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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


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Twit has been manipulating SM for 5 years to keep fans loving her so that her show is renewed annually & she's unhappy that they show up on her doorstep? She films in her hometown at her home & her parents' &  thinks she deserves privacy? Puh-leeeze. She's getting just what she invited: an unhealthy relationship with random people, some of whom statistically are bound to be unstable or unpleasant. You wanna film in your own home & not be bothered by the very people you yourself cultivated? Then go live in a gated community.

I agree that this may well have been done by Twit & PMG to further a story arc. But it's also possibly a neighbor who is not happy about an RV parked on the street, esp. one featuring a giant billboard ad. In fact, in most communities that is illegal. I'm surprised Twit didn't get ticketed by the cops. (But she'd probably never admit that.)

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2 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

OK - this not cool. However, with her personality? I'm wondering if it was someone who was familiar with what a miserable bitch she is instead of simply targeting an obese person's picture. I mean, I definitely would've used the b-word driving by if I'd seen the RV!

ETA: apparently this happened while the RV was sitting in her driveway, so probably a 'fan' or maybe a neighbor who's had it up to here with her shit.

Actually, she wrote that she parked it IN FRONT of her house which is illegal in most cities. Even if she parked it in the driveway, if it wasn't out of sight, it was probably illegal unless Greensboro is more forgiving of RVs than most cities.

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2 hours ago, Pachengala said:

Huh. I never would have suspected she’d done it herself and I thought it was an outlandish accusation at first, but you really have a point here. If you were to do this, you’d spray the words right across the person’s face, not artfully work them into the photo. In a complementary color no less! Huh. 

It was 100% the TLC producers. Every season there is a scripted villain and an actor mic-ed up and ready on cue to fat shame her. Pure formula.

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Yeah . . . if you're going to "deface" something out of hate, you write it across the face.  I believe this as much as I believe that Twitney has plantar fasciitis.  In other words . . . what she says does not mean it's the truth.

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Assuming you guys are right, and I suspect you are, Whitney has really crossed a line. She falsely reported a crime. From the way she worded her post I think she wants people to get riled up that it isn’t a ‘hate crime’. If it ever comes out that she did this herself she’s in deep do do 

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12 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Or perhaps Todd's. He's also nicely framed by that pink and is TOTALLY passive-aggressive. Shit, if I were him? I'd totally do it.

Maybe Todd did it in his sleep, he took an Ambien and his true feelings came out. lol

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9 hours ago, The Tex Kitten said:

It was 100% the TLC producers. Every season there is a scripted villain and an actor mic-ed up and ready on cue to fat shame her. Pure formula.

I note that on her Instagram video, you could see two TLC camera operators and a still camera operator photographing her making the announcement of this "vandalism." Also, it was so quick you could barely see him, but Buddy was there! What are the odds that all these TLC personnel, AND Tal, AND Buddy, all just HAPPENED to be in front of Whit's house when she discovered this artful graffiti overlaid on her mobile advertisement? Speaking of which, from Greensboro's Code of Ordinances...

Sec. 16-162.

It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle on a street for the primary purpose of:

(2) Advertising, except religious and charitable advertising approved in writing by the governing body of the city.

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8 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

I note that on her Instagram video, you could see two TLC camera operators and a still camera operator photographing her making the announcement of this "vandalism." Also, it was so quick you could barely see him, but Buddy was there! What are the odds that all these TLC personnel, AND Tal, AND Buddy, all just HAPPENED to be in front of Whit's house when she discovered this artful graffiti overlaid on her mobile advertisement? Speaking of which, from Greensboro's Code of Ordinances...

Sec. 16-162.

It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle on a street for the primary purpose of:

(2) Advertising, except religious and charitable advertising approved in writing by the governing body of the city.

I'm not seeing a video. I wonder if she read your post and took it down?  I only see 2 still shots of the "vandalism"

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12 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

I'm not seeing a video. I wonder if she read your post and took it down?  I only see 2 still shots of the "vandalism"

On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



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19 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



OMG, sometimes the universe doesn’t hand you lemons, it hands you lemonade. (Edited to add: And Boom! That's what a real vandal would have done, not written in art-designed pink, but blacked out the "Girl Dance Cl" part!)


