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S19.E05: Live Eviction #1; Head of Household #2


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What I don't remember is how the timing works on this. The eviction is live, but the HOH competition follows and it is not live, so it had to have been done prior to broadcast.  So is the eviction done earlier in the day so what we see was taped earlier today with the HOH following, or what?  Or is HOH done prior to eviction but they pretend the evictee isn't there? Maybe I'll get the answer by watching the show or else one of you will tell me.

Ha-Kevin in that mermaid costume. I bet his daughters have that on their Facebook: "See my dad!"

Gee the intro sure goes long. I like Julie's dress. Poor Paul, his feelings are hurt because Cody nominated him.  On the other hand, why should Paul tell anyone about his temptation? On the other hand, why should anyone be loyal to Paul? (The whole world should in Paul's mind.) So Josh is playing for himself, what a novel concept.

I don't think even Cody doesn't understand it, his explanations are lame. Whoa, he just burned his bridge with Christmas! Christmas says: "All he had to do is stick to the plan!" She must be a Keith fan from Survivor San Juan del Sur. I kind of like Cody for not taking crap. Jessica says: "Don't walk away!" and Cody walks. I love his line: "I've done everything stupid that I possibly can." I just noticed Raven's face is so much lighter than the rest of her.

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Jess - ugh

Jason - scumbag moron

Kevin - Yay!

Matt - Take that backstabber

Raven - ditto

Paul - no surprise

Ramses - dummy

Dom - Nice

Alex - Stupid, fight the real enemy

Elena - no surprise

Mark - Steroidboy sees the light!

Josh - Ok then

Bye bye Jillian!   Cody has a controlled spasm.  It's a Cootie Taw!

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, ifoundit said:

If Christmas stays, Paul will even be more drunk with power.   He already thinks he's running the house.  Hopefully, his big ego and big mouth will eventually do him in - and the others will see what a manipulator and liar he really is.

These people (minus Cody) seem like sheep following a celebrity. 

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Ouch! was that sound really her bond breaking or just a sound effect?


Jessica = Christmas

Jason = Christmas

Kevin = Jillian (surprise - I thought he'd go with Christmas)

Matt = Jillian

Raven = Jillian (my live feed stuck, then my laptop went nuts so I missed a bit)

Paul = Jillian

Ramses = Christmas

Dominique = Jillian

Alex = Christmas

Elena = Jillian

Mark  = Jillian

Josh = Jillian

I noticed that the showmancers voted next to each other. Good-bye, Jillian! Too bad for her. She's nice. Hey, nice fight between Jessica and Christmas.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Artsda said:

These people (minus Cody) seem like sheep following a celebrity. 

Except sheep wouldn't like Paul - they'd run the other direction. He'd yell "Friendship!" to a bunch of grazing lambs. They'd look up, shocked, then run as far as they can get from him. (I spend time with lambs.)

One thing about the long commercial breaks - I'll get the dishwasher loaded and going by the time the show is over.

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 9

First off, poor Cameron for being in the opening credits but leaving 12 hours in.

"I love Christmas...but I love dick more." Fixed this for you, Jessica.

Wow, Cody couldn't even give Christmas the reason why he put her up. Just a lot of vague sentences. Of course she's going to be pissed! You let her think that she was 100% safe in the first week! I get making a big move, but this is probably proof to the question some fans ask on why people can't play their own game from the start and do whatever they want. Well, it's because you gotta work with people too and make sure you got the numbers. I get putting Paul up; that's a no brainer. But don't put another ally up when you can't get one of them out. And if you do, be honest with them about it! Be straight forward! As the infamous Helen once said, "It's too soon!" 

Man, the fact that Jason trusts Cody because he "honoured his deal", even though he completely screwed Christmas and Paul who also had deals with him speaks to how idiotic that man is. How do you know that you can trust him next week? He keeps fucking his allies! 

Damn, I heard that crack! Although interesting that Cody told Jessica to check on her.

Good for Christmas on talking with Mark. It's nice to see Mark apologize to Christmas for giving her the cold shoulder. 

Jessica's response to Christmas hobbling back in: "I'm really glad that she's ok..." Hey! Her and Cody ARE right for each other! They aren't programmed to emote empathy!

