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Long time viewers have seen Zach and Tori's relationship evolve over the years so theirs is the only one that is real.

I'm embarrassed to say I remember the first time they held hands as bf/gf.

He was driving that ratty, junky family van back from a day trip with friends and Tori was riding shotgun.

Why my head is filled with things like that baffles me.

LPBW  historian.

  • Love 10

First of all, Matt, those weren't donuts.  The mules were driven around in a circle in muddy terrain and it's going to leave a mark.  And I'm sure Matt has done that himself numerous times.  Even if it was in a field that would be planted, that field would need to be plowed before being seeded, so it's just more staged bullshit.  It's near impossible to spin a donut in an all-wheel drive vehicle, so Mr. Know-It-All Matt, you don't know it all.

Matt is looking mighty rough. It was nice to see Amy actually smiling again.  She seemed genuinely happy, which doesn't happen often that we see.  And how many times did she say that the Girls' Night was just the type of thing she has wanted to do for years, but she hadn't the opportunity because she was busy raising her children.  

He's angry when she's happy.  I know Amy is far from perfect, but Matt is a complete douchebag.

  • Love 7

I'm probably more forgiving of it because Amy rarely cuts loose on camera and because Matt really does come off more pissed that Amy had a good time without him than actually pissed about the damage. I mean, she's his exwife not his child and they jointly own the property, and I think this is all about Matt wanting to control *her*.

Amy - the best thing you can do for yourself is let Matt buy you out of the property. Find a nice property of your own. Let Matt be the asshole to the kids - let him be the douche who gives the farm to Jeremy and let him deal with the backlash. It's time to get out.

  • Love 6

If Amy is abrasive and I can see how possibly she could seem that way at times, then what do we call Matt?  I'd have metaphorically killed him decades ago.  Plus Matt can be abrasive as the dickens himself.  That episode where they were tied together showed his colors about how he shut down every single thing Amy wanted to do and everything was his way or the highway. 

  • Love 5

I admit, the more I see of Audrey, the more I suspect she sees Jeremy as her ticket to fame and fortune. Jeremy is a selfish clod and always has been so I am not shocked that his pronouncements of "I want the farm, I want my many children raised on the farm, Auj and I are waiting for the farm" never include any concessions to the notion that his siblings might have some claim as well, or that overall, his now divorced parents might find it easier financially to sell his childhood home rather than gift him (and solely him) with it. But Audrey is right there, with that gleam in her eye on how awesome it will be to be handed the farm.

I am struck by how hmmm... getting jobs, and buying one's own home to make a magical farm simply isn't an option for these two college educated physically healthy adults.

Absolom - totally agree. Amy is abrasive, I don't deny it, but I think Matt is an obnoxious ass who knows he can be a dick because any man that smacks him for being mouthy will get in trouble for hitting a cripple. Matt is a narcissitic asshole and he can't handle anyone who doesn't fawn over him. Something I suspect is that he doesn't seem quite so taken with Audrey and she seems to know it, so she fawns over him accordingly while clearly gritting her teeth over it. I've wondered how long she'll hold out while Matt dangles the farm like a prize....

  • Love 9

Haven't watched in a long time (since that pretentious bitch Auj showed up). My sympathies re: Matt and Amy lie slightly on Matt's side. Amy is soooo contemptuous of Matt I have to feel bad for him. Can't she try a little to hide her disgust, for TV? For her kids? I'm sure Matt is a handful, but I'd much rather have a husband who wants to DO things than sit around like a lazy bum. I really think if he was physically able, he'd be doing stuff himself. It's so sad that since he can only direct others, people think he's an ass. It's gotta be frustrating. He's also said that he's always felt that his life/health would be short and there's an urge to get as much done as he can, while he can. The biggest thing that would freak me out if he were my husband would be the money he spends. It always seems to work out, though. I think he's done amazing things with the farm/business. Amy made some salsa, whoopee.

  • Love 2

It's so sad that since he can only direct others, people think he's an ass

Speaking for myself, I think he's an ass because he is rude and dismissive of what others do. It has little to do with how rude he is in ordering others about. As for hiding disgust, we've been treated to Matt sitting on the haybale loudly telling us for years that Amy is cheap, Amy is a shitty housekeeper, Amy thinks small, Amy has no vision, Amy does nothing of value, Amy isn't bright enough to understand, Amy is essentially his fifth child that can't be reasoned with, Amy never supports his dream no matter how ridiculous it is.

