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S07.E04: 11/9

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

It wasn't the night after the election, it was after the election though.

I thought she mad a comment to Chaz's character about the store being empty because of the election? 

40 minutes ago, Captanne said:

That's a really good question about the first episode meeting the grocer.  My memory (ha!  untrustworthy on a good day) is that the opening episode had a lot of "before the election" bits.  (I muted the first ten minutes of episode one for obvious reasons.)  I think he was wearing a red baseball cap in that episode but the election hadn't taken place, yet.  The events of this week's show had yet to happen.

The first episode started with the election results and went on from there.  He was wearing the 'make america great again' trump hat. 

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4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I can't remember if we saw Kai's vote. I remember him walking into the polling place with an armless Chaz and then Chaz voting, but not Kai.

Hi Emma Roberts! Bye Emma Roberts!

Is it wrong that I'm finding Evan very hot this season?

Fuck no, its not wrong!!! Lol i dont know why, but the more crazier/bi/evil he gets...the more im attracted to him!!! Lol???

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3 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I can imagine a scenario where you could hide that kind of information from a spouse, like if everything was only in one spouse's name, and you were able to intercept the notices before your spouse saw them.  I'm not suggesting it's a plausible scenario, but it is possible.

I could easily do exactly this if I wanted--not that I would (and not that I'd ever have to!). I have the mailbox key on my keyring, for one thing, so interception is no problem. And everything is in my name, plus my BF rarely acknowledges that we even have a landline, so calls wouldn't matter either.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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And, unless I go back and look for his arm -- which I am highly unlikely to do -- I can't remember if he had it or not in Episode One.  I think I'd notice if he didn't and there was no mention made.

Which just tells me that Episode One had to be set (with Ally in the market) right before Ivy and Winter did their deed and late the next day (guy asks if the polling place is still open) when Kai convinces him to cut his own arm off.

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On 9/26/2017 at 11:42 PM, mansfolly said:

One of the better episodes this season. 

Lost count of the instances of the F word:  4 maybe?

I cracked up when Kai winced when Harrison touched his shoulder while talking.  He loves to brainwash and use these lost, weak people....but actually has such disdain for them.  Like any good cult leader.

When Meadow offered sex for the joint.... and the guys said "Just take it.".....Bwahh!!

Samantha Bee and Rachel Maddow got a shout out...haha.

The word 'humiliated' was used in the premiere, then again, last week, and twice this episode. Does humiliation lead to pain and anger...Kai's favorite targets.

When they killed that gym owner...I was like...what about the security cameras....then what do you know?  Kai is right on it....hacking the computer / camera system.

So now we know how Ivy and Winter met and what ties them together. I guess Ivy, Kai, etc are having a very long, drawn out 'revenge' on Ally. I wonder why Ally's payback is so drawn out...while the other characters' fates are quick.

Chaz is a pretty good actor. I really believed his 'tude and the sawing pain he felt. Yikes.

Pretty creepy when those clowns were walking in the reporter's shot. Thank God they did not hurt that little pup.

Anyway, so we are seeing how each cult member is entering the fold. Looking forward to next week to continue to watch this unfold.

Btw, Evan Peters is hot because of the contacts...which make his eyes dark like Johnny Depp's. At times, Evan looks like a young Johnny.

What did the reporter mean by "equal power"?

Contacts? Evan is not wearing contacts those are the color of his eyes. He even joked once about them being dark. 

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1 hour ago, Stringey said:

This is going a little off topic but I love how it seems Evan is channeling the personality a little of Charles Manson. That non blinking wide eyed look reeks of Manson and he has the evil God complex of Manson. However what I also like is the background we know of kai character when he spoke of it this last episode. Very high intelligence and apparently from a very privileged back ground and went to Yale. The opposite of Manson who claimed to come from dysfunction with a horrible mom. The fact that Kai came from such privilege and is crazy as a loon makes it more creepy I think. Well Kai is crazy in the sense I guess of being a charming sociopath.

