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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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I don't know why Jer would want everyone to see the house, inside & out, & everything about it. I know the reality show people show their houses all the time, but it doesn't seem secure to me to do so.

I also feel sorry for their neighbors.

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"Regular" TV shows compensate neighbors for the disruption when they are filming.  I doubt that LPBW (or any other reality show) does this.  But I also think the neighbors could severely restrict any filming outside of the home and the parking of vehicles, equipment, etc.  Where I live, you have to get permits to film.

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I think Jer does care for Zach and knew what the symptoms from his previous shunt failure were. I can see him not wanting to leave Zach home alone since he had witnessed how bad it was and didn't know if there would be further issues.

Zach may have called Amy because he knows Tori is not a great cook like her. He commented that they'd  have to bring Jackson to Amy for the healthy meals. I'm glad they told Matt, too, even though I can't stand him. Zach is his son and he does love him and would worry. 

Tori knew what was going on because Zach had talked to her and she had called the dr. I'm sure Tori called him after to find out the result of the visit. I hope they find the cause. I, too, thought migraines. My family all suffers from migraines and nerve disorders of the head and face. That headache looked and sounded awfully familiar. Emphasis on awful.  

I can't wait to see Jackson join the world. I just got my 2nd grandson 11 days ago and have only been permitted 20 minutes with him. Don't even ask! 

Zach seems to have been frugal with his money and was able to support himself on primarily his soccer coach pay. But, has submitted to working for Matt because Tori will be taking time off work with Jax. I can't see Jer doing that.

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On RHOBH Heather Dubrow's neighbors banned filming in her new house. Seems as though production filled the streets with their vehicles and equipment making it difficult and unsightly for "their level of living". 

I see the next storyline with Jer and Auj. Poor dears can't log in any sleep because (horrors) the baby is keeping them up at all hours of the night. That also concerns me with Zach and Tori. That the lack of sleep might further stress Z and increase his migraines. Tori seems as tho she will be a good hands on Mom. Why was Zach asking so many questions about the baby bottles. I had Tori pegged for breastfeeding. 

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44 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Why was Zach asking so many questions about the baby bottles. I had Tori pegged for breastfeeding. 

She is breastfeeding from what I read, & I also wondered why she'd think they'd need bottles, or diapers for that matter. The hospital does provide that sort of thing, & even some formula if not breastfeeding. I would think someone at her ob/gyn would prepare them for packing & what would or would not be provided for them, or they could ask to know what they actually need. There's also tons of info online & in books.

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When I had my first we came home with much more than we brought to the hospital. One of the nurses also worked at my doctor's office and sent us home with a bunch of things, diapers, pads, water bottles. It was great. I thought it was funny that they thought they should bring the stroller to the hospital.



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Not a Jer fan, but I was kind of impressed and touched by how worried he seemed to be about his brother.  He even knew the symptoms from the first time Zach's shunt failed.  I might be remembering wrong, but I thought Zach just called to update Amy.  She, being Amy, probably volunteered to bring him comfort food.  His wife was still at work, is pregnant and would be too tired to cook after school. Her (Amy's) baby was sick.  I'd have done the same thing with my grown son.  I wouldn't stick around though, if he was okay.  I'd leave the food and go.  From Tori's POV, after a long day, I wouldn't have loved coming home to a house full of in-laws. 

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Zach asked Amy to bring something she thought would be okay to eat. Who better than his mom to know what he can manage when he's sick?  I don't know about any one else but there are still foods I need from my childhood to make me feel better.

Edited by Willowsmom
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Jerk and Odd are in for a world of shit when baby girl comes and they realize the world no longer revolves around the two of them. I'm sure Amy and Odd's mom will find themselves seeing a lot more of the couple once that baby's  born.  They'll need a sitter, after all. I foresee many trips sans baby. 

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11 hours ago, MegD said:

That presumes Jer knows what foods his brother likes. Jer and Auj are both pretty self-absorbed. They strike me as the type of people who 1) have no clue about others' personal preferences and 2) wouldn't know where to go to the store (or at least will claim not to) as it's not the area where they live. My brother's a bit like that. I love him to bits, but he can't seem to remember from time to time that I don't eat eggs if I can see them, hate milk, and can't stand cereal. I haven't touched any of those things since I was right out of preschool, much less remember the new food triggers (which have been around for 4 years now) and we are both in our mid to late 30s. Meanwhile, I can tell you he'll only touch mayonnaise if it's in something and really not prevalent a taste (and I can name and make the 2 recipes he'll eat it in), he prefers brauts over hot dogs and hamburgers, likes his meat medium rare, lives for Cheese Its, loves Cadbury eggs, and wants his birthday cakes and cupcakes to be yellow cake with chocolate icing. He's also really clueless about where things are unless they are places he frequents, even if he drives past them all the time. He's just not observant unless it's something that affects him. We're just very different personalities. Jer and Auj remind me of him like that.

