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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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"I swear I saw relief in Jer(k) and Odd's eyes when they heard about the potential for new land that came with a house. Like they just assumed it would be handed to them vs. it being a place for Matt? The sense entitlement of those two is astronomical." I would tolerate it better if they even paid nominal lip service to the idea that they understood the situation beyond "I always thought my childhood home would always be there for me to raise *my* family on". Jeremy and Audrey both seem to have utterly no concern about where Matt and Amy will go in this "Jeremy takes over the farm" scenario. Judging by the snobby tone in this episode, I suspect Jeremy is just like Matt in not wanting to be "the Roloff living in the shameful *doublewide*" and I suspect Audrey is also a little too high toned to be a trailer mama. (Point - I don't have a problem with the doublewide at all, it seems like a perfectly nice home). So what, does Amy get forced out? Does Matt? And then what? Has Jeremy even offered financial compensation to his parents to receive this property? If Jeremy is *handed* the farm, how is he going to continue to make money? How will Jeremy pay the property taxes? Does Jeremy have any discernible job? Does Audrey? (Aside from the show, and the show won't last forever - the older Jer and Auj get, the less adorable they are and Jeremy is like a lead blanket in his scenes)

  • Love 1

I forgot my other comment re. the need for another house for Matt.  If living in the double wide is to demeaning or too close to Amy or both, than why the hell doesn't Matt just build another damn house on the property he already has?? They have acres of space, and apparently they have money to purchase more property.  So, use those funds to build a house to suit Matt!  I don't get the dilemma they think they are facing.  

Add me to the list of viewers who are confused why the other two kids have no voice in these future of the farm discussions.  If they aren't on the property for a certain amount of camera time, they don't exist in their parents' eyes? All the work the other two did growing up along side Jer(k) and Zach doesn't earn them sweat equity too?  It doesn't look like they got invited to Hawaii next week either.  Yet Odd and Tori will be there I'm sure.

I like Zach better than his twin, but I thought it was very "Roloff" of him to name the soccer fundraiser after himself!  Wasn't the point to bring awareness to LP & sports?

  • Love 6

The interesting thing about the property that they were trying to buy is that I don't remember it being mentioned that there was a house on the property. I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that is was just land that possibly the neighbour was selling. I thought Matt mentioned building a house on it, as opposed to moving into an existing house on the property. But I wondered as well why he doesn't just build a house on their own property further away from the main house.

And yes, Jer definitely comes across as a dim bulb. When Matt gathered them together to disclose the news that they did not get the property Jer yawned and mumbled "Why?".  Anyone with half a brain would come to the conclusion that they were outbid. Duh.

  • Love 1

Jeremy yawned a lot during that scene in the office.  I'm sure afterward he was like, "shit; my future is no longer all set up for me."

As for the "double-wide," what happened to what was regularly referred to in the past as the "guest house"?  I believe Matt went there a few seasons back when things were getting dicey with him and Amy.  


Jer and Auj's blog would be much less pretentious if they used it to reflect on their own daily struggles as a newlywed couple and included the counsel of other, more seasoned, couples, with sources sited other than themselves.

Of course, that would actually require them to have struggles, other than prints not arriving on time.

I may go on the Beating 50% blog and suggest that.

Edited by sucker4reality
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On 6/21/2016 at 7:04 PM, Joan van Snark said:

TORI says quote "I would be DESTROYED if you sold the farm"....really?  How is this any of your business Tori, or Audj for the matter????

I can see why the farm might be a big deal to Tori -- it's where she met and got to know her husband.

I didn't have a problem with Zach naming the fundraiser after himself -- probably got better publicity that way.  I would like to know how much money and/or how many kid's tickets they raised.

  • Love 2

And married him on that farm as well. To be fair, if I grew up on that farm, I wouldn't want to see it go. It's a beautiful farm. The entitlement from Jeremy and Audrey irk me. Sometimes life isn't fair and you have to part with things you loved.
Something similar happened to my former neighbors. They had a gorgeous lakefront property. When the couple passed away, only 2 of their 4 adult children had the means to buy their siblings out, and keep up with the property taxes, but they both found it too difficult to be at the home after their parents had passed. So they sold it.