When it comes to Matt's accomplishments, I simply will point out that if he WAS six foot tall, you'd find nothing impressive about his accomplishments, or his unpleasant attitude towards his family.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Speaking for myself, I think he's an ass because he is rude and dismissive of what others do. It has little to do with how rude he is in ordering others about. As for hiding disgust, we've been treated to Matt sitting on the haybale loudly telling us for years that Amy is cheap, Amy is a shitty housekeeper, Amy thinks small, Amy has no vision, Amy does nothing of value, Amy isn't bright enough to understand, Amy is essentially his fifth child that can't be reasoned with, Amy never supports his dream no matter how ridiculous it is.

When it comes to Matt's accomplishments, I simply will point out that if he WAS six foot tall, you'd find nothing impressive about his accomplishments, or his unpleasant attitude towards his family.

I tend to agree with this. The Matt and Amy problems have been brewing for YEARS. Part of me even wonders why they married bc they are so different. Maybe it was bc they were both thrilled to find another little person and wanted to lock it up quick and in locking it up so quick, they overlooked how different they really are or thought the other would "grow out of it" and become similar to them.

Amy has had issues with Matt that I can remember going back to the first season. She had 4 young kids and was raising them and working as a preschool teacher and it looked like life was constantly hectic. I vaguely remember Zach -- who couldn't have been more than 14-15 -- going off on Matt re how Amy had to work SO hard while he did nothing. Matt's idea of hard work was all about having vision, building the Western Town and whatever else that farm has now. While I get it and the farm has turned into a successful attraction, at that time, the TV show was just starting, they weren't rolling in TLC money or fame, and I think they really could have used Matt to get an actual 40 hr/wk job with a paycheck -- which was needed to raise 4 young kids, one who was having surgeries etc. Instead he was sitting home with a vision while Amy was busting @$$. And given how traditional the marriage is, it wasn't like he was picking up any slack at home -- he was never seen child rearing; he doesn't cook; he bitches about how Amy doesn't keep the house clean etc. Amy doesn't have to work hard now that they have TLC money, but I don't think she's ever forgiven him for that decade (or more) where it was all on her. And I don't think Zach really has either.

I tend to agree -- bc Matt is a little person he gets SO much credit for the success of the farm. If he was 6 ft tall, he'd be seen as a man who lived off his wife for as long as he needed to bc he was only going to do what he wanted -- have a farm with fun fantasy play areas -- rather than what adults do, go out and work for a paycheck whether they like it or not, launch small businesses on the side, and THEN if that business takes off, THEN quit their day job.

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, cereality said:

The Matt and Amy problems have been brewing for YEARS. Part of me even wonders why they married bc they are so different. Maybe it was bc they were both thrilled to find another little person and wanted to lock it up quick and in locking it up so quick, they overlooked how different they really are or thought the other would "grow out of it" and become similar to them.

In the interview special, Amy said she and Matt spent a combined total of 14 days with each other before they got married. She also implied that Matt rushed her into it. At any rate, these people barely knew each other.  I don't know if it was doomed from the start, but it seems to me their personalities were never going to mesh well.

  • Love 4

Maybe but I really would ask what the pay off is for Tory?

I mean, she *married* him for fame? She plans to have a child with him over his fame? The guy who still works at Indoor Soccer and has no interest in taking over the family business? It's possible, I can't deny it, but the pay off for anyone marrying Zach is so low. Not sure I'd take the risk when the handsome brother is clearly the heir and much less likely to fill my uterus with a dwarf child.

Plus I am more suspicious of Audrey based on her and Jer's move to Hollywood, her blogs about her prettiness and her asking her fans to campaign for her and Jeremy to be on Dancing with the Stars. That and the multiple, multiple redo episodes of the most magical wedding ever ever ever make me twitch just a little that she might be in it for the fame.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
added stuff
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Maybe but I really would ask what the pay off is for Tory?

