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S05.E14: The Sin-Eater

Tara Ariano
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China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murder of Det. Malone. Meanwhile, Lance feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk.

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Opening scene: That was Barry's house! I know that beautiful woodwork and fireplace, and that is the living room his parents died in! Nice use of the intro in the "he's become someone else, something else."

When did they put a screen on Oliver's wrist? I like it. 

I love the disapproving little sister/ex-girlfriend teamup to bring down Carly Pope. Oliver is way too trusting of her. And was way too harsh on Thea.

"Auxiliary law enforcement" amused me far more than it should have. As did "We have a problem" "Just once, I'm gonna need you to walk into my office and not tell me that...you undersold this."

Overall I liked it, but didn't care about the villains. I'm not even sure what they were there for and I don't care. I feel like it was a waste of Cupid and China White because I know I've cared much more about them every other time they were here.

I miss Ragman. Can we return Dinah and get him back?

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Okay I have two working theories of why Oliver is dumber than a box of dumb rocks right now.

It's either HT!Oliver doing this because he LUVS Susan  OR Oliver is trying to get out of being Mayor without resigning.  Why? I don't know.

It's all I got

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Why was Cupid not in Argus custody?  You'd figure since she was Suicide Squad, they'd have her locked up in their secret prison.  I did laugh at her trying to run away when Team Arrow showed up at the end.

Not cool Thea and Felicity, you destroyed somebody's career, not cool.  For all they know she's a reporter and has done a fantastic job finding out Oliver is the Green Arrow, and his past in Russia.  So they decide to destroy her career.  Sorry, I'm not a fan of that.  Granted, I do think she's related to somebody Oliver killed in Russia, but you don't destroy somebody's career.

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I enjoyed the team up of past lady villains. Too bad they were caught; I was rooting for them. 

Really enjoyed the Felicity and Thea scene. I'm all for Thea becoming more like Moira. Someone needs to have some smarts in that family. While Moira did some shady, terrible things, I never thought she did it for outright nefarious reasons. She was the epitome of a grey character, and the show is worse from ST leaving. 

Oliver. Oh Oliver. I don't even know what to do with you other than to hope that the real Oliver Queen is locked up in a basement somewhere. I don't understand what the writers are going for with him being increasingly, flat out stupid. This is not the intelligent, tactical guy from seasons past. 

It's creepy that everyone keeps pushing Tinah into the BC role, and I wish she would assert herself and come up with her own vigilante identity. Lance still hasn't mentioned that everyone has the same name! 

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I would watch a show about Liza, Carrie, and China being reformed criminals turned crime fighters. Not if it was written by these writers, but if it was written by someone else, definitely.

Speaking of which, I couldn’t help but laugh at all the gunfire tonight, one week after the very special gun episode. WTH was Guggenheim doing, thinking that this show was an appropriate vehicle for addressing gun violence?

Oliver is the dumbest dumb to ever dumb. He knew Susan was on to him, and not only was he going to keep seeing her, but he had the nerve to be mad that Thea (and Felicity) saved his ass? And are we supposed to think Thea did something wrong by being the only Queen to use her brain? it really hard to keep watching a show with a protagonist who’s so relentlessly stupid. I’m not sure why I even bother anymore.

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Liza, Carrie, and China are clearly #squadgoals.  We didn't get nearly enough of them, but what we got was pretty awesome. Can they come back as awesome evil BFFs, like the Legion of Doom over on Legends?

Oliver...you are a putz. This episode basically teaches us that Oliver is kind of a crappy friend and brother. Maybe Thea was wrong to screw over Susan, but what was Oliver's plan? Use his puppy dog eyes to get her to back off? She seems like she's just sleeping with him to prove he's the Green Arrow! Why wasn't Oliver pissed about that? He is really choosing this reporter lady that is clearly about to expose him and ruin the lives of him and his team and maybe even lead to a chain of events that could make life hard for costumed heroes around the Arrowverse, over his own sister AND he's mad at Thea for stopping her? Again, maybe what Thea did went too far, but still, don't act like Susan was all innocent in this. Yeah she's a reporter and this is her job, but she was still screwing you for a story, Ollie. Kinda messed up. Where is the real Oliver and who is this moron? A Clone? A Doombot? WHAT?