  • Love 3
On 6/22/2016 at 10:32 AM, ZoloftBlob said:

I was struck by Matt's whiny entitlement. "I don't want to live in a trailer... I'm too old to be living in a double wide..." First, Matt, you are the one who set that scenario up by walking out on your wife. Second... for fuck's sake really? You're too damn special to deign to live in a rather *nice* manufactured home? You're just better than that? I'd be more sympathetic if it wasn't a nice place but it really is... Are we supposed to feel sorry for poor widdle Matt that he's too goddamn awesome to have to live in a three bedroom manufactured home?

Has the question been raised as to whether Matt has a girlfriend waiting in the wings somewhere?  I wondered about that early on in the separation, and now even more so, after seeing Matt's eagerness to get the divorce finalized quickly (as per Amy). 

  • Love 2

I get why viewers think that the adult children have no claim to the farm, however.......ever since this show aired, Matt has talked about the farm going to the kids and grand kids.  He's said that forever.  So why wouldn't the adult children think that's how it was set up?  I can see why they think it's the plan. Matt never said that the kids will one day buy me and Amy out and then run the farm.  At least not on air.  I suspect that Matt and Amy know what they will do with the farm and will do it when they are ready, regardless of what the adult kids say.  For right now, it makes for a nice storyline.

  • Love 1

So why wouldn't the adult children think that's how it was set up?

Because they're adults. The twins aren't even especially young adults at this point.  Yes, Matt has mouthed off to the camera for years but there's always been two opposing points coming from Matt.

1. Matt loves the farm, the farm gives him life and if there's a way, the Roloff Farm will carry on for generations as the farm is Matt's heart and soul.

2. Matt hates being tied to the farm, the farm is like a badly behaved errant child that must always be tended and it's sucking the life out of Matt and he often wonders if he should just sell it and actually be happy, instead of spending his life enslaved to the farm, especially since he will likely die young and every day he lives is another day where he loses more and more mobility and one day he will be a sad pathetic cripple, lying in a bed, regretting the farm.

Now I don't think there's any plan to actually sell the farm - the tv needs it if nothing else. However, I also don't think there's any plan for Matt to relinquish any control to anyone, let alone Jer "I am so damn dumb" Roloff. And I concede that I don't care all that much for Jeremy but he's not a little boy anymore and it's either an act or he really is this much of an infant.

Here's my point - Jeremy and Zach are minimally educated enough to function. Jeremy even has a college degree, albeit from an art school. I knew from when I was fifteen, that my parents had no intention of gifting me with a house or a car or a living, because I lived in their home and has some understanding of their finances, if not total understanding. Jeremy seems to have no understanding of what he's actually expecting of his parents - he's expecting a huge gift that could dramatically effect their living standard.  Or, he genuinely doesn't mind going on tv depicting himself as a selfish lazy ass. Since  he genuinely isn't that good of an actor, I have to assume it's the first and that means he's not thinking at all about what his request really means even though he's a grown man who really should be thinking "I'm 26 and married, how am I going to put a roof over my head".

  • Love 3

Or even, "I'm 26 and married, how am I going to put a roof over my head.  And I have 3 siblings who have as much right to expect a share of this farm as I do."

We're far from wealthy, but have tried to live sensibly with what we have.  We've told our kids that our new goal in life is to die with just enough money in the bank to pay off the Visa bill from our last vacation.  There's life insurance, but neither of our kids are expecting us to leave them set for life.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Has the question been raised as to whether Matt has a girlfriend waiting in the wings somewhere?  I wondered about that early on in the separation, and now even more so, after seeing Matt's eagerness to get the divorce finalized quickly (as per Amy). 

Even when amicable, it can take a loooong time to iron out the details of a divorce.  Matt has never been a patient person. I'd be shocked if he had a girlfriend, but stranger things have happened.

14 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Or even, "I'm 26 and married, how am I going to put a roof over my head.  And I have 3 siblings who have as much right to expect a share of this farm as I do."

