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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors

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On 7/5/2017 at 10:14 AM, kira28 said:

OK so let me get this straight.. MTV claims to have reduced teen pregnancy by sharing the stories of these teen moms.. But even the teen moms who went through the hardships themselves (and aren't teens anymore) are still just as stupid as, they were at 16. Brianna meets a guy at a club dates him barely a month and gets knocked up again? So even after she gets plastic surgery she doesn't use birth control? Come on!

I'm betting she got pregnant the same night she met him.

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@monicageller I'm so glad that you, me, and @GreatKazu all got through to the other side! It's definitely not easy! It sounds like we all struggled even after our bad relationship too. I think back to those days and it makes me soooo grateful for my current boyfriend. ? He feels really bad when he upsets me, even accidentally. I never thought I would experience that!

i agree with you about bri! That would seriously be hard to do, even as an adult. If you're having a baby with someone, it would seem scary to even risk losing touch. That's the good thing about a supportive family; though hers goes too far, she knows at the end of the day, she's not completely alone. 

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Yes, I saw Kazu's post after I replied, and I'm so glad that we all got through it too! I have the same with my boyfriend, he's literally the opposite of those other guys and I never thought I could be treated so well after all that.

Agreed, they're a support system for her-- if only they could do it in a much less dysfunctional way!

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Brianna's family has boundary issues; they are very dysfunctional. Do they still all live together? They did during TM3, as far as I recall. This is a different home, but have we ever seen Brianna in it without them? Brittany was eating over there. I don't know. At any rate, I think they're ALL up in each other's business, but Brianna is the youngest and biggest trouble-maker. I imagine Roxanne wasn't around a lot when they were younger - either working hard to support them all and/or going out a lot. I think Brittany was kind of a second mom to Brianna, which is why she still feels the needs to step in and "fix" things. As for Roxanne, I think she LIKES all the drama her daughter brings. It's hard for me to articulate, but I see it ALMOST like a Munchausen by Proxy type of thing. She likes being the mommy who can fix things. She likes when Brianna constantly screws up, because it makes her feel important to be the one to swoop in and save the day. 

The reality is, Brianna is 23 years old, with two kids. She should be able to call her mom or sister for a shoulder to cry on. But they should't be there day in and day out, confronting the ex, and telling her how to run her life. But I, honestly, don't see much changing at this point. I think they're all so enmeshed they wouldn't know what to do without each other. 

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I feel like Briana was told her whole life that men don't stick around and can't be trusted and that's part of why she could kick him to the curb. I can see why these women think that if they make lifelong commitments (children) with people they barely know. It makes it seem like they think all men are equally untrustworthy, so it doesn't matter how long they know the guy. Briana just reinforced this idea again within them all by latching on to a guy too quickly and then being shocked when it turns out she didn't know the guy. 

I still can't believe she was actually dumb enough to not use birth control and then was shocked she was pregnant. Maybe she does need her mommy making all her decisions.  

I'll never forgot her mom making Brittany and Nova sit around outside Briana's college classes with her in case Briana needed them all...wtf? 

@ghoulina I totally agree that Roxanne loves the drama. Remember her throwing stuff at Devoin as he was walking down the driveway leaving?! And her reaction to hearing that Luis cheated was some next level soap opera dramatics.

Edited by Rebecca
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5 hours ago, monicageller said:

Wait, what?! These people are cray.

Yeah...it's actually worse because I forgot about the stickers...the whole recap is here: http://www.teenmomjunkies.com/teen-mom3/dysfunctional-dejesus-family 



Briana's coddling was just downright embarrassing. To refresh your memory, let's take a look back at the time Briana started college:

The clan heads to the store to buy school supplies. Brittany tries telling Briana what she needs and what the college will supply, but pretty much goes unheard. Then, Roxanne catches a glimpse of the sticker section and decides to buy some as a reward system for when Briana gets good grades. Seriously?

Lol and the part about waiting outside: 


Then, the first day of college arrives. Because Briana doesn't have a driver's license, Roxanne and Brittany drive her. Roxanne decides that they should stay on campus for the two hours that Briana will be in class, "just in case." Brittany is less than thrilled, and vents to a friend while her mother entertains Nova at the campus playground.

