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S12.E19: Live Show 4

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Maybe I'm turning into Oscar the Grouch, but again, most of the show seemed meh to me.

For me, Yoli did better on Judge Cuts. The beginning especially felt weak and shaky to me.

Johnny Manuel. He did take a chance. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I actually enjoyed it, although the judges did not. He took a chance, he wanted to go outside the box and not be pigeonholed. The judges seem to want him to be pigeonholed. Howie and Mel wanted him to stick to "diva" songs. Mel said that he peaked too soon. Like he couldn't possibly get better if he made it through. Then Chase comes on, and they go nuts over him and praise his originally. So Johnny cannot be an original? Maybe I'm missing something. I guess Johnny should have added a seriously overwhelming sob story, and the judges might have eaten it up.

I liked Eric Jone's presentation. He's calm, quirky, personable. Not in your face and overbearing.

Preacher's presentation package was funnier than his actual live presentation.

To me, Evie continues to give off a Grace VanDer Waal vibe. I still cannot understand her at times. My heart still goes out to her and her family...especially her father.


At least Mel left the over the top, lusting over any guy that shows up cougar act behind. Thank goodness!

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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Didn't Sarah and Hero get voted through? Why did she only have five days to create a new act? I did LOL at Darci's puppet flirting with Simon. Plus that girl hit some amazing notes ... without opening her mouth. Maybe Evie should try singing with her mouth closed.

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Semi-finals! Where I like (just about) everyone, and that makes this really hard! Hence a few ties.

11. Billy and Emily England. Still don't get the appeal. Also, angling for the Game of Thrones audience much with that background?
10. Johnny Manuel. Sorry, but for me the original number was fairly blah. Now that we're over the shock of him doing "girls'" songs, he's...just okay.
9. Mike Yung. Love the song choice (due to its use on The OC, the Best Show Evar), but I think he oversang it. Plus, see below: much talent.
8. Danell Daymon and Greater Works. It pains me to put them this low. I love me a good choir. And "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" could have been a spectacular choir song. But the arrangement...just didn't appeal to me. Stay with it as a ballad, don't "over-choir" it just because you feel like you have to. Their rendition of "Amazing Grace" in the video was better.
7a. Evie Clair. What @Drogo said: pretty, good voice, feel bad about her dad, but also a bit of a mumbler. She needs a million hugs. But there are so many deserving people...
7b. Yoli Mayor. It was better than last week, but not as good as the early weeks.
5a. Chase Goehring. He's a great songwriter and performer. I just enjoyed a lot of the acts.
5b. Sara and Hero (and Loki). Love me a good dog act. Think they missed a few tricks in there, though again, only had like a week to prepare. Loved that the dogs just tugged on the Frisbee forever at the end. Someone buy this girl a house! Or an RV or something!
3. Eric Jones. GREAT close-up magic tonight. Smart move making the judges "do" the tricks. Magnets? That's my best guess.
2. Darci Lynne. Who knew she was so funny? Very talented, plays to the audience well. 
1. Preacher Lawson. This man NEEDS a sitcom. And to replace Kevin Hart in every movie in the future. For serious.

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I felt bad for Johnny getting the shaft over doing an original tune while they praise Chase for doing his own material. The skaters are still creepy to me. Evie and Yoli still not great singers. Preacher I don't understand Simon fawning over him every show like he's the second coming of George Carlin. He's occasionally humorous but who could sit thru a concert performance from him? Darci Lynne continues to shine and I agree with the oddsmakers she's going to win this season. Sara and the dogs aren't all that but it doesn't seem to matter because America loves dogs and a good rags to riches story. Mike Yung was quite good which surprised me a bit. The choir picked a great song then tried to do too much with it. I'm sure it's much more impactful in the concert hall then on TV. 


My predictions for tomorrow 


Darci Lynne, Chase, Sara and Hero, the magician and Evie make it thru. I hope I'm wrong about Evie and Chase though. 

