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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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Hah! Y'all are right, it's Jesse. But to be fair, it took a ridiculous(although I LOVED it at the time) power to get him out.

As sad as I am that Jessica is probably going home, I'm not all that sad. Mark won? A) Go Mark! B) what will he do, and what will people tell him to do? And C) will Josh continue to push for getting Elena out? 

The fact is, this week was 100% guaranteed to take out someone I was rooting for solely because they could be against Paul. But none of them are my ride or die, and I do feel there is a lot more drama to come.

But as long as there's a dedicated Jess/Cody feed and a dedicated Paul feed, I will be watching very little feeds.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

"Dan's funeral" was silly, but his pitch to Frank was amazing. It actually made SENSE, which was the most remarkable thing about it to me. Frank was in a tough situation and working with Dan really was one of his only moves left. 

That was understandable ,because of Franks position but the rapt faces at his funeral. I was rolling.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, missyb said:

That was understandable , excuse of Franks position but the rapt faces at his funeral. I was tolling.

Oh, agreed, the funeral was way over the top. But what I liked best about Dan (and other players whose games I respected a lot - even if I didn't want them to win, like Will, Maggie and Jun) is that they made actual ARGUMENTS. The ones that kill me are when people just get by because people don't like thinking for themselves. "It makes sense for Victoria to be protected at all costs. That doesn't seem odd to us. Hey, Derrick is never willing to be a pawn - that's not weird, right?" Derrick didn't make arguments, he just told people what to do. Paul isn't really making arguments. he's just telling people what he wants them to do and that somehow convinces them. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 11
33 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

So I was talking to my sister today about my absolute loathing of Paul. And I said a lot of it was because the whole vet thing, which somehow makes these assholes believe that if THEY are the chosen ones who have his trust, they're golden. She replied "but surely they're going to want him out because he played before", and I had to explain to her that no, these recruits or super fans both think it's the perfect strategy to work with a vet who constantly tells them he is totally with them and will totally explain how everything in the house will work because he did this once, and therefore knows everything. And also had to explain to her that he lost to a vet last season (she had no clue).

So then I started thinking about seasons where vets came back. 1) Rachel won (worse than Maggie, Will and possibly Dick, but that's just me). 2)Dan lost. The finale, but came MUCH closer than he should have, what with him already winning and all, and this comes from someone who thought the funeral was one of the most brilliant things ever. 3)Nicole won.  Am I missing something? I've watched every episode of every season since season 1, and had the feeds since season 5, but will admit I have a shitty memory. Was there a season with a vet coming back where the vet did not make the finals? Not that it matters for this season, except the whole "oh, they'll totally get rid of the vet sooner than later" argument is completely invalid.

Jason made it to 2nd place in BBOT 

The Josh/Mark relationship is oddly fascinating to me.

Cody: Who do you think needs to be on the block against [Paul]? 
Jess: Put up Raven and Alex. Alex takes herself down, put up Paul.

Good shit. Now, if only you would have done this when you actually had the chance, Jessica. Maybe then we wouldn't be in this mess!

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I guess Josh has just given up on the 'evict Elena' plan. On the one had, good for him that he realized it's not happening and didn't lose his shit over it, but on the other hand I'm bored and I want drama so I wish he was more pissed lol.

There is still is a lot of time between now and Thursday.  Mark (or Elena) winning was probably the worse case scenario for Josh because now he has to put up someone from "his side of the house" as a pawn - thus revealing his pecking order.  That could create/strengthen a divide in the big alliance.  

If Jessica/Elena were more savvy players (big "if", I know), they could try to identify and take advantage of this (they would already have two automatic votes with Cody and Mark).  I think they may have the best shot with Raven as a pawn since a lot of the house is already irritated with her.  But what's the point.  This group is so stubborn.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Well my first long shot wish is to win that 400 million mega million lottery, but I definitely agree with your wish too, so that's my second long shot wish!  Take Jess off, saving Jody (I like them!!) and get that horrible nasty Paul out of there.  

I hope at least one of my wishes comes true and even if it's just the second one I will be a very happy girl!

ha! you're so funny!

