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Kevin (Probably) Saves The World - General Discussion

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That was a really weird opening. I kept waiting for the part where it was a dream.

I felt like Yvette was arrogant and mean in a way she hasn't been lately. I don't mean relative to how depressed and doubtful she was recently. I mean I felt like the character was progressing and then they found one righteous soul and she reset to being the same person who lied to Kevin about whether other people could see her. 

I don't want them to be together but I feel really bad for Tyler. 

I could not have cared less about sexy Geico caveman. 

I didn't know there were teenage freegans. I can't tell if that's better or worse than the anorexia plotline I thought was coming.

Amy showing up for the double date did make me laugh. Amy and Kevin were the best part of what was all in all a weak episode. 

  • Love 1

LOL, how many Harrison Ford movies did Kevin reference? I think I caught 3 or 4.

OK, I'm getting back on board. Yvette agreed to spend a night visible feels like we're getting back on track with her character development.

Wow, Kevin got that job fast. Also, why would they need a substitute that quickly? You don't generally need a sub unless a teacher is out. A TA is different.

Yvette was being irrational. She was incredibly distracting at work. For someone who has no trouble giving advice she can be incredibly lacking in self-awareness.

I'm already over any rivalry between Kevin and the other teacher, Sean.

Not to be harsh but as far as bullying goes... Adam got off easy. He was way too dramatic. 

Kevin reaching through the book stack was amazing. This show gets me in the little moments.

Is it just me or does Nate look way too old to be the same age as Kevin and Amy?

Aw, I love a good heist. I miss Leverage.

  • Love 1

I thought that as predicted, Yvette exchanged some emails and then "Leslie" tried to break it off and let Tyler down gently. And I decided that at that point it was his own fault for not taking the hint. But then it turns out it was a catfish. But then it turned out to be Kevin. I don't get why Yvette was upset. He's right. He was taking the initiative while Yvette was just leaving Tyler to his delusion and preventing him from finding someone else. 

"I love secrets! Who likes explanations? Not this guy." LOL. Tyler is a perfect sidekick.

Why did that guy expect them to paint his house? I'm missing the more grateful recipients of Kevin's help.

I don't know who is working on this show but it feels like they don't all have the same sense of humor. Like the person who thinks it's funny for Kevin to be molested by a dog? Kick that guy out, please.

For a first wife giving her blessing, that wasn't too bad. Very mature without being too saintly.

I feel like we don't know enough about Kevin's life before moving in with Amy. I think that's on purpose so he's likable but it undercuts a redemptive arc for us to not know how bad he really was. We've gotten hints of it but it's nothing compared to Joel McHale's character on Community or My Name is Earl. 

Zayn? What!?! Harry. It's obviously Harry.

I think they're getting a little out of hand with this Tyler/Yvette thing but I'm willing to let it play out before judging too harshly. I do feel like it's a little early for them to run out of small town problems for Kevin to solve.

  • Love 1

Reese: We thought the themes in The Crucible would work perfectly in a dystopian future. Think Blade Runner.
Kristen: Ooh. Oh, yeah. I love it. And you know, I can totally see how we can work in some of the stuff from the movie cause The Crucible's all about trials, right? What if we stage our trials like the interrogations from Blade Runner?
[students look at her blankly]
Kristen: You know, like when they have the machine that looks into the guy's eye and they ask all the questions.
[more blank looks]
Kristen: The turtle in the desert?
[no response]
Kristen: Okay, who here has actually seen Blade Runner? Show of hands.
[no one raises their hands]
Kristen: The sequel?
[most students raise their hands]
Kristen: Movie trailers don't count.
[everyone puts their hands down]
Kristen: Guys, if you're going to be influenced by something, it's kind of, it's good to have actually seen it so why don't you give it a watch, come back, I'll rewatch it too, and then we can discuss.

Dave: Have you licked [your cut]?
Yvette: I have not.
Dave: May I lick it?
Yvette: Not if you want your tongue back.

Nate: My keys! I left them downstairs. I put them on the table.
Amy: Who does that?
Nate: There was a key dish.
Amy: That's what it's there for and I'm very glad you used it.

Reese: Have you seen Blade Runner?
Amy: A while back but yeah.
Nate: Inspired my love of origami.
Reese: Well, I need to see it as research for our next play. We're doing a dystopian futuristic Crucible.
Nate: Sounds very drama club.

Nate: I can't climb up that drain pipe. I almost died on the way down.
Amy: Oh, no, don't worry. I"ll leave a ladder out for you. I've got a bunch of them in the garage.
Nate: You have a bunch of ladders?
Amy: Well, just the usual ones - aluminum, fiberglass, steel, platform, extension, step, multiposition. Oh, and I have a little bit of scaffolding.

