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S01.E08: The Blessing of Many Fractures

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Danny sucks at planning and it's ridiculous that Claire didn't think to ask anyone to come with them on their special excursion. This would have been a fun first outing for the 'team' .

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This episode sealed it for me that Danny is too dumb of a hero for me to root for.  And I know Claire and Colleen didn't want Danny to run off and do this by himself, but it annoyed me that they went along with this without forcing him to nail down some kind of plan before rushing off to capture Madame Gao.  The flight from New York to China is at least 12 hours long.  They had time.  I'm disappointed in Claire in particular because I know she's too smart for this.  It's also unbelievable to me that she would agree to take this trip to fight Gao without calling Matt.  I know there are Show Reasons why she can't, but I do not buy Claire being reckless enough to agree to board a plane to China without at least contemplating contacting the one person she knows who has fought the Hand and lived.  

I also couldn't stop groaning during the scene between Ward and Danny at the beginning of the episode.  I know the show has set up Danny to be naive and easily emotionally manipulated, but Ward's behavior during their encounter was too shady to pass without question.  He barely even tried to act like a man who had just found out that his father had been murdered.  Or kidnapped I guess, since the body was missing.  Which should have also been suspicious as it's not like the Hand to dispose of its corpses when they can use them as messages instead.  I know better than to expect Danny to figure out in that moment that Ward was the real killer, but it was too much to have Danny not notice at all that Ward was acting a little strangely given the circumstances.  It's not that it doesn't fit with his character, it's just another reason why I find this character too dumb to root for.

Edited by xqueenfrostine
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That was fun, but made me wish there had been a different woman along instead of Claire, much as I like her. Danny is surprisingly ineffective in his fights. Colleen, OTOH, just keeps getting better. And Claire's middle finger is an excellent weapon when talking to the Hand.

Edited by NorthstarATL
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Yeah, Danny's quite dumb, and it could be bad writing, but I think that's on purpose. He wasn't trained in tactics or strategies, he doesn't really understand the world beyond the monastery, so he's making mistake after mistake.  In fact. he's making the same mistakes with the company: he sees something that he thinks it's wrong and unfair and tries to fix it, but he's unable to see the long-term consequences. He doesn't even stay to face those consequences. Joy and Ward have lost their jobs because of him and he doesn't even know yet.  I don't know, maybe that's what he has to learn. 

Ward's completely losing it, poor thing.  I wonder how it'll affect the main plot. 

LOVED the fight with the drunk guy, it was hilarious. It reminded me of some fights in "Ranma 1/2" or the early "Drangonball".

Edited by Helena Dax
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On 3/18/2017 at 5:04 AM, wayne67 said:

Danny sucks at planning and it's ridiculous that Claire didn't think to ask anyone to come with them on their special excursion. This would have been a fun first outing for the 'team' .

"That plan sucks." Never change, Claire. You continue to be the necessary voice of reason to these knuckleheads. I agree they're writing Danny this way on purpose.


One article I read about The Defenders is that Luke takes on kind of a mentor role for Danny.


20 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

So Joy hired a private detective who "was worth every penny.... when she was sober"? Gee, I wonder who she could be talking about.... :)

Yeah, that was a fun little Easter egg.

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So Joy hired Jessica Jones to get the dirty info on her co-workers. This show has been throwing in a lot more Easter Eggs than the previous ones. Then again they probably need it because Danny is too dumb to live. No one should be following him, he still stuck in the mindset of a 10 year old. I figured Claire was smarter than that. 

I can buy Danny not picking up on Ward acting shady, he has no idea what that word even means. What I don't buy is they keep telling us he's this great warrior that earned the Iron Fist. I know the actor is not convincing as fighter but they always show how unprepared he is for every fight. While showing us that Colleen is so much better at fighting. From what they shown in 8 episodes, Matt could kick his ass. 