Quick question - for the little bit that I have been watching, it seems they sing a lot. I thought that was not allowed? What is the rule? How does that work?

Seriously, Josh, Paul just wants best for you. Never question him again. And be sure to fight with Alex and Christmas later to see who gets to have the glory of taking Paul to the finals!

1 minute ago, zorak said:

I hope Mark realizes that it won't matter if he keeps himself on the block.  These mofos will continue to find reasons to not trust him even if he does what they want this week.

"Mark" and "realize" aren't words that go well together.

  • Love 3

Christmas/Josh discussing Mark using the Veto and mad that he's going against the Team. Do they forget that he's not actually "in" their group, they're playing him? Tell him to his face that he should trust them, but don't actually believe he should behind closed doors.

At this point, Mark is probably going up next week whether he uses the Veto or not. They've made it more than clear that he's at the bottom of The House and there aren't many more options if HGs are just going to keep trying to appease The House.

ETA: If Christmas and Josh were still on this Get Out Elena plan, then pressuring him to stay up there makes sense. But they're getting rid of Jessica because Paul told them so, so it's kind of dumb for Christmas to be so mad that Raven is going OTB.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 1

Mark doesn't care and isn't going to budge. He's going to use the Veto to pull himself off and if he wins HoH next week I'm pretty sure Cody will not be touching that block. I don't think he gives zero f**ks anymore. 

I didn't catch it- but before apparently Mark made a face behind Paul's back when he was behind him. So I'm pretty sure he's also over his shenanigans. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Mark doesn't care and isn't going to budge. He's going to use the Veto to pull himself off and if he wins HoH next week I'm pretty sure Cody will not be touching that block. I don't think he gives zero f**ks anymore. 

I didn't catch it- but before apparently Mark made a face behind Paul's back when he was behind him. So I'm pretty sure he's also over his shenanigans. 

I really hopes so. Please let it be so. Thursday can't come quick enough.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Mark doesn't care and isn't going to budge. He's going to use the Veto to pull himself off and if he wins HoH next week I'm pretty sure Cody will not be touching that block. I don't think he gives zero f**ks anymore. 

I didn't catch it- but before apparently Mark made a face behind Paul's back when he was behind him. So I'm pretty sure he's also over his shenanigans. 

I hope someone got a screen shot of that! 

  • Love 3

I know this is petty but I really hate girls like Alex who de-Asian everything about themselves. Hair blond, double eyelid surgery, breast implants, etc. As an Asian I can instantly spot girls like her who obviously have had massive amounts of work done to not look Asian. 

Also: girls as short as her should think twice about such massive boob jobs. She looks like half her weight is in her boobs.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Hah! Y'all are right, it's Jesse. But to be fair, it took a ridiculous(although I LOVED it at the time) power to get him out.

As sad as I am that Jessica is probably going home, I'm not all that sad. Mark won? A) Go Mark! B) what will he do, and what will people tell him to do? And C) will Josh continue to push for getting Elena out? 

The fact is, this week was 100% guaranteed to take out someone I was rooting for solely because they could be against Paul. But none of them are my ride or die, and I do feel there is a lot more drama to come.

But as long as there's a dedicated Jess/Cody feed and a dedicated Paul feed, I will be watching very little feeds.

I don't really think it even matters that Paul is the vet this season.  Judd's bear shirt could be the vet this season, and these idiots will still let it cruise to F2.

  • Love 7

Xmas was gloating in the HOH to Josh & Maven about how she correctly played her temptation.  Not sure she will be singing the same tune in a couple weeks if she ends up in a backdoor situation.

I wish Jessica was more articulate.  Sometimes she makes really good arguments but does not deliver them in a way for others to take into consideration (i.e. Jessica's argument that Xmas should have saved the ring of temptation for herself).

  • Love 2

Raven just offered to go up!  But Josh doesn't want to do that. 

And now Matt says that Josh can put he or Raven up if Mark takes himself off. 

Alex reported that Mark and Elena were in the storage room.  As she left the HOH room she said, "I just wanted to be a tattle tale and do it right this time."

Edited by zorak
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