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S09.E04: The Etiquette of Friendship

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9 hours ago, Mozelle said:


Regarding the party, I think that Carole is being honest about why she doesn't want Ramona at her party, though. I think that Carole believed Ramona and her "bull in a china shop" tendencies would be a problem on a very tense election night, and she made an executive decision to talk Ramona out of coming.

Did I miss-hear? Didn't Carole ask what the big deal was about disinviting Ramona to her party? Didn't she state, "she doesn't even like Hillary." Maybe carol's party wasn't so open to discenting opinions.


9 hours ago, Mozelle said:
  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I loved it too.  I've been waiting for someone to call nasty Sonia out; but Ramona was right, she could have waited until dessert.

I loved the contrast between Luann's home and wherever Sonja was staying.  

I can't stand Sonja because she says all her shit and then when you confront her, she plays the victim.

It was nasty and unfortunate for the other guests, but I don't really much care. Sonja is a nutcase and deserves to be told so. But then I wasn't all up in arms about Beth going after Lu like some were last season. Both were wrong and horrible and should never have said what they said, but it's hardly shocking. But why in that venue, except for the obvious - that the cameras were there. Sonja has been talking shit about Dorinda since the reunion and after. If the gal had that much pent up anger, why not hash it out earlier? I would have been all over her, telling her to stop with that shit if true she was saying very slanderous stuff about Dorinda and her family. But she puts up with the bad press until a dinner party. I know, I know, this is what they get paid to do, but it takes a lot of urgency out of Dorinda's rant. 

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It was nasty and unfortunate for the other guests, but I don't really much care. Sonja is a nutcase and deserves to be told so. But then I wasn't all up in arms about Beth going after Lu like some were last season. Both were wrong and horrible and should never have said what they said, but it's hardly shocking. But why in that venue, except for the obvious - that the cameras were there. Sonja has been talking shit about Dorinda since the reunion and after. If the gal had that much pent up anger, why not hash it out earlier? I would have been all over her, telling her to stop with that shit if true she was saying very slanderous stuff about Dorinda and her family. But she puts up with the bad press until a dinner party. I know, I know, this is what they get paid to do, but it takes a lot of urgency out of Dorinda's rant. 

I wonder if it was Sonja planting stories? Sonja seemed pretty calm when Dorinda went batsht crazy. Sonja did cop to some minor stories. I have a feeling we are going to find out the major stories came from someone else.  (John)

Edited by Martinigirl
  • Love 5

Carole has posted photos of  the cats and her dog on Instagram, the cats are named Blue and Belle... I suspect she kept them...or is a long-term foster

As in the ice cream, Blue Bell? I'm glad she named them. I  was hoping they weren't a prop. 

The rant by Dorinda was unhinged, IMO.  That shouldn't have happened over a group setting like that, even if Sonja deserved her ire.  That was neither the time nor the place for it. YMMV.

  • Love 10
57 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It was nasty and unfortunate for the other guests, but I don't really much care. Sonja is a nutcase and deserves to be told so. after Lu like some were last season.  But why in that venue, except for the obvious - that the cameras were there. Sonja has been talking shit about Dorinda since the reunion and after. If the gal had that much pent up anger, why not hash it out earlier? I would have been all over her, telling her to stop with that shit if true she was saying very slanderous stuff about Dorinda and her family. But she puts up with the bad press until a dinner party. I know, I know, this is what they get paid to do, but it takes a lot of urgency out of Dorinda's rant. 

Apparently Dorinda had extended Sonja an invitation to the Berkshires and Sonja did not even have the courtesy of a response.  Dorinda has made pretty clear she is taking no prisoners if someone gossips about her.  I do find drug allegations shocking and even more so when they are baseless.  It is one of the lowest forms of character assassination some of these women engage in.

To me Sonja just would not stop and Dorinda put a stop to it.  The not being invited to the wedding was the funniest part of the rant.  Sonja had just put Dorinda in the press the day before so  there was some timeliness to her rant.  Ramona sitting between the two of them was priceless.  Sonja should have had a clue when Dorinda started with the not so subtle hints about both Luann and Ramona clamoring over having her as a houseguest while Sonja ended up in a rental.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It was nasty and unfortunate for the other guests, but I don't really much care. Sonja is a nutcase and deserves to be told so. But then I wasn't all up in arms about Beth going after Lu like some were last season. Both were wrong and horrible and should never have said what they said, but it's hardly shocking. But why in that venue, except for the obvious - that the cameras were there. Sonja has been talking shit about Dorinda since the reunion and after. If the gal had that much pent up anger, why not hash it out earlier? I would have been all over her, telling her to stop with that shit if true she was saying very slanderous stuff about Dorinda and her family. But she puts up with the bad press until a dinner party. I know, I know, this is what they get paid to do, but it takes a lot of urgency out of Dorinda's rant. 