Edited by tdanaher
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15 minutes ago, Brooks said:

The pink bush in the buddy photo looks like something that would be in bloom in the spring, not this late in the year.  Anyone know?

I'm cracking up! We're like CSI around here!

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I'm fascinated by this part of her post:


I called the non-emergency line in Greensboro, and was told that since it’s not a hate crime and it’s not gang-related, someone would return my call tonight or tomorrow in the order it was received.

North Carolina doesn't have a hate crime statute, as such, but it does have a statute that enhances the penalties for a crime if  a crime is motivated by the victim's race, religion, country of origin or nationality.  Lacking those factors, plus the fact that the graffiti was not an explicit threat of violence to Whitney, the Greensboro police are presumably reacting to Whitney's incident as a minor crime against property.  Is this the start of a storyline? A call to action to include the weight of the victim as an aggravating factor?  Whitney seems a poor choice to lead this effort, as she has made a point of broadcasting that she doesn't think being called "fat" is an insult, and she also frequently refers to herself (and her friends) as "bitches" (oh, excuse me, "bishes" in Whitney-speak.)

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51 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



Thank you!  I'm not on social media, I only peek at things like this so had no idea about her videos. I'll have to check that out. Thanks again.

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Can you imagine the officer that had to respond? Seeing the spray painted words and then Whitney?

(Reminds me of that episode of Sopranos when Johnny Sack wanted to go to war over Ralphie's fat joke about his wife Ginny. Johnny had to go around repeating the joke, and everyone was very serious, trying not to laugh.)

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It looks like we now have an explanation for Buddy's being on the tour. He wasn't dancing; he was driving the RV as they explored middle America.

1 hour ago, tdanaher said:

On Instagram, if you click on her face in the circle, you get her video stories. Otherwise, you just get the regular posts in that area below her profile text.



Thanks for this info. I'm not very conversant in SM & never knew this.

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7 hours ago, Brooks said:

The pink bush in the buddy photo looks like something that would be in bloom in the spring, not this late in the year.  Anyone know?

It's actually a tree. Crape Myrtle. Why some people insist on cutting CM down to nubs in the fall is beyond me. They're actually beautiful trees if you let them be. 

Edited to add... Crape Myrtle blooms in summer. 

Edited by Colleenna
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Yeah, the more I think about it the less likely it is to me that the graffiti was done by a stranger. It would take far less time to add some eye glasses, a mole, and a goatee.  If it was a production directed activity it was done so that it could be removed easily rather than having the full graphic replaced. I am also wondering how long she gets to keep the RV.

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On 7/10/2018 at 10:07 PM, zenme said:

Maybe it was Glen. I think he's so tired of her shit.

I just don't believe it was a random. I think she did it herself. First of all, the cute, hot pink paint. I thought it was part of the art work for a split second before I read it, second, it's not touching either face. It just seems sprayed on 'just so'. Wouldn't the graffiti be sprayed dead center? Sprawled and covering as much image as possible? It's all the way on the bottom, almost on the camper grill, trying to avoid her face, like she couldn't bear to cover up her narcisstic mug.

Edited by VedaPierce
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22 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Seriously! Look at how nicely the words frame her face and don’t obscure it. If anything, they cover up her double chin. That’s Whitney’s work.

Great minds! Thought the same immediately before I saw your reply. If that's the case, and she really did this herself, she is one sick individual.

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I'm not sure Whitney deliberately faking graffiti in order to portray herself as a victim of harassment would be any more obnoxious than deliberately faking positive pregnancy tests in order to portray herself as a victim of a lost pregnancy, and we all know she was capable of that.

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31 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

I'm not sure Whitney deliberately faking graffiti in order to portray herself as a victim of harassment would be any more obnoxious than deliberately faking positive pregnancy tests in order to portray herself as a victim of a lost pregnancy, and we all know she was capable of that.

I really dont think she did it. The TV crew for sure set it up thought.

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In my salad days -- and in the heat of what is now known as 2nd wave feminism -- pals of mine used to go forth in the wee hours & spray paint objectionable ads. (I never went, not becuz of virtuousness but the hour.)

The first time out, as they readied their spray cans, one of the group pulled out a paint can  & brush. The rest of the women thought, "What the fuck is wrong with her?"

As it turned out, however, she was able to paint faster & neater than those with spray cans.

