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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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On 5/23/2017 at 11:40 PM, MoodyGirl said:

This episode broke my heart...seeing Zach in the kitchen talk about losing Sully and then if his son is an LP, all the emotional issues such as not being able to keep up with the other boys. Wow..very sad. 

I purposely watched Audrey's face this episode. She is almost completely devoid of any emotion on her face most of the time. Like completely blank, no expression. It's weird. But she does do a smirk, and she most definitely does it at the idea that Zach's baby could be little. And Jeremy's reaction was just weird. Like it was an  excited joyous "Are you kidding me?" reaction. It seemed inappropriate. 


On 5/24/2017 at 8:55 AM, ThinkerBell said:

I have been so impressed with Zach. Since marrying, he has shown himself to be to be a good man with a mature sense of responsibility and dedication to his family. Both he and Tori are genuine and likeable, and certainly don't seem interested in presenting a glossy image. Zach's concerns about having an LP baby are based on the difficulties he experienced as a child, and Amy's immediate understanding of that was touching. It was a sweet, authentic moment that showed a special bond between mother and son. Contrast that with Jeremy's superficial "Are you kidding me!" reaction. He really is his father's son.


On 5/24/2017 at 9:45 AM, BusyOctober said:

Does anyone else think Jerk & Odd are actually using this show as an audition reel for a zombie themed show?  The two of them are so dead in the eyes and have no emotion or expression. And what is it with Odd gazing at Jerk in every single TH? He isn't saying anything profound or interesting or amusing.  Is that part of her submissive Christian wifely duty? "And the Lord sayeth 'If thou marries a dolt, cleave unto him.  For though he mayeth be an unskilled donkey, he hath been blessed with the God given appendage woman doth not have'.  For the penis is the Power & the Glory! Amen." 

I was really impressed with Zach and Amy's conversations.  She really is supportive and it's good Amy has been Zach's cheerleader.  She did a good job.

MoodyGirl, Thinkerbell, and BusyOctober all made great points about the poignant , tender, caring, comforting conversationS (purposely plural) between Amy and Zach. Whether it was about Sully, or the baby, or the job with Matt, they had many great talks where issues were confided, discussed, etc, and an ear, advice and comfort were given. That leads me to these comments, all of which bring up something  I planned to mention, so I'm thrilled others noticed. 

On 5/24/2017 at 0:27 PM, ZoloftBlob said:

I don't disagree with you Ina, but I think the problem is in calling it "family dinner". If Matt wants to have business meeting where they clear the air about who is doing what per each business, that's awesome. But don't call it family dinner. Family dinner is exactly what Amy described, a get together where people talk about what they've been doing. Calling it a family dinner and whipping out the power points for your project plans is an ambush.

 Matt not only persisted, but he rolled his eyes, expressing not only his disagreement, but implied that the kids are not comfy with "how are you and what's going on in your world" chat, and tried to make Amy feel bad, as if she is doing something wrong / making her own kids feel uncomfortable and hurt by merely asking about their lives. (God, could he be any more of a bastard?)

On 5/28/2017 at 9:09 PM, ZoloftBlob said:

And I am going to give an example from the most recent episode.

So Matt and Amy are discussing the family dinner plans, where the marrieds are already invited. In the confessional Matt clearly states he and Amy thought it would be nice to have a family dinner and see how the kids were doing - to "celebrate the kids having their babies".  At the talk with Amy, Matt mentions that he intends to get out the power point presentations and discuss a lot of business.* Amy expresses surprise and asks if he thinks its a business meeting and he says that's how he's seeing it, but in a casual environment. In a voice over, he makes the sympathy ploy that no matter "how they want to keep the grandbabies away" he wants the farm to be an enticement to them, and that he wants to have more business meetings with the kids.

To Amy he says "What was your vision of it?"

Amy says "Just to say great to see you?"

Matt makes a face and frowns and looks annoyed as Amy says they haven't had a family get together in a while.

In a confessional Amy expresses frustration and asks if they can ever separate family and business and have them be separate.

In the scene - Matt's response to Amy saying they haven't had a family get together in a while with "If you want we can go in there with powerpoints..."

Amy cuts him off with "Matt, you're not listening." He frowns at her and shakes his head. He presses on with:

"What subjects would you want to touch on?" - and he's clearly getting annoyed at this point.