I can't name all of my siblings likes/dislikes (I have a older sister/younger brother) we even lived together for about 2 years as adults, but it's funny now that y'all mention it little things do come up... like my sister prefers mustard over mayo, has issues with heartburn/reflux, has a sweet tooth, but usually buys sweets under the guise of them being for me or my brother, while my brother eats pretty much anything but tomatoes... I don't expect them to know my habits though, I'm a pretty picky eater, I always joke that even though I'm over 30 I have the diet of a 6 yr old. 

Its also funny how people have the natural inclination to care for siblings... my brother is autistic so he isn't great about it (understandably) but my sister tries really hard, even though it doesn't come naturally. I happen to be a nurse so I'm pretty capable of handling most things in the realm of caring for an ill person, but I also tend to be the most likely to be sick/injured, my sister tries really hard and I appreciate it. It's unfair to say given that I'm a more natural caregiver, but I just can't imagine watching someone be sick without doing anything, even if they were waiting for Amy. To be fair, maybe that wasn't the case, it could be a valid case of editing, but it seems like pretty much all Jer and Auj did was literally watch.

Edited by leighroda
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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I wonder if Amy is using the bakery that was on the show, or is this seperate from that?


If I were on Instagram, I'd be tempted to ask, "Are you still using the bakery with the infestations?"  I still wouldn't pay $25.50 plus S&H for this.  There's a Sam's Club a mile away, and they have LOTS of different breads for a lot less money.

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I'm torn. On the one hand, it must have had a successful first run (or else Amy is just pouring money into it - a possibility) so I can't fault someone for continuing.

On the other hand  - what AZChristian said. Fancy sweet bread isn't so hard to get that I feel the need to mail order it, so I assume this is mostly fans purchasing.

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Very thoughtful gift, Matt Roloff.

Jeremy. Oh my god. He's part douchey, part seriously depressing to me. 

Are these assholes not wearing seatbelts? 

Jeremy's car bothers me and I LOVE old bmws.Its probably more him than the car I suppose. 

I loathe Audj.

If I'm sleeping DO NOT WAKE ME UP to eat. Sleep trumps eat ?.

I love how the tone/music changed when Zach felt better. Very sweet actually. Family ❤️.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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On 6/21/2017 at 5:07 AM, ginger90 said:

HATE two-hour episodes. 

On 6/21/2017 at 6:39 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I loved the rocking chairs idea.  I thought this episode showed how Matt and Amy can work together for the benefit of the kids.  Not sure why the guys took the cushions off.  lol  

Those chairs would have been so much cuter with cool fabric. I bet people would buy them.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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On 6/21/2017 at 11:29 AM, riverblue22 said:

I think he is trying to look serious and mature.  His role is now to be a father and hopefully heir to the farm and this is how he plays it.

'Hair' to the Farm. He's probably hoping for a spin-off.

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Zach was probably asking about bottles because I'm sure Tori will be going back to work and nowadays, a lot of breastfeeding women pump.

I am just over Audrey and Jeremy.  The most outstanding characteristic of both of them is that they are just. not. smart.  Jeremy makes up words, talks with a thoughtful, pondering tone while all the while basically saying nothing.  When he's caught conversing and not pontificating in his talking heads, his conversation consists mostly of "dude! Oh man, that sucks.  I feel ya.  Babe...." while his wife, when not tossing her head around or practicing her most annoying vocal fry, says really profound things like "there's a lot going on right now. We are moving to Portland. We love Portland. I am now... x weeks pregnant..." I was very unimpressed with her comments about "wow, it would suck if Tori had to take care of Zach *and* the baby."  

I also find it very amusing that Amy is portrayed as some sort of master chef.  I've seen way too many scenes of her making boxed cakes while a cat passed in front of the frosting bowl on the counter, or making her "famous" spaghetti with "par-mee-gian cheese."  So if she is who they all turn to for really good meals, then God help them all.

