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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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 Even Julie can't be bothered with Raven.  I think once she was so oblivious she didn't bite on the 'didn't play the game comment' she decided it as time for the bitch to go.

 Is the big announcement the Tuesday eviction?  If so, hardly surprising or unexpected so we always get accelerated evictions toward the end.  

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My neighbors probably just called the cops when I screamed when Paul started his whole "Josh would you have voted to evict me" bullshit. This cast. I wish Julie would have let Jason go back in for 10 minutes. 

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 Ok, Julie.  You win.   I got got.  That was surprising.   Clearly it will be a watered down version of BB and the quality of celebs will be as questionable as the selection at a fresh seafood market in Kansas but this should be interesting.  

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I think Josh is one of those people who knows he's totally given up his game for Paul, can't really do anything about it now, but at least knows he;'s been had. Unlike Jason who can now let off steam in the jury house Josh is still locked in the house with Paul though. 

This week has also been tough on Josh as he's been Xmas's punching bag. 

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What real celebrities could take off a period of time from their gigs? None! I guess we'll get F List celebrity's. Too bad Kathy Griffin went off the rails. She might have been a contestant.

Paul is keeping up the lie to Alex and I think she's falling for it. Josh is having a major breakdown. He might not make it. 

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I think it was Jason who tried to tell her that nothing happens without Paul's permission, but she has a need to believe in some kind of god, I guess. I just know she's going to be pissed about Kevin, heh heh heh. 

After tonight, I don't think Paul can keep up the fiction that he's blameless. Josh is over it.

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Just now, Auntie Velvet said:

I think it was Jason who tried to tell her that nothing happens without Paul's permission, but she has a need to believe in some kind of god, I guess. I just know she's going to be pissed about Kevin, heh heh heh. 

After tonight, I don't think Paul can keep up the fiction that he's blameless. Josh is over it.

I hope Josh blows!! if he goes, he will tell everyone in the jury house, everything! 

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This could have prevented by Paul's "team" had Paul and Xmas not repeatedly yelled at, demeaned, and bullied Josh this week. So it's been a tough week for Josh and he feels like shit and tonight I think all of it exploded and he really can't stand Paul anymore.

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Alex was just talking about how Raven was pissed at her on her way out.  Alex told her it wasn't her because she was HOH and couldn't vote.  She said Raven pushed her away and called her a liar and said she didn't trust her. 

I do think it's interesting that Jason was so pissed he didn't even hug Alex on the way out.  And the fact that Alex was yelling at him, "Jason, it wasn't me!"  speaks volumes. 

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16 minutes ago, Hello Lady said:

BBUK does it, bunch of D listers,  all divas. 

It'll be similar to the kind of "celebrities" they get nowadays for "Dancing with the Stars." There will be a "Housewife" of some kind, an athlete of some sort, a former TV star who hasn't been in anything in decades, maybe a "Bachelor" franchise 'star,' maybe an Olympian, etc. Will definitely be C-D listers for sure.

I'll still totally watch, though. :) 

Edited by KootieTaw
I may put it down, but I'll still be a viewer!
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