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S07.E19: Reunion Part 1

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2 minutes ago, Jel said:

Agree. I also don't remember it ever being quite so one-sided before; there was so much cut and pasting of that Erica HK dinner scene I had to bust out the Windex. 

The fact that they didn't show Eileen, Rinna and Dorit regarding pantygate amazed me. They only want to show Erica's narrative.

Edited by howivesforever
Because I can't spell
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3 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

There is no was that I can put any credibility in the idea that Erika was embarrassed by panty-gate.  Tom is a smart man, perhaps he controlled the narrative here.  Maybe he gave her an idea of a storyline to run with.

Because there is no way on earth that I will ever believe that a woman who performs nearly naked while gyrating in almost exclusively sexual moves, while singing vulgar lyrics, in a show that began with a pep talk like the one Mikey delivered.....that woman is not embarrassed that a man looked at her and saw up her skirt.  Nope.  Not a chance.

I do not subscribe to this train of thought at all. But, regardless, I think Erika was upset not so much with PK seeing her vag, but with everyone running around talking about it and making her the butt of their joke. As I've mentioned, I think Erika has RAGING insecurities and that would be upsetting to someone who didn't even have those issues. No one wants to be the dummy that everyone else is laughing about. It's pretty mean, actually, and I don't blame her for being upset. And, yes, I think she should be upset with Eileen and Rinna too. 

2 hours ago, CatMomma said:

Sarah Paulsen wore it better. Maybe holding a Golden Globe and having talent makes it more attractive?

I think the dress looks better on a more petite frame, probably because of the shoulders.

1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I admit:  I love Erika.  But I also love Dorit.  Not sure why!

I like them both just fine even though I think both of them can and have been total a-holes this season. I'll be happy to see them both back next year. 

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1 minute ago, howivesforever said:

The fact that they didn't show Eileen, Rinna and Dorit regarding pantygate amazed me. They only want to show Erica's narrative.

So true, but, what can we do?  Every show eventually jumps the shark, right?

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The fake accent gives Dorito an air of pretentiousness.  This is the same woman who drove to a Food Bank in a Lamborghini.   Yet when it comes to her employees, she flies them couch.

Andy should have probe further with PK.  He should asked about his shady business dealings, lawsuits, bankruptcy and his part in the Lehman Bros Bank financial collapse.

He should also have asked PK and Dorito about having a hardcore drug addict, convicted felon like Boy George living with their small children.

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4 hours ago, lezlers said:

Do we know for sure that she didn't have her son throughout any of those years?  She had him by herself as a 20 year old for the first three years (which aren't easy years, for sure.)  Where are you getting your info?  There tends to be a lot more to these stories. 

If that story in the tabloids came out about ME abandoning my child, and I was a real housewife, I would be on the phone in a hot second with said tabloid giving them an 'exclusive' in what the real story was! I would be making ALL the rounds, getting my voice heard and setting everyone straight that no, I did not abandon my 3-year-old to go off and find a wallet to marry. I would not be silent and allow the public to form any opinions about me being a mother that leaves her toddler behind. I would get the real story out, there are plenty of outlets that would publish. Unless of course, the story is true, then I guess I would have nothing to say...

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  2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Sarah Paulsen wore the same dress as Erika?

Fabric and designer is the same?

Sarah Paulsen wore it better. Maybe holding a Golden Globe and having talent makes it more attractive?

The sequin pattern is similar, but Erika's dress was much different.

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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

You  are more than welcome to take it either thread. Since it is just another opinion about Erika I thought it might assuage the Erika "hate".  It seemed to touch on a lot of things Erika we see on the show and it is current.  Again you are more than welcome to cut and paste it anywhere you like to put it.

I love that you posted it here, thank you! I have more than enough to keep me busy on this thread and will probably never make it to another thread that doesn't pertain to the episode I just watched. :) so much brilliance here!

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

About halfway through this season, I had a weird feeling that there has been some producer interference. Even when Dorit, LVP, and Kyle confirm that Dorit didn't say something or didn't say it in the way it is later being described, whomever was arguing would be adamant that their version was the truth. This is even after watching much of the season where the editors have inserted footage of Dorit doing the opposite of what she's being accused. It's kind of bizarre that Erika and Rinna haven't readjusted their outrage unless someone in production continues to reaffirm Dorit did say those things.

As Atlanta proves, this is a bad path for producers to go down.

