Whom did Jordan cheat on?

So Sonny will go to Victor to try to get Will's story blocked.  I don't think Will is going to like his husband's interfering either getting him the job, nor interfering with it.


Chad returns in September.

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Whom did Jordan cheat on?


Jordan didn't cheat, Rafe cheated on Jordan with Kate.  I believe that TigerLynx was referring to Jordan's confrontation with mean ol' Sami and how she defended Abigail and her cheating ways.  But when Jordan finds out that Rafe cheated, well, that's a whole other story.  That is NOT OKAY!

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James did a fan event in Boston.


He said "The cheating story was a big "fuck you"

He thinks EJamis will be happy with the ending

He wants EJ and Sami to receive a HEA

He said the character of EJ wants Sami


I hate the idea of Sami ending up with EJ after all of this.  I don't see how with just a few months remaining this is resolved with Sami and EJ getting a HEA.  Besides it wouldn't be a HEA for Sami.  She would be stuck with the guy who lies to her, cheats on her, and has been making her life a living hell for over eight years.  How is that happy?


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I don't like it either.  But of course, all the signs are pointing towards Sami forgiving him because SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH BEYOND ALL REASON. That scene in the bed where she was trying to resist him and not tell him that she loves him and then she gives in because SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH was just nauseating.  I am well-prepared for them to get back together and leave town.  Whatever show.  In my head, I will just imagine that she killed him after they left town.

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Jordan attacks Kate!


And then Kate poisons her?



So Sonny will go to Victor to try to get Will's story blocked.  I don't think Will is going to like his husband's interfering either getting him the job, nor interfering with it.


Hopefully they will have a huge fight and Sonny will dump him.



He thinks EJamis will be happy with the ending



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I know this is an unpopular opinion around here but I like the chemistry between Sami and EJ and I'm a big sucker for a HEA so that's what I've been rooting for (after EJ does the appropriate amount of graveling of course. Bonus points if he has Abigail annihilated).  This gives me motivation to keep tuning in till their exit despite all the other boring storylines and this ridiculous Horton propping.   I feel bad for JS and I can understand why he wanted to leave. It doesn't sound like he enjoyed filming the Abby affair crap anymore than most of us enjoying having to sit through it. 

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I'm glad I'm hearing about Sonny interfering in the story that Will is trying to write. How about Victor go the extra step and have Will shot and killed to free Sonny of being with him forever.


Why does Dan want to take Kristen to Salem? Why? Why can't he just subdue her and call the cops on that rapist? Of course Dan wants to soak up all the glory and have Salem say he's so wonderful for bringing Kristen in.


JJ is gonna defend Abby to Sami. Why is he doing that? I know he's not trying to get Sami to see Abby's side in all this. JJ is starting to get stupid, I understand supporting your sister but that's just ridiculous. If my sister had an affair I wouldn't go to the wife and defend my sister's actions. That's just stupid. This story is just shitty now.

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I know this is an unpopular opinion around here but I like the chemistry between Sami and EJ and I'm a big sucker for a HEA so that's what I've been rooting for (after EJ does the appropriate amount of graveling of course. Bonus points if he has Abigail annihilated).  This gives me motivation to keep tuning in till their exit despite all the other boring storylines and this ridiculous Horton propping.   I feel bad for JS and I can understand why he wanted to leave. It doesn't sound like he enjoyed filming the Abby affair crap anymore than most of us enjoying having to sit through it. 


Do we know how far ahead the show is?  Since JS gave fairly short notice that he was leaving (shorter than AS), at some point we should see a shift in story from hedging that EJ will stay in Salem while Sami is somehow off canvas to both are leaving.  I'm presuming EJ is still being nice to Abby  because the shift hasn't happened yet.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Do we know how far ahead the show is?  Since JS gave fairly short notice that he was leaving (shorter than AS), at some point we should see a shift in story from hedging that EJ will stay in Salem while Sami is somehow off canvas to both are leaving.  I'm presuming EJ is still being nice to Abby  because the shift hasn't happened yet.

In May AS and JS taped their final scenes to air some time in the Fall. I assume what we're seeing now was taped Spring, maybe late winter. 

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He said "The cheating story was a big "fuck you"


Do you have anymore details on this? I would love to hear more about how he hated this ridiculous story.



Do we know how far ahead the show is?  Since JS gave fairly short notice that he was leaving (shorter than AS), at some point we should see a shift in story from hedging that EJ will stay in Salem while Sami is somehow off canvas to both are leaving.  I'm presuming EJ is still being nice to Abby  because the shift hasn't happened yet.


As far as I know the writers knew both JS and AS were leaving months and months before they started writing this story so they don't even have that excuse to fall back on.

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Do you have anymore details on this? I would love to hear more about how he hated this ridiculous story.



As far as I know the writers knew both JS and AS were leaving months and months before they started writing this story so they don't even have that excuse to fall back on.


I read that there wasn't certainty that JS was leaving until a month before his last film date but AS gave at least 5 months.  Not sure if that is true or not.

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I read that Aiden tells Hope he has a date with Jennifer. Does Jennifer not know that Aiden and Hope were.....well, I don't know what they were doing, but I still don't get this.

My goodness, he's just turning into Mr Man-About-Town, isn't he?  I thought he was eyeing Kayla too.

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Any chance Aiden had will be ruined when he is paired up with Jennifer.  I liked Aiden with Kayla, but Hope would still be better than Jennifer.


JS almost quit over the writing before in 2011.  JS liked being paired up with AS because he said EJ and Sami had never really been given a chance, and since Sami is supposed to be the love of EJ's life, he thought they should at least be explored.  JS prefers the pairings with Sami and Nicole.  He likes working with AS and AZ, and they are EJ's type.  When they got the SL about EJ's cheating neither JS or AS liked it.  They believed EJ and Sami already had enough problems.


JS and AS both told Corday they were leaving in January 2013.  Since the show tapes so far in advance, and the writers have SLs mapped out months prior to that, it is possible the EJ cheating SL was why JS decided to leave. 


AS didn't like what they did to the character of Sami when they had her cheat on Rafe with EJ, and then bounce around in 2012 like a ping pong ball with Rafe/Lucas/EJ.  She said that wasn't Sami.


Corday thought he might get one or both of them to change their minds, but that didn't happen.  Corday and the network agreed to let AS announce her departure before she stopped taping.


Along with JS being silent, Ken Corday has not said a lot either recently.  At one point, Corday was baiting the fans about their reaction, but then he stopped.


Peter Reckell (Bo) was not happy when he left either.  They couldn't get Stephen Nichols (Patch/Steve) to return because of the way he was let go previously.


I think one of the biggest problems Corday and the writers are having with this SL is a lot of the fans who like EJ/Sami have stopped watching, the fans who don't like them as a couple just want the SL over, and the fans who don't care either way are tired of it dragging out.  They managed to annoy all the fan bases.


The network ordered Corday and the writers to pair up EJ/Sami.  Corday doesn't like the couple, and Tomlin likes Rafe/Sami.  Corday's, the network's, and the writers difference of opinion is spilling over into the show.

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Well I read that the show has lost over 700 000 viewers since January so it seems NBC were the ones who had the right idea.  EJami fans have tuned out in droves and Rafe is with boring Jordan.  Fans have been very vocal on Twitter and Facebook.  People have even turned on Jennifer, saying she's not good enough for Dan.  There is Horton backlash, but they continue to be propped by the writers, while women like Nicole and Sami bring in viewers.  People are tired of Nicole always losing and now Abby is besting Sami. KM has appeared in 102 episodes this year, ranking second highest overall behind JS's 103.  Allegedly EJabby is very popular but the ratings do not correspond to that IMO, looking at when the decline started.  Personally, I think it was meant to be AS's banner year but it's all about KM actually, and that's what's turning viewers off.  People love Sami and love to hate her, but watching her be an idiot for months was a turn-off.  I'm glad that JS can be more vocal about disliking the EJabby story now, because KM made a meal of it cos she thought it was her ticket to the bigtime.  My greatest wish is that they prop her even more and the ratings fall even lower, leading to TomSell and Ben and Jordan being fired.  Then I hope new Chad is another turkey so KM is backburnered until her contract expires.  I need to see new writers before 2016.

