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On Patrol: Live - General Discussion

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22 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Seriously, what is up with these folks in Greene Co. Mo.?   Is the county infested with drugheads and crossbreeding?  The lady who was driving the car for years_ without plates,insurance,registration,no title or driver's license really thought she was going to not_ go to jail,lol? 

I wanted to see the rest of the story when they threw her ass in the back of a cruiser.  "Watch your head, ma'am."

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Hero said:

The lady in Warwick who couldn't follow the Officer's directions when doing a DUI test, is a councilwoman and Principal. No wonder she got off easy. I feel like if it was anyone else, they would have been taken to jail. 


She should have been. She was obviously impaired and was being obstinate. 

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On 8/11/2018 at 9:20 PM, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

I believe law enforcement always__ search people before they transport them to the stationhouse.  Precaution to having someone bring a weapon or illegal drugs before being booked in and possibly racking up more charges.  I got the impression Tammy had had  many__ previous run ins  ( drugs,alcohilism,  prostitution, mental health etc.?)  with law enforcement over the years.  We've got a huge problem in this country with a lot of people out there who have real mental health issues and no longer are being institutionalized ,basically end up living on the streets causing problems to the public.  

That crazy lady who stabbed the guy with a fork was a real winner.  He's an idiot for even fooling around with someone like that. Play stupid games,win stupid prizes I suppose...

I know she was going to have a hell of a headache Saturday morning LOL.

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16 hours ago, Hero said:

The lady in Warwick who couldn't follow the Officer's directions when doing a DUI test, is a councilwoman and Principal. No wonder she got off easy. I feel like if it was anyone else, they would have been taken to jail. 


She needs fired.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Hero said:

The lady in Warwick who couldn't follow the Officer's directions when doing a DUI test, is a councilwoman and Principal. No wonder she got off easy. I feel like if it was anyone else, they would have been taken to jail. 

I thought it was very weird when it was live that they didn't have the camera on her FACE.  They're all up in everyone else's business during interactions and it leads me to believe that the officer said...video from behind only, dude.  Or something similar.  

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2 hours ago, VartanFan said:

I thought it was very weird when it was live that they didn't have the camera on her FACE.  They're all up in everyone else's business during interactions and it leads me to believe that the officer said...video from behind only, dude.  Or something similar.  

They showed her face plenty of times. 

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On 8/12/2018 at 4:26 PM, Hero said:

The lady in Warwick who couldn't follow the Officer's directions when doing a DUI test, is a councilwoman and Principal. No wonder she got off easy. I feel like if it was anyone else, they would have been taken to jail. 


I thought it was really odd that after she clearly showed signs of being under the influence to some degree, he didn't do a breathalyzer and instead just let her go. And BS he didn't see any sign of impairment. It didn't make any sense at the time, but now it does, and it's really not a good look for anyone. 

On the couple in Pasco who were suspected of breaking into their former home, Corporal Walker didn't find anything in her bag, but he was going to check the pocket knife blades for residue. Residue? Really?? I get it's a thing when there are scales, baggies, pill bottles, etc., but there wasn't any of that in there. Now, I'm not a fan of Walker in general, or of most of the Pasco County personnel for that matter, but this just seemed really ridiculous. 

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3 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Thank you for posting this.  I feel so bad for those children.  He is facing Life.  Good!

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What the heck with Robert? If he did it, I hope he burns in a hell of a sadistic man's choosing!! 

On a slightly lighter note, there is a bonus (new) episode of Live PD tonight from 8-10 (EDT) and another new hour after Nightwatch Nation.  I mention this as my cable provider was not showing the latter episode as new and thus it was not set to record. 3 bonus hours  - hotdog!

Edited by Schnickelfritz
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1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

He's the guy that kept saying "they shot my house"(or something to that effect) over and over and over again. And again.

Didn't he also have a pregnant girlfriend? The police went out because his trailer was being shot up but they went back later because he was choking the girlfriend. This guy is truly a POS. 

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I knew Robert was a piece of shit the moment he used “had a seizure” as an excuse for choking the pregnant girlfriend. What’ll his excuse be for this...”I was walking with my penis out, had a seizure, and the kid fell on it”?!

And speaking of the pregnant girlfriend, who the hell considers Robert and thinks to herself, “wonderful relationship material”? Toothless, “has chlamydia”, pedophile, and ”strangler” would be dealbreaker traits on their own for most people considering potential partners, but COMBINED were not enough of a red flag for this woman. Wowzers.

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Last night  (friday) felt like the episode of trashy women.  The ladies letting everything hang out in TX, (maybe pregnant in a bra and shorts)  Nye County ('kind of a drama queen' per her mother...in bra and shorts), the 'ladies' in RI who drugs in the vagina and the other one who shat herself in the police car (I"m guessing to avoid them fishing around in HER vagina for contraband).  Oy.  

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I was watching the replay from 07/28/2018 while waiting for tonight's show to start. How did I miss the naked man who supposedly got out of the car and was running down the street? And how did I miss when his wife said he put rocks in his butt? And the officer was trying HARD not to bust out laughing. 

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That woman in Nye County last night who claimed she was being held against her will was amazing.    I can't believe the officer had to stand there with so much of her hanging out of the sports bra and tights, or whatever that much too small outfit was.    


Tonight with the armed standoff with the Tazer certainly shows I watch too much Live PD, since I recognized the tazer sound, and the charges going off, and knew the screaming that was going to come.      

