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S08.E08: On the Hunt

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6 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

She has a history of violent relationships.   There was one episode where they said something about jace thinking Nathan was going to kill jenelle when they were fighting.  Her new jackass boyfriend  looks even crazier than Nathan.  Personally I don't think that jace is safe at jenelles house.  

Even when jenelle was a heroin addict barb didn't make any moves to have her visits supervised or anything.  

That is not current history. A judge would want to see what is CURRENTLY happening in Jace's life that Jenelle is a threat to her child's safety.  Believe it or not, people can have a history and still be given custody of children. I know. I witnessed it many times back when I worked for a family law attorney. 

Barb didn't need supervised visits back when Jenelle was a heroin junkie because Jace was with Barb in her custody and care. When Jenelle did see Jace, it was in Barb's home while she was there. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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That's why i said I don't know why she had never done it.  

Personally I don't believe jenelle and her boyfriend aren't doing drugs of some kind    What was up with the sunglasses inside and how jace said not so long ago that they stayed in the bedroom all the time? I bet if she had to be drug tested before she could see jace she would be doing a lot less bitching about how barb is keeping him away.  

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4 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

That's why i said I don't know why she had never done it.  

Personally I don't believe jenelle and her boyfriend aren't doing drugs of some kind    What was up with the sunglasses inside and how jace said not so long ago that they stayed in the bedroom all the time? I bet if she had to be drug tested before she could see jace she would be doing a lot less bitching about how barb is keeping him away.  

Barb didn't have to do it. Jenelle didn't live with her in her home.

Do I believe they are doing drugs? Yes. Does anyone have PROOF? No. Barb doesn't have proof. You need PROOF when you go to court and make an allegation such as drug use. If there are police records, that might help, but there are no police arrests indicating drug charges have been levied against Jenelle.  Barb only knows of David driving while drinking per Jace's words, but even a judge won't consider that unless there is proof. Cory had proof about Leah and her questionable behavior when she was abusing pills and still he was not given full custody. The judge didn't feel MTV footage was proof enough. 

People don't really understand how courts work and what judges consider abusive behavior or even dangerous behavior that warrants supervised visits. It is not as easy as you make it out to be. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Right, the proof would have happened back when jenelle was a junkie and nodding out on the show.  And barb found needles at her house.   

Don't assume that I think it's easy.    Plenty of parents have to be drug tested , that's exactly what just happened to Adam.  

Its exactly the point that jenelle didn't like with barb.  She dropped jace off for visits with Nathan and jenelle and other losers that jenelle was with too.   Personally I would have tried to put a stop to that. Ymmv.  

Edited by lexiexx
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10 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Right, the proof would have happened back when jenelle was a junkie and nodding out on the show.  And barb found needles at her house.   

Don't assume that I think it's easy.    Plenty of parents have to be drug tested , that's exactly what just happened to Adam.  

Its exactly the point that jenelle didn't like with barb.  She dropped jace off for visits with Nathan and jenelle and other losers that jenelle was with too.   Personally I would have tried to put a stop to that. Ymmv.  

Adam has a police record a mile long. And was charged with drug-related charges. But that is not why he has supervised visits. He has supervised visits because of his dangerous and illegal behavior of drunk driving. He continued to violate probation and due to that criminal behavior a judge felt it was best to put in place a supervised visitation order.

Adam is being drug tested due to CURRENT DRUG USE, not past drug use. You can't ask any judge to order someone to be court-ordered drug tested in family law unless there is proof to begin with such as an arrest, and NOT an arrest from 8 years ago. 

Barb has no proof of Jenelle doing drugs currently nor has Jenelle been charged recently for any drug-related charges which is what a judge requires. Not sure why you keep referencing her past drug use. It is not an opinion being pointed out but rather facts on what a judge requires and needs in order to even consider putting a supervised visitation on any parent. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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6 hours ago, Mkay said:

Currently it looks like they are at May 2017. It's been awfully jumpy in the timeline though this season so some parts may be May while some parts are March. It's really weird. 

Wasn't Watson born the first week in January?  Then they were taking his 4 month pics this ep so yeah, May seems right.

6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

She probably has, but the editors choose other segments. 