With Rinna as a HW, the producers don't have to manipulate the HWs, she does it all on her own! LOL

1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:


It would be shocking to me to learn that LVP and Brandi didn't know that Kyle didn't want the Mauricio cheating rumors brought up on TV. Maybe they didn't, but if you are going to bring something like that up, I would ask first. If I cared, and maybe they did not. We know Kim didn't want to talk about Chad - for obvious reasons, and much was done by the entire family to keep it quiet. LVP certainly knew Eileen didn't want to talk about the affair. She had said at the reunion that talking about it on the show had been quite painful to her and Vince's kids, and was so angry with Brandi for bringing it up to begin with. 

And yes, they do get together from time to time and agree not to bring something up. They all agreed about Brandi and her tampon deal (until Joyce angrily brought it up at the reunion). An acquaintance who works in Reality TV said that production was beside themselves because they wanted it discussed since it happened smack dab in the middle of filming and went along with the theme of Brandi being a drunk that season. They tried hard, but they got no takers and everyone agreed it was just a bridge too far and would be too hurtful to her kids later on. She said they were very worried about Brandi because she was terrified of the immediate talk by some that she should lose custody of her boys over it. Or as she said "they all became true mommies" and regardless of what anyone thought about Brandi, they just weren't willing to engage, despite the prodding from production, or the fact they were all talking about it off camera. She said the especially thought that Kyle would talk, since that was the same season LVP and Brandi brought up the Mauricio stuff on camera. 

Lisa/Ken had similar rumors about them in the tabloids and they also had Cedric feeding said rumors about them and she decided to face it head on, on the show (second season). This is how Lisa deals with nasty tabloid rumors, call them out as lies and then laugh about them, it takes the power/shock/gossip away from the tabloids and closes down the rumor mill.

52 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

I'm not understanding why what George did has anything to do with Dorit?

Some here are trying to say that BG living/staying with Dorit is equal, if not worse, than Rinna's ugly accusation of Dorit/PK/their dinner guests doing "coke in the bathroom" with their 2 little ones sleeping upstairs. It's ridiculous though, he did go to/complete rehab and as far as anyone knows, he is still drug free.

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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:


It would be shocking to me to learn that LVP and Brandi didn't know that Kyle didn't want the Mauricio cheating rumors brought up on TV. Maybe they didn't, but if you are going to bring something like that up, I would ask first. If I cared, and maybe they did not. We know Kim didn't want to talk about Chad - for obvious reasons, and much was done by the entire family to keep it quiet. LVP certainly knew Eileen didn't want to talk about the affair. She had said at the reunion that talking about it on the show had been quite painful to her and Vince's kids, and was so angry with Brandi for bringing it up to begin with. 

And yes, they do get together from time to time and agree not to bring something up. They all agreed about Brandi and her tampon deal (until Joyce angrily brought it up at the reunion). An acquaintance who works in Reality TV said that production was beside themselves because they wanted it discussed since it happened smack dab in the middle of filming and went along with the theme of Brandi being a drunk that season. They tried hard, but they got no takers and everyone agreed it was just a bridge too far and would be too hurtful to her kids later on. She said they were very worried about Brandi because she was terrified of the immediate talk by some that she should lose custody of her boys over it. Or as she said "they all became true mommies" and regardless of what anyone thought about Brandi, they just weren't willing to engage, despite the prodding from production, or the fact they were all talking about it off camera. She said the especially thought that Kyle would talk, since that was the same season LVP and Brandi brought up the Mauricio stuff on camera. 

I'm not aware of the original speculation regarding Chad and when googling it, I only came up with one Radar source reporting one of Kim's children voluntarily being admitted to a psychiatric facility? Is that the news you're referring to? The timestamp on that news would suggest that he was checked in the beginning of March 2015. That seems to have placed the S4 reunion 2-3 weeks before that even happened. Unless LVP went an entire S5 without mentioning it and the mentioned it at the reunion which wouldn't add up (to me) as being a comment that was intended to create a string of controversy. I could be wrong about the timelines because I wasn't privy to the news at the time it was released so I'm going off of a quick google search. 

So the latter part would suggest that the women would honour agreements made off-camera but just like much of the shit thats slung in these seasons...until someone gets mad and uses it as ammunition. LVP did shortly reference the Mauricio stuff because she wasn't on good terms with Kyle. Just like how Brandi the liar was all of a sudden a credible source that LVP was the person who told her to pack the tabloid though no other witness in the room would vouch for Brandi's version of events. I'm sure Kim didn't want her addiction ever played out on TV and it was sister dear of all people that outed her in front of the cameras. Just like when LVP chose to believe that Kyle would lie about Yolanda trash talking her behind her back all because she and Kyle weren't in a good place. The women conveniently decide when each other are credible sources of information and when they aren't. The point being, shit happens when people get mad or are carrying around a grudge. If you don't want things to be talked about, maybe you shouldn't expose your life on TV because you can't guarantee anything will be kept safe. If the paycheque means that much, well you gotta learn to suck it up, roll with the punches and deal with the mayhem as best you can. At the end of the day, I think it's a far greater grievance to be the one creating false gossip than to be be the one that spends 2 seconds acknowledging that such gossip exists...unless you're taking those 2 seconds to suggest the false gossip is true. 

