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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Paul is all pouty on the couch. Although, you can't hear what Josh is saying it looks like he is trying to comfort Paul. Haha

also, why do Paul and Josh look like slobs? Couldn't they try a little?

Edited by wait.what
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Just now, wings707 said:

Josh is so stupid. 

Not as stupid as Paul, at least. Paul's F2 speech may be altered before our very eyes, because of how harsh his questions were. Josh seemed to grab the jury more. Not that his answers were spectacular, but a lot better than I expected, and way better than Paul's. 

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1 minute ago, wait.what said:

Paul is all pouty on the couch. Although, you can't here what Josh is saying it looks like he is trying to comfort Paul. Haha

also, why do Paul and Josh look like slobs? Couldn't they try a little?

It almost seemed like he was snarling at Josh about something. 

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Man, this is just gonna be a huge cock-tease. They're making me think Paul might lose!

At the moment the votes are tallied, I might be the first case of a woman having blue balls.

ETA: ngl, Victor's man bun is doin' it for me.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
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I think the jury knows that Paul will lie to the bitter end, and that Josh cannot lie that well, so most of what Josh says is from the heart and what he honestly believes (even if he is not as good of a player as Paul).

But... will that sway them to vote for Josh?

Edited by TVFan17
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Not as stupid as Paul, at least. Paul's F2 speech may be altered before our very eyes, because of how harsh his questions were. Josh seemed to grab the jury more. Not that his answers were spectacular, but a lot better than I expected, and way better than Paul's. 

I hope you are right.

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What a sad little speech. Haha. Paul has so much more to lose than Josh. If Josh loses, eh, he can blame being up next to a vet. If Paul loses there is no excuse. Hahahaha

Edited by wait.what
Dumb autocorrect.
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Ugh. I found a live stream and the guy keeps cutting out....whenever the jury segments start.
I'm gonna have to catch up tomorrow. So annoyed - it sounds amazing. I don't even know who I want to win. In case I forget to post or the thread gets locked before I have a chance, thank you to all that documented the live feeds. I have been thankful since season 5. 

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So, what I know for sure:

Cody, Matt, and Raven=Paul

Alex, Jason, and sounds like Elena=Josh

Christmas, Kevin, and Mark are the unknowns. Christmas probably voted for Paul. Kevin might have voted for Paul. Mark is unknown.

I do think Paul won, but barely. I want to be surprised and have Josh win, though.

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