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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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On 10/7/2018 at 6:07 AM, ginger90 said:

How much must it chap Caryn's ass that she's not in that photo?

On 10/10/2018 at 8:27 PM, ginger90 said:

Dear Caryn, If you wouldn't say, "...she spotted I on a CBS news clip," then you don't say, "...she spotted my daughter Brittany & I."  Sincerely, Readheaded

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I wish Amy would put a little more work into her costumes. They're all just store bought boring stuff. She has a lot of people showing up to see her and take pictures. She can do better than *off-the-rack Wonder Woman and Little Red Riding Hood get ups. 


*ETA I realize she may have her costumes tailored a bit to fit her stature, but to me that's even more reason to not bother with store bought stuff. If you have to go to  that much trouble anyway, why not put your time and money into something more imaginative?

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 11:12 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:

I wish Amy would put a little more work into her costumes. They're all just store bought boring stuff. She has a lot of people showing up to see her and take pictures. She can do better than *off-the-rack Wonder Woman and Little Red Riding Hood get ups. 


*ETA I realize she may have her costumes tailored a bit to fit her stature, but to me that's even more reason to not bother with store bought stuff. If you have to go to  that much trouble anyway, why not put your time and money into something more imaginative?

Some people just don't have that knack.  I was always good at going to a thrift store, spending under $10, and coming up with a kick-butt Halloween costume.  My mom was also good at it, and so was her mom - they didn't have a lot of money when my mom was growing up.  My mom stopped buying store bought costumes when they got so junky in the late 70's/early 80's that she was repairing them before we even got out of the house.  But I know lots of people who would rather fork out money and just buy something because they either don't have the knack, or the time.  

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4 pictures. 




Someone commented that  they visited the farm and bought some salsa. They wondered why none of the baked goods were for sale. Amy’s response:


amyjroloff @jenicraig99 I so appreciate that. The bakery we go with wasn’t able to fulfill our needs this season. I was totally bummed as well. We have some possibilities for another and hope to share some deliciousness for the holidays at https://amyroloffslittlekitchen.com/. Thank you so much for coming to the farm ??


Didn’t someone post here that the bakery closed? I guess, couldn’t “fulfill our needs” is another way of saying that!

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Those apple scones look fabulous!  I could scarf those with a latte for sure.  Shame she wasn’t selling baked goods at the farm this season.  It might have been a good boost to her business to get word of mouth out there.  The impulse buy is much better than ordering something on the internet and then waiting for it to arrive in the post.  It turns some people off, especially when we are talking about perishable goods.


On another topic, I have a question for anyone on this forum who has been to the farm this season.  Did they ever get the infamous pirate ship up and running and ready for paid business (onboard)?  How much are they charging to get on the ship?  Just wondered, because it was such a hot topic last year.  Also wondered if Marty will be back this year - IN pirate garb - to help promote it.

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1 hour ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

Those apple scones look fabulous!  I could scarf those with a latte for sure.  Shame she wasn’t selling baked goods at the farm this season.  It might have been a good boost to her business to get word of mouth out there.  The impulse buy is much better than ordering something on the internet and then waiting for it to arrive in the post.  It turns some people off, especially when we are talking about perishable goods.


On another topic, I have a question for anyone on this forum who has been to the farm this season.  Did they ever get the infamous pirate ship up and running and ready for paid business (onboard)?  How much are they charging to get on the ship?  Just wondered, because it was such a hot topic last year.  Also wondered if Marty will be back this year - IN pirate garb - to help promote it.

The pirate ship isn’t mentioned here regarding pumpkin season:


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1 minute ago, mythoughtis said:

All that money and time spent on that photography school for Jeremy. Yet he never takes a single photo as near as I can tell.  

He's busy fasting and thinking deep thoughts.

Also . . . I've never been a fan of Amy, but these are nice pictures.

