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Check Up with Dr. Drew Season 6B (Part 1)


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Thank you for making this topic. :) 

Another thing that fucking bothers me about Amber's outrage, is the fact that every single time she makes a threat - "if you are cheating, I am done with you!" "If you come back home and throw it in my face that I embarrassed you on the show, I am done with you!" - she never follows through. It is a running joke at this stage. No wonder Matt laughs at her. He knows her fat ass isn't going anywhere. 

  • Love 21

So many thoughts so here they are jumbled together. 


As they are referring to this as the finale special, dare I hope it is the end of the show? At least with these girls?


Gee Amber, I can't imagine why Farrah doesn't want to be on the same stage as you. Could it be you having charged her and wanting to fight her last time?


During Maci and Mackenzie, Maci was sitting quite defensively. And then Dr. Drew starts holding her hand and immediately lets go like it was on fire. This made me giggle. 


It seems like they barely touched on anything which is disappointing. Why did they not discuss all the crap Matt said in Vegas? 

  • Love 12

if Mimi-Jen doesn't find her spine and step up and thank Maci

Thank Maci for what, exactly?


You know, at first when Maci was like, "someone gave me info, I've gotta do something" I was first thinking, "Slow down, Maci, that ain't your man" but then that footage of everyone letting him drive like that and to think it could easily be Bentley in that car. Maci tried her best and Mac should be thanking her,

Not sure what Mac should be thanking Maci for.

As for Bentley, Maci did allow Ryan to drive Bentley around. She even allowed Bentley to be in Ryan's car knowing Ryan wasn't putting him in a car seat. Maci is just as guilty for putting her son in harm's way just as Mac was for not keeping Ryan from driving. Maci is not innocent in all of this. Ryan entered rehab 5 years ago. Maci has allowed Bentley to be in a car driven by Ryan. Not sure that qualifies Maci as being someone who tried her best. Her best would have been to put the kabosh on any visitations to the Edward's home and cut off Ryan.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 14
12 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I was JUST coming here to say this. Like Farrah was sitting onstage by herself and Amber rushes the stage like a bull in Pamplona, takes a swing at her, and then says "I don't have a problem with her." She's lucky that the queen of over reaction didn't get a restraining order on her ass. I would have. Fuck that noise. Amber's temper can turn on a dime whether she's medicated, sober or high. 

Of course they couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk shit about Farrah. Farrah is all kinds of fucked up and angry, but those girls don't have a lot of room to speak. We've got an alcoholic and two addicts with diagnoses. I wouldn't sit my ass out there either.

"She's afraid of coming and facing her fears" is the explanation Amber gave for Farrah not wanting to be on stage. Um...fears like being assaulted? 

In Amber's weird amoral world, that somehow makes Farrah "less than." Her moral compass includes a strange mishmash of stand by your man and beat everyone's ass. I'd be scared of Amber too. The girl WENT TO PRISON--not an arrest, anger management, counseling, or a police visit, actually did some hard time--for violence and drugs, is supposedly heavily medicated, and is still having to be held back by multiple producers at least two times on the show that we've seen. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 23
47 minutes ago, ArtTypeGirl said:

Moving on to the night's biggest train wreck... what is up with that Mackenzie chick and that childish, middle school open letter? Counting down the minutes? How 'bout you count down the minutes you let your drug addict fiancé drive down the road endangering innocent people? How 'bout you count me the seconds from when you told him you were getting married that day til he ran off to get his "haircut"... and by "haircut" I mean opioid fix? If you want to worry about people embarrassing your family, maybe look at that footage where you drag a guy stoned off his rocker to marry you in a parking lot with his mom bawling her eyes out because it was all so pathetic?

Preach!!  Thank you so much for interrupting your vacation to watch the show and post - I loved the whole thing, but the counting down of the days, hours, and minutes was my favorite - was she kidding with that?  I wrote on the Maci thread that if she had read that open letter to me, I would have been far less composed than Maci (I think I would have pulled an Amber!)  She was his fiance/now wife, she lived with him, and she didn't know Ryan was an addict?  And it was Maci's responsibility to "inform" her? 

I think Jen and Larry helped her write that letter.  Ryan's been an addict for years, but they were able to keep it hidden until the highway/xanax scene and Ryan's recent admission of going to rehab, and they're embarrassed.  They probably also feel shame at ignoring and enabling the problem, so blaming Maci for crap takes the heat off of them.

