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S05.E04: Relation of Lines and Colors

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I know Daphne was trying to help, but she came off really naive and annoying in this episode. 

Bay also meant well, but she really should have told Travis about Emmett.  But I'm curious, how is Emmett doing a photography project with himself as a subject? Using a timer or whatever he was doing doesn't seem like it uses the same skills as standard photography where you frame the shot and look at the light and all that.

And of course Bay's boss is stealing her ideas. Because a 20-year-old having to work her way up from the bottom at a job with a tough boss wouldn't be decent enough drama.

  • Love 8

I know Daphne’s pretty self-absorbed but I don’t believe she’d be dense enough to not realize that black students would find the cotton balls in front of the BSU to be threatening. I feel like they’re bending the characters to fit the controversy and it’s unfair to the characters. This isn’t the first time they’ve done something like this though. It seems that when they take on these hot topic issues, they assign random characters to different perspectives just so they could say they covered all sides of the issue, and sometimes it doesn’t work for the character. And even though I believe Mingo’s costume was a poor example of cultural appropriation to begin with, I think Daphne would have actually been more sensitive to the issue right off the bat because she’s experienced prejudice before and knows what it’s like to be part of a minority. 

Oh and did Daphne say Professor Marillo is now the dean of student well being? Is that a real thing? And would they really choose a professor for the job who is known for being so hard on her students that her class has led to a student’s mental breakdown in the past? 

I kind of liked Noelle and was hoping Bay would just continue to work her way up to eventually earning a chair of her own so she could actually have something to be proud of, but now there’s going to be a whole big thing about Noelle stealing her work which means it’ll no longer be about Bay earning her spot so that’s kind of disappointing. 

Emmett’s back in Bay’s life for 5 minutes and he’s already causing problems for her. I understand her not wanting to contribute to Travis’s stress while he was preparing for Regionals, but lying was obviously the wrong move and she only created more problems for herself.  

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Is Noelle actually stealing Bae's work, though? In real life, I'd just figure that Noelle just liked how the bird looked, Googled some more information and pictures, and started drawing it herself.

According to Bay, the bird was really common in Chinese mythology. Just drawing the bird isn't stealing Bay's work any more than drawing (or tattooing) dragons or fairies or whatever is copying someone else's work. Mythology is public domain.

Does anyone know what would actually constitute one visual artist stealing another's work, when they're drawing the same mythological (or real for that matter) creature? I don't know exactly how it would work; wouldn't it have to involve technical things lines and shading and coloring and whatnot? 

If Bay had just made up the bird, it would be different, but she clearly stated that she didn't.

Of course, just because this is true in real life doesn't mean that it's how it will be treated on Switched at Birth. Rather the opposite, I'd say. 

I HOPE that this really is a red herring and that the show doesn't actually go down the "Noelle is stealing Bay's work" road, because there are other reasons that doesn't make sense. Bay is working at Noelle's tattoo studio. Presumably, she sees most of the work, either in progress or completed, that Noelle does on people. If she were actually stealing Bay's work, chances are stupidly high that Bay would notice. Noelle has a reputation for having amazing and original work, and at least some amount of her livelihood depends on her reputation. So why would she risk such a high likelihood of her reputation being damaged? Because 20-year-old Bay's tattoo designs are so much better than those of the best tattoo artist in Kansas City that the artist, whose skill and expertise seem more than sufficient for her to run a successful business, absolutely must steal them in an environment where she is likely to get caught, which in turn would likely make her business less successful? 

Okay, Switched at Birth. Sure. There were men discussing in Chinese their plan to rob the studio at the exact moment that just-learned-Chinese Bay came into the studio to beg for her job back, so Noelle drawing the same common-in-Chinese-mythology bird as Bay might as well be stealing Bay's work despite all the above. Why not? 

Edited by Anisky
  • Love 7

this entire episode was awful..all the foreshadowing about the danger of the hunger strike and how effective they are....so we know someone will be comatose after they dont eat next week. Im still floored by the act that any college athlete (travis) would expect to miss close to an entire year and retain their spot. And I still cant beleive after Bay agreed to move in with him, he is stuck in a dorm.

so many stupid things. And I do not care for Iris.

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I hope iris starves . I am the furthest thing from racist but this story line is actually very insulting to me . For them to be mad at daphne or Mingo is absurd . That would be like to dress up as Adam Sandler and then relate it to the holocaust just because he's Jewish . I used to love this show but this season really is terrible .. 

and EBay forever ... Travis needs to go 

  • Love 4

This show is terrible. I feel bad for the actress playing Daphne because she gets the most ridiculous and stupid storylines. It all started with blackmailing a senator, to having an affair with her boss, to committing crimes to whatever this is now. She just goes headlong into trainwrecks. And it's not even good drama, just tedious. I hope she never gets to be a doctor because I wouldn't trust her decision making skills when lives are at stake. It's unsurprising considering how much of a mess her mom, Regina is too.

