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Looking - General Discussion

David T. Cole
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Pardon my language but today just made me want to say 'fuck this shit.'  I found it all so depressing.


First, if this is the end of Lynn and Dom, I am so depressed.  They were the couple that intrigued me the most from last season.  I wanted them to fall in love and get married and be that nice older stable couple surrounded by the caos.  If Looking is canceled but gets a wrap-up movie, please bring back the Bakula and fix this ish. 


I feel sorry for neither Patrick or Kevin.  Kevin's all concerned about wrecking his boyfriend? Well boo-freakin' hoo.  Maybe he should have thought of that before he jumped into an affair.  Perhaps Jon wouldn't be wrecked if he didn't have an awful boyfriend.  Take note, Paddy, that guy you've been imagining a future with (imagine being the operative word) hapens to be an awful boyfriend.  Is that really what you want?


And it shouldn't have taken some obvious advice from his ex for him to realize it.


Too much other stuff I hated was going on for me to even enjoy Eddie this week.  Blargh.  I'm not happy.

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it was definitely a sad, sad episode, but I felt like everything that happened was long overdue. Patrick needed to check himself on the Kevin situation, and Kevin needed a big check on how much damage he was capable of doing.

Eddie is such a great addition to this show. And I do love how Augustin responds to him.

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"Because let's be honest: a LOT of gay men are just like this. They're always on, always loud, always serving you attitude and side-eye and trying hard to provoke everyone in sight."

Some stereotypical cliches we like, some others we don't...

Hollywood really doesn't know how to write "bears" at all.

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Ha, as soon as I saw that 15 second clip of Patrick and Richie talking about ice cream, I just knew they would have to go to Bi-rite. It's like you're legally required to get ice cream there if you are in San Francisco.


I don't feel sorry for Kevin at all. Awwww, you don't want to hurt your boyfriend's feelings by telling him that you've been cheating on him? Nope. Kevin just doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy. As for all the crap he fed Patrick about how things with Jon are totally different than when he's with Patrick, whatever. Yeah, it's different because you're sneaking around with someone new. And then when he brought up how Jon had moved there for Kevin, I just rolled my eyes. So it would be better for him to stay completely oblivious while you keep on having sex with your subordinate coworker in secret. Yup, that's the way to avoid hurting your boyfriend's feelings.


I'm glad that Patrick finally realized that he doesn't want to be a sidepiece anymore. All that rationalizing finally fell away when he saw Kevin at the farmers' market and sometimes it just takes a small moment for that to click and to suddenly know that this isn't the way things should be. Same goes for Dom realizing that what he wants from Lynn is something he will never have. It's sad to know that Lynn is capable of love but refuses to give himself the opportunity to feel that kind of love again.


I love Eddie because Agustin has become 100% more tolerable since meeting him. I don't know if he is just done feeling sorry for himself and being a tortured artist and all that crap or if it's because Eddie really brings out a better side of him. All I know is that I no longer end each episode hating Agustin, so please keep Eddie around if for no other reason. I also like Eddie because he is a normal logical person who refused to let Agustin hang around his apartment by himself all day.

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Kid: Are you trans?

Agustin: Do I look trans?

Kid: But you're queer, right?

Agustin: No, I'm gay.


Eddie: Are you hungry?

Agustin: Yeah, I'm always hungry.
Eddie: Alright, good. Let's get you a bag of dicks to eat.


Agustin: You know this first week I'm not even supposed to answer the phone if it rings.Guess they're waiting to see if I fuck up.

Eddie: Oh, they are. So maybe don't.

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Lynn makes me sad because it's clear that he feels like his life with Brian exceeded anything a gay boy growing up when he did could have dreamed of and that it's folly to hope for more. He just can't let anyone in because he can't open himself to that type of pain again. He's a sad broken man and I'm glad Dom realizes he deserves more.

Kevin is a jerk and I'm glad Patrick is aware of it. That's not to say Patrick is blameless.