  • Love 21
32 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Thank Maci for what, exactly?

Not sure what Mac should be thanking Maci for.

As for Bentley, Maci did allow Ryan to drive Bentley around. She even allowed Bentley to be in Ryan's car knowing Ryan wasn't putting him in a car seat. Maci is just as guilty for putting her son in harm's way just as Mac was for not keeping Ryan from driving. Maci is not innocent in all of this. Ryan entered rehab 5 years ago. Maci has allowed Bentley to be in a car driven by Ryan. Not sure that qualifies Maci as being someone who tried her best. Her best would have been to put the kabosh on any visitations to the Edward's home and cut off Ryan.

Jen doesn't seem like the sharpest tool, but I  think she can see right through Maci.   Remember that 'she needs to get a dog' comment?   Bitch please, Jenn's involvement with Ryan's visits probably saved a catastrophe from happening.    I know "dr" drew is clueless, but glossing over the fact that Maci wanted Jen and Larry to step back and allow Ryan to be in charge KNOWING that he is a drug addict is just crazy to me.   Then she turns around and pulls the ' I want to be his strength ' shit.   Ryan hates her guts, he doesn't want anything from her except for her to shut the fuck up.   

They made sure to show Ryan nodding out but never mentioned Maci admitting the drunken fighting in her house--with three kids there. 

 Maci should have gotten a judge to modify their arrangement until he could prove that he was clean.  Except she was too busy pounding bud lights and having trap babies at the time.  Maci running to Jen instead of taking control of the situation just proves her hypocrisy even more.

  • Love 18



Certainly if Maci continued to have knowledge of her ex's drug use after 2012 and allowed her son to go in the car with him, that would be wrong. I'm not aware of that information. I'm not going to make assumptions and call out Maci about something that I have no idea of.

Maci admitted last night about Ryan's previous attempt for help and his relapse. That was in reference to the story about Ryan having gone to rehab in 2012. It is not an assumption. Maci confirmed it.


if someone stepped up with concern about my son's drug use, I would be thankful-

No one stepped up. They all knew because of Ryan's previous rehab stint. There is no more what anyone knew, didn't know, or should have known. Maci let it be known last night when Dr. Drew asked her about Ryan having previously gone to rehab for help.

It is all moot.

In the end, Ryan is responsible for himself. No one can force him to get help. No one can make him do anything. Each adult in this situation is responsible for their own choices and that means someone needs a good lashing because to date, she hasn't gone to court to ensure that Ryan submit to court-order drug-testing. That is what Maci can do. She might not be able to sever visitation, but it is pretty easy to ask the courts for help with drug-testing. If Ryan fails, she can petition the court for supervised visitation.

Many people would have gone to court by now. Not Maci. She is still sitting on her couch and has yet gone to court even though she watched Ryan driving inebriated.



but glossing over the fact that Maci wanted Jen and Larry to step back and allow Ryan to be in charge KNOWING that he is a drug addict is just crazy to me.  

Exactly. Maci is full of shit! She expected an addict to be in charge of Bentley, not his parents. Maci needs intervention herself. Those beers have mushed what little brains she has left.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11

I'm so glad I haven't watched all season. I just cannot take the bullshit that Amber says and how her two buddies talk shit about Farrah when they are more fucked up than her. Farrah is alot of things but she wasn't pounding back beers while pregnant and claiming she did not know or continue to show off to the world how much you enjoy getting stoned and have your pot card, or go to jail, abuse drugs, beat your baby daddy up, or take a swing at another cast member over a fucking man who turned out to be everything Farrah and Gary said. 

Love all of you and that you can still watch and love reading the snark.

  • Love 15

Coming armed with a letter like that was such a bullshit move on Mackenzie's part. How is it fair to come with a letter you thought out and revised and then read without interruption and then the recipient had to immediately respond to the letter's RIDICULOUS accusations.  Not to mention the ridiculous tone of the letter.  Mackenzie is such a punk bitch that she can't just sit there and have a conversation, she has to read a prepared letter and then stomp off stage.  That is insane!!!!  Dr Drew shouldn't have allowed it.

  • Love 21

I am on my vacation and here I am.

Dr. Drew failed miserably. Again. What else is new?

DD should have asked Maci what she was doing to ensure Bentley's safety and if she was going to court to request drug-testing before allowing Bentley to visit his grandparents at their home.