"I'm just over it. Briana gets babied. Like what the f***? B****, you have a kid but you can't even go to class by yourself? Why does mommy have to take you everywhere? Why does mommy have to do everything for you?"

Their mother is insane and it's actually pretty frightening.

There's more at the link... I'm 100% sure "mommy" is big ass part of the problem...we didn't hear Briana tell her not to once she suggested this stuff but we also didn't hear Briana ask her to do this stuff for her...

Edit: someone in the comments on that recap has the username "DeJesus God, Leah" and I love it!

Edited by Rebecca
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On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 6:54 PM, monicageller said:

Wow, this was exactly my situation as well. I feel like I could have written it! My dad was a great man and I didn't know of any deadbeat dads/crappy boyfriends or husbands so I wasn't even aware shitty men were a thing, I guess? I found out the hard way through my first relationship which was Chelsea-and-Adam-esque, followed by another couple that were similar. A lot of abuse. Then I met my partner when I was 23 and relationship-wise, things have been amazing ever since.

I was impressed with Briana for knowing she had to break up with Luis, and then actually following through with it.

That's it! The lack of awareness that assholes existed. To not even know of such a thing, how then were we to know how to deal with them when we finally were exposed to them? It isn't as if those assholes were assholes to us right from the start. They started out as the sweet nice guy who smothered you with hugs, kisses, and all those sweet endearing words. Never did we know the asshole that simmered within until it was too late. So glad you got out of that as well. 

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3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Wait. She got STICKERS for her college kid's grades?!?!?!

Reading that recap makes me hate Roxanne a little more and feel for Brittany a lot more. 

Lmao. Yes. She. Did.

I actually felt sorry for Brittany (I usually can't stand the girl because of her foul mouth and badass persona) having to be stuck hanging around a parked car or playground with Nova waiting for her almost adult sister who is also a mother to finish her piddly two hour class.

A part of me thinks that Roxanne acts like a helicopter mom for the film crew. She wants the screen time and in order to be filmed she has to be in the same scenes as Brianna because nobody cares to film her by herself. "Brittany we have to follow Brianna around so that we can be on TV a lot" as she seems thirsty for the reality fame and money. She loves to bring the drama. Just a theory lol.

Edited by Calm81
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Nah. I think Roxanne just has no boundaries and smothering her daughter comes naturally. She has this idea that she needs to protect her and surround her with this bubble. How is that working for ya, Roxanne? Your daughter now has two children and is likely with someone who is cheating on her ass. The way Roxanne inserts herself in Briana's life is definitely helicopter parenting. She hovers over everything. Briana has learned she can't even wipe her ass without discussing it with her mother first. There are no healthy boundaries in that family. They are all up in each other's business. 

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I think it's both! She's both wayyyy overly enmeshed and has no boundaries AND she knows it's her ticket to TV time. Why can't she be both a helicopter parent and fame whore? ?

Edited by Rebecca
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I found a good interview with Brittany from May '16, after Family Therapy.. http://www.vh1.com/news/263934/brittany-dejesus-says-shes-grown-apart-from-briana-and-learned-she-may-have-another-sister/

She basically says that they all live(d) together (as of May '16, I assume they still do) but that she isn't close with Briana and that they never have been close and they've always just done their own things...What? She also said that finding out she had a different dad made them even further apart. She also said she is not close with her mom.


My sister and my mother are more alike then I am. I feel like I’m probably more like my father. They’re just too much alike and I’m so different. That’s the reason why we don’t get along because our personalities clash. We just don’t work well with each other if I’m with them too long. If I’m not with them all the time, if there’s some days where I don’t see them for a while I get along with them perfectly fine. The minute I spend too much time with them is when we just start drifting apart and I go my way and they go their way.

Really because to me Roxanne and Brittany seem a lot more alike than Briana and Roxanne. I feel like Brittany has a skewed perception on what constitutes spending a lot of time together. And why the hell are you living with them when you're an adult if you don't get along and supposedly do your own thing?