From what I gathered, when Dorinda, Luann and Ramona met the day before, there were new things in the press attributed to Sonja that day, which is why Dorinda blew up the next night. Even Ramona said she knew Dorinda was going to confront Sonja at her dinner party, she just hoped Dorinda would have waited until after dessert. LOL

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

How so? I got it back in the day when people didn't have access to so much media, the internet, etc. People use to go and hear their potential politicians make their case live. Most folks don't do much of that now because information is everywhere. Why is it more relevant now than ever? I don't think someone is dead wrong to believe it to be antiquated, it's just a matter of opinion. An opinion that a lot of people share. 

I think Ramona totally gets it, which is why she wants to cozy up to Lu and Dorinda. In her mind, they came out on top last season. She wanted to be besties with Beth, but Beth got hammered away at least season. Now Lu looks really, really good to her. She will even cozy up to John if that is what Dorinda wants. I agree it is fake to the extreme, as Lu and Ramona detest each other and would at a moments notice throw the other one under the bus in a heartbeat. But at the end of the day, it is also why these gals are the most fascinating. They will put slights to the side if necessary to move the drama along. No every girl during every season, but for the long haul, they are able to accept things that no one I know would ever put up with for the sake of the show (and their ability to remain on the show). 

Because their concerns and needs are disparate from the "coastal" folks. If all a candidate needs was to cater to the political concerns of California, New York and  few other similar leaning population centers to win, why address the dire needs and concerns of the persons who line in WV or KY?

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

So they ARE baseless?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Well according to Dorinda she doesn't use drugs.  Sonja took it one step further recently (last week on WWHL) and said Dorinda is ALWAYS drunk.  http://www.dawndiaries.com/sonja-morgan-says-she-dated-jack-nicholson-dorinda-medley-is-always-drunk/  Sounds to me as if Sonja will getting another dressing down by Dorinda.

I am tempering Sonja's comments on WWHL because she also claimed the reason she didn't marry Prince Albert is because he is too high profile.  I loved the author saying she had long ago stopped fact checking Sonja Morgan.

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6 hours ago, snowblossom2 said:

Thanks for the link, I don't know anything about the situation. The link does paint a different story, or at least a more general/vague story, and I wonder how much is B spin versus reality. I hate myself for wondering that, though, rather than taking presumably B's story about what happened (the info above) at face value


A lot of the gossip blogs (Reality Tea and I think even CDAN) have covered that marriage and divorce.  Bethenny isn't perfect but man, nobody deserved what was going down in that marriage and divorce. Hoppy is far from innocent in all of this. 

4 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

I am wonder if it was Sonja planting stories? Sonja seemed pretty calm when Dorinda went batsht crazy. Sonja did cop to some minor stories. I have a feeling we are going to find out the major stories came from someone else.  


According to Tamara Tattles, it isn't Sonja planting stories and that was why she was so calm.  Apparently, we will find out who did it and it won't look good for Dorinda.  She alluded to it being Dorinda's social media person that was doing the gossipping. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

I heard this too and was taken aback... 

Me also. Suddenly, Sonja went into a spiel about how close she used to be with Luann, practically part of the family! Can you believe it?! Staying there with th kids and the Count when Luann was absent. Oh Sonja. You just can't help but stick your foot in your deluded mouth. Or does she really know what she's saying and the subtext, all along, and is just pretending to be oblivious. Luann is going to throttle her one day. She still got in a dig about Tom this episoed also. If she wants a relationship with Lu in the future, she is going to have to go along with Lu's delusions, and stop alluding to Tom ever being her lover. Being 'friends' is all about reinforcing one anothers delusions at this point!

  • Love 2

Although this made me laugh, I am 51 (ugh) and due to having breast cancer in my early 40's I went into menopause early (around 47-48). However, I have lots of friends older than me who are still pretty regular! 