Kevin voted to evict JILLIAN? Now, THAT was a twist! I was literally shaking with excitement on my couch for the whole commercial break. I guess Josh was literally deciding at the last second. And Jillian's face? And then Cody was PISSED. He couldn't even say goodbye to Jillian! And a taste of Jessica/Christmas drama, where Josh had to step in! Josh! 

Also, Jillian, you're dumb right to the very end. Did you even campaign, or did you just put blind trust in your allies? Also, that interview with Jillian was boring. She literally didn't have a thing to say. Guess that's what you get for being bland and expecting that you'd be safe. BB rule 1: Expect the unexpected. AKA, don't think that you're safe until you're safe. 

This is the blindside that I've wanted for years. There have been previous evictions that have gotten close to being a blindside, but nothing like this. 

Also, with Christmas' break, maybe give the temptation tomorrow to someone else? I just fear that it's too late to give it to someone else like Alex, which means that Christmas doesn't get a better temptation. 

The HOH theme is exactly how I feel about the blindside: delicious. I did think it was more endurance, but it's nice to see a BBOTT competition return! It's literally the one that Paul hosted when he appeared on BBOTT! Funny to see Christmas picking up the candy with her crutch right beside her. 

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Jessica you heifer do not presume to call Julie Gorgeous.  Because while she is indeed so, it's a little familiar for you to call her that.

Also I love Alex saying that she can't vote out Jillian because she's her friend and Christmas is a stranger.  YOU'VE KNOWN THEM BOTH THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF TIME!

Elena's chest is so far out of proportion to the rest of her it's unsettling.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 13

OK, now for HOH. Ha - they're doing Candy Crush!! Wow, what a coincidence, the premiere is this coming Sunday! You think they planned it that way on purpose?

They have to get a ball in the center of a heart. Candies fall from above and they have to search the candies for a ticket. The ticket gives them a ball. They can keep their tickets or give them to someone else. Christmas is competing. The candies are like big round Easter eggs.

I guess it's time to switch to Live Feeds to see the rest of this.

Edited by Lamb18
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OK, so I would like to thank the cast for bringing all the different kinds of drama this week. Tonight's show did not disappoint. I doubt they can keep it up, but this has been fun, y'all.

I'm not worried about Paul and his supposed "sheep". Sorry, but if someone I was aligned with nominated people I was also aligned with, never told me about it, but expected me to just vote them out, because he said so? THAT would make me a sheep. Nah, the rest of the alliance came to the logical conclusion that it was impossible to trust Cody. 

Poor Jillian. Didn't even get a good-bye video montage. I have a feeling it would be filled with "Have a great summer, you're such a great gal". Like in yearbooks, where you didn't really know the person. Frankly, she lifts right out.

I don't see Paul lasting long. There are already too many people onto his BS. 

Jessica? You suck.

  • Love 13

I don't know...I think this season sux...a big one. These people are so so dumb and unlikable. It is so high school and just awkward to watch. All these stupid gimmicks too. All to keep Paul around. 'eye roll'.

And Mark with his tearful ass kissing to Christmas. Hmm, could it be that he and his dumb entourage realized Xmas is no longer a comp beast/threat with her casted foot???? So he wants to keep her and get on her good side again...so the waterworks and major apologies ensue???? 

Barf and stupid....my thoughts on this season.

20 minutes ago, Lamima said:

I don't know...I think this season sux...a big one. These people are so so dumb and unlikable. It is so high school and just awkward to watch. All these stupid gimmicks too. All to keep Paul around. 'eye roll'.

And Mark with his tearful ass kissing to Christmas. Hmm, could it be that he and his dumb entourage realized Xmas is no longer a comp beast/threat with her casted foot???? So he wants to keep her and get on her good side again...so the waterworks and major apologies ensue???? 

Barf and stupid....my thoughts on this season.

I think every season is like high school ! I've watched BB every season since the beginning, and the older I get, the more annoying the people seem. I do get a kick out of it when an arrogant, muscle-head like Cody doesn't get his way, but the price is that Paul gets WAY too much protection at the beginning of the game. It's kind of like that season with the "mentors', and then they put them in as players, when they had no risk of leaving at first. I didn't think it was fair then, and I don't think it's fair for Paul to safe for so long now. That may be, though, because I really got sick of Paul last time.

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