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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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47 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Jackson is just one..if Zack wants him to have fewer gifts, then gather up the excessive ones and donate them to some charity. Problem easily solved, and no one's feelings are hurt..

until Matt comes over and says " where is the gift xwyz that I bought him - maybe we can play together, want to watch him play with it, etc."

Edited by sATL
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3 minutes ago, sATL said:

until Matt comes over and says " where is the gift xwyz that I bought him - maybe we can play together, want to watch him play with it, etc."

Exactly, and you know he would do something like that.  

It may seem like a small thing to some, but I know from personal experience how irritating it can be when there is a “showboat gift-giver” in the family.  Yes, it is nice that they are loving and generous— but there may be other considerations, like how it makes other grandparents, aunts, uncles feel if they do not have the incomes to buy big/ numerous gifts, etc.  Perhaps the parents want to set limits on gifts so not to spoil the child or teach them that it’s not always about gifts, etc.

The thing about Matt is he doesn’t respect boundaries or other family members’ wishes. It’s always about him.

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53 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Jackson is just one..if Zack wants him to have fewer gifts, then gather up the excessive ones and donate them to some charity. Problem easily solved, and no one's feelings are hurt..

Why is it hurtful for Matt to actually respect Zach's wishes? Why are Matt's feelings so important that he can't possibly abide by his son's reasonable request? Matt's not a child, he's old enough to understand that more than his feelings are involved. 

23 minutes ago, Adiba said:

The thing about Matt is he doesn’t respect boundaries or other family members’ wishes. It’s always about him.

There we go. And of course, anyone (Amy) who disagrees? Is wrong. And Zach is wrong to even ask that people not go crazy with gifts - Zach should have smiled and not even spoken his wishes for how he wants to raise *his* son, because if Matt wants to treat Jackson with lavish gifts, Matt's wishes are the only thing that matter and god forbid Matt hear anything but praise for his disrespect. 

This is about boundaries. Zach has every right to set them, and Amy has every right to be annoyed that Matt refuses to acknowledge them because Matt prefers indulging his own whims more than respecting the choices his children make with their own children.

This actually reminds me of Molly's birthday, where Molly didn't really want a big party but Matt wanted a big party so there was a big party, and then Matt pitched a fit because the menu included foods that triggered Matt's horrific childhood memories of torture in the hospital and sure enough Molly's birthday became all about poor victim Matt having to deal with the horror of not being allowed to have his way in all things concerning a party for someone else. 

Matt's kind of a selfish ass at times.

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26 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

This actually reminds me of Molly's birthday, where Molly didn't really want a big party but Matt wanted a big party so there was a big party, and then Matt pitched a fit because the menu included foods that triggered Matt's horrific childhood memories of torture in the hospital and sure enough Molly's birthday became all about poor victim Matt having to deal with the horror of not being allowed to have his way in all things concerning a party for someone else. 

Matt's kind of a selfish ass at times.

wow... sure like to know what kids of food reminds a sickly child of torture.... 

...snacking on 🍿

Edited by sATL
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Hehe thats where it's even more weird, satl. they were talking about appetizers for the party and the choices involved mushrooms and onions, and something artichoke based, and Matt pitched the fit over the mushrooms and onions app because "in the hospital" he was always being forced to eat mushrooms and he hated mushrooms and Amy knew this but was including a mushroom based appetizer to spite him and remind him of how he was ripped from his mother's breast and spent years and years in the hospital, where he was resilient and always smiling in the face of adversity but also was tortured by doctors who experimented on him for kicks, and how could anyone not realize how horrifying it was for him to face a mushroom based appetizer....

Ultimately they did both appetizers as I recall, with Matt pouting even as they forced Molly to participate in some sort of faux fashion show as part of the party she didn't want.... Matt got his way, in other words.

My puzzlement over it was that I really couldn't believe that hospitals in the 1960s were all about serving mushrooms to the patients. I assume Matt just didn't like mushrooms and wanted his way so he threw the childhood of torture card down.