I miss Rory.

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I liked the scene where Felicity gave Tinah the mask.  I also liked how she appeared at the crime scene.

  • I still don't understand why Pike didn't arrest the Green Arrow.
    16 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

    "You didn't make a mistake.  You made a choice."  

    I really thought Oliver was going to compare Thea to himself, not Moira.  

    Oliver is so clueless, he doesn't get the comparison.

    6 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

    Not cool Thea and Felicity, you destroyed somebody's career, not cool.  For all they know she's a reporter and has done a fantastic job finding out Oliver is the Green Arrow, and his past in Russia.  So they decide to destroy her career.  Sorry, I'm not a fan of that.  Granted, I do think she's related to somebody Oliver killed in Russia, but you don't destroy somebody's career.

    Her career being destroyed is hyperbole.  She's been in the news business for a long time, if she's any good, there have to be people who believe in her.  Not to mention, she was in it to destroy Oliver's career and sleeping with him to get dirt on him or else she would have stopped when she started dating him.  I have no sympathy for he

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2 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I am 100% with what Thea & Felicity did. If the show wanted s to feel bad for Susan, then they should have never had her sleep with Oliver for her story. No mater what they say now, it will always look like that's why she started with him. Even if she does care for him, she still slept with him and then went to meet her PI right after. So, oh well. Karma is a bitch.

She did nothing illegal to deserve having that happen to her.

1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

I miss Rory.

You can see him in every episode of Legends of Tomorrow.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

I liked the scene where Felicity gave Tinah the mask.  I also liked how she appeared at the crime scene.

  • I still don't understand why Pike didn't arrest the Green Arrow.

    Oliver is so clueless, he doesn't get the comparison.

    Her career being destroyed is hyperbole.  She's been in the news business for a long time, if she's any good, there have to be people who believe in her.  Not to mention, she was in it to destroy Oliver's career and sleeping with him to get dirt on him or else she would have stopped when she started dating him.  I have no sympathy for he

For real I have no sympathy for Susan considering what she was doing behind Idiot Arrows back. 

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

So...I didn't get any genuine feels on Susan's part - not sure what they were going for, but it pretty much seems like she broke up with Oliver once she realized she could no longer use him for a story. Ah, true love!

oh are they broken up? Like an actual break up?

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Just now, Jediknight said:

She did nothing illegal to deserve having that happen to her.

You can see him in every episode of Legends of Tomorrow.

But let's ignore how she was gonna get Oliver and his team likely arrested and was lying behind his back. She was gonna destroy others lives but yes let's act like she's innocent and didn't peace out on Idiot Oliver after getting fired 

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13 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Why was Cupid not in Argus custody?  You'd figure since she was Suicide Squad, they'd have her locked up in their secret prison.  I did laugh at her trying to run away when Team Arrow showed up at the end.

Not cool Thea and Felicity, you destroyed somebody's career, not cool.  For all they know she's a reporter and has done a fantastic job finding out Oliver is the Green Arrow, and his past in Russia.  So they decide to destroy her career.  Sorry, I'm not a fan of that.  Granted, I do think she's related to somebody Oliver killed in Russia, but you don't destroy somebody's career.

I dunno. I mean Oliver kind of did it himself by being the stupidest stupid to ever stupid and Thea was trying to save his ass.  And really I don't know why this would destroy her career.  If she got the goods on Oliver she'll bounce back. Surely she can get a job with the National Tattler

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Just now, calliope1975 said:

Unclear. She's not returning his calls. 

So he's chasing after her?

Seriously WTF!!!!

I swear even if they went with Oliver/Dinah I can understand who they are trying to appeal to! Who are they trying to appeal to by pairing him up with this smug mole?

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Just now, Jediknight said:

You can see him in every episode of Legends of Tomorrow.