I said the same thing to my husband last night.  Kai is using the same tactics of going after those who are down and out and playing up to what they NEED to get them on board for his own agenda.

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Kai enlisted Harrison and Meadow for his own agenda.  So, then who attacked Meadow?  Was it Kai?  Or does Kai's cult have an enemy?


The attack on Emma Robert's character only had 3 clowns.  Kai, Harrison and Meadow?

Edited by Fusion
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The scene in the grocery store in episode was definitely after the election. I think some time had passed as well - not a lot - but Ally had gone to the psychiatrist and had been complaining about the prior nanny leaving. My impression was that it was a few weeks after the election

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1 hour ago, Captanne said:

That's a really good question about the first episode meeting the grocer.  My memory (ha!  untrustworthy on a good day) is that the opening episode had a lot of "before the election" bits.  (I muted the first ten minutes of episode one for obvious reasons.)  I think he was wearing a red baseball cap in that episode but the election hadn't taken place, yet.  The events of this week's show had yet to happen.

I thought that was after the election. Where Chaz put on his MAGA hat, after Ally said something about trump's speech. Maybe it was one of his rallies beforehand, though.

I don't find Kai attractive. I'm sure Evan Peters is a nice enough guy, but he reminds me of someone that I don't like, and find unattractive. 

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22 minutes ago, Fusion said:

Kai enlisted Harrison and Meadow for his own agenda.  So, then who attacked Meadow?  Was it Kai?  Or does Kai's cult have an enemy?

To be honest, we don't know what happened to Meadow, if indeed anything happened at all.  It could be all part of the Master Plan.

22 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

The scene in the grocery store in episode was definitely after the election. I think some time had passed as well - not a lot - but Ally had gone to the psychiatrist and had been complaining about the prior nanny leaving. My impression was that it was a few weeks after the election

Exactly, Ally made a remark to Chaz about needing some wine because of the election results and he responded with a Trumpian retort.

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2 hours ago, Stringey said:

This is going a little off topic but I love how it seems Evan is channeling the personality a little of Charles Manson. That non blinking wide eyed look reeks of Manson and he has the evil God complex of Manson. However what I also like is the background we know of kai character when he spoke of it this last episode. Very high intelligence and apparently from a very privileged back ground and went to Yale. The opposite of Manson who claimed to come from dysfunction with a horrible mom. The fact that Kai came from such privilege and is crazy as a loon makes it more creepy I think. Well Kai is crazy in the sense I guess of being a charming sociopath.

Charles Manson was a big fan of the book How to Win Friends & Influence People and I think he he took some Dale Carnegie courses while locked up (pre-Helter Skelter), which clearly gave him an advantage later on the outside. Plus he seems to have had an innate ability to, I guess, profile people. Anyway, I'm veering off course...your post reminded me that I read something a while back that said we might see some big names in murder in this show, CM being one. I don't know if it was true or what, but it doesn't seem like it's going that way. 

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4 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

rm = Ryan Murphy, who heads up this show. That actually was a good choice of something to bring up because it illustrated the ability of media to sell a lie wrapped around a nugget of truth. Trump made a tasteless comment about what somebody like himself or Billy Bush might get away with (ala his public one about shooting someone in the street), and the fake news variously claimed that he was advocating doing it, or that he was bragging about having done it, depending on who you listened to; both spins were represented on the show. I just think it was overdone (chanting "this pussy grabs back" sounds more like bragging about the effectiveness of kegels), and along with prior episodes is making the Left look bad; there should be more examples of folks buying into the hyperbole of the opposing side.








"Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."


I think the whole thing of Trump saying "when you're a star, they let you do it.  You can do anything.  He brags about just kissing them without waiting for the ok.  And infers that he can just grab them by the pussy.  Whether he actually ever did or just bragged that he could if he wanted to - both just as foul.  

I think American Horror Story is showing how a certain type of men actually admired that and they were they ones chanting "grab her by the pussy" in admiration. 