When the court settlement order was posted here somewhere, I don't remember if alcohol was mentioned at all. I would think if alcohol was a factor, Barb would see to it Jenelle was drug-tested and she too would have to refrain from drinking.  

Why don't Jenelle and David go chase and spy on Nathan so she could acquire FULL custody of Kaiser? [heavy sarcasm]

I swear I read that somewhere.  Maybe on The Ashley?  And yeah, it was a mutual order.

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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:



PPD has no rules. 

I endured PPD. I felt guilty for having these feelings towards my husband when he didn't do anything to warrant my feelings. Then, at times I felt like I was being bothered by my newborn. It was a harsh reality to realizing what PPD was all about. I had read and heard these stories and didn't really give them much though until I experienced it. There is no rhyme or reason to PPD. There are no set rules that one must be angry or bitchy towards everyone in the home or have depressed feelings to the point of suicide. There are varying degrees to how PPD can affect women. Some things can be triggers. Little annoyances can bring out huge emotions. One can endure these feelings for days and weeks without a break. On top of all that, being tired from lack of sleep, not eating properly, the body requiring more nutrients especially if one is breast-feeding, it can really make mothers reach a point and probably lash out at their loved ones. I remember my sister always appreciating having me around while wishing her children would just take a month long vacation somewhere. 

Spot on. I have an 18 month old and suffered from PPD, he is my 4th child and the only one I had PPD with. I still felt loving toward baby, but was resentful and pissy with my husband and older kids and would need to sneak off to the bathroom to get several times a day, until my husband caught on and figured something was wrong. I can't judge Chelsea because PPD is a horrible thing to go through

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42 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

It's true!! I've dated both men and women seriously myself and something is SO unattractive about Kailyn now and I am attracted to stocky men and women both (I don't find the Leah/Maci body type attractive in the least, for example), it's definitely not her size. She is mean on the inside and that shows in the way she styles and carries herself--plus you're right, she dresses in the WEIRDEST clothes for her body type. Things that are objectively, universally ugly and also especially don't fit her frame at all. I think Kristina is quite pretty and her attitude and bearing add to it so much.

There is also something about people who don't look hygienic, or you can just *sense* that they don't ever leave their couches. Catelynn is big, for example, but it's not her size itself that makes her unattractive. Amber isn't that large but both of them look like they don't shower, don't ever eat vegetables and don't have any ambition. Catelynn just *looks* like a heavy smoker. Kailyn looks sloppy like that too.

Yes- you can be a bigger person and not look sloppy and unkept. Granted I admit it's easier for me to dress myself as I grew up fat (way before there were great plus size options like there are now), so I don't have a NEW body to deal with just "my body". And the oddest thing about Kailyn is that she thinks she looks good & is stylish etc- no honeychild no. 

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6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. They're not horrible people, they just have no direction in life and nobody in their family to counsel them on wise decision making. Mama Dawn and Roxanne are enablers when what their daughters really need is a healthy dose of tough love.

Regarding Chelsea, I don't know if I entirely buy the PPD excuse. She still swoons over Cole and is loving towards Watson. All of her crankiness is directed at Aubree. If she were in a bad mood, I'd think she'd be in a bad mood towards everyone, not just her daughter.

PPD doesn't really follow rhyme or reason and even if she didn't have it (I see no reason to doubt her), post partum hormones can be enough to cause erratic behavior.  I never had PPD but after I had both of my kids I was pretty much a lunatic for the first 8 weeks.  It wasn't my baseline or anything but the slightest annoyance would provoke a very unproportioned response.  For example, my husband could say something I deemed stupid or unnecessary and I'd bite his head off but would be perfectly fine with my toddler son.   Or my toddler son would do something naughty and I would snap at him while being fine with my husband and baby daughter.   It's a very difficult time and I couldn't imagine going through it if I'd had PPD, the regular post partum hormone circus was enough to drive me batty on it's own.

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53 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

She has a history of violent relationships.   There was one episode where they said something about jace thinking Nathan was going to kill jenelle when they were fighting.  Her new jackass boyfriend  looks even crazier than Nathan.  Personally I don't think that jace is safe at jenelles house.  

Even when jenelle was a heroin addict barb didn't make any moves to have her visits supervised or anything.  