Edited by Rap541
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Matt's traumatic experience aside, who serves mushrooms and onions at a kids party?  Matt going overboard on gifts is none of Amy's business.  It is between Zach, Tori and Matt.  If they are really upset then Zach should speak to his dad privately about not respecting his wishes. 

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I just don't agree that Amy has no right to be concerned or upset about how Matt respects her son's wishes. Zach's her son. Jackson is her grandson. She isn't no longer Zach's mom. It's a bit like saying Matt has no right to upset if Amy does something that upsets one of the kids. Except, of course, that Matt would need to give a shit about Amy's interactions with the children of course.

The type of appetizer isn't really the point although Matt's preference of something artichoke based doesn't scream "kid friendly" to me. The point is that rather than let Molly just pick what she wanted for her birthday party, Matt made sure to take a moment to grandstand about one choice was awful for him because it triggered his nightmare childhood of torture memories and he then puffed himself as suffering through the party because he didn't entirely get his way in having the menu be all about his needs. I mean, it was *Molly's* birthday, not his. Likewise, he made Jackson's birthday all about how awesome Matt is to buy present and after present and show everyone up. This was more about his narcissism than anything else.

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26 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

What kind of a man is he?

A man who wants his child to view their birthday as a day to be surrounded by friends and family, not a day to showered in material things? A man who wants to set reasonable limits on what people give his child? A man who doesn't want his child associating family moments with excessive gift giving?

I'm getting the impression that Zach as Jackson's father needs to simply shut his mouth and do as Daddy Matt wants because Zach is still a child and has to mind his daddy and Matt is the real daddy who makes all the decisions. Which ironically doesn't match the attitude that Amy has NO business commenting on Zach or Matt or Jackson as she is just the divorced grandma who needs to mind her own business. Why doesn't Matt need to mind his own business and shut his mouth on how he disagrees with Zach? I mean, Jackson isn't his kid, so what right does Matt have in disagreeing with how Jackson's parents want him raised? Amy doesn't have that right - Amy needs to keep her bitch mouth shut and be quiet. She has NO business commenting on Zach or Jackson, so why does Matt have the right to say Zach is wrong in how he parents and override Zach's rather reasonable request?

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hold up a sec.... Did Zach tell his parents separately or together about his and Tori's preferences on gift giving?

OR did he tell one of the parents who was supposed to relay the info to the other ?

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In the scene where Matt admits to going behind Amy's back to spend more money on the pirate ship, before they go into another round of "I want Amy to say when she's moving the fuck out" - Amy says to Matt that the party for Jackson was at the farm and Zach asked her to reiterate and would also call Matt himself to remind Matt that he and Tory did not want people to go overboard on gifts. 

So there was no miscommunication.

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2 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Matt's traumatic experience aside, who serves mushrooms and onions at a kids party?  Matt going overboard on gifts is none of Amy's business.  It is between Zach, Tori and Matt.  If they are really upset then Zach should speak to his dad privately about not respecting his wishes. 

When Zach was handling it I was actually listening and thinking "Yes Matt..  Wtf..the one request was to not go overboard with gifts.. Why did you do that?"

I don't often hear Zach criticize his dad so it got my attention and made me think.

And then Amy had to chime in and I just tuned it out because Amy always has to chime in and she hates everything Matt does, I'm sure the sound of Matt breathing probably pisses her off.

Zach is an adult and was handling it.... Matt wasn't getting away with his hi-jinx.

Letting Zach be the one to point it out is also easier on Chris.

No one wants to be at a birthday party with ex's who are bickering or taking pot shots...it's uncomfortable for everyone.

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On 4/3/2019 at 10:57 AM, BusyOctober said:

 And all 3 of Amy’s sons live within minutes (or in Jacob’s case-literal FEET) of her. 

Where is Jacob living now? I thought he was traveling the country and living in his van while spewing his hatred for his parents stealing all of his money. Didn't he write a blog or book or something about that? I must have missed some new info. 

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On 4/5/2019 at 10:38 AM, Jeanne222 said:

I was thinking the same thing about Zacks house and all those stairs.  Baby Jackson and maybe more and Zack carrying them up and down.  I think it's a bi level home with two sets of stairs .  I don't know if one of those up and down chairs would work?  Maybe 8 or 9 steps to each level.