Kevin: Reese, it's your handsome and strong Uncle Kevin.
Reese: That doesn't sound like any Uncle Kevin I know.

Amy: You can just march on upstairs now. Tell your little friends that you got busted sneaking out of the house because you hit a police officer while stealing my truck.
Reese: I have to say all those words?
Amy: Yes, word for word.
Reese: Should I say that he was sneaking into your room?
Amy: Not those words.

Nate: Are you angry or happy? It's getting hard to track.

Nate: I'm glad my bruised ribs could cement your daughter's street cred.

Yvette: All of this is starting to feel very icky.
Kevin: This coming from the person who gave me a lesson on how to lie to my sister?

Dave: Yvette and I are working on a new screenplay together.
Kevin: No way!
Dave: Nah. I was just kidding around. I'm not really that into Canada so we put Wayne up there. He likes hockey and Drake.
Yvette: Oh, who doesn't love Drake? He is one of the most talented people on God's green earth and has charisma for days.
Dave: I concur. He's also naturally funny.
Yvette: Effortless.
Dave: He's a national treasure, like The Rock is for America.
Yvette: Ooh, don't get me started on The Rock!
Kevin: Okay, okay, everybody loves The Rock!

Kevin: I get how our last righteous person was a baby. Babies are innocent and pure. But what about Shea? There wasn't anything really special about her.
Yvette: There isn't anything special about you.
Kevin: That's harsh, but okay.
Yvette: Listen, we don't need thirty six superheroes. We thirty six normal people with goodness in their hearts.

  • Love 1

Nooooooooo!!! I love Kevin's friendship with Tyler! I hate to see this fracture between them.

Heh, loved the entire Blade Runner plot, from the kids suggesting it without having ever watched it to finally watching it and hating it. I also liked that sneaking out of the house is such a regular teenager thing to do. I remember doing it when I was Reese's age. I didn't have a car to steal though, so I had to get picked up. Google maps told me that it's less than 40 miles from Taylor to Austin so I don't know why they didn't just use Lyft.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 5

The blackout business is even stranger the second time around. The theology behind that has to be complex. The idea that babies are pure and innocent isn't, it just denies original sin. This is actually a common position but it is rarely stated openly. 

When Yvette discovers she's becoming more human, she is also discovering that she should interact with more humans, especially Tyler. Instead she leaves Kevin out to dry. Making Kevin "confess" to Tyler without being able to explain that he knew for a fact Tyler was rejected by the Lady in Laos in a way is lying to Tyler. It gives Tyler the impression that Kevin has been diverting him from the pursuit of the real Lady. 

Jason Ritter playing Tom Cruise in Cocktail? This show is ruthlessly inventive. 

"Two hours of my life I'm never getting back." Young people are ridiculous!

Nate and Amy...well, I suppose somebody else's sex games/roleplaying looks faintly ridiculous and highly undignified from the outside.

Edited by sjohnson
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I remember doing it when I was Reese's age. I didn't have a car to steal though, so I had to get picked up. Google maps told me that it's less than 40 miles from Tayler to Austin so I don't know why they didn't just use Lyft.

Allegedly, you have to be 18 to have an account with the driver services. 

2 hours ago, sjohnson said:

When Yvette discovers she's becoming more human, she is also discovering that she should interact with more humans, especially Tyler. Instead she leaves Kevin out to dry. Making Kevin "confess" to Tyler without being able to explain that he knew for a fact Tyler was rejected by the Lady in Laos in a way is lying to Tyler. It gives Tyler the impression that Kevin has been diverting him from the pursuit of the real Lady. 

I was uncomfortable with that whole thing. I feel so badly for both of them because this whole situation isn't really Kevin's fault. In the catfishing he was trying to be kind to help Tyler out of a situation Yvette created. And I really like Yvette. 

I hope this show is able to continue long enough to find the 36 righteous souls and then ends. I don't want it dragged out past the premise and I don't want it to end before I know how the world is saved. 

  • Love 3

Crap, once again this show has really made me resent Yvette. She could have interceded here and simply appeared to Tyler and let him down easy. Instead she just stands there and watches Kevin destroy his friendship with poor Tyler due to something she created. Ugh. I'm really tired of her ruining Kevin's life and I'm sure that's not supposed to be the takeaway of this show. It's supposed to be "funny" Kevin keeps making an ass out of himself and getting caught doing stupid things all because of Yvette but it's just making me mad at Yvette.