10 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I wonder if Amy is using the bakery that was on the show, or is this seperate from that?


Pumpkin bread just in time for summer?

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Looked again and read the comments. Someone asked if they were from Beaverton Bakery, the response

Yes breads are coming from Beaverton Bakery you can pick up breads there. Pumpkin bread and fresh berry bread.

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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:


I also find it very amusing that Amy is portrayed as some sort of master chef.  I've seen way too many scenes of her making boxed cakes while a cat passed in front of the frosting bowl on the counter, or making her "famous" spaghetti with "par-mee-gian cheese."  So if she is who they all turn to for really good meals, then God help them all.


I have always thought this--somehow I can never picture her as being that great at cooking-but I think it stems from seeing how she always kept a nasty house. So eating stuff made in that environment grosses me out. But in fairness, her kitchen seems much cleaner now. Honestly, making quick breads is not that difficult. If I lived in the area I might would try her products, but no way would I online order at those prices. 

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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Pumpkin bread just in time for summer?

Mmm, what says "summer" better than spicy, warm pumpkin bread!  LOL  

Really, though, why tout your pumpkin bread as something seasonal when it's not the season for it and your pumpkin is coming from a can?  Whatever, Amy. 



amyjroloffIt's Summer! Just in time for my Berry Loaf and Pumpkin bread paring. As you enjoy the warm weather order #amyroloffs Berry Loaf and signature Pumpkin Bread and bring some to picnics, family gatherings special events and send to those your thinking of farther away. 

The grammar just delights, doesn't it?   Does even one of these twits have someone proofread their stuff EVAH ?!?  I don't know, maybe they do but that person is just as dumb as they are or something. 

It sounds like she is saying that summer has arrived just in time for her bread, but shouldn't it be the other way around?  Her bread has arrived just in time for summer ... ?  

Yes, I am feeling very petty tonight, obviously. 

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In response to Amy's masterchefness.... I wouldn't eat anything that she made.  I remember one episode where she and a friend were talking while Amy was cooking in her kitchen.  I think it was cherries or something with skins on it because Amy was constantly pulling all these skins out with her fingernails  the whole while the friend looked really uncomfortable and couldn't take her eyes off of what Amy was doing.  She just kept picking through the goop and pulling those skins out.  It was so disgusting.

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9 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Actually I broke down and bought Jake's booklet of philosophical meanderings and.... one of them knows to run spell check and have someone proofread for grammar.

Was this a self published booklet? Any editor worth their salt would have proofed for grammatical and spelling mistakes. Anything good in it? 

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It's self published. You can get it on Amazon.

Here's what I wrote on a diff site about it.

"It's actually a rather reflective and mature look at the situation of filming and the conflicts it created. He explains his frustrations and yes, his joys, with his childhood. I'm personally not so into philosophy but I've read some of the sources he cites, enough to confirm he's read them as well.

Unlike Jer and Auj's little missives, he's clearly had the essay proofread - no spelling errors, no glaring grammar problems.

No mention of drugs or gays, some mention of his parents but mostly respectful, while he was assigning blame, he was assigning it on both sides, not exempting himself and it was a fairly small part of the essay. He was also pretty open about his difficulties with Christianity but does discuss it respectfully.

Trust me - he's not going to make a ton of money on this. The average reader is going to buy it thinking it's Jacob going off about his parents, and not find the philosophical talk interesting. I don't find his thoughts on Christianity and Zen Buddhism especially clever but I am also 25 years older and have seen a lot of natterings on Buddhism vs Christianity. Language wise, it's a bit more accessible, he's not using so many "twenty dollar words" and he's explaining his thoughts more clearly and in easier language but honestly, unless you're interested in philosophy, you're probably going to find it dull."

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11 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

The grammar just delights, doesn't it?  

I am so aware of it that I'm just waiting for a reason to get annoyed.  The worst, for all of them, is the confusion between "me" and "I".  Amy constantly says, "the relationship between Matt and I..."  and, even worse, is Zach:  "me and Tori are having a baby; me and Tori have been married a year now..." Tori, for the love of all that is holy... you are a SCHOOLTEACHER; can you please set your husband straight on this?