If I feel like I want to slap [Briana] in the face, if she pisses me off, I just walk away, go in my room, or go out with my friends. It’s not a severe as it was. The fighting has stopped. We’re just not close. We’re just not friends. 

Ok, then...

The article is a lot longer. Sometimes I want to like Brittany but I just can't. She and Briana both act like perpetual victims, they just express it very differently.

Edited by Rebecca
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@Rebecca yes many people have a different perception of what "close" means. 

Often times people live in a multi-generational household due to tradition and/or economic reasons (usually a combination of the two) and say they are not "close" with their family. (My BFFs family is like this). In this instance they mean "emotionally close".  I also think that people tend to romanticize what other families are like. In my short time on this planet, I think that families are usually more a like than they are different. 

I can see Briana and Roxanne being more alike than Brittany and Roxanne. I also see Brittany feeling like she has to be the "fixer" regarding all of Briana's BS, and that her Mom encourages Briana's emotional dependancy. I don't agree that it's healthy but i don't think Brittany is BS-ing the reader regarding her perception of her family. 

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13 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

She basically says that they all live(d) together (as of May '16, I assume they still do) but that she isn't close with Briana and that they never have been close and they've always just done their own things...What? She also said that finding out she had a different dad made them even further apart. She also said she is not close with her mom.

Funny, it actually seemed like for all the snark back and forth, that Bri and Brit are fairly close. I didn't see family therapy, but others have said that Briana and Brittney showed concern for each other and even comforted each other. I think Brittney was trying to put on her faux tough girl persona because of all the emotional crap that was unloaded on her, finding out about the bio-dad she never knew about. She may get annoyed with baby Briana (who wouldn't?), but she is over involved with her like Roxanne.

I believe that she doesn't feel that close to Roxanne, though. It was pretty clear since the beginning that Roxanne favored/coddled Briana over Brittney. That combined with the whole father reveal probably made feel like she is more distance emotionally then ever from her mom . However, she still seems to be in the thick of the family dramatics. She likes to complain and snark about her sister and mother's overdependence on each other, but she hasn't exactly gone out of her way to break free from them. Is she still living at home? The living situation with the three is interesting. I assumed Briana was living alone in that apartment with Nova, but a lot of viewers assume/think they are all living there together.

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@Scarlett45 my point is that Brittany, like their mom, is overly enmeshed in Briana's life and has claimed she is like another parent to Nova but then says that they don't spend a lot of time together. Based on what we have seen that can't be true and she can't have it both ways. I'm aware that "close" can mean different things. I'm referring to spending time together. Since her mother has no boundaries I wonder how normal she thinks it is. As someone said, Briana and Brittany have always seemed fairly "close" and are obviously involved in each other's lives from what we see... it's odd that she is now saying they are not. 

@HeySandyStrange they have always all lived together, the four were still doing so as of last May, I can see why it is assumed they still would be. Very weird dynamic, imo.

Edited by Rebecca
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14 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

@Scarlett45 my point is that Brittany, like their mom, is overly enmeshed in Briana's life and has claimed she is like another parent to Nova but then says that they don't spend a lot of time together. Based on what we have seen that can't be true and she can't have it both ways. I'm aware that "close" can mean different things. I'm referring to spending time together. Since her mother has no boundaries I wonder how normal she thinks it is. 

@HeySandyStrange they have always all lived together, the four were still doing so as of last May, I can see why it is assumed they still would be. Very weird dynamic, imo.

Right-I'm agreeing with you.

Brittany is saying they don't spend "a lot of time together" but her measure of what is "a lot" isn't objective. It might be a lot to the viewer but not to her.

It's probably less than what her Mom OR Briana would like and thus it's not "a lot". As a single woman without children (and a job), Brittany has more socialization time than Briana and wants to spend that and her disposable income going out with her friends/dating/vacations etc, so to her family time isn't "spending a lot of time together." 