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No, Patrick isn't blameless because he went into this relationship with his eyes open, knowing that Kevin is his boss and knowing that Kevin has a serious long term boyfriend who moved to San Francisco for Kevin's job. But Kevin is the one whining about how he doesn't want to hurt Jon's feelings which seems like the height of hypocrisy to me since he had the choice not to get involved with Patrick in the first place.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Not only did he initiate it, he pretty much ignored Patrick's attempts to make sure it didn't happen. 


One aspect they're both ignoring is what would happen in the family if Jon found out.  After all, Jon is Patrick's brother-in-law's best friend.  For someone so concerned about appearances and "bringing someone home to the family" I'm surprised this hasn't occurred to Patrick,

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This episode made me think that Kevin might not be as 'together' as he first appeared to be. There seems to be some unhinged denial going on there. It's as if he thinks he can please Patrick but not betray his boyfriend at the same time. And I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Kevin does not seem to be bold-faced lying or playing Patrick. He seems to be unraveling..  ...And that's why you should think before starting something up at work..


Dom seems to have quickly evolved from chicken hawk playboy to serious relationship seeker and wannbe entrepreneur. We do know he had a former relationship that got messy over money (the drug addict ex), so maybe he does do relationships from time to time. I feel sort of bad for Lynn's having given up on love -- but he was honest with Dom up front. 

Lynn's introduction of the hot tub rugby guy made it seem as if Lynn has more than a few "generous benefactor" relationships. It could be that Lynn is also a bundle of messy issues.. 


I didn't see Richie as being judgmental as much as being a sounding board for Patrick to hear how his explanation of his situation with Kevin didn't make much sense (in the sense Patrick considered himself to be dating someone). 


I feel the show could benefit from a little lightness and humor now and again. All this drama condensed to a half hour is a bit much. My  viewing  partner says he feels exhausted at the end of each episode. 


a LOT of gay men are just like this. They're always on, always loud, always serving you attitude and side-eye and trying hard to provoke everyone in sight. Is that because they're masking something? Trying to cover some pain of their own? Probably.

I  feel  that often the cleverness and overt-ness is a mask for bitterness and viciousness. The witty sniping gets old, fast. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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This episode made me think that Kevin might not be as 'together' as he first appeared to be. There seems to be some unhinged denial going on there. It's as if he thinks he can please Patrick but not betray his boyfriend at the same time. And I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Kevin does not seem to be bold-faced lying or playing Patrick. He seems to be unraveling..  ...And that's why you should think before starting something up at work..


Exactly. I think Tovey nailed the internal conflict this episode, and it did seem like the comfort of denial was not available to Kevin.

Word up about episode exhaustion, though. I can't wait for the zoo ep.

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Kevin (and Patrick) can both go cry me a river. I got no sympathy for either of them.


Dom and Lynn are breaking my heart, though. Like Dom, I don't want to see Lynn live in the past like he is, hung up on a ghost. I'd like to see him move forward with his life, be happy again and let someone get close to him. I'd especially like it if he let Dom be that person.

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This show has no spark or sense of humor.  It is completely joyless.  Richie is a disapproving jerk, I never saw the appeal.  


I guess I never really got Richie's appeal, either.  He has the potential to be a great character, and it's like they're trying to make him the wise zen-master of the show, but to me he just comes off as humorless and judgemental.  Does the guy ever crack a smile?  I guess he did when he and Patrick were together for that brief time, but I barely remember it.


Patrick, Patrick, Patrick.  The problem with being the side-piece is that, even if the guy you're having an affair with dumps his fiance and you both are finally 'together', you'll spend the whole time wondering if he's going to cheat on you with someone else.  Everyone wants to think their situation is different, and maybe in some cases it is, but the odds aren't good.  I don't doubt that Kevin was legitimately upset when Patrick confronted him, but how could he ever make the situation right?


Random notes...


