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S01.E01: Champs vs. Pros: Secrets and Limes

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Note to BMP: It is super obvious that you're filming Victor out of sequence when he's doing commentary.

Damn it, Veronica. You come out of retirement, and you couldn't pants Smashley. How funny would it have been to see a newly-minted champion lose off the bat? Seriously, screw her. Also, I can't see Veronica harnessed without inserting Julie tugging at her line.

Holy fuckin' asscrackers. Wes vs. Johnny?!? That has never happened before!!! Can the coyote catch the roadrunner in a direct confrontation? Probably not, because the universe hates Wes E. Coyote.

Am I bad for seeing Johnny playing for the Special Olympics and immediately thinking of his cousin?

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I prefer Lolo when she is not talking.  Yes you created your foundation but that doesn't make it better than everyone else's!  Shut your face.

Who's that British chick, Louise?  I love her.  I hope that lime did not say Lolo.

Also Victor I really wish you were getting ready for OTA's for the Giants but I like having you on my screen anyways.

Thanks, show, for giving away who won Ashley's elimination in the middle of the broadcast.

  • Love 7

Lolo is as annoying as her name.

I wish it wasn't basically the champs we just saw coming back but it was probably cheaper/easier to use most of them. I also bet the chance of being on two challenges like that was a big selling point in getting someone like Darrell to return.

 I just don't think "champ" when I think of either Ashley...they may have won once each but I don't think they are comparable to the other champs. I think Jordan is a bit outclassed compared to the rest of the champ guys as well. It was kinda nice to see Veronica because I'm an old school fan but I knew she'd be gone soon...she's done horribly the last few times she's tried to return. As someone (CT?) said the challenges are way harder now than in her day.

I literally saw Wes and said, yes! What is the world coming to?! I said this the first time I was shockingly happy to see Wes last time he was on and I meant it....if I am EVER excited to see John PLEASE send someone to check on my mental health! And list the innumerable reasons to hate that fuckwad asap so I come to my senses. Don't worry, I doubt it will ever happen.

I love the British professional athlete!!! This show is fun!

Edited by Rebecca
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I am so here for this!  I loved it all.  I love someone being more arrogant than John.  I loved the pros proving why they were pros right out of the gate and rubbing the Champs' faces in it (and really, this group talking about other people being bad sports?!?!  When have most of them been good sports???).  I loved Lolo being loud and annoying and basically placing a target on her back.  I loved British Heptathlon chick being shady as fuck, cause I knew as soon as she tossed that lime back into the bucket with lighting speed without showing the name that it DIDN'T say Lolo.  I loved the skier (snowboarder?) dude trying to stand up to Lolo all while knowing that she could probably rip him in half.  I loved the Champs enjoying the heck out of the Pro's falling prey to The Challenge's social mindgames fuckery that they thought they were good/professional enough to rise above.  I loved Lolo total beasting the Elimination challenge (and I wish they had told us how quickly she got to the top, because DAMN! Also, they [Challenge Gods] need to make someone from the Champs, male or female, go up against her one-on-one please!).  And I loved hearing the stories about the pros' personal lives that lead them to where they are today and the charities they're supporting (Shit, dad in prison and other dad a pro-athlete that fell victim to a heroin addiction, then AIDS? Geez).

If Veronica is on the next Challenge, I really hope she took this early loss as an opportunity to train.  I couldn't even believe that after Ashley fell off the wall, Veronica still lost.  I was so confused I had to rewind it because I thought I had mistakenly assumed that Ashley fell when it was Veronica instead.  But no, it was Ashley.  

And ain't nothing wrong with CT's dad body! He can still get it.  Lol at him trying to find a "slimming" angle in his talking head.  

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I wish they had done something like this 3 years ago.  I don't expect the champs to win against pro athletes, but I would like the competition to be a bit closer.  3 years ago the best male champs were in better shape (looking at you CT and Wes) and there were better options willing to compete (Emily, Laurel, Frank).  How can the champs even have a fighting chance without putting their best foot forward?

