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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I think Rick springfield was more popular than Noah if that makes sense lol.


That makes a whole lot of sense to me, and I agree.  Rick Springfield was one of my first crushes. I had a sleepover party in 1981 and there was a Rick Springfield performance of Jessie's Girl on tv, and you would have thought there was an earthquake the way we shook the room jumping up and down.


But I never caught on to Noah Drake.  The storylines were a bit too serious adult for me at the time, maybe. I loved GH back then -- the Quartermaines, the Webbers, Robert Scorpio (second big crush!) and even Luke.  I love GH, and I loved Rick Springfield, but I was completely 'meh' about Noah Drake.

I have a question.  I stopped watching (again) in late 1999.  Whatever happened to Luke's blues club? I loved that the set, especially the exterior.

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Well if I recall correctly, Morgan is the one that committed adultery by sleeping with his mother-in-law.  Michael never slept with Kiki.  Morgan was also lying to Kiki to make sure she did what he wanted.  There was blame for all three.


What I remember most is how Michael and Kaka both lied through their gaping cakeholes about how they truly, honestly, sincerely wanted nothing to do with one another, while at the same time giving one another these nauseatingly yearning looks every time Morgan turned his back. Never mind the fact that when Potato Head first showed up, Michael couldn't stand her. Suddenly he saw her in a towel or some shit and BAM! it was love. If you look at the chronology of it, Morgan slept with Ava after he realized these two losers had been mentally slobbering all over one another and lied to his face about it. I care less about the physical infidelity than I do the emotional side of it. By that point, his marriage was already over except for the formality of divorce, and Kaka spent the night snuggled up with his brother. Chastely, maybe, but she'd already been unfaithful in her heart.

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Yes, Noah's stories seem completely lame so far! (I'm up to late 1981 in my online watching). So far, he's mostly just flirted and pouted that Bobbie won't sleep with him fast enough -- poor thing is paranoid she's not good enough for rich doctor Drake, and worries he will think she's "easy" (probably she's terrified if he ever finds out she was a prostitute) ... then he goes and sleeps with another nurse. Yep, just like his petulant son!

I die laughing whenever he appears in a scene, though, because they had Noah do that preppy, totally 80s scrunched-up sleeve look ... with his white doctor coat. Hee!

Is the blues club parking lot where Lily went boom?

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I love the Lucky / Dante dynamic. They should have let them be buddy cops solving crimes all over town ... I really wish they hadn't saddled Lucky with so many depressing stories at the end of JJ's second run.


I love the way they glanced at each other when Lulu was stumbling. Ah, the falling in love part is the best part, heh. I really like this scene between them too - this is the first time Lucky and Dante are questioning someone together really and you can see them gradually get comfortable with each other, and it's mostly JJ and DZ adding in that dynamic. I probably shouldn't watch too many of these clips cause then Cue Card will depress me even more than he already does, heh.



Oh look at this good moment I found in my travels. Johnny and Lulu drink a shot in celebration that Sonny lost his temper in court and Dante just comes in and suggests all three of them take it upstairs and rent a room sits at the table with them, like he's secure in his relationship or something! Madness! But yeah, I love hearing Johnny and Lulu diss Sonny and toasting to it. We should have seen people doing that all over town when Sonny went to prison



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Is the blues club parking lot where Lily went boom?


Yep, it was the site of the boom part of clink/boom.  It was also where Nikolas was shot in the throat.  And some wonderful Cassadine/Spencer showdowns.  Man, this show was clicking back in 1996, and stupid Culliton, along with perhaps the network, pissed it all away.

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I have a question.  I stopped watching (again) in late 1999.  Whatever happened to Luke's blues club? I loved that the set, especially the exterior.


I think it just went down without any real fanfare. I could be wrong, but I think I would remember, because I loved that set a lot too. Now that's a place I would have actually wanted to hang out at.

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SlovakPrincess , do you mind if I ask if you know if any of the 1979 storylines are on youtube?  Part of me wants to see again the show when it got me hooked, and part of me knows that'll never live up to my memories.

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If you do a search of GH or "general hospital" and 1979, you should start finding good stuff! That's how I started out (in my completely weird quest to watch all the 80s stuff leading up to when I started watching as a kid in the late 80s...)

I watched some end of 79 stuff to start myself off. There are some die hard Rick/Lesley fans, and they've posted a lot of great clips. Also, the Lassa fever outbreak has some clips, and Heather and the LSD on the lazy Susan.

Funnily enough, reruns of the show must have been a big hit in Germany at one time. There are a lot of German-dubbed clips of 70s and early 80s GH!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Wait, what? when did Ava and Spinelli ever meet? Wasn't he long gone by the time she came to PC? Or did I just not pay attention (which is entirely possible)?


I don't remember this either. You gotta find us a clip, tvgoddess!


Well, unfortunately I don't have the full clip. But, you can see it in this vid, back when Ava was BadAss Ava. It's at 1:05 if you don't want to watch the whole thing, but it's short and it's a good vid. How does Maura have the best damn legs and such a killer body after five kids? Not fair.