I've never been a huge Agustin fan, but he's sure looking adorable, especially since Richie trimmed his beard!

I want Lynn's house.  Damn, that place was gorgeous!  In fact, this show has made me want to just pack up and move to San Francisco!

I had to look up Bi Rite ice cream, since I've never heard of it.  I doubt I'd wait 45 minutes on line for any kind of food, no matter how good it is!

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Dom and Lynn are breaking my heart, though. Like Dom, I don't want to see Lynn live in the past like he is, hung up on a ghost. I'd like to see him move forward with his life, be happy again and let someone get close to him. I'd especially like it if he let Dom be that person.

Without going into detail, I was in a situation very similar to Dom's a long time ago, and can vouch for the frustration and mixed emotions involved. It appears as though Dom has come to the realization that his relationship with Lynn is never going to be what he envisions, and much quicker than I did, fortunately for him. Lynn is never going to get over or significantly reduce his focus on what he's lost, and to his credit he's made that very clear to Dom. Dom's only emotionally healthy move is to take Lynn at his word and turn his romantic attention elsewhere. I would like to see them remain friends, however - it seems there's still a lot they can learn from each other.


I have to say this show is making me really miss living in The City. My heartstrings get tugged every time they do a location shoot in a park or on a street that I remember well. If only I could afford to return...

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This episode made me think that Kevin might not be as 'together' as he first appeared to be...but Kevin does not seem to be bold-faced lying or playing Patrick. He seems to be unraveling..  ...And that's why you should think before starting something up at work.

Kevin is compartmentalizing.  When he's with Jon, he's with Jon except for a few secretive, exciting texts to Patrick.  And when he's with Patrick he's with Patrick...except for a few hidden phone calls with Jon.   And even if he breaks things up with Jon, I will question whether or not he's truly done with Jon.  Unless Jon completely cuts him off, there will be a part of Kevin in that world for a while. 



Dom seems to have quickly evolved from chicken hawk playboy to serious relationship seeker and wannbe entrepreneur. We do know he had a former relationship that got messy over money (the drug addict ex), so maybe he does do relationships from time to time. I feel sort of bad for Lynn's having given up on love -- but he was honest with Dom up front.


The irony is that Dom would move from guy to guy to avoid a relationship.  In Lynn, he saw the potential to have something real. I do think Dom meant more to him than Matthew but what Dom couldn't have predicted was that Lynn may not have been relationship shy but he is all-in relationship shy and erected his own walls.


I can't even watch NCIS: NOLA ads without feeling heartbroken.


I didn't see Richie as being judgmental as much as being a sounding board for Patrick to hear how his explanation of his situation with Kevin didn't make much sense (in the sense Patrick considered himself to be dating someone).

I agree.  His first thought wasn't that Patrick was doing something terrible.  He asked if Kevin and his partner had an "agreement" and it wasn't until all other possibilities were exhausted when he called a spade a spade.  As much as I knew he'd get grief for the "homewrecker" comment, it was his final advice that I think got Patrick to seriously consider what the hell he was doing.   Whether they're compatible romantically or not, it's moments like this that explain why Richie is a good thing for Patrick.  (Don't know that I can argue yet the reverse.) For whatever reason, Patrick listens to him and at least considers what he says more than he does with anyone else. 


And the reason Richie doesn't smile much is because he's self conscious about his teeth. 

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I don't mind that Richie was the one who helped Patrick finally see the light. Their conversation about Kevin reminded me of Fiona's conversation with her boss about her new husband (the guy she married two weeks after she hooked up with him). These are logical questions that a concerned friend would want to know: Do you know your husband's middle name? Why haven't you told your family you got married? Does your boss have an agreement with his live-in boyfriend that makes it okay for him to be sleeping with you?


