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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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2 hours ago, Myrelle said:

IA about the supernatural element being the only way out of the cliffhanger. 

But as to how, it will be whatever the fuck Dabb pulls out of his ass this time-as it's always been with him-so I don't even see the point in speculating about it, tbh.

Yet another thing that Dabb has ruined for the show-the simple joy of being able to speculate about anything.

I'm most fearful of just wishing that s14 had been the last, in all honesty.

And I'm thinking that, at this point, Jensen is being optimistic because he just wants the show to go out on a high note; unless he's been given info that we don't about yet, that is.

I’ve been trying really hard to stay optimistic about season 15 and J2’s involvement. I really felt they could salvage this train wreck and deliver a proper final season. I did the exact same thing with Season 8 of Game of Thrones so obviously I’m looking at season 15 now with nothing but dread.

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24 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

This is what I think also. Since she's all about the natural order she will probably help just to spite Chuck.

That's what I was thinking, too. Probably snapping them up to a meeting with Jack and whoever in the Empty (or wherever they were at the end of last season.)

Can you imagine how having everything come back from the dead will f* up the natural order?  Billie must be really pissed.

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On 5/15/2019 at 11:42 AM, ahrtee said:

The problem I see here is that nowhere are they mentioning Jack. And while I'd like to believe that means that his story is over,   Dabb spent way too much time setting him up (including the final scenes) to believe he's just going to drop him now.   So my fear is that Jack will be the one killing all the resurrected monsters while the boys drive him around to the fights. So Jack can have his redemption arc by saving all the people as well as the world while Sam and Dean smile proudly at their boy (after Dean had to admit how wrong he was not to trust Jack, of course...)

The Empty did the sign of the cross didn't it. Maybe Jack is dead and Death wanted to talk because she doesn't know if he belongs in heaven or the Empty. He is only in the Empty because of stolen grace right?

He wasn't at upfronts!!!

Jack has done enough damage. Maybe Dabb was yelled at to put the shiny nephilim away and focus on the Winchesters and their pet angel.


Brought over from the "Spoilers With Speculation" thread:

8 hours ago, SueB said:

Bits from the just released featurette that I felt were closer to tactical spoilers than generic 'show is ending' stuff.

  • Berens: “Dean’s refusal to do what God asked him to do represents, in a sense, Dean saying he wants off this ride. That he’s endured enough.” Scene of Dean saying “No.”
  • ERL: This is deadly earnest to the Winchesters, this is life and death, this is pain.  They’re feeling this stuff that Chuck is just playing with as an intellectual game. Dean’s sense of integrity and justice is irritated and challenged and I think he has left over feelings of remorse that he didn’t do enough to save Jack.
  • Berens: “He’s ready to stop. On a meta-level, he’s almost willing the show into its final season.”
  • Scene of Dean saying ‘This isn’t just a story, it’s our lives.’ Dabb: “In those final moments when Dean confronts him, it’s basically like ‘I don’t choose to follow your story anymore, I choose to do what I want to do. And God responds to that by saying, ‘Then story over’.” Shot of Chuck saying “Welcome to the end.”

What makes this a spoiler, IMO, is that there is literally NO mention of Sam in this decision.  No mention of the gunshot.  

Now Sam was clearly totally on board.  And this could have been just their editing of the featurette, but they really seem to be saying Dean was the TFW spokesperson who made the choice to refuse God.  

Which leads me to the following speculation: Sam show Chuck in the shoulder.  He did that on purpose.  Sam's a good shot, he wasn't aiming to kill.  I think he was already a few steps ahead and 1) wanted to see if the gun could hurt Chuck and 2) just wanted to hurt Chuck cause he was pissed.  IDK.  Somehow their silence on this seems important to me.  Which is why I put these comments in this thread.  

I'll take my general comments regarding the 'end of Supernatural' to the ending thread. 

Oh great. So now Sam's character is screwed.