Amy rattles off a number of questions that are clearly family orientated about the kids lives and the babies.

Matt shakes his head and says "You know, the kids kinda dread those....its kind of a talk... a dreading thing, so I was trying to avoid that." He frowns. Amy shakes her head.

In a  confessional, Amy notes that trying to have a personal conversation with Matt is hard.

In the scene, Matt continues to look annoyed and say "Well, you think about it, I'll think about it, and come up with a plan..."

Amy says "Yeah".

So he presented this to her as a family dinner where they would be celebrating the upcoming babies. He then completely changes the plan to where he wants a business discussion. When she protests, he completely ignores her comments and presses on with the power point discussion. When she points out he's not listening to her, he asks her what her thoughts were and frowns in disagreement at everything she says and then tells her that the kids hate what she wants to do.

If Amy was smart? She should just stop including Matt in family events - and in real life, she pretty much has. If Matt is right, then the kids should flock to him for his little lectures on how they're his cogs for his projects.

*I genuinely don't think it's a bad idea for everyone in the family businesses to get together and discuss who does what. I just call that a business meeting and not a family dinner to celebrate babies.

All of this. Matt shames Amy. He even attempts to gaslight her -- how dare she ask her kids how they are, how dare she make enquiries into their lives, when doesn't she know like Matt knows that they hate it?!

On 5/28/2017 at 9:33 PM, Honey said:

I just watched this episode again today, and it was such an odd conversation between Matt and Amy.  When he asks what points she wants to touch on, you're right, she says things like "How are the pregnancies going? How are you?  How's the house-hunting going?  Matt says the kids kids dread that.  Huh?  Why the hell would they dread that?  He's tying to make her feel like he knows the kids better than she does, he is simply trying to make her feel bad.  Just like he always does.  He's an odd, hateful little man.


On 5/29/2017 at 11:20 AM, ZoloftBlob said:

After he ignored her concerns on camera and made her fight over it, yes. And after he made sure to let her know that the kids *dreaded* being asked questions about their lives.

Funny how the kids were smiling and pleasant and not miserable and sad, *dreading* every question at the actual family dinner.

*Part of my issue with this is calling it a family dinner and then expecting everyone to understand that its going to be a professional business meeting. Words have meanings and "family dinner" does not mean "business meeting" and Matt's expectation on this was ridiculous.

Sunny - do you think the kids were *dreading* the casual family dinner questions? As Matt said they were?

Exactly. Matt is a piece of the worst kind of crap for trying to guilt Amy out of enquiring about her kids, as if she is doing something wrong. She was not buying it, especially when it's right there on video that they most certainly do not dread, despise, and feel uncomfortable with confiding, nor do they rebuff Amy's advice and comfort.

Matt is disgusting. What kind of man --no, what kind of parent--applies his efforts to rail against rather than encourage an avenue of mother/child/familial communication and communion. Gross!! 

Also, as already mentioned : Fuck you, Jeremy and Audrey for actually saying aloud that your majestic, hallowed, tree-fucking presences will return and bestow righteousness and light to the crumbling, dark, corrupt family haunt. GAG!!!



:( Sully :( 

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 7

There's something in Matt's office that makes Amy enter and saying one thing, and then she changes her tune before she leaves. This week it was little person vs average height (does she pronounce it "heigth?). First it didn't matter to her either way. Then she said she hoped the baby was average height.

They better get that place checked out.

  • Love 3

You know what I find VERY interesting? How poor isolated Matt never ever once mentioned how he and his new piece of snatch ALSO threw Zach and Tory a baby shower!

I guess that doesn't fit his personal "pity poor Matt" narrative where you know, he never ever gets to have family events at HIS house - his crappy uncomfortable house that he's NOT forced to reside in.

Amy's insecurity over her appearance and being a little person is, I am sure, very fascinating to her, but is like watching paint dry. About the only thing I have been enjoying about Amy's "second act" is that she's not taking Matt's shit as much.