We are of the same mind. For example, my BFF is a single mom, she says we barely see each other any more, I think we see each other plenty (like once a week or every other week) but because she has far more responsibilities and less time to socialize than I do, it feels as if it isn't a lot to her. Where as I still have time to hang out with other similarly situated people. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

I think it's both! She's both wayyyy overly enmeshed and has no boundaries AND she knows it's her ticket to TV time. Why can't she be both a helicopter parent and fame whore? ?

Oh, definitely. Roxanne is enjoying the perks that come with this show.

Unfortunately, her parenting skills are lackluster and they seem to have been there long before this show was ever conceived. Roxanne is the Jen Edwards of this bunch. 

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Ugh, this show sucks with Briana on it. I'd rather them use the extra time to show Leah wrangling her girlses or even awful Jenelle. Briana just adds no value. I couldn't care less about her life.

Edited by ilovetrashtv
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I agree. We already have 3 out 4 young women making stupid decisions about their lives and seeing the consequences of those decisions, we really don't need another one. 

I'm not counting Chelsea because I think she's seen the light and turned her life around, which is more than we can say for the other three losers.

I just FF through Brianna's segments. I don't care about her at all.

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It just makes no sense. We've been following these other four girls for what, 7 years now? And MTV expects us to care about this other 5th person? There's a reason TM3 died after one season. 

The good news is that when I FF through her segments, the show only takes 30 min to watch instead of 40! 

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Watching that family therapy clip with Brittany made me hate Roxanne even more. Brittany's emotions were REAL! There was no faking that for the cameras. I like Brittany a bit more, hell, I'm going to watch Briana's segments just for Brittany, as she's entertaining and has always been the one left with the baggage of others mistakes.

It pissed me off when Roxanne said "you can't be mad at me I did it to protect you!" How about allowing her to feel upset with you for a short moment since you've kept this news from her for a long time. Eventually she will forgive but give her some space to grieve the fact the father she thought was her dad isn't and the dad she does have had already died. That's a lot to take in with cameras following you.

Also, it almost looked like Briana was almost about to smile when Brittany ran out to cry, unless she's the type of person that gets uncomfortable situations like that and don't know how to react.

I.e., when I was younger and would get yelled at by my dad my response was to laugh because I was scared and uncomfortable but it came across as mocking, so maybe that's why Briana appeared to be fighting a grin because she quickly switched to hysterically crying for her sister.

I want to find the entire season of that show. I hope there is more than just that clip available. Team Brittany, she's surrounded by two dumb women.

Edited by Calm81
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WOW. I REALLY feel for Brittany. What Roxanne did was ten levels of shitty. First of all, who is "daddy"? Where is he now? The one who allegedly "raised" those two? Because Roxanne always gives off this "single mom warrior" vibe, so I guess I just assumed there wasn't a man in their lives. 

But even if Brianna's dad was this great guy and raised Brittany just as if she was his own, she still deserved to know she had a bio father that died. There is no justification for withholding that from her for 20+ years. Watching her break down, it just broke my heart. And you can tell Brianna felt horrible for her as well.  

Roxanne is such a POS. When Briana was trying to go comfort her sister and Roxanne pulled Briana's arm back and said, "you can't leave me" - that explained it all right there. She manipulates the fuck out of everyone in her life. She couldn't even let those girls process on their own. 

I forgot (or never saw) Briana's explanation for why she had an abortion. Even if she now believes it was a good decision, it had to have been really shitty to feel FORCED to be "the responsible one", because you knew your sister wasn't going to do it. That's a HARD decision for most women to make, and any regrets she may have had were likely magnified by watching Briana grow and grow and have her baby. 

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Arrest warrant issued a year ago...Devoin is arrested:http://www.tmz.com/2017/08/25/teen-mom-3-star-ex-boyfriend-arrested-warrant-weed-citation/

"Teen Mom 3" star Briana DeJesus' baby daddy let a little thing like a weed citation snowball into a warrant for his arrest ... all 'cause he never showed up in court.


It burns me up to watch that video of Brittany hearing about her bio father all over again.  I watched it back when the therapy show aired. It really pissed me off then and it pisses me off all over again. 


I want to find the entire season of that show. I hope there is more than just that clip available. Team Brittany, she's surrounded by two dumb women.