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I was not bored and enjoyed part 1 but I can't even offer substantive commentary because I just don't have it in me to discuss pantygate. I will say that yes EJ is cold , gives all the fucks despite statements to the contrary and far too materialistic, but Dorit has been nice nasty to her every since she didn't get the BFF experience she thought she deserved from Erika. 

 I can't believe they had PK's ass denting Andy's couch already. Biggest damn lie of the night was acting like he paid $230k for that damn rose gold Bentley. Stop!

Lawd, I had never seen or heard about a tape from 4 years ago of Dorit with no accent. LOL! Case closed. 

I think this is the best LVP has looked at any reunion. Usually she veers into the gaudy at these things but it was the right mix of sexy sparkly glam and perfect head styling. Best dressed! The only thing I didn't like was the boob area with that black mesh over it. I don't know what the hell Dorit had on and WTF did she have on her head when she was in the pre-reunion segment at Kyle's house? Looked like an old Phyllis Diller wig that has seen better days.

Erika was wearing far too much makeup and her hair looked like Comic Con cosplay. She looked so much prettier in the snippet crying with her mom. 

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3 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

If I didn't find Eileen so exhausting, I'd be very sad for her.

First Erika,  the object of her affection, goes bananas on her in Hong Kong.  For which Erika apologizes by having her staff make up Eileen so that Erika can say that the transformation made her "pretty" and "the most popular girl"- which implies she was neither to begin with.

Then at the finale, Erika had the opportunity to call her a friend, but instead referred to Eileen as "someone who has been so nice to me"

Eileen, sweetie, she just doesn't like you the way you like her.  And it's a little sad to watch

I'm trying to remember, but I don't seem to recall seeing the ladies at that final dinner in Hong Kong.  I don't think it was aired.  I would have definitely remembered seeing Eileen looking like a mini-Ericka, with loads of makeup and super flat-ironed hair.

I think the last dinner in Hong Kong we saw was the one with Erika's meltdown - or did I miss something?  

Edited by njbchlover
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3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

It's so fake and stupid. "Shut up Rinna, you're stupid"-Vickie Gunvalson

Actually they need Vicki's snore when she finds something tedious and boring.


Snatch squad ....snore

Eileen talking in circ;les.....snore

Lisa Rinna....snore

Harry a rapist?????ears perking up!

Let's talk about the husband!

Edited by Giselle
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1 hour ago, howivesforever said:

The fact that they didn't show Eileen, Rinna and Dorit regarding pantygate amazed me. They only want to show Erica's narrative.

 We aren't done with Pantygate at the reunion yet. I think she is going to pretty much call everyone out. 

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Ericka stated there is a bit of truth in humor.

When she humorously calls the other housewives hos and humorously puts down the other housewives fashion choices, what do you think the bit of truth is in that? 

And if a housewife was insulted and embarrassed by Ericka humorously calling her a ho, all season long, in various talking heads, implying, insinuating and alluding to the housewife being a ho, by using humor, should she demand an apology?

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9 hours ago, Giselle said:

What I'd like to know is which stripper had babysitting duty while daddy was writing bonds and booking parties?

GREAT comments!!! Her ex sounds like a sleezy scumbag.

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

With Rinna as a HW, the producers don't have to manipulate the HWs, she does it all on her own! LOL

Lisa/Ken had similar rumors about them in the tabloids and they also had Cedric feeding said rumors about them and she decided to face it head on, on the show (second season). This is how Lisa deals with nasty tabloid rumors, call them out as lies and then laugh about them, it takes the power/shock/gossip away from the tabloids and closes down the rumor mill.

Some here are trying to say that BG living/staying with Dorit is equal, if not worse, than Rinna's ugly accusation of Dorit/PK/their dinner guests doing "coke in the bathroom" with their 2 little ones sleeping upstairs. It's ridiculous though, he did go to/complete rehab and as far as anyone knows, he is still drug free.

