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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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The source is the troll that signed the contract and can't keep her mouth shut.


Well, than I'm gonna take that as the truth, because she isn't smart enough to consciously lie.  Let the trains roll on!



I have to agree with you. She probably thinks Irony is the name of one of the many women her husband is talking to.


Oh shit, here's the description for this week's coming up episode!



Tensions rise with Fernando's mom. Mark's past causes problems with Nikki. Alexandra's parents arrive in America and question the Mormon lifestlye. Noon addresses Kyle's distance from his family and Alexei and Loren argue about his modeling career.


OHHHH this is gonna be juicy!

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If you're a member of the "Easily Entertained by 90-Day Fiance" on Facebook, this is a very interesting thread. If you're not a member, apply.... good stuff in there.



Unfortunately the link only brings up an error message saying it's either expired or only visible to an audience I am not in.

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Unfortunately the link only brings up an error message saying it's either expired or only visible to an audience I am not in.

Its a private FB account.  I created an alternate FB account to join so I could comment.  But it is fairly entertaining, and easy to join the group.  Mark's daughter and Fernando are a part of the group as well.


If you just type in "Easily Entertained by 90 Day Fiance" in the search box of FB the page should come up and you can click a box to join.  I think they will pretty much add anyone.

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I don't understand why some of the Americans are so passive with their family members. Why don't they stand up for their fiances? Josh never intervenes on Aleksandra's behalf. Fernando's mom is insulting her at the dinner table and Fernando just sits there and never says anything. Melanie's sisters run all over her. It's so annoying.

Right?! And what is insane to me is that there is someone in the FB group criticizing Fernando for being so disrespectful to his mom! It seemed to me like he was letting her get away with being horrible to Carolina.

  • Love 4

Right?! And what is insane to me is that there is someone in the FB group criticizing Fernando for being so disrespectful to his mom! It seemed to me like he was letting her get away with being horrible to Carolina.

Its probably Fernando's mother, Fernando, or one of her friends.


The one thing I've noticed about Fernando is that even on the FB page, he has no problem with people making fun of Carolina, but he takes exception to anyone pointing out how terrible his mother is.

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It's clear from the preview that Kyle's mom's "issues" are meth.

That meetup with his mother was obviously producer driven and it pissed me off. Kyle was clearly full of shame to have the world see her like that, and no doubt his feelings about his mother are complicated and full of confusion. I really wish the show would have let him have some privacy about this issue.

I would imagine he has suffered a childhood of neglect, hurt and abandonment, and with a person that deeply into their addiction it would be impossible to have a relationship with them. So TLC thought it would make for good TV to bring her around. What is this going to do to Kyle? He probably has spent the last 10 years licking his wounds only to have them ripped open again.

  • Love 7

Melanie got kicked out of Easily Entertained for fighting with fans, now she got kicked out of Get Real too.  I am not sure what the actual reason for the ban was, but before it happened, Devar posted on a fan's FB page that the fan was a pig, and Melanie was boasting about it on Get Real, taunting people to criticize them if they wanted to also be called pigs on their FB pages.  Everyone will miss Melanie posting pictures of a slumbering, presumably post-coital Devar.  Or maybe not!

  • Love 1

Melanie got kicked out of Easily Entertained for fighting with fans, now she got kicked out of Get Real too.  I am not sure what the actual reason for the ban was, but before it happened, Devar posted on a fan's FB page that the fan was a pig, and Melanie was boasting about it on Get Real, taunting people to criticize them if they wanted to also be called pigs on their FB pages.  Everyone will miss Melanie posting pictures of a slumbering, presumably post-coital Devar.  Or maybe not!

It's pretty amazing - or maybe not - that these "reality stars" have zero sense at all when it comes to dealing with their fans. Don't they understand that if people despise them on a personal level, they won't watch their shows, TLC cancels said shows, and the gravy train dries up?


Jason and Cassia did the same kind of thing - fighting with and insulting their fans on social media - and they are pushing to get their own show, but you couldn't pay me to watch them again. They are just rock stupid to alienate their fans the way they have. It isn't fun anymore.


There's a similar situation with book authors and review sites, like Amazon and Goodreads. I've had a bunch of novels and e-books published, and authors learn pretty quickly to Stay The Hell Out of Readers' Discussions of The Author's Books. Those sites are open forums for fans to say whatever they want and an author who tries to engage with them gets torn to shreds. (I never did, but I've never tried to engage - just read the reviews, tried to learn from them, and otherwise lurked in silence.)


