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S19.E32: Head of Household #11; Nominations #11


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People throwing comps left and right

- based on nothing other than whatever half-assed justification RasPaultin cooked up on the fly

- with no critical consideration of what serves Paul's game vs. what serves their own

...am I alone in thinking this specific episode did a bang-up job of encapsulating the worst aspects of this season?

  • Love 16
6 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Jason (re his takeout with the apple): "I'm just kidding.  Do I look like I need a big target on my back?  I might be a clown…but I'm not stupid."

Yeah, thanks for playing, bro.  Say hi to the guys in jury.  Matt will squeak like Porky Pig attaining orgasm.  Sheesh.

And to think that's the most interesting thing we have to look forward to (sigh).

  • Love 2

I miss when winning the HOH was considered a good thing. You got the specially decorated HOH room, letter from home and pictures of family, and gift basket. The only downside was you had to nominate 2 houseguests, but you got to protect your allies. Last night everyone, but one, threw the competition. And they didn't even show the "want to see my HOH room".  Maybe it's time to add a financial reward to the HOH competition. Maybe then some of them would think it was worth winning.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Thorkim said:

 First of all, I am pissed that I'm spoiled this early as to the winner of this season

I am pissed that you just spoiled me with the rest of that post.


8 hours ago, slasherboy said:

I'd kill for a body like Christmas has.

 Be glad you have enough body fat to bear children.  I sort of hate that the ideal woman's body has become one that most women can't achieve because they have too much healthy estrogen.  I remember the first time I saw a six pack on a woman -- it was the cover of "Self," -- for a second I thought it was a man in a bikini.  It was that rare and was sort of shocking. Christmas and her creepy adoration of her own stomach can go back to spending her life in the gym, posing in front of the mirrors. Ugh.


9 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Someone should lock Alex up in a closet or under the sink the next time she pulls that tired crap.

That would have been brilliant if someone had quietly put tape on the outside of the cabinet and tiptoed away waiting for her to decide to come out.

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I am pissed that you just spoiled me with the rest of that post.

Thorkim didn't have any actual spoilers in that post. The winner for BB can't be spoiled since the season isn't over yet. Thorkim's post read to me like he/she is disappointed that it seems so obvious Paul will win this season, since everyone else is so eager to throw comps at Paul's demand.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

 I am not saying that I think this season is predetermined.  I have no proof of that.  I just have a feeling that I am being "played", and that more than one house guest might be in on it.

I just got one great big "eeeewwwwwww" when I read this. The idea that master mind Paul is playing us along with the HGs is just so revolting.  But then I have to admit, we are ALL still watching, aren't we?  

Excuse me I have to go take a shower with a scrub brush and a bar of lye soap, maybe a little bleach too. I feel so dirty.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

I can't stand Paul, but he deserves the win. 

If he wins, his win will always be tainted by overt and excessive production assistance. Of course, as skilled a "mister" as he seems to be that will be swept under the rug by most of his fans. But for those who know there will always be an * and a footnote next to his win.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 14

I watched this episode with a mix of disgust and nausea.  one after another they said they "trusted" Paul.  My only consolation is they will one day be watching this and realize how stupid they were.  well, some of them will.  I expect Alex will always think she's a master player and somehow justify everything she did.  Same with Xmas.  But Jason, Kevin, and Josh all have had some inklings.  What Paul has done well--and it was a tactic I despised, is instigating the gang bullying.  Though they participated in it, they all fear it happening to them, so they are too frightened to even bring up his name.  

did anyone else notice the scene with Jason in the shower and Alex talking to him.  She basically said it was all her that got the two of them to this point.  Jason weakly said "no, it was both of us" or something like that.  So has such an inflated sense of her worth it is beyond belief.  And the hiding and scaring people was only moderately entertaining for a brief time when James did it.  It's so old.  and frankly, scaring someone who wakes up in the middle of the night is pretty cruel.  She's a mean, spiteful, hateful person.

Xmas comes across just as mean at times when she's not congratulating herself on doing something she thinks is her idea.  pretty sad when Josh has more insight.

I really wish they'd do a follow up show with all these hgs watching the Paul DRs saying how stupid they all are.

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I can't believe Josh has become my "favorite"

Me neither.  But I'm getting the impression he's starting to catch onto Paul. If he sat down quietly and alone and pondered for a few days I think he might actually figure it out.