I didn't pay enough attention to see if he would need a curved stair lift or 2 straight stair lifts, but he could certainly add them to the home. In the scheme of things, they are a relatively affordable addition for a house they plan on staying in. I'm the office manager for a mobility device company, my installers are actually installing one of each tomorrow. The bigger issue would be the seats only go so low on them so depending on how tall Zack is, he might have to pull himself up into the seat and then basically jump down out of it. We have customers who are like 5 feet tall complaining the seat doesn't go low enough. I don't think Zack's that tall. I get Zack's theory that the world has stairs, he and his kids need to deal with them, but when you know there's a chance those stairs might be impossible for you, it was a stupid buy. I rent an apartment on the 8th floor. I also have MS. If the MS gets to the point I can't do steps anymore on a regular basis, I would have to move to something on the first floor with no steps. I can still do them if the elevator goes out, but let me tell you, going down them is a nightmare. I moved here like a year before I was diagnosed. I wouldn't move here now, but so far, I'm still okay. 

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I was a surprised that Zach would want a home with so many stairs.

It seemed to be the type where your livingroom, kitchen and family room have stairs between instead of just one flight of stairs separating main living area from bedrooms.

They both said it's their forever home so I guess they aren't moving to the farm. 

I wonder if Matt and Amy decided to sell so there's no farm to move to..... Otherwise it seems strange for them to buy and renovate a forever home.

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18 hours ago, Rap541 said:

In the scene where Matt admits to going behind Amy's back to spend more money on the pirate ship, before they go into another round of "I want Amy to say when she's moving the fuck out" - Amy says to Matt that the party for Jackson was at the farm and Zach asked her to reiterate and would also call Matt himself to remind Matt that he and Tory did not want people to go overboard on gifts. 

So there was no miscommunication.

First Amy said "Zach asked that no one go overboard on gifts".  Matt was all "Whatevs.  I do what I want!".  Then Zach also says about not going overboard, and Matt is all "Not me. WINK".  So he knew.  Matt also mentioned it to Karen while they were shopping, and she seemed OK at first, but then was all "ZOMG! Look at THIS!!  AND THIS!!  THIS IS SO CUTE!!" every 3 seconds.

On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 9:24 AM, winsomeone said:

Jackson is just one..if Zack wants him to have fewer gifts, then gather up the excessive ones and donate them to some charity. Problem easily solved, and no one's feelings are hurt..

On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 9:49 AM, sATL said:

until Matt comes over and says " where is the gift xwyz that I bought him - maybe we can play together, want to watch him play with it, etc."

Either that, or you end up with ticked off people who spent time and money in a gift you had no intention of keeping.  I try hard to purchase a nice gift for any party I'm invited to.  I have known people who donate most of the gifts to charity, so in that case, I just buy a generic gift - often times I buy something the child won't want, because it has to be a hard decision when they're only allowed to keep 1-2 gifts, and of course, the parents/grandparents want them to choose what they give.

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If I were going to a party for a child that I knew had so much and the parents had no intention of keeping all the gifts, I would give a check or a gift card so they could save the money and or use the gift card for something the child may need down the line.  

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14 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

If I were going to a party for a child that I knew had so much and the parents had no intention of keeping all the gifts, I would give a check or a gift card so they could save the money and or use the gift card for something the child may need down the line.  

Another good option.  A friend of the family decided some time back that their kid (spoiled rotten golden child that they claim always came up with stuff like this all by his self - even when he was 2) didn't need more stuff and they opted to donate his gifts to charity one year, and let him pick one or two things to keep (always what mom/dad and one grandma/grandpa bought him - he had two sets of grandparents, complicating things).  When someone praised them, they called the newspaper to get the kid a story (I've always called them pimp parents - they were always wanting to get their kid in the paper, or on TV, and it got worse when social media became a thing), and when they had more kids, each one had to follow in their big brother's steps. 