Scorpiosunshine - I agree that Matt was attempting to gaslight her with how the kids hate it. My personal suspicion? The truth is the opposite here. The kids don't want their events at Dad's because he's a controlling pain in the ass who makes every single event about him. So rather than tell Matt he's difficult and irritating and controlling, they tell him that Mom's house is more convienant. There's a reason two of the kids have flown the coop, and there's a reason Zach is very very clear on not wanting the farm business, and there's very much a reason Jeremy who loves the farm so, has done everything but shoot off a limb to avoid his destiny as Daddy Matt's Permanent Helper Bitch.

If Amy's "fornicating" offends Jeremy's sensibilities so much, he and his wife could ALWAYS spend the weekend with Matt, under Matt's roof.  I mean, Matt is such a pleasant blessing to be with, after all, you'd think Jer and Auj would be delighted to use the extra bedroom at Matt's place and you know, more sternly show their displeasure at Amy.

My theory? Matt's not such a fucking joy to be around, or to work with.

  • Love 9

I'm catching up on old episodes now that the big four are on summer programming.  I'm way back at the doomsday shelter and wishing for a large roll of super strength duct tape to use on Matt.  Just shut yer yap and quit spending money like water on stupid useless junk.  I can only hope production is footing the bill for that nonsense.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

Zach is 26, he's married. Time for him to take responsibility for his health. If Amy made the appt. she'd be overstepping her bounds. He or his wife need to make the appt convenient to their schedule and Tori should be the one in the doctor's office with him. Not his mom. My son was just diagnosed T1 Diabetes at age 18. They told him it's his disease and he's responsible for it. The doctor calls him, not me, and he has to handle changes and medical decisions, per law. I'm his surrogate, but, that means nothing when he is capable of making the decisions. Amy doesn't "not" care, she just knows that she has to let the boys make their own decisions and be responsible for themselves and their family's.

... I wish your son the best of health and and hope he is successful in managing his health. But I have to say, if for any reason my own kid was dropping the ball dealing with such a serious condition the way it appeared Zach might be, I don't care how old he is. I'd be all over that situation like white on rice. 

7 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

... My son who is much older has Crohn's is married and last year he thought he hurt himself over doing on a new treadmill.  He was home and called me for help which he has never done. I got there he couldn't pull himself to sit up and I noticed distressed breathing. I called his GI doctor (who I don't know because he manages his own health). I wound up not waiting for call back and drove him to the ER. 5 days in local acute hospital and 5 in ICU in a top medical institution  . I thought We was going to loose him. 

His wife is very laid back has never been sick nor been around illness , death or in a hospital until giving birth in last 4 years.  Like Tori a teacher of little ones. I asked him did he tell her how he felt and he said yes.  Because of her job it was the one bedside  daily.  It aged me 10 years.   I'm glad I'm the overprotective mother who took charge  

I completely understand. Hope your son is well.  You sound like a great mom! Good luck to all of you.

  • Love 4
29 minutes ago, Tidbit said:

This times a hundred.

Wasn't that in the preview for next week? Didn't I see Caryn sitting there also with a notepad? That just rubbed me the wrong way and I don't care if she is the farm manager. 

As soon as they started dating, that whole situation become a conflict of interest. The farm is a business, and if I was Amy, I'd have my OWN accountant to keep an eye on the books. The farm manager dating be boss is never a good idea. But the farm manager dating the boss AND also managing funds for the ex wife is wrong on so many levels. Even if Matt was okay with it (of course he is) Karyn should have voluntarily stepped down from that position. Unless her position now is more for the sake of cameras and they actually have other people balancing the books and doing real managing. 

  • Love 11

Caryn should never be in a meeting with Matt and Amy unless it relates directly to running the farm. Amy should have her own financial manager. I wouldn't let Matt near my money with a ten foot pole.

I do check on my son constantly. Every night I check his glucose log and he keeps me apprised of highs and lows as they happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm a very strong advocate, but, someday I won't be there and he'll have to manage alone. If something happened I'd be right on it and get him to care. Unfortunately, when he was diagnosed and in ICU, I was on a cruise to the Bahamas. The second I got my luggage at 1:00 a.m. I went straight to the hospital to see him. He now has a device that checks his sugar every 5 minutes in his arm until Sunday morning. It's because of his awareness that he was able to discuss with his doctor and she put it in. He also makes sure his girlfriend is able to care for him, watch for signs, check his sugar and inject him as necessary. This diagnosis matured him overnight. I hope for this type of change with Zach and Jeremy. I hope Tori is on top of Zach and his issues and encourages him to get his check-ups as required. Little Jackson needs his daddy and Zach is going to be a great dad. I wish he had changed the diaper last night with Mueller, but, it can be a daunting task. Did I hear that they were going to take newborn classes? I think Jeremy and Oddj need to, also. 