Um, no. LVP never delt - on the show - with the rumors that Cedic was throwing around. You know, the ones where Cedric didn't really live with them until she got called by Bravo. Before that, he said he lived in an apartment (with receipts to prove it) but moved in with her when she pitched it to Bravo to seem more appealing and interesting.  Bravo apparently loved the idea of a rich Brit with a gay lay-a-bout bleeding them dry, and the disgruntled husband wanting him to get the hell out. Or that was what Cedric was peddling (and I think he is a liar of the first degree) and peddling hard. Was that ever brought up by anyone on the show? If so, I cannot remember it, but I would love to hear how she handled people talking about this on the show in S2.  How about him claiming that Ken had a penchant for prostitutes, which LVP hated but looked past, mostly by enjoying a lover on her own. Ever addressed on the show? Again, if so I don't remember it. They never addressed anything that Cedric was screaming about from the rooftops. They said he had hurt and disappointed him, cried about it, and that was the end of it. I certainly don't remember them ever addressing any of the things he was saying head on, but then of course, no one ever brought up any of those rumors........imagine if anyone would have. 

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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I was not bored and enjoyed part 1 but I can't even offer substantive commentary because I just don't have it in me to discuss pantygate. I will say that yes EJ is cold , gives all the fucks despite statements to the contrary and far too materialistic, but Dorit has been nice nasty to her every since she didn't get the BFF experience she thought she deserved from Erika. 

 I can't believe they had PK's ass denting Andy's couch already. Biggest damn lie of the night was acting like he paid $230k for that damn rose gold Bentley. Stop!

Lawd, I had never seen or heard about a tape from 4 years ago of Dorit with no accent. LOL! Case closed. 

I think this is the best LVP has looked at any reunion. Usually she veers into the gaudy at these things but it was the right mix of sexy sparkly glam and perfect head styling. Best dressed! The only thing I didn't like was the boob area with that black mesh over it. I don't know what the hell Dorit had on and WTF did she have on her head when she was in the pre-reunion segment at Kyle's house? Looked like an old Phyllis Diller wig that has seen better days.

Erika was wearing far too much makeup and her hair looked like Comic Con cosplay. She looked so much prettier in the snippet crying with her mom. 

I feel the same way.  I enjoyed it but don't have the desire to go over it all again.  

I thought Rinna looked beautiful.  I prefer understated glamour and she illustrates that flawlessly.  Erika is an inherently sexy woman but when she dresses that way, she just looks cheap.  A very simple figure hugging dress with understated hair and make up would present the image she is trying to achieve.  Drag queen fabulous is not working for her, though she thinks it is.  

Kyle, nope.  Did not like the cut of that dress.  

Dorit, I just don't like you or your clothes.  I don't remember what Eileen wore and I don't like her, either.  LVP looked good but I have seen her in better.  She has looked good all season save a few over the top, gaudy get ups.  

I am looking forward to part 2.  

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, howivesforever said:

I'm not understanding why what George did has anything to do with Dorit?

I think because the charges were quite serious and he is living in her home with her two young children. Many people wouldn't want someone with that background living with them. Remember, it's not like he is a lifelong friend. The didn't meet him until mid-2015, and apparently he started living with them while in BH right after that 

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6 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think because the charges were quite serious and he is living in her home with her two young children. Many people wouldn't want someone with that background living with them. Remember, it's not like he is a lifelong friend. The didn't meet him until mid-2015, and apparently he started living with them while in BH right after that 

What background of BG are you talking about?  No energy to google it, sorry and thanks if you want to share!  LOL 

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11 hours ago, PreviouslyTV said:

Does she score enough points to come out ahead in this week's rankings?

View the full article

The recaps on various sites comparing PK to gross inanimate objects might have been funny the first 500 times it was done, but I've long since stopped reading vulture and trash talk recaps because it got' old.  So great to see PTV jumping on that unfunny bandwagon 20 weeks in.   We get it.  He's not handsome.

10 hours ago, Jel said:

Yeah, I found that interesting, too. When I hear difficult childhood I expect a loveless one, not a "I had to make my own dentist appointments at age 7". I mean, not ideal, but somehow I expected her mother to have been loveless and disapproving. From Erika's talk last night, it didn't sound like her mom was like that at all. It kind of reinforced the idea in my mind that Erika has an external locus of control and tends to see herself as a victim.

I was raised by a single mom (a mom without a partner that actually lived with me and not 3000 miles away).  My mom worked to support us so I had to take on a lot of household chores.  I was cooking dinner and babysitting my sister at a pretty young age.  We had to do laundry and household chores after school instead of being outside playing.  I guess it was hard, I don't know, it was just how life was.  At least we had a place to live and food on the table.  As a result, I've never not known how to take care of myself.  I do not understand people that don't know how to do basic things like cook or do laundry.  Anyway, I'm kind of a cold fish.  I'd rather spend time by myself than surrounded with people.  But I don't think it was because my mom was a single mother and I had to chip in around the house.  I was just born that way.  Even as a baby I just wanted to be left alone.  The joke in my family is that I was born 10 weeks early because I got sick of constantly being with my mom and wanted some alone time.

