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S09.E10: Cleveland City Finals

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James McGrath looked like he needed to throw up after every obstacle and wanted to cry before the start of the next one.

Its odd that they were explaining it as because of him recovering from surgery and not training as much this year when he seemed to do much better in the first half of the course during qualifiers.

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This is a good example of why the woman rule is better then random cards.  It lead to competition among the women and with wild cards eliminated with a good group of women the competition is fierce.  I felt a bit sorry for Michelle Warnky who was the first to run so didn't have anyone else to watch to see how to do that horrible nail thing but I guess watching people fail didn't help anyone else and going first is how the cookie crumbles sometimes.  Still a pretty good night.  

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18 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

James McGrath looked like he needed to throw up after every obstacle and wanted to cry before the start of the next one.

Its odd that they were explaining it as because of him recovering from surgery and not training as much this year when he seemed to do much better in the first half of the course during qualifiers.


The two events are actually run back to back right? (Even though they pretend there is time between the qualifiers and city finals). So he could have used up all his energy in the qualifiers and had no time to refill the tank before the finals. 


So 3 finals, 2 with 1 finisher and 1 with 2 finishers. The elevator climb is doable, but as usual they have too many upper body challenges leading up to it, draining the competitors first. 

Jessie was fast enough to snag the 15th spot too; that was impressive. I do feel bad for Michelle, to get so close; I was almost hoping her time might have been enough to make it but no go. Next year she'll probably be one to watch out for. 

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7 minutes ago, Taeolas said:


The two events are actually run back to back right? (Even though they pretend there is time between the qualifiers and city finals). So he could have used up all his energy in the qualifiers and had no time to refill the tank before the finals. 

That makes sense.  I always assumed they were the same night, but I don't ever recall them telling blatant lies about Ninjas going home to train and figure out the obstacles.  So I had decided I was wrong about that.  Based on the consistency of the Ninja spectators, I'd say you are right that its the same time frame.

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Personally, I think they should've done the top 15 plus the next top 2 women. If a woman is boss enough to beat out a number of the men (as we've been finding that they increasingly are), they should add to their numbers. Michelle would've gotten in to the finals in that case. 

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I must have missed something.  What was wrong with James McGrath?  I thought they said something about a shoulder injury but I don't remember hearing anything about that before.

I like Jamie and Joe a lot so I was very happy that they both made it to the end.

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Hell of a night. Spills, chills, and tears. James McGrath almost got put down, three women advanced to the dread Nail Clipper, the Nail Clipper winds up invoking more nightmares than Ring of Fire did on TNW (I think Flip still wakes up in cold sweats because of that), and Jamie  Rahn not only doesn't get the WWWA treatment, he was the first guy to finish the course. Kinda odd that he got the Sponsor Award, especially after Joe Moravsky finished it faster.

Funny that Jon Alexis wound up finishing in third. Turns out he's not good in team situations, but his height helps him in the prelims.

I feel bad for Michelle Warnky. She got that far, but so many other people made it to Nail Clipper. What would have happened if she and the two other ladies (Allyssa and Jesse) made the top 15?

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

This is a good example of why the woman rule is better then random cards.  It lead to competition among the women and with wild cards eliminated with a good group of women the competition is fierce.  I felt a bit sorry for Michelle Warnky who was the first to run so didn't have anyone else to watch to see how to do that horrible nail thing but I guess watching people fail didn't help anyone else and going first is how the cookie crumbles sometimes.  Still a pretty good night.  

I wouldn't bet that the runs are shown in order. Taping at night allows them to reorder runs in whatever order they like, so that they call follow their formula of frustration early then gradually competitors getting a bit further before the last competitors make it all the way to the end.

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5 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I feel bad for Michelle Warnky. She got that far, but so many other people made it to Nail Clipper. What would have happened if she and the two other ladies (Allyssa and Jesse) made the top 15?

If 3 or more women make it to the Top 15, then all of them get to go on to Vegas.  The Top 15 make it to Vegas, regardless of sex; and up to the Top 2 women go as well, as long as they are not already in the Top 15. 

So 16 people are going forward from Cleveland because one woman also made it into the Top 15. 

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Jamie Rahn (Captain NBC) and The Weatherman (Joe Moravsky) were the only two contestants that made it all the way and hit the buzzer.  NBC showed the complete runs of many who failed.  The complete runs of the only two finishers should have been shown, from start to finish. 

