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"The View": Week Of 5/29/17

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Monday: (REPEAT) Jennifer Lopez ("Shades of Blue"); Jennifer Beals ("Taken"; "Before I Fall") (OAD 3/3/17)

Tuesday: The Political View with Senator Al Franken (author, "Al Franken: Giant of the Senate")

Wednesday: The Political View with Chelsea Clinton (author, "She Persisted")

Thursday: Chance The Rapper; Tony Award-nominee Ben Platt (Broadway's "Dear Evan Hanson")

Friday: Former co-host of "The View" Star Jones with Vanessa Williams ("Daytime Divas"); performance from the cast of the Tony-nominated Broadway musical "Come From Away"

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I hope he gets a word in edgewise.

There was a good piece on AF on CBS Sunday Morning, I'm sure it'll be a thousand times better than his appearance on the shit show known as The View.

Here's a link to a transcript of the piece.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Don't worry GHScorpios, Fox News will probably play most of his appearance on one of their shows later to mock the whole thing. You can watch it then.

 You all are aware of that right? That Fox News regularly plays clips from the view and just cackles at what a bunch of fools they all are.  Usually it's some kind of super liberal comment by Joy or dumb thing Whoopi says, but sometimes they really hone in on a serious point made by a guest and tried to debunk it. They have a serious preoccupation with what is said on this show for some reason.

It seems to happen more during weeks when the news is very bad for Donald Trump and they want to kill time so they can avoid talking about his latest blunder or scandal. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I hope he gets a word in edgewise.

There was a good piece on AF on CBS Sunday Morning, I'm sure it'll be a thousand times better than his appearance on the shit show known as The View.

Here's a link to a transcript of the piece.

I love CBS Sunday Morning & particularly enjoy their in-depth interviews.  Al Franken seems like a "walking, talking, living doll" (to me).

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Just now, Medicine Crow said:

I love CBS Sunday Morning & particularly enjoy their in-depth interviews.  Al Franken seems like a "walking, talking, living doll" (to me).

Same here Medicine, CBS SM really shows you the big picture when it comes to their interviews.  I'm actually DVRing today's show just to see the difference!

I can see it now:  

  • Whoopi will try to ask a question, but between the stammering and hemming
  • AF will try to answer the nonsensical question, but gets cut off by
  • Joy then asks about Trump's mental illness
  • AF laughs, tries to talk but gets cut off by
  • Sarah mentions SNL
  • AF smiles, starts an SNL anecdote but gets cut off by
  • Sunny mentions his wife, children and granchildren
  • AF opens his mouth and is cut off by
  • Jed mentions how awful Hillary is 
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Jed was especially annoying today. Again, she was shrieking over Sunny, defending Trump and Jed? Don't you dare say you never defend him because YOU DO....CONSTANTLY!

Today? She really needed to STFU. And that hideous dress - she on her way to a garden party?

I hope Franken tears a strip off her.

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3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

You all are aware of that right? That Fox News regularly plays clips from the view and just cackles at what a bunch of fools they all are.  Usually it's some kind of super liberal comment by Joy or dumb thing Whoopi says, but sometimes they really hone in on a serious point made by a guest and tried to debunk it. They have a serious preoccupation with what is said on this show for some reason.

Probably has to do with women talking politics. I don't think they allow those over there, unless they're a thin, white, blonde 20-something.

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The segment with Sara's teacher was sweet.  I once received a questionnaire from my high school asking who my favorite teacher had been and I drew a blank.  (My brother remembered the drivers ed teacher). None of them had made much of an impression on me, so, it was nice to see how clearly, and, fondly, Sara and her teacher remember each other.

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I am watching today show right now.  Whoopie really let Jed have it.   Actually really loved how Whoopie handled Jed and why she believes e-mails but not Russia story.  Lots of people play that game and I just hate it.  Fake news isn't just the news that hurts your party.  

Jed has been wearing softer colors and JMHO it suits her. 

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2 things....

1. Did the producers make Whoopi go to commercial during the segment where she (almost perfectly) called out Jedi on her hypocrisy? It was an abrupt cut to a commercial even for the shows standards.

2. Did Sara's teacher (or the shows production staff) give Sara an actual library book? It looked like it wasn't pulled directly from the shelf.