If Sam wasn't supposed to be the cause of Chuck getting angry why the hell have Sam shoot Chuck to begin with?  Just have Dean make Chuck angry. Otherwise, it seems like they want to have their cake and eat it too by setting Sam up as the audience scapegoat. We all saw Sam shoot Chuck, and do it likely because he was angry, so to pretend that didn't have an impact will be making it seem like they are "playing favorites" or whatever and allow them to have Dean be the central figure without actually having the real blame - in other words sympathy for Dean who was unfairly blamed and anger against Sam.

If they want Dean to be the driving force here, then just do that, please. Why keep making Sam the scapegoat and Dean the poor suffering brother who has to clean up the consequences?

I can't express how much I hate this and what the backlash will mean for Sam's character.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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11 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Brought over from the "Spoilers With Speculation" thread:

Oh great. So now Sam's character is screwed.

If Sam wasn't supposed to be the cause of Chuck getting angry why the hell have Sam shoot Chuck to begin with?  Just have Dean make Chuck angry. Otherwise, it seems like they want to have their cake and eat it too by setting Sam up as the audience scapegoat. We all saw Sam shoot Chuck, and do it likely because he was angry, so to pretend that didn't have an impact will be making it seem like they are "playing favorites" or whatever and allow them to have Dean be the central figure without actually having the real blame - in other words sympathy for Dean who was unfairly blamed and anger against Sam.

If they want Dean to be the driving force here, then just do that, please. Why keep making Sam the scapegoat and Dean the poor suffering brother who has to clean up the consequences?

I can't express how much I hate this and what the backlash will mean for Sam's character.

It was definitely odd that they didn’t address the gunshot.  

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7 hours ago, SueB said:

It was definitely odd that they didn’t address the gunshot

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they altered the season finale after they recorded this BTS thing.

Maybe once they knew s15 was the end for J2 they changed all of it. Who knows.

That said, I think them not mentioning Sam at that point is because they were doing everything they could to keep the focus on NICK, not even Dean really. IMO, it's a big pile of bullshit.

Why is NICK the supposed mirror or .... whatever to Dean. It's not even really about Sam or Dean. Last season was about Jack and Nick more than anyone else.

Sam didn't screw up by shooting Chuck and IMO that isn't why Chuck got angry. He was angry already that Dean and Sam realized his game and wouldn't do what he wanted. He wanted Jack dead, but didn't really want to get his own hands dirty and Dean refusing forced Chuck to do the dirty deed. But since Chuck is the writer he already knew Dean wasn't going to do it, and he already knew Sam was going to shoot him. It is so stupid. The writers shot themselves in the foot.

IMO, the reason Sam shooting Chuck wasn't mentioned is because it was always what Chuck wanted. This is why Chuck being God instead of a prophet is stupid. Either he is omniscient or he's not God. A god... Maybe but not Actual!SPN!God.

I would rather we find out that it was really Michael!Chuck. I mean he did say he thought he would be a better God than Chuck. He would have the power to alter things. But that would mean DabBlemming gave a shit about the Michael arc beyond it being bait and switch and I don't believe they do.

IMO, that writing staff has no idea what the other writers are actually doing. I think Berens checked out mentally and emotionally once WS was deep sixed.  So for me whatever he says about any of it is worthless blather especially when it comes to Dean.

Edited by catrox14
Because mobile posting randomly seems to remove words and letters I actually typed. Sigh.
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21 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they altered the season finale after they recorded this BTS thing.

Maybe once they knew s15 was the end for J2 they changed all of it. Who knows.

That said, I think them not mentioning Sam at that point is because they were doing everything they could to keep the focus on NICK, not even Dean really. IMO, it's a big pile of bullshit.

Why is NICK the supposed mirror or .... whatever to Dean. It's not even really about Sam or Dean. Last season was about Jack and Nick more than anyone else.

Sam didn't screw up by shooting Chuck and IMO that isn't why Chuck got angry. He was angry already that Dean and Sam realized his game and wouldn't do what he wanted. He wanted Jack dead, but didn't really want to get his own hands dirty and Dean refusing forced Chuck to do the dirty deed. But since Chuck is the writer he already knew Dean wasn't going to do it, and he already knew Sam was going to shoot him. It is so stupid. The writers shot themselves in the foot.

