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22 hours ago, VartanFan said:

Saw a repeat from May of 2017 this weekend.  Except for Richland, it was all different departments.  As a newbie here....does anyone know if the show rotates departments or if the actual departments pull the plug?  

6 departments made the decision to leave the show.  As for the others, maybe the rotate the departments with the exception of RCSD.  I do know that RCSD had a great "April's Fool" joke.  They put on Twitter that Sheriff Lott had made the decision to leave Live PD.  Oh the remarks!  After an hour or so, they said it was an April Fools joke.

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Gonna miss Mastrianni he’s been my fave from the start!..Sadly I’ve been expecting his departure from the show for awhile now,since we almost never see him. He kinda slowly disappeared from the show after that car flip/endangered child situation.

I wish him all the best! He definitely  has earned any promotion he is offered!

Edited by Hellohappylife
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The drunk guy from Fri night who wanted tacos, he cracked me up. I was actually writing out my shopping list at the same time and I wrote down tacos.

On 4/8/2018 at 5:34 PM, VartanFan said:

I was sad for the little girl stuck in the truck with fighting parents. You know she has to referee their fights all the time. Hope that truck made it home. 

Me too. They tried to drag her into it as well and the cop stopped it. I was laughing at them in the beginning and then I remembered the little girl. Was the wife yelling "he has a suspended license" as they drove off?

I'm watching last night's episode now. I just got past the guy who was pooping and peeing on the floor inside the front part of the Walmart that's not outside but not all the way in the store.  Even though the guy was drunk and the cop knew him I'm surprised he wasn't sent to the hospital. I always wonder what they do with these people once they transport them to the jail. Does someone there clean them up if the inmate is so drunk/high to? 

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10 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I'm watching last night's episode now. I just got past the guy who was pooping and peeing on the floor inside the front part of the Walmart that's not outside but not all the way in the store.  Even though the guy was drunk and the cop knew him I'm surprised he wasn't sent to the hospital. I always wonder what they do with these people once they transport them to the jail. Does someone there clean them up if the inmate is so drunk/high to? 

There is more to the story I think.  Every time the cop asked him why he was pooping there, the guy responded with "They tased me 9 times".  I think this is a VERY believable story, and the cop just wouldn't believe him.  The officer really should submit to being tased a few times to see if it loosens his bowels, too.

On 4/6/2018 at 9:49 PM, Brattinella said:

Detective Pini needs to FEED HIS DOG!  Poor Yogi! 

And a few others need to put their fat dogs on a diet! It's either one or the other, with this show. A fat police dog is a ridiculous thing. I think it's Lore if I remember correctly that looks like a sausage.

Edited by rideashire
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12 hours ago, Brattinella said:

There is more to the story I think.  Every time the cop asked him why he was pooping there, the guy responded with "They tased me 9 times".  I think this is a VERY believable story, and the cop just wouldn't believe him.  The officer really should submit to being tased a few times to see if it loosens his bowels, too.

I believe the officer did say he, himself, had been tazed.

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Friday night. Did you dog lovers catch Lor greeting one of the officers by leaning on his leg = doggie hug? Love. They were getting ready to search for a bad guy, so Lor's handler gently corrected him with a command to pay attention.

I am a tough cookie but cannot handle odors. Hats off to officers and EMTs everywhere who have to deal with bodily functions. I marvel. That said, I think it's possible that the combination of alcohol (current and long-term) and being Tazed may have cause the Walmart guy's problem.

Also (I think) on Friday: the disheveled drunk and agitated woman who kind of accosted the El Paso officer and kept saying some guys were raping her: it was probably true. Maybe not that night and not those guys she was hollering at, but she was homeless and the predators really go after homeless women, especially if they are older, mentally ill, passed out, etc. She was a repeat offender; I hope at some point the past someone has tried to help her. I know that many of the mentally ill ones refuse help.

The guy who was loudly reading his bible was so obnoxious. Being that loud at night, when people are probably sleeping, is just being an annoying piece of shit. 

Officer Danny Lugo is super cute. They should show more of him. 

The hit and run video from Los Angeles, wow!!! The cyclist was lucky that the driver didn't kill him. 