  • Love 7

Yvette is a character who I've gone up and down with. And this episode was a definite negative on her end. I know her and Dave are dealing with humanity and getting injured and all that stuff, but her attempting to teach Kevin to be righteous has clearly backfired. Now, for a split moment, both characters switched places, in which Yvette wanted to be honest, and Kevin wanted to focus on the mission. But there's a difference here, in that Yvette still has the power over Kevin. She could reveal herself to Tyler instead of watching Kevin barrel into a trainwreck with Tyler, leaving the two's friendship to be questionable. Kevin has been trying to fix his mistakes along with other people's mistakes while Yvette has just watched. Now that she has an opportunity to set things right, she does nothing. 

It's just a real damn shame. Yvette owes Kevin for a lot. And now she chooses not to tell him about her and Dave earning more humanity. Wouldn't that mean that both could lose their powers? Shouldn't that be something to disclose to Kevin, and to others? 

I did chuckle at the Blade Runner subplot, and Reese trying to take Kevin's advice to go to Austin in the truck while she can't drive was predictable. 

I still don't feel much toward Amy and Nate's relationship. 

  • Love 4

Amy/Nate is definitely the weakest part of the show IMO. I just don't care. And it was extremely juvenile and out of line for Amy to ask Nate to climb out a second story window just so her teenage daughter wouldn't know he'd spent the night. If she was that worried about it she shouldn't have let him stay over in the first place. You'd think they were the high school kids instead of Reese.

I'm probably the only Sci Fi fan/nerd in the world who doesn't like Blade Runner. I could totally relate to Reese and her friends saying "that was 2 hours of my life I'm never going to get back."

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 3

Why is Yvette the one with the responsibility in the Tyler situation?  IMO, she isn't the one who created it.  Tyler and Kevin did that all on their own.  All she did was sit down at restaurant thinking she was anonymous, minding her own business.  Tyler came to her.  She was polite, they shared a drink, conversation, and a dance.  Then she peaced out.  Disappeared. She never even told him her name.  I think they spent no more than a few hours together in Laos.   He was the one one got obsessed with her absent her involvement or encouragement.  She didn't lead him on.  Kevin is the one who decided to create a fake person and correspond, again without her involvement or encouragement.

Actually I think the writing on this is rather shitty and irresponsible because it does encourage the viewers to believe she has some culpability here.  By making Tyler's borderline stalker creepy obsession with her 'adorable' and ooh-worthy because he is so much in love and is such a sweet guy.  At one point Kevin even says "he was hurting and you weren't doing anything."  It explicitly places the responsibility of a guy's feelings back on the woman who did not encourage the guy in the first place, but somehow she is the one who has to make him feel better about it.  If further explicitly burdens her because in this episode Yvette says "we have been leading the guy on for so long"  and "I full take responsibility" even though she had been telling Kevin to nip all the Leslie stuff in the bud for two episodes now. That is just wrong. 

Kevin did lie to Tyler. All the stuff that happened, Kevin did that.  If Tyler is upset at being lied to then he should be upset at Kevin.  Yvette didn't make that decision, Kevin did.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

Why is Yvette the one with the responsibility in the Tyler situation?  

1) Because she is the one with the powers, including the power to disappear seconds after he approached her

2) Because she knew exactly who Tyler was and wasn't being polite to a stranger

3) Because an angel/Warrior of God doesn't enjoy small talk for its own sake, she actually did like Tyler's attentions and he didn't imagine that

4) Because she knew exactly how upset Tyler was and didn't do anything about it, not even sending her own email with a brush off 

5) Because she knows that no matter how oddly persistent Tyler's romantic attachment is, he's not someone to be afraid of, because she's got the powers

6) Because fearing and hating harmless losers isn't good

7) Because having only seen her once, he can't be a stalker


As for the writing, Tyler's adoration is supposed to not be adorable because Tyler is cute. It's supposed to be about how Yvette is adorable, an in universe character tribute. Whether love for mankind so great that she would descend from heaven is too pure to actually love a man is not a dramatic issue at the moment, but this could also be about laying pipe for that.

  • Love 3

Also, the reason why I put blame on Yvette a little more than Kevin (and that's not to say Kevin didn't screw up in his own way, because he did and Tyler's anger at Kevin wasn't totally misdirected) because the show's had every single episode where Kevin screws up and Yvette watches it happen. Sure, Kevin is supposed to be growing as an individual, but when the show continues to get him into these situations and Yvette watches from the sideline, I can't help but wonder if she finds it enjoyable to see Kevin screw up, get himself into these situations, and just say "it's part of the universe's plan" or whatnot. After 12 episodes of telling Kevin that he has to lie, that he can't tell the truth, the one time she wants to be honest and then lets Kevin take the entire fall. It wasn't JUST him that's at fault. Yvette has literally been feet from Tyler, watching him bemoan about her and how hard he's been trying to find her, and has done nothing to help ease that pain for Tyler. 

