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Zach and Tori

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3 minutes ago, Rap541 said:


Maybe... but it isn't a bad time and they seem to enjoy children so why not?


Agreed. The new season starts in September, so I presume they'll hold off and announce then. 

The showrunners and the family have to know that by and large, viewers prefer Zach's family to Jeremy's. You've gotta wonder about the discord that results. That can't make Audrey happy.

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The showrunners and the family have to know that by and large, viewers prefer Zach's family to Jeremy's. You've gotta wonder about the discord that results. That can't make Audrey happy.

I doubt there's much right now...

I can be fair. I think Jeremy loves Zach. As long as Jeremy is getting to be a lazy ass and do whatever he wants, I don't think Jeremy really cares about how much show time he gets. Frankly, Jeremy has always been the one who "loves the show" but was always finding reasons to not be front and center, right behind Matt on everything. 

The problem is that Jackson is older than Ember and Jackson is a dwarf (and to a lesser extent, Jackson is a boy). So Jackson's birthdays will always be first, Jackson's first steps, Jackson's first "whatever" on the farm. Matt is always going to want to show Jackson how to be a farmer man and tool around with Jackson and basically make Jackson the king of the farm and the cameras are going to eat that up because Jackson is a little person. 

Ember can be a lovely little girl, cute, full of dimples, incredibly talented but... the show is about little people. No one cares about Cousin Ember's adventures because we all know what the childhood of upper middle class little girls are like. She's, in tv terms, nothing special. (yes yes we're all special in our own ways and none of this is her fault)

God forbid Zach and Tory have another dwarf child because the show focus WILL be put on them (if they want it). 

This is where Audrey and Audrey's ambitions might be a problem. The reality is that Jeremy and Auj, in the Portland suburbs, doing whatever the fuck they pretend their jobs are, means they are no longer relevant to a show about little people. When Zach and Tory take Jackson to his first little people convention, will Jeremy and Auj and Ember go as well? So that they can be on the show? Won't that be tacky and a bit odd? Likewise dwarf sporting events - frankly it was getting tacky and odd to have Jeremy included in the last few soccer focused episodes with Zach's dwarf team playing a average height youth team that "Jeremy volunteered to play on briefly for the sake of the charity game and so there was a reason for Jeremy to appear in the episode".

And Audrey is bright enough to pick this up and realize.... dun dun dun.... Jeremy has to be *working on the farm and soon* - because he needs to remain relavant to the show and he's not at this point. As an average height sibling with no little people children, he should be eased off the show since he's not working on the farm and isn't little. I mean, he's not even nice eye candy at this point. 

I bet Audrey pushes him to work on the farm.

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11 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I bet Audrey pushes him to work on the farm.

Agree entirely. And the fact that Zach and Tori have bought a new house indicates that they're not going to be part of the "Let's push Mom out of the big house so we can have it" collective effort, so it will likely be Audrey and Jeremy striving to live on the premises. 

There's no way to know what's really happening with that whole house/farm mess. And clearly, Zach and Jeremy both have hitched their wagons to the gravy train. But I have to respect the fact that Zach and Tori seem far less dependent, emotionally and otherwise, on how that all turns out (and obviously, it's already turned out -- we just don't know how).

Matt has snarked about the fact that Zach is frugal -- "like your mom" (derisive laugh) -- and I suspect that will serve him well. His and Tori's new house is expensive, but maybe not so much for Portland (I live in the Midwest).  My guess is plans are being made for the end of the show, and that the franchise will continue with the next generation.

Edited by Literata

It amuses me that Zach is often mocked but in some ways makes good decisions. If they can get another season of the show - and I think they will - then buying the new house isn't a bad idea since it can be paid for pretty quickly. Portland's market isn't likely to go down and it's a nice house with plenty of space for the family.(the house is pricey but not ridiculous for Portland. In retrospect, for example, Jer and Auj's seems a little overpriced considering how much work needed to be done... but then there's the question of how much of that work was "Jeremy caused")

And honestly, I don't know how the farm will resolve, but what I do know? Is that whoever gets the farm will have to deal with Matt.

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Zach's participation in the whole "we need to know your plans" discussion seemed rather half hearted to me and I guess the new house explains why. He has his own plans to create a home for his family that don't involve ousting his mother from her house. Unlike somebody I could name ...

I think it's a hoot that Jeremy is hoping to snag The Big House for himself, repeatedly ignoring every sign & statement from Amy that she isn't going anywhere. I guess he thinks if he keeps asking, eventually he will get the answer he wants.  Enjoy the wait, buddy. It's gonna be a long one.

On 7/7/2018 at 9:45 AM, Rap541 said:

And honestly, I don't know how the farm will resolve, but what I do know? Is that whoever gets the farm will have to deal with Matt.

I'm curious about how the divorce spells out ownership should either Matt or Amy die. Does it allow them to bequeath their share of the farm to an heir(s) or will the share owned by the deceased one transfer to the other person who is still living?  Because it would be amusing to me if it was set up so that Amy inherited Matt's share and she just sold it all when he died and kept every penny for herself.  Jeremy would be on his own, hopefully after having worked the farm like Matt's bitch boy for years in hopes of having everything handed to him on a silver platter.  It would serve him right.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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On July 2, 2018 at 1:24 PM, Whyyouneedaname said:

We had floors refinished a few years ago & the gentleman told me that if we put an area rug over part of the floor it would discolor, it would stay lighter under the rug & darken from the light where it was unprotected. This looks like that's whats happened here with the big window letting in that much light.

That almost looks like the plastic mat you use under rolling chair/ computer. I can only see 2 pictures of the new house( darn iPad mini) and can't find it on Trulia.  What Matt did was lovely but this sounds like what would suit their life.  I'm surprised if Tori "opened up shop" and is pregnant again, good for them.  

