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S13.E21: Don't Stop Me Now

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I found it kind of amusing that the official episode description doesn't mention Meredith or Riggs at all in any way, but the promo is ALL Meredith and Riggs. Like if you only read the episode description, you'd think oh, hey, there are other doctors in this hospital and seven of them have storylines this week. But if you only watched the promo, you'd think oh, it's the Meredith and Riggs show two weeks in a row.

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Meredith and Nathan are probably a couple. I wonder what Alex and especially Maggie will say. Especially Maggie who will be angry. I hope so that she will not be so strong rum zicken. And Alex should look forward to Meredith. I think the others will have no problem with Meredith and Nathan as a couple, not even Owen, who understands better with Nathan.

What the heck? Since when is it okay to be pawing all over a woman while leading some kind of work conference? Even if they were known by all to be madly in love, it is still not professional to behave that way.

At least have them go to one of the overnight rooms or one of their homes or... I don't know... maybe an airplane restroom (super ewwwww).

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I'm glad Maggie clarified that it isn't about Nathan, and that it's about Meredith not being honest with her. Meredith had plenty of opportunities to talk to Maggie about it way before her mother died, the season premiere the most obvious when Maggie gave her an opening to speak up. Meredith chose not to say anything and instead played annoying schoolyard push-pull with Nathan. Glad this nonsense is finally out there, Meredith and Nathan are hardly anything to swoon over anyway. 

Alex and Arizona working together was nice, they are one of the many ignored duos on the show. 

Once again, Minnick was not missed. 

Edited by funnygirl
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This was better than I thought it would be. Nobody really annoyed me. I liked Bailey's reaction to the worms (it reminded me of when the spider crawled out of the guy who had tree limbs) and I liked her speech with Catherine. Richard and Stephanie in the OR with the worms cracked me up, although I wonder how the patient would have felt about all of those pictures.

I know we're nearing the end of the season, but I felt like we're finally getting somewhere with the stories. Maggie found out about Meredith and Nathan, Richard and Catherine talked, and we had that scene in the elevator with Owen and Amelia. 

... and we even had a Baby Ellis sighting at the beginning of the show. 

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Interesting that Eliza continues to pursue Arizona was cut from the episode. Their 'relationship' is moving at such an odd pace... like every other story this year.

I like that the Meredith / Maggie story won't drag beyond this episode. It was dealt with well here and I'm ready to move on to actually seeing them try things out as a couple.

Alex's returning patient story was heartbreaking. 

I've been feeling for weeks like something is going to come up between Ben and Bailey and this episode gave me more of the same feelings.

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Things that cracked me up:  Alex wrangling a kid in the kitchen, Stephanie and Richard striking poses with the worms.  The cancer story made me sad.  One of my cats is like a therapy cat, whenever a kid is fussy or sad he goes to them and tries to cheer them up and offer comfort.  He hopped in my lap during theses scenes.  He knew.  I was struck by the thought that she was essentially handing over her dreams to her best friend and letting it all go.  

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I feel like it has been forever since we saw the pregnant woman with cancer and her friend that was the father.  I was drawn to that story initially because I love the actress.  I felt it was really well-played tonight.  I guess I just wish we had them maybe once or twice between then and now, they just came back out of the blue.  And while I remember connecting to them initially, I had to scramble in my mind a bit while watching to recall the initial episode. Maybe this is just me getting older and not a problem on the show:)

I'm so pleased that we didn't end up with unresolved Maggie/Meredith drama.  While Meredith may have messed-up this whole Nathan thing vis-a-vis Maggie, her intentions were good.  Just as Maggie's mother's intentions were good.  And yet, Maggie's initial reaction was to lash out at both. "Grow the hell up Maggie", was my initial reaction in both cases.  I was glad that by the end of the episode she remembered that she was an actual grown-up and other grown-ups can make mistakes. Progress!

On Meredith's voiceover at the end, it landed on something like "I'm your sister, whether you like it or not". It sounded familiar to me...did Lexie say something like that to Meredith way back when on the show?  It's just something that caught my ear.  It felt like a subtle call-back showing Meredith on the other side of the coin here as opposed to back then.  

Edited by pennben
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This episode was better than the last one.

The worms were so disgusting I had to cover my eyes every time I saw them on screen *shudders* I am glad that Richard and Catherine started talking again at the end and laughed about the worms. 

