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All Episodes Discussion: 2017 Season

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Welcome to the new and improved All Episodes Discussion. You will notice there are a couple other new threads. This thread is solely for discussion of what has aired on episodes of The Rachel Maddow Show in the 2017 year. Remember to stay on topic. 

An example of on-topic discussion: "Rachel's dissection of the Gawker lawsuit against Hulk Hogan was really interesting. I kept trying to figure out where she was going and didn't realize it would end up back at the Melania Trump lawsuit."

Off-topic discussion: Gawker sucks. I'm glad they went out of business.

Another example of off-topic discussion: I wish Rachel would discuss XYZ story from today's news. The exception to this is if you are making a connection to a story that she has aired. If you just find a story outrageous and want to talk about it, there are plenty of places you can do that online. We tried that here. It didn't work. We're not bringing it back.

Any discussion of Rachel as a person (or her friendship with other MSNBC personalities) can be taken to the new Rachel thread. 

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Rach's interview with Schumer was . . . um, OK.  I mean, he's saying the right things, but the Dems are still not getting anything done.  It feels like they're treading water & getting nowhere.  They're not stopping these horrible characters from getting in.  Are they accomplishing anything?  Idk.  Will this vile thing McConnell did to Elizabeth Warren be remembered?  Or will it get lost in the sauce of the tons awful stuff Republicans are just generally doing now?  Are Republicans (as Rach asked tonite) at the point now where they're casually putting their bigotry out there & really don't care if anyone objects to it?

I liked some of what Schumer said to Rach.  He said they'll be watching DeVos & Sessions "like a hawk".  OK, that's something.  Will they do anything about it?  Remains to be seen.  I'm just hoping Rach & others are on top of them too.  I didn't notice any reaction from Rach to Schumer.  Color me skeptical.  He's been a windbag, who doesn't get much done in the past.  Stay all over him, Rach.

The most interesting takeaway from the Schumer interview for me was how he noticed (with a grin) the way this administration is dramatically shifting from Trump's campaign stance & definitely going full-on hard right.  Schumer said (I think correctly) this does NOT reflect the majority.  Schumer seemed to be suggesting this steadfast hard right positioning will hurt them.  Can Dems lay back & depend on this notion?  Hope not.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Feeling shitty about the corporate Democratic leadership is pretty much the default at this point.  Just like Pelosi, Schumer is the stereotype of everything that went wrong for the Dems in '16.  Fortunately for the country I think, the Democratic base is leading the charge now like the Pennsylvania Democratic state senator who called Twitler a shit-gibbon.  It'd be way cool if Rachel would interview that guy.  



"Hey! I oppose civil asset forfeiture too," Leach wrote on Facebook and Twitter. "Why don't you come after me you fascist, loofa-faced s***-gibbon!!"


[more at link]


Schumer can either jump on the bandwagon or he can get steamrolled, his choice.

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I always feel a bit better about the world when someone does a story pointing out just how shitty a President Reagan was.  Unfortunately, that story also scared me in that such a horrible person is now (also) in a top position in the Government.   I also liked that she pointed out that W knew just what he was doing when he spoke at Bob Jones University.  That place scares me.  Though, being a Jewish woman, I probably scare them also.

  • Love 11

Thanks, Rach, for following up on the mess in Alabama.  It's really nauseting.  I liked that hard-boiled reporter saying simply -- it's corruption.  Ew.  What do people in Alabama think of this disgusting shit?  That governor is a vile pig.

While I'm not a fan of Ari Melber, he was actually a pretty good follow up after Rach.  He did a good job of explaining what exactly happened with the ruling against reinstating the travel ban.  Lately, Rach has had reporters I thought unhelpful in understanding what's going on.

Uh oh, Rach, looks like Smellyanne is in trouble.  Maybe you can get her back for another softball interview?  Well, that is, after Interrupter Matthews gets thru with his billionth softball interview with her.

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9 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

What do people in Alabama think of this disgusting shit?  That governor is a vile pig.

My husband is from Alabama, we have friends and family there. Our closest friends bemoan how corrupt AL politics are.

Rachel did a good job tonight with all this breaking news. I hate watching this live because it doesn't help me sleep, but I can't stop watching. Her analysis is so important.

Edited by chessiegal
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Earlier today Greta seemed to indicate that 50% of the people would be mad that Trump didn't get his way because they were totally in favor of the travel ban.  In the polls that Rachel showed, yes 51% of Trump supporters wanted him to do whatever he wanted, including defying the judicial order.  But 63% (I think it was) of the general population said they wanted Trump to abide by the judicial ruling.  It's so cagey to twist facts the way the republicans do. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, SierraMist said:

  It's so cagey to twist facts the way the republicans do. 

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." 

Hope Rachel shows the Politico poll tomorrow.  Different numbers.  Although she's smart enough to know that polls don't mean as much as they did before November.