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I was a little surprised at the way Zach was telling Amy that they would have to go over to her house to get nutritious food for Jackson. (once he's older).  Certainly, Tori was eating good stuff during the pregnancy.  I know they are still young, but, I would have thought that Tori would be a little health conscious about eating clean, balanced, or whatever you want to call it.  With so much now known about the health benefits, I'd think they would be more aware and focused.  And really, you don't have to be a great cook to grill chicken, bake some veggies, prepare some good whole grains and add some good fruits and dairy.  It's not that difficult to do.  It's not just Tori though.  I mean, each parent is responsible for ensuring the children get good diets.  It's such a great start to give your kids a good diet early in life.  Maybe, it'll come with time.  Sadly, a lot of twenty-something parents that I see are addicted to fast food drive thru windows.  Go figure. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I know they are still young, but, I would have thought that Tori would be a little health conscious about eating clean, balanced, or whatever you want to call it.  With so much now known about the health benefits, I'd think they would be more aware and focused.

When Amy Roloff is your example of a good, wholesome cook, then I doubt there's much interest in nutrition.  (See my post above.)

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I was a little surprised at the way Zach was telling Amy that they would have to go over to her house to get nutritious food for Jackson. (once he's older).  

I think you might be interpreting the remark a wee bit literally ;)

I personally did not take away from that remark "Tori and I eat junk and have no idea how to feed ourselves nutritiously, we never cook and have no concept of making food even though we've lived apart from our parents for at least two years".

I got more of a "Boy it sure would be nice if mom made us some food instead of doing it ourselves" vibe. Its the kind of thing you say to moms... I literally just said it to my mom moments ago "Boy, I sure miss your mac and cheese, you'll make some when I visit right?" - this does not mean I have never made mac and cheese myself and have no idea how to make it myself. It means I like mom's version and I like mom to think she can make me happy with something she enjoys.

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On 6/23/2017 at 9:41 AM, MegD said:

This didn't bother me so much because I know that when I'm truly ill, I want my Mom to take care of me. Usually, I'm completely capable of feeding myself (and my cooking is better than my Mom's any day of the week), but if I'm not well, I want Mom's cooking. Even if it's canned soup, crackers, and Powerade.


I agree, it was probably just a comfort thing and maybe also his way of keeping her in the loop about how bad he's feeling. And as a mom, I'm sure she was more than happy to do anything to bring him some comfort.

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17 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I think you might be interpreting the remark a wee bit literally ;)

I personally did not take away from that remark "Tori and I eat junk and have no idea how to feed ourselves nutritiously, we never cook and have no concept of making food even though we've lived apart from our parents for at least two years".

I got more of a "Boy it sure would be nice if mom made us some food instead of doing it ourselves" vibe. Its the kind of thing you say to moms... I literally just said it to my mom moments ago "Boy, I sure miss your mac and cheese, you'll make some when I visit right?" - this does not mean I have never made mac and cheese myself and have no idea how to make it myself. It means I like mom's version and I like mom to think she can make me happy with something she enjoys.

I thought it was clear that Zach was saying that he and Tori have an unbalanced diet.  At some point, Zach said that Tori ate mainly carbs and hardly any fruits and vegetables.  It's not criminal, but, I was surprised.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I agree with all the migraine posters talking about food triggers. When Zach was talking to his mom about their eating habits he told her  they were going to come to Amy's for three meals a day so baby would eat healthy. 

My son started migraines at 5 but was not diagnosed till I took him to a private physician who was head of pediatrics. ( had a Kaiser plan before).  Kids are not attuned to their bodies like adults are so aren't aware of warning signs that come day or hours before.  My son would be so nauseous with head buried in pillow asking WHAT was I cooking he couldn't stand the smell..... I was boiling water for my tea.  Nitrates in lunch meat,   soy sauce , chocolate cheese etc. 

i think he should be seen by someone not a family doctor. There are preventative relatively benign Meds he could take daily and Meds to take at the time that help that are not narcotics. I developed them at 51. I don't have them now but  Meds have improved where you don't loose a day to a couch or dark room.  

My other sons 5 year old has been having headaches nausea for a year ( they eat FAST food non stop) 

Diet is involed in everything its not just a theory. 

Dreading the dramatic arrival of Jeramy's offspring. You know it's going to touch and go from beginning to end. One thing for sure is they will be writing parenting blogs within the first year. 

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5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought it was clear that Zach was saying that he and Tori have an unbalanced diet.  At some point, Zach said that Tori ate mainly carbs and hardly any fruits and vegetables.  It's not criminal, but, I was surprised.  

