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LSSC: Season Three Episode Talk

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7 hours ago, possibilities said:

I was glad Colbert was more willing to challenge them than he was when Jason Bateman was the guest. But I agree that a show with Avenatti and Scaramucci is a terrible idea, and I was really annoyed that they wasted any time on it. I've heard rumors that it's something they want, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone picks it up, or something like it. There are a lot of "panels" like this, and both these guys have a lot of name recognition. But I think we need more actual journalism and less airtime for people just arguing over their opinions and delivering their talking points.

I wondered if The Mooch was putting his face out there for a political run. 

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I've been wondering what's happened to the usual trumpeter in Stay Human. He was absent for awhile, then came back recently, and is missing again. He's the coolest dude, and I really miss seeing him in the band. Anyone know the story?

The 2 women in this band have such different demeanors - one has a huge smile all the time, and the other always has a totally straight face. They're both fantastic musicians, so I guess it doesn't matter much, it's just such a stark contrast.

Jon B really grew on me since the early months of the show. He sure is a huge talent, and his boyish sincerity and enthusiasm is infectious. Love me some Jon. (Stephen also didn't seem to be clicking for quite a while in the early days. I actually feared he was going to bomb and lose the show. It was awful back then. Remember his cringe-worthy interview with candidate DJT? Ugh.)

ETA: His name is Jon Lampley, photo below. Can't find an answer Googling him.


Edited by Arcey
update info
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You're welcome!

Even if you don't use Twitter or Instagram, you can search for anyone's social media account using the person's name and the word "Twitter" or "Instagram". I'm not on Twitter but I can see anyone's public account in my browser. Instagram works the same way (I do have an Instagram account). Facebook works differently. It won't let you see much without having you're own account.

You aren't missing much anyway. Social media offers a glimpse into the darkest depths of humanity. I quit Twitter after six months because of how vile people were. I have only a bare-bones Facebook account to keep up with local bands and businesses.

Topic? I thoroughly enjoyed Natalie Portman's shading Jared Kushner.

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18 hours ago, ChelseaNH said:

Thank you! I appreciated the art work on the dress much more than Tom & Lorenzo.


ETA: Last night the young musician Two Feet was surprisingly good: https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/t/two-feet-performs-it-feels-like-im-drowning/vp-AAyWZxq

Edited by shapeshifter
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On 6/14/2018 at 5:12 AM, Caseysgirl said:

The “Mooch”and Avenatti went over like a lead balloon. No one can get a word in when Anthony is talking - Avenatti does better as a solo. 

A little late to the party, but I completely agree. His intensity was muffled by Scaramucci's antics. I'd rather never see them together again. One has a reputation as a dogged, take no prisoners litigator, and the other is a clown. 

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On 06/20/2018 at 3:32 AM, shapeshifter said:

I loved Ruth Negga's dress on the show.

It was stunning, as was she. I didn't know she was such a delicate beauty.

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17 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Did SC just invent/introduce a new form of the past tense of the verb to tweet as twote? Or was this already a thing? I've only heard "tweeted" previously.

Can't answer if it pre-exists somewhere, but it caught my ear too.

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Love the cold open from "that guy on CBS" tonight.  Most cool to have Fallon and Conan in that opening segment.

Then later, Laura Benanti!   Doesn't get much better than that. 

I kinda this show from "that guy on CBS".  Think I will keep watching it.  :)

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4 hours ago, brgjoe said:

he cold open from "that guy on CBS" tonight.  Most cool to have Fallon and Conan in that opening segment

My CBS feed crapped out tonight, so I switched to NBC/Fallon, and, lo, and behold, there was Stephen! 

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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

My CBS feed crapped out tonight, so I switched to NBC/Fallon, and, lo, and behold, there was Stephen! 

seriously?  [off to the interwebs to find it]

before I go, when Colbert got the Late Show gig, he was on Howard Stern.  Howard asked him about Fallon, Colbert said they are friends and will always remain friends.  Howard said "no you won't, you think that now, but you won't".  I like to think Howard was wrong in this matter.  


I'm back, lol.  So they both used the same video.  Cute. Last night, I totally missed when Colbert runs out to the studio and they announced him as the "guy from CBS".  Love it.  

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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7 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I'm back, lol.  So they both used the same video.  Cute.

Yeah, Colbert and Fallon both had the same opening last night. Conan's in reruns this week, or it probably would have been a threeway.

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2 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Always good to see Stewart. Would that his message could sink in where it most desperately needs to be heard right now. 

I think Stewart mostly just preaches to the choir. Heh, I guess that makes him my rabbi.

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LOL, I like that :D. But hey, if his preaching to the choir pushes that choir to get out there and fight back and vote and all that good stuff, then yay. 

Very neat that Stephen was able to get Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on tonight. I like her. She seems cool. 

Edited by Annber03
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11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I think Stewart mostly just preaches to the choir. Heh, I guess that makes him my rabbi.

I still think if Jon hadn't left TDS when he did, he could have influenced enough millennials to vote to have made a difference in 2016.  

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@meowmommy, I often think the same thing.

34 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

it warms my heart to see him and Colbert together. 

Same :D. They just play off each other so well and their close friendship always comes through so strongly. It's adorable. 

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I loved that Jon's last word before Stephen shushed him and Jon B played him off was "feckless".  I also love that it seems like every late night comedian has managed to work "feckless" into a routine.  It's almost as if Sam Bee has made "feckless" the new .....

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3 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I still think if Jon hadn't left TDS when he did, he could have influenced enough millennials to vote to have made a difference in 2016.  