At one point, they ended up telling the paper (after one of the many slow news day stories on them) that this is some long standing family tradition (not true - the mom and her brothers/sisters always got tons of stuff and were allowed to keep all of it), and bragged about how the kids always chose mom and dad's gift.  Their kids came along toward the beginning of the fame-obsessed helicopter parent movement, which is sad, because neither of the parents were raised that way.  They were praised on TV and online a few months ago because they supposedly came up with some charitable thing "all by themselves" (yet other parents said it was mostly parents who did the bulk of the work).  She of course posted tons of stuff online about it.  All of the photos were of the kids and their friends mugging for the camera, and very few were of the actual people and event that were supposed to be for charity.  PLUS, her family owns a business that benefits from a lot of this kind of stuff.  I worry for the kids as they all head off to college in the next few years.  They may be big fish in this tiny pond here, but they're really not so special in the big ocean, and they'll find out soon enough.

I was always taught that charity was it's own reward, and you shouldn't brag about it, or it kind-of negates it.  There's another kid near me - I don't know the family - who has a former beauty queen mom, and her kids are pimped out 24/7 on TV, newspaper, social media, etc.  Supposedly their 3 year old came up with this concept of selling lemonade and then preaching the gospel at people "All by himself, because he's sad about the state of the world, and feels people need more Jesus".  Sure...…  Someone living near them complained and got it shut down because cars were clogging up traffic.  Supposedly this kid is praying for them, because they must have Satan in their heart.  Ugh...

Edited by funky-rat
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8 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I wonder if Matt and Amy decided to sell so there's no farm to move to..... Otherwise it seems strange for them to buy and renovate a forever home.

Zach and Tory have always said they are not interested in living on the farm. I don't blame them for getting past it and establishing themselves in a nice home that they could raise a family in. Assuming Matt and Amy are both reasonably healthy, this little farce of "who will give up and move" could go on for years.

Ignoring the show for a moment, because Amy and Matt will continue to live on the farm as long as TLC is filming - there's really no way for any one child to get the farm without screwing their siblings over in inheritance. In order to equitably divide the marital property, the farm would really need to be sold. I'd feel differently if any of the kids had real interest in the farm or displayed real interest in learning the pumpkin business but they really haven't.

I also don't think that property is an easy sale. Yes, it's a beautiful piece of property but there's a lot of funky structures to maintain and it's not really choice farmland and its really too small for anything but the boutique sort of crop it already does. The business is profitable mostly because of the show and if you're not a Roloff you won't have the same appeal. 

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1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

Zach and Tory have always said they are not interested in living on the farm. I don't blame them for getting past it and establishing themselves in a nice home that they could raise a family in. 

Okay maybe I'm confused because TLC has been playing older episodes as well lately.

When Zach and Tori were driving to the beach for that outing with Jer and Auj they kept switching back and forth between the 2 cars and in one part Zach says how much he wants the farm to stay in the family and how he'd like to move to the double wide so he'd physically be at the farm every day and could learn the day to day running of the farm then Tori enthusiasticly agrees and says she'd love to do that and live on the farm.

That's why I was surprised when they're suddenly buying and renovating a new forever home and thought maybe the farm issue was settled and they won't be moving there ever.

Was there other episodes in between that showed them changing their minds or something?

Sometimes reality TV is hard for me to figure out because they often don't show all the decision making.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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So, you're not wrong to be confused, because "the boys will take over the farm" was exactly the storyline that has been presented but most of the time, when directly asked, Zach says he and Tory just want to have access to the farm as they raise their kids. He and Tory even specifically said this in the last Hawaii episode where Matt and Amy were discussing what to do with the farm. There's also been a few other conversations they've had where they reiterate that they just want access to the farm.

I frankly assume we are seeing staged scenes when it comes to things like that bit where Zach was all excited to live in the double wide, and so was Jeremy - they both wanted to have these weird little internships in that particular episode.

Between you and me and the internetz? I think the farm issue has been settled off camera. I assume that it will be sold when TLC stops filming the show. None of the kids have the money to buy the parents out - and there's no way to split the property between the kids that won't cause problems, and I think both Amy and Matt, for different reasons, are unable to see the other fully possess the property. Neither can walk away unless the other is ALSO walking away. 