That's what I heard as well.   First trimester  I ate what I was craving and what wouldn't make me nauseous, which was a lot of carbs.   My diet is a little better now in the 2nd trimester, it could definitely be better - I need to eat more veggies.  However, I am aware that baby will definitely need to be fed better.  Luckily my husband is a chef and he does most of the cooking.  We got a Ninja blender for our wedding that we haven't used yet and Hubby is planning on making baby food.

Do Tori and Zach know how to cook?  Or are they good cooks?  I'm not a good cook at all but I got by on my own for the longest time.  I just don't like to cook.  But obviously when push comes to shove, you do what you need to for the best interests of your baby.

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My mom had migraines when I was a kid. It was from a stressful situation. When the situation ended the headaches lessened and and stopped a year or so later. Zach is under more stress than ever before and hopefully as he adjusts to actually being a grownup and gains confidence in his ability to do so his headaches will lessen and disappear.

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At some point, Zach said that Tori ate mainly carbs and hardly any fruits and vegetables.  It's not criminal, but, I was surprised.  

Well, sure, one off hand remark in a conversation that was clearly about complimenting Amy and caging some home made meals really does mean Zach and Tory really have no idea how to feed their son nutritious food and really have no plans to change except to demand Amy feed their son. Maybe we should call CPS since we have to take this comment so very seriously to where we must believe Jackson's parents won't be feeding him appropriately as they *said* Jackson would only get nutritious foods when visiting Amy. Perhaps Amy will be making these meals after her psychiatric therapy she so desperately needs for her rage that was also diagnosed based on off hand remarks that must be treated as absolutes?

Who is calling CPS on these monsters who have openly admitted they have no idea how to appropriately feed their child and have no plans to learn? :)

If I seem sarcastic, its because you concede that Tory appears to be eating properly in the next breathe, and I agree, so obviously someone in the house knows how to provide nutritious food. I mean, Tory and Zach don't appear to have scurvy or rickets, and they don't look malnourished

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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Mmm, what says "summer" better than spicy, warm pumpkin bread!  LOL  

Really, though, why tout your pumpkin bread as something seasonal when it's not the season for it and your pumpkin is coming from a can?  Whatever, Amy. 

I have an answer for this, Celia! :D

The pumkin loaf is the signature loaf in these breadbaskets. The seasonal loaf is the berry loaf!

I am so clever! :D

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On 6/23/2017 at 2:52 PM, gonecrackers said:

She is breastfeeding from what I read, & I also wondered why she'd think they'd need bottles, or diapers for that matter. The hospital does provide that sort of thing, & even some formula if not breastfeeding. I would think someone at her ob/gyn would prepare them for packing & what would or would not be provided for them, or they could ask to know what they actually need. There's also tons of info online & in books.

I have been surprised at a few pregnancy, delivery and post-partum issues Tori seems unfamiliar with. 

She has, a couple of times, referred to a vaginal birth as 'natural' birth and even Oddrey seemed to know the difference and acted as though she might correct her but then, Odd's zero f's mentality thought the better of it and let it go. 

Tori didn't know what Placenta Previa was and it is discussed in each and every pregnancy 'manual' in print and online. Not to mention it was part of her very own birth story for goodness sakes. 

Tori seemed much too uninformed when it came to the bag for the hospital, as you pointed out. I can't imagine why they didn't attend a class at the facility or at least read the packet provided by the facility when they pre-registered for admission. The OB's office also gives them out for the facility you choose so they would have that one also. 

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to her worries and/or anxieties about possibly, and then definitely, having an LP and trying to wrap her head around it.

But then Tori talks again about being so nervous to have the C-Section and not having been hospitalized before and then I say to myself 'WTF! Did she not realize that she'd be giving birth either way in a hospital?!?!' Sure, be nervous, pissed, angry, upset that a C-Section is in your future but give up the bitching about being in a hospital PLEASE! 

Wow, I didn't realize I had so much to say LOL 

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On 6/23/2017 at 10:00 AM, Mindthinkr said:

There are lots of foods that trigger migraines. Also red wine (may be the sulfates) and common things like cheddar cheese ( lot of aged cheeses especially), nitrates, MSG, the sugar substitute aspartame, caffeine and vinegars to name some. You almost have to begin with a very bland diet and introduce foods (avoiding common triggers) slowly to see what eggs it on.