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'Not sure why I feel compelled to voice my opinion...but....well...I'm not into this season....like....at all....   :(

I think the reason is that I love ghost stories, but really don't like gore.  And I miss Jessica Lange.

And while I generally love Evan, I'm not buying him as charismatic enough to get followers. And I'm not buying that the followers are damaged enough to be gotten.

Just my opinion......don't hate the poster, just hate the post!

(I'll see myself out....)

Edited by OldButHappy
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On 9/27/2017 at 7:23 PM, Empress1 said:

Kai reminds me of Leland Gaunt, the shop owner in the Steven King book Needful Things, who stocks stuff that customers want most in the world (e.g. a woman with arthritis buys an amulet that, when she wears it, removes all the pain from her hands) but to get it, asks them to play pranks on other people in town. This starts all kinds of feuds and ends up in murder and mayhem.

YES! That's it.  I was trying to nail down what this reminded me of. Needful things, 100%.

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I'm not buying Kai as charismatic enough to get followers, he seems very hollow and off-putting to me. I think Evan Peters has it in him to play such a person though, his James March in AHS: Hotel was electrifying and I could easily see how he could draw others into playing along with his murder hobby.

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21 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Many cultures eat all parts of the animal whether it be cow, pig or chicken.  It's born of necessity.  Depending on where you live these items would be available.

Oh i was aware of different cultures outside of America eating things like this. I was curious to know if in America if some people eat certain things in some regions. I have heard of eating piggy feet as a matter of fact my step mom grew up on a farm in Wisconsin and i think she said they would have pickled piggy feet on a certain day. Not sure if I actually have heard of people in america eating the snout. Not positive but i thought I might have seen piggy snout behind the glass case in that grocery store scene when they showed the meat for one second. Guess i could look at that scene again.

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1 minute ago, Stringey said:

Oh i was aware of different cultures outside of America eating things like this.

And those different cultures bring their specific cuisine to America.  So if I live an American city with a big South East Asia population (as it so happens), my supermarket would carry the foods associated with that culture.

Pig's feet (never heard of it referred to as piggy feet) is a pretty common staple.

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

And those different cultures bring their specific cuisine to America.  So if I live an American city with a big South East Asia population (as it so happens), my supermarket would carry the foods associated with that culture.

Pig's feet (never heard of it referred to as piggy feet) is a pretty common staple.

I purposely called it piggy feet because I like the way it sounds. Also reminds me of the pig man we have seen in murder house. And I think also in Roanoke. I think was more curious if anyone knew about eating piggy snout I guess in was already aware of the feet. I would try both. Me thinks though the piggy snout would be heavy on the gristle side and quite chewy!!!!

Edited by Stringey
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There's also head cheese. Look it up. If you dare.


I'm not buying Kai as charismatic enough to get followers, he seems very hollow and off-putting to me. I think Evan Peters has it in him to play such a person though, his James March in AHS: Hotel was electrifying and I could easily see how he could draw others into playing along with his murder hobby.

While I liked this episode much more than the previous three, I do agree it's somewhat implausible that Kai is able to sway people from vastly different backgrounds . . . or that he would want to. I realize this teeters dangerously into the political arena, but the season is sort of based around the recent election and the resulting attitudes. It's a stretch to say some kid with blue hair who supports Trump would reach out to a gay man, and black woman, a straight white woman, a redneck, etc. and bring them all together under one cause.

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14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

It's a stretch to say some kid with blue hair who supports Trump would reach out to a gay man, and black woman, a straight white woman, a redneck, etc. and bring them all together under one cause.

Is he really a Trump supporter or he is a full-blown anarchist who is using the national malaise to shepherd followers?

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Anarchists by definition wouldn't be followers, though. 

I know it's fiction and I'm willing to go along with it so long as the season shapes up as nicely as this episode did. But the reality is that cults like this are generally pretty homogeneous, when you start thinking about specific groups like the Branch Davidians, or Isis or a lot of these home-grown militias. 