And Lolo is taking this way too seriously.  Wow.  She is annoying.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

I wish they had done something like this 3 years ago.  I don't expect the champs to win against pro athletes, but I would like the competition to be a bit closer.  3 years ago the best male champs were in better shape (looking at you CT and Wes) and there were better options willing to compete (Emily, Laurel, Frank).  How can the champs even have a fighting chance without putting their best foot forward?

And Lolo is taking this way too seriously.  Wow.  She is annoying.

Lolo = Annoyance. I've yet to meet anybody who likes her after hearing her speak. But I think I can get behind her as a person on the Challenge.

  • Love 2

Watching this just confirms for me why LoLo could never get that spot in the public eye she wanted after her last few Olympic outings. She's an annoying asshole. Who would want to be bothered with her? I used to think she was terrible, but now i just think she's the WORST. What makes her lil raggedy foundation more important than anyone elses? She is just like all the other reality stars who think they "deserve" something more than others.

Too bad she's like Trashley, a good competitor, so I'll have to deal with her on my screen. Ugh, to think I once rejoiced that she was gone from the Summer Games, just to have her pop up on the Winter Games...now this. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 4

This was a lot better than I expected, maybe because the pros are likable people and I only watch the Challenge kids (yes, they're "kids" forever to me, even when they're in their 40s) to see them get their comeuppance. This time, it's actually interesting to see who is the best athlete, because there are legitimately respectable athletes involved.

Even the drama is better with the pros, since they aren't in there trying to be villains, trying to behave like shit-goblins for screen time like the "kids" always do. I can be in the kitchen making a sandwich when I hear Camillanator in a rage and not even stop to go see why she's raging anymore, but when the pros fight, it's genuinely interesting. The fact that they're trying not to lose their shit on each other is making the psychological part of the show seem fresh again.

That said, I love the psycho-heptath lady so much already. I'm even going to google her name: Louise Hazel. Her monologue about how it would have been theoretically possible to say Lolo's name, regardless of what the lime read, if one were so inclined was perfection. She's like a Bond villain with that accent.

  • Love 11

This was good!!  Sad Veronica was out so quick.  

Lolo is damn annoying, but kicked ass in the comp. I hate when people think their shit is better than everyone else.  I didn't think the guy, don't remember his name, was raising his voice at all.  I just think Lolo didn't like what he was saying, so she tried to start an argument.  

What is all this dad bod talk? CT looks great.  Gary Shitley from teen mom has dad bod.  Lol.  Not CT. 

I meant Gary Shirley, but I like the typo, so I'm leaving it.  Made me laugh too hard. 

Edited by Kimitria
  • Love 7

It makes me happy that these people are playing for charitys as well. It makes me like even the ones I strongly dislike a little more. I also like that even when a person gets out they still raise even if however little some money for their charity.

It made me giggle a little that the pros probably were all excited to win and then the twist of them still losing a player was in play and they had to vote. They probably didn't expect that.

i really can't believe that this one episode of this silly little special was ten times better than the last season was. It was so good and enjoyable and exciting. 

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, mojoween said:

I prefer Lolo when she is not talking.  Yes you created your foundation but that doesn't make it better than everyone else's!  

Seriously.  I totally understand a celebrity (of whatever level) with a concern deciding to start a foundation, but unless it's a very niche area like a very rare disease or something, I figure tying your name to a respected "name" charity is actually better for the recipients, because the overhead for one organization has surely gotta be less than the overhead for two.    Really turned off by Lolo acting like hers was any better than any of the others.  And pleased with Veronica (never thought I'd say that) for supporting Planned Parenthood.  LOL'd at her "born again rookie" line too.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Liqidclark said:

This was a lot better than I expected, maybe because the pros are likable people and I only watch the Challenge kids (yes, they're "kids" forever to me, even when they're in their 40s) to see them get their comeuppance. This time, it's actually interesting to see who is the best athlete, because there are legitimately respectable athletes involved.