I find Luke to be boring as a character but at least his abilities are interesting. What use is the iron fist? Luke and Jessica can punch through walls without needing to summon anything, they can just do it. Their powers seem to be much better to have and don't require them to think about it. I'm still enjoying this show, Danny just seems to be the worst of the Defenders. Do I really want the Defenders to worry about some guy that acts like a 10 year old while they are fighting the big bad? 

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Claire: You need more backup.

Me: Oooh, is she finally going to try calling Matt? (Hey, the show can have him accidentally setting his phone on silent or something if they don't want him in this yet.)

Claire: I'm coming with you.

Me: Oh, come on!

I wonder if Ward taking that Gao drug makes him crazier than he would otherwise be? Sure he also has a pill habit and he only got one dose of Gao's stuff, but there's gotta be more to Gao's endgame than just being a regular druglord. Maybe side effects include an urge to do the Hand's bidding even if you don't realize that's what you're doing.

It was kind of weird that the drunk fighter has a British(?) accent, but I did enjoy the Drunken Master homage. Though he sort of inexplicably started sucking at the end of the fight just because the plot needed for Danny to win the fight and not him.

I kind of wish Danny isn't so... intense. I thought this character is supposed to be a lot more lighthearted and chill than Daredevil. This is not a lot more chill. Sometimes he comes off even more self-serious than Matt.

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Was this a continuity error or did I misunderstand the scene?

Ward starts talking about "that last summer with dad" and Joy and the horse thing. She says she was 12. But also, he was supposed to have died 12 years ago. So, she's supposed to be 24? Yet is also already bigtime corporate lawyer? I mean, I get if she went straight into working for daddy's company she might've skipped some of the normal lawyering progress, but I thought she was supposed to be younger than Ward but older than Danny for some reason. And he's 25 right? 15 years in monastery+10 when plane crashed? I am now distracted by timelines.

Also Claire is 14x more interesting than the actual main characters on this show.

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26 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

Was this a continuity error or did I misunderstand the scene?

It's not a continuity error, as I know the show has said in a previous episode that Joy was 13 when her dad died.  I don't think it was ever established what her age is in relation to Danny, but I never got the impression that she was older than he was.  I thought they were around the same age, give or take a year.  I agree though that it's unrealistic for Joy to be a corporate lawyer at 25, especially since Joy claims she actually put in the work to get where she is.  

And I concur about Claire.  My biggest complaint for this show is that the best characters here are the holdovers from other series (Claire, Gao, and Hogarth).  I could handle Danny being so dull if I felt more affection for the secondary characters in this series.  I found Luke Cage the character to be kind of dull too, but I enjoyed the series overall because I really liked a lot of the side characters and the way they turned the Harlem community into a character in its own right.  

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3 hours ago, Bec said:

Claire: You need more backup.

Me: Oooh, is she finally going to try calling Matt? (Hey, the show can have him accidentally setting his phone on silent or something if they don't want him in this yet.)

Claire: I'm coming with you.

Me: Oh, come on!

I had almost the same reaction:

Claire: You need more backup.

Me: Oooh, is she finally going to try calling Matt? (Hey, the show can have him accidentally setting his phone on silent or something if they don't want him in this yet.)

Claire: I'm coming with you.


I totally get why they aren't having her call Matt (because plot!) but, srsly!, show? It's s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g credibility that Claire wouldn't have called him by now, to the point where I keep expecting to hear a loud SNAP! of that credibility elastic finally breaking.

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Got excited when Kevin Tancharoen's name was in the credits, and the fight scenes were slightly better then normal at least, but still ways behind some of his other work (including fellow Marvel show, Agents of Shield.)  I don't know, it just feels like they rush through a lot of stuff, and it can come off sloppy.  Also, I thought having both Danny and Colleen doing their own separate fights shows a noticeable difference in how the actors are at doing fight scenes.  While neither will be giving someone like Caity Lotz a run for her money, Colleen's fight scene seemed to have less obvious cuts and stunt doubles, so it really feels like Jessica Henwick has got a better handle at it then Finn Jones does.