5 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Me thinks they(PK and Dorit) want to take down Erika any way they can. Esp. after Erika didn't warm up to Dorit as she was hoping. Erika's husband is an attorney and most likely knows what Pk did to hide his money and filing BK in the US. I don't think they really want the details out there and prob the reason why Dorit wanted a fast friendship with E. (imo) I think Erika saying to Dorit "I know who you are" hit a nerve.

It is no secret that millionaires and billionaires occasionally file bankruptcy. But how should the average billionaire get the most out of their bankruptcy? The debtor should consider taking a trip to a country with forgiving bankruptcy laws, settling down and establishing themselves as a member of the community during their vacation, filing bankruptcy, and then enforcing that bankruptcy discharge in the debtor’s home country. In this way an individual debtor can discharge their unsecured debts, but also continue to live the high life. 

Erika's husband isn't that kind of attorney and has had his own financial issues.  I would assume the Girardis wouldn't want to point out the Kemsleys' issues less that spot light shine back on them.

5 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Dorit Lemel is the founder/designer of Dorit, an Italian swim and resort line. Dorit began her career in Italy where she worked behind design, manufacturing, sales and marketing before returning back to NYC in 2009 where she established Dorit International, an American/Italian based company. High quality, optimum comfort and a commitment to fashion is what best describes the Dorit brand philosophy. The collections are designed to be versatile with reversible and adjustable tops and bottoms. Every theme has an exclusive Dorit print and solid range for the ability to mix and match within the themes. In addition there is a diverse range of resort wear both casual and elegant for the move from the beach, to lunch, to sunset bar, to evening. The finest Italian fabrics, master Italian craftsmanship and attention to detail are the pride and promise of the Dorit collections. “Looking good should be effortless.” - Dorit Lemel

2009 to 2013

hiatus or Hoiading the money

Or just too busy being a wife and mother to run a fashion line, especially if it required a lot of international travel.

1 hour ago, escape said:

Andy should have probe further with PK.  He should asked about his shady business dealings, lawsuits, bankruptcy and his part in the Lehman Bros Bank financial collapse.


Maybe he should also get Tom Girardi out to ask about his shady business dealings, his tax issues, and the lawsuit against him.


Seriously, how did I become a Dorit and PK defender?  WTF.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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12 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

She and tom are extremely careful of what they put out on camera. Very managed. There is absolutely no reality given to the cameras from those two. Hence they never connect with the audience and will not last on tv. Nobody LOVES Erica. No real die-hards. Maybe a few, but not legions. I know that's a big statement but I stand behind it.

There are a few (NOT MANY) on here who love ErICKa. LOL!!! How ANYONE who could love a gold digging, zero talented, full-of-herself, insecure b is truly amazing. She has NOTHING to offer - fake boobs, spackled-on makeup, hideous hair extensions, and a LAME wardrobe.

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23 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Ericka stated there is a bit of truth in humor.

When she humorously calls the other housewives hos and humorously puts down the other housewives fashion choices, what do you think the bit of truth is in that? 

And if a housewife was insulted and embarrassed by Ericka humorously calling her a ho, all season long, in various talking heads, implying, insinuating and alluding to the housewife being a ho, by using humor, should she demand an apology?

What about  housewives present at a function with their husbands having a 45 year old woman announcing while smiling that she isn't wearing panties just to titillate. Shouldn't they all get one? She disrespected the wives in front of their husbands and put the husbands present in an uncomfortable situation . She didn't give a shit about her cute little announcement and it's possible repercussions.

Erica would have been  pissed if the shoe were on the other foot and it was Dorit making that announcement and her goblin took a gander. She would have shouted from the roof tops that Dorit disrespected everybody present and demanded an apology.

Fucking Hypocrite!

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7 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

I found some of this elsewhere but thought it was relevant given the Erika vs Dorit segment of the reunion which didn't address any of the shit Erika pulled.

Does anyone on this show realize how rude it was for Erika to show up in a t-shirt dress to Dorit's birthday party? It doesn't matter that it was a 2,000 $ designer dress. Does anybody see that as a middle finger? It's also bullshit that erika's excuse was "I'm going to be me" but then she uses the excuse of "oh that me is a persona don't go there" when she doesn't want to "own it". "I'm gonna be me"~Like what does that even mean in this context? Who on earth says wearing a giant t-shirt dress is being themselves? Everybody knows that you're supposed to conform to a degree at social events. Dorit gave her a negative sanction for intentionally breaking a rule, and Dorit's the asshole? Sheesh.