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I don't get the appeal of the roller skaters. Pairs figure skaters have been doing some of their tricks (like headbangers) for years, probably at least 20, on thin skate blades but the judges act like they are completely original.


Ok found video from 1994. Headbanger at end. A little different but same idea 

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My family is obsessed with Penn and Teller: Fool Us. Usually we watch those tricks and are clueless as to how anything happened. Watching Eric Jones, we could tell that the trick with the bill was going to involve something appearing under it, even before he started with the coins and the judges, and it was super easy to tell how it worked with 3 of the 4 judges. We also caught the big problem with his act last week. Everyone was disappointed with tonight as a whole.

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I'm sorry everyone, but I loathe ventriloquists with a passion.  The scary rictus that Darci constantly displays is almost as creepy and unentertaining to me as the "you make me want to slit my wrists and why would I pay good money for that?" clown did.

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Darci Lynne - That was the weakest of her 3 performances, and she's still miles ahead of her nearest competitor. 

Mike Yung - He's never made me gasp in awe, but tonight he just brought so much old school realness to his song, I want him to stay now.

Sarah and Hero+Loki - I wasn't a fan after her audition round, but she's won me over.  Those goofy, happy dogs make me smile.  They have much more joy in what they're being asked to do than that family dog act had, and it's palpable.  I think that says a lot about Sarah, and I kiiinda love her for that.

Chase - I'm not a fan of him...at all.  Still, in a field of questionable talent, he earned a place in tonight's top 5.

Preacher - I'm not particularly impressed by his jokes, but at least he slowed down and enunciated well enough tonight that I understood everything he said.  For the first time!  Points for that, and bonus points for dissing Tyra.  That took balls and some awareness of how annoyed much of the viewing audience is with her.  For that alone he makes it into my top 5 going on after tonight.

Everyone else?  Please leave the stage now.  Really, please.

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I have rarely seen such an easy 5 to cut in an AGT semi-final:  Evie, Chase, Roller skaters, Yoli, and Preacher.

Preacher deserves a special mention for his offensive material.  Chris Rock may be smart enough to make humorous comments about single-parent children.  Preacher isn't.  Stunning, this was.  His enunciation was much improved, for what it's worth.

Darci crushed the comedy portion of her routine and the showmanship of bringing Edna to Simon's shoulder was excellently done.  I would have preferred more of an aged singing voice to stay in the puppet's character, though.   Darci is beyond question worthy of winning this season.

Eric Jones' magic was phenomenal.  As much as I love Darci, I could not argue against anyone who said he won the night on stage.

I think the Gospel choir is in big trouble.  They were fine.  They were not inspirational.  That song choice was very bad for them.  The voting last week presages an exit tonight.  I'd be fine with them staying.  I just don't see it happening.

I do agree with Simon that the production itself was excellent.  That's the AGT I admire.

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*slaps himself*


Sorry, didn't want to scare you all like that, just here to rank some stuff:


11. Yoli Mayor - There are hints of greatness in Yoli, but she hasn't really found a way to command the stage yet. Frankly I have forgotten her performance after just writing that sentence and I don't really feel like watching it again so let's just move on.


10. Evie Clair - This was pleasant enough, but she fails to really stand out in any meaningful way. Recent reports are saying her dad might only have hours left instead of days so it's hard not to feel for her situation and if this show has helped her cope and take her mind off the misery then at least some good has come from it, but setting all of that aside and judging her objectively? She just fails to leave much of an impression in the competition. 


9. Johnny Manuel - I didn't mind the song, it was certainly a brave move but it also drowned him out in the end. Johnny has one of the best voices in the competition, maybe even THE best but unlike Brian Justin Crum last season Johnny hasn't really managed to figure out how to put it to good use yet and I feel like everything after his audition has just been an excuse for the judges to go "yeah, you really should just sing "I Have Nothing" again". At some point we have to stop judging an act based on their potential and start judging the performance on the night and that time has come for Johnny.