Anyone else fast-forward through the chases?  whether it's on foot or in a car, those chases are boring as hell. 

I don't understand the incidents where the officers tell a subject "Put your hands behind your back" when the guy is face down on the ground with his arms underneath him, and the officer is holding the guy down, lying on him  The guy can't move his arms, so he can't follow your orders.

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6 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

I don't understand the incidents where the officers tell a subject "Put your hands behind your back" when the guy is face down on the ground with his arms underneath him, and the officer is holding the guy down, lying on him  The guy can't move his arms, so he can't follow your orders.

He had plenty of time to put his hands behind his back before it escalated.  Even after he got tased his hands were free and he wouldn't comply.  That douche was going to resist as long as he could. He also had multiple warrants.

Edited by Tachi Rocinante
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What constitutes "Proper English" ?  Different regions pronounce words differently. Doesn't make it wrong.

This isn't a potato/potahto thing...  To be clear, I also hate the complete incorrect use of 'seen' and a few officers do that.  "I seen him down the street."   NOOOO, you saw him down the street.  Gah.  

  • Love 8
On 8/19/2018 at 6:24 PM, Tachi Rocinante said:

He had plenty of time to put his hands behind his back before it escalated.  Even after he got tased his hands were free and he wouldn't comply.  That douche was going to resist as long as he could. He also had multiple warrants.


Then you have the woman who came out of her apartment, that you could hear in the background saying what the officer was doing was too much. No, lady, it's not. The officer was alone and the suspect had been resisting and continued to resist. I'm surprised she didn't grab her phone so she could record and post a clip of the "police brutality" she witnessed. 

Edited by greyflannel
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On 8/18/2018 at 10:38 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

That woman in Nye County last night who claimed she was being held against her will was amazing.    I can't believe the officer had to stand there with so much of her hanging out of the sports bra and tights, or whatever that much too small outfit was.       

Did she say she took Percocet for a panic attack?  What?  

I'm sad this weekend is the season finale.  What am I going to do on Friday and Saturday nights?

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, VartanFan said:

On Friday - after the domestic in Warwick where they couple was having sex, Dan moves on by saying ‘let’s pull out of there and head to Greene County’.  Well played.  

Dan loves his word play. 

I think they could do whole episodes in Greene County. 

So -- in Nevada -- you can just park your RV or trailer anywhere? 

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I suspect Nye county is very much like where I lived in New Mexico a long time ago.    Desert area, and people buy an acre or two, put in hookups, and rent them to people to live on in RVs, or trailers.  Or when a family member moves onto the property, they just add hookups, and septic, and they're good to go.     Some people added multiple hookups, and concrete pads, and started their own RV/trailer parks.    Some might also be snow birds, and leave the trailers there year round, but only live in them six months of the year.   Also, many places like this have virtually no zoning laws outside the city limits, so you go there, buy a few acres, and build a family compound.   The great thing about a family compound like this is the Nye County Sheriff's office can round up all of the parole violators, bail jumpers, and fleeing felons in your family at one time.  

I'm guessing the El Paso case with the little kids walking to Walmart was part of the new episode?      El Paso seems to get a lot of wandering kids cases, like the two year old the passing driver scooped up from the highway.      I know the area around that Walmart, if I guess correctly, and all of the streets are very heavy traffic, and just walking around the parking lot is risky there.    The kids are lucky no one was run over, and I bet it wasn't the first time the parent let them do that.    I was shocked when the officer talked to the father of one of the kids, and he didn't seem all that surprised or worried, so either he was out of town, and couldn't get to his kid, or he was fine with his kids wandering up to Walmart by a major highway.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 7/17/2018 at 12:13 AM, snappymilo said:

My son showed up on one of the episodes this week. When they filmed it months ago, the producer told him the situation was too boring and he probably wouldn't show up on TV but had him sign the release anyway. I started watching the show and he recognized his sidewalk drunk. We got to yell "our cops is on" and channel our inner My Name is Earl. 

I'm sorry

On 8/27/2018 at 9:35 PM, VartanFan said:

We haven’t seen Pinal County in a while, right?  I wonder where they went!  

I think it’s weird that in Gwinnett they only follow the same 2 guys - Baker on the road an the sorta jerky warrant guy.  I know most other departments have a few they follow but Gwinnett seems to be ONLY those 2 on the live shows.  

As of now, Pinal County is not being featured.  There was a tweet that they should return in the future.  I miss Sheriff Lamb. 

Tired of Gwinnett.  Miss the Palmetto Inn aka "the blue door motel".  Don't miss Leverett but miss Flex.  I wish we saw more of the K-9's.

I do miss seeing the ones from the west coast.  I love Live PD but really wish that they would go back to rotating departments being shown and being the cops into the studio.  Sticks is wearing thin at the moment.  I really liked it when they brought in the cops to talk to and give us an insight into them, theirs lives and jobs.

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On 8/20/2018 at 11:09 AM, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Yea, keep resisting and not complying to the officer's order. Good way to stack up more charges and get slammed on the ground or tazed. Then these jackstains scream about being abused by the police,lol.   Quit breaking the law and follow the officer's orders and things go much smoother for you. 


I’m always curious if the jackstains watch the show and realize how big of a douche bag they really are or if they continue to play the victim and act like the did nothing wrong...

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