The moral of this story is that I think the paint was applied by the film crew, with Twit's full knowledge & collusion, with a brush. It's simply too carefully applied to have been a spray paint job. 

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Another thing I noticed is the T in FAT is capitalized, but the one in BITCH is not, although the rest of the letters are.  If it was in caps like the rest of the letters, it would have crossed over into her face. 

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The vandals had the perfect color paint to mask"Dance Cl" as well as time to underline Big Girl .......Ass while the RV was parked in a way to shield the graffitists from the street but while being visible from the house?

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I'll bet the police didn't respond because they didn't want to be filmed by TLC.  Probably the entire police force knows to stay away from that street, LOL.

We're assuming this was part of next season's plot?  Why was Twit allowed to broadcast it?

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7 hours ago, Dot said:

The moral of this story is that I think the paint was applied by the film crew, with Twit's full knowledge & collusion, with a brush. It's simply too carefully applied to have been a spray paint job. 

Dot, I'm with you on the neatness here, which to me implies planning and time. It does look like spray paint to me, or at the very least someone went in with a smaller brush like you said with the paint (check out the re-spray/re-draw lines and the unevenness on the "A"). No matter the application method, I think she was shielded from the street (and hence the neighbors/passers-by calling the cops on a vandal during the act) and probably had some leftover pink paint somewhere.

Does anyone remember an episode where she used pink spray paint or paint to craft something, where this pink paint would've been leftover and sitting around? I wouldn't put it past her to actually buy pink paint because the RV is black. Most graffiti I've driven by is done with a black or other dark color, so what are the odds that a random vandal would just happen to drive by with pink paint? Lord.

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Just chiming in to say not a rando on the graffiti case. If you're going to do a tag and run on somebody's property in a neighborhood like that, you're not going to take the time to sit there and play with it underlining this and blacking out that, and adding punctuation. You've got to get in, make your letters, and get out. You don't have time to make sure you don't cover her face or get paint on the air vent-- there isn't a drop on that vent. It's like it was covered or taped.

Here's are close-ups of the IG pic at 400%. Multiple strokes on each letter, absolutely no dripping, the vent hasn't been touched. Ain't nobody got time for this.



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14 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

Just chiming in to say not a rando on the graffiti case. If you're going to do a tag and run on somebody's property in a neighborhood like that, you're not going to take the time to sit there and play with it underlining this and blacking out that, and adding punctuation. You've got to get in, make your letters, and get out. You don't have time to make sure you don't cover her face or get paint on the air vent-- there isn't a drop on that vent. It's like it was covered or taped.

Here's are close-ups of the IG pic at 400%. Multiple strokes on each letter, absolutely no dripping, the vent hasn't been touched. Ain't nobody got time for this.



It IS super perfect isn't it?  Could it be an add-on to the bus wrap?  Custom graffiti?

Edited by Brooklynista
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Just now, Brooklynista said:

It is super perfect isn't it?  Could it be an add-on to the bus wrap?  Custom graffiti?

You can have anything pre-printed. I just don't think this is. I think there might be something more involved about getting stuff on and off the vent, or maybe they just didn't want to bother with it.

The other thing is that the kind of petty criminals who do things like this don't do clever word play like blacking out letters and words to make other words and phrases like what's been done here. Most of them can barely spell or read, and again, they're not going to take the time even if they can. They're also not going to stay between the lines on the text, and they're not going to stop with the decal. They're going to damage the actual paint job on the RV.

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11 hours ago, The Tex Kitten said:

I really dont think she did it. The TV crew for sure set it up thought.

I think it was the TV crew setting it up. Whitney's not that good an actress, as we have seen in many episodes. Had she actually done the spray painting herself, It probably would've been far more obvious due to her inability to act like it wasn't her.

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I think its also telling that she specifically called the non-emergency number for the police. If someone wrote cruel graffiti on my property I would be scared and angry. I would call 911. Maybe it would be better to call the non-emergency number but I would probably be too scared to do it. And Whitney the drama queen - no chance she wouldn’t completely freak out if this was real. Calling the non-emergency number, assuming she even really did that, kept it from being more of a risk of false reporting and it allowed her to post that they blew her off because it wasn’t a hate crime. Now her FB post is overflowing with ‘of course it’s a hate crime’ posts which I think was a main objective for her. 