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I love the Lucky / Dante dynamic. They should have let them be buddy cops solving crimes all over town ... I really wish they hadn't saddled Lucky with so many depressing stories at the end of JJ's second run.



Dammit, I miss Ducky. They were so great together.

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"Trixie" and "Thor" meet for the first time:



I love how Lucky, Nik, and Ethan all try to defend their sister against him, since they think he works for Sonny. :)


I guess GV was gone shortly after this. When did JJ come back? 

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I love how Lucky, Nik, and Ethan all try to defend their sister against him, since they think he works for Sonny. :)



I still hated Ethan too much at the time. I didn't see this scene when it first aired but when I went back to watch it I was like who ARE you again, YOU DON'T EVEN GO TO SCHOOL HERE.


JJ first aired again October 27, I think. So 3 months later.

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Well either way, JMB left voluntarily and she is busy with some project she and her friends are making, so while I miss her, she wouldn't come back even if the role were vacant. (And has no kids to support, which always helps. CoughBradfordAndersoncough.)

Edited by ulkis
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It was JMB's "reward" for being an acceptable SORASing. What pissed me off is that they had her think of Carly as the second coming after she basically stole Spencer from Nik.  They also had her lick Jason's boots at the expense of Lucky. Lucky and Nik were both so doting to her and it felt like a slap in the face to both of them. I know this scene was done to show  Johnny's Edward Cullenesqe obsession with Lulu, but they had Lulu march to Carly's house the day they buried Emily, not to cry about the woman that she knew all of her life that once helped throw a princess party at Windmere for her but to tell Carly how really special she found her. 

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I'm really glad I barely watched at that time, oh man.

Yeah, I think Guza thought shackling popular characters with Carsason would make them even more popular. He was an odd one.


"Love During Wartime" -- I think that's all that need be said about Guza. "Love During Wartime" -- except that everyone who was an actual soldier, who experienced actual war was written as a lunatic... and it was the criminals who brought war to the streets where they and their alleged loved ones lived, the ones who played at war because it lined their pockets... they were the heroes, like firemen and soldiers (not any soldier who showed up in PC... like I said, they were written as lunatics and villains) -- Guza was awful.


So's Ron but it's a different kind of awful.

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It was JMB's "reward" for being an acceptable SORASing. What pissed me off is that they had her think of Carly as the second coming after she basically stole Spencer from Nik.  They also had her lick Jason's boots at the expense of Lucky. Lucky and Nik were both so doting to her and it felt like a slap in the face to both of them. I know this scene was done to show  Johnny's Edward Cullenesqe obsession with Lulu, but they had Lulu march to Carly's house the day they buried Emily, not to cry about the woman that she knew all of her life that once helped throw a princess party at Windmere for her but to tell Carly how really special she found her. 


I think I remember that now actually. She went over to tell her that even thought she was sad for Nikolas, she was really glad it wasn't her that was killed, right? lol so stupid.

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I had such high hopes for both JMB's Lulu and Patrick when they both came on.  I thought both characters had bratty tendencies covering up a heart of gold, and I was ready to love them both.  


But they pushed Lulu too far into being an apologist for Carly and Jason and the like.  And she really was a little jackass to Georgie, and then sleeping with Dillon was so beyond dumb.  But being with Dante made her more likable again.


I thought it would be fun to watch Patrick be a playboy, and I didn't mind that for a long time he had trouble committing to Robin.  What turned me on him eventually was that he was actually a much better friend to Liz, and could be totally clueless about Robin's feelings in a way that made no sense.  Like, just standing there while Carly bitched at Robin.  Or rolling his eyes when Robin revealed the baby Spencer lie ... I didn't believe Patrick, who was fairly new in town and had no stake in any of this - but was a doctor and should have been like "whoa, switching paternity tests is a crazy thing to be doing" - acted like Robin was overreacting somehow.  He could have been a lot more grateful about Robin putting her job on the line to get Noah a liver transplant, as well - she nearly got fired for that, and it was Patrick's dad, not hers. 


Which is not to say Patrick didn't have some great, loving moments toward Robin.  But often, seemingly out of nowhere, he has this completely asshole attitude toward her, and it's just jarring and weird.   Like the way they're writing him now ...  I think all the writing regimes for Patrick have liked the idea of Patrick the hot and sometimes sympathetic doctor - but they do not actually write him well or with much care or attention.    I think if they were going to do Patrick's drug addiction after Robin's "death," they should have really gone for it and really shown his struggling with addiction and slow descent into it, and explored the role that guilt played in it.  Like, Patrick being unable to deal with both the grief and the realization that he could have been a lot better of a husband to Robin.   

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I've never understood the relationship between Luke (the real Luke) and Helena. They hate each other but they also seem like they kinda respect each other a little bit. Why has Helena never outright killed Luke instead of playing games with his life? Why did it take so long for Luke to finally shoot that skeleton and throw her body in the ocean?