Edited by rallymantis

Speaking of polls, our polling boyfriend, Harry Enten, tweeted last night 


(((Harry Enten)))Verified account ‏@ForecasterEnten  20h20 hours ago

If Trump had an approval rating of 42% on Election Day 2018, history says GOP loses House popular vote by 9. Thing is though, MoE +/- 8 pts

Seeing Chaffetz being worked over by his town hall audience was absolutely delicious.  

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Speaking of Harry Enten, I know Rachel had him on a couple times during the election, but I really wish she (and all other media outlets for that matter) would pay more attention to 538 and use polling more wisely. The week of the election 538 gave Trump a 30% chance of winning. That's almost a 1 in 3 chance. That's really high! If looked at correctly, the data did not show a sure thing for Clinton at all. If the doctor told you you had a 30% of getting cancer, you'd be pretty nervous, right?

But Rachel--along with almost everyone else--mainly focuses on the polling data she likes. Personally, I don't want spin to confirm my biases. I want the truth. Rachel probably has to talk about those "exclusive" PPP polls because NBC is paying for early access to them, but instead of taking them at face value, she could provide more context and more of a critical lens through which to view them.

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They have been shortening many of Rachel's opening segments from around 20 minutes to 12-13 minutes (like tonight).  Makes me grumpy because only the first segment is provided on the video podcast (all of it is on audio).  My video podcasts through the summer go from 21-29 minutes.  Of course it hurts too much to look at the pre-election coverage anymore, but maybe someday... 

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Blowing the dam?  Rachel, let's call it what it really is - treason!  Colluding with a foreign government to influence a presidential election seems to be the very definition of betraying one's country.  Wow, by the end of this Administration, how many of these people will be/should be in prison?  They make Richard Nixon and his gang look like a bunch of amateurs, and they committed obstruction of justice while sitting in the Oval Office. Everyone all together now - LOCK HIM UP!  LOCK HIM UP!  LOCK HIM UP!  And by him, I mean Trump, Flynn, Pence, Flynn, Bannon and Conway, and many others.  

And this dam shows that maybe instead of spending more than $20 billion on some fricking wall, let's shore up our failing infrastructure.  We've got dams, bridges, roads, municipal water and sewer systems, and on and on that are crumbling around us. 

  • Love 18

Is Rach right to be on fire over the Flynn story?  The rest of media is reporting on it -- but CNN, WaPo & NYT are not going nuts over it.  None are predicting the beginning of the end for the Trump admin because of Flynn.  But it does look bad.  Really, really bad.  And given how Trump so horribly (& so stupidly) insulted intelligence personnel, it's not difficult to guess why leaks are coming out every day.  

If transcripts of those Flynn calls to the Russian diplomat are leaked, well, that's end of him.  Good riddance!  But what other fallout & repercussions would it lead to?  President Pence?  How horrible.  No, Rach, your hair is definitely not "on fire" over this.  This is vitally important stuff.  You're dead on right to be all over it, Rach.

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Keep on the story, Rachel!  I remember "Bridgegate" wasn't a big deal either at first.   But she kept on it and eventually it did get the rest of the media to follow up on it.

Hope she keeps pounding away at this story too.   As big as the (apparent) lie is that Flynn DID talk about sanctions with the Russians, I am utterly amazed that the MSM isn't reporting on his ties with the Russians DURING the election.  Especially in the wake of the Russians essentially admitting they were trying to tamper with our election. 

Keep on it, Rachel!

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Wow, great end-off tonite, Rach!  So Oprah came thru for us, eh?  Yay, Oprah!  Let's see if any of the Rethugs listen to that asshole senator who said the abuse of Puzder's wife was 27 years ago, so it's no biggie.  Puzder is probably the most repugnant in a sea of Trump's monstrously horrible awful picks.  So if only one of those horrors goes down, would be really glad if it's him.

Too bad Flynn resigned after your show ended, Rach.  But you made a great point on the chaotic lunacy of this admin & what it means in terms of how the world now sees this country.  It ain't good, it really ain't good.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Rachel is back!  On the phone on the Brian Williams show, talking about the Flynn resignation, 11:45 ET/8:45 PT, for about eight minutes; repeats in three hours, unless something else remarkable happens tonight.  Rachel said she did not see this coming *tonight*.  She said it is very strange that this happened *now*, given that this news was known already to the President and leadership, and they did not act on it.  And then she said that this does not end with Flynn's resignation, given that everyone else seemed "fine" with knowing this before today.  I never wanted you to be right so much, Rachel.  (To my mind, it is that this became so public that made it unsustainable.  Andrea Mitchell said it was unsustainable because it was known publicly that Flynn had lied to the Vice President.)  

How is it possible that all this has happened in 24 days? 