ErICKa is a MAJOR asshole.

7 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

Andy is shady as shit. "Pink elephant" is a saying! Also wtf was up with him asking Dorit if she was really dirty for having multiple maids.

Andy is an ass kissing ErICKa fan d bag.

7 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Oh, but the Erika hate is stronger, my dear.

As it should be.

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3 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

What is with the PK hate?

Because he was a normal man and took a quick look at a snatch that was looking at him after it was pointed out by the owner. Apparently Rinna, Davidson and  the Snatch owner all keep their husbands balls in a jar on their vanity because they wouldn't do something like that.  Well, maybe Harry would do quite a bit more than take a look.

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33 minutes ago, wings707 said:

What background of BG are you talking about?  No energy to google it, sorry and thanks if you want to share!  LOL 

There are a couple of drug offenses, and one for falsely reporting a burglary. Then there is this one;

"On 5 December 2008, George was convicted in Snaresbrook Crown Court, London, of the assault and false imprisonment of Audun Carlsen—a Norwegian who initially stood for a photography session with George, but on their next meeting George handcuffed him to a wall fixture, traumatising him, and subjected him to violence. George's defence gave the effects of his long-term drug use as a mitigating factor.[35] On 16 January 2009, George was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment for these offences.[36] George was initially incarcerated at HM Prison Pentonville but was then transferred to HM Prison Highpoint North. He was given early release after four months for good behaviour on 11 May 2009. George was required to wear an ankle monitor and submit to a curfew for the remainder of his sentence.[37]"


I will say, it seems to me that BG has cleaned up his act. I believe he has been sober for quite a good deal of time. I refused to watch Celebrity Apprentice this year, because, well I want nothing to do with helping to make a profit for one person in particular - even to see my girl Kyle compete - but I read someone say that BG got upset during the show because people were drinking around him, which he though was rude, considering his intent to maintain his sobriety. I might have that slightly wrong, but it struck me as odd that he would expect such abstinence from those around him while living with PK and Dorit, who drink Red Bull and Vodka in the afternoon on Wednesday. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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9 hours ago, Giselle said:

It ain't cheap. Guess that's where Tom's wallet came into play.


Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students): $39,995

Yearly Tuition (Day Students): $24,500

Unbelievably $40K is standard for private schools in my area.  Not that they are amazing schools, it's simply they aren't the public schools.  The usual cost of elementary school is around $30K, then high school hits higher.  What I love is that this is the base price - that doesn't include the cost of books, fees, etc.  Not to mention the minute your child is accepted, you will get a call from the Fundraising people - who assume you will give at least $10K per year.  And if you don't, you child will "not be asked back" for the next year.  And, there are waiting lists.    I know my daughter went to private school (not nearly as expensive) and thanks to full academic scholarships to a private college, it was less expensive than HS.

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4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Sarah Paulsen wore the same dress as Erika?

Fabric and designer is the same?

FUGLY dress.

4 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Last year Erika came off looking polished, this year she's looking harsh, and like she's trying too hard. 



She looks like a drag queen and a LOT older than she is. The hair looks like cheap hair extensions and the neck looks like old lady neck.

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One thing I noticed when the ladies were coming in without makeup.  Fillers on a bare face looks worse than fillers on a made-up face.  Of course, you don't want to have clownish makeup, but it looks even more unnatural on a make-up free face.

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12 minutes ago, lololol said:

Her neck looks awful. The dress was FUGLY. She has a REALLY weird figure. No clue on how to dress.

She keeps forgetting she's short.  What would help is trying on the dress, sitting down, and having somebody take pics.

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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Um, no. LVP never delt - on the show - with the rumors that Cedic was throwing around. You know, the ones where Cedric didn't really live with them until she got called by Bravo. Before that, he said he lived in an apartment (with receipts to prove it) but moved in with her when she pitched it to Bravo to seem more appealing and interesting.  Bravo apparently loved the idea of a rich Brit with a gay lay-a-bout bleeding them dry, and the disgruntled husband wanting him to get the hell out. Or that was what Cedric was peddling (and I think he is a liar of the first degree) and peddling hard. Was that ever brought up by anyone on the show? If so, I cannot remember it, but I would love to hear how she handled people talking about this on the show in S2.  How about him claiming that Ken had a penchant for prostitutes, which LVP hated but looked past, mostly by enjoying a lover on her own. Ever addressed on the show? Again, if so I don't remember it. They never addressed anything that Cedric was screaming about from the rooftops. They said he had hurt and disappointed him, cried about it, and that was the end of it. I certainly don't remember them ever addressing any of the things he was saying head on, but then of course, no one ever brought up any of those rumors........imagine if anyone would have. 

