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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Paul said to stay "strategic and tasteful." They don't want to be "petty," he says after rubbing Vaseline all over the place and thinking it's the BEST "PRANK" EVER. Wondering if he's worried how it'll look on TV now. 

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

This is embarrassing. 

Cody says when Jess leaves he leaves. He says he doesn't need the money. 

Jessica talked about how they would have to reimburse CBS for the hotel, travel, etc. bills that they racked up if they DOR. I know Cody can't even afford a part for his truck but I totally believe him when he says this. 

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7 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul says he's now going to walk around and act like Jessica and Cody don't exist.  He says that will drive them crazy to be in a house with everyone ignoring them.  I think Cody and Jess would welcome it to be honest.

How long will that last? I'm betting three hours, top, before they get bored. 

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4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Everyone is going to love Paul when he's smashing pans together in the morning. 


Mark telling josh that he doesn't like it 

Lol now you know that Paul isn't going to be smashing pans together. He has his court jester for that.

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Cody says when Jess leaves he leaves. 

I don't blame him.  I wouldn't blame her either.  These people... How can human beings be so callous towards other human beings?

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11 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

But somehow I hate Kevin the most. Father of 7 kids and he doesn't get uncomfortable at this?

Did he take a big part in this? I saw him get scolded by Paul for being in the bathroom. Honestly, if you're worried about your game it'd be hard to be the one to stand up and say stop. Especially when one of the HGs is literally barking for their ringleader. I don't like Alex, Raven, Paul, Josh and Paul for being the big players, but for everyone else it's really awkward since it's obvious Paul has everyone wrapped around his finger.

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25 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Can someone provide a refresher on BB15? I know that there was some minor fallout from that season for a lot of the participants but it seems like editing really tried to pin the most offensive conduct almost entirely upon Aaryn while whitewashing the actions of the rest of the cast. 

Did Julie ask Spencer about his child pornography jokes? No, right, because he was eliminated on the finale?

Likewise, I remember Amanda getting done a huge favor by production on the broadcast when they situated her as a sjw who scolded the racist blondes for their bigotry even though she was insinuating that she was afraid of the only black guy in the house and later led the charge against Elissa.

Wasnt there even some pro-Andy spin because Aaryn had called him a slur behind his back even though he was usually bolstering the attacks she and Amanda alternately lead?

1. Yes, Aaryn was depicted as the primary offender on the broadcast series, but they did sneak in a couple of comments made by Ginamarie and Amanda. They refused to call anyone out like they did with Aaryn, citing the integrity of Big Brother's sequestering process. *eye roll*


2. Julie didn't ask Spencer about the comments partially because he was evicted at the finale, partially because he didn't make mainstream news the same way that Aaryn did -- I still don't know exactly what he said -- and partially because they were just tasteless jokes as opposed to racism-fueled bullying.


3. Amanda was an early producer's pet; they actually tasked her with calling out Aaryn's racism, although she later explained that she disagreed with those accusations and was just doing whatever TPTB asked of her. Once she went off the rails around the time Candice was getting evicted, Grodner abandoned her and let her drown in her own garbageness. (She even got some boos at her eviction!)


4. I wouldn't say there was a pro-Andy spin, but he was the least objectionable contestant after Elissa was evicted, so CBS was probably praying that he would make it to the finale. Plus I'm sure they thought that if a gay person won the season then it would help to absolve the network. Which it didn't. 

Edited by JediDVguy
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Ok here's the thing about Jess and Cody. Every couple of years the HG's absolutely hound and torture the people who say that they;re huge fans of the show, and thus are there for the experience and not the jury stipend or whatever. This happened to Jen, it happened to Elissa. There's always massive moralizing about how they are an insult to the game. Uh ... isn't being a fan of the show and wanting the experience the point of BB? There's only one 500k prize. I will never understand this particular sort of BB outrage.

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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Did he take a big part in this? I saw him get scolded by Paul for being in the bathroom. Honestly, if you're worried about your game it'd be hard to be the one to stand up and say stop. Especially when one of the HGs is literally barking for their ringleader. I don't like Alex, Raven, Paul, Josh and Paul for being the big players, but for everyone else it's really awkward since it's obvious Paul has everyone wrapped around his finger.

It was his idea to start with the vaseline stuff. 

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23 minutes ago, zorak said:

A few minutes ago in the kitchen Matt put his arm around Raven, pointed to the cameras, and said something to America about how Raven is a pitbull with a smile.  That's not what I would consider a compliment but they seemed to think it was.

In her dreams Raven couldn't be as cool as a pit bull.  

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Apparently, the wall yeller yelled "America loves Jess, Paul is a bully."

Yeah, it sounded like "America loves Jess, Paul needs to go." But somewhere along that line of thinking.

Guess Jess didn't understand what they said. Alex was out there too, I think, but yelling about having to go to the DR, so I don't know if anyone else heard it.

ETA:  I don't know about anyone else because the Feeds only had Jody/Paul cams as usual.

Edited by mooses
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2 minutes ago, F. M. said:

Well Mark and Elena told Paul they would put up Cody and Jess..smh.

I honestly don't think Mark would. Elena...I can't imagine her putting up Jess at least. But they obviously have to say that they would put them both up to Paul. They're already paranoid about being targeted for Jody connections, and probably even more so now since Jess alluded to working with people in the House.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, Star Aristille said:

How is the guy able to find the house so easily?

The house location isn't a secret. You can see it on Google Maps. There's some sort of property right near the house that isn't owned by the studio (but not public, I don't think). If someone stands there and uses a megaphone, they can be heard over the walls of the house. 

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2 minutes ago, F. M. said:

Well Mark and Elena told Paul they would put up Cody and Jess..smh.

What else are they going to tell him? He's the clear leader. If he's told anything but, they're targets. I mean, they are anyway. 

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When the feeds came back for a few seconds Alex walked into HOH and said she heard "America bullies favorite".  Then she asked what everyone else heard and it cut to the fish again.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

They sway whichever way the wind is blowing. Not to mention they wouldn't tell Paul what they are actually thinking.

Why not, everyone else does.  If a thought pops into any of the minion's heads...they run to Paul with it.    Why these people are allowing a loudmouth 24 year-old to run their lives and game is beyond me.

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Yesterday, Mark swore to Cody that if he got HOH he would never put him or Jess up. He was wrong before and he is not going to to that again. I hope hr meant it and is stringing Paul along. Paul has everyone so wound up about jury. Xmas has made an absolute fool out of herself spotting Pauls' rhetoric .

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Just now, Suzysite said:

Why not, everyone else does.  If a thought pops into any of the minion's heads...they run to Paul with it.    Why these people are allowing a loudmouth 24 year-old to run their lives and game is beyond me.

But he's a veteran! He's played this game and knows the ins and outs and can get them very far lol. 

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Someone get back over there and yell:




Did i I get that right?


but seriously, if someone could get a message to them letting them know they are all looking like fools for Paul. 

What am I saying? They all deserve to look like idiots. 

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

During the first season didn't people throw them written messages over the walls? 

Last year someone took a drone and dropped s blow up doll lol. I think it was last year? 

I think the first season was on a different studio that was easier to access?  Now you can't get super close to it. 

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