8. Chase Goehring - I don't really have anything against him, he just does his own thing and does it well. It's just not really MY thing and I'm beginning to feel like I've heard this exact same song from him 4 times now, but hey...his stoned out friend got to show off his talent of beating a box on stage without going through a single previous round so that was cool.


7. DaNell Daymon & Greater Works - A step down for me too, picking a slow "ballady" (not a word, but I'm using it anyways because butchering the english language is my favourite past-time) song didn't help them stand out in any way since everyone else was doing the same thing. Their best feature is the amount of energy they have as a group and that kind of got lost with this song as the solo singers took over.


6. Eric Jones - A (better) variation of this same trick actually managed to fool Penn and Teller on their show, but the camera did him no real favours here.  It was definitely an improvement over the last one though and I still dig his calm demeanour, even if it results in a performance that feels slow at times.


5. Mike Yung - This was looking like an especially weak episode for the singers until Mike came along. Stripping (thankfully not literally) things down really helped bring out what made him so special in the first place and this was just a solid, enjoyable and captivating performamnce. He moves around like he's about to fall over or blow up any second, but It's part of the charm.


4. Sara & Hero- Yeah I'm all out of excuses, this is just fun. It's not the best dog act ever or anything and this week especially was a bit sloppy, but it is impressive how she manages to come up with (mostly) new tricks each time and the dogs seem more into it than half the humans on this show.


3. Preacher Lawson - The material, the delivery and the timing all worked this week and I found myself wanting more once he was done so that's never a bad thing. There's a danger of him going over the "hilarious" line into "annoying" territory whenever things get too manic, but he's managed to keep it nicely balanced so far. If Tyra didn't chop him into pieces he should do very well in the voting tonight.


2. Billy and Emily England - So THATS what the Lannisters do when Game of Thrones goes off air. I have to hand it to them, I thought this act would run out of things to do a LONG time ago, but they have managed to keep it going and impress us with new moves each time. It's not as easily noticeable as a singer singing a new song which will leave a lot of people complaining that "they do the same thing every time" but look closer and they have done just about everything they could so far to make this diverse.


1.Darci Lynn - This was funny, charming. creative, technically impressive and vocally better than half the singers we heard. AND SHE DID IT WITH HER MOUTH CLOSED. I was a bit sceptical of Darci back in the audition rounds, but she's more than proved herself a worthy contender. You completely forget her age as you watch her, she's a natural on stage and right up there with Terry Fator and Paul Zerdin.


A fairly decent episode, we can probably say goodbye to the choir and I just can't see Yoli making it out of this either. Darci and Chase are sure locks for the top 3, with Preacher as the likely 3rd one. I have a good feeling about Sara & Hero making it through one way or the other too. The last spot could honestly go to anyone.


Mike Yung is the most deserving out of the singers, but his fanbase isn't quite as big as some of the others and I fear he'll unfairly get thrown under the bus. Johnny failed to impress, but he still has fans out there and it's hard to deny he has a great voice. Watching Eric is a bit like hearing your personal therapist talk about their day, but people like magic on this show and he did good this time. Evie is still a danger to everyone due to her story. Billy and Emily were great as always, but has America gotten sick of watching them spin around? I have no idea, It could be any of them so I'll just go with my gut feeling:


11. DaNell Daymon & Greater Works
10. Yoli Mayor
9. Eric Jones
8. Billy and Emily England
7. Mike Yung
6. Johnny Manuel (loses judges choice)
5. Evie Clair (winss udges choice)
4. Sara & Hero (win dunkin save)
3. Preacher Lawson
2. Chase Goehring
1. Darci Lynn

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Last night the only 3 acts we voted for were Darci Lynn, Eric Jones, and Sara & Hero.  We thoroughly enjoyed all of these performances.  Darci is still our pick to win it all, but Sara & Hero could be a surprise upset. 

