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S10.E23: Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Turns Out Right

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As exasperating as Crowen making out (for the million time) was, I was very much with Owen when he was telling Cristina, “Please don’t go. Please don’t leave me.” Message to Sandra Oh: Please don’t go. Please don’t leave us. Or else this show is going to suuuuuck.


Weird that my only thought during Derek’s D.C. move idea was “How can they bear to leave that beautiful house that they spent what seemed like twenty years building?”.


As for the COTW: the idiot parents are mad at Bailey for…saving their child’s life? I can’t stand Bailey and even I was annoyed by the dad’s trigger-happy litigiousness.

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Well, that was better than I thought it would be.

There was not enough Christina (there never is) but I thought her appearances were well done.

Bailey, Bailey, Bailey <sigh> rose quite a bit by owning up to what she did in spite of hit he incredible stupidity. And while I have a problem with Stephanie covering for her, her explanation to Bailey was flawless and I can understand it.

Jo needs a time out or a nap. A little too hyper in this episode.

Alex- love love Alex. He is trying so hard, and his interaction with Arizona was great.

Leah. No surprise there, but it felt badly for her. It was well acted, and she handled it well at the end.

Derrick and Meredith. Well, I dunno. The move would make sense, but that wouldn't be Greys Anatomy. But it would be a great spin off...

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Leah - Bye. I've had no love for her since she slept with Arizona. 


Callie - I felt so bad for her. 


Kepner - Are we taking bets on her having a miscarriage? 


Derrick & Mer - We already know that move isn't happening and, if it does, I want to housesit for them. 


Next week's preview - If Shonda kills one more person - especially if it's Cristina -  in a finale I will be done with this show for good. 

  • Love 4

Am I right in remembering that Ellen and Patrick are currently only contracted through the end of this season, but haven't ruled it out as their final season like Sandra Oh has? Maybe that's why they're writing in this move, to cover their bases (because surely by now, Shonda needs to stop killing off characters, and should just write them out?)


(ETA: Okay, ignore that, apparently they've renewed contracts last week... so yeah, that move's never going to happen.)


Liked Arizona whacking Alex up the head after telling him she would have helped. Still not loving the interns (residents?)

Edited by AlexJayne

So Callie tells Arizona she can't carry the baby, Arizona says "I'll do it", Callie says, "No, it would be difficult", and Arizona says "OK, sorry honey" ???  That's it?  Because their relationship is still "fragile"?   I don't get it.... 


I'm glad Japril are feeling more positive about their baby.  And as April mentioned, it's gonna be GOOD when Jackson tells mama Avery! 


I like Bailey & her protégé, Stephanie together.  They play well off of each other. 


Agree that Leah's part was acted well....actually a mature reaction to the Chief's little talk with her.  I wonder if she's just going to disappear, or they'll write her out creatively. 

This episode showed me exactly why I'll miss Cristina when she's gone. Even when she's given almost nothing to do, she is still awesome. She was totally bored with Bailey's story until she found out that she did it without the parents' consent and then high fived her for getting the result she wanted. She listened to the most boring and pompous interview candidates. She told Owen she honestly had no recollection of her conversation with Bailey earlier that day. And then she told Owen not to offer her the job. I mean, she probably only had a few minutes of screen time in this episode, but her reactions were awesome every time.


Then we have everyone else who mostly sucked. Jo as a chirpy kiss ass was so annoying. No wonder Callie snapped at her. Jo also remained clueless about April's pregnancy despite hearing what April said about not being in the room for the x-ray. I do sympathize with her stress hives though. It sucks when your body starts manifesting your stress and it's just out there for everyone to see. Of course, she's lucky that it's only on her back so if she would just keep her shirt on, then no one would see it.