IMO, the reason Sam shooting Chuck wasn't mentioned is because it was always what Chuck wanted. This is why Chuck being God instead of a prophet is stupid. Either he is omniscient or he's not God. A god... Maybe but not Actual!SPN!God.

I would rather we find out that it was really Michael!Chuck. I mean he did say he thought he would be a better God than Chuck. He would have the power to alter things. But that would mean DabBlemming gave a shit about the Michael arc beyond it being bait and switch and I don't believe they do.

IMO, that writing staff has no idea what the other writers are actually doing. I think Berens checked out mentally and emotionally once WS was deep sixed.  So for me whatever he says about any of it is worthless blather especially when it comes to Dean.

I I sooo wanted that Michael twist at the end ..

I hated Chuck as God because it meant that God was exactly what he was outed to be. Chuck was never a great character. Great in the sense of noble and heroic. Dean was always forcing him to do stuff. He was Metatron with a better mask. And the Amara storyline for ke immediately painted him as the bad guy because she felt real and she was presented as the righteous victim of a sons smear campaign in which she was locked away without a key for dating to try to be a woman speaking her voice. It was ugly. 

Even uglier, telling Dean he was responsible for everything just to manipulate him to sacrifice himself for the world or if he manages to save the world and fix the damage Chuck caused by being Dean... give the guy a nervous breakdown because that's fun to watch.

Why anyone would think Chuck was on their side is beyond me. He showed up at the 11th hour...

Sigh. Michael wouldn't be able to do what Chuck did in that episode 

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I can’t link because I don’t know how in my phone but there was a post on tumblr about jensen’s Meet and greet at jib where he said he wrote a scene for the writers to use in the ep he is directing. 

Between wanting to bring back former writers, writing his own material and wanting a say in the direction of the season it really sounds like he has no trust or faith in any of the writers to do the show justice. 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I can’t link because I don’t know how in my phone but there was a post on tumblr about jensen’s Meet and greet at jib where he said he wrote a scene for the writers to use in the ep he is directing. 

Between wanting to bring back former writers, writing his own material and wanting a say in the direction of the season it really sounds like he has no trust or faith in any of the writers to do the show justice. 

I read that he said they liked what he wrote, too-even going as far as to say if he ever quits acting he could take up writing.

We'll see if they put it in his episode. *fingers crossed*

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

this final season is just going to be comebacks and gimmicks

Saw this on Twitter; like i said there not only is it a waste of the limited number of eps there are to wrap up the story,  you know they'd only make a mockery of 'Dean' singing (a la Demon Dean) rather than let Jensen shine like star he is. 

Unless it's a dream or au where Dean is a rock star,  no thank you. 

  • Love 5

I don’t know how to link on my phone but it looks like we are very in for another season of JackNatural. 

Someone on twitter posted screen shots of the comic con TV guide addition. Jack gets his own page and a big we need to talk about Jack headline. Plus two questions on another page. 

The big mystery of the season is what Billie offers Jack. 

It will be a “parade of favourites” so that everyone who is loved or hated will get proper closure.   AKA a never ending parade of Guest stars. 

Nothing about Dean, Sam, and Cas. 

There will be another meta episode along the lines of changing channels and the French mistake. 

So much for Jared and Jensen having any kind of real influence. 

Screw Dabb and Singer. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

I don’t know how to link on my phone but it looks like we are very in for another season of JackNatural. 

Someone on twitter posted screen shots of the comic con TV guide addition. Jack gets his own page and a big we need to talk about Jack headline. Plus two questions on another page. 

The big mystery of the season is what Billie offers Jack. 

It will be a “parade of favourites” so that everyone who is loved or hated will get proper closure.   AKA a never ending parade of Guest stars. 

Nothing about Dean, Sam, and Cas. 

There will be another meta episode along the lines of changing channels and the French mistake. 

So much for Jared and Jensen having any kind of real influence. 

Screw Dabb and Singer. 

Wow. That's just... infuriating. Not surprising but incredibly infuriating. 