Agreed, I meant to comment when I read this last night. At 52, I still get that bad boy every month like clockwork, with nary a change as to how I remember these things in my 20's.

It wasn't meant as an observation for women in general, just the women on this show. I realized when I saw Tinsley that she's a fair bit younger than the current crew and I miss having a little of that in the show.  At this point they're all jaded and well over each other.

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I love Dorinda! She is bringing it, he he. Frankly, I don't blame her for flipping out on Sonja. Perhaps it was ill-timed, but damn, talking some sense into her is like trying to break through a brick wall. Drug allegations aside (and I have no doubt that Dorinda is snorting some fat rails), dealing with Sonja's stale, ditzy, eccentric yet "lovable" act is tiring as hell.

  • Love 3

I don't know if we've talked about Dorinda also flipping out, almost, on Luann at her breakfast the next day. Luann is trying to calm Dorinda down, saying Sonja pushed her to it, what a shame, Dorinda is such an elegant woman and ... Dorinda is NOT having it. She snaps right back at Luann. I do admire that in Dorinda. THe refusal to take the easy option lifeline when it's offered, which was what Luann was trying to do. 

AND Ramona in another of her resort wear crocheted pieces we've all come to know and ...recognise, also at Luann's brunch. Why? It really looked like a coverup for one of her crocheted bikinis. Ramona really has a hard on for crocheted clothing. They looked so weird together, especially with Sonja and the Tinz wearing similar hat, kneeboots exactly the same length, jeans etc. Sonja's leather jeans with the horizontal zippers at the  hips were outstanding. She does look great for  her age. I'm rewatching and Sonja really stands up for herself this episode, it's impressive. Even when she's delusional. She uses her words and she's  not afraid to admit to being in her feelings.

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On 4/27/2017 at 9:18 AM, lcarolynl said:

I remember when I thought Dorinda was too good for John. No more, Dorinda has shown herself to be a gutter rat. What was with all the vulgar slut shaming? She thinks that's an appropriate way to address her unhappiness with Sonja speaking to the media? What does one have to do with another? 

She better throw a fabulous party or two this season because she is bringing down this show so far. What a low class mess.

As Dorinda became unhinged I realized she is a perfect match for John. And the "everything is fine" the next day thing is part of their relationship pattern too. Dorinda had a lot of people fooled. What a mess is right.

  • Love 9
On 4/27/2017 at 0:39 PM, Mojoker said:

Carole was absolutely desperate to leave the party. She just asked Bethenny to wait a minute so she could tell Ramona not to come to her election night party and then she was out the door, ready to bitch about the lame party and how awful everyone else is.

Carole was desperate to leave the party and she had a good excuse this time for the delay, but that chick will make you wait. Bethenny has bitched at her about her fluid punctuality before.

  • Love 1
On 4/27/2017 at 2:28 PM, ryebread said:

Sonja washing her lingerie in the bidet is odd but I don't think it's horrible or gross.

I could be wrong but she probably washes them in the bidet because they have to be hand washed.  If the bidet is clean and she uses it for nothing but washing her lingerie, (or her face!) what's the big deal? 

I mean, some people hand wash their lingerie in the same sink they brush their teeth in....

You are right that it's probably not that horrible or gross. I understand you can get steaming hot water in them:) I think the reaction is to the whole a walk of shame aspect of her kicking her pile of dirty drawls around and labeling them in style and out making us think of all the men that may have seen them over the years. I would have thrown them into the nearest steaming bidet too. 

  • Love 1
On 4/27/2017 at 3:36 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

Even more shocking to me than Dorinda's meltdown (so much for making it nice) was Luann's TH comment at the first of the episode that Tinsley would be bringing men to Sonja's home,  to a bedroom full of stuffed animals. Like it was the most natural thing in the world to bring strange men to the home of your hostess, who has been gracious enough to give you a place to stay. Then I remembered that Lu did that when she stayed at Sonja's. I wonder if there is a chapter on that in Class with the Countess? 

So I was further shocked at the end of the episode to find that Tinny has done just that. WTF is wrong with these women? If you are staying at the home for wayward socialites and pick up some random guy you want to bang (and apparently is homeless as well) spring for a friggin' hotel room. Sheesh.

