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Anticipation for Young Sheldon

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5 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

I'll give it a chance; you never know!

And IMO Sheldon is not "one note"; he's very complex.

I agree.  While I'm very skeptical about this show, I will say that Sheldon is the only interesting thing for me on TBBT right now (well, I guess Amy, too....).  I'm planning to tune into this, but it had better get its stride in the first few episodes.

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I don't see how they're going to be able to find another actor as talented as Jim Parsons to play the "young" version of Sheldon. 

Jim Parsons elevates a maddening character to something approaching loveable. Without him, I think this is doomed. I think it's going to go the way of Joey. A season or two and then chuckled about awkwardly in a "what were we thinking?" type of way. 

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hmmm, wonder if there will be any scenes interspersed showing Amy as she was growing up? That could be fun, too, and break up the all-Young-Sheldon all the time story. In fact, they could add in scenes of all of the rest of the gang when they were young, too. I'd love that!

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Young Sheldon has already been cast - Iain Armitage, currently playing Ziggy on Big Little Lies has landed the role. I've really enjoyed him in BLL, He actually gives me a tiny bit of hope that this might actually be decent? For being 8, he's had an interesting career already.



Mr. Armitage, 8, first made waves as a theater critic on his popular YouTube channel, IainLovesTheatre. In 2014, he appeared as a guest on ABC’s “The View” to discuss Broadway shows with Rosie O’Donnell.

He is currently starring as Ziggy Chapman in “Big Little Lies,” alongside Shailene Woodley, who plays his mother on that HBO melodrama, which also stars Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman.


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On 3/19/2017 at 1:46 PM, OtterMommy said:

I'm planning to tune into this, but it had better get its stride in the first few episodes.

Same for me. I'll tune in, partly out of curiosity to see exactly how it turns out, but if it's not unexpectedly good very quickly it will be deleted from the DVR.

16 hours ago, Glory said:

Jim Parsons elevates a maddening character to something approaching loveable. Without him, I think this is doomed. I think it's going to go the way of Joey. A season or two and then chuckled about awkwardly in a "what were we thinking?" type of way. 

I think it's doomed regardless of actor at least as making it to syndication. There are the inevitable comparisons, the fact that what works in small doses doesn't always last on it's own, and all the problems of prequels. Ignoring continuity, except for the big issues (that character growth is limited and we know how the story ends) there is the issue of the story you tell not living up to what the audience has imagined from the characters' dialogue . As Sheldon would put it - the Anakin Sywalker factor.

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I'm willing to give the show a try, mostly because I'm going to have room in my allocated tv-watching time because I've booted Blackish and The Middle, but also because I'm a glutton for punishment and still enjoy BBT. But I'm concerned that it's just not possible for a child-centric show to not be limited and cheesy.  

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On March 20, 2017 at 10:08 PM, okerry said:

hmmm, wonder if there will be any scenes interspersed showing Amy as she was growing up? That could be fun, too, and break up the all-Young-Sheldon all the time story. In fact, they could add in scenes of all of the rest of the gang when they were young, too. I'd love that!

I love your idea for a series. I've always thought it would be great to see an episode of Big Bang Theory with flashbacks to them as kids. An entire series would be great.  

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Actually, I can see the show more concretely with Iain Armitage tapped for the young Shelly role.

He is terrific in Big Little Lies.

The first YS scripts will write themselves...we know more about his childhood than any other BBT character.

Vote Laurie Metcalf to play MeeMaw.

It would be too confusing/expensive for Jim Parsons to play his alcoholic dad but what a nice touch.

Who will play Sheldon's twin sister?

Just recently found out he has a brother also.

Want to see what was in the Jesus Juice.

Shelly being forced to watch football with his dad calling him  Poindexter.

Being investigated by the authorities for trying to buy plutonium.

I could go on and on.

Jim Parsons will narrate like adult Kevin in "The Wonder Years."

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I'm still an unabashed fan of TBBT and Sheldon so am looking forward to this. We haven't seen a kid in an adult world since Doogie Houser, right? Plenty of scope for various plot lines. I hope they devote sufficient time to Sheldon being a child in college instead of focusing only on his home life.

Looking forward to the two other siblings being "dumb as soup."

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I just watched the Upfront trailer for this and I came out with 2 thoughts:

1 - The casting of Sheldon's dad, at last on an appearance level, is perfect. 

2 - I already think Sheldon's twin sister is more interesting than the young Sheldon.

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Young Mrs. Cooper has the same facial structure of Laurie Metcalf so good match.

Had thought Shelly's dad was tall and thin like him but whatever...

Galvestonians don't have that much of an east Texas twang but whatever...that's Hollywood for you...

Did they say Medford, Tx (made up) or Bedford, Tx (located between Dallas and Ft. Worth)?

Will pencil this show in my real time viewing schedule....

