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I'm looking forward to this, I thought  it was not renewed.  When did they start series in march?  TeeVee is weird nowadays--gone is the first week of Sept thru mid May series runs of my past.  It's a new game out there.

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March premieres usually mean mid-season replacement starters (or new shows, if a new premiere). And that is as old as September/May.  :-) Castle on ABC also premiered in March (2009) as did Grey's Anatomy (2005).

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I thought this episode was a lot of fun. I've enjoyed Peter Krause since Sports Night and it was a nice surprise to see TR Knight joining the cast. I'm happy to see the show back and hope it gets a bigger audience this year from the Shonda lead-ins.

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On 3/10/2017 at 10:12 AM, Texasmom1970 said:

Loved the part where Margot and her brother were talking about the guy being incredible. Of course he knows he is. I love how cheeky he is.

A line I would have liked better if he hadn't murdered a woman he'd slept with for sleeping with Margot. I know the show wants to sweep that under the rug so viewers will accept this retcon of the original character, so I found it bizarre that the writers included this line given the history. Makes it hard to forget what Rhys did.

But then the show seems to have a problem in general with tone when it comes to male characters they want to present as cheeky and charming - see Alice's brother in that scene where he's told the Kincaids are dead. All he could think and talk about was the money. They tried to play the scene for laughs but it didn't work, as I still just ended up thinking he's a greedy, sociopathic asshole.

It's too bad because I otherwise like what the show's trying to do so far, particularly the hints at Alice's backstory. Although I suppose when this Ethan inevitably he shows up, he will probably be another Rhys/Tommy. Meanwhile Dao gets shipped off the show.

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Agree with a lot of what's been posted. It was a solid start to season 2. Shonda Rhimes shows tend to do better in the 2nd season. Already the Margot storyline is intriguing me. 

Can I just go ahead and point out the elephant in the room-- is Ben to be given a gold star for resolving the problem that he created?? He stole the painting and then put the stolen property in Alice's house.  I know we're supposed to see him turning himself over to the police as heroic and self-less, but to me its neither.  There was ZERO percent chance of Alice's conviction for stealing the painting, making Ben's confession just extraneous. Ben, the con-artist, ex-fiance stalker, is a defense attorney's dream defense. 

I don't like Ben. I don't like Ben and Alice's "romance". I'm annoyed that we're apparently supposed to hand-wave all the stuff he's done to Alice to make way for their 'true love'. Even Val is like ' Bygones!' Whatever. 

Edited by mandigirl
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I love this show, flaws and all! Yes, it's a major cheesefest and the story line defies any boundaries of logic, but it's a fun, glitzy ride and I'm just going to take it for what it is.

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Well, they certainly are putting their 9pm (central) 10pm (everywhere else) time slot to the test-how many 3/4 naked people were in this episode? Would make HBO blush if not for the blocked out parts.

The banter is not quite good enough to carry weak plotlines and twists-this is not the first couple seasons of Moonlighting....and not close to Thomas Crown Affair, or whatever they are trying to replicate.


Mireille still is wearing that pale coral ultra-cakey lipstick.

I don't know anything about lipstick, but her lips look perpetually chapped and are painful to look at.

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so now Ben is basically becoming Neal Caffrey? with an FBI deal? seriously? couldn't the writers have come up with something more original? (I'm halfway through episode 1 now, so mb things will change)

Edited by Mabel
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On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 10:52 PM, CloverTracey said:

Like others, I liked the first season and happily tuned in for premier of season 2.  Not fond of tr knight, though.  Fast forwarded thru his scenes.  Is he seriously joining the show, or just a guest star? 

He's a major character, Alice's brother.

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On 3/14/2017 at 9:51 AM, Mabel said:

so now Ben is basically becoming Neal Caffrey? with an FBI deal? seriously? couldn't the writers have come up with something more original? (I'm halfway through episode 1 now, so mb things will change)

Seriously! All I can think about during all of their banter-y scenes is how much more chemistry Matt Bomer and Bridget Regan had in the Con Artist v. Redhead department.

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13 hours ago, auntiemel said:

so now Ben is basically becoming Neal Caffrey? with an FBI deal? seriously? couldn't the writers have come up with something more original?

Yeah... not the most original plot. But then again White Collar didn't come up with it either! At least its giving Ben and Rhys something interesting to do.

Dare I say, I actually LIKED this episode. I'm liking the direction the show is going in.  I was glad that Ben and Alice talked about their trust issues, even if it was played for laughs.  Margot was great. I even liked the con Ben and Rhys pulled.