Darci Lynn is fantastic.  Love her sense of humor, her performance skills and her singing voice.  Agree with the poster up thread who said it would have been nice to have an "older" singing voice to go along with the puppet, and it seemed as though she did try but couldn't sustain it, but overall that didn't detract from her performance.  Love Eric Jones low-key presentation, and I can never figure out magic tricks, so we thought he was awesome.  We actually prefer his "folksy" presentation over some of the overblown stuff we get.  and Sara & Hero are just so much fun.  As Mel says, they make us smile.  Again agree with a poster up-thread:  they're not the greatest dog act in the world.  But the dogs are having so much fun and they're doing some things we're not used to seeing each time - just a really feel-good act, and we're okay with that.  I'll take someone less polished who really entertains us over someone better who makes us want to do something else when they're on any day.  We really want to see these three make it through to the end.

Billy and Emily continue to bore us to tears.  My husband actually missed the *gasp* ending because he'd stopped watching and was on Facebook on his phone.  As soon as Billy threw his hands up after tossing his sister, I don't see how anyone could have still been shocked, as it was clearly part of the act so clearly there was some appropriate landing made for her behind the raised platform.  So the judges' over-the-top reaction bugged.  Use your heads, people.  He's not going to deliberately injure or kill his sister at this stage of the game.  smh

And we still don't get the appeal of Preacher.  I will say that this was the first time we could actually understand him, so yay?  Unfortunately, nothing he said made us laugh, and we had no idea what he was talking about with the whole big forehead thing.  The good comics got left behind, and we are stuck with an inferior "Eddie Murphy."  Nope.

We liked the choir through the first two rounds, but did not care for them last week and actively hated them this week.  Awful song choice.  Awful arrangement.  The woman who was singing lead through most of it was underwhelming. 

We have liked Yoli before, but last night we were split.  Hubby liked that song; I didn't.  I thought her voice was off or something.  Mike Yung has a nice voice, but I wasn't blown away by that song.  Johnny Manuel has a beautiful voice, and I actually like his original song, but we thought he over-sang it or something.  As Len Goodman says on DWTS - it lacked light and shade.  Too all out all the time.  Evie Clair is a beautiful young girl with a lovely voice, and she plays piano well.  Again, she was good but didn't really wow us.  Chase Goehring is another one where we're split - hubby does not care for him at all; I think he's a cutie and seems really nice, I like his singing voice, and I liked this song better than some of his others.  But I wouldn't say he's a favorite of mine; I don't cringe when he comes on either, though. 

So after our top 3, we'd be okay with most of any of the others getting through with the exception of Preacher Lawson and Billy & Emily England.  I have a feeling we'll be stuck with Preacher, but we're really hoping enough of America is sick of the spinning duo to see them go.

And I want to give props to Tyra last night.  She looked gorgeous - hair, make-up, dress - loved it all.  And she was the most natural I think we've seen her all season.  She was really good with the contestants as well.  Don't know if this was just an "off" night for her or if she's growing into the job, but hoping it's the latter.  She has frequently annoyed us before, but last night we were feeling the love for her.

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11 hours ago, Drogo said:

I'm sorry, Evie, you're very sweet and pretty and I love that you love your father... but I can't understand one word when you're singing. 

Thank you. I call it talk/singing, emphasis on talk. 

2 hours ago, Frankenstein123 said:

I'm beginning to feel like I've heard this exact same song from him 4 times now,

Me, too!

1 hour ago, LadyMustang65 said:

And I want to give props to Tyra last night.  She looked gorgeous - hair, make-up, dress - loved it all.  And she was the most natural I think we've seen her all season.

I thought so, too. Maybe she can start dressing Mel B., what was UP with that?

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Last night the only 3 acts we voted for were Darci Lynn, Eric Jones, and Sara & Hero.

