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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

I dunno.  It's not really anything we didn't see on the show.  I hope this dude is not just using Amy for some screen time.

Audrey knew that the phone conversation was being filmed. She probably made that condom comment for show. I just don't buy that their relationship is as they say it is. Only people who aren't having sex brag about having sex as much as they do. In their live feed they couldn't even say there was a question about sex. they had to say intimate questions that are for married couples when asked if their journal was for married couples only. 

Plus what sort of person wants to have sex with their in laws in the same room sleeping in a bed connected to yours. 

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Plus what sort of person wants to have sex with their in laws in the same room sleeping in a bed connected to yours. 

The same sort who dresses provocatively on tv and has her husband take provocative pictures of her apparently nude in the tub and post them on Instagram? The same sort that constantly prats about how she's married and having sex and how women need to educate themselves how best to please their man? The same sort who actually equates having sex as a form of Jesus worship comparable to church attendance? The same sort who thinks the giblets bag inside the turkey contains the bird's penis, who thinks tampon flasks are an appropriate Christmas gift at the inlaws televised Christmas holiday, and the same sort who cheerfully notes how she needs condoms in the family survival storage unit?

I mean seriously, I am not a prude.... but Audrey clearly likes having her itch scratched and doesn't mind letting us all know how much she likes having Jeremy's dick up her crotch.

With condom on, of course. I continue to be surprised at how these two covenant married Christians are gosh, close to three years in and still on birth control.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

The same sort who dresses provocatively on tv and has her husband take provocative pictures of her apparently nude in the tub and post them on Instagram? The same sort that constantly prats about how she's married and having sex and how women need to educate themselves how best to please their man? The same sort who actually equates having sex as a form of Jesus worship comparable to church attendance? The same sort who thinks the giblets bag inside the turkey contains the bird's penis, who thinks tampon flasks are an appropriate Christmas gift

What the actual hell? I missed a lot of that. Go away, Audrey. You are insufferable. 

  • Love 1

Her marriage website is pretty much all about her shaky theology and how her role as a wife is to spread wide and smile in pleasure. Her very routine tips to other wives generally includes "don't forget the sex" and "have a special sexy lingier shoot done for your husband so he has pictures of you that are *sexy**" That's part of why I find the whole "we're just so shy and pure, we can't even *say* our marriage website tips may not be appropriate for non marrieds, in Christ's name we're so blushingly *shy* and *coy* and *pure*." I seriously mean it when I say I am not a prude. But I think it's somewhat understood that married people have sex so Audrey's need to insist on a public "I FUCK! I FUCK MY HUSBAND! I LOVE FUCKING! PENIS!" merit badge really seems a tad overdone. The "condoms" remark on the show is an example of that - really Auj? You're going to FUCK! Jeremy under the watchful eye of his entire family? "Jeremy show your mom how well you rock that condom! We need to FUCK! I don't care that it's the endtimes and your entire family is within physical arms length! Auj needs cock and needs it now!".

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Her marriage website is pretty much all about her shaky theology and how her role as a wife is to spread wide and smile in pleasure. Her very routine tips to other wives generally includes "don't forget the sex" and "have a special sexy lingier shoot done for your husband so he has pictures of you that are *sexy**" That's part of why I find the whole "we're just so shy and pure, we can't even *say* our marriage website tips may not be appropriate for non marrieds, in Christ's name we're so blushingly *shy* and *coy* and *pure*." I seriously mean it when I say I am not a prude. But I think it's somewhat understood that married people have sex so Audrey's need to insist on a public "I FUCK! I FUCK MY HUSBAND! I LOVE FUCKING! PENIS!" merit badge really seems a tad overdone. The "condoms" remark on the show is an example of that - really Auj? You're going to FUCK! Jeremy under the watchful eye of his entire family? "Jeremy show your mom how well you rock that condom! We need to FUCK! I don't care that it's the endtimes and your entire family is within physical arms length! Auj needs cock and needs it now!".



  • Love 12

Audrey is just trying way too hard and overcompensating regarding the stereotype of conservative complementarian Christians being sexless frigid prudes. I know a number of others like her. Basically, they want to entice us "victims" of the sexual revolution on to their side by insisting that their side has awesome sex too (and it's even more awesome because it's approved by God).