Bailey was great this episode and I really wanna see more of her and Ben together on screen. He was right in pointing out to her to stay in her lane, but she wouldn't be Bailey if she did.

Pregnant cancer mom story line was sad, but the actress was great in it. I did tear up at the end, but Amelia crying didn't make me feel anything but annoyed. I hate the elevator scene with Owen and it just felt like a Crowen ripoff honestly.

I knew Maggie wouldn't be mad at Meredith because she was dating Riggs, but rather Meredith not telling her the truth about her and Riggs. I still don't see Riggs appeal but whatever. Maggie had every right to be angry with Meredith because she was pretty detailed about her crush on him even referring him to candy or something like that. I get that Meredith was uncomfortable, but she should've told her earlier about it instead of dragging it out. Of course that would be too simplistic in the Grey's Anatomy universe. I'm glad they made up in the end though and loved Meredith saying she didn't want to ruin their relationship because of a guy. I like seeing Meredith being sisterly.

Alex holding Ellis was cute.

I can't believe I'm playing "Where's Waldo?" with Jo. I don't even care about her and Alex together, but I'm sick of this story line being dragged out.

Next week's episode looks good, but why does Alex keep putting himself in situations where his license could be revoked? At this point in his life especially after the Deluca fiasco, he should know better but apparently not.

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One [next-to-last] last thought.  I feel like that nation-wide press conference is how Nathan's fiance finds her way "home".  Of course, I'm also assuming that Nathan's 'dead' fiance/Owen's sister appears at some point (most of us have been waiting for about a year now).  Whatever has caused her not to remember Nathan, means that she doesn't remember Owen and we get a twofer shock when she shows up. 

Final thought.  Keep Amelia away from Owen, she's a much better character when not stuck in this story of suck between them.  I'm fifty/fifty on whether I can be turned around on Owen.  I've grown constantly annoyed by him of late. 

Edited by pennben
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16 minutes ago, lavenderrose said:

Next week's episode looks good, but why does Alex keep putting himself in situations where his license could be revoked? At this point in his life especially after the Deluca fiasco, he should know better but apparently not.

Alex is advocating for the patient, like he has since the very beginning of his Peds career. Arizona even applauded him for it back in season 5 when she told him he was the future of the hospital. I think it's very in line with his character, and I'm happy to see that the writers can at least keep this consistent, since they lack consistency almost everywhere else now. 

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On 4/14/2017 at 5:48 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I found it kind of amusing that the official episode description doesn't mention Meredith or Riggs at all in any way, but the promo is ALL Meredith and Riggs. Like if you only read the episode description, you'd think oh, hey, there are other doctors in this hospital and seven of them have storylines this week. But if you only watched the promo, you'd think oh, it's the Meredith and Riggs show two weeks in a row.

My guide said that Minnick continues to pursue Arizona and Minnick wasn't even on this episode. 

Maggie: Thut up, I hate you. Catherine, I hate you too. And Bailey, mind your own beeswax.  At least we wre spared an Amelia rant speech this episode. 

Again, I must say Maggie, please thut up. 

Cancer lady dying didn't affect me much because it was obvious from the start that she was going to die. 

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3 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Alex is advocating for the patient, like he has since the very beginning of his Peds career. Arizona even applauded him for it back in season 5 when she told him he was the future of the hospital. I think it's very in line with his character, and I'm happy to see that the writers can at least keep this consistent, since they lack consistency almost everywhere else now. 

Understandably, pediatrics can be hard and advocating for your patients are necessary especially since they're kids. Alex does a good job of that, but he needs to respect that parents have the best interest in their kids too. He's brash when he doesn't need to be. He takes it too far sometimes and I get that he isn't a touchy-feely type, but showing that he's empathetic to the situation and calmly rationalizing with the doctors and most importantly parents, makes a bigger difference than going off the rail every time.

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

One of Mers kids was around. Hi baby Ellis. I care about nothing else, I'm just glad that's one less of her kids that needs a milk carton for now.

You should probably start cranking out milk cartons for the others:) The kids generally don't show up unless necessary for the episode or randomly here and there. I'm fine with it.  

The show has pretty much made clear for years that's how anyone's kids will be utilized.  I don't worry about Tuck because I know all is well off screen until on-screen they tell me a bookshelf has fallen on his head (seasons ago).

Edited by pennben
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It was uuuuuunfortunate that I started eating dinner about forty-five seconds before the deworming surgery.