I think that cop was VERY misleading with the DUI guy about if he would/wouldn’t take the PBT or not.  The way he was answering did sound like he would just lose his license but be able to get picked up (not arrested) if he didn’t take the test.  

I think shenanigans were afoot - or at least something was messed up with the house breaking where the owner saw people breaking in by watching her security camera video feed.  I mean...if you’re allowing someone to stay at your house, why would this surprise you?  Also, anyone I know who I might be living with....I would recognize them or at least their gait.  Just very odd...and annoying with such a police presence/waste of resources.

On Friday, I was annoyed with Morgan Rudder—-(sham?hein?  Can’t remember) because she kept trying to get the domestic victim to come outside with the rageaholic boyfriend and I felt like it was so the cameras could see.  I thought it was insensitive to want her so close to him at that point.  Having said that, I’m sure he was back there and welcomed with open arms the next day...but still...

I don’t find myself often nodding along with Dan Abrams but that was more than I ever wanted to know about the rough trailer sex...blood RenFaire...May-December situation.  Just, no.  

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1 hour ago, VartanFan said:

I think that cop was VERY misleading with the DUI guy about if he would/wouldn’t take the PBT or not.  The way he was answering did sound like he would just lose his license but be able to get picked up (not arrested) if he didn’t take the test.   

I'm watching last night's episode now and just saw this part. That cop was extremely misleading in the answers he gave to the guy. Then the cop got in a huff saying it was too little too late when the guy said he'd take a breathalyzer and blood test. That whole situation was screwed up on both sides.

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23 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Friday night. Did you dog lovers catch Lor greeting one of the officers by leaning on his leg = doggie hug? Love. They were getting ready to search for a bad guy, so Lor's handler gently corrected him with a command to pay attention.

I am a tough cookie but cannot handle odors. Hats off to officers and EMTs everywhere who have to deal with bodily functions. I marvel. That said, I think it's possible that the combination of alcohol (current and long-term) and being Tazed may have cause the Walmart guy's problem.

Also (I think) on Friday: the disheveled drunk and agitated woman who kind of accosted the El Paso officer and kept saying some guys were raping her: it was probably true. Maybe not that night and not those guys she was hollering at, but she was homeless and the predators really go after homeless women, especially if they are older, mentally ill, passed out, etc. She was a repeat offender; I hope at some point the past someone has tried to help her. I know that many of the mentally ill ones refuse help.


Did you hear him say that he would take her to jail but they both knew they would not take her and that is why she acts the way she does?  I was surprised by that comment.  It is sad if she is mental that there is no place for them.

This is the latest on someone previously featured on LivePD from Richland County.


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I don't think I've seen one department be straight about the breath test with people suspected of DUI. It's really simple to explain, if you don't want to take the breath test, I'll have to go off of what I've observed and place you under arrest for suspected DUI. Instead, they totally avoid giving a full answer and all they say is that no, you don't have to take it. After the predictable refusal, they arrest the person and say too late when the person suddenly wants to take it. When I first noticed it on the show, I thought the officer was just being an ass, purposely dangling a carrot, then giving the stick.  It seems to be all departments, though, so I assume there has to be some legal reason they do it that way. I don't feel too bad, though. Drunk drivers suck, and it always amazes me when they're shocked and pissed they can't just call someone to pick them up with no repercussions  like it's no big deal.

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19 hours ago, greyflannel said:

I don't think I've seen one department be straight about the breath test with people suspected of DUI. It's really simple to explain, if you don't want to take the breath test, I'll have to go off of what I've observed and place you under arrest for suspected DUI. Instead, they totally avoid giving a full answer and all they say is that no, you don't have to take it. After the predictable refusal, they arrest the person and say too late when the person suddenly wants to take it. When I first noticed it on the show, I thought the officer was just being an ass, purposely dangling a carrot, then giving the stick.  It seems to be all departments, though, so I assume there has to be some legal reason they do it that way. I don't feel too bad, though. Drunk drivers suck, and it always amazes me when they're shocked and pissed they can't just call someone to pick them up with no repercussions  like it's no big deal.