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That was kind of meh for me.  It's great to see Flex and Alyssa, but I was bummed for Michelle, and I thought they spent way too much time in James McGrath (who I otherwise like).  Really could not deal at all with Akbar saying stuff about, "You have to do better than your girlfriend!"  No, he doesn't, dude.  And with the courses set up the way they are, anyone can have a bad day and not make it through.  

I honestly like the City Qualifiers better.  There are so few finishers, the finals are boring.  

And, yes, please less on Jamie Rahm's backstory, and show his full run, please.

Kristine has gotten a lot better at interviewing this season.  A better rhythm, more genuine interaction with the people, and just seems more confident.  Good for her.

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They spent so long on Jamie's big life change which could have been a 5 second snippet - We're engaged! - and done. They really love their ninja couples on this and it is beginning to get obnoxious. I would much rather see his run in its entirety. 

Sad for Michelle but I am glad that she made it as far as she did and got the chance to get past the wall and the salmon ladder. Also bummed for her friend/employee who was one of the fastest in the qualifier but got spun out off the log roll after it made it to the end. 

I can't decide how I feel about if a woman gets in the top 15 then only one other woman gets to go with the 2 cap (unless multiple make it in the top 15 I guess). I kinda wish it was 17 no matter what with at least two women. But then who does the bonus spot go to if a woman is in the top 15 - should it go to a woman because then Michelle would get to go and we would have more representation for the woman. Or make it that at least two women go and if one makes it in the top 15 then it is whomever qualifies next (man or woman) which may have been McGrath (poor guy looked wrecked but he sure did push through and was so damn close it hurt to watch him just barely miss the landing). 

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From what I understand the wild card has been eliminated completely.  If Three women make it to the top 15 then that qualifier only has 15 people in it and no extras.    Because Jessie Graff made it into the top 15!(heck top 4)  there are only 16 from Daytona.    The new woman's rule does nothing more then guarantee that at least two women qualify from each region.  

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Maybe I am super old-fashioned, but I am not a fan of Alyssa Beird's extremely tiny outfits, considering that she is a 5th-grade teacher. That is an age where a lot of kids are starting puberty and might feel pretty confused by their feelings seeing their hot teacher prancing about in booty shorts and a bra. Then again, I tend to prefer male ninjas who do not go shirtless, Nicholas Coolridge excepted.

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15 hours ago, Taeolas said:


The two events are actually run back to back right? (Even though they pretend there is time between the qualifiers and city finals). So he could have used up all his energy in the qualifiers and had no time to refill the tank before the finals. 



They are filmed on back to back nights, but not back to back in the same night unless there was some reason a contestant missed out on the first night. I attended a filming last year, and the course had to be closed early due to lightning. There was a rumor that one big name ninja's qualifying run was bumped back to the beginning of the finals for that reason. But aside from special circumstances like that, all the qualifying is in one night and all the finals the next.

Also, the rolling log? Looks bad on TV, is worse in person. It was pretty horrifying to watch in Indy last year. They seemed to adjust it a bit from last year with a little up-ramp at the end, so not as many people were completely thrown off into the mat at the bottom. But recovering from the dizziness is rough, especially right before a balance obstacle.

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

From what I understand the wild card has been eliminated completely.  If Three women make it to the top 15 then that qualifier only has 15 people in it and no extras.    Because Jessie Graff made it into the top 15!(heck top 4)  there are only 16 from Daytona.    The new woman's rule does nothing more then guarantee that at least two women qualify from each region.  

the wild card has definitely been eliminated. Which I am ok with. And I get the new woman's rule. It's just so hard to see someone right on the bubble especially when they send a different # of people from each city. I think they should have X slots (whether it is 15 or 17) with a two women minimum.  Granted this was a unique ep with both Warnkey and the Beast so close to qualifying that it was a bit extra sad. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad they made it a rule! But I am interested to see how the rule may develop further as more and more badass women get involved! ;)

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But then you also have surprises like when the Island ninja guy (forget his name) flamed out.  He is exactly the guy who would have gotten a wild card and worked his way to at least level 2 of Vegas and there would be a major asterisks by his name if he made it to level 3.  So I am kinda glad they did away with the wild cards.  It makes sense for the women to have the two best from each round and eliminate popular flameouts for the men.

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I'm fine with the rule but it REALLY sucks for Michelle. Granted she wouldn't have made the finals if it wasn't for the new rule but I thought from the get go it was unfair to have Flex, Alyssa, and Michelle in the same city. There are six cities, spread them out! Kansas City and San Antonio (not surprised since Kacy was there) had very weak fields of women, they should've sent one of them to one of those cities. Kansas City had Maggie Thorne and Brittany Reid, not exactly in Michelle or Jesse LaBreck's league but whatever, hopefully, they will split them up next year. 