Darci Lynn was terrific; Sara and Hero got me when Hero and Loki were fighting for the Frisbee at the end, and the only part of Eric Jones' trick I thought I saw was where he got rid of some evidence, and that was as much a camera work issue as it was his presentation.  (I'm not sure how he did the actual vanish; maybe I should take more science classes.)

After that...I agree that Preacher Lawson deserves a sitcom; I think his humor would work even better in that format.  None of the acts made me wonder why they were on TV, which is a step up, though I hope Darci Lynn, Eric Jones, and Sara & Hero make the finals (also to give Sara another week; she deserves that.)

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9 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

Darci Lynne - That was the weakest of her 3 performances, and she's still miles ahead of her nearest competitor. 

Mike Yung - He's never made me gasp in awe, but tonight he just brought so much old school realness to his song, I want him to stay now.

Sarah and Hero+Loki - I wasn't a fan after her audition round, but she's won me over.  Those goofy, happy dogs make me smile.  They have much more joy in what they're being asked to do than that family dog act had, and it's palpable.  I think that says a lot about Sarah, and I kiiinda love her for that.

Chase - I'm not a fan of him...at all.  Still, in a field of questionable talent, he earned a place in tonight's top 5.

Preacher - I'm not particularly impressed by his jokes, but at least he slowed down and enunciated well enough tonight that I understood everything he said.  For the first time!  Points for that, and bonus points for dissing Tyra.  That took balls and some awareness of how annoyed much of the viewing audience is with her.  For that alone he makes it into my top 5 going on after tonight.

Everyone else?  Please leave the stage now.  Really, please.

Darci Lynne is lapping the field. As I've said before, she's the best singer this year, even singing with her mouth closed. And for a 12 year old she has a very mature sense of humor, and her ability to create multiple characters is impressive. Initially I though she was going to use that bunny every week. No, she didn't quite bring off an old lady singing voice, but she did invest the character with a distinctive personality. Amazing.

Mike Yung sang a Solomon Burke song and sounded just like Burke, one of the great soul singers of all time. I was impressed. He's the only one of the remaining solo singing acts that I don't fast forward through. All the others are various degrees of boring (Yoli) or annoying (Chase). As someone else posted, Chase sings the same song every week, yet he never gets criticized for it. Definitely one of this year's chosen ones as I guess the show goes for the tween audience.

Sarah and her dogs missed several tricks, but the happy, upbeat music helped get the audience involved, and I think people will vote for her as this year's feel good story. Which I'm fine with, since I want to see anyone other than a singer make the finals. And there is a different vibe than the traditional trained dog acts we've seen over the years. It's like the dogs are truly her partners. And her equals.

I'm still having a hard time understanding Preacher, and his kind of manic comic style doesn't appeal to me. Especially when the comedian is laughing at his own jokes. I like comedians who let the audience decide when to laugh, instead of practically screaming "hey look at me, I'm funny." Stripped away of all the manic energy,  his jokes really aren't funny. Big foreheads, big lips, who's your Daddy. Ho hum.

Edited by bluepiano
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13 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

There is a you tube performance with that puppet that is a country song.  It is much  better.  But I still thought she did very good.


cheer for Hero

Actually the youtube performance with Edna Doorknocker was where she sang Hammer's You Can't Touch This and the old lady puppet flirted with a guy in the audience then.  The country singer puppet was a younger girl with brown pigtails.

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14 hours ago, DietCokeJunkie said:

So after tomorrow how many acts are we down to? 

quarters - 33

semis - 22, semis part 2 - the other 11

finals - 10


My guess this week: Sara, Darci, Mike, DaNell, Eric

Vote for Sarah and Hero and Loki!!!

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I can't with Simon not being able to hear, understand or pronounce Loki's name. "Lucky ... ?" Someone school the man on Norse mythology. Or give him some Marvel comics or a ticket to The Avengers. Meanwhile, I did like Preacher throwing shade on Tyra and wished the camera had cut to her reaction. Otherwise, I haven't found Preacher funny at all. Last night was his best performance IMO, not that that means much. I'm rooting for Sarah, Hero and LOKI, although I'm thinking this is Darci's to lose. She really is astoundingly talented and I loved this performance.