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1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

So, you're not wrong to be confused, because "the boys will take over the farm" was exactly the storyline that has been presented but most of the time, when directly asked, Zach says he and Tory just want to have access to the farm as they raise their kids. He and Tory even specifically said this in the last Hawaii episode where Matt and Amy were discussing what to do with the farm. There's also been a few other conversations they've had where they reiterate that they just want access to the farm.

I frankly assume we are seeing staged scenes when it comes to things like that bit where Zach was all excited to live in the double wide, and so was Jeremy - they both wanted to have these weird little internships in that particular episode.

Between you and me and the internetz? I think the farm issue has been settled off camera. I assume that it will be sold when TLC stops filming the show. None of the kids have the money to buy the parents out - and there's no way to split the property between the kids that won't cause problems, and I think both Amy and Matt, for different reasons, are unable to see the other fully possess the property. Neither can walk away unless the other is ALSO walking away. 

that sounds about right.... staged scenes etc etc...

I was a loyal watcher for the first several years but they lost me at Jer and Auj's courtship and wedding.... I just couldn't stand the two nitwits running around like they INVENTED romance or something and the wedding vows completely finished me off.  lolol

I wished I was there and could scream ENOUGH ALREADY!

So since then I've missed more episodes than I've seen... never watched Zach and Tori's wedding because I was afraid it might be more of the same.

I'm just now able to start watching again so there's a lot of blank spots that I don't really have much to reference... that's why I love reading here it gives me a chance to hear all sides of the story and catch up a bit on whats going on. 

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14 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

that sounds about right.... staged scenes etc etc...

I was a loyal watcher for the first several years but they lost me at Jer and Auj's courtship and wedding.... I just couldn't stand the two nitwits running around like they INVENTED romance or something and the wedding vows completely finished me off.  lolol

I wished I was there and could scream ENOUGH ALREADY!

So since then I've missed more episodes than I've seen... never watched Zach and Tori's wedding because I was afraid it might be more of the same.

I'm just now able to start watching again so there's a lot of blank spots that I don't really have much to reference... that's why I love reading here it gives me a chance to hear all sides of the story and catch up a bit on whats going on. 

Zach and Tori's wedding was much more tolerable, IMO.  No "WE INVENTED THIS!!!" stuff (I know exactly what you mean).  No "We are far superior to everyone else!" stuff.  No drama with a 1980's wedding dress that had zero structure because Oddj modified it without having a clue.  No chalkboards with creepy sayings on them, held by groomsmen.  And the best part, no butt-ugly bridesmaid dresses made from vintage bedsheets (barf).

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On 4/4/2019 at 1:07 PM, LucyEth said:

I see most of the posters here are team Amy.  I  am neutral about it.  Not sure why Matt is getting all the blame for the divorce, it takes two in any relationship.  He of course was dead wrong in stepping out on Amy while they were married if that is the case,  but there was plenty on both sides to bring about the divorce.  We only know what we are allowed to see on the show.  All the bickering about the farm is a storyline for the TV show.  Agree that nothing will happen with the farm until the show goes off the air for good.  

"Stepping out on" is such a polite term for "fucking the help".

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1 minute ago, Honey said:

"Stepping out on" is such a polite term for "fucking the help".

Yeah, I mean, "stepping out" makes it sound like he was being a cute lil dickens. He was *fucking one of his employees* just doesn't lend itself to a "aw shucks, that's no biggie" hand wave now does it?

Amy certainly wasn't a perfect wife but I'm hard pressed, what with Matt *committing adultery with an employee for years* to say at this point that they were *equally* at fault. Unless being kind of a bitch is morally the same as violating your vow to Jesus Christ to *not step out* on your wife.

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I try not to use profane language.  I am sorry you don't approve of my choice of words.  Rap541 please don't insinuate that I take someone cheating on their spouse lightly. 