I was pleasantly surprised that the Tommy/Sophie hook-up had more to it than met the eye. Tommy is more calculated than I expected. Interested to see how things go with him and Rhys.  

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Margot was great indeed. I really like the actress. Rhys, on the other hand, is immensely annoying. And Alice's face expressions are too. Generally, the show is entertaining, although as far as conmen shows go, White Collar is still vastly superior. Let's see where the Catch goes this season. 

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I loved tonight's episode. The show has plenty of twists and the more light and fun tone compared to last season really suits it. I find myself really enjoying the characters (even Alice).

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I am really starting to hate the character of Alice's brother.  She keeps saying that he's impressionable and laughs off some of his immature actions, but, really, he has to be mid-thirties to forties, right?  If so, he is just an immature man-child.  Why women are enamored of him is beyond my understanding (and I am a woman so I truly am perplexed). 

I do enjoy the overall lighter tone, but would like to see the brother gone.

Edited by seacliffsal
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18 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I am really starting to hate the character of Alice's brother.  She keeps saying that he's impressionable and laughs off some of his immature actions, but, really, he has to be mid-thirties to forties, right?  If so, he is just an immature man-child.  Why women are enamored of him is beyond my understanding (and I am a woman so I truly am perplexed). 

I do enjoy the overall lighter tone, but would like to see the brother gone.

I've noticed this and it seems odd considering the actor. TR Knight seems younger in this show than he did on Grey's Anatomy, and had his character lived, he would be mid/late 30s if not 40. 

The show seems a lot better this year than last year. I like how its more of an umbrella storyline with everyone intertwined instead of a case of the week show. 

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I was just thinking that Danny should sleep with Margot (because Sophie was annoying me) and boom!  Not that the 2 characters have any chemistry, but I feel like Danny gets overlooked more than he should and deserves some attention.  Sophie is free to do what she wants, but I feel like she deliberately flaunts the attention of other men in front of someone she knows likes her.  Perhaps she's just used to being the center of attention-- she is quite beautiful and smart.  I don't blame her for being frightened after being almost shot and wondering why Danny wasn't there for her.  But she could have given him the benefit of the doubt. And then she accused him of slut-shaming her, which is silly.  There is a difference between slut-shaming and being bummed that the person you like hooked up with someone else.  I also thought it was odd for Alice and Valerie to be joking about the earrings Sophie received, when it's obvious that Danny likes her.  They could have shown more tact and sympathy for how upset he'd be. 

I am enjoying the addition of Alice's brother and Justine Diaz (partially because I like TR Knight and LOVE Gina Torres) but whatever became of Jules Dao?  I also think Valerie needs a bigger role and an interesting arc. I miss the case of the week -- in addition to the overarching story, not instead of it.

I think the biggest issue with this show is Peter Krause.  I'm a big fan of his, but he seems to be unable to stop smiling--which is distracting in some situations. He needs to be a little more mysterious for this show to work.

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On 3/24/2017 at 3:00 PM, seacliffsal said:

I am really starting to hate the character of Alice's brother.  She keeps saying that he's impressionable and laughs off some of his immature actions, but, really, he has to be mid-thirties to forties, right?  If so, he is just an immature man-child.

I agree, but the show keeps on giving him shades of something more sinister, which is what I find interesting. Beyond the big Bambi eyes, he's super shady. Which means that Alice likely also used to be super shady. I hope they go deeper with this character. 

One thing that confused me, if Tommy was aware of, and in fact a part of, his former employer's drug cartel connections, why did he go to Alice in the fist place? I'm sure he could have figured out that the money came from the cartel, one way or another. Why not just take it and run?

8 hours ago, nara said:

I am enjoying the addition of Alice's brother and Justine Diaz (partially because I like TR Knight and LOVE Gina Torres) but whatever became of Jules Dao?

Ditto on TR Knight and the amazing Gina Torres (noticed Diaz and Rhys have some great chemistry going). Jules Dao was given a "promotion"... right out of the show I believe, which sucks. They mentioned it in the season 2 premiere. 

8 hours ago, nara said:

And then she accused him of slut-shaming her, which is silly.

I kinda felt like Danny DID slut-shame her though. It was humiliating for him to imply that she was sleeping with the boss' brother-- right in front of her two bosses. Remember, when this show started, Sophie was the newest employee. I don't think she's been there for very long.  Danny is so petulant to me. He and Sophie didn't have particularly good chemistry anyway, so glad they are both moving on to greener pastures. Speaking of... the Hammer has to be the greenest pasture of all! 100% down for a Sophie/Hammer ship. 