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5 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Young Mrs. Cooper has the same facial structure of Laurie Metcalf so good match.

Had thought Shelly's dad was tall and thin like him but whatever...

Well, Zoe Perry (Young Sheldon's mom) is Laurie Metcalf's daughter, so very good match.

Yeah, Sheldon's dad has a completely different build, but his and Jim Parson's facial features are eerily similar.

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13 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Had thought Shelly's dad was tall and thin like him but whatever...

I think he's supposed to be a bigger man. At one point Sheldon mentioned that they had to buy his dad an extra-large coffin due to how much he enjoyed Mrs. Cooper's cooking.  I'm having a hard time getting past the fact that he's the actor that played Leonard's bully...I really hated that episode...hopefully I can get used to him in a new role.  

Zoe Perry seems to be channeling her mother quite nicely as a young Mrs. Cooper.  I think I'm going to quite like her and how she handles Shelly. 

I'm definitely willing to give the show a chance. 

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I was curious and watched the trailer and it looks like the show is going for family drama instead of an actual BBT prequel.  Not that it really could.  Still BBT at least when it wants to be is genuinely funny but Young Sheldon is going for Sickeningly sweet lesson of the week which makes no sense.

Sheldon learns nothing until he meets Leonard and then it takes like..,.wait what season are we in?   

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Thought the dad looked familiar...guess he gets to be a bully to Young Sheldon now.

Saw the episode of "Who Do You Think You Are" with Jim Parsons exploring his father's branch of the family.

His dad was tall and thin like Jim.

Yes, Young Sheldon/Sheldon is supposedly wholly unaware emotionally and socially until he meets the gang at Caltech.

Guess they are going in the direction of a Wonder Years type show for Young Sheldon.

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38 minutes ago, dungeonwriter said:

Sheldon began the Big Bang Theory as an adult with friends, and a great career. 

Watching Young Sheldon wander a lonely, friendless and bullied will be difficult 

It makes me wonder which way they are really going with this show.  Is it going to be Sheldon Cooper as a kiddo (as the preview indicates) or will it really be a show about a family dealing with a super-intelligent, but socially awkward child.  I've got to be honest, I actually see far more potential in the latter.  If the show is truly about Sheldon Cooper as a child, viewers would always know what will happen to little Shelly (at least as far as The Big Bang Theory has shown).  Plus, we already know that character.  Viewers of TBBT already know who Sheldon Cooper is--as an adult, but also as a child, as much time on that show has been spent on Sheldon recounting his youth.  However, if they focus on the family, they have far more opportunities to present something unique to the audience.  While we've all known that Sheldon had parents, an older brother, and a twin sister (and meemaw!), we've only gotten to know his mother and we've only met his twin once.  What is more interesting?  Getting to know 3-4 new characters, or re-hashing a character that's been on TV for a decade already?

Plus, as I said, I found Sheldon's twin to be far more entertaining in the preview than Sheldon.

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The trailer isn't half as bad as I'd expected - there could be potential there. Iain Armitage really is a talented little guy. The show's taking place in '89 though and Sheldon is supposed to be 9, which would make him 37 in the present day - isn't BBT Sheldon in his 40s already? That's the kind of thing that would drive the "real" Sheldon crazy. ;)

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Nice trailer! I like all the actors.

When the show was first announced, wasn't Sheldon going to be 12? That would make his age align better but would have put him in college, which was perhaps more problematic than high school in terms of storytelling. TBBT has never specified which universities Sheldon attended,* but I assume he would still have been living at home and commuting for undergrad.

I don't want to spoil my own enjoyment by being an annoying stickler for detail, but I will be disappointed if the Cooper house isn't on cinder blocks.



*We do know he spent a summer at the Heidelberg Institute at 15. Ah, the unexpected enema.  ;-)

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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

The trailer isn't half as bad as I'd expected - there could be potential there. Iain Armitage really is a talented little guy. The show's taking place in '89 though and Sheldon is supposed to be 9, which would make him 37 in the present day - isn't BBT Sheldon in his 40s already? That's the kind of thing that would drive the "real" Sheldon crazy. ;)

Jim Parsons is almost 44, but I think Sheldon Cooper is of an indiscriminate age somewhere between 35 and 45.

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4 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

I don't want to spoil my own enjoyment by being an annoying stickler for detail, but I will be disappointed if the Cooper house isn't on cinder blocks.

In the video, there was an aerial shot of what I assumed was the Cooper's neighborhood and it looked like a regular neighborhood of small homes, nothing cinderblocky. Sigh. The house slipping off the cinder blocks could have been a funny running plot. 