I think they are handling the "telling of the news" about Jackson in a good way. Don't announce it, let it flow naturally in the conversations. I feel that God chooses the right parents for kids with medical issues. He certainly knew that Zach and Tori are perfect for Jackson. I don't think the special snowflakes could handle a child with challenges. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I wish your son the best of health and and hope he is successful in managing his health. But I have to say, if for any reason my own kid was dropping the ball dealing with such a serious condition the way it appeared Zach might be, I don't care how old he is. I'd be all over that situation like white on rice. 

My experience watching a similar situation with my SIL and his mother has resulted in her not being told things so she can't "butt into our business."  They are not on a reality TV show dramatizing events and posssibly showing them other than they really occurred, however.   Parenting adults is indeed a fine line and can vary with different families.  I'm actually a bit surprised that Amy is acknowledging her sons are adults.  Someone, perhaps Jacob, has done some educational work with her on boundaries. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

I noticed and also how unhappy she was at Tori's shower.It was not about her so she was unhappy.

It bothered me that she tried to shift focus to herself. "Oh, I don't have any advice, I'm just taking notes for my baby...." Bitch, not everyone there had a kid, look at how you grew up and what do you hope Tori would do to make a child happy. Part of me suspects that she knew she wasn't getting a shower from her close long term friends like Tori did. It looks like she only had one from her church. Tori seems to have had a couple (her friends, the school, Matt).

I'm torn on Zack's illness. I know he's an adult, but I know that, despite being an adult and having a couple of serious medical concerns (a genetic liver/lung disorder makes a whole bunch of things lots of fun), both of my parents expect to be involved in a lot of the more serious aspects of my care and illness. I handle a lot of the day to day, month to month, normal appointments and treatment without interference. However, when something goes wrong, my parents expect to be kept in the loop. Recently, I had emergency hernia surgery. During my recovery, I started putting on a lot of weight (25 lbs in a weekend) and had some pain and swelling. This was greatly upsetting and my mother insisted on accompanying me to the gastroenterologist because we were looking at a potential situation where I may have developed an infection from surgery. The day I saw him, I didn't have the pain and was focused on the weight gain and swelling. It can be difficult to explain to a doctor what's wrong if all of your symptoms aren't there the day you see them. My mom was the one to bring up the pain I had. Little things that seem like nothing at the time have proved to be important signs of future problems. In my case, the pain was more important than the swelling.

Zack even mentioned that it was difficult to go to the doctor and say "I'm having terrible headaches but not today." Amy probably knows him best and knows what the change in his life/symptoms/personality that the headaches are causing. She also probably remembers how sick he was before. She also may know that he may be extremely hesitant to see doctors remembering all of the pain he went through as a child. Her gentle "you need to see a neurologist" may have been the best way to get Zack to agree to see the doctor. Had she ordered him or stated how serious it may be, it could have sent him the other way. I do suspect that he may not have the same doctors as before because of his age and his potentially changed insurance. I really hope that this will prove to be nothing.

  • Love 2
On 6/7/2017 at 9:05 AM, bichonblitz said:

What is with Amy and the constant giggles and grins every time she's with Chris? She always says she's nervous on her dates with him. They have been seeing each other over 6 months now. It's rediculous. Get over it. 

I agree, I was thinking last episode how masculine Auj's face is. She has very strong features, especially noticeable when she has her hair pulled back and that dark lipstick on. Speaking of faces, Amy is ageing badly. She must never have taken care of her skin. I just want to slather moisturizer on her face, her skin is dry and wrinkled. It's not just her age, either.  She's only in her early 50's. I'm older than she is and don't look like that and her two girlfriends have nice skin. 

I thought it was just me noticing how rough Auj looked, esp when she had her hair pulled up in those stupid Princess Leah buns.  I thought pregnancy made you glow, not so much with  her. 