  • Love 7

I had hope for this season after last week, but that was all dashed tonight. I would so much rather explore Lily and Toby's story, two characters I actually care about facing an issue that we don't see a lot of on TV. I care about race issues in real life but I do not care about this ridiculously contrived story on this show at the very end of its life, involving a character (Iris) I do not care about one little bit. Bay needs to grow up if she's going to be in a grown up relationship and hope for a career. Emmett needs to go away, and that breaks my heart because I loved him in the earlier seasons. Now he is just toxic and harmful to Bay. I missed Mingo this episode. Now, that's a character that did some nice growing up. I wonder if we will see Josh this season?

  • Love 2

I know Daphne was trying to help, but she came off really naive and annoying in this episode. 

Bay also meant well, but she really should have told Travis about Emmett.  But I'm curious, how is Emmett doing a photography project with himself as a subject? Using a timer or whatever he was doing doesn't seem like it uses the same skills as standard photography where you frame the shot and look at the light and all that.

And of course Bay's boss is stealing her ideas. Because a 20-year-old having to work her way up from the bottom at a job with a tough boss wouldn't be decent enough drama.

Photographer here. Self portraits are legitimate and use all the same skills. They're even slightly more difficult because you need to do test shots and make sure you're lined up in the right spot. You would definitely be looking at light, framing the photo, etc as you would if you were looking through the viewfinder and pushing the button.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Ziz said:

I don't know how much more of this pseudo sign language and magical lip reading I can handle.

Co-sign. It's getting really bad unless the scene involves Marlee or Sean or Ryan. I hate that Constance trained so hard it ruined her wrists because when she was told not to sign anymore the whole show shifted in a bad way WRT to the sign language focus of the show.

Also, I still can't get over the story point where Regina knew about the switch and Bay is the only one to suffer the consequences of the switch other than the meningitis that Daphne contracted when she was a toddler.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Anisky said:

Is Noelle actually stealing Bae's work, though? In real life, I'd just figure that Noelle just liked how the bird looked, Googled some more information and pictures, and started drawing it herself.

According to Bay, the bird was really common in Chinese mythology. Just drawing the bird isn't stealing Bay's work any more than drawing (or tattooing) dragons or fairies or whatever is copying someone else's work. Mythology is public domain.

Does anyone know what would actually constitute one visual artist stealing another's work, when they're drawing the same mythological (or real for that matter) creature? I don't know exactly how it would work; wouldn't it have to involve technical things lines and shading and coloring and whatnot? 

If Bay had just made up the bird, it would be different, but she clearly stated that she didn't.

Of course, just because this is true in real life doesn't mean that it's how it will be treated on Switched at Birth. Rather the opposite, I'd say. 

It's definitely not stealing Bay's work in the sense that Bay could sue her or that Noelle's breaking any laws. Bay even said that most tattoo artists copy other tattoos. It did look like Noelle's picture looked very close to Bay's, and wasn't just her simply hearing about the myth and googling it. But Bay still doesn't own it. She probably saw tattoos of it in China and created her own version of it. 

I hope they are just doing it as Bay being disillusioned by Noelle, because she thought she was this great artist who would never "steal" someone else's idea.

20 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I know Daphne was trying to help, but she came off really naive and annoying in this episode. 

Bay also meant well, but she really should have told Travis about Emmett.  But I'm curious, how is Emmett doing a photography project with himself as a subject? Using a timer or whatever he was doing doesn't seem like it uses the same skills as standard photography where you frame the shot and look at the light and all that.

And of course Bay's boss is stealing her ideas. Because a 20-year-old having to work her way up from the bottom at a job with a tough boss wouldn't be decent enough drama.

These are like my thoughts, verbatim. Daphne knows hows much they struggled at Carlton to be heard and how the system wasn't exactly working in their favor then, so why would she think it would be any different here?
I also was curious about how Emmett was going to shoot himself but I guess the photographer upthread answered that.
This arc about Bay's boss stealing her work is already annoying me and it hasn't even started. Why couldn't we just see Bay grow by learning from the "best tattoo artist in Kansas" who had obliviously built that reputation long before Bay came along. I'm sorry but I find it hard to buy this "19 year old Bay is really amazing and jut being kept down unfairly by a jealous boss" thing. **ROLLS EYES** 

10 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

and EBay forever ... Travis needs to go 

That entire story was over exaggerated on everybody's part. Travis knew that even though HE wasn't speaking to Emmett, Bay was. Bay should have told Travis about it when she intended to regardless of his mood. Travis shouldn't have flipped out when he saw it. Bay shouldn't have flipped out on Emmett (as she should have told Travis already). 
However, I'm on board with the Bay and Emmett pairing. Always have been. I never had an issue with how he broke up with Bay... they weren't in the same places anymore. Literally and figuratively. They grew apart and that happens. I would be ok with her ending up alone because the chances of actually ending up with your high school sweetheart are very slim. But if I am to pick between Emmett and Travis, EMMETT WINS. Travis is so angry. All the damn time.

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Everleigh said:

I know Daphne’s pretty self-absorbed but I don’t believe she’d be dense enough to not realize that black students would find the cotton balls in front of the BSU to be threatening. I feel like they’re bending the characters to fit the controversy and it’s unfair to the characters.