Anyway, Danny, Colleen, and Claire head off the China to hunt down Madame Gao and The Hand (somewhere in Hell's Kitchen, Matt is like "Why, thanks for asking, Claire!"), and they managed to pull it off, despite Danny seeming to make up everything on the spot.  Long term planning is really not his thing.  It was a stretch for Colleen and especially Claire to even go along with him half the time, considering how quickly he was desperately pulling ideas out of his ass.  I certainly don't seem him running the show when The Defenders finally unite.  Matt, Luke, and Jessica will not be having any of that!

Speaking of which, Jessica was totally hired by Joy!  Ha!  Still have no idea what to make of Joy, as she truly comes off earnest and a do-gooder, but she is clearly capable of some dark stuff too.  Meanwhile, Ward has gone so far off the deep end, he pretty much pushed Joy away.  Harold was only just the beginning.  He is so going to end up doing something worse.  Although, I really wouldn't shed a tear if she attacked smug Laurence. 

The actor playing the drunken fighter was really good.  Kind of hope we see the character again.

Yep, Gao and The Hand are totally responsible for his parents' deaths!

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22 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

The actor playing the drunken fighter was really good.  Kind of hope we see the character again.

Lewis Tan - he was the highlight of the episode. I was getting a bit confused because I thought I heard a British accent (not being a native speaker I'm never sure what I hear though in this case I was right) he was both hilarious and great.

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The Hand seemed a lot more lethal - with flying stars and arrows - in season two of Daredevil.
Madam Gao appears to have gotten the C-level fighters as her bodyguards - Danny spent less time taking them out than he did with the drunken fighter guy. 

I expect the dead Dad (Harold Meachum) to show back up at any time. He tried to tell Ward that dead bodies need to be chopped up before throwing them out. And it looked as if Ward didn't bother wrapping dead-Dad up in any type of plastic, so the interior of his car should be a mess. Where did Harold's ever-present personal assistant suddenly disappear to? Why did The Hand send thugs to punish Harold again after he had already settled things with Madam Gao a while back?  It must be a relief for the writers not to have to bother with such pesky, obvious details. 

The drama of Joy and Ward losing control of their company isn't very interesting to me. I'll just save my sympathies for the cancer victims they want to pretend they have no 'legal' responsibility towards. 

Danny is an unhinged mess right now. Maybe he needs a period of doubt and confusion, but still... he does't come off as guy who trained for fifteen years to become a living weapon. 

I enjoyed seeing Claire, but having her come along to let's-pretend-it's-China felt like a weak attempt to give her something to do. Having her engage in a fight with trained bodyguards and come out without a scratch was ridiculous. 

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3 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

I expect the dead Dad (Harold Meachum) to show back up at any time. He tried to tell Ward that dead bodies need to be chopped up before throwing them out. 

While it's wise to worry about anyone from the Hand returning from the dead, Papa Meacham wasn't cutting into those corpses to prevent them from returning.  He was removing the parts of the body that would make the corpses more easily identifiable, which is why we see him spending so much time on the teeth (dental records) and why fingers seem to be missing (fingerprints).  Harold even says something to the effect that it'll take a while for the police to find and identify these bodies which will buy them time before the Hand finds out that the henchmen they sent to punish Harold are dead.

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On 3/18/2017 at 4:03 PM, The Crazed Spruce said:

So Joy hired a private detective who "was worth every penny.... when she was sober"? Gee, I wonder who she could be talking about.... :)

Who knew Veronica Mars became an alcoholic?

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On 3/19/2017 at 11:56 PM, MissLucas said:

Lewis Tan - he was the highlight of the episode. I was getting a bit confused because I thought I heard a British accent (not being a native speaker I'm never sure what I hear though in this case I was right) he was both hilarious and great.

He was fun. And apparently auditioned for Danny/Iron Fist as well.

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Lewis Tan was indeed fun and made his character memorable.