This show has been such a disappointment for years now and it looks like Dabb is going to keep up his streak. 

It's just so disappointing to see how this show is ending. It deserved better. WE deserved better :-/

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I wouldn't get too worried. The Jack thing is a choice by TV Guide - doesn't necessarily mean that's where the show is headed.

TV Guide can`t make stuff up, though. The general gist of that in terms of spoilers comes from Dabb and Singer. And I fully believe they are making Jacknatural for the final Season. Probably in a last-ditch attempt at getting CW to greenlight a Jack spin-off.

Which I can almost guarantee they will not do. Neither Dabb, Berens nor Singer are people they seem interested in running after to keep working with them. They deliberately went after Plec for Legacies. Or if something like Berlanti had pitched Wayward, it would have gotten a pick-up by the network in an instant. Dabb doesn`t have that clout,

At best they will make a brother-centric Finale, maybe the last two episodes. But until then? Highly doubt it.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

TV Guide can`t make stuff up, though. The general gist of that in terms of spoilers comes from Dabb and Singer. And I fully believe they are making Jacknatural for the final Season. Probably in a last-ditch attempt at getting CW to greenlight a Jack spin-off.

Which I can almost guarantee they will not do. Neither Dabb, Berens nor Singer are people they seem interested in running after to keep working with them. They deliberately went after Plec for Legacies. Or if something like Berlanti had pitched Wayward, it would have gotten a pick-up by the network in an instant. Dabb doesn`t have that clout,

At best they will make a brother-centric Finale, maybe the last two episodes. But until then? Highly doubt it.

If Berlanti had been in charge of Wayward it might not have been the crap fest that it was.

But I dont' doubt there will be multiple attempts by Dabb and company to see if there might be spin off interest.  That is exactly what those teens in the 300th were.

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1 hour ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I wouldn't get too worried. The Jack thing is a choice by TV Guide - doesn't necessarily mean that's where the show is headed.

Pre season 14 TV Guide, featured a two page spread about Mark P and Nickifer, was pretty much accurate, this I think it will be  the same with Jack. And I stand by my original specs way back when Jack showed up, that he is the character they want to spin off. IMO they were going to use WS to set Jack up. And that's why Jack is so important to Dabb and Singer. And why his story is with Billie and why he will be  around to the end of the show and if Dabb has his way... Beyond.

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12 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Pre season 14 TV Guide, featured a two page spread about Mark P and Nickifer, was pretty much accurate, this I think it will be  the same with Jack. And I stand by my original specs way back when Jack showed up, that he is the character they want to spin off. IMO they were going to use WS to set Jack up. And that's why Jack is so important to Dabb and Singer. And why his story is with Billie and why he will be  around to the end of the show and if Dabb has his way... Beyond.

I personally hope Dabb never gets another job in television. At least not at any shows I care about. There isn't enough money in the world to pay me to watch a Supernatural spin off now, especially when with just a little care and talent behind the scenes, SPN could've gone on longer.

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3 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Pre season 14 TV Guide, featured a two page spread about Mark P and Nickifer, was pretty much accurate, this I think it will be  the same with Jack. And I stand by my original specs way back when Jack showed up, that he is the character they want to spin off. IMO they were going to use WS to set Jack up. And that's why Jack is so important to Dabb and Singer. And why his story is with Billie and why he will be  around to the end of the show and if Dabb has his way... Beyond.

Yes, thank you, a SPN pal and I discussed the same thing as soon as teen Jack emerged from mommy's womb. There's no doubt in my mind that at the very least Jack was intended to be the young male lead in the WS show. In fact, I believe the two primary leads were supposed to be Kathryn Newton and Alex. Everyone else was going to be a supporting character/actor - yes, including Kim and Briana. They were the veritable parents in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Maybe Dabb intended for Jack to crossover to the mothership on occasion, but where the WS were Berens' focus, Jack was Dabb's.