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I agree with the comments ClareWalks made about Alyssa Beird's booty shorts. Beird spent time after every obstacle pulling them back down over her ass, which still hung out. If I, a straight women, spent all my time during her run staring at her ass cheeks, I'm guessing men/kids/boys and her students are dvd-ing her run to watch her ass, I mean, her RUN, over and over. Meanwhile, I've been watching old ANW reruns. Does everyone know James McGrath has an older brother (Patrick, I think) who also competed, and back in "the day," Jamie Rahn was a walk-on and competed as "Captain G4" wearing a tiny red Speedo and full blue body paint ... which mostly got worn off during his runs. And The Beast pulled his shoulder in the qualifier going up the wall, so if this was filmed directly afterward, he had no time to go home and heal.

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5 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Maybe I am super old-fashioned, but I am not a fan of Alyssa Beird's extremely tiny outfits, considering that she is a 5th-grade teacher. That is an age where a lot of kids are starting puberty and might feel pretty confused by their feelings seeing their hot teacher prancing about in booty shorts and a bra. Then again, I tend to prefer male ninjas who do not go shirtless, Nicholas Coolridge excepted.

This. All I could think about was the massive wedgie I would have if I wore shorts like that walking down the steps let alone jumping and swinging everywhere. I hate when the men randomly take off their shirts halfway through the course. 

So hearing about some guys wedding is way more important than seeing the start of his run. I think not. I don't care about their personal lives. When he won the run of the night I assumed he was the only one to complete the course because they gave it out so soon. The second guy that finish was a pleasant surprise. (As you can see I don't know/most of the names of these people.)

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18 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And The Beast pulled his shoulder in the qualifier going up the wall, so if this was filmed directly afterward, he had no time to go home and heal.

Is that James McGrath?  Didn't they keep saying he'd had major shoulder surgery earlier this year?  Oh, or you mean both are true?  That's harsh and no wonder they hid it.  

I did notice how often they said a ninja fell in qualifiers and then won't home and studied and practiced that obstacle and that's why they made it through in finals.  I guess they feel like the average viewer prefers a narrative to the reality of them not breaking down those courses and rebuilding them weeks later.

I'm ok with the Jamie Rahn back story because it least it wasn't the 'sad piano / dead parent' or other tragedy B.S.  Plus this is only my second season watching so I knew nothing about this guy who seems pretty consequential out there.  

I too noticed Beird's short shorts but all I thought of was that must be uncomfortable and distracting and wouldn't someone who trains that much have much better fitting and flattering shorts to wear on tv and on a finals run?  

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Winston, yes, The Beast is James McGrath's Ninja Name. I don't remember anything about him having surgery (I don't always listen to the back stories), but on the qualifier for his city, he badly injured his right shoulder going up The Wall, and pulled himself up and over with his left arm and sort of crashed there in pain. I always "assumed" the next runs for qualifiers were held later, but it does make sense to keep going and keep filming once the course is set up. So yeah, McGrath really IS The Beast if he got that far on the extended course, given his injury. And yeay for his braces (teeth). I never noticed them before!

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On 8/15/2017 at 1:40 PM, ClareWalks said:

Maybe I am super old-fashioned, but I am not a fan of Alyssa Beird's extremely tiny outfits, considering that she is a 5th-grade teacher. That is an age where a lot of kids are starting puberty and might feel pretty confused by their feelings seeing their hot teacher prancing about in booty shorts and a bra. Then again, I tend to prefer male ninjas who do not go shirtless, Nicholas Coolridge excepted.

While I am not a huge fan of the booty shorts/skimpy top combo (and I wonder if she made the rookie mistake of wearing something new at the competition (never use/do something new on race day!) I wouldn't shame her for it based on her job. First off - she is not at work. Second - I don't think boys at that age necessarily need skimpy outfits to be confused with hormones. they do just fine without. Third - Think of the girls in her class seeing a bad ass confident woman taking on that course and being in an outfit that feels comfortable for her (although again - were the shorts new?!?! She may have also regretted the wedgie shorts!). Skin contact does help with some of those obstacles too so it may have been strategic for the log roll? While I understand not being a fan as I am not either - she was showing strength not sexiness. 

And to note - I also prefer the guys who keep their shirt on for the most part but it more boils down to personality and if they are putting on a arrogant gun show or that is where they are comfortable/celebrating at the end.

Edited by slaterain
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13 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Half the guys remove their shirts during the run and we are commenting on a woman's choice of outfits?  