I just don't want to continue to see Kevin screw up. I'd like Yvette to claim some more responsibility in her role for this season, because she's absolutely been a culprit in a lot of it. Hopefully, now that she's gaining humanity, she can come clean to Tyler, even if she doesn't tell him the full truth about what she is. Because Kevin's the one who knows the full truth and the only one that is communicating with Tyler, thus dealing directly with his romantic feelings for a woman he met once. Kevin can't take the full responsibility on this one; first off, it has nothing to do with the universe or the righteous; and second, he technically shouldn't have had to get involved. 

Kevin did fake those emails so what's happening with Tyler is on him. But Yvette can't just sit back and allow Kevin and Tyler's friendship to be severed, as she's the reason for this happening. If she doesn't step in next episode, I'll be very disappointed. 

  • Love 1

No one behaved well in this mess.

Tyler didn't ask for a photo or attempt something like Skype with the person who claimed to be the woman from Laos, it's a wonder he wasn't catfished by some random person. And he didn't take no for an answer when whoever was corresponding with him told him she wanted to end it. That's all really bad and it's totally on him.

Kevin catfishing was also bad. If Tyler got no replies, he'd have been better off. I realize Kevin meant well, but it was a bad plan and anyone would be upset about it. Tyler quit his job and went all the way to Canada, he's been living a delusion, and Kevin has been pretending not to know when he was behind it all the time. From Tyler's point of view, Kevin was totally out of line and it's pretty shocking behavior, really. Tyler thinks the woman from Laos is out there and that Kevin deliberately tried to sabotage his attempt to find her.

Yvette is not responsible for Tyler's fantasy about her, but she did risk appearing to him and she did spend time with him. It's possible that being whatever kind of being she is supposed to be would have had a mesmerizing effect on anyone she spent time with-- she didn't know what effect she'd have on people who saw her, so she stayed invisible before. I don't think she's responsible for all of Tyler's and Kevin's bad choices, but she hasn't really been functioning well in her role as a guide lately.

I think that letting Kevin take the fall for his own behavior is actually fine, though. I mean, she didn't want him to do what he did, and it really is his fault he did it.


I thought Reese totally knew Nate had spent the night and was just humoring them by going along with the cover story that he only showed up for breakfast.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I thought Reese totally knew Nate had spent the night and was just humoring them by going along with the cover story that he only showed up for breakfast.

I thought that too, I kept waiting for them to cut to her smirking behind their backs or to say something snarky when she and her mom were alone.

  • Love 1

I thought she knew too and was just keeping that to herself (and sucking up to Nate about the pancakes) because she was trying to butter up her mom about going to Austin. Once Amy said no, I expected Reese to say something like "And I KNOW Nate spent the night here!" before stomping upstairs.

  • Love 3

Look at it this way. Suppose your best friend fell head over heels for someone you knew was unavailable and started obsessing over her. Yet his person will not tell your best friend she's not available even though she easily could. What would you do? Would you let your friend just continue obsessing over this woman without saying anything? You can't tell him the truth because he wouldn't believe it. You can't explain how you even know this woman. So your choices are a.) sit quietly by and let him suffer or b.) try to somehow end his misery. 

Sure, Kevin screwed up here but it was a direct result of something Yvette started yet had no interest in resolving. 

Part of the hook for this show is that the premise causes Kevin to look either insane or at least foolish most of the time. I think I might find it funnier if there weren't an immortal being standing invisibly by causing that humiliation half the time. 

  • Love 3

I hear what y'all are saying.  But I still can't Co-sign on essentially hand waving away the purposeful actions of Kevin and Tyler that led them getting where they are now in their relationship to ascribe esential fault to Yvette who did nothing to invite Tyler's attentions or feelings nor strung him along.    In essence the act of a woman being visible  for a couple of hours  is being ascribed as the root cause of these two men's friendship becoming rocky.  They aren't being held to the same level of responsibility even though it  was one guy's obsession and another guys lies that pretty much created the situation. 

  • Love 6

I would try to help my friend get over the person, but not by catfishing. We all know people who have become attached to an unavailable other. You know they need to get over it. You try to cheer them up and distract them and get them to face reality. But an elaborate scheme to lie to them is not the best way.