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On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 4:45 PM, nara said:

I was just thinking that Danny should sleep with Margot (because Sophie was annoying me) and boom!

They were the only 2 available people left after all to pair up.

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last weeks episode! i can't handle it!

first of all Tommy's face when Ally betrayed him, I was crying. 

then the Hammer giving Sophie that Bottle of Pappy Van Winkle. I've never been so jealous of a fictional character. at first i was like dam girl you just keep attracting the damaged weird ones. btw The Hammer's accent and attitude is very sultry and mysterious. (yes i know my word usage is strange)

And then of course Danny and Margo. swear to God did not see that coming, I was audibly freaking out at that entire chain of events. 

On 3/27/2017 at 6:56 PM, Free said:

They were the only 2 available people left after all to pair up.

but that whole interaction that lead up to it took me way by surprise. 

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On 3/24/2017 at 3:00 PM, seacliffsal said:

I am really starting to hate the character of Alice's brother.  She keeps saying that he's impressionable and laughs off some of his immature actions, but, really, he has to be mid-thirties to forties, right?  If so, he is just an immature man-child.  Why women are enamored of him is beyond my understanding (and I am a woman so I truly am perplexed). 

I do enjoy the overall lighter tone, but would like to see the brother gone.

becasue were there are man children there are woman who think they can either take care of them or fix them. And I think there is more to her brother then meets the eye, i'm curious to see if some of his bumbling immaturity is more of a front.

On 3/18/2017 at 1:05 AM, mandigirl said:

Yeah... not the most original plot. But then again White Collar didn't come up with it either! At least its giving Ben and Rhys something interesting to do.

Dare I say, I actually LIKED this episode. I'm liking the direction the show is going in.  I was glad that Ben and Alice talked about their trust issues, even if it was played for laughs.  Margot was great. I even liked the con Ben and Rhys pulled.

I was pleasantly surprised that the Tommy/Sophie hook-up had more to it than met the eye. Tommy is more calculated than I expected. Interested to see how things go with him and Rhys.  

i honestly don't think the bad-boy-gone-good routine is going to last and the writers have been hinting at Ally's back story a bit an she wasn't always so good either. 

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LOVED tonight's episode. I was shocked that Tommy ended up betraying Alice after that teary hug with his big sister. And I love the banter between Ben and Rhys (despite Rhys shooting his gf last season, which was unfortunate...).

Edited by Aileen
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I've started a running count of episodes where the very worst cast member makes an appearance. Of course, I'm talking about Alice's truly ill-advised coral lipstick. Tonight, it really was almost full-on peach.

Note to the make-up artist who thinks they're making a bold choice that no one else is brave enough to try: stop.

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The bigger question I have is, why are her lips ALWAYS chapped ? It's distracting as hell.

I loved Margot last season as well and I'm glad that the show as acknowledged what a BAMF she is as she has been slaying it this season.

May I just say, I'm already liking the apparently creepy and badboy ex of Alice's. Sorry Ben, but you just don't have it man.

Edited by tanita
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Solid episode. Liked the resolution of Ben and Rhys' con. Their scheming was hilarious.  Margot's "daughter"?  I wasn't particularly thrilled with this revelation, but they have my attention enough for me to see where they're going with it. 

1 hour ago, tanita said:

I loved Margot last season as well and I'm glad that the show as acknowledged what a BAMF she is as she has been slaying it this season.

Seriously! Never seen this particular actress before, but she's welcome on my tv anytime.  She's doing an amazing job and Margot is one of the best characters on the show. She and Danny were surprisingly hot! Didn't expect it...but I don't see them going anywhere. At least Danny is no longer pining after Sophie, which has improved the team dynamic 100% IMO.  Still hoping for a Sophie/Hammer ship. 

1 hour ago, tanita said:

May I just say, I'm already liking the apparently creepy and badboy ex of Alice's. Sorry Ben, but you just don't have it man.

It's weird, because I can see the actor playing Ethan more easily as Ben than Peter Krause. And I LOVE Peter Krause. I'm enjoying him on this show, but I do feel he was miscast. I'm intrigued by Ethan's backstory for sure. 

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On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 11:57 PM, Aileen said:

LOVED tonight's episode. I was shocked that Tommy ended up betraying Alice after that teary hug with his big sister. And I love the banter between Ben and Rhys (despite Rhys shooting his gf last season, which was unfortunate...).

It was pretty obvious there was something off about him.