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3 hours ago, May Jacks said:

What was wrong with Jedimotormouth today? She was on 10 bending over backwards to defend trump. 

Did she put some uppers in her coffee today because she was louder and more obnoxious than usual and would not SHUT UP. And I am sick and tired of her hypocrisy - admit it....YOU LIKE TRUMP! I bet she voted for him. She must have because no one else sticks up for him like she does.

Can we start a petition to get her removed? She really, really annoys me. 

I too thought the segment with Sara was "staged." Just something about it didn't feel authentic. 

Edited by dinkysquid
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The thing about the Sara/teacher segment, whether staged or not, was that the teacher was 92 or 93 and Sara had her in elementary school.  How sweet it was that after all those years, she still means something to Sara.  That's quite an impact to make on someone and to acknowledge an elderly person when so many of the elderly are basically forgotten or pushed aside was really special.  

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All I could see is Jedi looking like Jaws today - good grief she has a huge mouth! Whoopi almost went after her, imo....her chest was heaving.

But loved watching the Al Franken segment.

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8 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

All I could see is Jedi looking like Jaws today - good grief she has a huge mouth! 


9 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

Whoopi almost went after her, imo....her chest was heaving.


Heaving as in the romance trope "Heaving BOSOM?"???????

Sorry, had to go there when I read "Whoopi...chest...heaving."

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Yes, it's so rare for anyone to actually call Jedilyingliarwholies out on her hypocrisy. Yes, they get into arguments with her, but they never bring up the fact that what she said a month, a week, sometimes just 24 hours previously is the complete opposite of what she's saying at the present. I have no doubt someone behind-the-scenes has told Sunny and Whoopi to treat her with kid gloves, considering Sunny was handing her her ass daily last season and only sideways acknowledges her now.

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7 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

Did she put some uppers in her coffee today because she was louder and more obnoxious than usual and would not SHUT UP. And I am sick and tired of her hypocrisy - admit it....YOU LIKE TRUMP!

I have to wonder if Jedidiah has been told to play the role of the gadfly, or conservative, or Republican as an equal time thing? Because it doesn't feel authentic to me. She fluctuates on what political position she calls herself, she's all over the place about Trump, and she is waywayway too freaking loud and strident. It feels like she's been told to be the voice of the conservative viewers.

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I don't know - it sounds so familiar for her. She is always saying things like "I agree" and just keeps going. She is not someone I would like to know in real life. And then throw in FOX and Breitbart - and conservative, independent and libertarian. IMO she is full of crap.

Just how many (unsuccessful) careers has she been through? Now thinking she is a favorite on this show. Perhaps if she toned it down, and closed her mouth a notch or two, and was consistent I might think differently. At least we knew where Hasselbeck fell - not so much with this person.

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12 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I really thought today was going to be the day someone finally bitch slapped Jed.

I tried, but couldn't reach her through my TV. 

Seriously, she defends trump not signing the Paris agreement because he wasn't elected to deal with climate change?  Climate change is real, it's scientific fact.  It's not up to the voters to decide if it's real or not. 

Shit UP, Jed!  (and what the fuck was she wearing?)

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13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

On The View's Facebook page they're showing Whoopi hanging that raggedy grey scarf around that poor teacher's neck.  Blech!!!

<Gag> Ewwwwwww....that scarf just grosses me out!!! I don't know why - maybe it's because she wears the stupid thing CONSTANTLY - but it looks like it could stand up and walk off the stage by itself. 

Jed's outfit? Somewhere a little old lady's favorite drapes are missing.

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1 hour ago, Jewlmc said:

Really, Jed? Hillary's supporters had the problem?

Jedi is a slick one. When she was trying to get Chelsea Clinton to throw her mother under the bus by saying some ‘Clinton supporters are saying…blah blah blah’ she really meant herself.

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Can anyone tell me what appeal Jedi has? At least with Elizabeth and Paula it didn't feel like they wanted people who disagreed with them politically to just die already.  But with this obnoxious shrill shrew I feel like she is someone who would use the words "libtard and democraps".


And aren't we passed the time when they start announcing which View co-hosts are leaving for greener pastures?  Does this mean Jedi is sticking around?  Yuck.  And since we haven't heard of a replacement for Whoopi does that mean she is sticking around too?