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On 5/19/2017 at 3:44 AM, chocolatine said:

The trailer isn't half as bad as I'd expected - there could be potential there. Iain Armitage really is a talented little guy. The show's taking place in '89 though and Sheldon is supposed to be 9, which would make him 37 in the present day - isn't BBT Sheldon in his 40s already? That's the kind of thing that would drive the "real" Sheldon crazy. ;)

Yeah it looks much better than it has any right to be. If they don't worry about continuity too much and just go with what works as long as there are no glaring contradictions I could see it being surprisingly good.

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On 5/19/2017 at 10:09 AM, Lord Donia said:

When the show was first announced, wasn't Sheldon going to be 12? That would make his age align better but would have put him in college, which was perhaps more problematic than high school in terms of storytelling. TBBT has never specified which universities Sheldon attended,* but I assume he would still have been living at home and commuting for undergrad.

Sheldon left home when he was 12, so that would have been an issue for doing something family-oriented. He started college when he was 11, so he must have commuted to somewhere local for a year (plus or minus a few months).

On 5/19/2017 at 2:26 PM, Indy said:

In the video, there was an aerial shot of what I assumed was the Cooper's neighborhood and it looked like a regular neighborhood of small homes, nothing cinderblocky. Sigh. The house slipping off the cinder blocks could have been a funny running plot. 

The mention of cinder blocks was in regard to when Sheldon was in Germany at 15, so the family could have moved in between. Speaking of the video, would a dad who got fired for reporting rules violations be a dad who'd steal from a cash register? And, Sheldon should be smart enough to figure out that having a twin sister is not a counterargument to being adopted; it just means that the sister would have to have been adopted also.

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1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

The mention of cinder blocks was in regard to when Sheldon was in Germany at 15, so the family could have moved in between. 

Good point. And given that being a football coach can be somewhat of a transient position (at least given my knowledge of Texas high school football via Friday Night Lights), it would be entirely possible that Mr. Cooper would have taken another position between the start of the show and when Sheldon was in Germany, settling the family in a house that likes to slip off its cinder blocks. 

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I finally watched the trailer. It had a very different vibe than I was expecting-more like Wonder Years than BBT, or maybe BBT meets Doogie Howser meets Wonder Years. It does look like it has potential though, imo. 

Edited by EVS
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The current promo emphasizes 9-year-old Sheldon's plaid shirt and bow tie. Maybe we will see how he develops the "T-shirt over long sleeve shirt" look.

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On 3/24/2017 at 4:41 PM, humbleopinion said:

Actually, I can see the show more concretely with Iain Armitage tapped for the young Shelly role.

He is terrific in Big Little Lies.

The first YS scripts will write themselves...we know more about his childhood than any other BBT character.

Vote Laurie Metcalf to play MeeMaw.

It would be too confusing/expensive for Jim Parsons to play his alcoholic dad but what a nice touch.

Who will play Sheldon's twin sister?

Just recently found out he has a brother also.

Want to see what was in the Jesus Juice.

Shelly being forced to watch football with his dad calling him  Poindexter.

Being investigated by the authorities for trying to buy plutonium.

I could go on and on.

Jim Parsons will narrate like adult Kevin in "The Wonder Years."

I love all of this. From the ads I 've seen it looks to me like Mary is going be a hoot and a half. I will give it a chance.

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On 5/17/2017 at 8:54 PM, humbleopinion said:

Had thought Shelly's dad was tall and thin like him but whatever...

In the episode when Penny and Sheldon go running he mentions he is built like his mom.

On 5/22/2017 at 0:40 PM, LoneHaranguer said:

Sheldon should be smart enough to figure out that having a twin sister is not a counterargument to being adopted; it just means that the sister would have to have been adopted also.

Think monkey, think.

See I am already quoting a show that has yet to air.

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I'm going to find it difficult not to "fact check" this against TBBT.  There have been so many references to Sheldon's father and how he and his mother related to each other, especially with his dad's drinking.  It's going to be hard to reconcile with the version on the Young Sheldon show.  Of course, they weren't internally consistent with the Missy character even on TBBT.  The charming woman we met in the one episode didn't seem to match up with the one who gave birth at home, creating an amniotic slip and slide, or Mrs Cooper's inference that God gave her two stupid children to balance out Sheldon.  I'm really hoping to like this show!

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13 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

I hope they can work in Professor Proton on the TV, maybe in the background.

In the preview, they show Sheldon & Missy watching Professor Proton

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Just watched the preview.  Mrs. Cooper and Missy are the standouts for me from the preview.

I see that Annie Potts has been cast as MeeMaw.    May be that Laurie Metcalf is or will be busy with the reboot of Roseanne, so she couldn't commit to be MeeMaw.  I think Annie Potts will do just fine.

Definitely a Wonder Years vibe from what was on the preview.

I also caught the detective from CSI Miami (Rex Linn) as the principal of the high school.   It'll be interesting to see him in another role where he's not kissing Horatio's butt.........lol

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