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On 4/5/2019 at 1:53 PM, Jenny8 said:

To be honest, I can think of a whole lot of worse things an ex-husband could do, than go overboard in buying his grandson presents for his birthday, despite being told not to. 

It's as if Amy is just watching and waiting to find fault with Matt, even if it doesn't have a thing to do with her, and should be none of her business any more.

I'm sure Amy would have loved to spoil her 1-year old Grandson rotten on his very first Birthday, but she didn't because she was respecting Zach and Tori's wishes.  I don't blame her one bit.

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It makes me smile when I realize that the jokes on Caryn in all of this.  Amy has the house and 1/2 of the farm PLUS a good-looking, strong man who can take her on any adventure she wants (AND participate).  Caryn is stuck with.......Matt.

Be careful what you wish for.

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My only problem with it is that there are actually ways to say this that aren't cute and that don't hide the act. And aren't profane although I will point out that cursing is indeed allowed here. For example, Matt committed adultery. Matt had sex out of wedlock. Matt had an affair. "Stepping out" does make me feel like the act is being taken lightly, that what Matt did isn't that big of a deal when in fact he did something that destroys trust and yet Amy is pretty consistently cited as being a bitch when she says she doesn't trust Matt.

The claim is that Matt and Amy were both equal in their marital discord but if Matt was *committing adultery* then the scales really should be tipping towards "Matt was more at fault". Calling it "stepping out" reduces its impact. I in no way took any offense at your actual point but there are stronger ways to refer to adultery that don't involve masking it or involve curse words.

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This is not that important to me so I will not continue to defend myself and go back and forth. I don't know the Roloff's personally and don't really care all that much, this was just a fun place to chat about the show.  I will continue to phrase things how I please whether you approve or not.  

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1 hour ago, Honey said:

PLUS a good-looking, strong man who can take her on any adventure she wants (AND participate).  Caryn is stuck with.......Matt.

Maybe that's what bugged Amy the whole time, and why she was being the Queen of Nag while Matt, despite his severe disabilities, was turning that piece of land into what it is today, and which Amy enjoys thoroughly today. Matt, the jerk, just couldn't do adventures like a big, strong, good looking man could. Shame on him. 

There has been no concrete evidence provided yet that he was cheating on Amy before the divorce, but even if he did cheat, I probably could understand why he would turn to someone who was kind and understanding, instead of constantly taking delight in putting him down and humiliating him at every turn. 

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1 hour ago, Jenny8 said:

instead of constantly taking delight in putting him down and humiliating him at every turn. 

And that is Matt with Amy.  He seldom missed a chance to slide in the dagger about Amy when they did the hay bale talks.  That part of their marriage was a tit for tat with a side of lying on Matt's part.

Edited by Absolom
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To be honest, over the years I've gone back and forth about who irritated me, Matt or Amy. Yes, sometimes she came across as a little harsh towards Matt, imo--but it tipped for me when the separation happened--when Matt moved into the double-wide, and I thought to myself, "I bet there is someone else-at least on the horizon." I had no clue it was Caryn or anyone--just a feeling.

Then, when it looked like Caryn and Matt were at least emotionally involved before the divorce and Matt seemed to want to kick Amy off of the farm--her family home--I thought that was awful.

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Maybe some day Aug and Jer will write a tell all book about Matt and Amy then we will all know!

Now that one would be a best seller and money wise could float the young couples boat for quite a while.

Also they wouldn't have to wait around for any money gifts!

Interesting thought!  Remember 'Always More'!

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I'm not sure if it's me, but Chris is giving me a weird feeling.  IMO he's very good looking, but sometimes he seems to change moods suddenly, and shuts down.  Like Amy isn't seeing his true self.  He seems too good to be true.    I guess this RV trip they're taking will definitely reveal if they're compatible.  Nothing tests a new relationship like taking a trip together.....so true.   It seems our true selves come to the fore front when put in stressful situations.  And traveling is stressful...lord knows....  But I could be wrong😏

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18 minutes ago, suev3333 said:

I'm not sure if it's me, but Chris is giving me a weird feeling.  IMO he's very good looking, but sometimes he seems to change moods suddenly, and shuts down.  Like Amy isn't seeing his true self.  He seems too good to be true.    I guess this RV trip they're taking will definitely reveal if they're compatible.  Nothing tests a new relationship like taking a trip together.....so true.   It seems our true selves come to the fore front when put in stressful situations.  And traveling is stressful...lord knows....  But I could be wrong😏

They've been together over 2 years, so it's no longer a new relationship.  They have already taken a week long motorcycle trip together, up through Canada, so this isn't their first trip either.  They appear to be highly compatible to me.  I liked him very much when I found out that shortly after they began dating he modified his bike with higher foot pegs, for Amy's short legs.

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12 minutes ago, Honey said:

They've been together over 2 years, so it's no longer a new relationship.  They have already taken a week long motorcycle trip together, up through Canada, so this isn't their first trip either.  They appear to be highly compatible to me.  I liked him very much when I found out that shortly after they began dating he modified his bike with higher foot pegs, for Amy's short legs.

We shall see....the first couple yrs are easy....its still the honeymoon.  Wait til they cohabitate...  But yes, right now they do seem in love and happy.

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8 hours ago, Jenny8 said:

Maybe that's what bugged Amy the whole time, and why she was being the Queen of Nag while Matt, despite his severe disabilities, was turning that piece of land into what it is today, and which Amy enjoys thoroughly today. Matt, the jerk, just couldn't do adventures like a big, strong, good looking man could. Shame on him. 

My disagreement here is twofold. 1) While Matt was turning that piece of land into what it is today, Amy was birthing his children, raising his children, and at times working several jobs to keep the house payments current. If Amy had died when Jacob was born, Matt would have had to actually parent his children and not let someone else do all the heavy lifting. Amy being knee deep in dirty diapers and crying children is where Matt got the time and opportunity to dream his dreams.

2) Poor disabled Matt who can't do anything is the image he likes to conjure when he wants the sympathy for you know, not being able to do adventures like a big strapping man. Poor poor pitiful Matt whose mean wife always expects him to do things he can't. The problem is that Matt has also repeatedly made the point, and garnered praise and admiration for being resilient and doing things despite his handicaps. I've seen Matt ski, camp, fire a shot gun, go on a zipline, go deep water fishing, jump out of an airplane etc etc etc. When Matt *wants to do it*, Matt ignores his severe disabilities. When Amy wants him to participate in something or wants to do something, and he doesn't want to do it? Geez louise, he's like a whining child. I'd be frustrating and nagging too if my husband was all about doing fun stuff as long as he could ditch me. Especially if I made a point of arranging a trip with things he could do - like the Mississippi trip that he acted like a spoiled baby on and left early. What about the trip to Ireland where he pushed the organization Amy was associated with to where she had to resign and he then ditched the team to go have fun with Jeremy in Switzerland. Or the same trip where he returned from Switzerland and Amy arranged for the two of them to participate in a bocce tournament - a sport where he can be *sitting* and he didn't want to do it so he left her high and dry without a partner? Heck, take the sky diving - Amy clearly had wanted to do that for a long time and Matt had actually ALREADY DONE IT and she's the jerk for still wanting the opportunity?

Maybe she likes Chris not because he can participate in activities but because he seems to enjoy spending time with her, regardless of the activity? Sorry, I saw Matt merrily go on various exotic vacation trips by himself while leaving Amy home with the kids to believe he's always too frail and weak to participate when Amy is around.

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2 hours ago, suev3333 said:

I'm not sure if it's me, but Chris is giving me a weird feeling.  IMO he's very good looking, but sometimes he seems to change moods suddenly, and shuts down.  Like Amy isn't seeing his true self.  He seems too good to be true.    I guess this RV trip they're taking will definitely reveal if they're compatible.  Nothing tests a new relationship like taking a trip together.....so true.   It seems our true selves come to the fore front when put in stressful situations.  And traveling is stressful...lord knows....  But I could be wrong😏

I have the same feelings about Chris and I really don't know why.... There's just something about his reactions or non-reactions that make me wonder.

I keep telling myself that it's probably just editing and maybe he isn't completely comfortable appearing on tv.