The actor playing the worm-girl's boyfriend was so exceptionally terrible.

The cancer-mom death was obvious, but it wasn't any less moving for me.  Caterina Scorsone has maybe not been better than she was in the post-surgery scenes while Veronica was waiting to die, and Brigid Brannagh was so wonderful.

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3 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Interesting that Eliza continues to pursue Arizona was cut from the episode. Their 'relationship' is moving at such an odd pace... like every other story this year.

I like that the Meredith / Maggie story won't drag beyond this episode. It was dealt with well here and I'm ready to move on to actually seeing them try things out as a couple.

Alex's returning patient story was heartbreaking. 

I've been feeling for weeks like something is going to come up between Ben and Bailey and this episode gave me more of the same feelings.

Maybe we'll get lucky, and not see Minnick again this season....and then next season, we'll just get a passing comment that "she just got fed up and left", a la Callie's first girlfriend (the Silence of the Lambs actress). 

One can hope!

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"On Meredith's voiceover at the end, it landed on something like "I'm your sister, whether you like it or not". It sounded familiar to me...did Lexie say something like that to Meredith way back when on the show?  It's just something that caught my ear.  It felt like a subtle call-back showing Meredith on the other side of the coin here as opposed to back then.  "  pennben


Yes!  I came here to see if anyone else caught that.  I thought they would flash a quick pic of Lexie looking all doe eyed too.

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One thing i could give Grets credit for is successfully writing around cast pregnancies.. That was until poor Camilla got pregnant and they just wrote her off with no explanation. I don't even know why im surprised but seriously where's Jo?

1 hour ago, Dee said:


I actually enjoyed Maggie & Meredith's reconciliation, because all I could think was 'this would be so much worse if Amelia was in one of their places.'


This made me laugh so much. I can already imagine the sobbing, over the top speeches and threatening to relapse.

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I thought this was a solid episode.  I don't understand why Amelia gets so much hate.  Personally I think she does a good job with what she is given.  I didn't really feel any sympathy for Maggie I mean she is a grown arse woman and she and Riggs never even went out did they?  Meredith was more likeable in the last episode and even more so in this one than she has been of late.  A bit off topic but I wasn't really getting the whole Mer/Alex thing until I recently re-watched the episode where Mer was attacked by a patient and couldn't hear.  Alex crying at her pain and the scene of her crying and him crawling in bed with her to comfort her,  I was sold.  If they are going to go in that direction they better start building on it a bit.  As for the previews of next week, couldn't the Dr. take the parents to court for denying their child life saving surgery?  What it appears Alex does and the elevator surgery that Ben did that pizzed Baily of so bad was no worse than Baily injecting a kid with de-activated HIV.  JMO  Ok think I am done spouting of unless I think of more later.

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This episode was 'solid,' but (for me) it lacked inspiration. They tied up some loose ends, but I'm not buying a lot of it, it lacked believability. I was especially annoyed at the scene with Richard and Catherine (after Bailey's "old people sex" lecture) in which the bitch said "I was wrong" but completely left out the apology she absolutely owed him(!) --then Catherine sat snuggled on Richard's bed, both of them happily chatting away about intestinal worms.

I do agree that Mer/Maggie was handled pretty well. Mer finally stepped up and told the truth --not pretending (as she could have) that the hook-up with Riggs only happened because of that deadly flight and the need for comfort afterwards. And she apologized.

As for Maggie, Riggs was never 'hers' to begin with, and he was never into her. Anger and jealousy over a crush is childish, to say the least, and she bears (at least) part of the responsibility for that situation.

Bailey showed a glimpse of her non-Nazi side, but I'm still hoping she'll recover her compassion for others.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady

Dear Maggie:

You can't call dibs on a guy when you're 40.


The World

Edit: Maybe I'm being unfair. Say Meredith and Riggs had been carrying on together all these months, or at least that's what Maggie inferred to have happened when the light bulb went off. I can understand her being miffed at Meredith not for "stealing" "her" guy, not for fooling around with a guy she knew Maggie was into, but for carrying on in secret about it while all the time Maggie was going on and on and on about how she was into him. Certainly Maggie would feel like a fool after she learned the truth. Of course, we have the vantage point of knowing how it really went down, how Meredith and Riggs only hooked up the first time before Meredith knew Maggie liked him, and then, partly because of this discovery, nothing happened at all after that until the plane and then they decided to tell Maggie. So knowing all this, Maggie's junior high freakout seems a little petty and ridiculous, railing on her sister for daring to start a relationship with the guy she knew Maggie liked. For a little while. Months ago. When's the last time Maggie even brought that up? Whatever. Either way, her reaction was way too immature no matter how it all went down.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I liked Bailey pointing out the parallels between her and Catherine and how they don't know how to be married. Although Bailey can miss me with some of her single mother talk. I remember Tucker being way more involved in Little Tuck's life. I don't always love Catherine, but I do love Richard and want him to be happy.