It was an intense season with those three on there. I don't know if it is available online, but be prepared to feel your blood pressure rise!

Edited by GreatKazu
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Why in the hell would Roxanne not tell Brittney about her real father? I don't understand how that was "protecting" her. Even if he was a dirtbag or a felon or a bum or whatever, the truth is always better than finding out you've been living a lie for 20+ years. Watching Brittney break down like that was absolutely brutal. No wonder she's a seething ball of rage. 

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3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Why in the hell would Roxanne not tell Brittney about her real father? I don't understand how that was "protecting" her. Even if he was a dirtbag or a felon or a bum or whatever, the truth is always better than finding out you've been living a lie for 20+ years. Watching Brittney break down like that was absolutely brutal. No wonder she's a seething ball of rage. 

Because she didn't want to tell Brittany, she wanted to continue on with her version of reality (that she had the same father as Briana)  

The Information Age is stamping this out, (much harder to keep secrets with the internet in your pocket) but adults across various cultures have made it a habit to keep this type of information from children to "protect them". Of course I don't blame Brittany for being upset (she has every right), but I'm not surprised at Roxanne one wit. 

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I'm leaving this here, it's old but she's just SUCH AN IDIOT I can't. She has labia surgery to be a "cool, young mom" ??‍♀️. I'm so glad she has girls so they can learn what's really important from her, like having a "cute vagina." 


Don't forget, she got knocked up right after this and now plans on having more surgeries in a few months, including another labiaplasty. 


Who goes rushing to have unnecessary, major surgeries with an infant? I guess she knows her mom and Brittany will take care of her kids.

Edited by Rebecca
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2 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I'm leaving this here, it's old but she's just SUCH AN IDIOT I can't. She has labia surgery to be a "cool, young mom" ??‍♀️. I'm so glad she has girls so they can learn what's really important from her, like having a "cute vagina." 


Lol, all that plastic surgery and she's still a two-time loser in the relationship and baby daddy department. Girls like Kail and Briana need to fix the inside before worrying about having a cute vagina. 

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On 9/5/2017 at 8:41 PM, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

I actually really like Brittany a lot the more of TM2 I watch. She seems to have a good sense of humor. Seems short tempered, but ultimately wants the best for Briana and Nova. Also, a younger single me would totally say "hey". She's the cute one between the two. 

I have to agree! She's got her issues but she works and is incredibly generous with her time. And yeah, I actually find her pretty funny. Abrasive yes but funny. 

What exactly is happening to these people's labias?! I wouldn't necessarily mind a mommy makeover of my stomach right now...but vagina? What a weird choice!!!

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Briana showing off her moves at the club. She was asked if this occurred that same night she met Luis. She responded it was a few months later. I guess this is what caught Luis' eye before they headed out to the car:   

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Briana showing off her moves at the club. She was asked if this occurred that same night she met Luis. She responded it was a few months later. I guess this is what caught Luis' eye before they headed out to the car:   

Vulgar. (TM Vee)

I guess I can "understand" the first labiaplasty if she had extra skin or something naturally that always bothered her. The weird thing is the second one...does giving birth actually change your labia? I have never heard anyone say that. (I have never given birth.) 

I would THINK that her having all these surgeries again would mean she's done having kids...at least for a long time but Stella happened right after her original surgeries. Seems Briana doesn't plan anything in her life...except for when her next surgeries will be.

She's quickly moved up to being my second least favorite. Jenelle will never lose the number one spot, however. Kailyn is way more malignant but Briana is just so unbelievably dependent, helpless, clueless and stupid with the depth of a puddle and the reasoning skills of a poodle. EDIT: I forgot whiny, ungrateful and demanding.

Edited by Rebecca
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Instead of heading to the plastic surgeon's for a second labiaplasty, she needs to sprint to the gynecologist's for some damn birth control. Or maybe say "screw it" to the plastic surgery and enroll in college or trade school. You know, do something that will actually benefit her. But who am I kidding? Briana didn't get to where she is in life by being smart.