Didn't Amy look at herself in a mirror before she headed out to the nice restaurant with Chris?  Her cold shoulder blouse wasn't working for her. All I could notice was her white bra straps peeking out of her gray/black blouse. A black bra would have been much better.  It didn't look like she had any makeup on & her hair looked like it hadn't been combed since first thing in the morning.  

  • Love 5

Re: Jackson's crib.  I'm old & haven't been around babies & cribs in a while so bear with me.  Don't they still make cribs with the side that raises & lowers by pressing on a bar with your foot, making reaching in & picking up the baby easier?  Also, can't the mattress be raised & lowered? Back in the olden days, the mattress was kept higher for easy access when the baby was small & couldn't stand. It was lowered as the baby became more mobile & could stand.  It looked like the crib mattress was at the lowest setting making it more difficult for Zach to pick up the baby even with the stool.

The homemade stool was nice but why didn't Tori & Zach look into a more accessible crib for Zach?  IIRC, on one of the little people shows, the family had a crib where the side had a door that swung open so the parents could reach in easily for the baby. I hope they put some type of non skid appliques on the stool.  All I was picturing was Zach wearing just socks slipping on the stool holding the baby.  (Yes, I'm a worry wart.) 

I was surprised to see Mueller & his family. I always wondered what became of him.  Zach cracked me up when Mueller told him to cover the baby with the blanket & Zach just sort of tossed it in the Pak N Play barely covering the little boy.

I'm sure Tori & Zach have figured out things by now like other first time parents & I wish them the best.

  • Love 8

Yes--as people have already noted, Amy's constant giggles around Chris are just too much. She's trying too hard and it just seems kind of sad. Especially when Amy asks him questions in paragraph form and he has a totally detached look on his face with a one word answer as response. You can tell right off that he KNOWS he is in control of this relationship. I feel bad for Amy--she's going to get hurt. 

Also, I can get where Zach wouldn't want to talk dating with his mom, but I felt her questions and concerns were genuine since he has experience with an average size person. He acted like it was so awkward as if she was trying to talk about sex or something--but it sounded like she wanted to know about general social pressures. 

  • Love 9

I love that when Matt has conversations with Zach about a child coming, he harps on how much it will change Zach's life, the cost, etc. This with the son who has a job, a wife who is a teacher and a house he has bought and paid for. 

When Jer goes to Matt for advice on buying a house and actually expresses concern that he is not comfortable with paying more for a mortgage than they pay in rent, Matt thinks they should buy it because Odd likes the house. Even though both are unemployed other than the show.

Matt is the last person I would go to for financial advice. Or pretty much any advice for that matter. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 11

It bothered me that she tried to shift focus to herself. "Oh, I don't have any advice, I'm just taking notes for my baby...." 



I actually held my breath when they got to Audrey. I thought for sure she'd have some long winded wonderful advice. I was relieved, lol.

Drop side cribs have been banned since 2010.

I really wish Amy would comb or brush her hair. It looked awful when she and Chris were out for dinner.

  • Love 3

As far as Zach's seeing a neurologist he could be seeing (or return to see) the same one he saw when he was younger.  I am a 65 year old with congenital heart defects.  Life long heart issues and when my latest problems popped up my cardiologist sent me to a pediatric cardiologist who was more familiar with treating congenital heart defects.  There are also cardiologists who specifically treat adults with congenital heart defects (but none in my city so I am seeing a pediatric cardiologist) so I am thinking that neurologists may have the same type of specialties.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Diane M said:

Since both of Jeremy's parents are dwarfs, is it possible that his and Audrey's baby could be a dwarf?  

Jeremy carries the recessive gene for the kind of dwarfism that Matt has. Therefore, in order for Jeremy and Audrey's children to have dwarfism, Audrey would also need to carry that same recessive gene. The odds of that are highly unlikely. She has already mentioned that there are no cases of dwarfism in her family. 

Their situation is highly different than Zach and Tori's. Zach has achondroplasia and as a result carries the dominant gene for it. So even though Tori doesn't carry a gene for dwarfism, each time she and Zach have a baby there's a 50% chance that it will have achondroplasia. 