DD should have asked Mackenzie why she allowed Ryan to drive and why the rush for getting married that day.

Then again, I remember that DD asks the questions that MTV prepares for him. I don't know why I bother to question DD anymore when I know it is MTV in control.

Mackenzie and Maci are both full of caca.

What will Maci's new story line be for the next season? Ryan is still an addict and she has yet done anything about it?

Those three hags acting as if they didn't know why Farrah didn't want to be there? Spare me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Farrah is not about to go out there a second time. Good for her. You have a bimbo who has a history of DV and who took a swing at her, and you wonder why she won't share the couch with you. First of all, I wouldn't want to share a couch with Cate or Amber. I can only imagine the aromas they give off. They both look like they need a good scrub down. Amber has admitted that Matt has to force her to bathe. As for Cate, she oozes grease and looks oily like Matt. Who the hell wants to sit next to two people who look like they smell and need a pork chorizo label slapped on them?

Geez, just hearing Matt's voice on the phone, he sounds all plugged up and mush mouth.

  • Love 11

Let's also remember how Mac handled the one time Maci did talk to her about things. She went running to Ryan and his parents to spill all.  I dont see that she would have done a thing if addiction would have come up but only make fun of Maci again. I just thought that letter sucked given she and Ryan's parents see him so much more. They have responsibility to Bentleys safety as well. 

  • Love 21
23 minutes ago, butterbody said:

I haven't seen 'Rent' in ages, but ever since Mackenzie read her bullshit letter, I can't stop singing, "five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes..."


3 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

"How do you measureeee, measure a year? In coke lines? In pill packs? In needles or innn denial? In Bud Lights, in handcuffs, in Xanax or jail? In 525,600 minutes, how do you measure a year in the life? How about-- reeeelllaapppseees? How about-- reeeellllapppse? How about reeelllapse? Measure in relapse....seasons of REEEEEEELLLLLAPSE, seasons of reeeeeeellllappse..."

I'm watching the Boston Pops 4th of July concert, and Leslie Odom is right now singing songs from Rent!

  • Love 7

Now I think we know why Jenn was crying so hard at the wedding. Sure it's partly "the most important people aren't here," but mainly I bet she had talked to one of the producers and they told her about Ryan driving while higher than a kite to his wedding. I don't have a lot of sympathy for her, but I bet she was scared by that, as well as mortified that it was going to air for the whole world to see. She's tried so hard to keep Ryan's problems secret...

Edited by gotta watch
  • Love 13

Drew is such a tool. He annoys me so much and he barely knows what's going on.

Mackenzie is a tool. She is dating the guy and living with him. She never noticed how messed up he is? Lol what a joke. Maybe her new inlaws should've said something. Her storm off was also 100 percent for attention and moment on the show. She wants to be a big part of the show so bad lol.

  • Love 17
37 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Now I think we know why Jenn was crying so hard at the wedding. Sure it's partly "the most important people aren't here," but mainly I bet she had talked to one of the producers and they told her about Ryan driving while higher than a kite to his wedding. I don't have a lot of sympathy for her, but I bet she was scared by that, as well as mortified that it was going to air for the whole world to see. She's tried so hard to keep Ryan's problems secret...

That is a good theory. It would be similar to the theory about Maci and that phony phone call from her so-called friend. A theory I happen to believe.

Maci saying she didn't know how bad Ryan's drug problem was. She knew. He didn't go to rehab five years prior to make friends! She readily admitted on the show last night about how quickly he relapsed after leaving rehab. Is she that stupid or was she just covering up her ass? 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Marley said:

Drew is such a tool. He annoys me so much and he barely knows what's going on.

Mackenzie is a tool. She is dating the guy and living with him. She never noticed how messed up he is? Lol what a joke. Maybe her new inlaws should've said something. Her storm off was also 100 percent for attention and moment on the show. She wants to be a big part of the show so bad lol.

The storm off is a requirement for these people. 

Dr. Drew is always soft on them but the excuses he makes for Amber and Matt kill me the most. He actually entertained Amber's victimy "I am a role model for thousands" speeches and Matt's bs enough to push them to reconcile. This man is a psychiatry professor and a licensed physician. Wtf. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, butterbody said:

I haven't seen 'Rent' in ages, but ever since Mackenzie read her bullshit letter, I can't stop singing, "five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes..."

LOL-now I am singing it my head-hate you for it!