11 hours ago, Mumbles said:

while I would hate to see a Paul win, I would also hate to see anyone else left win

This is my dilemma also.  I think the network's aim is to have the audience root for someone to make it exciting television.  They've failed miserably this season.  This year's bunch is worse than unlikable, they're stupid and boring and sheep.  Every flipping vote to evict has been unanimous.

 Give the winnings to Houston and declare a mistrial (or whatever).

**Off Topic - Does anyone know what that dreadful black tattoo on the front of Paul is supposed to be?  

Edited by Pondlass1
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

That would have been brilliant if someone had quietly put tape on the outside of the cabinet and tiptoed away waiting for her to decide to come out.

Duct tape held together with superglue and reinforced with a staple gun and several two-by-fours, a hammer and a bucketful of nails.  Sorry, too much?

Something I need to understand - Christmas should've never been given clearance to play in this comp, as she has a broken foot and it was a running comp.  Was she "cleared" because production knew that Paul had convinced everyone to throw it?  How was it that no one was suspicious of that?  I guess by "no one" I mean Jason, since he was the only one who seemed clueless...but I forgot, his brain is on loan to Paul, so....never mind, asked and answered my own stupid question.

If there has ever been a dumber cast of people ever cast in anything ever in the history of television, I would like to know who they were.  

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 12

Maybe they need to shake up the format next year.  Maybe the person who wins power of veto is the one to chose who replaces on the block.  That could end the stupid backdooring couldn't it?  Also more unexpected double evictions sprinkled throughout the season.  Anything to upset any dominant leader such as Paul's plans.

  • Love 5

Well, that was the most pathetic HOH comp I've ever seen. Christmas, with the broken leg, wins a racing comp.....where literally NO ONE races. And all because King Paul wanders around, telling them what to do, and they all just blindly do it. How embarrassing. 

Then....THEN.....Alex just VOLUNTEERS herself as a pawn! She's such an idiot. And totally unoriginal. First she's imitating Paul with the floatie. Now it's James and the scare-pranks. Next she'll con Jason into trying the Chilltown phone thing. Ugh.....

I'm so thrilled that we got another edition of "Raven Just Making Shit Up". Rough kneecap syndrome??? What the fuck is that? How was she training for the Olympics with no cartilage??? I really could have used an entire season of her wild claims and Paul's snarky reactions to them. As much as I don't like Paul, that's a winning combo right there. 

What was with Jason's fall when he was nominated? That was so awkward. What are these people DOING???

Kevin is a walking mullet with his argyle sweater and Adidas pants. Business on top, party on the bottom. 

  • Love 12
15 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Ok, Paul is absolutely brilliant. I know the people who hate Paul like to say he's only doing well because the others are idiots but I completely disagree. He's working his ass off 24 hours a day in that house to make these things happen and he's doing a damned good job of it. I wish I had a penny for every time someone said "I trust Paul."  (I do think it would have been hilarious though if TPTB had messed up his entire HOH plan by immediately putting up the word "Go". Would they ALL have pretended to trip and fall?)

I think it's a combination of both. I dislike Paul, but I won't deny he plays a good game. He played well last time as well, with some mistakes, of course. I liked him more last year, though, when he was having to hustle and scrape every minute of the show. This year, his arrogance is more on display; because even though he IS working it, he really has never been on the bottom. He is playing a good game and he is a smart dude, but the show might be a little more fun and challenging if he wasn't up against such spineless morons. 


13 hours ago, backformore said:

BUT - they all threw the competition, but then were concerned about it "looking"  like they threw it.   They wanted to make it look legit.   FOR WHOM?   The cameras are recording all of them agreeing to throw it, the conversations are recorded and shown on TV.  WHO were they trying to fool?   They may as well have all taken their hands off the buttons at once, all been eliminated in the first 20 seconds of the race, no need to play-act like it was an accident.

It's just like last week, when Jason and Alex were the final two in the HOH comp, and they wanted to "fight" about it, so people wouldn't think they're as tight as they really are. Other than Paul, it's a house full of people who think they're much smarter than they really are. 


12 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I kind of hope they vote out Alex.  She is much stronger than Jason.

And much more annoying. I really HOPE Alex goes before him. 


11 hours ago, Blissfool said:

They probably had to delay it because Paul still had not managed to get all his ducks in a row. He probably still had to convince someone to throw the comp. 

At first I thought that was all happening during the rain delay. But then I swear I saw a clip that said "three days ago", so it looked he started plotting all this well before Thursday night. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Nashville said:

.am I alone in thinking this specific episode did a bang-up job of encapsulating the worst aspects of this season?