She dealt with the cheating rumors about both herself and Ken the second season, including the rumors that Ken hired prostitutes and the one that claimed he was really gay.

Edited by WireWrap
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You would think stylists would know this and Bravo would send out a memo.  Shoot yourself sitting down and from the waist up to see if your outfit is still flattering.

Ericka looked beautiful and curvy standing up.  Sitting down, she looked dumpy and schlumpy.  Which she is not.  She has a gorgeous figure.  You'd never know from her sitting down. 

Oh!  Maybe it's the couch.  It's too comfy--sucks you in, instead of giving some support.

Edited by dosodog
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9 hours ago, AndySmith said:

As far as the fashions go, Lisa Rinna won this hands down

I liked her dress but her eye makeup was excessive IMO. Her eyes are prominent already and don't need all that goop on them. She really overdoes it. When I look at her, I am distracted by her eye makeup (and her lips, of course). 

Ericka's dress was not flattering to her chest. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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22 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Ha! So glad when Ericka began protesting, "don't confuse the two personas--" Vanderpump reminded her that she wears a necklace that says "C---y" and Ericka couldn't respond.

Except that she responded right away.

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4 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I liked her dress but her eye makeup was excessive IMO. Her eyes are prominent already and don't need all that goop on them. She really overdoes it. When I look at her, I am distracted by her eye makeup (and her lips, of course). 

I thought both of the Lisa's looked the best. Both were fairly simple and tasteful - extremely flattering. I think this is the first time I have ever loved LVP's dress. She needs to burn all the other stuff, save for the casual clothes, in her closet. Eileen looked gorgeous, per usual, but I didn't love the dress. Could have stared at her shoes all day long, however. Erika, Kyle and Dorit were all big misses for me. Their dresses were just a mess. So busy and unflattering on women who have fabulous bodies. What a shame. And I couldn't take Erika's hair or makeup. IMO she makes the same mistake that LVP does. Both are so lovely, but their hair and makeup generally cover up just how lovely they are. Erika in particular has skin to die for. Why do so much to cover it all up? 

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm not aware of the original speculation regarding Chad and when googling it, I only came up with one Radar source reporting one of Kim's children voluntarily being admitted to a psychiatric facility? Is that the news you're referring to? The timestamp on that news would suggest that he was checked in the beginning of March 2015. That seems to have placed the S4 reunion 2-3 weeks before that even happened. Unless LVP went an entire S5 without mentioning it and the mentioned it at the reunion which wouldn't add up (to me) as being a comment that was intended to create a string of controversy. I could be wrong about the timelines because I wasn't privy to the news at the time it was released so I'm going off of a quick google search. 

So the latter part would suggest that the women would honour agreements made off-camera but just like much of the shit thats slung in these seasons...until someone gets mad and uses it as ammunition. LVP did shortly reference the Mauricio stuff because she wasn't on good terms with Kyle. Just like how Brandi the liar was all of a sudden a credible source that LVP was the person who told her to pack the tabloid though no other witness in the room would vouch for Brandi's version of events. I'm sure Kim didn't want her addiction ever played out on TV and it was sister dear of all people that outed her in front of the cameras. Just like when LVP chose to believe that Kyle would lie about Yolanda trash talking her behind her back all because she and Kyle weren't in a good place. The women conveniently decide when each other are credible sources of information and when they aren't. The point being, shit happens when people get mad or are carrying around a grudge. If you don't want things to be talked about, maybe you shouldn't expose your life on TV because you can't guarantee anything will be kept safe. If the paycheque means that much, well you gotta learn to suck it up, roll with the punches and deal with the mayhem as best you can. At the end of the day, I think it's a far greater grievance to be the one creating false gossip than to be be the one that spends 2 seconds acknowledging that such gossip exists...unless you're taking those 2 seconds to suggest the false gossip is true. 

Here is the story about "one of Kim's children" that was discussed at the Reunion:  http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/09/07/kim-richards-child-breakdown-naked-psychiatric-hold/  Dateline September 2013.  Which coincides with the Season 3 Reunion.

The story you found is a secondary story when he had some rather interesting Instagram posting-actually he and Kim's late ex-husband were kind of hand in hand with interesting postings. 

LVP did the tabloid stuff in Season 4. 