So Alex is now following Mer into the ladies room to listen to her problems. That's fantastic. *sigh*

I am so, so, very tired of Maggie.

Edited by Deanie87
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23 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Dear Maggie:

You can't call dibs on a guy when you're 40.


The World

Edit: Maybe I'm being unfair. Say Meredith and Riggs had been carrying on together all these months, or at least that's what Maggie inferred to have happened when the light bulb went off. I can understand her being miffed at Meredith not for "stealing" "her" guy, not for fooling around with a guy she knew Maggie was into, but for carrying on in secret about it while all the time Maggie was going on and on and on about how she was into him. Certainly Maggie would feel like a fool after she learned the truth. Of course, we have the vantage point of knowing how it really went down, how Meredith and Riggs only hooked up the first time before Meredith knew Maggie liked him, and then, partly because of this discovery, nothing happened at all after that until the plane and then they decided to tell Maggie. So knowing all this, Maggie's junior high freakout seems a little petty and ridiculous, railing on her sister for daring to start a relationship with the guy she knew Maggie liked. For a little while. Months ago. When's the last time Maggie even brought that up? Whatever. Either way, her reaction was way too immature no matter how it all went down.

I can't believe I'm going to admit having this in common with a whiny GA character, but I had a platonic male friend who I introduced to a female friend of mine. The three of us used to hang out together all the time. One day they told me that they had been dating each other behind my back for months. I was really hurt that they had kept it a secret from me and I kind of had a hissyfit. Then I got over it a few minutes later. In my defense, I was 15 and Maggie is 30 or however old a genius prodigy surgeon on Grey's is these days. And even knowing that I had kind of been in a somewhat similar position years ago, I was still rolling my eyes at Maggie.

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Not a bad episode. Yes, I knew that Cancer Mom would not make it out of the hospital from the first moment she was shown, but I thought her storyline was pretty well done. No hysteria, very straightforward. The patient was able to express her wishes clearly and the doctors followed through and honored them. Now, had Amelia ever met Cancer Mom before? While Amelia was extremely kind and comforting, it seemed a bit over the top for a surgeon to be practically cradling in her arms a virtual stranger in her last, dying moments. Is that really who Cancer Mom wanted to be with as she slipped away? I know she (Cancer Mom) told Dad that "Where Baby goes, you go," but in those last few moments, Dad maybe could've stepped away from NICU to say goodbye to her and hold her as the life left her. I just wonder why Mom didn't want to see him...so as not to upset him? Did she not want him to see her die? I guess I wouldn't a stranger - a kind and compassionate stranger, yes, but in essence, a stranger - to be the last person I see, ever. If anyone, wouldn't it have been Alex to stay with Mom? Baby was in good hands in the NICU. I did like the storyline, sad as it was, and agree that the actress was wonderful.

I also liked the scene between Meredith and Maggie in the supply room. I truly believed Meredith when she said she'd made a mistake. I'm not a big Maggie fan at all, but she was indeed so hurt by Meredith not telling her. That was pretty real - as pointed out, it wasn't about "losing" Nathan, it was about being let down by someone you trust. And it's also not easy to admit to someone that you screwed up and to ask for forgiveness. Both ladies made that scene believable for me.

I liked Bailey's and Catherine's final scene as well. Bailey really spelled out the parallels between herself and Catherine, and clearly, it made an impact. Catherine, too, had to admit out loud to Richard that she'd made a mistake. Not easy for someone with a huge ego. Both Meredith and Catherine were a bit humbled, and that is how it goes in life sometimes! Reality check! (and I use the word "reality" very loosely when it comes to this show...)

So the scene with Amelia and Owen in the elevator...is that going anywhere?

Did not even realize Minnick wasn't in this episode until reading others' comments! And Jo - hello? Talk about being on the milk carton!