I do know here in this state, if you refuse to take the breathalyzer, you are automatically arrested for DUI.  You can request the blood test, and if that comes back negative for DUI, those charges are dropped but your licenses is still suspended for 6 months for failure to take the breathalyzer.  So it is best to just blow when they ask.  If you are drunk, either way, you are screwed.

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I had to rewatch part of the machete guy thing because I thought I was seeing things, but why was one of the half dozen cops subduing the guy punching the guy in the side several times? There were already multiple cops restraining him, and upon rewatch, the one was clearly getting in a few cheap punches. Perhaps there is some logical explanation, but it looked quite unnecessary.



I heard Sticks explain the reason for the punches, but the guy wasn’t doing anything with his hands when the punches occurred. 

Edited by kittyglitter
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18 hours ago, Brattinella said:

One more thing:  Did anyone see the ending of the shoplifter story?  WAS there an ending?

Much later in the show, Dan mentioned that she had indeed gone out the door with her treasures but when confronted, she bolted yet again and got away as the police had left the scene. Why didn't they just trespass her arse? Who would want her in the store anyway?

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On 4/14/2018 at 4:32 PM, Brattinella said:

There is more to the story I think.  Every time the cop asked him why he was pooping there, the guy responded with "They tased me 9 times".  I think this is a VERY believable story, and the cop just wouldn't believe him.  The officer really should submit to being tased a few times to see if it loosens his bowels, too.

All officers are tased as part of their training.   And they did say they were going to look at the security footage to see if something did happen. They were doubting it did but were going the extra set to make sure. 

On 4/16/2018 at 3:28 PM, greyflannel said:

I don't think I've seen one department be straight about the breath test with people suspected of DUI. It's really simple to explain, if you don't want to take the breath test, I'll have to go off of what I've observed and place you under arrest for suspected DUI. Instead, they totally avoid giving a full answer and all they say is that no, you don't have to take it. After the predictable refusal, they arrest the person and say too late when the person suddenly wants to take it. When I first noticed it on the show, I thought the officer was just being an ass, purposely dangling a carrot, then giving the stick.  It seems to be all departments, though, so I assume there has to be some legal reason they do it that way. I don't feel too bad, though. Drunk drivers suck, and it always amazes me when they're shocked and pissed they can't just call someone to pick them up with no repercussions  like it's no big deal.

If you pay attention in life then you should know that if you refuse to take a breath test then you're ass is going straight to jail.  It amazes me at the amount of people on this show that don't know that.   It's like refusing to allow the cops to search your car.  You can refuse but then they're going to bring the dog out and that dog is going to alert on something and then they get to search.  

On 4/21/2018 at 9:32 PM, kittyglitter said:

I had to rewatch part of the machete guy thing because I thought I was seeing things, but why was one of the half dozen cops subduing the guy punching the guy in the side several times? There were already multiple cops restraining him, and upon rewatch, the one was clearly getting in a few cheap punches. Perhaps there is some logical explanation, but it looked quite unnecessary.



I heard Sticks explain the reason for the punches, but the guy wasn’t doing anything with his hands when the punches occurred. 

The cop that was punching him thought the guy was reaching for his gun.  You could hear him say "He reach for my gun!" 

14 hours ago, Schnickelfritz said:

Much later in the show, Dan mentioned that she had indeed gone out the door with her treasures but when confronted, she bolted yet again and got away as the police had left the scene. Why didn't they just trespass her arse? Who would want her in the store anyway?

It must be something like until she becomes a nuisance to others then they probably can't do anything.  She didn't seem to be bothering anymore.  I think they called the cops while she was in there hoping she would come out during that time and then they could trespass her.  But she bolted without the items and therefore nothing can be done?   

I know someone that got fired while working at Walmart because they approached someone who was stealing but the person hadn't left the store with the items yet.  It's messed up.

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On 4/21/2018 at 4:20 PM, theajw said:

I live in Richland County, and I wanted to head out to the Grand Motel to rescue some of those kitties.  :(

On a lighter note, I loved all the Super Troopers references last night.  

I live in Richland County too.  I think cats have always been around the Grand Motel.  Think they do take care of them.  They were cute cats.  Wish they would spay and neuter them.  That is the first time I recall seeing the Grand on Live PD, unlike Palmetto. 

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