Dorinda's meltdown was something else, if only because it was in front of so many guests that have nothing to do with the HWs. I have a feeling Dorinda may have been taken off a few lists. And that was sober? Yikes. I didn't mind though that it happened at Ramona's party - no one deserves that kind of disrespect more that Ro. 

Who does that! But I guess that's part of what makes them wayward.

If Dorinda was sober, she was in a withdrawal rage. The other lame thing about Dorinda's attack is that Sonja is an easy target. All you have to do is let her live her life and she reveals how messy she is. But I see the incident er social incineration as more of a revelation about Dorinda. A housewife going off on Sonja is a regular occurrence. This was a new and not very good look for Dorinda.

  • Love 6

Was Tinsley so caught up in her own drama in Palm Beach that she never watched even one episode of housewives? She seems to have no concept of the den of vipers she has landed in. And bunking with Sonja as your entree? Lord this girl has no clue. When Luann and Dorinda showed up dressed alike in the Cruella blue furs they looked like the NY demon ladies from Devil's Advocate eager turnt out the new girl. Then Tinsley admitted she didn't tell Sonja she was meeting them...TO THEM? Tinsley, you in danger girl.

I appreciate her "fresh" POV, but unlike her I am not new and don't fall for the first season cool. I'll wait.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

From what I gathered, when Dorinda, Luann and Ramona met the day before, there were new things in the press attributed to Sonja that day, which is why Dorinda blew up the next night. Even Ramona said she knew Dorinda was going to confront Sonja at her dinner party, she just hoped Dorinda would have waited until after dessert. LOL

No doubt that most recent FB thing had her going, but Sonja was saying some of the stuff right after the reunion, months before they filmed this. If it was all so troubling, why wait until filming begins to tell her to shut the hell up? 


There is a regular over on Vulture who was part of the FB group and saw the entry that had Dorinda so pissed. She said that Dorinda read most of it on camera to Lu and Ramona, but left out the part about the coke use that was part of the original post. That is the problem here. The thing that Dorinda is really mad about is something she doesn't want to address on camera, so why not address it off? 

1 hour ago, Double A said:

As Dorinda became unhinged I realized she is a perfect match for John. And the "everything is fine" the next day thing is part of their relationship pattern too. Dorinda had a lot of people fooled. What a mess is right.

I think this is going to be a hard season for Dorinda. The 3rd season often is. Not sure how much TT really knows, but according to her, all will be revealed about who is really planting the stories about Dorinda, and she will not come out looking good in all of this. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

No doubt that most recent FB thing had her going, but Sonja was saying some of the stuff right after the reunion, months before they filmed this. If it was all so troubling, why wait until filming begins to tell her to shut the hell up? 


There is a regular over on Vulture who was part of the FB group and saw the entry that had Dorinda so pissed. She said that Dorinda read most of it on camera to Lu and Ramona, but left out the part about the coke use that was part of the original post. That is the problem here. The thing that Dorinda is really mad about is something she doesn't want to address on camera, so why not address it off? 

I think this is going to be a hard season for Dorinda. The 3rd season often is. Not sure how much TT really knows, but according to her, all will be revealed about who is really planting the stories about Dorinda, and she will not come out looking good in all of this. 

Who knows. TT sources aren't 100% correct all the time and Sonja was spewing a lot of crap about both Dorinda and Luann/Tom.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Double A said:

You are right that it's probably not that horrible or gross. I understand you can get steaming hot water in them:) I think the reaction is to the whole a walk of shame aspect of her kicking her pile of dirty drawls around and labeling them in style and out making us think of all the men that may have seen them over the years. I would have thrown them into the nearest steaming bidet too. 

Frankly, if I saw anyone washing their underpants in front of me, in any vessel, I'd think it was pretty gross, especially when the person only seems to be doing it because she thinks it's sexy.

1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

No doubt that most recent FB thing had her going, but Sonja was saying some of the stuff right after the reunion, months before they filmed this. If it was all so troubling, why wait until filming begins to tell her to shut the hell up? 


There is a regular over on Vulture who was part of the FB group and saw the entry that had Dorinda so pissed. She said that Dorinda read most of it on camera to Lu and Ramona, but left out the part about the coke use that was part of the original post. That is the problem here. The thing that Dorinda is really mad about is something she doesn't want to address on camera, so why not address it off? 