My friend had to do that a couple years ago....migraines knock her out for days and I think she's tried almost everything (even that ear piercing).  The diet was pretty pointless for her (her words).  She did find a couple things that triggered them (cooked eggs, like scrambled eggs.. but not eggs as an ingredient in baked items....) But I occasionally asked her how it was going and when it was done she told me and that they didn't find anything life changing.   I recently asked her if she has tried botox yet because I was curious and I guess that's what she's doing now.  But 15 shots once a month!!  She says it's worth it although she still gets the occasional migraine.

On 6/23/2017 at 10:32 PM, leighroda said:

while my brother eats pretty much anything but tomatoes...

My brother is the same!!  I can't think of anything he won't eat except tomatoes.  I think even know it's one of those things were he will eat them but he prefers not to. 

On 6/24/2017 at 10:42 PM, marionette said:

In response to Amy's masterchefness.... I wouldn't eat anything that she made.  I remember one episode where she and a friend were talking while Amy was cooking in her kitchen.  I think it was cherries or something with skins on it because Amy was constantly pulling all these skins out with her fingernails  the whole while the friend looked really uncomfortable and couldn't take her eyes off of what Amy was doing.  She just kept picking through the goop and pulling those skins out.  It was so disgusting.

I remember that... and it wasn't cherries.... but for the life of me I can't remember what type of food it was.... cherries are cooked, baked, and eaten with their skins on.  It's the pits you need to remove!  Now it's going to bug me that I can't remember what food that was..... 

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2 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

 Zach is under more stress than ever before and hopefully as he adjusts to actually being a grownup and gains confidence in his ability to do so his headaches will lessen and disappear.

 What stress is Zach under? He makes plenty of money from the show so it can't be financial. In fact, the only other job he has is some part time gig as a soccer coach and that make believe job with his dad so I would say his life is pretty sweet.  If Tori's pregnancy and his anticipation of being a dad is causing him so much stress, they could have waited a couple of years until he felt like he was ready to handle it, they are young enough. Maybe he's more concerned and upset about the baby being an LP than he's letting on. He knows what it's like to grow up as an LP and has genuine concern for his son's happiness and well being, even though everybody else in the family is acting like it's no big deal. It's  actually a very big deal and I remember from the past shows he was a very unhappy teen. 

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Bichon, I think you answered your own question. :)

I could see the idea of becoming a father being stressful, especially knowing the child will share his physical problems, and knowing that he was hardly super happy as a teen.

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Do we know for sure that Tori's pregnancy was planned?  Because I could see an surprise baby causing a lot of stress for Zach.

On 6/25/2017 at 3:16 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I was a little surprised at the way Zach was telling Amy that they would have to go over to her house to get nutritious food for Jackson. (once he's older).  Certainly, Tori was eating good stuff during the pregnancy.  I know they are still young, but, I would have thought that Tori would be a little health conscious about eating clean, balanced, or whatever you want to call it.  With so much now known about the health benefits, I'd think they would be more aware and focused.  And really, you don't have to be a great cook to grill chicken, bake some veggies, prepare some good whole grains and add some good fruits and dairy.  It's not that difficult to do.  It's not just Tori though.  I mean, each parent is responsible for ensuring the children get good diets.  It's such a great start to give your kids a good diet early in life.  Maybe, it'll come with time.  Sadly, a lot of twenty-something parents that I see are addicted to fast food drive thru windows.  Go figure. 

My takeaway from that scene was not a concern Zach and Tori don't know how to feed their child, but rather Zach is planning on mooching off grandma's food supply more than he already does.  Has the guy ever turned down a sammich when Amy offered to feed him?  

LOL just kidding, I don't begrudge Amy wanting to feed Zach or him accepting.  I just wanted to use the word "sammich" in a post. 

I really think Zach was just attempting to flatter his mother with that comment, nothing more. 

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3 hours ago, gunderda said:

I remember that... and it wasn't cherries.... but for the life of me I can't remember what type of food it was.... cherries are cooked, baked, and eaten with their skins on.  It's the pits you need to remove!  Now it's going to bug me that I can't remember what food that was..... 

could be tomatoes. Some people cook them and then remove the skins for tomato sauce.  Although Amy strikes me as the jarred sauce type.

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1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

could be tomatoes. Some people cook them and then remove the skins for tomato sauce.  Although Amy strikes me as the jarred sauce type.

Now that I think about it, it probably was tomatoes because I remember her digging into the goop and pulling the skins out with her fingernails and them hanging down , dripping.  It was gross.  Her friend couldn't keep her eyes off of the mess. 

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