The show does seem to be saying that there was something fated about the whole thing, though, because of the visions that confirmed Kevin belonged there and was supposed to find the landlord. I don't get that part of the story. But then, the logic in this situation has always been faulty. Why do the 36 need KEVIN to hug them in order for their existence to save the world? It's not like he's rounding them up and getting them to do anything together, or even just getting them to gather in the same place or... anything.

I like this show but it's kind of thin on explaining itself.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I hear what y'all are saying.  But I still can't Co-sign on essentially hand waving away the purposeful actions of Kevin and Tyler that led them getting where they are now in their relationship to ascribe esential fault to Yvette who did nothing to invite Tyler's attentions or feelings nor strung him along.    In essence the act of a woman being visible  for a couple of hours  is being ascribed as the root cause of these two men's friendship becoming rocky.  They aren't being held to the same level of responsibility even though it  was one guy's obsession and another guys lies that pretty much created the situation. 

Yvette did nothing to invite his attention, but once she saw how he had fallen for her and was obsessing, she did nothing to try and help let him down easy. I agree that Kevin was wrong for writing the letters, but he at least was trying to help. Yvette didn't seem to care that Tyler was hurting.

  • Love 2

Yvette who did nothing to invite Tyler's attentions or feelings nor strung him along.    In essence the act of a woman being visible  for a couple of hours  is being ascribed as the root cause of these two men's friendship becoming rocky.  They aren't being held to the same level of responsibility even though it  was one guy's obsession and another guys lies that pretty much created the situation. 

Yvette is an immortal being of some sort ("not technically an angel") and therefore cannot be considered human. In her case, just having drinks and a few dances with a guy at a bar is the very definition of stringing him along. If this were just a regular woman it would be different. But she pretended to be something she's not. Just by appearing to Tyler and interacting with him the way she did let him believe she was something she's not. You can't really project into this situation because she's not a human so the same rules don't apply.

And that's why I don't hold her and Kevin to the same level of responsibility. She started something, he tried to fix it. He screwed up but she shouldn't have started it in the first place and could have fixed it herself. 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 4
On 2/7/2018 at 4:00 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Google maps told me that it's less than 40 miles from Taylor to Austin so I don't know why they didn't just use Lyft.

Under-18 year olds not only can't create accounts; you're not supposed to pick them up without an adult.

On 2/7/2018 at 6:00 PM, possibilities said:

I thought Reese totally knew Nate had spent the night and was just humoring them by going along with the cover story that he only showed up for breakfast.

Count me in this number as well.

8 hours ago, DearEvette said:

In essence the act of a woman being visible  for a couple of hours  is being ascribed as the root cause of these two men's friendship becoming rocky. 

She did more than "become visible".  She started a relationship, and danced with Tyler and came close to kissing him.  That's hardly the acts of a by-stander.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, jhlipton said:

Under-18 year olds not only can't create accounts; you're not supposed to pick them up without an adult.

Heh, none of the high school students I know who have used Lyft/Uber have ever been asked to show proof that they're 18. In addition, I have used my account to send a car to pick other people up and those people were not asked to prove that they were me. I get that Lyft and Uber have rules but I don't think the under 18 ones are enforced at all. The other option is that you can always be old fashioned and call a cab. As long as you can pay the fee, they don't care how old you are and you don't need an account to get a ride. You might have to wait longer for a cab to show up, but you'll still get wherever you're going. Since the kids were coming home after 2am, waiting a little longer for a cab instead of Lyft wouldn't make a big difference.

  • Love 1

Cabs don't even exist in many places outside large cities, and ones that drive out of town are even rarer. But the show was leaning into the kids being clueless and impulsive. They didn't check the schedule to understand the bus doesn't run all night, Reese didn't know how to drive but somehow thought she would take the car and drive it full of people in the middle of the night all the way there and back-- and didn't look behind her before backing up into the ladder. For that matter, Nate didn't notice anyone in the car, nor take action when he saw it being started. It was all contrived, and the events hinged on people being a bit stupid due to their desires to be stealthy and naughty.

It simply would have been an act of kindness on Yvette's part to tell Tyler directly that she wasn't available. If a woman goes on a date and isn't interested in more, she isn't responsible for the guy's further actions or anything else. However, if he expresses interest in continuing, it's only kind and decent to tell that person she isn't interested or available. Yvette went along with Tyler; she went on the date, so to speak. She should have told him herself that she wasn't available. But then, Yvette isn't kind, is she? Kevin is kind and only tried to be to Tyler.