Then once they all knew WS wasn't going forward after the S13 finale, Dabb's sole focus and intention for S14 was to spin-off his character to his own show in another iteration. That also went nowhere, but it doesn't mean Dabb isn't going to spend an ungodly amount of S15 in one last Hail Mary effort to do the same - and it will have the same no-go result. But those of us who want the focus to shift back to the brothers for one last season will be screwed, because there's nothing past S15 to make it right.

The Js really had a lot of reasons to shut it all down. They knew their characters weren't anyone's focus, so at that point there was no creative incentive to stick around.

Edited by PAForrest
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9 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

Dabb's sole focus and intention for S14 was to spin-off his character to his own show in another iteration.

In my opinion, a spinoff of his own has been Dabb's raison d'etre since Bloodlines and when his bad ideas fail he, in turns, writes shit out of spite and then tries again and some more. In my opinion, his 'vision' as showrunner is wholly responsible for the show ending and he's going to be a spiteful little bitch right to the bitter end. We Need To Talk About Jack, indeed.

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It looks like season 15 is going to be "about" the Winchesters the same way season 14 was. Being the central focus of the story means being an active agent, a driving force of the plot. Jack and Nickifer fulfilled that role far more than the Winchesters did. Characters who only react to the progression of the story (rather than actually causing it) are not the focus; they're the passive support.

I have less than zero interest in a season that features Jack playing the dominant active role, even if he's just a plot device. He'd still be the center of attention, and I just want this bland, paper-thin, self-centered, navel-gazing, endlessly-excused little shit completely gone.

The most active thing that Dean did all season was lock Michael in his head and build the Malak box. And guess what?! It all amounted to FUCK-ALL. The manner of Michael's death retroactively nullified any of Dean's already-scant contribution to the plot. Nothing changed between 14.10 and 14.14 that suddenly allowed for Jack to kill Michael. He literally could have glowed up, ripped Michael out of Dean, then smoked him right then and there. Dean trapping an archangel in his head did ABSOLUTE SHIT for the actual story progression. 

Every time I think about where season 14 ended up going after such a strong latter-half setup, I get majorly pissed.  

Edited by BabySpinach
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4 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

I fully believe they are making Jacknatural for the final Season. Probably in a last-ditch attempt at getting CW to greenlight a Jack spin-off.

I agree, this probably what Dabb wants.  But, just my opinion here, Alex Calvert can't carry the weight of a spin-off.  He's cute, but he's no Jensen, or Jared for that matter.  He's flat, one dimensional and needs special effects glowy eyes to look menacing.  My cat can do the same thing, no special effects needed.  I don't blame Alex, he's just trying to build a career, but if it does go forward, it will do him more harm than good professionally.  Jared and Jensen have each other to play off of, that's part of the charm of the show.  At this point they'd have more luck with a Nickifer spinoff (gag) than Jack.  At least Pelligrino has some range.

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5 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

TV Guide can`t make stuff up, though. The general gist of that in terms of spoilers comes from Dabb and Singer. And I fully believe they are making Jacknatural for the final Season. Probably in a last-ditch attempt at getting CW to greenlight a Jack spin-off.

Which I can almost guarantee they will not do. Neither Dabb, Berens nor Singer are people they seem interested in running after to keep working with them. They deliberately went after Plec for Legacies. Or if something like Berlanti had pitched Wayward, it would have gotten a pick-up by the network in an instant. Dabb doesn`t have that clout,

At best they will make a brother-centric Finale, maybe the last two episodes. But until then? Highly doubt it.

I can't say I'm surprised. I actually expected this which is why I'm not watch it. I'm way too tired of the incredibly lower than elementary writing to prop up other characters and ignore the stars that got us here.

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2 hours ago, BabySpinach said:

It looks like season 15 is going to be "about" the Winchesters the same way season 14 was. Being the central focus of the story means being an active agent, a driving force of the plot. Jack and Nickifer fulfilled that role far more than the Winchesters did. Characters who only react to the progression of the story (rather than actually causing it) are not the focus; they're the passive support.

I have less than zero interest in a season that features Jack playing the dominant active role, even if he's just a plot device. He'd still be the center of attention, and I just want this bland, paper-thin, self-centered, navel-gazing, endlessly-excused little shit completely gone.