Funny thing about seeing your name, BUTTERBODY, I just finished making a big batch of Body Butter! Now say Body Butter for Butterbody 10 times! LOL-need to get some sleep.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

The storm off is a requirement for these people. 

Dr. Drew is always soft on them but the excuses he makes for Amber and Matt kill me the most. He actually entertained Amber's victimy "I am a role model for thousands" speeches and Matt's bs enough to push them to reconcile. This man is a psychiatry professor and a licensed physician. Wtf. 

He knows nothing about Matt's shenanigans though.  Dr. Drew reads what is printed on the cards.  He's not on PTV with us.  He doesn't know the TM subreddit exists.  He does his job and then goes home, something he learned as an MD.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, ArtTypeGirl said:

Dr Drew is such a bad person for these shows. So he starts following a good line of questions with Matt isolating Amber and the money he has stolen but then he's like, "We all like you Matt, you & Amber just need some therapy" TF?! If that was his daughter, he would be ok with all of this?

He really had nothing negative to say about Amber either. I'm so over him. 


14 hours ago, ArtTypeGirl said:

Dr Drew, you're supposed to be a drug expert and you NEVER asked Mac why she didn't make him pull over? You didn't ask her about the Xanax comments (lol, that was not Xanax).

This bothered me SO badly. He acted like it wasn't her fault that that terrifying drive happened, because she didn't know the signs. Oh give me a fucking break. I'm also not convinced that MTV wasn't watching that live. 


13 hours ago, Linny said:

MacKenzie's outrageous letter and her flouncing off the stage seemed entirely phony to me.

I think the storm off was planned. Hasn't just about every Teen Mom walked off the stage at some point? She's just trying to cement her role on reality TV. 


9 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Maci saying she didn't know how bad Ryan's drug problem was. She knew. He didn't go to rehab five years prior to make friends! She readily admitted on the show last night about how quickly he relapsed after leaving rehab. Is she that stupid or was she just covering up her ass? 

Personally, even though he attended rehab before, I DON'T think his drug problem was that bad 5 years ago. Just from watching the show. Something has always been "off" with him, but he's taken it to a whole other level. I think he was probably messing around with pills back then, but at this stage - I think he's putting a needle in his arm. I've never seen him act like he's acting this season, and it's terrifying. I'm not excusing Maci; I think she could have done better to try and protect her son. But I also think it's possible she really didn't know how far it had gone, since she's not around him all the time like Mack and his parents. Hell, she often just dropped Bentley off with THEM. It's even possible that Jenn tried to gloss over it and tell Maci he was doing just fine.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

He knows nothing about Matt's shenanigans though.  Dr. Drew reads what is printed on the cards.  He's not on PTV with us.  He doesn't know the TM subreddit exists.  He does his job and then goes home, something he learned as an MD.

Even what I heard from that conversation alone would be enough for me to know both of them are abusive, and I'm not an MD. He always jumps to "you should get therapy and work it out." I assume he's told to do that by MTV. I just personally can't respect him when he must know that's wrong. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 9

I finally watched the reunion crapisode. Thanks, @ginger90 for making the thread.

I actually liked Amber's hairstyle, it's a good look on her. That will be the last compliment.

I think watching a few episodes should be a requirement for sad Panda if he plans on telling these asshats that they should work their relationships out. Would he encourage his own family member to work things out if their fiance said: "I will never marry her fucking psycho ass and I will fake liking her for the show." Or  "just give me the chance and I will tell the media what Amber is really like," not verbatim. Matt has cheated on her in the past and the lie detector proves he was attempting to cheat again but sad panda is still encouraging Amber to stay with this abuser.

Matt bit the hand that feeds him and he has no shame and still plays the victim card. It was comforting knowing that he "only" gets 27,000 for being on the show as I was worried he was getting at least 60k or more since he "bought" Mamber that Corvette with his MTV check, you know, the same check he went to Vegas with. Con men sure know how to make 27,000 last. His response to nearly all accusations was "I paid it with my own MTV check!" Seriously?


I wonder how long Maci was saving that line "You're so full of shit your eyes are brown"? as I could see a slight smirk when she said that, she prepares ahead of time with lines as she wants to be quoted sounding wise or witty. I get why Mackenzie did the open letter as I get slow-witted when talking in front of large groups. My thought process gets scrambled and I have difficulty formulating an intelligent thought when under pressure. I almost didn't graduate College because one of the requirements for my major was speech class. Thankfully, my professor told me we're allowed to use index cards as long as we use that as a reference and not read word for word solely depending on them. Am I rambling? However, the contents of the letter were mostly about deflecting the heat from her responsibility in what happened and shifting it to Maci.