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I tolerated Kepner this episode surprisingly. She seems more likable when she isn't with Jackson and they should keep this up.

Once again, Maggie does not care about Riggs, but rather her only sister lying to her face and making her look like a fool every time she talked about him. Meredith was completely wrong in this situation especially since Maggie asked her to be honest with her. Maggie will go down swinging for Meredith and Meredith for her as well. I would feel grossed out knowing I divulged all of fantasies of someone that my sister has slept with this whole time. I thought Maggie handled it fine because I know for a fact had that been someone else in Maggie's shoes all hell would've broke lose.

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I completely agree with everyone who is annoyed with Maggie.  

Riggs looks way better when he's scruffy and has a slight beard; cleaned-up Riggs for the press conference was not looking great.

I might be the only one who likes Amelia and Owen together, but I have no idea what the writers are doing to their characters and relationship.  I liked the elevator scene.  That better lead to something and not be forgotten, like so many other scenes or stories this season.

Also, Amelia was waiting for Mer and Maggie to go out?  The member of AA/NA prone to relapses, was waiting in the car to go out?  Hmm... I guess it was just for tea...

Did not miss Minnick one bit.  We need more Alex and Ben.

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1 hour ago, Deanie87 said:

So Alex is now following Mer into the ladies room to listen to her problems. That's fantastic. *sigh*

I did really like his response to Maggie, though, when she said something like, "You're in the women's restroom," and he just went, "So?"  Classic Alex.

47 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

Not a bad episode. Yes, I knew that Cancer Mom would not make it out of the hospital from the first moment she was shown, but I thought her storyline was pretty well done. No hysteria, very straightforward. The patient was able to express her wishes clearly and the doctors followed through and honored them.

I was confused why she wouldn't allow them to operate. I understood she chose a DNR, but I didn't get her refusal to go for the chance to spend two months with her baby.

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This situation with Maggie and Meredith wouldn't even exist if Meredith hadn't played games about the situation with Nathan in the first place. It's not like Maggie hasn't already mentioned to Meredith in the past about wanting Mer to be honest with her. I see Mer's getting the same "victim" writing Alex got after he beat the shit out of Andrew in that Maggie is being made to be in the wrong. SMH. 

S13 has been an absolute travesty, which is so disappointing cause I enjoyed S12 a lot. 

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I was confused why she wouldn't allow them to operate. I understood she chose a DNR, but I didn't get her refusal to go for the chance to spend two months with her baby.

Arizona and Amelia told her that the surgery might not be successful...and I think Mom actually said, well, I'm gonna die so soon anyway...plus, it made for better drama, to have her die right then and there.

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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

[1] Amelia was extremely kind and comforting, it seemed a bit over the top for a surgeon [Amelia] to be practically cradling in her arms a virtual stranger in her last, dying moments. Is that really who Cancer Mom wanted to be with as she slipped away? ...I just wonder why Mom didn't want to see him...so as not to upset him? ...I wouldn't a stranger ...to be the last person I see, ever.

[2] I also liked the scene between Meredith and Maggie in the supply room. I truly believed Meredith when she said she'd made a mistake. I'm not a big Maggie fan at all, but she was indeed so hurt by Meredith not telling her. That was pretty real - as pointed out, it wasn't about "losing" Nathan, it was about being let down by someone you trust. And it's also not easy to admit to someone that you screwed up and to ask for forgiveness. Both ladies made that scene believable for me.

[3] I liked Bailey's and Catherine's final scene as well. Bailey really spelled out the parallels between herself and Catherine, and clearly, it made an impact. Catherine, too, had to admit out loud to Richard that she'd made a mistake. Not easy for someone with a huge ego. Both Meredith and Catherine were a bit humbled...

[4] So the scene with Amelia and Owen in the elevator...is that going anywhere?

[1] I think Cancer Mom didn't want him to see her die, because she preferred to die thinking of him cradling the new baby and bonding for life. 

[2] I agree that Mer was a jerk to try to keep the Riggs thing a secret all those months. But at least Mer apologized as well as admitting she had been wrong and that she had let Maggie down. She also gave Maggie an explanation of how and when it all happened.

Obviously I, too, "truly believed Meredith when she said she'd made a mistake" -and I believed that Mer understood Maggie was hurt primarily because Mer  betrayed Maggie's trust. It wasn't about jealousy; it was about lack of honesty. Sisters should tell each other the truth.