I think this is going to be a hard season for Dorinda. The 3rd season often is. Not sure how much TT really knows, but according to her, all will be revealed about who is really planting the stories about Dorinda, and she will not come out looking good in all of this. 

Ooooooooh, I was thinking it was John. So TT thinks it's Dorinda? I agree...Sonja was way too calm when screamed at by Dorinda. It did seem very odd. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Double A said:



14 hours ago, ChitChat said:

 I'm glad she named them. I  was hoping they weren't a prop. 


Oh they began as a prop . MInion Carole's bitchy boss Bethenny adopted Biggie and Smalls around the same time as the ki-ehns. Both cats and both dogs came from North Shore Animal League. Everything Bethenny does is calculated. B is/was trying to woo Beth Stern (Howard's wife hey now hello hello) to the HW franchise by adopting from NSAL and getting them press and exposure and trying to network and foster a relationship with Beth. It is laughable . Howard LOVES the RHONY and BH. I feel like Bethenny is seething that she cannot get on his show. HOwards wife is close w. Kelly B. Just sayin. 

2 hours ago, Double A said:

If Dorinda was sober, she was in a withdrawal rage. 

Right on! She was angry and aggressive and her switch was flipped by more than the press issue. Her mood was scary and from somewhere deep. She wanted a fist fight it was strange. 

1 hour ago, Booger666 said:

A thousand likes. Perfect description!

Thanks my inner Sigmund Freud recalls her mother taught interior design which was dug up in the past.....and with her dad's reputation for being a ball buster in business she is projecting perfection  and out shining her parents skills as payback and in spite of her perceived  rejection by them, putting  that agenda ahead of living a happy life that's true to herself. She is living her life as a big FU to her parents instead of just living..... if Bethennys peeps are reading this get her into some EMDR therapy! Try it ! ?? 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

There's that...and there's this.

That is the thing about accusing people of doing drugs, I want to see evidence such as a positive drug test (like after an arrest) or at least one of the RH (who isn't delusional) say I saw so and so snort cocaine, or a photograph or checking into rehab and discussing their drugs of choice.  I don't want to hear so and so told me RH___________, saw her snorting cocaine.  Heather and Carole had no problems talking about smoking pot (which I don't care about) with Andy Cohen.  It is not as if it is off-limits.  Sonja has talked about taking prescription drugs that don't mix well with alcohol.  After asking for these examples I realize it is very improbable.  After what transpired on RHOA this season, I would also seriously question any member of production's account as it appears those accounts can be self-serving. 

I guess I just don't understand why these women "go there".  I get the drinking allegations when we have frequently seen Dorinda, Ramona and Sonja plastered and occasionally Luann. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

No doubt that most recent FB thing had her going, but Sonja was saying some of the stuff right after the reunion, months before they filmed this. If it was all so troubling, why wait until filming begins to tell her to shut the hell up? 


There is a regular over on Vulture who was part of the FB group and saw the entry that had Dorinda so pissed. She said that Dorinda read most of it on camera to Lu and Ramona, but left out the part about the coke use that was part of the original post. That is the problem here. The thing that Dorinda is really mad about is something she doesn't want to address on camera, so why not address it off? 

I think this is going to be a hard season for Dorinda. The 3rd season often is. Not sure how much TT really knows, but according to her, all will be revealed about who is really planting the stories about Dorinda, and she will not come out looking good in all of this. 

I thought Carole summed it up best when she said there is blurting it out in the moment but continually bringing up such allegations is a fire starter.  I am not quoting Carole directly, I just thought her rationale made sense in the moment.

From the above-referenced story, I tend to agree with Dorinda, many of these women spend very little time filming together.  When they travel it is usually internationally or by plane so I would think there would be an added risk for detection of bringing illegal substances along.  Who knows maybe RHONY as a designated dope runner as part of production. (I am kidding.)

Most of what Sonja has said is attributable to Sonja's own quotes.  I am not sure about planting stories-could that be about Bethenny and someone reviving the years old nude scenes from her movie?

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

The next episode is just going to be brutal. Not sure I am capable of reliving it all. But, it will be completely worth it to get to see Heather again!

I just want to see Carole's face!! I don't like Heather, but it will fun to see hers as well.

1 hour ago, Mojoker said:

Frankly, if I saw anyone washing their underpants in front of me, in any vessel, I'd think it was pretty gross, especially when the person only seems to be doing it because she thinks it's sexy.