1. I definitely included shirtless men in my old-lady-style rebuke. 2. Beird's outfit was the female equivalent of a shirtless man in a Speedo.

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3 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Half the guys remove their shirts during the run and we are commenting on a woman's choice of outfits?  

Yeah, I don't see a problem with her clothes either. The shorts might've been unfortunate because they were riding up but it might've been the first time she was wearing those. I don't mind her running in her sports bra because, of course, having to layer a shirt - even just a tank - on top might've been too uncomfortable. Men are lucky, at most they only "have" to wear a shirt when it's warm out. Women have to wear a shirt on top of a constricting sports bra and that can get hot, fast. Not to mention gross if you sweat a lot. Plenty of women choose instead to work out or do other physical activities in only their sports bra, which I think is fine.

On 8/15/2017 at 0:40 PM, ClareWalks said:

Maybe I am super old-fashioned, but I am not a fan of Alyssa Beird's extremely tiny outfits, considering that she is a 5th-grade teacher. That is an age where a lot of kids are starting puberty and might feel pretty confused by their feelings seeing their hot teacher prancing about in booty shorts and a bra. Then again, I tend to prefer male ninjas who do not go shirtless, Nicholas Coolridge excepted.

Eh, she wasn't wearing it to school. Perhaps the parents of her male students could have a talk with them about sexualizing women; if they're starting puberty now's as good a time as any.

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I don't see a problem wearing booty shorts or a sports bra.  But I think I would want to wear a one piece/bathing suit with booty shorts  This is because I would be afraid to have a clothing malfunction doing these obstacles.  The same for guys and their shorts except if you're the guy in Team Spartan that likes racing in thongs.

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My problem is more with the booty shorts (which I am opposed to on every level, as they are both very uncomfortable and almost never flattering) than with the bra. Wearing just a bra may actually serve a purpose. Wearing shorts that cannot stay out of your ass does not serve a purpose. Wearing both just says "I want to show as much skin as possible *at the expense of* my athletic performance." I am not a body-shaming asshole, I am a pragmatist who works out 8 hours a week and would never wear shorts that need that much of my attention (in the form of pulling them down every 10 seconds).

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Flex is head over heels for that Chris dude.  I hope they last.  They are a good looking couple.  She just seems way more into him than he was into her.  I dunno.  Maybe I am projecting.

Thrilled for Jaime Rahn.  I like him.  Thrilled for The Weatherman.  

The Best doesn't look like he is having any fun this year.  It's kinda sad. 

Then again, is this year less "fun" than seasons past?  Everyone seems so totally focused on winning that few seem to be enjoying themselves.  Maybe it is because the courses are such beasts this year, fewer are getting farther.

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People wear a lot if things I wouldn't wear to do an ANW course.* Jeans (hi, Lance Pekus), giant baby outfits, or a T Rex costume all seem like worse choices than Alyssa's booty shorts to me, but people have worn them. I love Jessie Graff, but I wouldn't say her outfits have always been completely practical. Awesome, yes. 100% practical, no.  I figure if the ninjas are willing to deal with the hassle, then that's their choice. I mean, yeah, I may laugh at them for wearing it (and I do!), but if it works for them or makes them feel good, that's probably what matters.

As to young boys who may be watching... Well, I'm going to paraphrase Xander from an old Buffy episode in reference to how the minds of most guys past a certain age start to work. Looking at linoleum can make them think of sex.

*Note: I am never actually going to run an ANW course. I dislike bleeding.

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My problem with the booty shorts is that she had to stop after every obstacle to pull them out of her ass. How distracting is that ... to the competitor, I mean, forget the viewers. If you have to think about your wedgie instead of concentrating on the next obstacle, that's a lose-lose in my book. I have no problem with sports bras, but did comment on some women (was it Maggie Thorne in the zebra-patterned one some weeks ago?) who had to stop after every obstacle to "readjust the girls." Again, an unneeded distraction. I say dress to give yourself the best advantage in the course, and that means wear something that's comfortable and you can FORGET ABOUT during your run. Kasey has always worn little tiny shorts, but she never once has had to stop and remove a wedgie before proceeding on. Meanwhile, who can forget Dr. Kaufman's gold lamé jumpsuit from some years ago? YIKES! Ha ha. I'm an Equal Opportunity Poster.

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7 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Kasey has always worn little tiny shorts, but she never once has had to stop and remove a wedgie before proceeding on. Meanwhile, who can forget Dr. Kaufman's gold lamé jumpsuit from some years ago? YIKES! Ha ha. I'm an Equal Opportunity Poster.