  • Love 4

Mattress heights still adjust.  An alternative for a newborn would be one of the portable cribs, a co-sleeper, or a bassinet or cradle.  Those would all be easier to get the infant in and out than a crib. 

We had a point with the grandchildren where even with a stool I was too short to deal with the crib and the kids weren't ready to put themselves down.  We got through it.  It was easier for us though since I wasn't doing it daily. 

  • Love 1

I think that Matt's house is quite a bit too small for some of the larger gatherings that we've seen.  The kids seem more than eager to show up and chat with Matt.  I don't get a sense that they are trying to avoid being in his presence.  I suspect that they love and appreciate each parent.  Matt is no longer the bad guy that Amy made him out to be.  Now that they are separated, the kids can decide for themselves about things.  Apparently, there is plenty love and respect for Matt.  The boys have repeatedly sought Matt's input, advice and help.  This was them going to him all on their own. 

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, Scorpiosunshine said:



MoodyGirl, Thinkerbell, and BusyOctober all made great points about the poignant , tender, caring, comforting conversationS (purposely plural) between Amy and Zach. Whether it was about Sully, or the baby, or the job with Matt, they had many great talks where issues were confided, discussed, etc, and an ear, advice and comfort were given. That leads me to these comments, all of which bring up something  I planned to mention, so I'm thrilled others noticed. 

 Matt not only persisted, but he rolled his eyes, expressing not only his disagreement, but implied that the kids are not comfy with "how are you and what's going on in your world" chat, and tried to make Amy feel bad, as if she is doing something wrong / making her own kids feel uncomfortable and hurt by merely asking about their lives. (God, could he be any more of a bastard?)

All of this. Matt shames Amy. He even attempts to gaslight her -- how dare she ask her kids how they are, how dare she make enquiries into their lives, when doesn't she know like Matt knows that they hate it?!


Exactly. Matt is a piece of the worst kind of crap for trying to guilt Amy out of enquiring about her kids, as if she is doing something wrong. She was not buying it, especially when it's right there on video that they most certainly do not dread, despise, and feel uncomfortable with confiding, nor do they rebuff Amy's advice and comfort.

Matt is disgusting. What kind of man --no, what kind of parent--applies his efforts to rail against rather than encourage an avenue of mother/child/familial communication and communion. Gross!! 

Also, as already mentioned : Fuck you, Jeremy and Audrey for actually saying aloud that your majestic, hallowed, tree-fucking presences will return and bestow righteousness and light to the crumbling, dark, corrupt family haunt. GAG!!!



:( Sully :( 

We've seen how Matt steamrolls something that's not his narrative... so it wouldn't surprise me if they never said they would rather not talk business and he turned it into they dread talking to amy about life. Using the family dinner as an example, Matt was saying he wanted a dinner with power points and an agenda, amy said she'd rather just relax and chat and Matts response was as if she hadn't said anything and was still on his power point spiel, she had to stop him and reiterate that she didn't want it to be about business, and that's when he said they dread talking to amy about life. 

  • Love 6

I think that Matt's house is quite a bit too small for some of the larger gatherings that we've seen.

I think Matt has a two bedroom home that easily accomadated a large male party (when he was prancing and proud to show off how he had a man cave) and that easily accomadated the baby shower that we didn't see filmed or mentioned that Matt and Caryn threw for Zach and Tory.  Knowing that Matt does have an extra bedroom, Jeremy and Audrey COULD stay overnight with Matt on their weekend trips if they are too worried about Amy's rage, or her fornication. They choose to drive to Hillsboro and spend the weekend at Amy's, not Matt's, and that's not a party situation. They could also offer to split visits or stay at one parent's house on one trip and the other parent's on the next but they consistently stay with Amy and never ever stay with Matt.


 I don't get a sense that they are trying to avoid being in his presence.

Whereas I find the whole "we're moving to Los Angeles, now we're moving to Bend and WE WANT THE FARM SO BAD but we have intentionally chosen to live outside easy driving distance for several reasons" to be a big indicator that Jer and Auj were avoiding *something*.



Matt is no longer the bad guy that Amy made him out to be.

Sorry, not accepting the "Poor little Matt never said one word against his wife while his wife ran him down" narrative. Matt and Amy both made each other out to be the bad guy. Even now, you've watched the show, he openly snickers to Jeremy how he *has to lie* to Amy about money because *she doesn't agree with his ideas* - do you really think that's NOT Matt making Amy out to be the bad guy? And that is SO NOT the first example.