Jenelle has full custody of two other kids and lives in a house in a (as far as the courts are concerned) stable relationship.  There are no grounds to institute supervised visitation.  Unfortunately in the court of law "but she sucks!" isn't grounds for supervised visitation.  Besides, at the time this was filmed they didn't have ANY visitation order in place at all, so there was nothing to modify.

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38 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Right, the proof would have happened back when jenelle was a junkie and nodding out on the show.  And barb found needles at her house.   

Don't assume that I think it's easy.    Plenty of parents have to be drug tested , that's exactly what just happened to Adam.  

Its exactly the point that jenelle didn't like with barb.  She dropped jace off for visits with Nathan and jenelle and other losers that jenelle was with too.   Personally I would have tried to put a stop to that. Ymmv.  

That was what, 5 years ago?  As Katsu said previously, courts need proof that Jace is in danger NOW.  Addicts can get clean.  That's why you can't use a 5 year old event as proof that someone is a danger to their children now.  Also?  When you're pregnant you're given drug screenings.  If Jenelle was testing positive during her pregnancy, CPS would've been called.  That's more recent than the heroin scene you're referring to.  You can't ask for a drug test to be given before visitation without showing some CURRENT need for it.  And again, at the time this was filmed (and prior to it) there wasn't any visitation order in place to begin with. 

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6 minutes ago, lezlers said:

When you're pregnant you're given drug screenings

Really?!  Honestly asking, not snark.  I had heard of screening when the baby after delivery, but not screening a mother during pregnancy.  I can't imagine Janelle agreeing to that bc she wouldn't want the results or to pay for the test.

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5 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Really?!  Honestly asking, not snark.  I had heard of screening when the baby after delivery, but not screening a mother during pregnancy.  I can't imagine Janelle agreeing to that bc she wouldn't want the results or to pay for the test.

Yes, when I went in for my first pre-natal appointment the nurse looked me up and down after I gave her my urine sample and said "we're screening this for ALL drugs, just so you know..."  I just kind of looked at her.  Apparently something about a 34 year old dressed in a business suit led her to believe I was hitting the meth pipe at night?  It was pretty insulting, really.  But yeah, they routinely run a drug screening panel on your first visit and I'm not sure, but possibly when you're there to have the baby as well.

It brings up an interesting question however, living in a state where marijuana has been legalized, since it can stay in your system up to 90 days depending on how heavy a user you are. 

Edited by lezlers
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Guys, are we sure Chelsea has PPD? People keep using it as a reason for her behavior, and it seems to be an accepted one, but I've never seen where she's said that. I'll cut the girl some slack for just having a newborn and being tired; seems pretty typical. However, I googled "Chelsea Houska post partum depression," and nothing at all came up. I feel like if she had admitted to having it, at least some gossip rag would have picked it up!


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2 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Guys, are we sure Chelsea has PPD? People keep using it as a reason for her behavior, and it seems to be an accepted one, but I've never seen where she's said that. I'll cut the girl some slack for just having a newborn and being tired; seems pretty typical. However, I googled "Chelsea Houska post partum depression," and nothing at all came up. I feel like if she had admitted to having it, at least some gossip rag would have picked it up!


I swear I saw it on her twitter feed. I looked all the way back to when Watson was born (while waiting on the kiddo in the car line) and couldn't find it. I'll look again. 

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48 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes- you can be a bigger person and not look sloppy and unkept. Granted I admit it's easier for me to dress myself as I grew up fat (way before there were great plus size options like there are now), so I don't have a NEW body to deal with just "my body". And the oddest thing about Kailyn is that she thinks she looks good & is stylish etc- no honeychild no. 

I know! She thinks she is super super hot! I've definitely worn some outfits that were hella unflattering but to dress like that every single time?!?!?!

10 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Guys, are we sure Chelsea has PPD? People keep using it as a reason for her behavior, and it seems to be an accepted one, but I've never seen where she's said that. I'll cut the girl some slack for just having a newborn and being tired; seems pretty typical. However, I googled "Chelsea Houska post partum depression," and nothing at all came up. I feel like if she had admitted to having it, at least some gossip rag would have picked it up!