The people on this show need to learn to do the same. I suspect that Danielle has destroyed whatever was left of her life by endlessly battling fans and groupies on-line. If TLC had an ounce of mercy, they'd give these people lessons in dealing with media before their shows ever hit the networks - but I'm not holding my breath on that one. 

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Don't they understand that if people despise them on a personal level, they won't watch their shows, TLC cancels said shows, and the gravy train dries up?

I don't think that's true at all people's level of personal hatred of Kate Goesslin is beyond ridiculous and in many cases makes me worry about the people who spend so much time online and in person following her and her new season is about to start. Same with the Kardashian' s, various Housewives, the Duggars (who were only pulled because of the scandal) and several other examples.

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I think it can go either way -- word on the street is that Dani/Mo are getting their own show.  Which I would watch in a heartbeat.  I give Jason/Cassia credit for reaching out to people, even when they know they will probably be knocked for it.  However, I don't know if I would watch a show with the two of them.  I feel like they are just too reality show savvy and so they wouldn't be real, but they would be trying for the camera.  A lot of times, that just makes it feel like a badly acted soap opera and not a reality show.


Dani/Mo on the other hand....I don't think she knows how to be anyone other than herself, in all of her trainwreck glory.  She would be real, all the time, she would make for phenomenal snark, and at least her children would get some money.  I've never had any hate towards Mo, and I find the fact that he doesn't attempt to hide how much he hates Dani amusing.  She is just as, if not more manipulative than him so I don't feel sorry for her.


I don't understand physically stalking anyone.  Not only do I not care, but that is so much work....

  • Love 2

That depends... veils have different functions in different cultures - in Japan, the bridal veil is called the "horn hider" to prevent the groom from seeing the bride's demonic horns.

So you're supposed to trick him into marriage, and then he gets to see your demon horns once he has been fooled into marrying you?  Thats awesome!

  • Love 6

I wish you hadn't posted that.  It makes me think of what could have been.  I mean you have Dani, and baby Dani right next to her.  And the child on the end has a face that could turn stone!  It would have been an awesome episode, because something went down with homegirl on the end.  And not only is Dani leaning INTO Mo, her brother has a giant paw over him holding him in place.  Uncomfortable!

Oh cooksdelight -- I take it all back.  You've just introduced me to the Dani and Mo FB page, and it is....fantastic!

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Dani, Mo and Golden Corral? I am lost for words.

and then if you go to the facebook page you're treated to her desperate responses to random text messages she gets that Mo doesn't love her.  Its all such a trainwreck.  How do these people always deliver?  They really do always entertain.  Its some sort of savant type gift.

  • Love 3

Melanie has been tossed out of just about every Facebook group associated with this show. She likes to get vulgar and call people names. Unless you are a member of the private group, or one of Melanie's friends, you cannot see the photos she posted of her topless, with Devar sucking her boobs. I am not kidding, she posted that.

  • Love 3

Melanie has been tossed out of just about every Facebook group associated with this show. She likes to get vulgar and call people names. Unless you are a member of the private group, or one of Melanie's friends, you cannot see the photos she posted of her topless, with Devar sucking her boobs. I am not kidding, she posted that.

Ugh!!!  That's just....ugh.  Vulgar.

  • Love 1

Melanie has been tossed out of just about every Facebook group associated with this show. She likes to get vulgar and call people names. Unless you are a member of the private group, or one of Melanie's friends, you cannot see the photos she posted of her topless, with Devar sucking her boobs. I am not kidding, she posted that.


I can finally say I am definitely happy to not be in that group because that's just nasty.

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I saw the photo. I agreed with others on Facebook. Now her son can see that lovely photo

Not to mention employers, future employers, etc etc.  The internet is forever!  I think it's just really low-class to post something like that, even if it's on a private page or forum or whatever.  A "moment" like that should be shared with one's significant other, and not the whole world.

  • Love 4

Melanie has been tossed out of just about every Facebook group associated with this show. She likes to get vulgar and call people names. Unless you are a member of the private group, or one of Melanie's friends, you cannot see the photos she posted of her topless, with Devar sucking her boobs. I am not kidding, she posted that.

Woah.  A specimen like that deserves to be with Mark.

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