Another mixed bag of an episode.  I really wish they'd reduced the runtime of these episodes...everyone of them doesn't need to be pushing an hour and it makes binge-watching them to be a chore.

Some bad dialogue here, several of which were given to Danny who is officially too dumb to live and shitty at planning.  I truly don't know what Colleen sees in him.

I did like hearing that Joy hired Jessica to dig up dirt on the board.  Wish we could have seen that.  Still would love to know how the board got rid of them all, particularly 51% shareholder Danny.

Continuing to enjoy the use of Madame Gao.

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On 3/18/2017 at 2:03 PM, xqueenfrostine said:

 He barely even tried to act like a man who had just found out that his father had been murdered.  

Is there a specific way to act when you find out your resurrected dad has been murdered? 

On 3/21/2017 at 1:02 PM, xqueenfrostine said:

While it's wise to worry about anyone from the Hand returning from the dead, Papa Meacham wasn't cutting into those corpses to prevent them from returning.  He was removing the parts of the body that would make the corpses more easily identifiable, which is why we see him spending so much time on the teeth (dental records) and why fingers seem to be missing (fingerprints).  Harold even says something to the effect that it'll take a while for the police to find and identify these bodies which will buy them time before the Hand finds out that the henchmen they sent to punish Harold are dead.

The dental records thing was stupid though. It is not like the police have access to a dental x-ray database. And I am pretty sure Madam Gao wouldn't be filing a missing persons report. 

I still hate it when super heroes have the kill bad guys/don't kill bad guys debate. Not because i think they should all be The Punisher, but it makes no sense that killing bad guys is always bad but beating people to the point of permanent brain injury or physical disability is totally ok. Especially with what is known about concussions. 

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38 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I still hate it when super heroes have the kill bad guys/don't kill bad guys debate. Not because i think they should all be The Punisher, but it makes no sense that killing bad guys is always bad but beating people to the point of permanent brain injury or physical disability is totally ok.

So much yes!  I was just discussing this with my daughter today.  It's what drove me crazy about Matt Murdock (S2 especially) and Danny Rand both.  Don't be acting all sanctimonious because you refuse to kill someone, when you'll throw them down three flights of stairs without a second thought.  And when you KNOW they are directly responsible for innocent people being killed and/or other terrible things happening, and you also KNOW no jail is ever going to hold them (or they just continue running their operations from jail), leaving them alive to continue their evil deeds is not taking the high road.  I'm sorry, it's just not.

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1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

The dental records thing was stupid though. It is not like the police have access to a dental x-ray database. And I am pretty sure Madam Gao wouldn't be filing a missing persons report. 

No Madame Gao osn't filling out missing persons reports, but she likely wouldn't have to.  In both Daredevil and Iron Fist, The Hand is portrayed as having people planted inside hospitals.  It's not a big stretch to think that they could have people inside the police department or the medical examiner's office as well. Might as well take extra precautions where you can.

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Yeah, Danny's quite dumb, and it could be bad writing, but I think that's on purpose. He wasn't trained in tactics or strategies, he doesn't really understand the world beyond the monastery, so he's making mistake after mistake.

I tend to agree. I think he's supposed to be naive. Right from the beginning, when he thought he could just walk in to Rand without any ID. Or in the second episode, when the shrink is just starting to believe him, Danny tells him that he's the iron Fist and that he was in another dimension. It's as if he didn't know the art of deception. Someone mentioned that he still, in some ways, thinks like a 10 year old. I tend to think/hope that's intentional, and not just bad writing. I'm hoping that part of his character arc will be becoming wiser in the ways of the world. From a character development point of view, it would make sense why he needed to leave. He may be a fighting weapon, but to defeat the hand, he needs to be a WISER one as well. He needs to learn how the world, they operate in, works.

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15 hours ago, xqueenfrostine said:

No Madame Gao osn't filling out missing persons reports, but she likely wouldn't have to.  In both Daredevil and Iron Fist, The Hand is portrayed as having people planted inside hospitals.  It's not a big stretch to think that they could have people inside the police department or the medical examiner's office as well. Might as well take extra precautions where you can.