Audrey needs to unclench.... then again, the insecurity is kinda amusing. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 9

Can I just point out that if you are going for "secret underground bunker" complete with booby traps, said booby traps shouldn't bang into the bunker so that your invaders can find a spot to set a sniper's nest while you put on your Ewok costume. Also, it's probably advisable that you do not park multiple ATVs next to the doors of the hiding spot.


Also, Amy, you were standing in the kitchen when you realized you didn't pack a can opener. Put one in your damn pocket. I also think that while you and your family might not use silverware because you are okay with being a little gross, at least 1 daughter and daughter-in-law are not cool with it. Get silverware.


Finally, was it just me or did anyone else notice that Auj & Jer each had a plate of food while everyone was supposed to be "sharing". Also, where are the animals supposed to use the potty. I seriously doubt that any of the pets can sit on a bucket.

  • Love 6

I find it really odd that people can be so focused on religion and yet so attracted to alcohol.   Maybe, it's just a southern thing, but, in the south, devoutly religious people NORMALLY don't drink alcohol that much. (Excluding Catholics.)  Many don't drink at all.  I guess things are different on the west coast and it's just a cultural thing.

  • Love 2
49 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I find it really odd that people can be so focused on religion and yet so attracted to alcohol.   Maybe, it's just a southern thing, but, in the south, devoutly religious people NORMALLY don't drink alcohol that much. (Excluding Catholics.)  Many don't drink at all.  I guess things are different on the west coast and it's just a cultural thing.

Truly devout Catholics aren't huge drinkers either.

Matt, Jer and Oddj's religion seems to be more for profit than real faith.

  • Love 2

Matt, Jer and Oddj's religion seems to be more for profit than real faith.

Oh I think they're all believers as long as it doesn't get hard. I mean, for all their talk, Audrey and Jeremy do not belong to a church, and do not attend regularly. They don't participate in any charities unless it's filmed, or easy, like Audrey declaring she's not having a birthday and people can instead donate to her charity of choice. As soon as it was sniffed out that they made some anti-gay marriage remarks, they sure as shit deleted all comments and openly acted like they had no idea what was said.

I think they're "Prosperity Christians" - I think Auj and Jer would be genuinely shattered if something terrible happened to them. Because they've been told again and again how special and awesome they are and how their being wealthy is God endorsing how they live.

  • Love 9

I find it interesting that pretty much every Roloff posted something on instagram about Molly's engagement...except Jerk and Oddj. Aren't they also the same ones who missed her graduation last season? Their selfishness never ceases to amaze me. 

As far as Molly's wedding, I'm curious to see if she'll put it on the show. I don't blame her if she does because I wouldn't hesitate to get married on TLC if they are comping the event. But, I'll also be super surprised because she seems as private as Jacob. I guess we'll wait and see. I won't judge her either way she goes though. But I do applaud her and Jacob for not turning into reality tv whores (*cough cough* Oddj and Jerk *cough cough*).

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I guess I'm being nosy, but, I really am curious as to what kind of guy Molly is engaged to.  I've known her from reality tv since she was a child, so, I suppose it's natural to be curious about her fiance.  Even if they don't air the wedding on the show, I hope we get to meet him for a minute. 

Someone who knows tax laws, please speak up, but, aren't these weddings that couples get on reality show actually considered as taxable income and the recipient would have to pay taxes on it?  That could hurt someone who has low income.


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On December 17, 2016 at 0:09 PM, Mike p. said:

First, there is no mention of sanitation.


My favorite: Cowboy Eggs. Take slices of bread, cut round holes in the center. Put slices into hot, buttered frying pan; toast one side. Flip. Break an egg into each hole. Flip after a while. And voila! (or viola! in Amyspeak): Cowboy Eggs!


I had never heard of this until my husband introduced me to it 35 years ago. He called in "an egg with a hat " because the cut out circle of toast was put back on the egg thus making a hat . Good times. 