We're far from wealthy, but have tried to live sensibly with what we have.  We've told our kids that our new goal in life is to die with just enough money in the bank to pay off the Visa bill from our last vacation.  There's life insurance, but neither of our kids are expecting us to leave them set for life.

Indeed.  I've told my parents (I'm an only child) that I want them to enjoy life while they can, because at any time, something could happen, and the worst thing to live with is regret.  They both saved well, and they can afford to enjoy their retirement.  I told them as long as they leave enough to cover expenses and their bills, we're good.  I'll automatically inherit a house that I can sell (because although I grew up there, I've never liked the location or the tax bills, so I wouldn't keep it) worst case scenario.  I plan on doing the same, because my husband and I are unable to have children.  I'm an only child.  He has a brother who also has no children and doesn't want any.  It ends with us.

And my husband was REALLY irritated with Matt over his whole whining about living in an almost-new and very nice double-wide.  The horror!  He flung some 4 letter words and two middle fingers at the screen as we watched from the living room of our 1977 Single-Wide.  Which my parents bought for us - free and clear - when we were given 2 months notice to get out of our rental house that we had for almost 20 years because the landlord wanted to sell.  They offered to put a down payment on a house, but in the end, we all felt that the single-wide was affordable, and is in great shape in a fantastic community, and was the best way to go.  I'd like to see Man-Bun and Au-Need-A-Comb live in our place for even a week.  The horror......

  • Love 11

I'm with you, AZChristian, although I have always suspected/assumed Matt Roloff was an arrogant snob about material things. He's really divorced from reality if he's pissing and moaning about the quality of his housing and how he deserved better than a double wide. I find it hilarious that he's that tone deaf to the audience, a lot of whom I am sure live in manufactured homes, double wides, and single wides... if not apartments! I mean, based on remarks he's made on facebook, in interviews, etc, I think Matt likes being able to say "I'm Matt Roloff and I live on a million dollar farm! I got more money than you and that means you're the bitch, bitch!"

But it's a little hard to say that when everyone knows you're living in a *trailer* because you walked out on your wife, I suppose.

  • Love 6

It was nice that Matt & Amy could still take their whole family on a Hawaiian vacation even after the divorce. Have they officially given up Molly & Jacob for adoption now? You would think there would be at least some mention that Molly & Jacob couldn't make it, but nothing as far as I heard. Both Matt & Amy made comments about how nice it was that they could ALL make it and ALL be together as a family.

And all discussion of handing down the farm was how Zach & Jeremy would get along if Jeremy ran the farm, nothing about the other two children.

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 7

I take back any negative thing I said about Jer(k)'s man bun and his various hats.  Anything to keep me from seeing that mop of hair again. The more I hear Jer(k) & Odd speak the dumber they sound.  Never mind the egregious grammar errors, they both just have difficulty stringing quasi-intelligent sentences together.  Jeremy especially emphasizes his lack of smarts when he blathers on and on, spitting out sentences with "big boy" words that have little content.

Can anyone explain why the Entitlement Hipsters can't move back to the farm "now"?  What is so pressing in their lives now that keeps them soooo busy that they can't go live there?  They just want Matt and Amy to keep it going so that at some undetermined future date, Jer(k) & Odd can just plop their asses down when they are ready?  And we had another episode where only the Twins' financial/land owning futures were considered.  Do Molly and Jacob know they have been cut out of the pumpkin profits?

That resort they went to is pretty nice.  I was there for a business event and it was a beautiful hotel.  Lots of great restaurants on the property with gorgeous vies of the ocean.  We didn't do a helicopter tour or the dolphin encounter, but we explored the whole island.  Drove all the way around the Big Island and saw a rain forest with waterfalls, volcano national park and a Kona coffee plantation. 

  • Love 7

- Jeremy and Audrey need to face the facts on the finality of his parent's relationship. No, most divorced parents don't go on vacation together. Yours wouldn't either if they didn't have a tv show. It's business.

- Speaking of Jer and Auj, they were lying through their teeth about being glad it wasn't them invited onstage at the luau. Yeah right, attention whores.

- Matt actually made sense for once when he said it's easier to split money than land. 