Hahahahah. I see what you did there :) Man, I wish Mick Rory and Ragman Rory could meet up. That would be amazing.


13 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

WTH was Guggenheim doing, thinking that this show was an appropriate vehicle for addressing gun violence?

I know right? Saying that guns and violence are not the answer on a show where guns and violence are almost ALWAYS the answer is hilarious. It would be like the people on Cake Boss doing a PSA episode about the dangers of high cholesterol. Its just not the right venue.

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I'm okay with them moving slowly with Dinah taking the mantle of Black Canary.  It'll give John Constantine more time to make sure that Laurel's screaming, vengeful ghost doesn't appear and try to drag Dinah down to the pits of Hell.

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"Sorry about Detective Malone."  The Green Arrow delivered that line like he was apologizing for spilling a cup of water on the floor.  I don't think the detective can let him off the hook there.

I agree I would watch a show with Liza, China and Carrie.  They were a lot of fun together and Rutina Wesley was particularly strong.

I'm glad Thea took down Susan and saved Oliver from himself.

Edited by benteen
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34 minutes ago, bettername2come said:


Overall I liked it, but didn't care about the villains. I'm not even sure what they were there for and I don't care. I feel like it was a waste of Cupid and China White because I know I've cared much more about them every other time they were here.

I miss Ragman. Can we return Dinah and get him back?

All three was overkill.  Ladycop got to interact with Quentin but it didn't matter who the other two were.  Not much of their personality shone through.  

29 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Why was Cupid not in Argus custody?  You'd figure since she was Suicide Squad, they'd have her locked up in their secret prison.  I did laugh at her trying to run away when Team Arrow showed up at the end.

Not cool Thea and Felicity, you destroyed somebody's career, not cool.  For all they know she's a reporter and has done a fantastic job finding out Oliver is the Green Arrow, and his past in Russia.  So they decide to destroy her career.  Sorry, I'm not a fan of that.  Granted, I do think she's related to somebody Oliver killed in Russia, but you don't destroy somebody's career.

Cupid got pardoned for her time in the Suicide Squad so when she broke the law again, she just went to regular jail.  

Technically the show is saying that Felicity didn't know what Thea had her put on Susan's computer or what Thea's plan was.  So technically you can't give Felicity credit in taking down Susan even if it could only have happened because of her abilities.  

14 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

But let's ignore how she was gonna get Oliver and his team likely arrested and was lying behind his back. She was gonna destroy others lives but yes let's act like she's innocent and didn't peace out on Idiot Oliver after getting fired 

They are so going to have Oliver spin it as if she wasn't going to tell.  Which is BS because if he really had thought that then he would have told her she was right and come clean.  Not totally lied.  


11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Super disturbing thought...was Felicity digging up dirt on Reporter part of her continuing down the 'dark' path? Is the show really going to act like Reporter was the poor innocent victim?

No, I don't think so.  They showed Felicity just regular hacked Susan's computer.  And they aren't blaming her for Susan losing her job.  So I'd say nope.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I liked the lady villains more than I thought I would.  And it's a nice chance from endless Prometheus angst.

12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I swear even if they went with Oliver/Dinah I can understand who they are trying to appeal to! Who are they trying to appeal to by pairing him up with this smug mole?

Honouring people with extremely low IQ?

9 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Super disturbing thought...was Felicity digging up dirt on Reporter part of her continuing down the 'dark' path? Is the show really going to act like Reporter was the poor innocent victim?

I don't know about the show but Oliver certainly is.

This is supposed to be Felicity's dark arc but  it seems like he hasn't noticed yet.  However he is woried about Thea.  Not as much as he's worried aobut Susan, but at least he's noticed Thea.

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Journos are on twitter outraged over what Thea and Felicity did to Reporter. I wonder which celebrity they've been dying to slept with for a story.

Man They can piss off. Guess they wanna ignore what Susan was doing to Oliver.