I think she uses that to wash her undies in, I'm betting it's never used for anything else. But then this is Sonja, I find her more than a little cray cray. 

Edited by Fanny Mare
  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:


Oh they began as a prop . MInion Carole's bitchy boss Bethenny adopted Biggie and Smalls around the same time as the ki-ehns. Both cats and both dogs came from North Shore Animal League. Everything Bethenny does is calculated. B is/was trying to woo Beth Stern (Howard's wife hey now hello hello) to the HW franchise by adopting from NSAL and getting them press and exposure and trying to network and foster a relationship with Beth. It is laughable . Howard LOVES the RHONY and BH. I feel like Bethenny is seething that she cannot get on his show. HOwards wife is close w. Kelly B. Just sayin. 


Oh that Beth....she is a sly one. Andy has been trying to lure Beth Stern on this show for years. So let's see....the promise of lots of money and tons of publicity for her cat cause has never moved her. But perhaps having two gals on the show who adopt pets will be the thing that moves her past all resistance. She needs to get with them ASAP and tell them to up their game. Like try to mention her and her cause on every show to spur more interest. Start a campaign on the show that she and she alone is responsible for their pet love. Tell the world they hated animals before they met her and now their lives are full and complete. Geez. 

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

The next episode is just going to be brutal. Not sure I am capable of reliving it all. But, it will be completely worth it to get to see Heather again!

Oh, NO! Tinsley is going to meet Heather... 

On the way to Carole's...

I need a nice bottle of wine for a party. How much do I owe you? I was arrested

Yes, I would like you to wrap the bottle of wine. I was arrested

Can you call me a taxi? I was arrested.

How much do I owe you for the ride?  I was arrested

Thank you Mr Doorman. I was arrested.

Hi I'm Heather. Hi, I'm Tinsley. I was......

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Double A said:

Who does that! But I guess that's part of what makes them wayward.

If Dorinda was sober, she was in a withdrawal rage. The other lame thing about Dorinda's attack is that Sonja is an easy target. All you have to do is let her live her life and she reveals how messy she is. But I see the incident er social incineration as more of a revelation about Dorinda. A housewife going off on Sonja is a regular occurrence. This was a new and not very good look for Dorinda.

I agree....but I loved it! Gangster Dorinda! 

11 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Oh that Beth....she is a sly one. Andy has been trying to lure Beth Stern on this show for years. So let's see....the promise of lots of money and tons of publicity for her cat cause has never moved her. But perhaps having two gals on the show who adopt pets will be the thing that moves her past all resistance. She needs to get with them ASAP and tell them to up their game. Like try to mention her and her cause on every show to spur more interest. Start a campaign on the show that she and she alone is responsible for their pet love. Tell the world they hated animals before they met her and now their lives are full and complete. Geez. 


  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I thought Carole summed it up best when she said there is blurting it out in the moment but continually bringing up such allegations is a fire starter.  I am not quoting Carole directly, I just thought her rationale made sense in the moment.

From the above-referenced story, I tend to agree with Dorinda, many of these women spend very little time filming together.  When they travel it is usually internationally or by plane so I would think there would be an added risk for detection of bringing illegal substances along.  Who knows maybe RHONY as a designated dope runner as part of production. (I am kidding.)

Most of what Sonja has said is attributable to Sonja's own quotes.  I am not sure about planting stories-could that be about Bethenny and someone reviving the years old nude scenes from her movie?

I shouldn't have used the term planting stories. But someone was talking to the press about Dorinda, and in many cases there were no quotes.  This is what TT has to say about it.  It is near the bottom. A couple of highlights:


- Dorinda doesn’t understand who is spreading things to the gossip magazines. And it’s going to end up being a big embarrassment. This will not end well. Remember I said this.

- The next day, Dorinda feels really good about herself. She doesn’t yet know that she has been misled. I am not sure what exactly she finds out about it later. I am not sure where the editing will take this. But I will say that everything about Dorinda that was leaked as if it came from Sonja did not come from Sonja. And Dorinda may find herself in the exact same place Sonja is now, later on.

Regarding who the person is that was feeding the magazines, TT says in the comments that it is not a HW, and that because of a personal relationship, she cannot "out" them until it all comes out. Might be nothing. She is right as often as she is wrong. She has a lot of moles around the NY show, and often gets it right. But as she says, you have no way to know how they are going to edit the show and what will/will not get included. 