No you are not.  I too thought it was a perfect episode to what the hell is going on.

3 hours ago, Boilergal said:

Kevin-here's a hint- if you don't know the plan, you aren't part of the plan!

Words to live by.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Thorkim said:

 First of all, I am pissed that I'm spoiled this early as to the winner of this season.  Second place, I have no clue who it will be.  Yes, Paul is playing a brilliant game with these assholes, but still...I'm pissed that he was put back in the game, period.  If they wanted an All Stars, fine, bring is flotation torso back in.  This would have been an interesting season with all new people, but we have production interfering and bringing his ass back.  After tonight, I have no desire to see any of these morons win. They don't want to win the big prize. Not sure why they're there, but they obviously are looking up to Tattoo Bearded Flotation Device Paul and are handing this game to him on a silver platter.

Sorry, @THORKIM  I forgot this was a real-time show and believed you were really spoiled and Paul was it since they were "handing this game to him on a platter."   Maybe I shouldn't be watching this show, it's making me even dumber. I feel like Alex, laughing at Keven for trusting Paul and throwing the comp --  just as she's trusting Paul and throwing the comp.


14 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Could someone please place Paul in a halo brace ASAP?

 Raven probably has a spare in her bag from when she broke her neck.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm so thrilled that we got another edition of "Raven Just Making Shit Up". Rough kneecap syndrome??? What the fuck is that?

I keep having this image of her kneecaps looking like oyster shells. Poor girl <sarcasm>

Right now all I want if for TPTB to bring back that good ole Caleb 'Beast Mode Cowboy' for something so he can have a convo with Raven to talk about all their "crazy" life experiences. That would be gold.

  • Love 6

My knee is seriously messed up from  falling down the stairs a few years ago.   I broke my tibia, my femur, knocked the knee out of joint and tore my ACL, and my MCL, which didn't heal so every step I take causes my knee to buckle inward a little bit. ( Darn cat.) In spite of the knee making a grinding noise that keeps me from sneaking up on people as much as I'd like, I do not suffer from Rough Knee Syndrome or even it's real world partner:

  patellofemoral pain syndrome:  knee pain, especially when you are sitting with bent knees, squatting, jumping, or using the stairs.

And there's Raven  constantly kicking and jumping in an unrelenting effort to be the center of attention and the  perkiest person in the entire world of perk.  If she has it she deserves it.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I remember seeing somewhere that someone perfectly summed up "they want the fans that Paul has" and thus are afraid of going against him. They want to use this opportunity to build a future fanbase to get that merch selling!

Exactly. This is the problem. BB is my favorite reality show. I love the game and every year it becomes less and less about the game. Stupid twists, houseguests with advantages that others don't have. I have to say, this latest episode was easily the worst episode of Big Brother EVER. And I watched season one! I will grudgingly watch the rest of the season since I've committed myself, but if next year they bring another frickin vet in the house, I'm done! Vets have much more of an advantage in the game and are calculated to win at a much higher percent over newbies. 

  • Love 8
17 hours ago, Nashville said:

People throwing comps left and right

- based on nothing other than whatever half-assed justification RasPaultin cooked up on the fly

- with no critical consideration of what serves Paul's game vs. what serves their own

...am I alone in thinking this specific episode did a bang-up job of encapsulating the worst aspects of this season?

Well…yes, but so does every other episode of the season.  I mean, we didn't have any psychopathic bullying this episode, for example.  So this is just a different flavor of shit.

(But we did get Paul having well over 50% of the DRs, talking about how great he is.  I'm pretty sure that's happened in literally every single ep so far.  Points for consistency, I suppose.)

On a slightly different topic, how stupid are Alex and Jason to buy the "let's backdoor Kevin!" so-called "plan"? We're down to the F7 now; only one person won't be playing in the Veto.  Kevin has a 60% chance of having his name pulled for the Veto, "pawns" or no pawns.  Seem like a lot of work to try to "backdoor" a player who has won exactly zero comps and hasn't even come close, as yet.  I mean, I grant you there's a certain amount of throwing involved there, but I think we can lay most of Kevin's failures down to his being 55 years old and not exceptionally smart.  If you actually wanted him gone, you could just put him up.