If Jon hadn't left, he'd be dead by now. He had already been burned out by all the depressing news, he couldn't possibly have taken a daily shot to the gonards of covering the Drumpf regime. Especially after Jon was so giddy about covering Drumpf's campaign once he announced his candidacy for president. He probably has major regrets about that. And it really doesn't say much about millennials if they were waiting for someone like Jon to inspire them to go out and vote. Wasn't Bernie Sanders good enough for them?

Still, good to see and hear Jon talk again. I miss the dude.

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23 minutes ago, Victor the Crab said:

If Jon hadn't left, he'd be dead by now. He had already been burned out by all the depressing news, he couldn't possibly have taken a daily shot to the gonards of covering the Drumpf regime. Especially after Jon was so giddy about covering Drumpf's campaign once he announced his candidacy for president. He probably has major regrets about that. And it really doesn't say much about millennials if they were waiting for someone like Jon to inspire them to go out and vote.

Skipping past the hyperbole that a TV show would kill its host, you won't see me defending millennials.  I just think Jon really did have that much influence, but he left when Drumpf was still thought of as a ridiculous candidate.  Once it got serious, I believe Jon could have galvanized waffling Berniebros even better than Bernie himself, who, by the time he came around to endorsing Hillary, gave every impression of someone who'd been dragged kicking and screaming to play nice at the grownups' table.

LSSC is a good platform and of course Jon and Stephen make a great team, but too little, too late.  Stephen's jokes are becoming, well, desperate.

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17 hours ago, meowmommy said:

Skipping past the hyperbole that a TV show would kill its host, you won't see me defending millennials.  I just think Jon really did have that much influence, but he left when Drumpf was still thought of as a ridiculous candidate.  Once it got serious, I believe Jon could have galvanized waffling Berniebros even better than Bernie himself, who, by the time he came around to endorsing Hillary, gave every impression of someone who'd been dragged kicking and screaming to play nice at the grownups' table.

LSSC is a good platform and of course Jon and Stephen make a great team, but too little, too late.  Stephen's jokes are becoming, well, desperate.

Jon would tell you that he's a comedian, first. That all he's trying to do is get things off his chest that bother him in a way that makes it humorous for us to laugh at so that it will make it easier for us to cope. Apart from a few rare instances, Jon's never used his platform to crusade his issues for people to get behind. If he did, he'd end up being like Bill Maher.

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On 6/30/2018 at 1:38 AM, purist said:

Michael Moore seemed on the verge of tears several times during his appearance. I don't blame him.

I love Michael Moore. Always have, always will. His autobiography was fantastic.

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LOL @ Stephen editing the pre-taped show tonight. They were able to edit over a moment where he had his hand over his mouth and someone inserted Trump’s nominee for #SCOTUS . Haha. Only Colbert and it still was a great segment. ?

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44 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

LOL @ Stephen editing the pre-taped show tonight. They were able to edit over a moment where he had his hand over his mouth and someone inserted Trump’s nominee for #SCOTUS . Haha. Only Colbert and it still was a great segment. ?

It worked because it was going to be Conservative Judge A or Conservative Judge B—so, no surprise. But too bad it wasn't an off-script pick. I'm sure SC would've rushed a great over-dub bit.

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3 hours ago, mtlchick said:

"Remember to stay moisturised in hell" is a line I will be using as a last bon mot to a person I do not like.  

I loved his "This is why you practice this stuff in rehearsal!" comments during that whole skit, too :p. I love how he tries to roll with it whenever something goes wrong during a bit. 

Also enjoyed his reaction to that clip of Trump rambling on about Elton John, 'cause I'm pretty sure the look on his face there mirrored mine exactly (seriously, I actually yelled at the TV during that clip, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"). 

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5 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

I think Neve Campbell spent those missing ten years in a cryogenic chamber because girl hasn't aged a day

Although I too looked like 34 when I was 44 (20 lo-o-ong years ago), I never looked that good. 

But seeing her costar on tonight—Dwayne The Rock Johnson—made me happy to realize that they cast an age-appropriate actress for his wife. Not that there's anything intrinsically wrong with a twenty year age difference in spouses, but it just seemed kind of refreshing that they're close in age.

And, if Dwayne Johnson wants political experience, maybe he could run as Veep to Osario-Cortez in 2024 (when she's legally old enough to run for Prez).

Regardless, who knew he was such a sweetheart? Singing his Samoan song!

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7 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Andrew Rannells is so utterly charming it almost hurts.

I haven't seen him act in anything, but man is he charismatic and quick-witted on talk shows! Always pleased when I see him in the lineup.

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I enjoyed the Uninformed Correspondent bit but part of me was mesmerized by how much Bootsie's face reminded me of Mary Walsh (who is famous in Canada for ambushing public figures in comedy news interviews as Marg, Princess Warrior).

ETA: Chemist Kate's enthusiasm was delightful. I'd like to see her again with more time for actual scientific explanations to go with the spectacle. (Or fewer different things to demonstrate so we can get the right level of commentary.) 

Edited by SomeTameGazelle
watched the rest of the episode
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I thought the cold open animation, "Double Negative Junction," was brilliant, but then I'm a grammar nerd.
And I hope I'm not the only one that was singing along with the Stay Human band's instrumental rendition of "Down by the Riverside" and appreciating the correctly used triple negative at the end (at least, the way I learned it) "Ain't gonna study no war no more."

Edited by shapeshifter
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51 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I thought the cold open animation, "Double Negative Junction," was brilliant, but then I'm a grammar nerd.

I loved that bit, too :D. The cold opens this week have been on point. 

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Wow! It’s clear that the AC2 tour must be a real delight. Andy Cohen trying to out do Anderson Cooper and both of them being bitchy to one another. It was clear that Stephen wanted to talk politics and Andy chimes in about the Housewives. I think his final dig about Anderson being a Vanderbilt was a little low but maybe that’s their energy together.  If they were trying to interest me in their show,they failed.

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