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Loved Darci, Eric, and Sarah and the dogs. I think the rollerskating siblings did themselves a disservice in that they put a new, dangerous and exciting trick in the act just before he tossed her off the stage.  All anyone could talk about was him tossing her, and they seemed to fail to notice that, right before that, she was hanging from his neck by one skate during a death spiral! That was amazing!  I've never seen ice skaters do that with one skate and no hands. (Not saying it hasn't been done, just that I've never come across it. 

I am sick of singing acts, and fast-forwarded through all of them except Darci and the choir.  I was terribly disappointed in the choir.  They could have done a great version of that song and theirs ended up just being kind of ho-hum.  Oh, and I had the opposite reaction to Preacher Lawson than the most of the rest of you -- I loved him before and hated his act last night.  I'm also tired of his shouting.  It reminds me of the shouting southern "bro" contestants we see every season on "Next Food Network Star."  I liked his opening package more than his act. 

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Well, at least no one was awful, so I won't be disappointed if any of the acts gets through, although some definitely need to.

First.... the good....

Tyra's hair and outfit.  She looked stunning for the first time this season.

All the backgrounds, sets and music were well done.

The bad...

Two comments on the sob stories...

Yoli...."I worked all my life for this and didn't want my dream to end."    Your dream won't end if you don't win.  Many Idol contestants didn't win and were more successful than those that did.  

Eric Jones..."I want to win this to be a good father".....Eric, you can be a janitor and be a good father.  That was a lame reason.

Mel B's hair and outfit....She looked like a red haired mohawked Pocahontas on crack.  What was that?

11.  Billy and Emily....We've seen it before.

10.  Johnny Manuel....I know he can sing, but that was a lot of yelling and the song did nothing for me.
9. Preacher....He's funny, but that the fast delivery is still disconcerting.
8. Eric Jones....good magic, but using the judges was clunky again.
7. DaNell and Greater Works....They can sing, but it sounds the same every show.
6. Yoli Mayor.....Nice song and performance, just no wow factor.
5. Chase Goehring....he has a nice voice, but again nothing great.
4. Sara & Hero....too much fun.
3. Mike Yung....Good performance.
2. Evie Clair....Beautiful set, beautiful singing and it moved me, unlike none of the other singers tonight.
1. Darci Lynn....She's just great.  Entertaining, funny, can sing.  I could watch a whole show of her.

I really hope Darci and Evie get through, the rest is fine with me.  I'm sure it's going to be really close and really hard to predict.

I think Darci is a heavy favorite to go through and Billy and Emily are in trouble.

There will be some really good acts in the Dunkin Save as it will the 4, 5, 6 top vote getters.

Edited by Parker
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Of course I'm still in love with Sara, Hero & Loki, and enjoyed last night's performance, missed tricks and all.  Hero & Loki are just too fun, entertaining and put on an impromptu show of their own at the end with the Frisbee.  Darci Lynne is amazing.  Those are the two who I wish the best for.


I was again not a fan of Tyra (and of course Mel B's hair and fashion sense) last night.  The gold lame dress was too short and I don't get why the dress was cut to purposefully show off her basic black bra.  It would have been better with a covered bodice not showing underwear and a wee bit longer.

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LOL! Thanks Parker, for reminding me Sarah and Hero got voted through on a Wednesday and had to come up with a new act by Monday ... five days. The way Howie said it, it sounded like hers was the only act that didn't have more time. Although maybe other acts had an extra week? I don't keep track of who gets voted in when. Anyway, "she done good."

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21 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Didn't Sarah and Hero get voted through? Why did she only have five days to create a new act?