- Molly and Jacob don't exist.

- It was so sad to hear Amy say she'd probably be alone the rest of her life. She's not that old, and she has a lot to offer. Girl needs to start thinking positively!

  • Love 11

Tori, are you afraid he's going to run off if you let go of him during your talking heads? You don't need to hang all over him like a lovesick puppy. And the Roloff labelled clothing is a bit much.

I think Odd & Jer(k) are over their relationship. Odd lets her eyes wandering all over the place during their talking heads. Maybe Odd realized how stupid the man bun is and how stupid his hair looks. And his table manners are atrocious. I still want to know what is so critical in Bend that they can't move home now. Good lord, they are entitled for two quasi-employed 20 year olds who can't find a hairbrush.

Matt, normally divorced couples don't go on vacations together. Once TLC cuts off the money train, you won't have these vacations. Enjoy it while it lasts. I am wondering about him though. He had the same shirt at the luau, talking heads and dinner.

I'm thinking the younger two must have renounced the family for all the time they referred to this being with "all" their family or their "entire" family. Was anyone else kind of rooting for a terrible parasailing accident when Matt, Jer(k) and Odd were up there?

I wish the powers that be would just go ahead and retitle the show. "Little People, Messy Divorce" is more accurate.

  • Love 6

This show is a field day for Grammar Police types like myself.  Last night's winners:  "I'll go if it's family orientated." (Amy)  "I know people that's parents are divorced.." (Audrey) and Zach's constant use of "me" incorrectly:  "Tori and me would be devastated if my dad sold the farm."

Speaking of which, what a guilt trip/manipulative move on Tori's part to tell Matt he'd crush her if he sold the farm.  Quite honestly, he is right- you can sign any paper you want (really Jer?  "We'll sign that we will never fight over the land."  That stuff doesn't work and the most amicable of family members can get ugly when it comes down to dividing property.   They could subdivide and then each kid (are there 4?) do what he/she wishes with their parcel.

It's sad when they keep referring to the trip as one with "the whole family" without a single mention of the other two. At least acknowledge they still exist with a comment like, "it's too bad Molly and Jacob couldn't be here too."  They're all babbling on about how this will be an annual tradition- with the six of them, I presume.

And why does every damn TV show think the end-all is a trip to Hawaii???

  • Love 5

I noticed in almost every scene Odd has a drink. In fact it seems like every episode she mentions something about drinking. I also noticed in the last scene when Amy was talking to Matt after everyone left the table, she seemed kinda buzzed and Matt looked really annoyed. On a good note... Tori and Zack make a good couple. They seem to really enjoy each others company.

Edited by dugie
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I don't blame Matt for wanting a house for his future. Why shouldn't he have an adapted home? If I had that property and the means, I would build one in anticipation of at the least, being in a wheel chair at some point.

I can only speak for myself on my own irritation on this point.

Matt set up the situation he is currently in. He intentionally got rid of the old house that was on the property (which was a piece of crap not worth saving, I agree). He pretty openly manipulated the situation by refusing any compromise, to put the double wide on the property. At the time he did so, he adored that double wide and insisted it was a wonderful addition to the farm. When he moved into the double wide, he did so with a whole lot of sneering commentary on how happy he was to have his own place, how much he liked having a place where he finally felt welcome, how awesome it was to have his buddies over for cards at his own, awesome place blah blah blah....

And now? Now he's not wanting an adapted home because he' may end up in a wheel chair.... He wants a new home because he wants more space! And because he finds it emotionally taxing to have people know that he, Matt Roloff, doesn't live in a house but a *trailer*.  This isn't about his needs - that rather nice manufactured home easily homes one person, and could easily and comfortably house a family of four.

He's pissed that he built the big house with his own tastes and desires built in, and abandoned it to Amy, who is now changing HIS house while he's living in his own little trailer park like trailer trash. I'm waiting to hear Matt start moaning how awful it is that he's now old and infirm and the wifey he left and insists on divorcing as fast as possible no longer runs to tend his needs when his health is poorly. Because you know *that* is coming... complete with a complete lack of awareness on why Amy might not be willing to be chained to his bedside anymore.