On the other hand, if those goons don't come back from their job knowing how the Hand works, Madame Gao would probably just assume they are dead, bodies or no bodies, teeth or no teeth.

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On 3/19/2017 at 0:15 PM, Helena Dax said:

Yeah, Danny's quite dumb, and it could be bad writing, but I think that's on purpose. He wasn't trained in tactics or strategies, he doesn't really understand the world beyond the monastery, so he's making mistake after mistake.

Danny's naive character can be frustrating to watch at times, but it makes perfect sense.  The dude was raised in a monastery, it's not surprising that his social skills are lacking, and his business sense is nonexistent.

I read that the guy who played the drunken fighter was the original choice to be the Iron Fist.  I have nothing against Finn, but it's not hard to picture, that guy seemed to carry a little more gravitas to him, something the Rand character seems to be lacking.

This was my favorite episode so far.  Claire coming along didn't really bother me.  Maybe Matt is out of town or something.  

The only thing that bugged me was one minute Danny says he was trained to have perfect control over his mind and emotions, and the next he is freaking out because of air turbulence.  The other thing was Gao surrendered awfully easily, the last time we saw her she had some sort of mystical touch that repelled Danny easily. 

I'm enjoying the series, I don't give a damn what the critics say.  It seems like it's popular to crack on this show for whatever reason.  I also think Iron Man 2 is a good movie.  So there.

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On 3/31/2017 at 1:48 AM, rmontro said:

Danny's naive character can be frustrating to watch at times, but it makes perfect sense.  The dude was raised in a monastery, it's not surprising that his social skills are lacking, and his business sense is nonexistent.

It makes sense that he has unusual social skills, it does not make sense that he's so naive and idiotic.  He may have grown up in a monastery, but he grew up in one that trained children to be hardened warriors.   If all of the children raised by the monastery are as wide-eyed and trusting as Danny is (which,


thanks to the appearance of Davos,

 we know isn't the case), K'un Lun would be in a lot of trouble every 15 years.  

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6 hours ago, xqueenfrostine said:

It makes sense that he has unusual social skills, it does not make sense that he's so naive and idiotic.  He may have grown up in a monastery, but he grew up in one that trained children to be hardened warriors.   If all of the children raised by the monastery are as wide-eyed and trusting as Danny is (which,

Maybe he shouldn't be idiotic, but I think it's perfectly understandable that he is naive.  Especially when it comes to business dealings, he has no real experience with that.  Especially since he was raised in a highly spiritual and idealistic environment.  Traits which don't always mix well with business.  

You also have to wonder just how many children there are in K'un L'un.  Danny came there by a freak accident of sorts.  And even if they are trained to be hardened warriors, it doesn't appear as if they have much contact with the outside world.  The Iron Fist is supposed to be the enemy of the Hand, but just how much personal contact do they have with them?  Most likely, their enemies are faceless villains they seldom encounter.  

Danny trusted the Meachums, and he trusted Coleen.  I don't think it's too surprising that he trusted those people, under the circumstances.  The Meachums were from his "happy childhood", and his under-utilized hormones probably blind him with Coleen, plus (I believe) she has a good heart.  He could probably sense that.

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On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 0:21 AM, surfer said:

He was fun. And apparently auditioned for Danny/Iron Fist as well.

Seriously wasted opportunity.   Charming as all get out and so handsome.  Imagine him on the Defenders team.  

Sigh.  Finn was such a mistake.  I can only stomach him by imagining Finn is always playing him as a 12 year old.  12 year olds think they know everything.  Everything is black and white.  They don't think about consequences.   They get emotional.  They get weird around girls.  And they're utterly confident about their own skills whatever those skills may happen to be.  Finn is playing a less charming version of the kids from Stranger Things.

He must have been charming as hell in his audition because otherwise why?