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On 9/10/2017 at 7:03 AM, Lm2162 said:


What exactly is happening to these people's labias?! I wouldn't necessarily mind a mommy makeover of my stomach right now...but vagina? What a weird choice!!!

I've had 3 kids and I can say from experience that my husband is just happy these days that he gets anything from that area. He could care less about what's bigger, flabbier, etc. 

FWIW, though, I can't tell a difference. It looks exactly the same to me. Like you, though, a mommy makeover sounds great. But that's for me, not for him. 

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On 9/9/2017 at 8:34 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

I wonder if her cute labia is what helped her bag Luis. I totally used to go to the club and the FIRST THING guys would comment on was my cute labia.  It's totally important.

Super important! I mean, Christ, I remember when I was sneaking into 21+ clubs with a water bottle of vodka in the waistband of my tights... thank god my cute and charming labia got me in, whew! 

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I'm actually surprised that Briana didn't have Dr. Miami cut off those ginormous moles on her face while she was under anesthesia.  HDTV is not her friend and it's all I can look at when she's on TV.


Does anyone know in real time how her situation with baby Stella is?  Is Luis around?  I wonder if Briana is smart enough to file child support on both of her loser baby daddies.

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18 minutes ago, Mitzi.B said:

I'm actually surprised that Briana didn't have Dr. Miami cut off those ginormous moles on her face while she was under anesthesia.  HDTV is not her friend and it's all I can look at when she's on TV.


Does anyone know in real time how her situation with baby Stella is?  Is Luis around?  I wonder if Briana is smart enough to file child support on both of her loser baby daddies.

Last I heard in real time Luis is not around. 

Devon never held a steady job so getting child support from him was futile. Luis is steadily employeed so if Briana had any sense she would file. 

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Apparently Luis isn't supporting Stella. This is from a few months ago: https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2017/07/briana-dejesus-puts-baby-daddy-on-blast-n-as-making-money-off-ki/ 


“N---as be making money off their kids and still don’t help support them or see them,” Briana said in reference to Luis, 31. 

“Ima let ya enjoy the fame now but when ya still child support even after ur kids are 18 … don’t come crying to me,” she added. 

“N---as ain't sh-t so Ima just marry the money,” Briana jokingly concluded, with a bunch of laughing-out-loud emojis. “#pettybri”

As for Devoin, he's been stealing pictures of Nova from Briana's Instagram to make it look like he's involved. What a loser. From a few weeks ago: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2017/08/briana-dejesus-blasts-baby-daddy-stop-lying/amp/ 

According to the article about Devoin stealing pictures of Nova, Luis hasn't even met Stella. Not sure if that's hyperbole or not.

Edited by Rebecca
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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Bitch! Grow the fuck up. 

I just don't get, nor do I want to get her irrational behavior

All this bitching and moaning over Luis having cheated is not rational. The dude was not in a committed relationship with her. He probably got a piece of ass from some other chick that same night after doing the nasty with Briana. I am sure Briana had gotten dick from some dude the weekend before and the weekend after that encounter with Luis. It isn't as if she was some virginal young thing who happened to have sex for the first time that night. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Bitch! Grow the fuck up. 

I just don't get, nor do I want to get her irrational behavior

All this bitching and moaning over Luis having cheated is not rational. The dude was not in a committed relationship with her. He probably got a piece of ass from some other chick that same night after doing the nasty with Briana. I am sure Briana had gotten dick from some dude the weekend before and the weekend after that encounter with Luis. It isn't as if she was some virginal young thing who happened to have sex for the first time that night. 

Briana is ridiculous, BUT I do think that she and Luis did agree to be monogamous and have an exclusive relationship sometime after their initial hookup. (Very similarly to Corey and Leah when the twins were conceived- actually the situation is identical except Corey actually fell in love with Leah).

Had Luis not proclaimed his loyalty and fidelity (barf) the FIRST THING out of his mouth would be "I didn't cheat on you because I was never your man! We were never together! You're tripping."(or some variation there of). Again, Briana is RIDICULOUS and if she hadn't become pregnant no one would allow her to still be whining about a boyfriend of 4-5 months cheating on her. Good grief. 

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