Not important but I wish Maci would go back to her short hairstyle and maybe at some highlights. Her overly long straggly looking hair and plain face ages her appearance. Off topic, but I have a curious question. Do you all know if that cartoon image that is shown in-between scenes flipping and turning the teen mom book is Maci? The cartoon person is wearing clothes that I could picture Maci wearing and freckly, reddish looking legs and super skinny and converse shoes. LOL. The things I think about and I hope you all get what I mean. The girl has the scene to the next clip inside of a cartoon book and it's the person flipping the next page. UGH, I'm not making any sense. I need coffee. I will try and get a screenshot. BRB.



ETA: BOLDED - the bolded section disappeared from my original text if any of you wondered why a part of my post didn't fit together lol.

Edited by Calm81
Wanted to add screenshot
  • Love 13

Mackenzie stormed off because Maci got the audience applause when she (rightly) told Mack off. IMO. Mack already admitted that she was slow and she's the type of person who would much rather go behind someone's back (which we've seen) to bitch than confront them. And this was 100% confrontation. Some people aren't good at it.

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Thank Maci for what, exactly?

Not sure what Mac should be thanking Maci for.

As for Bentley, Maci did allow Ryan to drive Bentley around. She even allowed Bentley to be in Ryan's car knowing Ryan wasn't putting him in a car seat. Maci is just as guilty for putting her son in harm's way just as Mac was for not keeping Ryan from driving. Maci is not innocent in all of this. Ryan entered rehab 5 years ago. Maci has allowed Bentley to be in a car driven by Ryan. Not sure that qualifies Maci as being someone who tried her best. Her best would have been to put the kabosh on any visitations to the Edward's home and cut off Ryan.

Well Saint Maci has an image to keep. 


Mac letter was complete horseshit but Maci is just as guilty when it comes to Bentley's safety in the matter. She also did her typical mean girl act. One thing (well the only thing) Mac said was certainly true. She exploited the issue all season long. That is what 90% of her footage this season centered around. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 9

That's funny ... I've always thought that looked like Maci's hands and nails. 

I'm guessing Dr. Drew operates the same way the crew does. Call them out too much and you might lose the "talent".  The crew decides to befriend them, while Dr. Hack (I never got over him announcing that Hilary Clinton was seriously ill) mostly just listens like the copy room lady and puts on his perplexed face.  Amber rants and raves every season, and tried to hit Farrah last year. If Matt had been there she probably would have swung at him too. I actually went back and watched the reunion after she hit Gary but before the legal action. She said she didn't regret it. She has not gotten better at all, but Drew just looks at her pupils every so often for show.

  • Love 4

@ghoulina You posted no one got Ryan help. He did go to rehab in 2012. And no one can put Ryan into rehab. They can do an intervention and stop the enabling, which none of them did including Maci, but that is the extent of what their responsibility is. The onus is on Ryan to realize he needs help. He has never hit his rock bottom because of all the enablers around him. Any specialist will tell you that you cannot force one to get help.

The enabling continues. Mac married him. His parents are still enabling, and Maci has not done what she was told to do. Talk is cheap.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

On a more shallow note, what the ever-loving hell was Amber wearing? It looked like a sloppier, cheaper version of the crap I pull on to run to the grocery store for formula after three consecutive all-nighters. 

And Mac's romper(?) was so short she just about showed us all her hoohoo. Girl, wear whatever makes you feel pretty, but learn to walk/sit in a way that doesn't flash the goods.

  • Love 6

Wow, Mac's letter was ridiculous. If I was sitting accross from her I would bust out in laughter and ask her how long it took to calculate the hours and minutes. Girl, bye!

1 minute ago, Birdee said:

On a more shallow note, what the ever-loving hell was Amber wearing? It looked like a sloppier, cheaper version of the crap I pull on to run to the grocery store for formula after three consecutive all-nighters. 

And Mac's romper(?) was so short she just about showed us all her hoohoo. Girl, wear whatever makes you feel pretty, but learn to walk/sit in a way that doesn't flash the goods.

Another shallow note, I thought Cate looked kinda nice. The yellow looked good and her hair was nicely styled. That's all she's getting from me lol

  • Love 9

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