I will not miss Leah at all. I never warmed to her character so I was hoping she would be the one to go. Now can we get rid of Jo too? When it became obvious that Leah hadn't told the others and then she told Shane to go ahead to the bar without her, I thought oh crap, is she going to jump in front of a bus? Hang herself in the locker room? Hide in a closet and take a bunch of pills? The best case scenario I could imagine was if she packed all her stuff and just left without telling anyone.


I can't wait for Meredith to read Derek the riot act over his suggestion to move to DC. First he breaks his promise to let her focus on her career and now he wants to move the whole family all the way to the other side of the country? Sorry, dude, NO.


Arizona annoys me (I loathe every time she uses the phrase "tiny humans" because it's clear she thinks that she is too precious) but I agree that what Alex did was a sneaky dick move. I'm glad she told him to just ask for help if he needs it. Heh and I loved when she smacked him on the head on her way out.


Bailey just takes the cake. She was so unrepentant about what she did. When she told Hunt that she didn't apologize to the parents because she didn't make a mistake, I wanted someone to smack her upside the head too. Yes, her treatment worked, which is great, but there is a reason why we have this thing called informed consent. You can't just go around giving treatments to patients if they (or their legal guardians) have not given you permission (or rescinded permission). It is SO unethical. Shit like this is exactly why they require HIPAA training for anyone who works with patients or human subjects. Doctors like Bailey need to get over their God complex and realize that it is not their right to force a patient to take a certain course of treatment. I mean, obviously that's a moot point at Seattle Grace, home of LVAD wires being cut and certain doctors giving their mom's lover's wife drugs during a medical trial. Obviously medical ethics are completely ignored on a regular basis at this hospital.

  • Love 4

The whole Amelia story bugs me only because of her relaspe a couple years ago. Do Derek and Meredith even know about it? If they do, I kind of hate they are putting all this pressure on her. I have no idea why Arizona and Callie will not adopt. I was happy Callie brought up the miscarriage becuase I completley agree with her if anything goes wrong it would break Arizona.

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I so wish Meredith and Derek would move to D.C., have a spin-off, and then I could watch that instead of this with whiny/stammering April, annoying/lispy Jackson, Tiny Human Robbins, and tough girl Callie. Goodness, I'd wait all week with excitement and anticipation for a show with more Meredith and Derek.


The tiny human thing is ShondaSpeak, so that in and of itself annoys me. Jo acts like she's in high school, not like the adult she is. And I love Cristina and will really miss her, but I won't miss the make-out sessions with Owen.

Edited by LakeLover
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whiny/stammering April, annoying/lispy Jackson, Tiny Human Robbins, and tough girl Callie.


^ Accurate, depressingly so. Also, Jackson's lisp is bizarre in that it seems to come and go. Does Jesse Williams burn his tongue drinking hot tea before certain scenes and as a result sounds like he's hissing his lines? That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.


The tiny human thing is ShondaSpeak, so hat in and of itself annoys me.


YES. I loathe ShondaSpeak (the word "gladiators" on Scandal makes me punch puppies), and Arizona's "tiny humans" is so annoyingly twee and cutesy. Ugh.


Speaking of Arizona potentially making tiny humans, I'm reading numerous theories on various forums that the Calzona conversation in this episode foreshadowed Arizona getting preggers without Callie knowing. Errrr...is that a thing? Like, who in their right mind would get knocked up and come home with that particular surprise for their spouse?

  • Love 4

Didn't Arizona already get pregnant without telling Callie? During the episode 9 retcon/lawsuit? She came home one day and said something like she wanted to surprise Callie and wasn't sure it would happen the first time and then she was a couple days late...and Callie kissed her stomache. I don't think she would try that again (but maybe they'll retcon the retcon and change the episode 9 story...).

  • Love 1

That bubble boy story made me loathe everyone attached to it (except for Jackson). Bailey injects a kids with HIV against his parents' known and clearly stated wishes, but because her wild guess worked, she's a badass?  I want to punch Bailey in the face.


And let's be frank, at this point it can only be said it's working for now, because realistically they wouldn't know the full effects of something so risky for years.  That's why medical trials take so long, for better or worse.