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All I know is that I keep waiting for Jeremy's shining talent to bloom and prove me wrong - I predicted long ago Jeremy would be 30 and working for Daddy Matt and I was pointedly told by his lil fanclub that he is a brilliant photographer who would shine his talent out for the glory of Jesus and I would need to eat a whole murder of crows over my daring to suggest the little bitch was indeed just a little bitch boy....

Here's a question I know the Roloffs will never answer - does anyone regret the 100k they pissed away on Jeremy's degree in photography from the fine arts college that went bust the year after he graduated?

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1 hour ago, LucyEth said:

I thought maybe they got engaged.  Not sure why they would just do a photo shoot.  Is it for the show?

Someone asked the photographer if it was an engagement shoot. Her reply:



@tshelley42 it’s not :) I asked them a hundred times haha every stage of life is beautiful and can be worth documenting. Amy wanted to capture moments of her happiness and joy now ❤️



This is a picture the photographer is using on her Instagram:


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On 10/26/2018 at 7:07 PM, ChiCricket said:

Wow.. A lot of nice comments on her pictures (for a change.)


On 10/26/2018 at 8:09 PM, ponyglue said:

Aw those are cute photos! I love that she gets to have fun with a good guy after the years of stick in the mud, always grumpy cause I'm always hungover, Matt.

They are very cute! They look happy. 

23 hours ago, LucyEth said:

I thought maybe they got engaged.  Not sure why they would just do a photo shoot.  Is it for the show?

Some people just like pictures. Fall is so beautiful I don’t blame them(and I’m not a picture person). 

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On 11/20/2018 at 6:35 AM, ginger90 said:

3 pictures 


Jacob is getting married ???   Forgive for sounding old fashioned - but what does he do for a living, again ? Last I heard he was try to find "himself" and didn't want to be on the show - ie no TLC income ?

Matt and Amy are 4 for 4 in getting their kids married...and kinda soon/young.

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I believe Jacob plays around at writing philosophical books. If he's gotten a job, it has not been discussed. Since Amy and Matt both endorsed covering Zach and Jeremy thru extended childhoods where they didnt live independently until they had wives, I suspect Jacob is for once getting the same treatment.

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On 7/10/2018 at 12:11 PM, Caracoa1 said:


I think Amy's bakery had rats.  Maybe they returned for pumpkin season!  Those bakery items would have turned a nice profit for the pumpkin season.

Once again Amy is all talk and no show on the money side of things.

No bakery to produce products for profit but she did manage a big photo shoot with her pretend boyfriend!  Uggg.

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Rabbitron, Really?  Where did you read that she was a Democrat?  Or did she say so?  

Also, I think Izzy is the new gorgeous redhead in the family, definitely outshines shallow Audrey.  Izzy actually seems to have compassion and have some depth to her.  She's posted before about her eating disorder and is super sweet. 

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9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Once again Amy is all talk and no show on the money side of things.

No bakery to produce products for profit but she did manage a big photo shoot with her pretend boyfriend!  Uggg.

Heh. Ironically I actually got an email today from Amy's Little Kitchen announcing a Black Friday Fudge sale including free shipping and 10% off the fudge.

So she's clearly still with the business and not entirely no talk. ;)

10 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

I wonder what douche canoe and Audrey would say if they lived in Colorado because we have a gay governor a first man instead of the First Lady couple of kids they have and are legally married.

Isn't it more properly "First Lord"? If the governor's spouse is a man?

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So Amy is also promoting products aka not doing absolutely nothing but spending poor Matt's hard earned dollars that he has to work his tired lil body to the bone to provide (even though they are indeed divorced and he's made it plain she has no access to his money)

Funny how Matt owns his own place in AZ but still insists on physically torturing himself in the doublewide just to insist he's being treated unfairly. Isn't it time he got healthy mentally and walked away from all the shit stirring? Since he doesn't have to and in fact has a charming home he could be living in?

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Just curious.  It appears that the pumpkin farm activities are still a big money-maker for them.  Who would manage it if Matt stays in Arizona during that season?  Jeremy?  Hahahahahaha?  He's SOOOOO busy with his podcast and contemplating his navel.