  • Love 3

I was expecting the kids were talking about new Bladerunner while Kristen was talking about the original. Plus, isn't The Handmaid's Tale kind of a dystopian Crucible?

Now we have the first righteous who isn't a baby. Does she have to do anything? Is Kevin the only one who has the "power" to find other righteous. I assume he is, because it would change the whole show otherwise. Then again, Shea has experience. She's played by Sprague Grayden, who was Joan of Arcadia's friend.

The flying fish thing was kind of weird for me, because it was an example of "having fun" at work that my job (which has nothing to do with fish) used to try making the employees there less miserable.

  • Love 1

Feeling guilty about the role he played in getting the former high school security guard fired, Kevin looks to help Becky follow her true passion: inventing. With Amy and Tyler's assistance, they enter Becky's newest invention into a local Entrepreneur Expo with hilarious results. Meanwhile, Yvette is forced to come to terms with Dave's disappearance.

  • Love 1

Season Finale. Kevin struggles with the idea that his relationship with Kristin might be in jeopardy while helping a stranger honor his deceased uncle’s burial wishes. Yvette makes a drastic decision regarding her future with Kevin by involving a celestial colleague named Cindy and Amy receives an unexpected visit that changes everything.

Are the batteries on the space alien nanobot probes running out? Because I'm pretty sure supernatural beings don't get electrocuted. And humans who get electrocuted don't disappear, they just smoke.

Tyler kissing Kevin was totally non-gay. The show expects the audience to be cool with men kissing from affection? And not to revise their opinion of Tyler? Not sure they're not living dangerously, but the show has never gotten much of an audience, so I suppose it doesn't matter.

The "corpse" opening his eyes was intriguing. 

I think you gotta love Rockaroni Pizza for the brazen imagination of the thing.

Edited by sjohnson
1 hour ago, sjohnson said:

Are the batteries on the space alien nanobot probes running out? Because I'm pretty sure supernatural beings don't get electrocuted. And humans who get electrocuted don't disappear, they just smoke.

Tyler kissing Kevin was totally non-gay. The show expects the audience to be cool with men kissing from affection? And not to revise their opinion of Tyler? Not sure they're not living dangerously, but the show has never gotten much of an audience, so I suppose it doesn't matter.

The "corpse" opening his eyes was intriguing. 

I think you gotta love Rockaroni Pizza for the brazen imagination of the thing.

I don't know what you are getting at with the kiss. They expect that the audience to know that it's Tyler being Tyler. He would be the one to give a full kiss on the mouth to guy instead of big hug and think nothing of it. That's all it was.

  • Love 11

I think the show is falling into the trap of over-twisting. We already have to find the righteous. Kevin is also trying to hide the fact that invisible people are telling him to do it. Now, the celestial beings are potentially mortal? That might be better for a Season 2 development. We already have Kevin's relationship issues with Kristin. Amy's got her love life issues and Reese is getting screwed character-wise. I see early admission to college in her future on the show.

20 hours ago, jbrecken said:

OMG!  Kevin takes place in the Reaperverse!

Bret Harrison looked so different I didn’t even notice!  Damn I miss Reaper!! Now I feel I must rewatch. 

I still really like this show. I love Jason Ritter. I just wish Kevin wasn’t supposed to be such a jerk before. Maybe preoccupied, but not a straight up asshole. 

  • Love 3

Kevin: I still have time to stop off at Tyler's before I teach this afternoon. 
Yvette: Kill him with kindness.
Kevin: Oh, I prefer to think of it as gently smothering him with kindness, but yes.

Marc: I'm gonna go see if your neighbors need anything.
Kevin: Oh, no, no, no. Um, the garage needs organizing.
Marc: Seems pretty organized.
Kevin: It does. But is it color-coordinated? No, it is not. And that's where you come in.

Kevin: Guys, please. Okay? I'm Look. I'm not trying to be a hard-ass here. I just I believe in you all so much. But we need to get creative with our answers, okay? Let's think outside the box, because if we're not thinking outside the box, we're trapped 
Kristen: Good afternoon, Mr. Finn. Just Just stopping by to see how physics is going.
Kevin: Oh, yes, Zoe?
Zoe: What if you call a radio station and dedicate a song to Tyler?
Kevin: That. Mm! Okay. That's interesting.
Kristen: Okay. You're not teaching physics at all, are you?
Kevin: I am teaching logical problem-solving methods, which is the backbone to all the sciences.

Kevin: Maybe we can get you a temp job in town until you make enough to fix your truck.
Marc: No way, man. Jobs are for jerks.