  • Love 2

That bubble boy story made me loathe everyone attached to it (except for Jackson). Bailey injects a kids with HIV against his parents' known and clearly stated wishes, but because her wild guess worked, she's a badass?  I want to punch Bailey in the face.


I also wanted to punch the parents in the face. Bailey's cure saved their child's life and their first impulse is to ruin her career? Also, from what I understand, the kid wasn't injected with HIV as we know it. The parents seemed too hung up on the word "HIV" and ignored everything else Bailey said, like the fact that the HIV strain was harmless and had been engineered to help build up the kid's immune system, not destroy it.


So basically this is a storyline that made me want to punch everyone involved in the face.

Didn't Arizona already get pregnant without telling Callie? During the episode 9 retcon/lawsuit? She came home one day and said something like she wanted to surprise Callie and wasn't sure it would happen the first time and then she was a couple days late...and Callie kissed her stomache. I don't think she would try that again (but maybe they'll retcon the retcon and change the episode 9 story...).


I think they were on the same page then (both agreed Arizona carry the baby). They showed scenes of them choosing a sperm donor; they just didn't show the implantation (is that the right word?) scene. So I guessed Arizona didn't know that the IVF was a success, but they both knew that Arizona was trying to get pregnant. Whereas in this episode they left it kind of ambiguous - what do they want?

A M E N to THIS.  


One more death, and I am OUT, seriously.  

She won't kill Cristina.


I see what you're saying, but if a minor character gets it, I'm not going to bail on principle. It would make perfect sense to me if they had Shane die heroically as karma, for lack of a better world, for what happened to Heather, and even how he mishandled things with Jimmy.


I'd be bummed if they killed of Leah, but again, it wouldn't matter so much that I'd quit over it. She wasn't a core character. 


I do find myself wondering about Owen, but I don't see it. 


I see what you're saying, but if a minor character gets it, I'm not going to bail on principle. It would make perfect sense to me if they had Shane die heroically as karma, for lack of a better world, for what happened to Heather, and even how he mishandled things with Jimmy.


I think it's just that soooo many people have died on this show. I get that it's a soap, but damn. I have known maybe five or six people in my 34 years who have died.


On Grey's, it seems like someone dies in a horrible tragedy every other week. When they kill off doctors so frequently it completely loses its shock value. By my count they've killed SIX doctors on this show. Six! If I ever worked at a place where six of my co workers died horribly...I would probably quit.


And of the other characters, I think at least 8 have had at least one near death experience requiring major surgeries. I'm pretty sure Bailey is the only original main character who hasn't nearly died at least once. It's insane, and to me shows that Shonda is totally out of ideas.

  • Love 1
By my count they've killed SIX doctors on this show. Six! If I ever worked at a place where six of my co workers died horribly...I would probably quit.


I've been at my current organization for over 14 years, and I've only had five co-workers die (although four of those happened since September 2012, which is not a great track record). Let's not even get into how many "doctor in peril" stories we've had as well- bomb, shooter, plane crash, Mer drowning, car crash... Having a finale where everyone is known to live would be such a nice change of pace.

If I ever worked at a place where six of my co workers died horribly...I would probably quit.



I worked at a place for about 25 years, and 3 of my very close coworkers committed suicide (2 within the same year).  I opted for early retirement.  :-)


I thought Leah would get hit by a train or  jump off a ferry.  Guess there's still time.

On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2014 at 0:05 AM, Marigny said:

Leah - Bye. I've had no love for her since she slept with Arizona. 


Callie - I felt so bad for her. 


Kepner - Are we taking bets on her having a miscarriage? 


Derrick & Mer - We already know that move isn't happening and, if it does, I want to housesit for them. 


Next week's preview - If Shonda kills one more person - especially if it's Cristina -  in a finale I will be done with this show for good. 

I always liked Leah, she just lets her emotions get the best of her sometimes

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