People asked her if she has it. I don't remember her ever actually claiming that, I actually believe she never did because when she was talking about PMDD and was asked if she thought it was PPD instead and never responded. I don't think PMDD would have anything to do with the Aubree situation and it would have nothing to do with being postpartum as it affects women during/before their monthly cycles. She would have had it a long time, not just after Watson was born.

Edited by Lm2162
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21 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Really?!  Honestly asking, not snark.  I had heard of screening when the baby after delivery, but not screening a mother during pregnancy.  I can't imagine Janelle agreeing to that bc she wouldn't want the results or to pay for the test.

I was not, I don't think, though I frankly wouldn't know--they did tons of prenatal blood tests on me--but in some states/clinics I know for a fact they screen mothers at every appointment or at some point prenatally.

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1 hour ago, lexiexx said:

Right, the proof would have happened back when jenelle was a junkie and nodding out on the show.  And barb found needles at her house.   

Don't assume that I think it's easy.    Plenty of parents have to be drug tested , that's exactly what just happened to Adam.  

Its exactly the point that jenelle didn't like with barb.  She dropped jace off for visits with Nathan and jenelle and other losers that jenelle was with too.   Personally I would have tried to put a stop to that. Ymmv.  

Perhaps I can help you understand although the previous posters were spot on with their posts and they were accurate with the information.

Let me start with this comment:


Right, the proof would have happened back when jenelle was a junkie and nodding out on the show.  And barb found needles at her house.  

Jenelle left the residence and began living with Kieffer elsewhere. The few times she showed up to see Jace, those visits occurred in Barb's residence where she could supervise that visit. It wasn't as if Jenelle took Jace on her own somewhere without Barb being present. At that point in time, Barb already had Jace in her care. There was no visitation order in place. All that was in place at that time was the legal document Jenelle signed which gave Barb full legal and physical custody. That meant Barb didn't have to give Jenelle any time with Jace. She had the power to call the shots, and she did. She never allowed Jenelle to take Jace anywhere. Basically, supervised visitation was done for those few times Jenelle was around.


Don't assume that I think it's easy.    Plenty of parents have to be drug tested , that's exactly what just happened to Adam.  

You are comparing one situation to another. It is comparing apples to oranges. Adumb is a meth user who has had run-ins with the law throughout his life, however, his most recent drug charges are the reason he must be drug-tested. No one can be forced to be drug tested because of past drug use. Courts are lenient and give offenders second chances. Judges will return children to the custody of parents if they fulfill a drug program, enter rehab, and fulfill their probation obligations. Jenelle has a past drug history. She completed what was necessary to appease the courts. Whatever we, the public, assume or believe about Jenelle, the courts cannot hold her past against her. If she had a recurring drug problem, and had constant run-ins with the police due to drug use, Barb would then have a reason to go to court and request the courts order Jenelle be drug tested on the regular before she has any visits with Jace.


Its exactly the point that jenelle didn't like with barb.  She dropped jace off for visits with Nathan and jenelle and other losers that jenelle was with too.   Personally I would have tried to put a stop to that. Ymmv.

This is not one of those YMMV points of view. This is about a court of law. Any person has a right to request a court hearing on a particular matter. It doesn't mean it will be honored.

Barb dropped off Jace to visit with his mother. She did have the right to choose whether Jenelle had visitation or not and in fact, Barb did keep Jace from going over to Jenelle's home many times due to the domestic violence that was happening. You might have forgotten about that. We forget things that happen on the show from time to time. When Jenelle and Nathan broke up, Jenelle made it a point that she was no longer with Nathan and asked if she could have her visits with Jace again.

In my personal view, I do feel Jenelle is likely doing some kind of drug. At the very least, she is smoking pot. Do I wish Jace's visits could be ceased? Yes. But what I wish and want has no bearing on a judge or the law.

Jenelle was successful in taking Barb to court earlier this year and acquired visitation with Jace.  Barb must have informed the courts of her worries and concerns about Jace, however, the court has the final say-so and ordered Jenelle can have Jace in her care on a part-time basis. There were also conditions that each party must abide by.