22 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

That almost looks like the plastic mat you use under rolling chair/ computer. I can only see 2 pictures of the new house( darn iPad mini) and can't find it on Trulia.  What Matt did was lovely but this sounds like what would suit their life.  I'm surprised if Tori "opened up shop" and is pregnant again, good for them.  

Check your PMs :)

6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm getting inspired. Can you really make money doing those kind of home crafts and such? 

Some people definitely can! My boss has a very artsy daughter (who works as a waitress most of the time) who has recently started selling paintings of various liquor bottles. She is selling them for something like $75 each and has sold several already. Some people are able to find a niche and fill it if they have the talent. Pretty cool, honestly.

16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm getting inspired. Can you really make money doing those kind of home crafts and such? 

Yes but the market is SATURATED with these signs that Tori is doing.  but they're really popular right now so if you can do custom stuff you can do really well. 

And with her being famous that helps her out tremendously.  

I feel like I was one of the first in my area to do wood signs with quotes (not like these) but within a year or two I got pushed out by vendors that could do them bigger and cheaper so now I'm constantly trying to find my niche again.  I plan on doing my own spin on signs like this for my upcoming shows this year.  I just need to get my dad to make me the frames lol

  • Love 3

Its not impossible to make money this way, Sunny. But you're correct, it's a lot of work, and not in just making the things you're selling. My suggestion - and it is just a suggestion - is not to go into such a venture with the sole aim being profit. A lot of people do these sort of crafty things simply because they enjoy them and that it turns profitable is a boon. If you enjoy the task, then making money from your hobby is fun. I personally blog semiprofessionally. It's not currently profitable, but currently it doesn't need to be, and I enjoy it.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Its not impossible to make money this way, Sunny. But you're correct, it's a lot of work, and not in just making the things you're selling. My suggestion - and it is just a suggestion - is not to go into such a venture with the sole aim being profit. A lot of people do these sort of crafty things simply because they enjoy them and that it turns profitable is a boon. If you enjoy the task, then making money from your hobby is fun. I personally blog semiprofessionally. It's not currently profitable, but currently it doesn't need to be, and I enjoy it.

Sounds awesome!  The blogging, that is. 

On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 11:01 AM, Rap541 said:

Its not impossible to make money this way, Sunny. But you're correct, it's a lot of work, and not in just making the things you're selling. My suggestion - and it is just a suggestion - is not to go into such a venture with the sole aim being profit. A lot of people do these sort of crafty things simply because they enjoy them and that it turns profitable is a boon. If you enjoy the task, then making money from your hobby is fun. I personally blog semiprofessionally. It's not currently profitable, but currently it doesn't need to be, and I enjoy it.

Most of the people I know who do this type of thing do just that - they enjoy it, and the money they clear will fund their ability to keep doing it.  I do photography as a hobby.  I show my work in contests, and while I don't make enough to cover much of anything when I win, I just enjoy having people see my work.  :)

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On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 12:02 PM, Absolom said:

With how short of a time they spent in the first house, they may move again in a few years.

To be fair, wasn't that house more of a bachelor pad? I mean Zach purchased that house before they were even engaged. It is not like they purchased the house as a couple. I am sure it was fine for just them or when Jackson was just an infant. They were probably being smart to get some equity in it, get some TLC money saved, and maybe have that house paid off. I can't imagine it would it be easy to get a mortgage of over 500,000 while still owing on another home.  This seems to be a good sized home they could stay in even if they do have more kids.

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On 7/18/2018 at 11:56 AM, gonecrackers said:

Is this in a story? I don't do Instagram so can't see the stories.

Yeah, it was in a story.

And today she posted another one showing off some $165 Sweaty Betty pants. ? I’m sure she received them for free, in exchange for promo. I hope she doesn’t turn into AujPoj and turn her stories into one big promo after another. And I will say, her tummy appeared flatter in today’s video, so maybe she was just experiencing bloating after all. But, she did have on a bit of a flouncy shirt. So, the pregnancy verdict’s still out! ?

On 7/20/2018 at 1:04 PM, LucyEth said:

Jackson has a sibling, he has four legs and his name is Murphy.  Dog is beautiful, maybe a Bernese  Mountain dog, going to be huge.  Lots of focus on the dog via her instagram.

I understood Zach's earlier protest about getting a puppy while they are still devoting lots of time caring for their first baby.  A puppy requires so much time and attention.  Odd timing, imo.  Apparently, Tori has plenty of time and energy to take care of Jackson and the puppy.  I would think that waiting until Jackson could really benefit, like around age 5 or so, but, now......it's obviously something that Tori wanted for herself.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 7/23/2018 at 1:12 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I understood Zach's earlier protest about getting a puppy while they are still devoting lots of time caring for their first baby.  A puppy requires so much time and attention.  Odd timing, imo.  Apparently, Tori has plenty of time and energy to take care of Jackson and the puppy.  I would think that waiting until Jackson could really benefit, like around age 5 or so, but, now......it's obviously something that Tori wanted for herself.  

I get why Tori wanted another dog after Sully. She loves dogs. I've had 2 dogs die from old age. After each one I was heartbroken and swore never again. However, I'm a dog person and miss having a dog in my life. After I grieved, I got another one both times. That's Tori. She needs a dog around. Life isn't as good without one.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, zoomama said:

did anyone see a blurb today about tori announcing she's pregnant? i was half-awake this a.m. and saw something on fb (i think) but cant find it anywhere now. 

I haven’t seen anything, other than this very misleading article. https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2018/07/tori-roloff-confirms-baby-number-2-is-on-the-way/

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