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I felt that just about everybody was acting like an asshole. Yes, Susan is shysty as hell, but there's been no evidence that Thea knew that she might be working for Prometheus. And Felicity went Hacker Frost and planted stuff. Thinking about it, Thea has been off the board for a spell. And we have an alternate Earth where doppelgangers can be found. Hey, they can't blame her actions on a Life Model Decoy, right?

I'm good with the VOTW. I wouldn't spin 'em off, but they have good chemistry. Liza doesn't have a gimmick. Maybe if she became a vampire.

I like Curtis's new suit. Still don't dig the "T," though. I'm amazed nobody asked him how many fools he's pitied.

Once again . . . why does anybody live in Star City? If the mayors aren't getting murdered, one winds up exposed orchestrating a massive coverup. Shit, why don't they legalize gambling and depend mostly on tourists?

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11 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I felt that just about everybody was acting like an asshole. Yes, Susan is shysty as hell, but there's been no evidence that Thea knew that she might be working for Prometheus. And Felicity went Hacker Frost and planted stuff. Thinking about it, Thea has been off the board for a spell. And we have an alternate Earth where doppelgangers can be found. Hey, they can't blame her actions on a Life Model Decoy, right?

I don't think there's anything wrong with what she did - Susan exposing Oliver doesn't just affect Oliver - it affects everyone who ever worked with the Green Arrow - including her. 

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Overall it wasn't a bad ep. 

I refuse to believe this is the real Oliver, there is no way he can be this dumb.

I personally  enjoyed Thea taking out the trash and finding her inner Moira. The reporter was unethical to begin with, so no I don't feel bad. When you play with fire you get burned.

I will be very annoyed  if Oliver tries to fix things with the reporter, mainly because I don't see or care for her purpose.

Dinah was ok, I forgot Curtis and Wild Dog were in the ep, so bonus for me.

My favorite part of the ep was Thea and Felicity.  I need more, this was not enough.

I enjoyed the three villians, they were alright. Only real complaint is they are dragging this Prometheus SL and that Oliver is dumb as a door knob.

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19 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

I miss Ragman. Can we return Dinah and get him back?

I'd rather return Wild Dog and get Ragman back. I don't think Dinah's all that bad, personally. Granted, I completely skipped last week's episode but even with the creepy flirting with Diggle and Dinah, I think she's been pretty useful and used well thus far. She hasn't been thrown in our faces like Wild Dog has. 

So, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to think Oliver's the Biggest Dumb to Ever Dumb. The show cannot believe that we like Rayporter and think that she's a victim. The show has to make us on Thea and Felicity's sides and judging Oliver for trusting this woman. I have to believe this, or else this show is Dumber Than Oliver Queen. But then again, this show has warped the perspective of us rooting for one character when we really should be rooting for another. Felicity being right about Oliver not telling about William, for one. And, in my opinion, Diggle getting way too upset over Oliver kidnapping Lyla and leaving Sara in her crib and that being the trust breaker, amongst other things that happened in seasons 3 and 4. 

Either way, no sympathy for Rayporter. 

Something something Prometheus red herring something something. 

I really liked the team up of Carrie, China, and Liza. It's about damn time they brought back some female villains. Literally the only female villains that have been on this show are these three, Huntress, and Black Siren. Unless I'm forgetting one or two more. 

Felicity and Thea get a scene as well! And Dinah/Felicity, even if it is just Felicity giving Dinah a mask! In any other episode, to be fair, it would have been Diggle, Wild Dog, or Curtis to give her the mask, so...some progress? Hey, whoever wrote this episode actually had females interact with each other! Let's see....writers were Barbara Bloom and Jenny Lynn. Barbara who does not have an Arrow credit, and Jenny, who also co-wrote Monument Point. 

"I handled it"= Oliver does not have it handled.

Also, I guess Oliver has an Arrow Watch where he can now watch videos. 

I really want to enjoy the flashbacks, but I can't see how current flashback Oliver is going to transform to Pilot Oliver. He's still way too good so far. These Russia flashbacks should be grittier and darker. 

What's with Curtis' new suit? The white sticks out like a sore thumb. 