Even the drama is better with the pros, since they aren't in there trying to be villains, trying to behave like shit-goblins for screen time like the "kids" always do. I can be in the kitchen making a sandwich when I hear Camillanator in a rage and not even stop to go see why she's raging anymore, but when the pros fight, it's genuinely interesting. The fact that they're trying not to lose their shit on each other is making the psychological part of the show seem fresh again.

That said, I love the psycho-heptath lady so much already. I'm even going to google her name: Louise Hazel. Her monologue about how it would have been theoretically possible to say Lolo's name, regardless of what the lime read, if one were so inclined was perfection. She's like a Bond villain with that accent.

Totally agree, especially the bolded. I like her and Gus. I liked Candice too, so a little sad she's gone. Haven't seen too much of the other people yet.

  • Love 3

Okay, I'll admit that I haven't watched a Challenge in so long that Veronica is the only one I knew on the Reality side (and maybe CT? Which RW was he on?) so maybe I'm missing something, but: 

Now that they know the "twist" of the eliminations, what is the point of winning the team comps? Further, especially if you're of the same sex up for elimination that week, aren't you (as in everyone who is not a captain) better off LOSING, as you'll have already ensured one of the two people who will enter the elimination ISN'T you AND reduced the chances of YOUR going into the elimination as the second competitor (this week and next, for example, from 1 in 3 to 1 in 4? Which means that, if you're not-captain of the WINNING team, you ultimately have a 1/2 shot--assuming everyone's chance remains equal, which I suspect the Pros will drop REAL fast, but, still, 2 of the 4 others go in--whereas, on the losing team, as the capt had already been "marked," the remaining women only had 1 of 4 up for risk? So, the four female pros worked for the win, only to be rewarded with double the chance of being in the elimination round).

Unless I have missed something, doesn't winning the group comp ONLY benefit the captain (and, I suppose, someone who is allied with him or her?) And, if you have allies, aren't you still better off sticking together as not-captains to better control the vote for second player? 

IOW, at least until a format change suggests otherwise, wouldn't the only logical strategy for this format be to make someone you want in the elims the captain and then throw the comp?

I have to be missing something: hell, even Donald Trump got the logic of having the losing "captain" (team leader) and other two "elimination round" (final boardroom) competitors ONLY come from the LOSING team*). Am I just that uncompetitive that *I* can't grasp how much someone as competitive as these peeps couldn't grasp not trying to win (even if--sorry for the tortured metaphor--losing the battle is better, stragically, for winning the war), or is there something I missed regarding the rules  that provides a benefit to anyone but the captain to work their asses off to get the win (besides, granted, to gain the trust that your team won't abandon you when YOU'RE the captain, just cause they want to help you earn money for your charity, again, ... while putting themselves at more than double the risk of ending up in the elimination round), or am I missing something else just logically? Or is this really as dumb a set-up as it appears to me?

*Well, okay, just on The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice; I guess in his current reality show, I Wanna Be President (but, oh, shit, just like all those other "winners" who allegedly didn't know they had to pay taxes, I didn't know I'd have to do anything AFTER I won the game ), I guess he's also going for the Only the Winning Team Captain Actually "Wins"; for everyone else, both sides still lose strategy: perhaps one of Trump's former associates or family members got hired for the game design cabinet here, rather than someone with experience in game theory? Make MTV Great Again! (And start by building a wall for your loser-losers and winner-losers to punch through).

On Wed May 17 2017 at 3:42 PM, Kimitria said:

This was good!!  Sad Veronica was out so quick.  

Lolo is damn annoying, but kicked ass in the comp. I hate when people think their shit is better than everyone else.  I didn't think the guy, don't remember his name, was raising his voice at all.  I just think Lolo didn't like what he was saying, so she tried to start an argument.  

What is all this dad bod talk? CT looks great.  Gary Shitley from teen mom has dad bod.  Lol.  Not CT. 

I meant Gary Shirley, but I like the typo, so I'm leaving it.  Made me laugh too hard. 

A dad bod is a few extra pounds body type that makes you a bit rounder in a hubby. That is what CT has. There is also nothing wrong with it. It's called being human and/or getting older. If Gary is the definition of a dad bod then we are all fucked. That is not the body of a slightly round belly male. If it becomes the average dad bod America truly has went too far with the eating.