I think Howie was essentially pointing out that 17 other quarterfinalists have gotten two or even three weeks to prepare for their semifinal performances. Like The Super Collies, Mike Yung, Greater Works and Chase Goehring also had quick turnarounds from their quarterfinals last week but presumably had already performed their songs often. They were not creating a new performance from scratch.

Edited to add: Sorry, saber5055, I didn't mean to jump on your post there - I was typing and failed to open the pop-up notice that someone had added their reply.

Edited by halopub
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Last night performances was dominated by Darci! She should win this hands down in a perfect world, but this world isn't perfect so here we go:

11. Evie Clair - I'm judging her performance by itself.....it's amazing she has lasted this long. Yesterday wasn't very good and as the number of contestants dwindle, she has less of a chance to stay.

10. Sara and Hero - Her past performances have been all over the place but at least the dogs obeyed her commands. Yesterday, the dogs missed several tricks and I am going to judge the dogs also. After all they're part of the act. Her performance again wasn't good and should be going home tonight! A little more about Sara & Hero later.

 9. Chase Goehring - Grace Vanderwaal 2.0 !! It's funny that they both play stringed instruments. It's true what another poster wrote about Johnny Manuel's original song getting low critiques from the judges but Chase's original was a miracle in the making! Huh? He's just not very good, especially when he starts "talking fast"! He doesn't have a good tone, so please America, send the poor boy home.....tonight!

 8. Yoli Mayor - (Sigh)....I'm a fan of Yoli's but yesterday wasn't a good night for her. She was off tune in my opinion and seemed nervous for most of the song. I'm afraid her journey ends tonight.

 7. Billy & Emily - I actually enjoyed their performance yesterday. And that was before Billy let go of his sister! Since the bases of their act is spinning in that tight circle, I don't think it will be enough for them to go through.

 6. Preacher Lawson -Last week's performance was much better. In fact, I didn't laugh one time yesterday. I agree with others that his shouting was too much. You add the shouting with material that's not funny and you have a ticket home! Adios amigo!

 5. DaNell Choir - I think they'll advance, but I just don't like choirs as a main act. They know that they couldn't get by singing gospel songs, so they're adding pop songs to their mix. I wouldn't be surprised if they go 6th.

 4. Mike Yung - This dude has a good voice but he has no appeal! He just looks like your mailman or custodian. I think that might hurt him.

 3. Johnny Manuel - I disagree with MelB! I liked his original song. In fact I was humming it after the show! He has powerful vocals and has the best voice of all the singers. In my opinion, America voters and the judges got used to and expected Johnny to keep singing diva type songs. That might hurt him.

 2. Eric Jones - I love magic and Eric didn't disappoint! Even though I might've figured out a couple of things he still did an amazing job. The coin trick with the judges holding them...I just don't know how he did that. And I'm okay not knowing.

 1. Darci Lynne - What a talented young girl. Great performance with that "old lady" puppet. Even though she didn't sound like an old lady when she was singing,....who cares? Darci sounds better than a lot of singers still in this competition. She should win AGT. She would deserve it.


A few loose things......


Am I the only one who thinks that Sara's dogs Hero and Lokey, when they both had their jaws locked on the Frisbee, that it was "planned"? In other words, she commanded them to do that. It was a very smart move by Sara. Her performance was over but it really wasn't. She made sure she did something for America to think about and remember. I think it worked, being that a lot of posters have mentioned the Frisbee thing already. Another thing about Sara. Why is everyone drinking the Kool Aid about her living in her SUV? She probably stayed one night or a few hours in it and now she's probably exaggerated this thing out of proportion...lol! She's appeared in David Letterman and was picked up by Stunt Dogs Productions. She's not hurting. Read her bio.

I do have to say that Tyra Banks did look gorgeous last night. For the first time she looked like she was clicking with the show and the contestants. If she is still the host of AGT next season, maybe she will be less annoying. I'm still hoping Nick Cannon returns.

Has anyone noticed that some female singers now a days, especially young singers, sing with that "high pitch I'm losing my voice" style?  It's hard to describe but Alanis Morissette comes to mind.