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On 4/4/2017 at 3:43 PM, KaveDweller said:

They will probably drag that question out for the whole season.

I was stunned we actually got an answer to whether Tessa is Margot and Ben's daughter. I thought they did a great job with casting because the actress does look like she could be Margot and Ben's daughter. She does not look 15 though. Have no idea how old she is, but when I first saw her, I thought she was in her late 20's! 

I'm not 100% thrilled by this whole plot development. Tessa seems like a detour from the main premise of this show. Though I'm vaguely intrigued to see what kind of parents Margot and Ben will make. 

Ben and Rhys' con was pleasant enough and very 'cheeky' to borrow a description used by another poster. Nice to see Cybil and looks like she'll be sticking around. 

When did Danny become such a skilled fighter? I see they've completely abandoned the security guy from last season (Ben?) and just given Danny his skills to make up for it. 

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She does not look 15 though. Have no idea how old she is, but when I first saw her, I thought she was in her late 20's! 

She's 24. I have no problem suspending a little disbelief or with an actress playing young, but at least keep it believable.

Also yes, the actress playing Margo is easily the best thing about this show. I hope she stays on it for a good long time.

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5 hours ago, BabyVegas said:

She's 24. I have no problem suspending a little disbelief or with an actress playing young, but at least keep it believable.

Also yes, the actress playing Margo is easily the best thing about this show. I hope she stays on it for a good long time.

Also, how old are Margot and Ben supposed to be? The actress playing Margot is 42 and Peter Krause is in his fifties. If Margo is the same age, she would have been 27 when she had her? That's not exactly being a "child" like she mentioned to her mother.

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I'm not fan of long-lost or hitherto unknown children showing up on shows.  It feels very "jump the shark" to me.  I'd rather see flashbacks to "ye goode olde days" pre- Alice when Ben wasn't plagued with a conscience and caused trouble with Rhys and  Margot in England.

Still enjoying Margot and Danny.  And Rhys (love the actor- he always seems to have such fun playing his characters). 

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Also, how old are Margot and Ben supposed to be? The actress playing Margot is 42 and Peter Krause is in his fifties. If Margo is the same age, she would have been 27 when she had her? That's not exactly being a "child" like she mentioned to her mother.

Tessa's murder wall had a notecard on it that said Margot was born in 1974, but I'm going to chalk it up to a continuity error until the show makes another definite statement one way or the other on Ben and Margot's ages. Maybe Tessa was originally supposed to be in her mid-twenties (hence hiring an actress who doesn't look anything like a teenager) and then they de-aged her at the last minute? 

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3 hours ago, morgan459 said:

Maybe Tessa was originally supposed to be in her mid-twenties (hence hiring an actress who doesn't look anything like a teenager) and then they de-aged her at the last minute? 

That was my thought too. I guess they figured that a daughter in her 20s wouldn't be a sufficient obstacle to Ben and Alice's 'true love'. 

Maybe Tessa is a con-artist and she turns out to actually be in her 20s (like the actress). Not sure if the show would actually go for that, but it would certainly be more interesting than the  long lost heir cliche, as MostlyC was saying.

6 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Also, how old are Margot and Ben supposed to be? The actress playing Margot is 42 and Peter Krause is in his fifties. If Margo is the same age, she would have been 27 when she had her? That's not exactly being a "child" like she mentioned to her mother.

I always thought Margot was supposed to be in her early 40's. I guess she's supposed to be in her late 30's? Honestly, even if she's supposed to be even younger,  like 35 now, she would have been 20 when she had Tessa. That's young, but I don't consider that to be 'a child' either. 

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11 hours ago, MostlyC said:

I'm not fan of long-lost or hitherto unknown children showing up on shows.  It feels very "jump the shark" to me.  I'd rather see flashbacks to "ye goode olde days" pre- Alice when Ben wasn't plagued with a conscience and caused trouble with Rhys and  Margot in England.

Me too, this feels more like a plot device to bring all the main characters together.

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the last episode was too soap-operish. where will they now go from here? all storylines got wrapped up in a little too-neat fashion.

and Ben's constant smirking / smiling is getting old.

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2 hours ago, Mabel said:

the last episode was too soap-operish. where will they now go from here? all storylines got wrapped up in a little too-neat fashion.

and Ben's constant smirking / smiling is getting old.

Probably more of the family drama and then probably working on other cases and clients for the rest of the season.

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Can't say that I am comfortable with a 15 year old girl seducing or being seduced by Margot's lieutenant, especially as she seems to be getting rewarded for it by the pride in her cleverness and ability to manipulate.