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Man, Brenda and Jason were little pieces of crap in high school/freshman year of college, weren't they? I get that they didn't know about the molestation and were weirded out that Karen started stripping. But none of that excuses them ever calling her a slut or making comments about her mother.

And don't get me started on Brenda's planting naked pics of Karen all over high school. In the flashbacks in that scene, she throws it in Karen's face and still pretends she didn't do it!

I never forgave Brenda for that stunt, actually.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Robin had found out that Brenda was behind that. They may have never been friends again afterwards.


Here's a better side of younger Brenda: Moving out of Jagger's apartment, knowing he'll never love her like he does Karen. Of course, she meets Sonny right afterwards, but you can't have everything.


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I'm going to stroll on over to the history thread to ask why Robin needs to go kung fu on Patrick's man parts. This sounds good.


ETA: that looks like history as in "more than 10 years ago." So I'll ask here. How did Robin end up leaving town and what did Patrick eventually do other than waffle so much people poured maple syrup on him?

Edited by JaneDigby
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I'm going to stroll on over to the history thread to ask why Robin needs to go kung fu on Patrick's man parts. This sounds good.


ETA: that looks like history as in "more than 10 years ago." So I'll ask here. How did Robin end up leaving town and what did Patrick eventually do other than waffle so much people poured maple syrup on him?

This is the correct thread for your question.

Someone more invested can explain better, but Patrick basically said "whatevs" about Robin telling him she plans to go to Paris because she's "broken". Even after finding out Victor Cassadine had Rafe run Patrick's car off the to make sure Robin would do what she was told. The accident caused Sabrina to go into premature labor with Gabriel (Patrick and Sabrina's son) and the baby died (after a few weeks).

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I'm going to stroll on over to the history thread to ask why Robin needs to go kung fu on Patrick's man parts. This sounds good.


ETA: that looks like history as in "more than 10 years ago." So I'll ask here. How did Robin end up leaving town and what did Patrick eventually do other than waffle so much people poured maple syrup on him?


To add to what OnceSane has already posted, he didn't just say "Whatevs", he immediately started chasing after Sam, the woman who was widowed when Jason "died", even though he knew that Jason is actually alive. It was bad enough during the time before Robin was proven to be alive, but now he knows that she's likely in some kind of trouble and hasn't bothered to do more than send Emma to ten thousand sleepovers in between the times when he's getting busy with Sam.

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Thanks for the replies. I was trying to work out the timing on the Sam/Patrick thing. I like the pairing on a chemistry level. It does make me laugh out loud on a "Jason is the love of Sam's life" level tho. Sam's bagged three guys since Jason went scuba diving without oxygen. I'm all for that but the writers need to stop acting like Sam just can't get over Jason.

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Actually I don't think she and McBain ever had sex, sadly for them.


Only because of the lawsuit got in the way. 



Thanks for the replies. I was trying to work out the timing on the Sam/Patrick thing. I like the pairing on a chemistry level. It does make me laugh out loud on a "Jason is the love of Sam's life" level tho. Sam's bagged three guys since Jason went scuba diving without oxygen. I'm all for that but the writers need to stop acting like Sam just can't get over Jason.


Especially since she easily slept with Ric and then Lucky to get back at Jason when she got mad at him when they broke up. She was always sexually active so it is not a surprise that she got involved with other men after she thought she was widowed.

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Actually I don't think she and McBain ever had sex, sadly for them.


Another reason for why I will be forever grateful to PP, but they were ready to do the deed, so the history rewrite that Silas was the first with whom she was able to move on is ridiculous.

Sam and McBain never had sex, just kissed a few times. And that ended before Jason "died".


No, they kissed again after that.

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1992: Scott, Dominique, and Julia Barrett go to Hollywood to promote the perfume Deception (which was originally created by Lucy--she was out of town here; Lynn was on DAYS at the time), and run into John Stamos...not Blackie, John Stamos. Hilarity ensues.




Full House was about to start its sixth season at the time, and of course he and Kin have been close friends for years.

Edited by UYI
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Hee, I especially love Tiffany in that last clip.

Funny you should post this, UYI- I was going to ask if anyone knew where to find any Scotty/Dominique clips from before her diagnosis- clips of her illness and death and the surrogacy storyline are easy enough to find, but I'd like to see more of them meeting, initially hating each other, and then falling in love, before all the sadness that came after. (Though it's a tribute to the actors and the writing that Dominique's illness and death is so devastating to watch even without having seen their backstory.) The show may like to pretend Dom didn't exist, but I know she did, and I'd like to see more of a non-cartoon-villain Scotty.

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Okay I seriously feel like ya'll are punking me around here. I decided to look into Michael's history and THIS is what I found to start with. Seriously THESE people are who ya'll think are so much better than Sonny? OMG no wonder Michael had nothing to do with the Qs as a child. Considering to them he is "that child" ick!

I'm almost afraid to watch any more.




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