Barb must abide by that court order or she could be found in contempt. Until something occurs in Jace's presence such as domestic violence or drug use, or Jenelle is arrested for something that would make a judge question Jace's safety, Jenelle has the legal right to see her son, in her home, unsupervised. 

Hopefully, this made things clear.

1 hour ago, lezlers said:

PPD doesn't really follow rhyme or reason and even if she didn't have it (I see no reason to doubt her), post partum hormones can be enough to cause erratic behavior.  I never had PPD but after I had both of my kids I was pretty much a lunatic for the first 8 weeks.  It wasn't my baseline or anything but the slightest annoyance would provoke a very unproportioned response.  For example, my husband could say something I deemed stupid or unnecessary and I'd bite his head off but would be perfectly fine with my toddler son.   Or my toddler son would do something naughty and I would snap at him while being fine with my husband and baby daughter.   It's a very difficult time and I couldn't imagine going through it if I'd had PPD, the regular post partum hormone circus was enough to drive me batty on it's own.

PPD sufferer here, too. Many years ago.

PPD is not a character flaw.  Chelsea may or may not have PPD but, she does suffer from PMDD. That doesn't go away because she had a baby. Even if we don't know if Chelsea is a PPD sufferer or not, we do know she had a baby.  Women can have erratic mood swings post partum without having PPD.

Am I giving her excuses? No. Is it an explanation? Yes. Her behavior is bitchy and snippy at times. But it is not something that has been the norm for these past 8 seasons. Kail could be acting bitchy and erratic due to her pregnancy. I could cut her slack, but it is hard to decipher when that is her normal behavior and it is what we know of her for the past 8 seasons.

For someone who has been on this show for 8 seasons now, Chelsea has done pretty good at keeping her attitude in check while suffering from PMDD. I would have likely been a raging lunatic. When I read her Twitter page when she mentioned the PMDD, she happened to mention she was on two different medications. She seemed to be asking other people's advice on what they have done to help with their PMDD. I think she was asking for natural remedies. She may not want to be on medication due to breast-feeding. Not sure when that tweet was posted. I am guessing it was after she gave birth.


I really tried to make this a short post. I deleted a lot of stuff. Sorry.

Edited by SPLAIN
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41 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Guys, are we sure Chelsea has PPD? People keep using it as a reason for her behavior, and it seems to be an accepted one, but I've never seen where she's said that. I'll cut the girl some slack for just having a newborn and being tired; seems pretty typical. However, I googled "Chelsea Houska post partum depression," and nothing at all came up. I feel like if she had admitted to having it, at least some gossip rag would have picked it up!


Someone mentioned it here, that's where I got it from.  As I said in my previous post, though, regular postpartum hormone shifts, combined with lack of sleep are more than enough to make someone nuts under the best of circumstances.  I really think people are being unnecessarily harsh towards her.  

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25 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:


PPD sufferer here, too. Many years ago.

PPD is not a character flaw.  Chelsea may or may not have PPD but, she does suffer from PMDD. That doesn't go away because she had a baby. Even if we don't know if Chelsea is a PPD sufferer or not, we do know she had a baby.  Women can have erratic mood swings post partum without having PPD.

Am I giving her excuses? No. Is it an explanation? Yes. Her behavior is bitchy and snippy at times. But it is not something that has been the norm for these past 8 seasons. Kail could be acting bitchy and erratic due to her pregnancy. I could cut her slack, but it is hard to decipher when that is her normal behavior and it is what we know of her for the past 8 seasons.

For someone who has been on this show for 8 seasons now, Chelsea has done pretty good at keeping her attitude in check while suffering from PMDD. I would have likely been a raging lunatic. When I read her Twitter page when she mentioned the PMDD, she happened to mention she was on two different medications. She seemed to be asking other people's advice on what they have done to help with their PMDD. I think she was asking for natural remedies. She may not want to be on medication due to breast-feeding. Not sure when that tweet was posted. I am guessing it was after she gave birth.


I really tried to make this a short post. I deleted a lot of stuff. Sorry.

That would make so much sense.  I noticed her bottle feeding Watson during this episode when previously she was nursing.  Could have been pumped milk or formula, who knows.  But if she went on some meds for her PMDD, that could certainly explain switching to formula when you previously nursed.  I agree with everything you posted, btw.  Those first few postpartum weeks were hell, I would never want to go through it again.  I'm terrified for menopause now, considering how nuts I was during those weeks.