 Apparently, there is plenty love and respect for Matt.  The boys have repeatedly sought Matt's input, advice and help.  This was them going to him all on their own. 

Love, I agree. Respect? Remember, Jer-Bear is whining publically how his *parents* and not just his mommy, are messy and drama filled. And the boys have repeatedly gone to Amy for input and advice as well. The boys have both expressed concerns about working with their father - something I don't find unusual or unwarranted. I find it very very telling that Jeremy has yammered for years about running the farm but genuinely has never asked to work there.

eta - Since it's been such a bitch point of Matt's that he's poor poor papa excluded and no one wants to do things at his place, I continue to wait with baited breath to see if we get to see the baby shower *he* hosted for Tory and Zach on camera. I bet we won't, since then he won't be able to sad face how no one will play at his horrible no good house!

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

the baby shower that we didn't see filmed or mentioned that Matt and Caryn threw for Zach and Tory.  

What father throws a baby shower for their kid? Are you kidding me? One baby shower wasn't enough? No wonder it wasn't filmed. I'm getting tired of all these parties. And of course Jer and Auj had to get pregnant, too, so we get to see parties one right after another.   

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, camom said:

I had no idea.  Can you still adjust the height of the mattress?  I can see where getting a baby in and out of a crib without the drop sides would be difficult for a shorter person.

They still adjust, but even at the highest setting, it would still be too low for Zach to reach. *I was surprised how low it was, even when raised to the highest setting.

*New Grand Daughter - 1 month old.

I liked that Amy kind of stayed out of Zach's health troubles.  My Mother and I share the same doctor, and I was infuriated when I discovered that Mom spent most of her appointment discussing my health history with our doctor.  Well, infuriated would be putting it mildly, I was downright pissed!  My HIPAA form listed Mom as someone the doctor could share info with, that's been changed now.  I still have this sneaking feeling they're discussing me, so I'm looking for a new doctor, because I don't trust her any longer. The doctor, not my Mom.  I live with and care for my Mom, so naturally she would want to make sure I'm doing okay.

  • Love 3

Bichonblitz , based on Matt's constant whining how he's so left out of these events - I assume this shower was thrown solely so that Matt could crow over it. Which is why I am side eying all of Matt's whiny and his endless 'pity poor left out Matt' - when events don't fit his narrative of 'poor left out Matt', why, look at how quickly he shuts his mouth.

Frankly, considering Matt's constant refrain in years past how he *needed to give the farm his attention* and how *spending time with his family was a waste of his time* - gosh, I wonder if that's why the kids suspect he's not terribly interested in hosting their events.

Honey - I had to change doctors for that reason as well.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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Zenme - that's true. I will say though, my point was that for all the whining Matt does about having fair time with the kids, he never suggests or offers to host Jeremy and Auj on their three day weekends on the farm. And as much as Jeremy whines about the 'dynamic', he never suggests they stay with Matt instead of Amy. He certainly never spends the money on a hotel. Basically I think Matt knows hosting the marrieds would be a pain in the ass and doesn't offer despite having a spare room... but whining and moaning that they want their events at the big house and its not fair to poor isolated Matt makes Matt look like the victim and Matt loves looking like tha sad little victim.

  • Love 5
On 6/7/2017 at 3:19 PM, Shmoopaloop said:

They showed them cutting pieces and assembling the stool. I thought it turned out pretty nice, since Zach proclaimed to not be very handy when they were setting up the pack & play.

I'm sure they want us to think Matt and Zach did it but I'm sure there's an employee somewhere on that farm that is probably pretty handy with building stuff.  

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Bichonblitz , based on Matt's constant whining how he's so left out of these events - I assume this shower was thrown solely so that Matt could crow over it

Oh, I'm sure. What a childish, immature thing to do. Grow up, Matt! I don't know any fathers that care about not being involved in their kids baby shower. My god, he is insufferable! 

  • Love 5

Every season there's a storyline involving getting something done in a specific time frame. This season, will Audrey and Jeremy find a house before the baby is born? I didn't give a shit if they did, but what's funny is, dear Audrey posted that they were now homeowners,  and that was before they showed them looking at that particular house on the show. That Audrey!!