Yes! This! Other women have worn tiny shorts and/or tiny tops in the past, but they actually fit properly and didn't ride up constantly. It doesn't matter as much to me if an outfit is ridiculous-looking as if it's practical for the event. Someone mentioned Lance Pekus with the jeans and I HATE that guy's outfit. He also wears a cowboy hat which could fall off at any moment.

Generally speaking, it is smart to wear the sorts of clothes that you wear when you're training. I have worked in a number of gyms over the years, and Alyssa's outfit would not be allowed in any of them for hygienic reasons (everyone, male or female, is required to wear a shirt, and bottoms that cover more than underpants would). It reminded me of a recent rerun I saw of season 4 where Jamie Rahn had on a speedo and body paint, and it was really awkward to watch. Both scanty and impractical (the paint was rubbing off on everything).

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13 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Meanwhile, who can forget Dr. Kaufman's gold lamé jumpsuit from some years ago? YIKES! Ha ha. I'm an Equal Opportunity Poster.

I laughed so hard I cried at that jumpsuit. Honestly, I'm not sure if that's good or bad. It amused the heck out of me, but I sure wouldn't have worn it. :)

Which I guess just reiterates where I come down: It may not be for me, but it's their choice. I realize other people feel differently, though.

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I used to be a pro fitness instructor and I have to say that really high quality items are likely to stay in place if they are the proper size. Casey was a gymnast and knows the tricks or brands that stay in place. Notice that Jessie's outfits are always perfectly form fitting, but they never move-she is in show biz and probably has the items fitted and made for her, and they are thick and not see through, made of high quality fabrics. The tricks may be that you buy one size larger or use hair spray on your skin, whatever. I didn't like seeing the participant's butt cheeks, because I see this as athletic competition and that is not central to the activity. If she were a stripper, then no problem. I don't think that it should impact her job, she was nicely dressed for her job in the vignette.  What I am thinking is that she may have bought them new, worn them (they fit great-love them), washed, oops they shrunk just a little, OR they are her favs and she has worn them a lot-and they have started to stretch out and lose their elasticity as many stretchy materials may do when worn a lot. I have no issue with the sports bra. Many are specifically made as a dual garment to be seen or not. Some actually are reversible with different colors/patterns on each side for precisely these reasons. 

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LOL enoughcats, yes indeed, that is The Ninja Doctor in his (in)famous jumpsuit. It wasn't that the gold lamé was bad, it was that he was obviously "commando" and the jumpsuit fabric was rather ... well, let's just say "clingy." The camera had an impossible job staying waist high. Meaning: It didn't. On a higher note, yours is the best post ever on the topic of correct ninja wear, riverheightsnancy. Thanks.

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On 2017-08-19 at 7:45 PM, riverheightsnancy said:

The tricks may be that you buy one size larger or use hair spray on your skin, whatever.

There is special glue you can get.  My daughter used to use it to hold up her socks for Irish Dancing.

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8 hours ago, Morgan of Hed said:

There is special glue you can get.  My daughter used to use it to hold up her socks for Irish Dancing.

Yup, you are correct. There are tricks that dancers and gymnasts and performers learn while coming up. The fact that the girl KEPT pulling them down, tells me that she was aware of it and it was bothering her. Doubt she will wear those again!

Off-topic: I had a friend whose daughter was world (top 5 ) ranked in Irish Dancing for her age. The dresses are very expensive. 

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14 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Off-topic: I had a friend whose daughter was world (top 5 ) ranked in Irish Dancing for her age. The dresses are very expensive. 

Yes, especially at that level where the girls are expected to be on-trend and get a new $2000-$3000 dress every year or two.  OTOH the ones in the tap/jazz/contemp type schools deal with a different new set of costumes for each competition, and that adds up.

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5 hours ago, Morgan of Hed said:

Yes, especially at that level where the girls are expected to be on-trend and get a new $2000-$3000 dress every year or two.  OTOH the ones in the tap/jazz/contemp type schools deal with a different new set of costumes for each competition, and that adds up.

Off topic: My daughter was world ranked in Taekwondo for many years and won on the World level too. We flew all over and it adds up as well, but not quite as much as the kids who dance and do ice skating in terms of the costuming (but we do pay for the new weapons, uniforms, and privates). The costumes are very expensive in dance, but we spent on traveling, because you could potentially do a tournament every weekend all around the US and overseas and the top ranked kids have to accumulate points, so you HAVE to go to enough tournaments. Then they have Districts, States, Nationals and Worlds tournaments. It was $$$ but very fun and worthwhile. I miss it now that my daughter is not competing anymore and in college now. 

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