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It might not have been honored but it might have.  The fact is that barb did not even try back when there was evidence of her being a junkie.  Instead she gave her chance after chance and kept dropping jace off so he could witness whatever dysfunctional nonsense was going on at Janelle's. 

also allowed her to come on over and have a shitshow screaming match in front of that kid on a regular basis.   requesting that those visits happen in a more controlled environment would have been better for him.   

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Poor Endtable has one of the worst flat heads I've ever seen. I guess that's what happens when you spend your days shoved in a crib or a rock n play. Also, loved the zoom-in on her extreme spit up when UBT was burping her but completely distracted with bitchin' about Babs. Also how much freaking' formula do they give that kid?? That was like an 8oz bottle and she's like 2/3 months old last episode?


Karl's face is like a bag of smashed crabs with an attitude to match.

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45 minutes ago, Moogen said:

Poor Endtable has one of the worst flat heads I've ever seen. I guess that's what happens when you spend your days shoved in a crib or a rock n play. 

Sadly, it hasn't gotten better, if Jenelle's most recent Instagram posts are any indication. I thought they made helmets for that sort of thing?

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16 hours ago, lexiexx said:

It might not have been honored but it might have.  The fact is that barb did not even try back when there was evidence of her being a junkie.  Instead she gave her chance after chance and kept dropping jace off so he could witness whatever dysfunctional nonsense was going on at Janelle's. 

also allowed her to come on over and have a shitshow screaming match in front of that kid on a regular basis.   requesting that those visits happen in a more controlled environment would have been better for him.   

It's been posted multiple times, but in case you didn't see it: when Jenelle was a heroin junkie, Barb didn't send Jace off to visit with her.  Jenelle would come to Barb's house and see Jace while Barb was there.  Until a few months ago there never WAS a visitation schedule so there was nothing to modify.  Barb going and getting a visitation schedule would be dumb because without one, she calls all the shots.

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19 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

Conveniently enough if Jen-yell and David filmed what went on at the house, it wasn't shown.  After the footage of those assholes ambushing poor Barb in the restaurant parking lot, Jen-yell was in her kitchen with her ass kissing producer telling her all about them stalking Barb to her house.  They were psycho dialing her and she wouldn't answer.  They were knocking on her door for 2 hours!  This is all Jen-yell's side of the story.  They were peering through windows even though the blinds were closed.  Somehow they were able to get a peek through the garage window and saw her car in there.  Out of "concern" they called the cops to "come check on her."  Psychos!

It sounds horrible what they were doing and we know how that crazy outfit tells stories.  She always sugar coats what *she* was doing so the reality of what they went to Barb's house and really did was way worse than how she told it.  She stood there in her kitchen telling the ass kiss producer all about it with a smug, pretentiousness smile that I wanted to slap off her face. 

Thanks for sharing...that sounds so mean.  they suck.

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22 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

Conveniently enough if Jen-yell and David filmed what went on at the house, it wasn't shown.  After the footage of those assholes ambushing poor Barb in the restaurant parking lot, Jen-yell was in her kitchen with her ass kissing producer telling her all about them stalking Barb to her house.  They were psycho dialing her and she wouldn't answer.  They were knocking on her door for 2 hours!  This is all Jen-yell's side of the story.  They were peering through windows even though the blinds were closed.  Somehow they were able to get a peek through the garage window and saw her car in there.  Out of "concern" they called the cops to "come check on her."  Psychos!

Exactly. And notice they didn't film IN the restaurant either. If there was massive amounts of alcohol being consumed, you'd think they'd want to document that. 

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49 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. And notice they didn't film IN the restaurant either. If there was massive amounts of alcohol being consumed, you'd think they'd want to document that. 

Jenelle has learned from the MTV school of editing that it doesn't matter if you don't have documentation, and you don't need to hear both sides of a story. She knows all she has to say is her mother was loaded up with alcohol and some viewers will believe her. Jenelle absorbs all the support she gets from her fans and she thrives on them hating on Barb. It doesn't give her much leverage though in the courtroom. Her lawyer would surely tell her there is no proof to substantiate her claims of Barb being drunk. A table with at least two adults can have several drinks on a table. Who is to say one person drank them all?   