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

It was nice that Matt & Amy could still take their whole family on a Hawaiian vacation even after the divorce. Have they officially given up Molly & Jacob for adoption now? You would think there would be at least some mention that Molly & Jacob couldn't make it, but nothing as far as I heard. Both Matt & Amy made comments about how nice it was that they could ALL make it and ALL be together as a family.

And all discussion of handing down the farm was how Zach & Jeremy would get along if Jeremy ran the farm, nothing about the other two children.

I'm not worried about Molly & Jacob.  Any serious conversation about the future of the farm would have been held off-camera.  I think both are fine with letting the hipsters run the farm, and I don't blame them for not taking part in this Hilton-sponsored scripted vacation nonsense.

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I blame all of you for making me watch last night's episode.  Having said that - holy crap!  You were all so right.  Watching that discussion was maddening.  Why were the wives even there for the discussion?  Here in the state of Michigan, inherited wealth is separate from marital assets UNLESS you co-mingle those assets into marital assets where it is no longer easily distinguished from marital assets.  Basically keep your inheritance in a separate account with the spouse having no access to the account.  This way, in a divorce the spouse has no claim on that money.

Matt and Amy built that farm up and with the show the farm is now a very enticing piece of property.  I agree with Matt.  First time ever I have agreed with him.  They should cash out and split the profits.  If Jeremy wants the farm then he should have worked his ass off and saved up to buy it outright.  Him thinking he could usurp his siblings and gain the whole property for himself is ridiculous.  The wives of the twins putting their 2 cents in was wrong in so many ways.  If I was them I would have excused myself from the table.  Completely improper to be in a discussion of that magnitude.

I know, it is just a show......However Amy and Matt aren't stupid and have really done a good job of pouring the "proceeds" of the show into the farm.  Right now would be perfect for cashing out.  Let Amy and Matt split the money for it is theirs and theirs alone.  Let the kids wait until their deaths to get rightful inheritance split four ways.

If those boys don't think the wives would file for divorce at any time in their lives, well they are more dumb than they are portrayed now.  Why doesn't Jeremy work the farm for a salary?????  If he was truly interested he would.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, MegD said:

Was anyone else kind of rooting for a terrible parasailing accident when Matt, Jer(k) and Odd were up there?

I wouldn't want to see the boat stall and watch them drop from the sky and crash into the ocean.  But say the ropes tethering them snapped and they just sailed away into the sky and disappeared, I'd be okay with that.  Very okay.

  • Love 10

I can so see those kids fighting over the farm... Jeremy doesn't want to share with his siblings, he doesn't want to buy it...he wants it gifted to him100% and the hell with Zach, Molly and Jacob.  They can just come to visit when the Lord and lady of the manor can fit it into their schedule.  Matt and Amy aren't that old....they could easily be on that farm for another 30 + yrs.

  • Love 9

I don't think " the kids" are being realistic when they say they would never fight over the farm. Strange things happen when parents pass away and the "kids" have children of their own. Life happens and things like college tuition, braces, unexpected out of pocket medical bills, etc. may occur. What if one of them has a health issue or an accident and becomes disabled? You can bet they'll want a share of the farm if Jer and Audj are sitting pretty on some valuable real estate.

I do think, however, that due to the popularity of the show, the farm's value has increased. And as such, the children's participation in the show helped the ratings. Therefore, I believe the kids are entitled to a portion of the show income that was generated while they were minors if a trust was not already set up for that reason ( there is no legal basis for this, just my opinion).

Edited by Adiba
  • Love 3

First of all if the directors of this show want to stage scenes to add into an epi they need to make sure everyone has their lines down pat. During the last dinner everyone lamented about how fast time flew and it was mentioned that this was their last evening. The next day was the helicopter ride, followed by a last drink before everyone but Matt and Amy left to pack. Before the kids left the table Amy hugged Zack who muttered "See you tomorrow". Would that not mean that they are leaving the next day? But they have already had their last evening?