Edited by jjj
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I was pretty impressed by the Congressman at the dam. He clearly understood the issues and could talk intelligently and succinctly for tv. Okay, he dodged the question of how far the federal admin has dropped the ball (if they're even on the playground to pick it up!), but I can see why he'd want to focus on more immediate and practical concerns. I suspect CA will be on its own in this regard, which is terrifying.

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Rachel did a good job tonight with all this breaking news. I hate watching this live because it doesn't help me sleep, but I can't stop watching. Her analysis is so important.

Same here. I dvr and watch in the morning.  I keep saying to myself I have to disengage from this stuff, I'm so stressed out and angry. 

Last night (Tuesday) it's obvious Rachel is about to lose it.  She is almost showing her anger and frustration.

If I hear one more Republican say it's the leaks that should be investigated I am going to throw something at the tv.  Intel agencies are trying to get this info out to anyone who will listen, because Republicans in Congress are deaf dumb and blind and Trump & Co are in cover up mode.   As long as Rs hold the majority, the press is the only alternative to get the facts to the public. 

To paraphrase, "It's the treason, stupid". 

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I really lean on Rachel to help me with information, get different perspectives and to spark my curiosity.  She is so vital to MSNBC.  Still, I watch a host of other political shows.  I even listen to far right radio shows. It's difficult to do, but, I want to stay abreast of all the stuff that's being put out there.  

Can anyone tell me if there is a political thread on this site?  I haven't been able to find one. Can you post it or send me a PM?

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

The orange lunatic's press conference today was so nuts, you can be sure she'll be on fire tonite.  Wow, he looked like such a fool.  

Really?  (I'm so surprised) -- so thanks for giving me another reason to look forward to Rachel's show.  Did she cover the story of "the White House will launch an investigation on the leaks that are the real source of all the problems"?  I did not see every minute of the show on Tuesday, so I might have missed that.   I did see Rachel's final two minutes, where she beat up the Democrats for not going gung-ho on a possibly vulnerable House seat that will be opening.  I think her frustration with the Democrats not jumping all over all opportunities to gain seats will be a necessary reminder to them. 

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A reporter asked him about anti Semitism since the election and he went straight into how great it was to win ALL the votes. 

Trump just announced he's holding a rally in Orlando this Saturday.  

I really can see her saying "thank you for staying with us tonight."  Reaching under the desk, setting a bottle of vodka and a glass on the desk, and saying, "ok if I have to do this every night, I'm going to have to get drunk". 

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Trump just announced he's holding a rally in Orlando this Saturday.  

I really can see her saying "thank you for staying with us tonight."  Reaching under the desk, setting a bottle of vodka and a glass on the desk, and saying, "ok if I have to do this every night, I'm going to have to get drunk". 

A rally for what?  Doesn't he have enough to deal with right now? Of course, he needs to hear the adoration of his fans to lift his egomaniacal spirits.

  • Love 6

A rally for what?  Doesn't he have enough to deal with right now? Of course, he needs to hear the adoration of his fans to lift his egomaniacal spirits.

According to the poster Put America Back to Work. Put People Before Government.

Original draft said Put Russia Before America. 

Cancel your plans MSNBC weekend crews. You'll be working thru the evening.  This fucker starts at 5 pm. 

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42 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Trump just announced he's holding a rally in Orlando this Saturday.  


Wow, really? He's just not hiding at all that this whole thing is about his ego. He just desperately wants to still be that presidential candidate. Is that why they were so obvious with all the Russia stuff? They they never thought they'd be in office so it would just be a money making thing?

I'm eager to see how RM talks about this, definitely. Especially since afaik he hasn't responded at all to what's going on in California with the dam. 

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Rachel HAS to address the press conference.  He's asked about the rise in anti-Semitic incidents in this country during his campaign and since the election, and he started talking about his goddam electoral vote total!  And of course he eventually turns it around to how could he have any responsibility for this, because he has a Jewish son-in-law and 3 Jewish grandchildren, don't you know?  Do you think he has any idea of some of the incidents that have been taking place?  Things like the pattern of bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers and other locations?  Is it too much to ask the president to have some vague idea of what is happening in this country?  Maybe they should talk about anti-Semitism on Celebrity Apprentice - perhaps then he will pay attention. 

Rachel was so pissed last night - I really agree with her about not trusting the Republican establishment doing any serious investigation into all the shit that is going on, and I hope she brings up Jim Comey again and again.  I once thought him a person of integrity.  Wow, was I fooled.  I have zero confidence in the FBI's ability to conduct any investigation of Trump or any of his storm troopers. 

  • Love 8

Oh man, oh man, Rach, your end-off gave me a belly laugh!  