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On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 11:48 PM, rmontro said:

It seems like it's popular to crack on this show for whatever reason.  

I watch it to laugh.  And for Ward.  And to imagine Jessica's eye rolls when she meets this dork.  

Better writing will help.  I think Finn can be intentionally funny.  He had some of the lighter moments on GOT.  I just wish the show had fully committed to him being a more comic character surrounded by darkness.  Or made him humorously rigid like Captain America.  

The other Defenders have heavy back stories and they are weighed down.  Seeing one character be stupidly, charmingly resilient would have been so cool.  I mean, I almost see Danny this way.  A babe in the woods.

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3 hours ago, jeansheridan said:

He must have been charming as hell in his audition because otherwise why?

I think they thought his Game of Thrones credentials would draw some more people in, even though he played a fairly minor character.

I think a lot of the actors on GoT are getting jobs they probably wouldn't have gotten without their association with that show.

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On 3/18/2017 at 11:03 AM, xqueenfrostine said:

This episode sealed it for me that Danny is too dumb of a hero for me to root for.  And I know Claire and Colleen didn't want Danny to run off and do this by himself, but it annoyed me that they went along with this without forcing him to nail down some kind of plan before rushing off to capture Madame Gao.

It is especially annoying compared to Joy having arranged to have blackmail materials, just in case.  Joy is much more of a planner.  She's just stuck in the wrong plotline with Ward.  While I wouldn't watch the Ward and Joy show by itself, I would watch a show about two siblings becoming evil masterminds.  And I like that they're siblings and not potential romantic partners.  It makes their loyalty feel more solid and genuine.  

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On 08/04/2017 at 6:05 PM, jeansheridan said:

I can only stomach him by imagining Finn is always playing him as a 12 year old.  12 year olds think they know everything.  Everything is black and white.  They don't think about consequences.   They get emotional.  They get weird around girls.  And they're utterly confident about their own skills whatever those skills may happen to be.  Finn is playing a less charming version of the kids from Stranger Things.

Oh, I agree with this and I think that's exactly what he's going for. Unfortunately I don't think he has the acting chops to pull it off. He has good scenes and some strong moments but he doesn't have the physicality to pull off the action scenes. Some of his dramatic moments are quite good but when he's forced to be the 'action hero' he opts for melodrama. 

On 09/04/2017 at 10:19 PM, jeansheridan said:

It is especially annoying compared to Joy having arranged to have blackmail materials, just in case.  Joy is much more of a planner.  She's just stuck in the wrong plotline with Ward.  

She's a very strong character and she should be in the main plot. But even in a show with as many strong female character as this, they still can't handle a woman being anything but a prop for a male's arc. So Joy is Ward's prop like Colleen and Claire are Danny's. It sucks but that's the genre. 

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On 4/9/2017 at 1:19 PM, jeansheridan said:

It is especially annoying compared to Joy having arranged to have blackmail materials, just in case.  Joy is much more of a planner.  She's just stuck in the wrong plotline with Ward.  While I wouldn't watch the Ward and Joy show by itself, I would watch a show about two siblings becoming evil masterminds.  And I like that they're siblings and not potential romantic partners.  It makes their loyalty feel more solid and genuine.  

It helps that the actors play Joy and Ward were completely believable as siblings.  They had great chemistry together, and were able to come off as very loving/caring toward one another without giving off any weird romantic vibes that sometimes happen inadvertently between actors playing siblings.

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On 4/8/2017 at 9:16 AM, jeansheridan said:

imagine Jessica's eye rolls when she meets this dork

That is my only reason for hanging in with the series.  I can't WAIT to see what Jessica says to Danny when they team up.  The show is actually making me a little angry with the lousy dialog and absurd plot.  I know it's a show about super-heros and I fully embrace the "willful suspension of disbelief" required to enjoy a comic book-based show.  But there still should be a plan.  They even TALK about how fucking absurd it is to go to China to find Madam Gao with no plan.  