I could never really understand why Jer wanted to take over the farm as even though they have hired help, running a farm is a lot of work. An Jer and Odd's only ambition appears to be to have to farm handed to them. But then he stated in this epi that the reason he wants the farm to continue is that he thinks the public wants to know what will happen to the Roloff family one generation, two generations, three generations down the road. Seriously? So he is counting on TLC to carry on filming the show so the masses can follow Jer and Odd and any little JerOdds that come along. I've got news for you Jer. Most likely in another generation TLC won't exist, and quite likely TV either. Even now I watch the show for Tori, Zack, Amy, Matt - in that order. JerOdd is something I just put up with but would happily do without.

Finally I don't think the kids should have any claim to the farm. Whatsoever. It belongs to their parents and whether it is theirs to continue running, or to sell and retire on the profits - it is theres. Would the kids not have been paid by TLC even when they were minors being filmed by the show? I always assumed they had money put in trusts until they became of legal age. But in any case the farm was bought by their parents long before the show, and I think it is annoying (but not surprising) of JerOdd to think anything should be handed to them. If you want the farm, buy it.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Would the kids not have been paid by TLC even when they were minors being filmed by the show? I always assumed they had money put in trusts until they became of legal age.

That doesn't hold true for reality TV.  Most states don't require this.  Reality TV isn't covered by the guild standards and TLC's normal is to cut one check per family and the parents decide what they want to do.  Once the kids turn 18 they can try to get their own contracts if they want to go that route.

I believe Matt and Amy did right and put money in trust funds for their four children.  How else could Jeremy afford to go to a fancy art school and live the "hipster lifestyle with Audrey....we all know he doesn't have a job.  Zach bought a home (wise move), Molly graduated from a private college and 19 yr old Jacob took off to California.  

  • Love 1

In fairness, I don't think anyone has ever said that Matt and Amy were not generous to the kids. And Zach and Jeremy turned 18 during the show's heyday and legally couldn't be considered children so I assume the money they throw around or have thrown around could have been from actual direct earnings. Molly and Jacob are the ones who are more likely to have needed some protection in the form of a trust.

  • Love 1

If the Roloffs had been an average, non-reality tv family, I would not have the opinion that their children are entitled to any part of the farm as an inheritance or as a gift. Also, if the kids have trust funds due to their participation in show or if they have been given " start- up" money as adults, I would say that that is fair. 

However, to expose your children's lives on Tv for your own profit without putting money in trust or intending to leave them some kind of inheritance in remuneration is unethical, imo. (again, no legal basis for this, just my opinion.)

  • Love 3

A few random thoughts:

1) The illiteracy of the twins - IIRC, they barely graduated high school - like it was down to the wire whether they'd pass or not for at least one of them.  I remember their friend Mueller (I do NOT miss hearing that name every 10 minutes) didn't pass.

2) The Parmesan cheese thing: is it possible that it's an in-joke?  My husband used to watch American Chopper pretty heavily for a time, and uses some Paul Sr-isms, like "orthentic" (authentic) to this day.  We also call a local store "Fatter's", because that's how it shows up on credit card statements - it's not the correct name.  Amy is a college graduate, so I'd like to think better of her.....

  • Love 2

I've heard other semi-educated people say "Parmesian."  Given her atrocious grammar and pronunciation, I think Amy just doesn't know any better.

And I remember Matt once trying to push Jeremy to go to the Wharton School of Business, so I'm a little surprised at the comment that "Matt always made it clear he didn't value education."

On 6/17/2016 at 5:34 AM, KateHearts said:
12 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I've heard other semi-educated people say "Parmesian."  Given her atrocious grammar and pronunciation, I think Amy just doesn't know any better.

And I remember Matt once trying to push Jeremy to go to the Wharton School of Business, so I'm a little surprised at the comment that "Matt always made it clear he didn't value education."


Amy is college educated.

The Wharton discussion came when Golden Jer was failing high school and Matt was trying to motivate him. Matt has said more than once that college was a waste of his time. What do you think the twins are going to absorb, a one time pep talk or a repeated statement by their dad. I think they took the easy way. I think Jer always takes the easy way.

Edited by Willowsmom
  • Love 5

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