I mean, she *married* him for fame? She plans to have a child with him over his fame? The guy who still works at Indoor Soccer and has no interest in taking over the family business? It's possible, I can't deny it, but the pay off for anyone marrying Zach is so low. Not sure I'd take the risk when the handsome brother is clearly the heir and much less likely to fill my uterus with a dwarf child.

Plus I am more suspicious of Audrey based on her and Jer's move to Hollywood, her blogs about her prettiness and her asking her fans to campaign for her and Jeremy to be on Dancing with the Stars. That and the multiple, multiple redo episodes of the most magical wedding ever ever ever make me twitch just a little that she might be in it for the fame.

I hadn't heard dancing with the stars...omg now I want to campaign for Zach or Tori to be in dwts and make audges head explode.

  • Love 6
On 5/11/2016 at 11:27 PM, cereality said:


I don't know why but I get a gold digger vibe from Jer and Aude. The constant waxing lyrical about the farm and how they MUST raise kids there strikes me as a realization that they want to get their hands on the $hit ton of land, build a home for free, live off the pumpkin business and maybe even sell some land to developers to make money. That'll allow them a "career" of photography and giving marriage advice on the internet.

I get that too, except when he was saying how he would hate to have the farm and not be able to make it and end up losing it. I was shocked that he admitted he might not could make the farm a success the way Matt has.

  • Love 1
On 5/13/2016 at 11:30 AM, woodscommaelle said:

Amy has such a harsh personality.  I don't really care for her.  Something about her tone.  And if I was in that mule and she was driving like an asshole I would be pissed.  I know its all fun and games and whatnot, but someone could have easily fallen out, right?

Party pooper. Party of one. :(

I personally know of a mishap on an all terrain vehicle + alcohol & grown friends, the end result amputation below the knee. Property owners were sued, friendships severed, bet she never thought of those consequences. I'll join your party, No fan of Amy ;) 

  • Love 2

The one thing I hate about Amy is that she never misses an opportunity to criticize or complain about Matt in front of the kids.

And Matt is shy and never lets his kids know how he has to ignore their mom to get anything good to happen? I actually agree with you that Amy is quick to openly complain... I just see Matt do the same thing, and worse he has no shame about it, and no real awareness that he's being a hurtful ass or that he's a hypocrite in how he whines, and a bold faced liar at times. I can't feel all that bad for poor lil Matt when I see him treating his wife the same way, calling her ideas stupid in front of the kids, devaluing what she likes in front of the kids and openly dismissing her in front of the kids. I've also watched too many divorce specials where Matt sadfaces to America how Amy never made him feel welcome in his own house - because god knows the kids needed EVERYONE to know that Amy is the bitch who drove him out and he was MISERABLE their entire lives and now everyone knows it.

*I especially love Matt's whining how Amy's messiness drove him away when I compare it to the very special message comments he used to leave on the TLC boards where he was as pleased as punch to let all the haters who hated the messy house know that the producers AND HE totally supported her decision to leave the house messy. Matt Roloff says whatever gets him the most attention and sympathy and if that means he takes a big public shit on his family, he will.

  • Love 6

So they go from having too much salsa to completely selling out all bc Amy put on a bumble bee costume?  Ummm. What?

Don't quit your day jobs (who am I kidding?), Jer and Auj. Tour guides you are not. 

What the eff was Audrey wearing when they all got together to discuss the farm? That shit was awful.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

So they go from having too much salsa to completely selling out all bc Amy put on a bumble bee costume?  Ummm. What?

Yeah, that was a big eye roller for me. I thought this episode was actually pretty interesting. I would have liked to have seen more about how they get the farm ready for pumpkin season, and how they handle 5,600+ people in one day rather than the fake drama about the salsa and Amy in a bee costume.

Does anyone know if they charge admission to the farm for pumpkin season? It seems like they could with all the activities they have in addition to having pumpkins for sale. Given the number of people they had in just one day, even if they charged a small entrance fee along with the pumpkin sales, I can see how they could make enough money to support the farm for most of the year.

  • Love 2
On 5/13/2016 at 9:30 AM, woodscommaelle said:

Amy has such a harsh personality.  I don't really care for her.  Something about her tone.  And if I was in that mule and she was driving like an asshole I would be pissed.  I know its all fun and games and whatnot, but someone could have easily fallen out, right?