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

If Jeremy and Audrey don't want to stay at the Big House because Amy may be fornicating and they don't want to be caught spending the night in Matt's "double wide" they do have another option...... stay at Audrey's parents home!

I actually get the feeling they usually do this since she mentioned her parents are like a mile up the road from the Roloffs. 

  • Love 1

FINALLY, I figured out who Chris (Amy's boyfriend) reminds me of.  It's Philip Sweet of the country group Little Big Town.  I really like them a lot. Here's a photo of him.  He's younger than Chris, but, they do resemble, imo.

This is a video and it's more apparent.  Wait until after the blonde singer exits, then they show Philip. 

Sorry for double link above.  I wasn't able to correct it. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 2

There is so much so very wrong about Matt.  He is a controlling disaster and an ugly piece of work.  I'm rather mind-boggled at the thought that anyone could defend him, but so it goes.

Matt = narcissist = run like hell = Amy finally clued up = Caryn (or however she spells her name) = fodder for Matt (whether she knows it or not.)

The kids know and distance themselves even though they probably love him.  He is their Dad.

He must have a few good points but it is very hard to see them.

  • Love 4

Well, they both certainly have their flaws. ;)

You know what summed up Matt's relationship problems to me? Matt buying the two Mercedes. He didn't consult Amy at all - he bought them at auction so they couldn't be returned. He spent a lot of money on something he'd like and gifted Amy with the extra car and then portrayed himself as the victim when Amy didn't fall to her knees and suck his cock in thanks. He was never able to understand that she didn't want him to spend a lot of money on surprise gifts that she didn't even express interest in, that it was *stressful* and not *fun* to find out he'd blown a lot of money on something she didn't ask for. And Matt then makes her out to be the bad guy - "I bought her a nice car as a surprise and she's still not happy!" without ever acknowledging that she was unhappy because he spent a lot of money on a car she didn't want and didn't ask for and was publically chiding her for not being grateful enough.

I wonder how he's gonna feel the first time Caryn rolls her eyes at him over a ridiculous purchase?

And Amy? Needed to grow a spine a lot sooner than what she did and calling Matt on his bullshit instead of being passive aggressive in return. An example of this? The Bahamas trip where Matt intentionally scheduled the trip against one of her speaking engagements and then cried publically how mean she was to blame him for not knowing her schedule - since he was planning an expensive trip, yes, he should have checked his wife's schedule before he committed TLC to spending money on the trip. And Amy? Instead of passive aggressively whipping the kids up against Matt (except clueless dumb Jer who didn't give a shit as long as *he* got some fun) she should have called him on his bullshit on camera, the way he was bitching about her ON CAMERA.

She was afraid of his leaving her, which was why she put up with so much nonsense. Now that Matt played that card... I hope he enjoyed it because now Amy knows being divorced isn't as bad as being married to him... she no longer has to put up with him, and *he's* the one who unleashed that reality.

  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

Are "grandma showers" a thing now??  What a ridiculous gift grab. The fact that it was Amy's idea makes it even more eyeroll-inducing.

I have to agree!  Ridiculous for more than one reason. 

She can afford to buy baby stuff. Not that she really needs it, parents generally provide grandparents with essentials.  

How about a 'Grandma Celebration' party that she would host and its like a fun brunch or something. 

Amy isn't the first to throw themselves a shower/housewarming/whatever gift grabbing occasion there is. Others have done the same...TACKY! 

My sister in law had 3 baby showers for 1 baby. One thrown by MIL, one thrown by her mom and one by her friends. All showers were big, not intimate little affairs. I got an invite to each shower, as well as the aunts and other close family members. Not that she threw them for herself but just an example of how out of hand things can get. 

I'm such an old grump these days and don't attend any of these grifting occasions anymore...plus it gives the women there more opportunity to talk about me ☺️. 

  • Love 13

I thought the grandma shower idea was ridiculous but knowing it was actually HER idea blows me away in how ballsy that is; did she register somewhere as well?  I wonder if it was for the show, or if her friends are also doing that kind of thing.

To me, it's weird, & yes, tacky.

Edited by gonecrackers
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