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Oh agreed, AZChristian. Jeremy clearly finds working on the farm way too much like work. 

I'm commenting more on Matt's sad public whining on how he's in so much actual physical pain that living in the doublewide is torture for his poor little tuckered out body, I mean he's got *bone on bone* things happening. I believe he's been whining for several years that he is FORCED - I mean *FORCED* to stay as he can't make one decision about his own personal joy and health without Amy's plans being made known to him and engraved in stone and since Amy is *spitefully* insisting on staying (in a home she supposedly doesn't even want but stays PURELY to spite Matt, despite repeatedly saying she likes living there and doesn't want to leave) then why is it always Amy on the hook for persisting in the fight? I mean - the popular theory here is that *Amy* just can't let it go, she stays despite being miserable because she wants Matt miserable too.

So, Matt owns a happy home somewhere else now (despite his constant protests that he can't possibly make any decision at all due to Amy) and *Matt* has the power to end *Matt's* misery. He's got a place to go, a nice place, all the kids seem wealthy enough to visit him in AZ, he doesn't need to financially support them, Matt could easily choose his own happiness. 

And instead chooses to live in physical misery because sticking it to his ex is more important. Amy is constantly chided for being a bitch for not letting it go and not giving Matt what he wants. My point? Matt could easily walk away and choose his happiness. He chooses his misery, and he's being a bitch for not letting go. There's no reason except spite for Matt to insist on living in what he terms a substandard home on the property. 

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1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

So Amy is also promoting products aka not doing absolutely nothing but spending poor Matt's hard earned dollars that he has to work his tired lil body to the bone to provide (even though they are indeed divorced and he's made it plain she has no access to his money)

Funny how Matt owns his own place in AZ but still insists on physically torturing himself in the doublewide just to insist he's being treated unfairly. Isn't it time he got healthy mentally and walked away from all the shit stirring? Since he doesn't have to and in fact has a charming home he could be living in?

The first part of your post made me laugh out loud literally even though it probably shouldn't have. He whines and complains so much that I start talking to the TV each time he starts in episodes of the show. 

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Thanks. It always amuses me that a guy who insists that he's resilient etc etc pretty much constantly  lets the world know that his every waking moment is a horror show of pain and agony, and of course he's  the plucky hero rising above it - and DONT YOU ALL FORGET HIS PAIN AND HIS PLUCK!!!

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On 11/23/2018 at 9:13 AM, Jeanne222 said:

I think Amy's bakery had rats.  Maybe they returned for pumpkin season!  Those bakery items would have turned a nice profit for the pumpkin season.

Once again Amy is all talk and no show on the money side of things.

No bakery to produce products for profit but she did manage a big photo shoot with her pretend boyfriend!  Uggg.

Um, I don’t think the success of Amy’s business depends on the one month/weekends only pumpkin season at Roloff Farms, especially if she has to give a portion back to the general Roloff coffers.  It made me wonder if Auj and Jer had to do the same when they were flogging their book and “Always More” crap on the farm?  It would have been nice to have her products there, but who knows why she and her partner(s) chose not to do it again this year?  The rats in the bakery is an old story and was remediated a long time ago.

I’m also curious about your comment regarding the “big photo shoot” and “pretend boyfriend.”  Her photos were not grandiose in any way, and in my mind portrayed just the opposite of a pretend boyfriend.  Is it that far fetched that an average sized man could find Amy interesting, sweet, funny or attractive?  Or is it more believable that Caryn finds Matt to be all those things?  Was Amy supposed to become a nun after Matt ran off with his side piece, or is she entitled to find happiness and a living too?  Some might call that gumption, or pulling herself up by her boot straps and moving on with her life.  Just some food for thought . . .

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Wait... so is he a real boyfriend, a production plant, or what? I'm unclear what the guy is being accused of.

At last check I didn't see a ring on Caryn's finger either but Matt bought her parents house with a cash offer. Life is good for Caryn, huh?

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