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44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Anarchists by definition wouldn't be followers, though. 

Kai is the anarchist, the others are his sheep.


44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

But the reality is that cults like this are generally pretty homogeneous, when you start thinking about specific groups like the Branch Davidians, or Isis or a lot of these home-grown militias. 

Or the Manson family, that is so true.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Anarchists by definition wouldn't be followers, though. 

I know it's fiction and I'm willing to go along with it so long as the season shapes up as nicely as this episode did. But the reality is that cults like this are generally pretty homogeneous, when you start thinking about specific groups like the Branch Davidians, or Isis or a lot of these home-grown militias. 

I know what you're saying, but I think he's the only anarchist. I think he voted for trump, because he had both main parties in an uproar. He was the huge spoiler. He then goes to look for people at really low points. 

I didn't really buy him swaying the male neighbour. I wonder if Meadow is just going along with things, because she feels she has no other choice - walking in on her husband and a stranger, dismembering a body. Kai was like Manson there, directing him to kill, and then cut off a head, not getting his own hands dirty. 

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On 9/28/2017 at 0:24 PM, Stringey said:

Yep he is a sadist that way.

This is going a little off topic but I love how it seems Evan is channeling the personality a little of Charles Manson. That non blinking wide eyed look reeks of Manson and he has the evil God complex of Manson. However what I also like is the background we know of kai character when he spoke of it this last episode. Very high intelligence and apparently from a very privileged back ground and went to Yale. The opposite of Manson who claimed to come from dysfunction with a horrible mom. The fact that Kai came from such privilege and is crazy as a loon makes it more creepy I think. Well Kai is crazy in the sense I guess of being a charming sociopath.

Hey it was real quick but do you remember the quick shot in the grocery store of the meat?? It was very quick and I am sure intentionally meant to add to the disturbing mood along with the quick little buzzing sound we hear. Did I see piggy snout among that meat behind the glass? Never seen or noticed it in any grocery store I have been to but I think some people do it eat as a delicacy.  Anyway I thought I saw something strange behind the glass case either piggy snout or piggy feet. I saw something on tv in bizarre foods where they were eating the feet and I believe I also heard somewhere that the nose is eaten sometimes.

I see pigs heads and feet for sale pretty often.  It is kinda creepy. Oh and cows tongues. 

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Well, she did meet Winter at a rally the day before the election and help Winter assault a man and chain him to a pipe to keep him from voting. Then when Winter was interviewing for the role of Ozy's nanny, Ivy did not and has not mentioned to Ally that she knows Winter at all. To be fair, all that really proves is that Ivy lies and also occasionally assaults strangers but....

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See, I would roll my eyes and judge you, Christi, but the truth is, I was soooo drunk watching, I totally missed all the voting stuff the first time around and had to rewatch the next day to figure out where meadow offered sex for a hit of marijuana and you know... how Ivy was in the cult. ;)

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5 hours ago, ihartcoffee said:

I see pigs heads and feet for sale pretty often.  It is kinda creepy. Oh and cows tongues. 

I thought that split second shot in the grocery store of the meat behind the glass counter  was awesome because I don't know it just adds to the  frenzy of the situation. I guess I will have to watch again and pause fast to get a better look at what it is I am seeing.  The fact that the image is just for a second makes it creepier.

5 hours ago, ihartcoffee said:

I see pigs heads and feet for sale pretty often.  It is kinda creepy. Oh and cows tongues. 


5 hours ago, ihartcoffee said:

I see pigs heads and feet for sale pretty often.  It is kinda creepy. Oh and cows tongues. 

Where are you from? That question is not meant to sound sarcastic I am genuinely curious where it's common to see these.

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I feel like an anarchist (or someone who believes himself to be one) could also be a "follower." If that person wants lawlessness and chaos, or merely disapproves of a traditional (and I use the term loosely in this case) governing entity, but doesn't possess the knowledge or resources or even personality to create said anarchy himself, that person might very well join the ranks of a more charismatic leader with the same goals in mind.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I'm so glad to be wrong about the internet bringing the cult together. From what I saw, Chaz was missing a hand in Ep. 1.