I hope I'm wrong but no matter how hard I try I just can't shake this feeling.

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I'm still amazed that Amy first time out of the gate dating after a long marriage she finds the 2nd love of her life... Esp. a man that has never married - ie a little less drama/baggage to deal with. 

Just how did they meet ? If it was via a match-making friend, that person should go into business...full-time...

does he have any kids from a prior relationship ?

And I guess Matt doesn't give a damn if Chris spends the night in the big house. I think Amy will have an issue with anyone spending nighttime in the double wide.

Edited by sATL
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13 hours ago, funky-rat said:

Zach and Tori's wedding was much more tolerable, IMO.  No "WE INVENTED THIS!!!" stuff (I know exactly what you mean).  No "We are far superior to everyone else!" stuff.  No drama with a 1980's wedding dress that had zero structure because Oddj modified it without having a clue.  No chalkboards with creepy sayings on them, held by groomsmen.  And the best part, no butt-ugly bridesmaid dresses made from vintage bedsheets (barf).

Oh that's good to know, I've thought of watching Zach and Tori's wedding several times but always changed my mind for fear of another Jer and Auj experience.... Ugh their over the top vows literally made me sick.. They're such self absorbed nitwits.

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10 minutes ago, sATL said:

I'm still amazed that Amy first time out of the gate dating after a long marriage she finds the 2nd love of her life... Esp. a man that has never married - ie a little less drama/baggage to deal with. 

Just how did they meet ? If it was via a match-making friend, that person should go into business...full-time...

does he have any kids from a prior relationship ?

And I guess Matt doesn't give a damn if Chris spends the night in the big house. I think Amy will have an issue with anyone spending nighttime in the double wide.

I heard Chris say that he never married or had any children of his own.... But he has nieces and nephews that he enjoys.

And yes I don't think Matt gives a rats ass what Amy does with Chris.

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Chris said something on the show last night about her always being ready for anything, and she's a great person to have lifelong adventures with.  So I guess he's in it for the long haul.  Maybe he just hasn't been ready until now, to fully commit to someone.

It's nice watching them together, now that Amy isn't always so nervous around him.  That was always a little uncomfortable to watch.  For me anyway.

If I were Amy I wouldn't care about getting married again.  As long as he was committed to me, I really wouldn't care about being married.

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I don't really understand how owning side-by-side properties solves any of Matt and Amy's problems, or what it means for the future of the farm. But it seems like that is the option they are leaning towards (at least for the sake of show drama). 

I had no idea that Zach and Tori's old backyard was so wonky. No wonder that house had trouble selling.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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5 hours ago, Honey said:

It's nice watching them together, now that Amy isn't always so nervous around him.  That was always a little uncomfortable to watch.  For me anyway.

Maybe not so nervous but the constant kissing really gets on my nerves. They said that their friends at the campfire started dating when Chris and Amy did but you don't see them hanging all over each other. It's so annoying. Stop selling the relationship. We get it. You're dating. 

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6 minutes ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

I had no idea that Zach and Tori's old backyard was so wonky. No wonder that house had trouble selling.

As a realtor, I see too much clutter in that house. It could have sold a lot quicker.  Rule #1 when listing your house. De-clutter. Rent a storage space if you have to and put your personal stuff in there. You want it to look like there is as much space as possible. And move the TV away from the front window. And clean out your garage so you can fit at least one car in there. Good lord.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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9 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I have the same feelings about Chris and I really don't know why.... There's just something about his reactions or non-reactions that make me wonder.

I keep telling myself that it's probably just editing and maybe he isn't completely comfortable appearing on tv.

I hope I'm wrong but no matter how hard I try I just can't shake this feeling.

I get what you are saying, I felt ur too when they first got in the rv and were settling in to drive. She told him to take a few breaths and he had a look to his face that was a bit off. But at the same time, her incessant chattering and miss Mary sunshine attitude would have been annoying. He was also annoyed with the massive amount of crap she felt the need to bring with them. What the hell was in the white boxes that covered the whole floor? Food? 

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