[3] I really liked Bailey's and Catherine's final scene. But I didn't like Catherine ("the bitch") going to her husband after completely backstabbing him and just saying, "I was wrong," without even an apology. Richard deserved an apology!!

[4] I doubt it. I think Amelia identified with that mother who gave up her life so that her baby could live. I imagine she thought she would gladly have done the same for her own baby, if her own child had had any chance of life. And Owen was there, and she knew he would hold her for a moment if she needed a hug, so...

3 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

[1] I think Cancer Mom didn't want him to see her die, because she preferred to die thinking of him cradling the new baby and bonding for life. 

[2] I agree that Mer was a jerk to try to keep the Riggs thing a secret all those months. But at least Mer apologized as well as admitting she had been wrong and that she had let Maggie down. She also gave Maggie an explanation of how and when it all happened.

Obviously I, too, "truly believed Meredith when she said she'd made a mistake" -and I believed that Mer understood Maggie was hurt primarily because Mer  betrayed Maggie's trust. It wasn't about jealousy; it was about lack of honesty. Sisters should tell each other the truth.

[3] I really liked Bailey's and Catherine's final scene. But I didn't like Catherine ("the bitch") going to her husband after completely backstabbing him and just saying, "I was wrong," without even an apology. Richard deserved an apology!!

[4] I doubt it. I think Amelia identified with that mother who gave up her life so that her baby could live. I imagine she thought she would gladly have done the same for her own baby, if her own child had had any chance of life. And Owen was there, and she knew he would hold her for a moment if she needed a hug, so...

I actually thought it showed tremendous growth in Owen to be the one to let go first and not try to eat her face or something. Old Owen could have easily misinterpreted her willingness as something else but this Owen read the situation well. 

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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

Arizona and Amelia told her that the surgery might not be successful...and I think Mom actually said, well, I'm gonna die so soon anyway...plus, it made for better drama, to have her die right then and there.

I didn't feel comfortable about that decision at all, but I was thinking maybe (like she said a bit later) she just felt so tired.

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55 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

I think Amelia identified with that mother who gave up her life so that her baby could live. I imagine she thought she would gladly have done the same for her own baby, if her own child had had any chance of life. And Owen was there, and she knew he would hold her for a moment if she needed a hug, so...

I agree. I think it all went back to the baby she lost on Private Practice. I think she likes and wants children (she seems hands on with Meredith's kids), but when reality set in she freaked out a bit. It was either run away or go back to drugs and alcohol. 

I liked the elevator scene. I was pleasantly surprised that it ended the way it did and it didn't lead to anything else. I just wonder if Owen knew why she was crying. 

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I knew Maggie wouldn't be mad at Meredith because she was dating Riggs, but rather Meredith not telling her the truth about her and Riggs. I still don't see Riggs appeal but whatever. Maggie had every right to be angry with Meredith because she was pretty detailed about her crush on him even referring him to candy or something like that. I get that Meredith was uncomfortable, but she should've told her earlier about it instead of dragging it out.

Yes, Meredith should have been honest from the beginning, but since when does someone having a crush mean they have "dibs" on them....especially when the guy has NO interest in anything beyond friendship.  These are Doctors, not high school.  If Meredith would have said "yeah, I like him too" from the beginning when Maggie mentioned him, the whole thing could have been avoided.  I would think that Maggie would be embarrassed as hell about all this anyway. Jeez, broaden your dating pool, people!

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On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 7:48 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I found it kind of amusing that the official episode description doesn't mention Meredith or Riggs at all in any way, but the promo is ALL Meredith and Riggs. Like if you only read the episode description, you'd think oh, hey, there are other doctors in this hospital and seven of them have storylines this week. But if you only watched the promo, you'd think oh, it's the Meredith and Riggs show two weeks in a row.

Haha! It worked because that is the only reason I watched this ep! Well parts because some characters leave me cold and I can't even bear to hear their voices...

The sista-drama! wasn't too bad. The worm lady was gross. I liked Catherine and Richard at the end -- that was cute.

I still say the writers made a BIG mistake giving Meredith so many damn children. They should have stopped at the token one child who can be happily ignored like Mere was when she was a child.

But otherwise I like Mere and her new dude. (Riggs-- right? does he have a first name? Haha!) He will never be Derek (Nor Dempsy) but he at least seems to be into Mere and she seems sort of into him. For Grey's at this stage-- that is as good as it gets.

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