Thanks show, for making me watch the AH tapes again.

I'm not sure whether or not I believe Kai was a) in the military or b) has an IQ of 135.

Beverly Hope, bound to save the day? I'm still skeptical that she'd join the cult.

I also didn't buy into the idea of Kai turning people into cult members so quickly. I can buy Meadow, but not the others. What is the purpose of said cult? Soon to be fleshed out?

What does therapist have to do with it? I imagine, that there's a connection between him and the smiley-faced chemical co. (He had those weird smiley-faced buttons.) Prescription drugs? Military drug testing conspiracy? Need more info on the random couple killed by being buried alive. Until then, I'll just enjoy the ride.

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Awesome episode! Wonder if they will show how Kai recruited/seduced the cop and the psychiatrist next week? (Cop was at Harrison and Meadow's house, and psych had five smiley buttons on his desk).

Conversations between Kai and Beverly had some interesting points. Agree with previous poster that "Equal Power" will be his downfall in the end. 

He also told Beverly that "the tiny fear in one woman turns into a beast that swallows the world by the time it spreads across the country". I think this is why they've been setting up Ally to go crazy. She is going to be Kai's face of fear that ignites the public. Kai will be her savior and the public will rally behind him. Poor Ally, they have been programming her to go crazy the entire time. When she met the neighbors, Harrison says to look at the honeycomb. I think the psychiatrist has been setting that up to be a trigger.

Anyone notice that when they killed Emma, Kai removed her heart and kept it, holding it up for the camera as he walked away?

Wonder if Meadow is still alive. No body was found. Seems like Kai was setting Harrison up when he made him say out loud that he wanted her dead. Maybe he taped him saying it for future use.

This season is awesome!!!

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On 9/27/2017 at 7:00 PM, LoneHaranguer said:

Here in Massachusetts, you fill in arrows on a stiff piece of paper so that it can be read more reliably than the little circles. You feed it into a machine when you're done. In the system on the show, what purpose does the envelope serve?

Chiming in late, but: I'm a Michigan native; our ballots look like that, but with Scantron-type bubbles that must be filled in with black or blue ink--none of this checkmark nonsense. Instead of envelopes, we have manila folders to protect the ballots (i.e., keep them private) between the voting tables and the glorified scanner into which the ballots are fed for counting. We don't have curtains, either, just the plastic folding tables with privacy screens.

On another note, did anyone else catch the half-smile that flitted across Kai's face when he was told there were no openings on the city council?

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1 hour ago, Norasuke said:

Chiming in late, but: I'm a Michigan native; our ballots look like that, but with Scantron-type bubbles that must be filled in with black or blue ink--none of this checkmark nonsense. Instead of envelopes, we have manila folders to protect the ballots (i.e., keep them private) between the voting tables and the glorified scanner into which the ballots are fed for counting. We don't have curtains, either, just the plastic folding tables with privacy screens.

We have just about this same thing in New York. 

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On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 0:49 PM, islandgal140 said:

Meadow basically crystallized my philosophy on love: "I  don't need a big house, just you and a decent cable package." Line of the EON!!!

No doubt in my mind now that the protesters that were outside Ivy and Ally's restaurant a few episodes back were acolytes of Kai who he basically disbanded with a tap on the shoulder to one person. Note Bev was also there to cover the story. Lesbian George Zimmerman indeed. All this gaslighting is to what end?

I think the line to pay attention to is between Bev and Kai: Equal Power.  No such thing! Not only due to race and sex issues but because Kai is totally power hungry.  

This episode challenged my assumptions. I assumed the neighbors were both Trump supporters, in fact, I assumed most, if not all, Kai followers were Trump voters. I am sure there is a significant portion that are but he has attracted quite a few Hillary voters or just people who are apathetic (Meadow). Interesting. 