Party pooper. Party of one. :(

I agree.  I've never liked Amy at all.  She always sounds so condescending and insincere to me.  I know I'm in the minority in saying this, but I much prefer Matt.   In the episode tonight when Amy looked at the gold panning trough, she was saying it should be painted and the way she said "it doesn't have to look perfect" grated on me in a big way.  I would have told her to shut the eff up and come back when she could speak to me in a different manner.  I've always thought she was a bitch. 

That pumpkin event was the most disorganized mess I've ever seen.  Instead of Zack saying to the kids at the gold panning station "uh...maybe after you get a few pieces you can move and give somebody else a turn, I guess",  set a damn time limit and limit the amount of kids allowed to participate at a time to a number you can manage. 

They've been doing this a while now, I can't believe it's still so disorganized. 

  • Love 1

Holy crap, these people are still/again on the air?

I watched for a while back in the day, as I thought it was nice to see how daily life was different - and the same - for little people.  But then it turned out Matt and Amy were crappy parents and pet owners (and two utterly miserable people), the twins were entitled twits, the house was disgusting, Jeremy and Grandpa Roloff (and maybe other family members) made hateful public comments, etc. and I lost interest in this nest of assholes and their scripted experiences.  Hoping Molly got out and earned a proper education was not a reason to endure the rest.

I thought the series was long gone, but was going around the dial tonight and came across an episode.  Zach declared himself an old maid in need of imminent procreating at the ripe old age of 26, Jeremy basically said he needs to appease Matt in order to inherit the farm lest he and his wife ever have to earn an independent living, Molly and Jacob were absent (from the part I saw, and good on Jacob if he's cut all ties with these people who treated him as an afterthought who didn't pan out as they'd planned), Amy said "daughter-in-laws" rather than "daughters-in-law," and Matt and Amy have acquired two new dogs to neglect. 

It beats funding the Duggars, but, damn, I'm sorry to see these people haven't had to crawl back into the woodwork.

  • Love 10

Ok. We get it, Zach. Tori has given you a confidence you've never had. I think that's wonderful. I love it. But I don't need to hear it four times an episode.

When they were setting up the craft table, Amy said something needed to be moved to the other end. And when she said this there was such anger in her voice. It was not ok.  She seems somewhat miserable.  And that sucks. I've been there. I know the feeling. But if you're mad or sad get off the fucking tv and figure out what's wrong and get help. Sorry. She just grates so much. Matt isn't a bag of sunshine either, but to me, she's worse.

  • Love 4

Zach has stated he is an introvert so the off camera producer smust be holding up a sign... SAY SOMETHING Zach!

Unfortunately, he is stuck on Tori gives him confidence.

Can forgive Zach for beating a dead horse if they start putting thought bubbles over Jer's and Auj's heads revealing their true thoughts instead of boring us with the platitudes they spew of their hipster life.

Most of the thought bubbles would be... Shut up Matt.  Go away, Matt.  Give us the farm, Matt.

  • Love 5

I mostly stopped watching this show after the twins graduated high school...how long has it been this joyless? That Thanksgiving preview was uncomfortable as a viewer; they looked so drained during the restaurant scene. Awkward. This show really needs to pack it in. 

I did find opening day very interesting, and give Jeremy credit for coming up with the hamster wheel-would've loved to try it. Who cares about that fake salsa drama, though. But it perfectly fits with Amy and Matt's viewpoint: why compromise on the amount of salsa to order  (or anything else) when you could just go overboard and bitch about it later for the cameras?

I hope we get to see more about the generational future of the farm besides Jeremy sitting around waiting. Where's Zac's voice in this? Do Molly and Jacob even care? It's weird to me that none of the kids are working at the farm daily or even just shadowing some duties. There's two men speeding towards their 30s with no work ethic, but everyone's wringing their hands over what to do with this asset? The kids should've been studying the business years ago if they wanted it.

On a shallow note, something about Audrey just grates on me terribly. For someone with goals of being in the public eye, she always looks pained on camera. Her talking about the weather change, followed by booty shorts, was a fun moment , though.