I think this is true too - for someone who grew up in a minority household she should be a little more socially/culturally aware than the ignorance she's displayed in this episode, it's painful to watch!

As for Bay, I'm honestly surprised she's attempting the "let's be friends" route again with Emmett considering the last time they tried that, he started dating someone new (or so we thought) and she got jealous and couldn't handle it. Oh well, 4th/5th/6th's time the charm right?

  • Love 2

did anyone else chuckle how many times "hunger strikes are so effective".I m waiting for the reveal next week that Iris is a type 1 diabetic and shouldnt be fasting. I never knew what hate watching was, but I guess I'm doing it now. Oh, and now magically Daphne will get credit for ther year in China? yeah, show whatever <eyeroll>

  • Love 4

Daphne grew up Latina and deaf.  To pretend that she believes that you just have to "trust the systems" is absurd.  It is inconceivable that she wouldn't understand what those cotton balls represented, or the thousands of micro-aggressions and threats students of color face every day at that school. This story line shows a complete lack of respect for the history they gave this character and the struggles she faced in earlier seasons.   

  • Love 7

When I think of how good this show was in its first year and how low it's gone in its last, it makes me very sad. What a waste of potential. Not hate watching, but finishing up the run for closure. I'm not sure it's worth it anymore. This whole Bay/Travis/Emmett triangle is done and they all need to move on. Is Travis on steroids? Because he is so.very.angry and punching at everything all the time! Makes me very tired. St. Daphne meddling where she isn't welcome has been done over and over. We only have 5 eps left, I hope they wind this up in a good way with a lot less drama and everyone on an even keel and moving into their grown-up lives peacefully! Hah! Like that'll happen.

  • Love 3

Seriously show? Seriously? This is how your choosing to end your whole entire run? Bay/Emmett/Travis drama, and some campus activism plot featuring characters we hardly know or care about? This whole episode was a long series of Seriouslys.

Seriously Daphne? Your an idiot. How are this is sheltered and unknowledgeable about racial issues on campus? This is a person who, until recently, thought she WAS a minority, was raised by a Latina mom, is Deaf, AND has always been interested in social causes, but now, she's just the dumb privileged white girl who needs to be lectured so the writers can get their point across. I mean, damn Daphne, even I, white girl from rural white town, knew a decent amount about campus racial issues and micro aggressions just through reading my friends Facebooks posts and reading Buzzfeed!

Seriously other students? A hunger strike? I cant say I know the whole history of hunger strikes on college campuses, but, from what I can remember, the one time a hunger strike kind of worked was in Missou, when one guy hunger striked, and that inspired the football team to walk off the field, and THATS what lead to actual change. Also, I don't think the show is trying to say this, but, this gives off the vibe that campuses are divided between stupid as hell or just plain racist white students, and super pissed off black students who love nothing more than telling white people how racist they are and how bad they should feel about everything ever. The other minority students are...in line for Starbucks I guess? Except for Daphne's one friend anyway. I will say, they do have a WAY better reason to be angry this week then last week (that cultural appropriation thing was still all kinds of stupid) at least. This show just isn't giving them much of a perspective, as much as its lecturing us about the school wont give them a perspective.

Seriously Bay? Why do you think that you can be a professional tattoo artist in like two weeks? And are we seriously implying that this professional women stole one of Bays Chinese prints? Because they're THAT GOOD? Seriously? Also, you really should have told Travis about giving Emmet the tattoo right away. You know how it would react if he found out. Speaking of...

Seriously, Emmett and Travis? Emmett, you could have just said you got some ink, and said nothing about Bay. And you are SO trying to get back with her, even after you acted like an asshole. Travis, chill the hell out. You blew that baseball tryout, and you've got no one to blame but you. And you need to stop being so pissed off at everyone all the time. And, how did you NOT think that taking 8 months off to go to China would affect your baseball career? And don't act like this is Bays fault, she didn't make you go.

The only characters making any sense were, as usual lately, John and Katherine. I thought their plots were pretty good, no real complaints. John was totally within his right to get that guy threatening Daphne kicked out of school. The cotton ball guys should have been kicked out too, or at least given a harsher sentence. Is this seriously the same school that kicked Tank out after a possible rape allegation within about three days, even after his alleged victim said she didn't want to press charges. I guess hate crimes are totally cool, but possible rape that was probably not rape at all? OMG EXPLULSION! Also, why was the professor lady doing all this stuff? Why was she telling the protestors to pack it in? What does this have to do with science?

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Seelouis said:

Daphne grew up Latina and deaf.  To pretend that she believes that you just have to "trust the systems" is absurd.  It is inconceivable that she wouldn't understand what those cotton balls represented, or the thousands of micro-aggressions and threats students of color face every day at that school. This story line shows a complete lack of respect for the history they gave this character and the struggles she faced in earlier seasons.   

This story shows that they have completely abandoned how and where Daphne was raised in favor of the white savior narrative.

  • