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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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It was always odd to me that Patrick wasn't involved with Robin's first rescue. They had all those moments of Patrick imagining her and Robin all, "Save me!" And Ewen saying her name before he died. And Robin all about Patrick while literally chained to a bed being tortured by a woman now attending town gatherings.

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It was always odd to me that Patrick wasn't involved with Robin's first rescue. They had all those moments of Patrick imagining her and Robin all, "Save me!" And Ewen saying her name before he died. And Robin all about Patrick while literally chained to a bed being tortured by a woman now attending town gatherings.


I didn't find it that odd because they were clearing building to the classic "undead spouse shows up in the middle of husband/wife's wedding" reveal, with all the near-misses beforehand and Patrick having doubts, and that required Patrick to be in the dark.

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Because it came up due to Ric and Liz in the main thread:


Did Ric rape Carly when he took her to the Panic Room, or did he just make it seem like that at first after he kidnapped and drugged her (or did she assume it herself)? I mean, all of it would be gross no matter what, regardless of what you think of Carly, but I've always been confused over what actually happened there.


Also, did Liz ever find out Ric tried to smother her with a pillow while she was in her coma?

Edited by UYI

Did Ric rape Carly when he took her to the Panic Room, or did he just make it seem like that at first after he kidnapped and drugged her (or did she assume it herself)? I mean, all of it would be gross no matter what, regardless of what you think of Carly, but I've always been confused over what actually happened there.


IIRC, Ric did drug Carly and make it seem like they slept together and she was worried at first that he was Morgan's father and not Sonny.  But this was a good while before the panic room.


ETA...according to SoapCentral, Ric wasn't the one who actually drugged Carly, but he did let her think they slept together.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Faith had her henchman drug Carly with the instructions to take advantage of her. Ric stumbled upon them with Carly obviously drugged out of her mind begging for Jason to come save her. Ric took her to a motel room, stripped her of clothes, and jumped into bed with her so that she would think that she slept with him. Months later, it was revealed that Coleman witnessed this, followed them, and watched Ric do all this. He did nothing but he said Ric didn't sleep with Carly.

Faith had her henchman drug Carly with the instructions to take advantage of her. Ric stumbled upon them with Carly obviously drugged out of her mind begging for Jason to come save her. Ric took her to a motel room, stripped her of clothes, and jumped into bed with her so that she would think that she slept with him. Months later, it was revealed that Coleman witnessed this, followed them, and watched Ric do all this. He did nothing but he said Ric didn't sleep with Carly.


So, how is this different from what Franco did to Sam? Because Carly might have actually slept with Ric if she wasn't drugged?

Edited by tvgoddess

Question - were Mac and Felicia together when Robert and Anna "died" and Mac took custody of Robin?


No, I think Felicia was offscreen with Frisco, supposedly in Texas or somewhere, when Mac became Robin's guardian.  Neither Felicia nor Frisco made it back for the memorial service for R & A.  


Felicia wandered back to PC the next year, divorced from Frisco and with tiny Maxie in tow, along with amnesia and the whole Crazy Ryan story.  Mac and Felicia had known each other when Mac first came to town, but there was no romance between them until after R & A's not-death.  

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Question - were Mac and Felicia together when Robert and Anna "died" and Mac took custody of Robin?


No, Frisco, Felicia and Maxie had left town a year before to live in Felicia's grandmother's hacienda in Texas. The Wagners had left the show together that time. Kristina returned to the show alone in late 1992 and that's when they started to really interact--Felicia worked at the Outback for Mac at first. 

Edited by UYI

Didn't Holly stick around for a while to help Mac and Robin out, too?


Yeah, she lived with them for a while.  I think they toyed with a Holly / Mac romance, or at least flirtation.  It was enough to kill Mac's relationship with Dominique, but it didn't really develop into anything ... and then Holly and Bill Eckert happened.   o_O

Watching classic GH tonight. I came across a scene where Robert and someone else is looking at a map of Port Charles.  It's canon now. Port Charles, New York exists and Buffalo, New York does not:




Tanganeva! (Or however the hell he spelled his name) 

Edited by Box305
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Oh thanks for those clips, cmahorror!

I loved, gleefully LOVED how Wee Robin just hauled off and slapped that Cujo! The words spewing out of her mouth about how Robin causes mayehm and destructions around her? PUHLEAZE. Methinks, NO, I KEN she was talking about her own selfish, destructive, lying self.

You seem to be able to find all the kewl clips! Now, if you could have pity on me (because I can never find the ones I'm looking for) and find the one where Robert finds Robin and they have that amazing, and emotional hug from 2013? The one where she says "Daddy?" and he blames himself for "failing her" Failing his "baby" which just makes me always tear up and sniffle and go awwwww!!!!!!

Thank ye.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Watching classic GH tonight. I came across a scene where Robert and someone else is looking at a map of Port Charles.  It's canon now. Port Charles, New York exists and Buffalo, New York does not:




I went nuts when Felicia cut off her hair but Frisco seemed to have enough for both of them at the time.  I loved the long hair and beard.


I will always feel that Jason Quartermaine should have had his brain issue for one year after it happened with personality change - and then recovered and changed back into JQ.  Someone (maybe Monica)? had a fantasy about that.  I'd love to find that.  He'd be the head of the hospital now and he could have

affairs with the nurses and doctors.  Like a real soap!

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And no one will convince me that that shebeast wasn't the one who was jealous of Robin. Every.single.word that came out of her mouth proved that to me. And the other clip above, where she just waltzes in with midgety moobster, who STAYS SILENT, while she treats Robin like some servant--you've done your job, you can leave now. You ask me, she was probably jealous that Jason would rekindle his friendship with Robin, even though he was with Sam at that point.  And before Patrick showed up, the show did tell us that when Robin was in Paris, and before she returned, she was still in love with Jason. 


I just wanted to snatch Cujo bald.

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Everyone loves Robin, that's what Carly has never been able to deal with. Robin has history with all of the people that Carly latched onto like a barnacle... and that history, though sometimes complicated, has never erased the depth of their feelings for her. Sonny, Jason, Jax, they ALL adore Robin for different reasons and, what's more, they respect her. Carly has never been able to compete so she snarls and yaps and manipulates... then whines about how Robin manipulates other people and judges everyone and 'forces' them to live up to her impossible standards.


Carly's the worst.


And that scene above? Just more of the same old shit... what's more, Patrick continued to have a flirty, handsy "friendship" with Carly while claiming to care about Robin. Carly proudly proclaims that she 'doesn't do politically correct' and shits all over Robin as often as creaturely possible and Patrick just accepts it. It has never sit right with me the way Carly talks about Robin and to her that any friend of her just accepts it. Maybe Patrick finally got his shit together and told Carly to shove it in regards to Robin but I never heard about it. That would be a scene worth seeing... but I doubt it happened. Carly is a fucking sacred cow on GH and has been for way too fucking long.

Edited by Dandesun
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The shame of it is that there were times when Carly could have had some growth - in fact, I think at Lila's funeral, Robin and Carly politely said "hi" and then wisely avoided each other.   That should have been how it stayed, since nothing about the Robin v. Carly rivalry after that has been worth a damn.


The Tamara Braun version of Carly really seemed to have had some potential to grow the hell up.   I don't have an issue with Laura Wright as an actress, but it seems her Carly regressed in a really, really bad way.  

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Everyone loves Robin, that's what Carly has never been able to deal with. Robin has history with all of the people that Carly latched onto like a barnacle.


Add Bobbie to that list. The two women Carly hates the most--Robin and Liz--are loved/adored by her own mother. Robin because she knew her as a child and was friends with Anna, and Liz because she helped take care of her after her rape/her relationship with Lucky.

The shame of it is that there were times when Carly could have had some growth - in fact, I think at Lila's funeral, Robin and Carly politely said "hi" and then wisely avoided each other.   That should have been how it stayed, since nothing about the Robin v. Carly rivalry after that has been worth a damn.


The Tamara Braun version of Carly really seemed to have had some potential to grow the hell up.   I don't have an issue with Laura Wright as an actress, but it seems her Carly regressed in a really, really bad way.  


I really do love Tamara Braun as Carly. She made me think Carly could have a bigger heart given the time to grow. I do wonder if Tamara seeming like the nicest person ever in real life had something to do with that, though. 

Edited by UYI
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Yes, I suppose Bobbie counts. But Carly places a lot more value on her relationship with men then with women. I think the thing that galls her the most is that Robin hasn't given Jason or Sonny or Jax children but they still love her. Their admiration on her isn't based on her cooter. Even Jason, who was Robin's lover, values her as more than her vagina or what came out of it.


Carly wouldn't have any of those men without using sex or babies to ensnare them. 

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Ugh, wish I could agree, but the Tamara Braun Carly is the one I hated the most of all. She carried herself as though she knew her character was the writers' pet and would come out on top in any confrontation. Smug bitch. Also, she and ALW's Courtney were the worst together once they became BFFs. Tamara may, in fact, be one of the nicest people anyone would want to meet, but I don't think her rapid rise from flailing recast to fan favorite helped her performance. 


But that isn't what I came here to post about. People in the episode thread were talking about the period of "cottage hell." It reminded me of one weird little scene that made me almost like Carly. This was near the end of Sarah Brown's tenure in early 2001. Gia and Nikolas were living in the notorious cottage, and Carly and Gia were involved in some scheme that we don't care about now (that modeling clusterfuck for Carly and Laura's cosmetics company, I think). So Carly made a rare home visit to Gia.  


Sarah Brown/Carly walked in and looked around, and she remarked about all the memories she had of that place. She told Gia she used to live there with "a woman" and a guy she wanted for herself. Gia asked her if she got the guy, and she said kind of sadly, "No. Not the way I planned it, anyway." 


The scene worked because Jason was in absentia at that point on the show, so he was just her bestie who was off on assignment and may come back and may not. Also, because Sarah Brown was usually good at playing layers.

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