Until next time.....  

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12 hours ago, Destiny007 said:

Actually the youtube performance with Edna Doorknocker was where she sang Hammer's You Can't Touch This and the old lady puppet flirted with a guy in the audience then.  The country singer puppet was a younger girl with brown pigtails.

You're so right.  I was binging her you  tube performances and got them mixed up.  I'm curious if she will do the country song for the finals.

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It's been awhile since I watched a finale episode of the show. I know next week is Part 2 of the semi-finals; then, the week after that, the last 10 will perform on Tuesday, then the final 5 on Wednesday? Or something?


I agree that Darci is the likely winner of this season; I'll take her over the other kid performers (at least she's not just another singer). I also wouldn't be surprised if Terry Fator joined her onstage in the final episode (even though I know he's been back a few times already). It might be kind of fun to see the two of them together.


Johnny Manuel isn't my favorite, but I prefer him to Chase -- and, yes, why give him a hard time for writing his own song, then act like Chase is just bursting with originality? As for Chase's lyrics -- I'm not sure what to say, except that I doubt anybody will be referring to him as "the next Bob Dylan" any time soon.


That choir needs to calm down. So does Preacher.


But not Eric Jones. I found my attention wandering back to my Chromebook screen shortly after his act began.  (I'm not even sure what his trick was, to be honest.)


Yoli's praise from the judges ... baffled me. I thought that she was flat several times (my mother agreed). I'd be surprised if she made it through to the finals.


The dogs were cute, although I noticed that Hero (or maybe it was Loki) failed to catch a frisbee at one point; this was before both dogs fought over said frisbee at the end!


I don't really have an opinion one way or the other about the brother/sister skaters or Mike Yung.


Finally, Evie Clair isn't the worst young singer I've seen on this show but even aside from her story, I don't see her winning. It's very sad about her dad, though; I came across her mother's blog, and according to that, Evie's father seems to be within his final hours. I can't help thinking that she needs to go, even if she is voted through, so she can go be with her family. 

Edited by kickedinthehead
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Whew, finally catching up on this show.

I thought most of Eric Jones's trick was excellent...except the part where I could already see the coins under the hundred dollar bill before he started having the judges make them disappear.

If Preacher could do a set where he doesn't insult a woman's appearance, that would be great.

I liked Johnny Manuel's original song, but the way the show keeps going back to his "I Have Nothing" performance (they included it in his intro video) made me nervous for him. Whether intentionally or not, they're really pushing the "he can only sing this song well" narrative and I think that hurt him.

I'm continuously baffled that this show is even remotely a priority for Evie Clare's family right now. I'm a grown adult and if my dad was dying I'd give up as much of my life as possible to spend what time I could with him. I've said it before, but the whole situation kind of creeps me out (though of course I do still feel bad for them, as it is awful).

Love, love, love Sara and Hero. Someone said it here last week: we all know a Sara, and I think there's something about her that people really connect with. I don't think she goes super overboard with her "sob" story, and she and her dogs are super enjoyable to watch.

Chase Goehring's "nice guys finish last" vibe is so tiresome. Can he please stop singing about the girls he likes being mistreated by other guys and he's the only one that can love them properly? It's so gross.

Darci is a certified superstar, and she'll only get better as she gets older and has more practice. Her regular speaking voice is still very much a "little girl" voice so I think that limits the voices she can sing in, but once her voice matures she'll be something else.

Mike Yung is a great singer but his weird jerky gesturing completely takes me out of the moment. You're not singing in the subway for pocket change anymore, my guy, tighten it up!

On 9/5/2017 at 10:43 PM, TJtrack99 said:

11. Billy and Emily England. Still don't get the appeal. Also, angling for the Game of Thrones audience much with that background?

I like to think it was a shoutout to those of us who are a little skeeved out by their, uh, Lannister vibes.

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