I've also really missed this Thea. Her becoming another Moira is fun to watch, but this Thea has been sorely missed, the one with the fire and attitude to get the job done. This is the first I've liked her since late season 3. Not that I didn't like her in season 4, but I liked her a bit more in season 3. Too bad the show destroyed her relationship with Oliver. His attitude toward her made it seem like he was choosing his sex buddy over his own sister. Also, now he's back to feeling guilty over things out of his control. Last season, he grew past that! Now he's regressed, which frustrates me. 

I'm game for Pike to be Prometheus. Why not? 

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After watching it I didn't think it was as bad as some of the comments made me think it was. All of the non-Susan related parts (besides Thea and Felicity) were pretty standard/relatively good, or at least a definite step-up from 513.

Funny thing is, I get how Oliver was acting in regards to Susan since Thea didn't just expose Susan but went out and actually fabricated stuff to get Susan in trouble (Susan still deserved it and Thea was channeling her protective Moira ways quite well), so I kind of get the shock factor since it was a jump from Thea making remarks and warning Oliver against Susan to actually doing something about it. The main problem is just that the show has gone out of its way to make Susan sketchy so many times that it's hard to sympathize with Oliver for Susan's sake since from the base audience perspective it's watching someone "bad" (or at least framed in a not-so-innocent light) being punished and not watching the main character's new gf getting in trouble.

I at least liked that the last scene between Thea and Oliver was more about the shock factor of what she did (the intensity of it, not the fact that she did something in general) instead of a defending Susan fest.

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This episode title is giving me Sleepy Hallow flashbacks. The Sin-Eater was a really good season 1 episode, that, in classic Sleepy Hallow fashion, they ended up totally ruining in retrospect. You know, as much as I complain about how this show has gone down hill, its The Wire next to the utter implosion that was the later seasons of Sleepy Hallow.

Prometheus was a pretty good villain at first, but I'm kind of bored with him now. And if one more person compares Oliver to Prometheus, I'm going to throw something. I was always uncomfortable with how many people Oliver killed (especially how he would slaughter tons of random mooks, but would sometimes give the main bad guy a second chance), but he did learn that it was the wrong way (yeah he still kills people, but at least he tries to avoid killing these days) and he only killed criminals or people working for them at least. He wasn't killing random citizens who never did anything to anyone, just minding their own business, to make some stupid point. I really would have liked it if Prometheus was the loved one of, not some asshole rich guy we never saw before, but Random Mook #5, a decent guy who was down on his luck and took a job working security for a businessman to make ends meet. When a crazy guy in a costume and a bow and arrow came to attack his employer, he tried to stop him, and the guy killed him instantly without a second thought or glance. That could make an interesting, more morally grey story, that would make the characters think more about the fight they engage in. He still would be a murderous bad guy, but it would be in a more interesting context. In my opinion anyway.

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I've been trying to figure why I keep thinking Oliver is HT. 

It's his body movements and speech patterns.

One thing that is driving me crazy is that he's putting his hands in both his pockets. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I swear that is not a thing that Oliver does as a habit. He either folds his arms across his chest whether he's relaxed or in thinking mode or he holds his arms to his sides and does that finger rubbing thing. 

Am I off base here?

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In what parallel earth does a mayor welcomes every officer that joins the police force? I mean Mayor Queen welcoming officer Drake was all kinds of weird. No wonder he doesn't get anything done and Thea ends up being de facto mayor coz real mayor is busy welcoming every new employee into the workforce.  My god, who is writing for Arrow now? Middle school drop outs? 

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Susan is totally unethical and shady as hell, but what Thea did was jumping the gun a little. I think, from Oliver's perspective, Thea found out that Susan had all of this evidence, but didn't make any moves toward finding out if Susan was going to use it or trying to warn her not to or even giving Oliver a heads up before going scorched earth. He probably thinks Thea's eagerness to act was motivated in large part by Thea's personal (and warranted) dislike for Susan, and I don't think he'd be wrong about that. 

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