Edited by Racj82
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How lame, the eliminations aren't the reality stars vs. real athletes.  If it was, those strength challenges like guys running into and through each other would be amusing.

My guess also is there won't be anything like final challenges with eating gross shit and torturous endurance legs because the pros aren't going to sign up to have their bodies depleted and abused.

And so far if they're living in the same house bunking together, they're not showing it.  Pros probably wouldn't agree to do the show under those conditions either.

First social event was bowling and apparently no alcohol?  So no drunken hookups in the challenge house or at some sleazy club?

Some of the pros would have to be hardcore fans of the show to willingly cohabitate and potentially hookup with these famewhores.


Jordan is confident despite that mustache, the way he flirted with Lolo.  In fact, even though his hand isn't normal, he can bowl strikes with it.  Pity he can't shave off that upper lip abomination.

Edited by scrb
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

Lolo turns 35 in august...I need to quit being shocked by people in my age cohort acting like they are 10-15 years younger maturity-wise on reality tv shows. (See: Vanderpump Rules) Yikes.

Lol!  Same here.  Also see: Porsha on Real Housewives of Atlanta.  Everyone on the show always says, "She's young; she doesn't know any better," as if she's in her 20s and I'm always screaming at the TV, "That bitch is turning 36 in a few months!!!"

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, Racj82 said:

A dad bod is a few extra pounds body type that makes you a bit rounder in a hubby. That is what CT has. There is also nothing wrong with it. It's called being human and/or getting older. If Gary is the definition of a dad bod then we are all fucked. That is not the body of a slightly round belly male. If it becomes the average dad bod America truly has went too far with the eating.

Yup, you are right.  I was mistaken on what dad bod meant.  And yeah, we don't want all dads looking like Gary. 

I agree that this first episode of Champs vs Pros was much better and exciting than all of last season of the Challenge. It reminded me of the old school Challenge seasons a.k.a. Real World vs Road Rules challenges, that were actually really good and fun to watch.

I liked Victor Cruz as the host and I also liked that the cast is competing for charities. Even if they lose, they walk away with something which is nice.

I actually love Veronica because she was on one of my favorite Road Rules seasons, "Semester at Sea" and she was a good competitor back in the day. It sucks that she was eliminated first, but it was kind of obvious that she would get voted in.

I've always found Lolo Jones annoying, but athletically, she's a force to be reckoned with. I honestly don't think any of the Champs girls would stand a chance against her one on one.

Louise was shady when she pulled out that lime and said Lolo's name. I highly doubt it was Lolo's name on the lime and her talking about it to the camera later made me like her lol.

  • Love 3
On 5/18/2017 at 9:14 PM, methadonna said:

I have to be missing something: hell, even Donald Trump got the logic of having the losing "captain" (team leader) and other two "elimination round" (final boardroom) competitors ONLY come from the LOSING team*). Am I just that uncompetitive that *I* can't grasp how much someone as competitive as these peeps couldn't grasp not trying to win (even if--sorry for the tortured metaphor--losing the battle is better, stragically, for winning the war), or is there something I missed regarding the rules  that provides a benefit to anyone but the captain to work their asses off to get the win (besides, granted, to gain the trust that your team won't abandon you when YOU'RE the captain, just cause they want to help you earn money for your charity, again, ... while putting themselves at more than double the risk of ending up in the elimination round), or am I missing something else just logically? Or is this really as dumb a set-up as it appears to me?

Yeah, I had to rewind it because it didn't make any sense to me either. But I do remember early on there were seasons where bananas and maybe CT and even Wes I think would throw challenges to "trim the fat" (aka the females) and I remember other competitors hating that because it was against their competitive nature. So I guess TPTB are counting on competitiveness to keep them honest. 

I know some of the games are classic, but I wish they'd go over the rules again more clearly. I couldn't understand why the teams had to work together on the rope challenge instead of just each person swinging across like Tarzan. I didn't understand the complicated machinations they were using. 

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