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S19.E01: Gone Fishin'


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At the end, is this Benson and Noah incident just the "Tip of the Iceberg" when it comes to the Benson Soap Opera? Will there be an entire season of major conspiracies that puts into question Benson's competence to be a parent and her integrity to be a cop? I think time allotments will be divided up into these portions. Fifty percent will be of Benson at work, 40 percent will be of Benson's at home, and 10 percent will be for the rest of the cast without  Benson's involvement. Now that Noah is old enough to talk, does anyone want to predict when Noah will have more lines than the detectives (not counting Benson)?

I think that interview with Mariska is very telling. She views SVU not only as her show entirely but as a vehicle for her to push her agenda, not as a show that should tell interesting stories, she basically admits she isn't even acting anymore and is just playing herself and that her and her foundation have a huge influence on the stories the show does. And she sounds like she actually believes this is what fans want, despite the fact that the constant Benson melodrama, the over focus on Benson, and the PSA like episodes have all been widely criticized by SVU fans. Apparently no one will tell Mariska this fact, don't want to damage her huge ego I guess. She comes across as incredibly arrogant and condescending

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I quit watching semi regularly during season 17 after coming back a few seasons before that because of Raul. I let last season's episodes pile up on my DVR and got through some of them but deleted more then I watched. I thought I'd give this new season a chance since the show has a new EP. I felt the need to check out the first few posts in this thread before watching this episode and once I saw it was Benoah heavy I deleted it without viewing. Ugh. 

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Fin looked hot, being a daddy must agree with him.

Does it seem to anyone else that Noah leads a lonely life? 

Mom gone all day and all hours of the night, no family, and does Olympia have any friends to hang around with outside of work?  Or any other interests than Noah and work?  

That said, this is a comfort show for me for some reason.  Maybe because it has been on so long, maybe because the characters remain, maybe because the plots are predictable. 

I generally just let it flow over me, with few criticisms, though I have to admit the bruise storyline interrupted my flow, seemed to require a lot of overlooking.

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2 hours ago, vast wasteland said:

Fin looked hot, being a daddy must agree with him.

Does it seem to anyone else that Noah leads a lonely life? 

Mom gone all day and all hours of the night, no family, and does Olympia have any friends to hang around with outside of work?  Or any other interests than Noah and work?  

That said, this is a comfort show for me for some reason.  Maybe because it has been on so long, maybe because the characters remain, maybe because the plots are predictable. 

I generally just let it flow over me, with few criticisms, though I have to admit the bruise storyline interrupted my flow, seemed to require a lot of overlooking.

Who is Olympia? And Fin has been a dad for the whole time he's been on the show, his son is an adult. 

5 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Who is Olympia? And Fin has been a dad for the whole time he's been on the show, his son is an adult. 

Guessing the poster meant Olivia. 

And while we're on the topic... Now that Noah is able to talk wouldn't it be great if he starts acting like a real kid: you know, talk back to his mother, throw a hissy fit, maybe a full-on meltdown? Then  his mother would start acting like a real parent and  show some impatience, irritation, frustration -- maybe even raise her voice once in a while. 

I know, dream on. 

Edited by wonderwoman
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What the lady asked Olivia about Noah's dad, why did tell her he was deceased? Of course we know the back story, but Olivia is a single woman who adopted Noah. She didn't need to account for the whereabouts of the father. Furthermore, the question implied a personal relationship between Olivia and the father. Isn't Olivia's knowledge of Noah's father supposed to be a secret between she and Barba?

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Bensons knowledge of Noah's parentage is not a secret. It all came out, from Benson, at Jonny D's trial. The same trial where Barba actually told the judge he, as ADA, had been counsel to Benson on a personal legal matter ( the adoption). IRL Barba would have been facing the Bar Assoc. Ethics Committee for that unethical bit of business.

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Goooooodddd. I found this episode super annoying.