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Why would the producers allow Jedibitchface to, once again, longwindedly detail her favourite thing, that Hillary has not thrown herself on the sword enough.  And to ask Chelsea, her daughter, about it and expect her to say anything different.  Chelsea handled it well by answering in the positive rather than the negative.  But  why do we the viewers have to be subjected to this same tired spiel from Jediblahblah? 

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1 hour ago, Tunia said:

Have you ever noticed that it's always the host you dislike the most that never takes a day off?  Why is that?

Because sheofthejedifoxbot the show doesn't want me us to have nice things and maintain our sanity.

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5 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Chelsea Clinton was not amused by Joy.  At all.

I think Chelsea might have been a bit rattled by Jed coming on so strong.  It's almost like Jed started the segment with "Your mom lost, and it's her own fault - what do you have to say about that?" 

I think going from that to the anti-trump children book titles was a bit much.   Chelsea came on to promote her book, and the hosts had different agendas.  Jed wanted to put her on the spot, Joy wanted to make jokes and have Chelsea laugh at them. 

Nobody on the panel knows how to interview, each one makes it about herself. 

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They should think about only having 2 or 3 of the hosts do the interviewing.  Five is way too many, the other two can take a break.  I found that Al Franken couldn't get a word in, and I really wanted to hear him.

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6 hours ago, susieq147 said:

Can anyone tell me what appeal Jedi has? 

No.  I'm sorry. No one can.  You might want to check with her mother, though.  She might like her.

Edited by Bronzedog
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8 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

She came across as being rather....humorless. Didn't enjoy her segment at all.

I believe Chelsea hugged everyone except Joy...she did not really seem to speak to her. Chelsea would Not make a good political candidate, she had a brief career with NBC, but she did not last long, she was just too 'stiff" on -air.  

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8 hours ago, bannana said:

Why would the producers allow Jedibitchface to, once again, longwindedly detail her favourite thing, that Hillary has not thrown herself on the sword enough.  And to ask Chelsea, her daughter, about it and expect her to say anything different.  Chelsea handled it well by answering in the positive rather than the negative.  But  why do we the viewers have to be subjected to this same tired spiel from Jediblahblah? 

I knew as soon as Chelsea was on the guest list for this week that Jedilyingliarwholies would ask her some question about Hillary not crucifying herself. Just the way she frames her questions ("some of her supporters," yeah, her supporters, sure....) is pathetic.

I didn't notice anything off between Chelsea and Joy? Maybe I should re-watch to see if I missed something. That would surprise me, actually.

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I always wonder how or why some people assume kids of politicians are going to run for office someday. Seems to me Chelsea will always be involved in politics - in her own way - but not really run. Perhaps like Caroline Kennedy. Hey - maybe Chelsea will run, but I don't see anytime soon.

I think Chelsea is reserved and has had to protect herself along with her parents her adult life and just wasn't into Joy's joking around. No harm, no foul for either of them, JMHO

ETA - I think her book is wonderful and was very impressed with her knowledge of so many women throughout her life and how diverse they are/were. 

Edited by maggiemae
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I think Chelsea is probably tired of replaying the election results.  I'm sure she expects to have to listen to theories about why her mother lost and asked questions about it, but, that doesn't mean she isn't tired of hearing about it after 8 months.  And, she was there to promote her own book.  She clearly did not want to hear Joy's jokes.   I also wonder how her friendship with Ivanka is going.  

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I really liked Chelsea Clinton here.  Joys bit with the books didn't work.  Thinking about it it did put Chelsea in an awkward position. If she said anything it would have been a sound bite for Fox News for a long time  Also if she is friends with Ivanka that would not be cool.  Or maybe Chelsea is just one of those intelligent people who don't have a sense of humor. 

I did notice she did not hug joy.  The whispered something I could not quite hear.   Chelsea answer to Jed was perfect and wow was Joy annoyed with that question.   

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LOL - perhaps Hillary prepared Chelsea for Joy. Hillary definitely knows Joy is a huge fan of hers and political. And in mourning (like me). Nevertheless - I saw no harm or animosity.

And Joy doesn't always get up to welcome guests. Those chairs......they are high and fabric and not easy to slide into. Joy looks fab but is not a spring chicken.

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