No truer moment than Emma Roberts character saying she was voting for HRC outside the polling place and going into the voting booth and ticking Trump's box. 

Are Winter and Kai brother and sister because I have been assuming they are. So much so that every time they share a scene I get Lannister vibes (i.e. incest) because they I sense sexual chemistry. 

Good post. The bolded portion:  still a gut punch.


I must be the only person in the world who does not find Evan Peters hypnotic, seductive, or even appealing.  Permission to divvy up my portion.

Even though I'm lukewarm on Evan, it was still very nice to have an episode without Ally hyperventilating (or young gaslight-adjunct Oz.)

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Not the only one as far as the seductive and appealing goes. I don't find him attractive at all (your Wes Bentleys and Matt Bomers are far more my speed), but his performances are often riveting.


On 9/30/2017 at 2:53 PM, Lemons said:

Look at trump.  He has zero charisma and has way too many followers. Freak things like these happen from time to time 

I'd disagree. He has no character, but boatloads of charisma. Without that you don't form your own cult of personality and become a decades-spanning cultural icon. Like Hitler did.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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3 minutes ago, Bruinsfan said:

Not the only one as far as the seductive and appealing goes. I don't find him attractive at all (your Wes Bentleys and Matt Bomers are far more my speed), but his performances are often riveting.

Same here. He is personally not my taste, but I do find his performances, riveting, perfect word. He has presence. Matt Bomer, OTOH, doesn't need to do a damn thing, just stand there. *swoon*

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5 minutes ago, Bruinsfan said:

Not the only one as far as the seductive and appealing goes. I don't find him attractive at all (your Wes Bentleys and Matt Bomers are far more my speed), but his performances are often riveting.


I'd disagree. He has no character, but boatloads of charisma. Without that you don't form your own cult of personality and become a decades-spanning cultural icon. Like Hitler did.

You're a bruins fan so maybe you're right. When everyone says he has charisma I am so confused. You typically think smooth talkers, great speech makers, a certain look. 

Kai isn't exactly smooth either so maybe it's a different type of charisma. 

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1 hour ago, candall said:

Good post. The bolded portion:  still a gut punch.


I must be the only person in the world who does not find Evan Peters hypnotic, seductive, or even appealing.  Permission to divvy up my portion.

Even though I'm lukewarm on Evan, it was still very nice to have an episode without Ally hyperventilating (or young gaslight-adjunct Oz.)

I don't, either. I mentioned that here somewhere. 

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2 hours ago, candall said:

Good post. The bolded portion:  still a gut punch.


I must be the only person in the world who does not find Evan Peters hypnotic, seductive, or even appealing.  Permission to divvy up my portion.

Even though I'm lukewarm on Evan, it was still very nice to have an episode without Ally hyperventilating (or young gaslight-adjunct Oz.)

I'm not particularly attracted to Evan Peters either. He was cute in Murder House but that was ruined for me after Tate became a school shooter.

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On 10/2/2017 at 2:28 PM, Bruinsfan said:

Not the only one as far as the seductive and appealing goes. I don't find him attractive at all (your Wes Bentleys and Matt Bomers are far more my speed), but his performances are often riveting.


I'd disagree. He has no character, but boatloads of charisma. Without that you don't form your own cult of personality and become a decades-spanning cultural icon. Like Hitler did.

I don' t find Matt or Wes appealing. I know that they are but still they are they are not my speed lol. 

Edited by ShadowHunter
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Kai isn't seductive. He's been using NLP neurolinquistic programming to control people. It is very interesting. His entire conversation with Harrison at the gym was a programming technique. He planted several suggestions, telling Harrison that he's strong and he could move a body if he had to. Then he associated the great feeling of a morning boner with becoming one his flock. He always caps it off with telling them they've been humiliated. That must be the trigger for them to finally take action.

Side note. The chemical guys were using the same sprayers that Harrison used to clean up the showers.

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