  1. In the past five years, Benson, Rollins and previously Amaro, have been running around like cowboys, ordering illegal searches, beating up suspects, working on the side for underground gambling rings, yet Fin has continued to artfully toe the line without crossing it. He's been presented as more rational and more level-headed than his colleagues (including his boss). I hate that they had him pull this. And for a guy that was your sick, garden-variety serial rapist. This is the squad that apparently handles the worst crimes in the city. Yes, Marks was vile but vile enough that a member of this perpetually overworked squad would look for him online for six years and arrange a trip/kidnapping in a politically iffy country to nab him?
  2. As someone else said, if they bring up old cases, I wish they'd bring up Old old cases, not New old cases. There are plenty of cold cases from previous episodes and bringing those back would be a perfect opportunity for OldSkool flashbacks (fun!)
  3. But I also dislike that every case now must have closure and a happy ending, usually by the magical hands of St. Olivia. In the early days, some cases went cold and some perps went unconvicted. Sad, but heartbreakingly realistic. And it made the happy-ending cases all the sweeter.
  4. Benoah/Cassidy. What everyone else already said. And I don't mind Cassidy because I like the oldies, but there were 500 less contrived ways to bring him back. 

The few good points:

  1. Barba in the courtroom being his old, awesome, snarky self. And while Benson bugs me a lot lately, I still do like her chemistry and friendship with Barba. <ducks>
  2. I liked Karla and hope she left Dickwad husband.
  3. Noah sassing Benson. "I wish Lucy was my mom!"
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I've been watching the deleted scenes on SVU's Facebook page, and what is apparent, is that most of those scenes are interesting and actually add something to the case. If the show had decided to nix the overheated Benoah drama, that is just warmed over leftovers from previous seasons, we could have had those scenes as part of the actual episode. I would much rather watch the team in action doing their jobs competently, than seeing Saint Olivia, the world's most saintly mother get put through some manufactured drama again. I watch this show for the team members other than Olivia, unless it is Olivia doing her job well and not acting overbearing and sanctimonious. 

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Yeah I saw some good deleted scenes as well, one with Fin talking to Marks in his cell, one with Fin and Carisi talking at a bar, and one where Carisi talks about legal research he's done on the case to Benson and Barba. All of these scenes added depth to the story and were entertaining, unlike the Benson/Noah crap. It seems like everyone is sick of Benson, but Mariska has so much influence on the show she dominates the airtime, like I said, that interview with her was very telling, it shows her huge ego and how she views SVU as her personal pulpit. Someone needs to tell her that people are sick of this idiotic Benson drama and that the show is L&O SVU not the Mariska Hargitay hour

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I've been a pretty ridiculously invested fan when it comes to this show. I've watched every season, every episode, et cetera, et cetera. I feel like I know the characters pretty well, is my point, and this felt like someone took Benson's character and flipped it all around.

Is Olivia a character that clearly expresses her emotions, disbelief, and the like often? Of course, but this was just wrong. This is a professional woman who was dealing with something she has twenty years of experience with: Abuse and how it's handled by the authorities. She knows what a bruise in the shape of a hand looks like. She knows that if a teacher is one of the good guys, they'll definitely report it to someone. She should know this is all reasonable!

If my child went to school with a bruise like that on his arm, I'd want someone to say something! The Olivia Benson I've seen in the past 18 seasons would feel the same way, surely. I expected her frustration and exasperation, but I sure as hell didn't expect her to act like a fool about the whole thing. Honestly, this characterization is practically demeaning to her - more so than the usual dramatic frustration and so on. I don't know why the hell the writers and Mariska went with this.

I definitely second what was said by @Xeliou66 in this post and the more extensive review of the show:

On 10/3/2017 at 0:59 PM, Xeliou66 said:

Yeah I saw some good deleted scenes as well, one with Fin talking to Marks in his cell, one with Fin and Carisi talking at a bar, and one where Carisi talks about legal research he's done on the case to Benson and Barba. All of these scenes added depth to the story and were entertaining, unlike the Benson/Noah crap. It seems like everyone is sick of Benson, but Mariska has so much influence on the show she dominates the airtime, like I said, that interview with her was very telling, it shows her huge ego and how she views SVU as her personal pulpit. Someone needs to tell her that people are sick of this idiotic Benson drama and that the show is L&O SVU not the Mariska Hargitay hour

I appreciate the messages that SVU has presented. Part of the appeal to me is that the cases are supposed to feel real because they reflect real life events or interests, but over the years it has become too much. I'm all for a show with meaning and message, but with something like this the messages need to be varied to be truly meaningful. Not to mention that when it becomes preachy, there's a problem. Right now, SVU seems to be hitting the same note over and over rather than showing the greater picture and reflecting the emotions, needs, and desires of the members of the society they're supposed to be reflecting. I think Mariska plays a big part in that, or so it seems.