  • Love 2
On 4/29/2017 at 0:35 PM, Martinigirl said:

Back to the bidet talk...seriously, I thought they came with a wash and dry cycle. 

Well I'm no expert on the subject but I imagine at Sonja's house...

While you are crouched over the bidet with your privates at the ready...you need to move like you've got to keep the hula hoop from falling. This will ensure that all areas are given a nice rinse.


After you feel you are thoroughly clean down there. Then you need to keep your arms akimbo and mc hammer back and forth across the tiled floors. The movement and wind will dry you in about 5 minutes.


Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 9
15 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It was nasty and unfortunate for the other guests, but I don't really much care. Sonja is a nutcase and deserves to be told so. But then I wasn't all up in arms about Beth going after Lu like some were last season. Both were wrong and horrible and should never have said what they said, but it's hardly shocking. But why in that venue, except for the obvious - that the cameras were there. Sonja has been talking shit about Dorinda since the reunion and after. If the gal had that much pent up anger, why not hash it out earlier? I would have been all over her, telling her to stop with that shit if true she was saying very slanderous stuff about Dorinda and her family. But she puts up with the bad press until a dinner party. I know, I know, this is what they get paid to do, but it takes a lot of urgency out of Dorinda's rant. 

That is odd to wait so long to blow up on Sonja. Even stranger...so forgiving the next day at breakfast. ???????  

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Well I'm no expert on the subject but I imagine at Sonja's house...

While you are crouched over the bidet with your privates at the ready...you need to move like you've got to keep the hula hoop from falling. This will ensure that all areas are given a nice rinse.


After you feel you are thoroughly clean down there. Then you need to keep your arms akimbo and mc hammer back and forth across the tiled floors. The movement and wind will dry you in about 5 minutes.




I saw that image of Lu, read your post and thought, BidEtiquette: the newest musical stylings of Her Ladyship

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:



I saw that image of Lu, read your post and thought, BidEtiquette: the newest musical stylings of Her Ladyship

I think an instructional video tie in would be great. She can have demonstration conferences and go on tour.

Mrs. D'Agostino can make some cake with this venture



  • Love 4
6 hours ago, kitten59 said:

I love Dorinda! She is bringing it, he he. Frankly, I don't blame her for flipping out on Sonja. Perhaps it was ill-timed, but damn, talking some sense into her is like trying to break through a brick wall. Drug allegations aside (and I have no doubt that Dorinda is snorting some fat rails), dealing with Sonja's stale, ditzy, eccentric yet "lovable" act is tiring as hell.

I like Dorinda too but I don't see the rail snorting. I've never done it.....but from what I've seen on movies there is a lot of post snorting, touching of the nose action going on. Also, again going solely from the movies, it doesn't typically make a person an asshole. Up, energetic, a bit high ego and Really talkative but a complete dipshit who slutshames?  I've never seen coke do that (in the movies).

When D brought John salmon did he say her daughter used to be away at Dartmouth?  Apologies if that is old news and i missed it but that bitch is Ivy?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

I like Dorinda too but I don't see the rail snorting. I've never done it.....but from what I've seen on movies there is a lot of post snorting, touching of the nose action going on. Also, again going solely from the movies, it doesn't typically make a person an asshole. Up, energetic, a bit high ego and Really talkative but a complete dipshit who slutshames?  I've never seen coke do that (in the movies).

When D brought John salmon did he say her daughter used to be away at Dartmouth?  Apologies if that is old news and i missed it but that bitch is Ivy?

I love Dorinda, she doesn't need coke or any other drug, she just went for it! I loved every moment..LOL. Her and Lu have fun, and bugger the consequence! ?

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

I like Dorinda too but I don't see the rail snorting. I've never done it.....but from what I've seen on movies there is a lot of post snorting, touching of the nose action going on. Also, again going solely from the movies, it doesn't typically make a person an asshole. Up, energetic, a bit high ego and Really talkative but a complete dipshit who slutshames?  I've never seen coke do that (in the movies).

When D brought John salmon did he say her daughter used to be away at Dartmouth?  Apologies if that is old news and i missed it but that bitch is Ivy?

It can give you a false sense of confidence 

  • Love 1

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