And why is the dialog so bad?  It wasn't this bad on Jessica Jones or Luke Cage or Daredevil.  Did they divvy up the writers and Iron Fist got the the dregs of the group because its the least known of the four franchises?  I really don't get it.  Dialog and plot -- both are woefully bad in this series.  I'm grateful when they give us a good fight scene featuring an actual martial artist (that was a nice sword fighter who faced off against Colleen and I really enjoyed the "drunken boxing" fighter who faced off against Finn's stunt double in a hoodie) but that's not enough compensation for having to sit thought the bad dialog and nonsensical plot.

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That drunken-style fight gave me life.  It had so much personality, and I appreciated that it was in broad daylight so it wasn't as hard to see.  I'd love to see Zhou Cheng again - I want to see him fight Danny when he "lets his dragon out," as well as learn more about how he went down that road in the first place.

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I really enjoyed this episode.  Claire Temple is awesome.  She had so many good one-liners this ep.

My questions are:

1) If Danny holds 51% of the stock, how on earth can the rest of the board oust Danny, Ward and Joy?  Is there some kind of "board ousting" provision in the bylaws that doesn't depend on voting percentage?  If so, would have been nice if the show explained how it happened.  Because it made zero sense.

2) The letter that Claire was reading, was it from Matt?  She also referenced a man in her life who was "unavailable".  Was that him as well, or was it Luke Cage?  If it was Matt, can someone please remind me of their status?  Daredevil Season 2 was 2 Marvel Netflix shows ago.

3) That drunk fighter had what seemed to me to be an Australian accent.  I get that there are many Australians of Chinese descent who speak English with an Australian accent, but presumably this guy was Mainland Chinese.  Took me out of the scene.

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8 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I really enjoyed this episode.  Claire Temple is awesome.  She had so many good one-liners this ep.

My questions are:

1) If Danny holds 51% of the stock, how on earth can the rest of the board oust Danny, Ward and Joy?  Is there some kind of "board ousting" provision in the bylaws that doesn't depend on voting percentage?  If so, would have been nice if the show explained how it happened.  Because it made zero sense.

2) The letter that Claire was reading, was it from Matt?  She also referenced a man in her life who was "unavailable".  Was that him as well, or was it Luke Cage?  If it was Matt, can someone please remind me of their status?  Daredevil Season 2 was 2 Marvel Netflix shows ago.

3) That drunk fighter had what seemed to me to be an Australian accent.  I get that there are many Australians of Chinese descent who speak English with an Australian accent, but presumably this guy was Mainland Chinese.  Took me out of the scene.

1. They're trying to say that Danny has a majority ownership but never had a Board position (which is completely ridiculous). Based on their silly premise, it is possible that he was banned from the boardroom but still owns the company. They're also trying to say that Ward and Joy were employees and so could be fired. Maybe this could be true? If they were CEO and CFO, they could be easily replaced with a board vote? I have no idea how that made this "their company" they were so worried about Danny coming back from the dead and "taking". This bit is like an episode of Arrow. I still have no idea why Felicity doesn't still own Queen Consolidated (or whatever it's called now).

2. The letter Claire was reading was from Luke Cage who is in jail.

3. As an Australian, I don't remember that being an Australian accent. I have no idea what accent that was supposed to be. I did notice this was a Jackie Chan ripoff. But, hey, I fucking love that movie so I won't gripe.

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On 4/25/2017 at 7:33 PM, blackwing said:

3) That drunk fighter had what seemed to me to be an Australian accent.  I get that there are many Australians of Chinese descent who speak English with an Australian accent, but presumably this guy was Mainland Chinese.  Took me out of the scene.

It was an English accent - sounded like mostly Manchester to me, but it wandered toward London at different points.  I wasn't bothered by him being English.  Presumably the Hand has operations all over and recruit people from various places.  They had guys from China working in New York, so why not a guy from England working in China?


The real question for me is why DAVOS - a native of K'un-Lun who has evidently never left it before - has an English accent?  That one threw me.

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