When Patrick tried to justify what was happening by saying, "It's not like that," all I could think is that when you have to rationalize it with an explanation like, "It's not like that," it probably IS like that.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I don't mind that Richie was the one who helped Patrick finally see the light. Their conversation about Kevin reminded me of Fiona's conversation with her boss about her new husband (the guy she married two weeks after she hooked up with him). These are logical questions that a concerned friend would want to know: Do you know your husband's middle name? Why haven't you told your family you got married? Does your boss have an agreement with his live-in boyfriend that makes it okay for him to be sleeping with you?


When Patrick tried to justify what was happening by saying, "It's not like that," all I could think is that when you have to rationalize it with an explanation like, "It's not like that," it probably IS like that.

Who is Fiona?  Am I missing something?  Is this a character on this show or another show?

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The Kevin/Patrick storyline is well-done, but it needs to wrap up already. I've helped a few friends through the same issue in real life; going through it every week on this show is just becoming draining.


Who is Fiona?  Am I missing something?  Is this a character on this show or another show?


ElectricBoogaloo is referring to Fiona Gallagher on Shameless.

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Good episode. While some characters moved forward, others either went backward or didn't move at all. I don't feel sorry for Patrick nor Kevin because they're not the victims here; Jon is. Jon's being played for a fool by both Kevin and Patrick and based on what I've seen so far, he neither knows it nor deserves it. Kevin & Patrick should feel guilty about hurting Jon. What they're doing sucks-no pun intended. Kevin's changing his mind about confessing to Jon about his affair after promising Patrick that he would not only wasn't a surprise, it's a cliché. I've seen this movie too many times on too many networks (including HBO) and it rarely ends well. The only person who's getting everything they want is Kevin, who has both a boyfriend and a sidepiece. Even if Kevin does man up and leave Jon for Patrick, IMO it's just a matter of time before he cheats on him just like he's cheating on Jon. I don't believe that Kevin will ever willingly break up with Jon nor did he ever intend to, no matter what he tells Patrick-which, as Patrick saw when he saw Kevin and Jon together and heard when Kevin was on the phone with Jon in the previous episode, is bullshit. As for Patrick, he, like Kevin, brought his misery on himself. He created this fantasy of a life with Kevin that he knew he would most likely never have. Patrick's walking away from Kevin at the end of the episode didn't impress me because the damage is done. It's too little, too late. This episode proved once and for all that, as far as I'm concerned, Patrick & Kevin aren't right for each other and never will be.


  Agustin keeps getting better every week and Eddie's at least partially responsible. Eddie's a good influence on Agustin and while he's still a jerk sometimes, such as when he "corrected" one of the kids at the shelter by calling himself "gay" instead of "queer," but I think that Agustin's not the asshole he used to be and that's a blessing.


  Re Dom/Lynn, while I knew that Patrick & Kevin's spilt would be inevitable, Dom & Lynn's split hurts a little.  I'm not mad at Lynn; just disappointed. Lynn's so busy living in the past and protecting his feelings that he's showing little concern for Dom's. As for Dom, I think he's getting a small taste of his own medicine for all the hearts he's broken before. However, I do still believe that Lynn and Dom could be great together and I hope that Lynn can learn to live in the now and give himself and Dom another chance.


  Richie is as awesome as ever. I don't think Richie was judging Patrick at all for his affair with Kevin because he would've said/done a lot worse than ask him if he was "a homewrecker."  Even if Richie was judging Patrick, it's about time somebody did because Patrick's judgment sucks big-time, especially where Kevin's concerned.  At least Richie managed to talk a little sense into Patrick, who needs all the sense he can get.

Edited by DollEyes
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He owns a flower shop which is very successful. I think he has probably made a few more wise investments over the years which allows him a comfortable life.


That must be one hell of a flower shop.  I could be wrong, but Lynn looked as if he was living in a house that would easily be worth several million, not to mention his vacation home. 

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But remember that Lynn has been living in San Francisco for decades. It was much more affordable even ten years ago so I can only imagine how much more reasonable a house there cost 30 years ago. A lot of people Lynn's age in the Bay Area are in similar situations in that they couldn't afford to buy the house they live in now, but they were able to buy it in the 60s or 70s (hell, even into the 80s).