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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

There are a couple of drug offenses, and one for falsely reporting a burglary. Then there is this one;

"On 5 December 2008, George was convicted in Snaresbrook Crown Court, London, of the assault and false imprisonment of Audun Carlsen—a Norwegian who initially stood for a photography session with George, but on their next meeting George handcuffed him to a wall fixture, traumatising him, and subjected him to violence. George's defence gave the effects of his long-term drug use as a mitigating factor.[35] On 16 January 2009, George was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment for these offences.[36] George was initially incarcerated at HM Prison Pentonville but was then transferred to HM Prison Highpoint North. He was given early release after four months for good behaviour on 11 May 2009. George was required to wear an ankle monitor and submit to a curfew for the remainder of his sentence.[37]"


I will say, it seems to me that BG has cleaned up his act. I believe he has been sober for quite a good deal of time. I refused to watch Celebrity Apprentice this year, because, well I want nothing to do with helping to make a profit for one person in particular - even to see my girl Kyle compete - but I read someone say that BG got upset during the show because people were drinking around him, which he though was rude, considering his intent to maintain his sobriety. I might have that slightly wrong, but it struck me as odd that he would expect such abstinence from those around him while living with PK and Dorit, who drink Red Bull and Vodka in the afternoon on Wednesday. 

Not sure if either side spoke more about the incident on the show to shed more light but in the context of what was aired, BG was annoyed that Vince was drinking in the studio and chilling when he should have been more involved in collaborating with BG on putting together the musical element to their team's presentation. After Vince won a huge amount of money for his charity very early in the season, all of his team members complained that he mentally checked out and wasn't invested in the process of helping his team anymore and Vince ended up firing himself and leaving the show, lol. 

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12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is the story about "one of Kim's children" that was discussed at the Reunion:  http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/09/07/kim-richards-child-breakdown-naked-psychiatric-hold/  Dateline September 2013.  Which coincides with the Season 3 Reunion.

The story you found is a secondary story when he had some rather interesting Instagram posting-actually he and Kim's late ex-husband were kind of hand in hand with interesting postings. 

LVP did the tabloid stuff in Season 4. 

Wiki says that S3 reunion was aired April 2013 so it was filmed before that. The article says that the incident took play in July 2013 which was after the reunion. Are you sure it wasn't a comment that was made at the S4 reunion? Not that it matters...all these dates are just hurting my brain, lol. Thanks for the link! 

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Just now, RHJunkie said:

Wiki says that S3 reunion was aired April 2013 so it was filmed before that. The article says that the incident took play in July 2013 which was after the reunion. Are you sure it wasn't a comment that was made at the S4 reunion? Not that it matters...all these dates are just hurting my brain, lol. Thanks for the link! 

Obviously it was-I don't recall Joyce and Carlton being there for the exchange,  I am wrong-dates don't lie.  I went back and checked and the subparagraph is Kim calling LVP out or something. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-4/videos/next-on-rhobh-insults-drugs-and-paparazzi

Wow cold words coming out of LVP's mouth towards Kyle.

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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The recaps on various sites comparing PK to gross inanimate objects might have been funny the first 500 times it was done, but I've long since stopped reading vulture and trash talk recaps because it got' old.  So great to see PTV jumping on that unfunny bandwagon 20 weeks in.   We get it.  He's not handsome.

I was raised by a single mom (a mom without a partner that actually lived with me and not 3000 miles away).  My mom worked to support us so I had to take on a lot of household chores.  I was cooking dinner and babysitting my sister at a pretty young age.  We had to do laundry and household chores after school instead of being outside playing.  I guess it was hard, I don't know, it was just how life was.  At least we had a place to live and food on the table.  As a result, I've never not known how to take care of myself.  I do not understand people that don't know how to do basic things like cook or do laundry.  Anyway, I'm kind of a cold fish.  I'd rather spend time by myself than surrounded with people.  But I don't think it was because my mom was a single mother and I had to chip in around the house.  I was just born that way.  Even as a baby I just wanted to be left alone.  The joke in my family is that I was born 10 weeks early because I got sick of constantly being with my mom and wanted some alone time.

Erika's husband isn't that kind of attorney and has had his own financial issues.  I would assume the Girardis wouldn't want to point out the Kemsleys' issues less that spot light shine back on them.

Or just too busy being a wife and mother to run a fashion line, especially if it required a lot of international travel.

Maybe he should also get Tom Girardi out to ask about his shady business dealings, his tax issues, and the lawsuit against him.


Seriously, how did I become a Dorit and PK defender?  WTF.

I agree.  It is one thing if someone does something like blow their lips up, another if they are just not blessed with good looks. 

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