Way to go, Jared.  We were led to believe you're the sane one in Trumpland . . . and maybe the only one isn't totally corrupt.  Oops, maybe NOT, eh?  Oh Jared, your family is buying the Marlins, & now the Marlins owner is being considered for a US Ambassadorship to France?  Hmmmmm.  Is Jared going by Trump's way of doing business -- or his daddy's?

Thanks again for the chuckle, Rach -- and for lifting the veil on exactly who baby-voiced, dorky-looking Jared really is.  Nobody should be fooled by his appearance or manner.  Apparently, he has become best buds with Bannon.  Uh, an Orthodox Jew becoming best buds with a virulent Anti-Semite?  Speaks volumes to me.

Get to Pruitt, Rach.  CNN is all over him.  There is at least one Republican who will not vote for him (Susan Collins) & there may be others.

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Oh, I missed Rachel's final bit about the Kushners and the ambassadorship.  But I did hear the WSJ report from Rachel about withholding top-secret information from Trump.  That is just astonishing, and I was hoping the next show would pick this up -- but no.  Truly, that was breaking news.

MSNBC *really* has to stop running the big red banner of "BREAKING NEWS" all day -- it is just a waterfall of noise that makes us not appreciate when *real* breaking news happens, like Rachel just provided. 

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Ah well, congrats, Rach.  I'm sure your end-off tonite led to this-


Would slimy Jared & his slimy family have been forced to make this announcement if Rach hadn't connected the dots tonite?  Interesting timing on this, eh?  Er, kinda reminds me -- would Trump have fired Flynn if not for the leak & the spotlight by WaPo?  And would Puzder have withdrawn today if Politico didn't release the Oprah tape (as Rach mentioned tonite)?  It ain't exactly difficult to figure out the routine with this corrupt administration.

So if we didn't have the media around to check on Trump & EVERYONE around him (including AND ESPECIALLY Jared, now that he's best buds with Grim Reaper Bannon), this disgusting corrupt bunch would just be trying to get away with as much as they could get away with, eh?  All with the backing of useless McConnell & Lyin' Ryan & Bigot Sessions.

Keep up the good work, Rach & WaPo, NYT & Politico!  Thank goodness intel people are holding back on telling their secrets to Trump.  It would only go immediately off to his boss Putie.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Wonder if there's a crack in the Rachel/Greta friendship after last night's first segment, where Rachel went deep into Puzder's domestic violence history. 

After Greta pooh poohed it the night before, saying she didn't feel good about the Oprah tape "suddenly appearing", and that Puzder's wife recanted her accusations.

Yeah Greta, next time your husband beats the shit out of you and threatens you, let us know how you feel about people questioning your truthfulness.

Fuck the fuck off. 

  • Love 15

I predict Rachel will NOT get involved in dissecting the orange lunatic's lunatic press conference today.  And that's what EVERYONE on MSNBC & CNN should do!  

Rach gets it.  She's said it before -- this is a trap which media can easily fall into.  I mean, trying to follow point by point, what the orange loon babbles -- and counter all the babble & lies with fact & truth.

Chuck Todd gets it too -- and then he fucks up  He said right off -- the purpose of Trump's endless blather & babble & theatrics today was ONLY about distracting from what Flynn discussed on sanctions, why Flynn was fired (the REAL reason, NOT a dumb lie that makes no sense) & what is the nature of Trump's relationship with Putin & Russia.  Right on, Chuck!

BUT Chuck got bogged down in fact-checking Trump.  Mistake, Chuck.  If you're gonna show the orange loon endlessly, you lose me.  Interrupter Matthews does the same bullshit.  That's why I stopped watching him.  Rach thankfully doesn't do this.

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Another hilarious end-off, Rachel!  At least you didn't congratulate yourself.  Cuz you could have.  But yeah, it was mere minutes after your show ended last nite that the statement of denial was released -- supposedly from the Kushner family.  What Rach pointed out (and I missed) in that lame statement was how they hope to do a deal with the Marlins owner in the future -- uh, after he's been given the dream ambassador job.  Hmmm, bribe much?

Oh Jared, do you really think you're gonna get away with shit like this?  Clearly, Rachel is prepared to be all over your slimy ass.  Awesome!

I have no idea what the Daily Kos is, but good for Rachel for promoting them.  They seem to be doing what the DCCC has FAILED MISERABLY at doing -- getting contributions for Dem candidates in possibly winnable elections.  Was Rach being just a tad bit snarky about the DCCC sending her an "angry" note over her saying they seem to be ignoring the upcoming election for Tom Price's seat in Georgia?  Or was she being super snarky?  Gave me a giggle.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Wikipedia has a decent write-up of Daily Kos here.  The blog itself is here.  I haven't been a regular reader for about 8 years (Obama WON!), but from my POV it's a good site, sometimes even reassuring.

Here's a sample diary from someone you may have heard of, written about someone you may be familiar with, posted in August 2008, offered for your consideration as an introduction to the site....

Edited by kassygreene
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