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I read that Aiden tells Hope he has a date with Jennifer. Does Jennifer not know that Aiden and Hope were.....well, I don't know what they were doing, but I still don't get this.


You don't mean that a Horton woman is going to cheat with a man, that would never happen.

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Foolishly, I'm going to remain optimistic, despite JS's comments about the EJami fans being happy with how things turn out. It's possible EJ and Sami can end on good terms without leaving town together in a relationship.

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It seems JS is getting more outspoken.  He did another interview.  The fan event in Boston will be his last.  After giving TIIC a heads up in January 2013 that he would be leaving, he reminded them again in May 2013, that he would not be renewing his contract in May 2014.  He said he will be traveling for a while and he is supposed to start shooting a movie in 2015.  When asked about the current SL, his response was he did not like it.  JS said he has played the role of EJ as being in love with, and fighting to win Sami over for 8 years, then when he gets the girl he cheats?  It was stupid and EJ wouldn't have done that.  He wouldn't risk losing everything once he finally has Sami.


Edited to Add:


Kristen is shocked to see how far daniel will go to hurt her
The green-eyed monster rears it's ugly head and Theresa warns Eve Brady is off limits
Hope is not happy that Jenn and Aiden are going out on a date


Kristen tries to make an escape from Daniel's clutches before she is taken to the police
Sami makes it legal and hits EJ with papers that he can't be any where near her
Sonny is not to happy with Will's payback on Sami in the pages of his article


Kristen blows everyone away when she pops up in Salem
EJ has to decide on Kristen's fate
A furious Sami confronts Nicole when she learns Eric can not return to the church


Marlena gives Brady some insight on how to deal with the return of Kristen
Sonny is keeping something from Will and he's not happy about it
Clyde decides he kinda likes Salem and moves there permanently


Sami nearly goes postal whjen she reads Will's article and has a major confrontation with her Son
EJ tells a non-chalant Kate that her EX is returning with special plans for her and Sami
Ben offers dear ol dad a compromise
Rafe tries to get Jordan back

Edited by TigerLynx
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Clyde decides he kinda likes Salem and moves there permanently

YAY!  And please let the rest of the spoiler say: So Jordan and Ben hit the road, never to be seen again.


Sami nearly goes postal whjen she reads Will's article and has a major confrontation with her Son

I hope she disowns him on the spot.  And Sonny dumps his sorry ass.

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I hope Kate AND Lucas give him hell too. I can't imagine Lucas wanting this article. Then again, the way this has been written..... I'll just take comfort in Kate and Sonny.

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Kate and Sami should disown Will, get married, adopt Sonny, Sonny should adopt Ari, and all of them should leave Salem with Sami's younger children to head up DE in New York or somewhere in Europe.

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Hope is not happy that Jenn and Aiden are going out on a date


So I've been getting the irritating blond ingénues from B&B (Hope) and Days (Abby) mixed up for the last two hours and now I'm disappointed.  Somehow I created a Jen/Aiden/Abby triangle and I was so looking forward to how Jen would react when the tables were turned on her by her daughter.

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Well, I can't say I blame JS for wanting his character to be a little smarter...or maybe even a lot...



EM (Brady) has the #1 Q score for men, and JS (EJ) has the #2 Q score for men.  Brady is a blithering idiot, EJ is the most incompetent villain ever, and if that wasn't bad enough they bring on Eric and complete the three stooges act.  TIIC so do not know how to capitalize on their actors' popularity.

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