There are so many great stories that need to be told, stories that go beyond Benson: I want to know how Amanda and Kim are doing, more about Sonny, how Fin and his family are, and I want to learn more about Barba and his background. SVU presents us with these really interesting characters, and yet it seems like they're actually using them less and less in these stories. To truly reflect the issues of today, I'd love to hear more about Barba and Fin and their experiences with racial tension. I'd love to hear how Kim is handling her mental illness, and how Amanda is handling single motherhood not just Liv. I want to see Sonny and Fin interacting - honestly either of them interacting with anyone would be great!

All around, this should have been a good episode! US-Cuba relations, a chance to see Barba against an interesting lawyer, Fin actually playing a big role... And yet everything was consumed by Benson, and the plot of it didn't even make sense, as many before me have said! I'm frustrated with the writers and Mariska in particular.

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It does seem that Noah and Olivia's adventures match other happenings on the show. But that is not new here. I did jump when Noah was almost ran over by a cab. Then later that night I watched "Next Gen" where Data was holding a Cab by the bumper from running over him in the Holodeck. But I am surprised Noah didn't say anything about the incident. Now people will probably think Olivia manufactured that scenario to get off the hook. To have Noah cover it up. I thought he was mad at his mom that is why he said that he wanted Lucy as his mommy. So maybe that is why he said she hurt him?

Nice to see Brian (Mayhem) Cassidy back, never wanted him to leave show, but did wish "Battle Creek" had lasted. Thinking is that why Tucker was written out of the show as BF? So Cassidy could come back? I know there will be friction, but it will pass. Benson and Barba are good friends, but probably not much more really. Munch did have the same job. Maybe he was busy?

I thought Finn did go a little to far kidnapping the rapist. But maybe that should happen more often? Liked the old Chevy van also. But I guess I could see why the 2 women didn't want to drudge up old wounds for the trial. Karla Watts you could tell that maybe she has to settle with Frank, who is demanding and not the smartest. So coming after a suave jerk like Byron Marks makes her feel better. But am surprised Olivia or Rollins didn't talk to the other 2 girls again. I was surprised Marks was dumb enough to try and talk Karla out of testifying. Almost though he was going to get shot.

Apologies that I'm so far behind but I'm watching in UK;

The Good; Finn's groovy Cuban gear, you keep expecting him to burst into Mambo No5. Good scenes with the victim's refusing to testify, it was years ago, they put it behind them, they don't want to go through it all again, you really feel for them.  

The Bad; plenty I'm afraid, do we really believe the Cuban police would co-operate in bringing the suspect to the US? Perhaps if they made a formal extradition application but after Finn just snatches him? It would have been more realistic if Finn had just kidnapped him, paid a few bribes to get out of Cuba and dumped him on the courthouse steps with a note. The confrontation with the suspect's wife later surely must constitute witness tampering? And for a man who had so many run ins with Internal Affairs Cassidy hasn't learned his lesson about giving Liv the gypsies warning. The testifying witness' boyfriend might as well have a t-shirt with 'cliche' printed on the front. 

SVU clichés;

People can just walk into the squadroom

Olivia has to persuade a tearful victim to testify

Despite having not offended for 6 years once back in NY the suspect just can't resist attacking his prior victim again.

 Summary; In many ways I think this was an ep of missed opportunities. Carissi brings up the illegality of Finn's actions and how we'd feel if it happened the other way around but that's never followed up upon. Equally when Olivia indignantly moans to Rollins that 'All I could think was that I'm the one who asks the questions' you want Rollins to say 'Well how do you think the people we interview feel?' but she doesn't she demonstrates the traditional SVU groupthink. Some have said the bruise investigation is OTT but nowadays teachers are forced to actively inquire about such things by law. Is it just me or does Olivia increasingly look like Sarah Palin these days, especially when she wears her glasses?

 Surprised we didn't have some reference to Barba's Cuban heritage, the Cuban diplomat winking at him and saying 'Uncle Felix sends his regards' or something and it's revealed he has a relative in Cuban prison for political activity or something.

Marks out of 10; 7 

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LOVE old school recap! That said, I stopped watching SVU years ago. I was a fan of L&O original flavor, SVU, and especially Criminal Intent (just saw a Nicole Wallace episode earlier tonight). But SVU just became Icky for me. There's plenty of drama in the cases--I don't really care for the family stories, and Liv is just not who she used to be.

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