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Plus, the flower shop is in the Castro and is considered somewhat of an institution by Dom.  So it probably is pretty successful.


In addition, I could swear that Lynn also mentioned a wine shop.  So it's likely that Lynn has other investments.  Yes, we see him spend most of his time in the flower shop but given the fact that the reason he has the shop is because it was his late partner Brian's dream and given what we've learned about his neverending devotion to that man, it'd make sense that's where he'd choose to spend all his time.

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I'm kinda glad that we had no Dom or Doris. Their absence gave the episode room to breathe to explore all of the Richie/Patrick/Kevin/John stuff that's been percolating since last season. It's interesting to find out that Kevin was really into Patrick and his relationship with John is jacked up. I'm surprised, but not, to find out that John has never seen Kevin's office and that Kevin would use John as a booty call to get over his break up with his mantress. I'm hoping that Patrick uses his second day out with Richie to begin a real friendship with Richie and not as some rebound fuck up.

Eddie can never ever leave because Agustin becomes actually adorable around him.

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Eddie can never ever leave because Agustin becomes actually adorable around him.


Agreed. How did they redeem him so fast? I haaaaated Agustin by the end of last season.


I'm so worried for Richie, every time Patrick horns in on him I remember poor Richie in his suit and clean shaven wedding look when he got out of the car. I love Richie way too much you guys, I want to wrap him up in protective blankets!

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Patrick throws a bash for Halloween and dresses up as his favorite video-game character, but he's distracted by Richie and his new boyfriend. Meanwhile, Agustín hopes to make after-party plans with Eddie; and Doris reluctantly agrees to a couples costume with Malik.



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Patrick: That [ice cream truck] music is so creepy! It's like if the Addams family had an ice cream truck and were pedophiles. Although Uncle Fester was definitely a pedophile, right?


Richie: Quit it. I'm not doing your whole cheerleaders in a car wash fantasy.

Patrick: Oh, what? No wet t-shirts?

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I am surprised that Patrick has held his ground for a few weeks since ending things with Kevin and hasn't cave in to any of Kevin's attempted guilt trips and gone back to him. I really wanted to smack Kevin when he was whining to Patrick about how hard this was on him and how he didn't like that Patrick had just moved on. Dude, it's called being professional at work. I don't expect a boss who fucks his employees on company property to completely understand what constitutes professional behavior, but good lord. How dare your employee not spend all his time at work crying about how much he misses you?


I don't know how I feel about Patrick confessing that he cheated on Richie. On the one hand, I'm all for honesty. On the other hand, they are broken up now so it feels like Patrick is telling Richie this to ease his own conscience.

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I thought Patrick handled the Kevin situation pretty well -- and Kevin's reaction was sadly realistic in terms of being f'ked up. Did Kevin finally invite Jon to his workplace because now it was 'safe' since he was no longer involved with a subordinate? Was he using his fiance as a actual rebound relationship? Ugh. 


But Patrick was massively irritating in this episode when he was with Richie. It was almost as if he stalked Richie online, found a need, then held him hostage for the day while he unburdened his guilty feelings and inserted himself into every conversation Richie was having with relatives and former friends. Seeking out Richie immediately after breaking things off with Kevin made it seem obvious that Patrick had ulterior motives for reconnecting. 

I kept wanting Richie to just tell Patrick to shut up and drive -- and that the day would be a reminder of why he broke things off with Patrick because Patrick was such a needy mess. 


I think I would have rather spent time with Dom and Doris instead of Agustín and Eddie. Augustin seems to be using his new job and Eddie as a means of working through a redemption phase. I had never picked up on any signs of attraction from Augustin before this hook-up. 


I wouldn't mind keeping Kevin and Jon around. Maybe we could follow their messy relationship and spend less time with other characters ... like Patrick.. 