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I've always assumed Margot was in her late thirties. Surely Rhys is her older brother and like Ben, he's in his mid to late forties. I assumed that was part of their dynamic- she was the kid sister Rhys didn't want hanging around however his best friend insisted. One more layer of jealousy on their massive sibling dysfunction. However if Ben is a decade older than Margot I hope that's mentioned in all this.

I don't think Margot was actually a child. I think the actress played it like Margot knew that too. She can believe what she wants, but she had a baby, changed her mind at the last minute about keeping it, made a lousy choice for who she gave it to then never asked any questions. She screwed up. I'm guessing she was early twenties, maybe young enough to believe she and Ben could leave the Firm to go off and do their own thing, playing happy family until reality hit her in the face. My question is- how many people knew she and Ben were expecting a baby? Did Ben know? What was her story?

Regardless I'm in for this. So far the show has acted like Ben and Margot's relationship is all thoroughly in the past and emotionally, Margot's problem. Now they have to deal with each other and Alice has to deal with their past staring her in the face and throwing a curveball in her future plans. Since Ben and Alice are incredibly boring IMO, they can use a few curveballs. Maybe Margot can bring something other than swarm out of Ben too. Ben is such a misfire for me. Who wants a boy scout on a show like this? I know he's 'changed' but I'd really like some more of whatever attracted Rhys and Margot to him.

Danny and Margot worked for me. Like I immediately started searching for fanfic about them (there is none). He and the show would be well rid of his Sophie crush (didn't that already pass because he couldn't trust or something?). I couldn't believe he made Margot kicking him out such a big deal though. Take a hint, dude. I also wasn't following when he said "You know when we got into this thing, you didn't tell me you were a mom." Got into what? Banging a few times then stalking out does not constitute a 'thing'. And did he still honestly believe Tessa couldn't be hers because of her hips? Because if so, as much as I like seeing Margot get some, I may have to take back everything positive I said about him.

Kelda Feegle, I'm expecting the outrage to go where it belongs- towards the grown man they have now captured.

Edited by l star
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I am really starting to hate the character of Alice's brother.  She keeps saying that he's impressionable and laughs off some of his immature actions, but, really, he has to be mid-thirties to forties, right?  If so, he is just an immature man-child.


I've always assumed Margot was in her late thirties. Surely Rhys is her older brother and like Ben, he's in his mid to late forties. I assumed that was part of their dynamic- she was the kid sister Rhys didn't want hanging around however his best friend insisted. One more layer of jealousy on their massive sibling dysfunction.

In the second show, Alice was talking to Ben in the kitchen and referred to Tommy as a "35 year old man-child", so Alice is in her late 30's, and when Rhys was talking to Tommy he talked about having a "something" (I don't remember what it was) older sister in common.  Whatever age Rhys is supposed to be, I'm pretty sure Margot is supposed to be older than him.

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You're right muffkins. Alice may talk about how impressionable Tommy is, but I think what she really means is 'continually runs to the dark side with the slightest encouragement'. Tommy is a low rent conman who isn't bright enough or ambitious enough to actually pull off the conman life. So she wants to protect him from temptations she knows he wants, not from being corrupted. It's sad for her but I sympathize. There's no telling how much money she's given him considering when we met him, she saw him and went straight to her checkbook. 

Unfortunately you are also right about Rhys and Margot. I don't buy it at all but I'm not sure why exactly. I looked up the actors' ages and Mireille is 41, Rose is 35, and Sonya is 42. For me, the actresses can play and the characters fit professionally and personally anywhere from mid/late thirties to early forties. Whatever the show says. However for some reason, the idea that Ben and Rhys are supposed to also be the same ages or younger is not working for me. At all. Peter is 51 and John Simm is 46 so it's not the actors' ages doing it. As ridiculous as he is, Rhys just doesn't seem like the actual little sibling of the pair. Why am I overthinking this? I need to let it go but for some reason, it bugs me.

I checked back on a few season 1 episodes and found some other interesting tidbits I hope they don't drop. Margot was chosen by their father as the heir to the firm however when he died, their mother gave it all to her favorite, Rhys. She was apparently the misogynist of the family. That was when Margot and Ben left the family. He told Rhys he chose to go because he wanted to be with Margot. They also say repeatedly in S1 that they were partners, away from the family, for 15 years. When they start getting into why Margot gave up Tessa 15 years ago I wonder if they will remember all that. Maybe they will also mention why Margot's last name is Bishop, not Griffiths. 

Edited by l star
Forgot about Bishop
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