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Having learned from @tdanaher how to see IG videos, I tapped Twit's pic to watch the "vandalism" reveal video again. It was gone -- I guess these videos only last 24 hrs -- replaced by a really peculiar Q&A. Within it, Twit claimed that plantar fasciitis was still very painful for her. So, she is still pretending that a problem with her feet has nothing to do with the fact that those tiny feet are carrying some 400 #s around 24/7.

She also said she was diagnosed with depression at age 18 & anxiety more recently. Gee, Megyn Kelly: wanna rethink your comment about how "joyful" Twit is?

She promised to continue these Q&A videos.I recommend them to all of you who want to see Twit at her most peculiar.

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1 hour ago, Brooks said:

So she actually reported this to the police?  Any way to confirm it made the police blotter?

She specifically said she called the non-emergency number and was told it isn’t a hate crime so they would get back to her in the order it was received. I am unsure if she really did. I think either way she’s going to dig herself a hole she isn’t quite understanding. If she called and this isn’t a real attack then obviously that’s bad, but if she didn’t call and is lying on SM in a way that makes the police look bad that could be a real problem as well. 

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1 hour ago, Brooks said:

So she actually reported this to the police?  Any way to confirm it made the police blotter?

When did this allegedly happen?


Ok I went to the GPD web site. They have a search function where you can search for incidents by various criteria. I searched 7/1/18 to today, with Sweatney's last name.... NADA. There are lots of other "vandalism of motor vehicle" reports there, but not hers. 

Hmmmmm. Well, whatta ya think? Think GPD doesn't log an incident until they send someone to talk to her? Ain't buying it. 

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As someone familiar with Whit's pocket of GSO, I can confirm that you wouldn't be able to drive down her street if that RV were parked in front of a house, hers or otherwise. I'd tag the hell out of it, too.


Edit: Of course, Whitney's already shown us that she's more than willing to stoop to some awful levels to create content. Totally believe she did this herself.

Edited by SenshusWoman
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1 hour ago, Dot said:

She also said she was diagnosed with depression at age 18 & anxiety more recently.

Depression and anxiety can both have roots in eating really badly.  Lifestyle choices.  One more reason to get her shit together but she has only ever been concerned about late stage diabetes.

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Oh, Lordy she just posted a video of her dancing. What a freaking exhibitionist. It appears that they were driving near a Walmart and the mood hit. She thinks she is sex on a stick. It's all there - tongue stuck out and twerking her rear end at Buddy. When she did that he looked a little bit grossed out.

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Buddy sure has been spending a lot of time with Twit lately. The road trip (which makes no sense since he's not in BGDC, so I suspect he's the designated RV driver). His presence at Twit's vandalism unveiling. Today, running errands with Twit. A recovering addict is taking a big risk hanging out with someone as emotionally unstable as she is.

And where is Heather? I cannot recall one photo or mention of her since filming for the new season began. It's all Buddy, Buddy, Buddy.

Twit noted in her IG Q&A she hasn't had a date since Feb 2017 after her Ari affair exploded. Is she after Boo Bear again?

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3 hours ago, Dot said:

Buddy sure has been spending a lot of time with Twit lately. The road trip (which makes no sense since he's not in BGDC, so I suspect he's the designated RV driver). His presence at Twit's vandalism unveiling. Today, running errands with Twit. A recovering addict is taking a big risk hanging out with someone as emotionally unstable as she is.

And where is Heather? I cannot recall one photo or mention of her since filming for the new season began. It's all Buddy, Buddy, Buddy.

Twit noted in her IG Q&A she hasn't had a date since Feb 2017 after her Ari affair exploded. Is she after Boo Bear again?

So did she and the Boo have a sexual relationship or not? I’m watching season one and she certainly implies they did.

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57 minutes ago, KSH said:

So did she and the Boo have a sexual relationship or not? I’m watching season one and she certainly implies they did.

Twit claimed they crossed the "fleshhold," as she so adorably put it; however, Buddy has indicated they never were intimate. Many of us believe this probably means she assaulted him when he was drunk, so he doesn't remember the encounter. (Or pretends he doesn't.) He certainly has shown no interest in Twit on camera.

Edited by Dot
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