Also, Jason/Alex seem to think they're safe because National Prostate Health Month and Josh will just assume that Jason/Alex are going to take out Dying Swan Raven next week, rather than go after them.  If I were National Macadamia Nut Day, I wouldn't trust "Jalex" to "repay a favor" rather than leave Cough-Cough Camille alone and take the shot at F6, so I don't know why Jason and Alex think that Eat an Extra Dessert Day is operating on that assumption, exactly.

Well, okay, I do know.  It's because Alex is really, really stupid, and doesn't think, and Jason is too weak-willed to over-ride her, and can't actually do anything about it (being outgoing HoH), anyway.  But still.

1 hour ago, aurora296 said:

Vets have much more of an advantage in the game and are calculated to win at a much higher percent over newbies. 

I think it's much worse with just one vet (Jason in OTT, Paul here) than a group, because you only get the one perspective on "experience" and just a single locus for the followers to flock to.  Last season, Frank and Da'Vonne and Nicole and James were all very different types of players; none of them ever had the House on lock the way that BobbleBeard does this season.

But set TinyDick up as the sole swami of the season (complete with the HGs having to compete for his favor as almost the very first comp of the year) and it's not much of a surprise that they all think he's the be-all and end-all of former hamsters.  And anyone who's scared of Production knows exactly in which direction to bend the knee.  Blech.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I am pissed that you just spoiled me with the rest of that post.



Ha, regarding being pissed on the spoiler, just a guess because it seems so obvious!! Ha, we'll see what happens.  Allison G sure likes her pets and in my opinion, it's setting up for a Paul win.  I'm just guessing!  

Edited by Thorkim
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

He is playing a good game and he is a smart dude, but the show might be a little more fun and challenging if he wasn't up against such spineless morons. 

Oh, I completely agree! I think Paul is playing the game beautifully but it would have been awesome to see a Derrick or Dan battling him.

7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

At first I thought that was all happening during the rain delay. But then I swear I saw a clip that said "three days ago", so it looked he started plotting all this well before Thursday night. 

He did. And they clearly showed it so I don't know why people are blaming the rain delay.

As for all the suggested changes people have mentioned, none of those are going to happen. And you know why? For all the complaining and people threatening to boycott, all of those people are still watching. TPTB don't care if viewers like the winner or not, as long as people are watching (and they are), that's all that matters to them.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

TPTB don't care if viewers like the winner or not, as long as people are watching (and they are), that's all that matters to them.

It's the old 'when people STOP talking about you is the problem' adage. They aren't looking to 'fix' anything in their flawed system to make it "fairer" so the only changes will be their latest great ideas to 'rock the house to it's very core' and thereby create drama.

  • Love 3

I still don't hate Alex (I know, I know!) & felt SO embarrassed for her!  She really believes Paul is as committed to their Final Two as she is. And the fact that they agreed to pretend they don't have an alliance creates plausible deniability for anything sketchy Paul does/says.  I think she purposely created & flaunted her friendship with Jason to cover her "real" deal with Paul; so in her mind, they (Alex & Jason) are NOT a power couple.  To me, that explains why she is still holding onto the belief that Kevin must be the target. 

Raven switched from "Maven" to "Paven" quicker than cereal gets soggy in milk.

On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 11:32 PM, North of Eden said:

Alex...oh Alex...you should have aligned with Cody when you had the chance...but nope you bought into Paul's Koolaid of taking you to the final two and that scenario is on life support.

As much as I hate Cody, I think a Cody/Alex alliance early on could've been great!  I'd have liked to see how things could have gone if they joined forces & chosen to use their powers for good. 


  • Love 3

With the exception of Paul, I don't know how any of these people are going to go home and face their friends and families.  The married ones in particular are going to have to explain why they put their trust in people they barely knew, who were competing against them, instead of concentrating on winning money for their families.  Stay-at-home-father Kevin has caused his working wife to make other arrangements while he spends the summer asking Christmas if she's going swimming.  I hope she's a grudge carrier and for the rest of his life, when he wants to buy something she says, "Why don't you ask your friend Paul for the money?"

  • Love 11
34 minutes ago, Michichick said:

At least Kevin was smart enough to grab the 25k at he beginning of the show. Of course, if no one had taken that money we wouldn't have to deal with Paul. But so many people pressed the button for that money, there was no way to avoid Paul's ugly mug getting into the game.

I bet if nobody had taken the money then, there would have been another "temptation", and another, until they let Paul join. 

Paul was brought in to stir things up (and win), but I think the season would have been so much different and better if Paul had not joined the group.

  • Love 8

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