Edited by FlirtMcGirt
  • Love 6

Why can't Amy understand that  the use of "Matt and I" is not always correct. It really is ok to say "Matt and me" at times. Amy seems to be the worst offender. She continually says, "they came with Matt and I", "the thing about Matt and I", or "it was given to Matt and I". Hey, if you can sub it with "us", it's Matt and me. If you can sub it with "we" then Matt and I works. It's a pretty simple rule.

Sorry. I just had to say it. I think some people are so afraid of making the mistake of using "me" that they've just decided to say "I" all the time.

Oh, and Tori. You've done such a great job of helping Zack with his confidence, could you please work with him on his table manners. I know Little People have breathing problems that make closing their mouths while chewing is difficult but I don't think Zack even tries. But he definitely can learn not to shovel food into his mouth. He eats like a 5 year old.

I like Tori. There. I said something positive.

Edited by Ina123
  • Love 11

We live not far from Roloff Farms and visited during pumpkin season about five years ago.  We found it cheesy and unpolished, but fun.  They do charge extra to partake in certain activities like the tractor tour, which we did.  

While waiting in the tractor tour line, I spotted two Roloffs.  Molly was helping with crowd control and was very sweet and gracious when I requested a photo. Matt breezed by like an angry man on a mission who didn't want to be disturbed.  Our guide on the tour was Jeremy's old friend, Mueller, who had a sense of humor and did a pretty good job.

The only stop on the tractor tour was at the western town, where we got to get out and explore for about ten minutes.  Matt's parents waited there as hosts and I found them very warm and friendly.  

We spotted Jacob from a distance earlier by the parking lot hanging out with his friends.  Even then, he clearly did not care to be involved with the whole circus.  

I have a friend who knows Amy and has nothing bad to say about her.  On the other hand, as a teenager, Jeremy had a reputation of being snobby. 

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, FlirtMcGirt said:

Do Molly and Jacob even care? It's weird to me that none of the kids are working at the farm daily or even just shadowing some duties. There's two men speeding towards their 30s with no work ethic, but everyone's wringing their hands over what to do with this asset? The kids should've been studying the business years ago if they wanted it.

Molly is away at college and Jacob moved to California. Zach and Tori have already said they don't really want to run the farm themselves, but they want it to stay in the family.

The farm will be fine, as I'm sure they have a good lawyer. But I have serious doubts that Matt and Amy can run it together without killing each other.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Ina123 said:


 I know Little People have breathing problems that make closing their mouths while chewing is difficult but I don't think Zack even tries. But he definitely can learn not to shovel food into his mouth. He eats like a 5 year old.

One more reason why I think the marriage is just for the show

"One more reason why I think the marriage is just for the show" I have to ask... what is the payoff for Tory in having a sham marriage with Zach Roloff? I mean, I will be very honest - Zach isn't my idea of Mr. Right on numerous levels, but I do think its possible for someone to like him and even love him. And Tory doesn't seem to be forcing herself to be pleasant to him (or if she is, then she's the best actress ever) But at the end of the day, the only reason to have a sham of a marriage, to marry someone who you aren't attracted to, is for profit. So how does Tory profit? Zach isn't exactly making a lot of money without the show and he's never been into displaying himself on the show. Auj took the role of "Jeremy's Pretty Wife" and is RUNNING WITH IT like a banshee. Zach isn't interested in taking over the farm and Matt sure as hell will balk at giving it to Zach so there's no inheritance to speak of... So what is Tory getting out of this sham of a marriage? Particularly since I don't think Zach thinks its a sham... so when the time comes for Tory to divorce Zach - because thats what people do in sham marriages, the plan is always to divorce once there's no profitability.... So if its all a lie on Tory's part, what is she getting?

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, stillhere1900 said:

A paycheck from a "Reality TV" show

A show on life support, that would be gone if the Duggars hadn't screwed up so badly.

You're basically calling Tori a prostitute claiming she's trading sex for money.

Everything you cite as proof it's sham makes me think she really loves him because that's the only way I'd put up with it.

  • Love 4

At last check, one doesn't need to marry to accomplish that. Again, a sham marriage to someone she doesn't love and has to have sex with in order to get... a few thousand per episode? I mean the new seasons are usually just 8-10 episodes. Hell, I don't even think *Audrey* - who is making it clear she WILL get the farm - married Jer as a sham. It aint worth it, the payoff isn't there.

  • Love 5

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