  • Love 3
On 12/13/2016 at 8:37 PM, jumper sage said:

Grown children who move out should let the parents know if they are dropping by.  We used to phone our mom to let her know we were almost there and she would be expecting us and then we would walk in.  Just like she wouldn't just walk into our homes without calling us to tell us she was on her way or nearly there.  It's just respectful and moving the relationship from childhood to adulthood.  We all live close to each other so stop by each other's all the time but give a quick call.  You never know what you may walk into.

I don't see the big deal. Both of my grown kids have keys to my house and I would NEVER expect my own children to knock on my door. I want then to come on in anytime. They don't take advantage of it and I would never make my kids knock on my door.  They're welcome any time. 

Still can not stand Amy. She always sounds so smug, insincere and condescending I can't stand to watch her.  Blech. 

Edited by Maharincess
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Jeremy begins to set off alarms in my head. I wonder if he is a controller.

I realize how scripted all this is, but I do think some reality gets through the cracks.

I thought that the "opposite-sex friendships" worrying at the 50 percent site was truly bizarre—and although cast as a "fault" in Jeremy's past, was actually a warning to others (Audrey) about Jeremy himself, and men like him, especially the claim that a spouse has a veto right over friendships. (http://beating50percent.com/opposite-sex-friendships-will-ruin-marriage/

Now Jeremy's growing disquiet over his mother's dating (possibly scripted), his arms-crossed body language meeting the man, and varied other mutterings about Amy's social life, make me wonder how controlling he is in off-camera life.

I wonder if Audrey has to explain why she left the house, where she went, who she talked to, why she went to a male grocery checker instead of a woman or self-check, who called, what they wanted . . . .

Wouldn't surprise me, suddenly. And as little sympathy as I have for bobblehead nitwit like Audrey, I would not wish that sort of spouse on any person.

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I am also one who needs anyone coming over, even my adult kids who have our keys, to at least give a quick call.....because I might be getting on my "natural" L'Oréal tan, in the bathtub, in the middle of a heavy-duty discussion, who knows what else ?.... many should-not-be-seen possibilities. And I have their keys, too, but would always give them the same courtesy.

As we can see from this discussion, it seems each family has their own visiting comfort zone, the Roloffs included.

Edited by Love2dance
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Jeremy's "I don't think you want to know", after Amy asked what he would say about her actually dating someone, made me yell at the screen "Who the fuck cares what you think?, asshole".

What a smug douchebag that child is.


What the hell is up with Fauxdry's eyebrow's?  She looks like a drag queen.  No offense to actual drag queens.

  • Love 10

Why should Amy take into consideration Jeremy's, who is almost 27, feelings. Jeremy has never once taken Amy's feelings into consideration he's only ever looked out for his selfish self. Case in point the trip to the BVIs. Matt booked a trip that Amy couldn't attend because she had a speaking engagement booked for some time. Jeremy never considered that he shouldn't go if the whole family couldn't go. Would his site ever say going on a vacation while your spouse couldn't go was acceptable? No. Zach was man enough to stand up for his mother and voice his opinion that it wasn't right to go on a family vacation without the whole family. i feel that their whole site, Beating 50, is more do what I say and not what I do. Ps if you search top marriage blogs there are a couple of young marrieds who are on that list, on even stating trying to bet the divorce rate. Hmm sound familiar. Here is a link http://houseofroseblog.com/top-marriage-blogs/ to some of the top marriage blogs. A number of them sound like they've been ripped off and mushed into one (Beating50) from the sounds of the little blurb underneath them( Young and Married, #StayedMarried, Fierce Marriage). I also get this feeling that they listen to and read other blogs/books and just paraphrase it, claiming it as their own. 

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Happy to see Amy dating Chris!  I like Chris so far.  He seems considerate of Amy and she is enjoying herself.  I hope she continues to have fun.

Jeremy needs to go stand in the corner. What an indulgent punk...he is more concerned about his inheritance than his mother's happiness.  She is a grown woman who is certainly entitled to date and make decisions about her own life.  I am sure if she tried to tell Jeremy how to live his life he would think she was interfering.  

I have never understood kids who think they can tell their parents not to date. Thank goodness my kids did not do that to me.  I would have given them a very big piece of my mind.

It is more enjoyable to watch Amy, Chris, Zach and Tori than Matt, Jeremy and the sullen eyebrows. 

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