The most active thing that Dean did all season was lock Michael in his head and build the Malak box. And guess what?! It all amounted to FUCK-ALL. The manner of Michael's death retroactively nullified any of Dean's already-scant contribution to the plot. Nothing changed between 14.10 and 14.14 that suddenly allowed for Jack to kill Michael. He literally could have glowed up, ripped Michael out of Dean, then smoked him right then and there. Dean trapping an archangel in his head did ABSOLUTE SHIT for the actual story progression. 

Every time I think about where season 14 ended up going after such a strong latter-half setup, I get majorly pissed.  

 I couldn't agree with you more, although I'm resigned instead of pissed at this point. My majorly pissed point was season 10. Now I'm not expected anything better but I still get disappointed but it's my own fault for watching at this point I suppose.

56 minutes ago, trudysmom said:

I agree, this probably what Dabb wants.  But, just my opinion here, Alex Calvert can't carry the weight of a spin-off.  He's cute, but he's no Jensen, or Jared for that matter.  He's flat, one dimensional and needs special effects glowy eyes to look menacing.  My cat can do the same thing, no special effects needed.  I don't blame Alex, he's just trying to build a career, but if it does go forward, it will do him more harm than good professionally.  Jared and Jensen have each other to play off of, that's part of the charm of the show.  At this point they'd have more luck with a Nickifer spinoff (gag) than Jack.  At least Pelligrino has some range.

He actually pulled off crazy-menacing pretty well on Arrow but obviously on SPN he is directed to be woobie toastbread. At all times 

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On 5/15/2019 at 5:55 PM, ahrtee said:

That's what I was thinking, too. Probably snapping them up to a meeting with Jack and whoever in the Empty (or wherever they were at the end of last season.)

Can you imagine how having everything come back from the dead will f* up the natural order?  Billie must be really pissed.

I bet the whoever's is Lucifer.


Dabb at comic con was bragging about how “about 30% of fans will like the ending” and how most people will be upset and I’m like “why is that something you want?” Am I crazy, or is it a good thing to end your long running show on a satisfying note and not on a big middle fingers to your fans of 14 seasons? Why would you WANT your fans to be disappointed? Because it’s “artsy”? Because they think fans want butterflies and happiness and no tough stuff? It doesn’t fill me with excitement going into this season.

Edited by tennisgurl
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15 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeesh, sounds like he really hates it. "He is too close to it" is code for "actually invested" so I'd say for Dean at least the ending will be shit 

Yeah, he hated it, called and asked why and after a while got answers that "comforted" him.  Still didn't say it was good, it made sense, or he liked it, just that he understood why they did it that way.  That's not a good thing.  

ETA: that sounds more like resignation than approval.  

Edited by ahrtee
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And input my ass. He got told what it was and apparently had/has zero say in it.

Another Jensen interview: Here

Seems like Jared thinks it will be divisive, too.

And apparently Jensen doesn't have anything to say via Dean for the Season before tve ending.

From what Jared seemed to say about wanting peace in live or death, I guess the brothers die?

Edited by Aeryn13
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Huge write-up from press room Here

That really sounds like they will be dying. Jared almost seems to give it away.

In terms of which brother has what reaction a bit confusing. It says Dean is the one trying to get them going so maybe he will be the optimist this time and not just be hit with the quitter stick? Sam won't ve portrayed as badly as Dean would have been either way.

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Dabb at comic con was bragging about how “about 30% of fans will like the ending” and how most people will be upset and I’m like “why is that something you want?

Dabb said pretty much the same thing after the S11 finale.  He knew that most fans wouldn't love it or even like it.  Who the Hell is he writing this show for?  His mother?

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7 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Dabb said pretty much the same thing after the S11 finale.  He knew that most fans wouldn't love it or even like it.  Who the Hell is he writing this show for?  His mother?

It's not being self-deprecating when you really do suck.

He is such a poor representative of the show in every way.

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From the TV Addict article...