Kevin: I never quite learned how to snap.

Kevin: Hey, so, um, remember when you walked me through my past and showed me all the all the times in my life where I had been a a jerk?
Yvette: Mmm-mmm! Not all the times. Just a select few.

Amy: Who was that?
Kevin: That was Marc. 
Amy: Marc. 
Kevin: Okay? 
Amy: Who's Marc?
Kevin: My friend. 
Amy: Your friend. 
Kevin: Yeah.
Amy: What's your friend's last name? 
Kevin: Marc...ie Mark.
Amy: Did you just let a stranger take a shower in my house where I live with my daughter who's 14?
Kevin: Okay. It was a bath. And, I mean, when you put it that way, it sounds bad.

Peppi and the Tenderonis: I love cheese and dough! Put another pie in the oven, baby! I love cheese and dough! It's even better with pepperoni!

Kevin: "Pizza Product"?
Kristen: Yeah. We weren't allowed to call it sauce. By law.

Kevin: Okay, so, do you think there's something you could bring him in on?
Nate: Are you kidding? He's living in the park. He's got an open fire going. His tent is the wrong color.
Kevin: Is that a real crime? 
Nate: No.
Kevin: I can joke, too.

Marc: I walked all the way from town to yell at him. Now that I'm here, I just kind of want to thank him. 
Amy: Yeah, that's Kevin.

Amy :Are [your parents] still around?
Marc: I haven't talked to them in like a year.
Reese: They kick you out?
Marc: No, I left. They gave me this ultimatum. They told me either go to college or get a job. I'm like, "I don't even know who I am." You know, I'm not gonna sit in some classroom or sit behind some desk. I mean, look, Jack Kerouac said, "This is-"
Reese: Ugh. Stop. You're the worst.
Marc: Excuse me? 
Reese: You ran away. Like a first grader.
Marc: I mean, I don't view it like that.
Reese: It's exactly like that. It's dumb.

Kevin: You helped [Marc]!
Amy: Yeah. Well, I'm a very helpful person, Kevin.
Kevin: And it's all because I helped you realize that you needed to help him.
Amy: I wanna hit you in the face with this wrench so bad.

Dave: Boys and girls, please welcome from the cheese-covered mountains of Pizzalvania, Peppi and the Tenderonis.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4

I was just thinking the other day, that I didn't finish watching Reaper (I watched one episode, when it premiered, and the rest a couple of years ago, when the ABC app included it). I thought I recognized that guy from somewhere. 

I'm glad that Tyler and Kevin are friends again. I expected the bay buyer to be Tyler. :) 

I couldn't believe Yvette and that guy ate the pizza, but I liked it when he was asking Kevin why he thought they ate it, and told him to expand on what he thought of. 

I also really hope this gets renewed. I always look forward to it, and wish they had a longer season. 

  • Love 2

I felt like Kevin's attempts to come up with a grand gesture to win Tyler back went on for too long before the lightbulb went off. And I was disappointed that Kristin validated his quest for the grand gesture instead of putting him on the track to do something meaningful. In fact when she didn't say anything I was afraid that they weren't going to get Kevin there.

At the end I thought that once Kevin twigged to the fact that he needed to do something real to deserve Tyler's friendship, it should have taken at least another episode of actual good deeds for Tyler to come around.

  • Love 1

Yeah... I don't care about Tyler. I don't know where they thought they were taking this but it's not working.

It was one thing when Kevin's depression was the darkest part of the show. That was already a little heavy for a show like this. But I don't think the show manages tonal shifts like this well. And I just feel like we're getting distracted from the point. Like, there are shows with missions and there are shows about the characters and there are shows that find a balance. Right now the show is walking a wobbly middle ground. I like the search for the righteous when it's interesting. And they've done some decent stuff with his family but it's become very simplistic and treacly because if the characters were too involved they would be too close to finding out his secret like they were at the begin. 

  • Love 1

This was another so-so episode. I like some of the developments but the writing didn't have a lot of depth. I feel like these sorts of moralizing/lesson shows have to be careful to avoid that simple sort of Disney Channel storytelling and right now this show isn't really qualifying. 

I'm also getting real tired of Yvette. Kevin is growing (to some degree) as a person but she keeps resetting. Shouldn't she be able to trust Kevin by now instead of trying to seem infallible? And now Dave is dead. Well, probably not, but he's disappeared. 

Also, YAY Reaper reunion!

Kevin: You should know that there will be lots of times where I will act a little weird or do weird stuff.
Kristen: Obviously.

Nate: I also found this.
Amy: My bingo hat!
Nate: Wait, you have a bingo hat?
Amy: Yeah, to play bingo in.