If there was something mentioned in the court-order about alcohol, Jenelle thinks that is her ticket to ripping Jace from Barb's care. 

It is just ridiculous how far Jenelle is willing to go to get Jace back. She tried that shit with Nathan and it didn't work. 

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Here is the list of things they agreed to. This is from The Ashley. It says neither of them can drink excessively around Jace. We all know that the last item is specifically aimed at UBT. I would bet the farm that he's hit Jace and Jace told Barb. Too bad this agreement wasn't in place when they chased her in the restaurant parking lot and UBT had his phone in her face. That would have definitely violated #2. 


*That neither woman can restrict the other from having access to Jace’s school, medical or other important records.

*They are not allowed to call each other names or say anything bad about the other when Jace is present. They must also make sure that no one else (i.e. friends, soulmates, etc.) says anything bad about the other in front of Jace. They must be respectful to one another at all times while Jace is present.

*They are not allowed to use illegal drugs (including marijuana), or let anyone else around them use illegal drugs around Jace. In addition, they can’t be under the influence (or have anyone around them who is under the influence with them) while they are with Jace. 

*They can not drink excessively while Jace is present, nor can they allow others to be drunk around Jace. 

*They can not change their phone numbers or move without letting the other know. Also, if they take Jace out of the county, they have to let the other know where he will be.

*The only people who are allowed to physically discipline Jace are Barbara and Jenelle. The agreement specifically states that no one else may do so.

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11 hours ago, Moogen said:

Poor Endtable has one of the worst flat heads I've ever seen. I guess that's what happens when you spend your days shoved in a crib or a rock n play. Also, loved the zoom-in on her extreme spit up when UBT was burping her but completely distracted with bitchin' about Babs. Also how much freaking' formula do they give that kid?? That was like an 8oz bottle and she's like 2/3 months old last episode?


Karl's face is like a bag of smashed crabs with an attitude to match.


10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Sadly, it hasn't gotten better, if Jenelle's most recent Instagram posts are any indication. I thought they made helmets for that sort of thing?

I just couldn't figure out why these people weren't shaping her head from birth! *Yes, I'm old school and faithfully massaged my long labor/stuck in the birth canal head baby*

Those profile shots are pitiful! That girl will never be able to rock a high pony.

All I see when I look at her is The Coneheads. 

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Jenelle has learned from the MTV school of editing that it doesn't matter if you don't have documentation, and you don't need to hear both sides of a story. She knows all she has to say is her mother was loaded up with alcohol and some viewers will believe her. Jenelle absorbs all the support she gets from her fans and she thrives on them hating on Barb. It doesn't give her much leverage though in the courtroom. Her lawyer would surely tell her there is no proof to substantiate her claims of Barb being drunk. A table with at least two adults can have several drinks on a table. Who is to say one person drank them all?   

If there was something mentioned in the court-order about alcohol, Jenelle thinks that is her ticket to ripping Jace from Barb's care. 

It is just ridiculous how far Jenelle is willing to go to get Jace back. She tried that shit with Nathan and it didn't work. 

What's the most ridiculous of all is, she doesn't even want him. She just wants to hurt her mother and have access to Jace's portion of MTV money. In the clip of Barb and the ass kissing producer, Barb tells her that Jenelle called and wanted Jace that weekend and Jace said he didn't want to go to the swamp. THAT's what pissed her off and hatched the plan to accost Barb while she was having dinner with friends and the kids.

Edited by lovesnark
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19 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

What's the most ridiculous of all is, she doesn't even want him. She just wants to hurt her mother and have access to Jace's portion of MTV money. In the clip of Barb and the ass kissing producer, Barb tells her that Jenelle called and wanted Jace that weekend and Jace said he didn't want to go to the swamp. THAT's what pissed her off and hatched the plan to accost Barb while she was having dinner with friends and the kids.

Precisely my point, although I wasn't clear in my post. Her plan backfired when taking Nathan to court. It isn't as if Jenelle really wants Kaiser full-time. She just wants to stick it to the people that bother David the most and who she perceives are hurting her. It is simple revenge and they are both money-grubbing pigs.  D&J both want the extra cash that comes with having all the kids full-time and on camera, and they both want to eliminate Nathan and Barb from being on camera and earning any money from MTV.  