(There are only so many characters you can cram into a thirty minute episode. )

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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I'm game for keeping Kevin around. Don't care about John. Never did, really. Not sure I'm supposed to. Patrick is supposed to. not sure I am. 


I'm so worried for Richie, every time Patrick horns in on him I remember poor Richie in his suit and clean shaven wedding look when he got out of the car. I love Richie way too much you guys, I want to wrap him up in protective blankets!

The way I see it, Richie chose to get upset and walk away. I think he's plenty padded. 

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Did Kevin finally invite Jon to his workplace because now it was 'safe' since he was no longer involved with a subordinate? Was he using his finance as a actual rebound relationship? Ugh.


Is that what Kevin invited Jon to work for?  I at first thought he was going to break-up w/Jon over the phone...then at the office, then we would see a text to Patrick from Kevin saying he broke up w/Jon while Patrick was w/Richie.  From the previews next week though it looks like none of that happened and they are considering moving back to Seattle...do you think Kevin admitted his indiscretions to Jon and that is what is prompting the re-relocation?


Patrick is so going to stalk Richie w/ "friendship" until he can win Richie back.  I can't wait for Richie's boyfriend or whatever he is to have a "special" talk w/ Patrick and tells him to back off...or god forbid gives him his blessing to actively pursue Richie and let Richie choose.


I don't know where they are going w/ Agustin and Eddie exactly but this is going to get messy I have a feeling.  I have a feeling that Agustin is intrigued by Eddie and the fact he is poz, and that's the only reason he is interested.  It's going to get messy b/c now Agustin is involved in the kids at work too.

Edited by CMH1981
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But Patrick was massively irritating in this episode when he was with Richie. It was almost as if he stalked Richie online, found a need, then held him hostage for the day while he unburdened his guilty feelings and inserted himself into every conversation Richie was having with relatives and former friends. Seeking out Richie immediately after breaking things off with Kevin made it seem obvious that Patrick had ulterior motives for reconnecting. 

I kept wanting Richie to just tell Patrick to shut up and drive -- and that the day would be a reminder of why he broke things off with Patrick because Patrick was such a needy mess. 


So it wasn't just me? I wanted Richie to reiterate the line he used last week (which i loved because it was true) that "we were never friends" when  Patrick was so triumphant about them remaining friends at the end of the episode! It's fine. There are people you are attracted to and people who are just friends. Opposite gender makes it easier to distinguish most of the time, and same gender tends to be murkier, but Patrick clearly doesn't see Richie or Kevin the way he sees Augustin and Dom. Richie should run far away fast. But I like him, so I'm conflicted.

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I thought it was in many ways the best episode in this (underwhelming) season (well, so far). 


I still find Paddy annoying but I do understand that he is the lead character and I think they are at least trying to make it look like he's trying to figure things out and try to understand and grow and move forward with his experiences. If I were Richie, though, I'd break it off for good with Paddy but it seems it was made clear in this episode that Richie still loves Paddy and is hoping against hope that maybe somewhere down the road they can get back together. That's what I get anyway.


I'm curious what is going to happen with Kevin though and what he may or may not do with/to Paddy at work.


I still 'hate' Auggie. Honestly, I cannot shake the feeling that since the character had such a bad reaction (for the most part from what I've read) in Season One that TPTB have bent over backwards to try and redeem him this year and it just rings so absolutely hollow and false to me. Also, I feel no chemistry at all between him and Eddie but I also know that's really a YMMV situation if there ever was one. 


I'm vaguely curious as to where Dom is going in his story line (now that it seems Lynn is out of the picture, dammit)  but Doris I could care less about. She was and still is (for me) migraine inducing. Cannot stand her.

Edited by marsha
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Patrick and Richie are so good together when they aren't trying to be together.

Kevin calling Jon after Patrick bolted was very telling. He needed someone to prop him and his ego up. Plus, the way they interacted was NOT the way two people behave when their relationship is on the skids.