Becky: It's a stun gun combined with pepper spray.

Kevin: I never gave you permission to install cameras in my room.
Amy: I don't need permission. There's no expectation of privacy under this roof.
Kevin: So that's it? Just no discussion, no more privacy for Kevin. What about you? You're cool with this? Where's your angst? Where's your teenage rebellion?
Reese: Privacy is an illusion.
Kevin: No it isn't!
Amy: You're safe in the bathroom. Except for anything around the sink.
Kevin: That's where I'm naked the most!

Becky: You guys ever wonder why they call it spiral cut ham when it's not really cut into a spiral?
Kevin: Not really.
Tyler: Only eight days a week.
Becky: It's basically false advertising.
Tyler: Totally. They get your hopes up for ham cut into spiral shapes.
Becky: Yeah, and then all you get is a boring, flat slice of meat. Kinda lame.
Kevin: I think they actually do cut it-
Tyler: You'd think Big Ham would have figured this one out by now.
Becky: People have been spiralizing vegetables forever. This feels like an untapped market.
Kevin: Does it though?
Becky: If you can turn a zucchini into a noodle, why not meat? You just need the right machine. Picture this: long succulent strips of meat like spaghetti, but ham.
Tyler: I'm picturing it with my mouth right now and I like it.
Kevin: Yeah, but how many people could possibly want ham spaghetti?
Becky: Um, all of them.
Kevin: That seems a big high to say all of them. Every person?
Tyler: Hey, guys, quick informal poll - who in here would be interested in a dish that's just like pasta except the pasta is made out of meat?
Becky: We'll call it pighetti!
Man 1: I'm not sure, but I like the name.
Becky: Branding is everything.

Becky: The guy who invented the Slap Chop had enough money to buy a Komodo dragon.

Becky: She is so much smarter than you! I always had a hard time believing you two were related.
Kevin: Oh yeah. We're twins.
Becky: Oh, gawd. I do not see that.
Amy: Thank you.
Becky: You're so welcome.

Kevin: I have go to the bathroom. You guys need anything?
Amy: From the bathroom?

  • Love 3

While I know that Amy can be a bit much to handle (especially for someone like Kevin), one thing I love about her is that she's so unapologetic about herself. She knows who she is and she is comfortable with herself so she doesn't try to hide the fact that she has 100 boxes of Christmas decorations or that she likes being organized. She isn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about having a sequined AND flowery bingo hat.

Although I'm sad for Yvette and Kevin that Dave is really and truly gone, I'm glad that it eventually got Yvette to tell Kevin the truth and be emotionally honest with him. Just because she's some kind of higher being doesn't mean that she has to hide her feelings or be invincible. The fact that she unburdened herself to Kevin and even asked his advice helped even out their relationship a little bit.

Even though I saw the end result of the cameras in the house coming a mile away, I still loved watching all of them try to scare each other. As silly as it is, it's also very realistic that they would do that to each other.

I was afraid that Nate was going to show up at the expo and then Becky would realize Nate was dating Amy and things would get awkward. I mean, it's still coming, I'm sure, but at least she didn't cause a scene at the expo. Maybe now Tyler can move on from his Lady in Laos.


  • Love 11

I definitely think Amy was the original target of the meteors.

The pighetti machine was just a meat grinder or spiralizer for cooked meat rather than raw meat or raw vegs?

What schooling would you go to to become an inventor? Business school? Engineering?

Despite everything wrong with it, I always enjoy this show and I wish the ratings were higher.

  • Love 1

I really hope we get some answers to what's going on with Yvette and Dave next week because I strongly suspect the show will not be renewed. I hate when shows like this end on a cliff-hanger when they know very well it probably won't get a second season. 

The ground ham was just gross. That's all it is - ground ham. Would you really eat ground-up ham like that? Amy of all people should have pointed out how stupid an idea that was. 

I really think this show would have had a shot at success if they had tweaked the premise to make it more understandable. The cast is so darn likable but here we are at the penultimate episode of the first season and we still don't really have a strong grasp of what any of this means or what the point is. The whole thing rests on Jason Ritter being an adorable goofball. If you stuck someone else into the role I doubt anyone would be watching it.

  • Love 5

I have no idea where this show is going -- and it's hard for me to believe we are still in Season 1 - it really doesn't seem too urgent for him to keep searching for the righteous outside Taylor. It doesn't stop me from staying on the ride though. 

(I must say though that the rabbit on the car made me think: Oh no! a messenger from Fillory!)

  • Love 3

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