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8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Precisely my point, although I wasn't clear in my post. Her plan backfired when taking Nathan to court. It isn't as if Jenelle really wants Kaiser full-time. She just wants to stick it to the people that bother David the most and who she perceives are hurting her. It is simple revenge and they are both money-grubbing pigs.  D&J both want the extra cash that comes with having all the kids full-time and on camera, and they both want to eliminate Nathan and Barb from being on camera and earning any money from MTV.  

They really are the scum of the earth! This is what happens when two sociopaths get together. Now, let's see how wonderful everything is when they have their second spawn. David is so nice to marry her before then...vomit...

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11 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Here is the list of things they agreed to. This is from The Ashley. It says neither of them can drink excessively around Jace. We all know that the last item is specifically aimed at UBT. I would bet the farm that he's hit Jace and Jace told Barb. Too bad this agreement wasn't in place when they chased her in the restaurant parking lot and UBT had his phone in her face. That would have definitely violated #2. 

Interesting order.  I have to say, the vagueness of the term "drink excessively" is bound to cause problems.  You can't use terminology like that in court because how are they going to determine what "excessively" means?  How are they going to prove someone was drinking excessively as opposed to....not?  I've actually dealt with this issue in court when the probation department wanted that same term used as a probation condition for one of my clients. Eventually we have to put a specific blood alcohol level in the order in order to have some protection for my client. I'm seriously side-eyeing the judge who approved that one.  Way to leave it open for endless litigation every time Barb takes a sip of wine.

Edited by lezlers
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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Interesting order.  I have to say, the vagueness of the term "drink excessively" is bound to cause problems.  You can't use terminology like that in court because how are they going to determine what "excessively" means?  How are they going to prove someone was drinking excessively as opposed to....not?  I've actually dealt with this issue in court when the probation department wanted that same term used as a probation condition for one of my clients. Eventually we have to put a specific blood alcohol level in the order in order to have some protection for my client. I'm seriously side-eyeing the judge who approved that one.  Way to leave it open for endless litigation every time Barb takes a sip of wine.

I mean...we saw that Horry County "trial." I don't have much faith in any legal system where Nathan, Jenelle and David can stay free for long.  

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8 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I mean...we saw that Horry County "trial." I don't have much faith in any legal system where Nathan, Jenelle and David can stay free for long.  

I totally thought of that after I made my post.  It's not shocking that such an order would come out of the south Carolina kangaroo court system.

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On 9/1/2017 at 3:31 PM, DangerousMinds said:

No marijuana use? Court needs to test Jenelle immediately.

The bad thing about that is, pot stays in your system for a long time, especially if you're a heavy user. Jenelle could claim that she wasn't smoking around Jace  if she tested positive and there wouldn't be any way to prove she was lying. Personally, I think the order should have stipulated Jenelle AND the creep would have to take random drug tests. If either fails, visitation is revoked. 

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Late to the party as usual. Love reading all comments then watching, then commenting. At soccer, wish Javi or Karl had hugged Lincoln, said something like "it's scary doing something new and not knowing any of these other kids, but you can do it and I'll come with you" and then gone on the field with him or sent Isaac. Was afraid Karl would say I signed you up, you will play whether you want to or not. Kids get scared at new things sometimes. No words for Brianna or the coven. Leah is winning me over. She does communicate really well with Ali. Great seeing Corey and Miranda, not at all my taste, but their kitchen is cute and looks like it fits them. You can see the love and worry Leah, Corey and Miranda all have for Ali. Javi was poking the bear for sure. Wonder why Jo and Vee weren't at soccer?

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17 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I think marijuana is still illegal in North (South?) Carolina though.

Yep! It's legal to some extent in 26 states now, not just Colorado/California. Not SC though. Very much still illegal.

I know somebody already mentioned this, but after rewatching I'm still dumbfounded that 7(?) year old Ali is now being asked to make the medical decisions her parents were advised to make by a specialist 3+ years ago..."let me know if you need the wheelchair," seriously?!?!?! 

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