In addition, SUPERNATURAL creator Eric Kripke has also been told about the ending. Singer said that he and Dabb are having dinner with Kripke next week. “He has been told the ending and he kind of likes it.”

"kind of likes it"...well okie dokie then.  I've always wanted the show I have obsessed about for the last 8 years to end it's unprecedented 15 year run with a sort of okay finale.

I'm hoping that there is going to be some serious rethinking on the "master plan".

Edited by Casseiopeia
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On 7/21/2019 at 8:53 PM, Casseiopeia said:

From the TV Addict article...

In addition, SUPERNATURAL creator Eric Kripke has also been told about the ending. Singer said that he and Dabb are having dinner with Kripke next week. “He has been told the ending and he kind of likes it.”

"kind of likes it"...well okie dokie then.  I've always wanted the show I have obsessed about for the last 8 years to end it's unprecedented 15 year run with a sort of okay finale.

I'm hoping that there is going to be some serious rethinking on the "master plan".

Well, foremost you have to remember that Kripke doesn't give a damn anymore. As long as the checks keep coming in, he's going to focus on the next thing. And luckily for him that's his Amazon show which was renewed during CC even before the first season dropped, so he's pumped about that. Supernatural for him is so ten years ago.

If the Amazon thing had already bombed and he was between gigs again, he may have mustered more concern, may have even tried to be involved in the finale. But it didn't, he isn't, he won't.

I had seriously hoped Dabb's boast about going out of his way to write a finale that only a minority will like and that most won't was hyperbole or even outright trolling. But given Jensen's attitude, it appears we need to prep for a possible petty fanboy scorched earth approach. If that's really Dabb's intention, I just hope he struggles for work after this and we never hear from him again - though that won't make the finale more palatable.

The fact that Jensen doesn't like the finale is a huge concern, certainly for his fans because Chuckles knows we've been here before. That Jensen had to struggle so hard to be convinced to be fine with it - or more to the point, to let it go - doesn't mean it's a good finale. It just means he realizes he can't do anything about it. And that's the worst part to me, knowing right off the bat that the Js aren't going to any real input into the final season like they wanted just a few months ago.

If Princess Jacqueline is the A-plot, then at this point all I can hope is that he and Cas are paired together doing boring A-plot spin-off shit that I can completely ignore, so it's easier to FF to the B/C-plotlet stuff Dabb is deigning to allow the Winchesters to do as filler. But that wasn't how I wanted to watch the final season, and it really sucks to know already that the Winchesters will not be the focus in this final season of a show that wouldn't exist at all for Princess Jacqueline or any other side character, wouldn't have lasted 15 seasons were it not for their two characters.

Edited by PAForrest
Fixed the streaming service for Kripke's show. Thought it was Netflix, apparently it's Amazon Prime.
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29 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I was really optimistic and trying not to be concerned. But Jensen's reaction has me scared. He has great instincts. 

Also, from listening to a Jared interview it seemed to me he was saying the boys live but stop hunting. Which I don't really get that. (This is my speculation).

Yeah, I saw another interview of Jared's and that's pretty blatant about how they end the show no longer hunting. As of right now.

He even pretty much spelled out that Jensen wasn't/isn't a fan of that. Probably not a good enough reason given for why they just stop. Whereas Jared only looks at the result and likes it.

Are they really gonna do a lame "settle down" ending? Because I'm with Jensen here in not seeing how you can properly set this up this late in the game. At least if they died, the reason would be self-explanatory.

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, I saw another interview of Jared's and that's pretty blatant about how they end the show no longer hunting. As of right now.

He even pretty much spelled out that Jensen wasn't/isn't a fan of that. Probably not a good enough reason given for why they just stop. Whereas Jared only looks at the result and likes it.

Are they really gonna do a lame "settle down" ending? Because I'm with Jensen here in not seeing how you can properly set this up this late in the game. At least if they died, the reason would be self-explanatory.

Eileen is coming back, so I can see her and Sam hooking up.

Maybe they'll bring back Lisa and have Dean run into her in a bar, and he introduces himself.  Jensen hated that domestic story.  

Or Dean hooks up with Amara

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