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I'm so worried for Richie, every time Patrick horns in on him I remember poor Richie in his suit and clean shaven wedding look when he got out of the car. I love Richie way too much you guys, I want to wrap him up in protective blankets!


I know, right? And then to find out how far Richie went just to get that suit and being excited for the wedding only to have Patrick filp out and alienate him from even attending makes me all the more sad for him. I need Patrick to not screw with Richie's feelings anymore. He's too good a guy and deserves so much more than being jerked around by Paddy's selfishness.

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It's interesting to find out that Kevin was really into Patrick and his relationship with John is jacked up.

I'm not surprised to find that Kevin was really into Patrick.  The show has spent the first five episodes of the season establishing this.  But I didn't think what they showed last week or this week with Kevin and John was a "jacked up" relationship unless Kevin being a "jacked up" cheater is enough to make it one.  We don't see much of John but the very little we've seen paints a specific picture--John loves Kevin. He cares about Kevin's work. He's perceptive enough to tell that Kevin is distracted by something that day.   And I think Kevin still loves John even if he has the case of the sads over Patrick.  I suspect he'd feel the same if he were with Patrick and cut John loose.


I also don't think he planned on breaking up with John at the office. He's unprofessional about relationships but even that would be too far. 


I don't know how I feel about Patrick confessing that he cheated on Richie. On the one hand, I'm all for honesty. On the other hand, they are broken up now so it feels like Patrick is telling Richie this to ease his own conscience.

This episode was so layered I'm not sure what to make of it. I've seen interpretations that this episode took them further away from reuniting and closer to just being friends.  I've seen other interpretations where either or both secretly long to be back together...maybe not today but one day.  I honestly don't know where I fall on the spectrum. 


There were times where I felt like there may be lingering feelings.  Patrick almost seemed happy at how broken up Richie was over him.  They were also flirty.  Richie smiled a lot more than he usually does in this episode and even broke out a "Pato" for old times sake.  They were behaving as friends but there was an intimacy/knowledge that came directly from their time as lovers.


Patrick feeling the need to come clean did feel like a dick move to me at the time. Richie didn't need to know that and there were other issues that separated them.  Yet, I do think Richie strongly prefers honesty.  He tries to be honest about what he thinks and feels.  Patrick's confession is probably a move Richie respects even though it hurts.  In a way, it makes Patrick more like a guy Richie would want to date.  Yet, in another way, the actual confession makes it less likely Richie would take back up with Patrick romantically again.  It'd be hard to trust Patrick's feelings.


It'll be interesting to see how they interact in upcoming episodes.  Will it be Patrick or Pato?



So it wasn't just me? I wanted Richie to reiterate the line he used last week (which i loved because it was true) that "we were never friends" when  Patrick was so triumphant about them remaining friends at the end of the episode!

He kind of did.  He put the emphasis on "trying" to be friends.  This ep brought them closer but there is still a lot of baggage.

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sobodom100 & Corgi-ears - thank you both.  I really like that version of Finally.  The deep voice singing about a man, should be 100% acceptable these days, but still it seems to have a touch of subversiveness about it.

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Thank you Corgi-ears! 

It really is a great tune. I listened to its instrumental version on Spotify and it is also amazing.

Whoever chooses the music for the show is a genious. I love it.

Edited by sobodom100
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So after being in his position for the past few months, Kevin, only now, invites his boyfriend to see where he works, and only doing so after Patrick has left. I really wish they gave us some more insight into Kevin and what his deal is. He doesn't seem unhappy with John but clearly there must be something going on if he's out getting some on the side, right?

I really like that this show has all sorts of people in all shapes and sizes. So with Auggie and the guy who's name is escaping me right now, who's the top, who's the bottom? Inquiring minds want to know.

Also, did miss Dom and would like to know if that last conversation with Lynn was the end for those two. I really do like them as a couple.

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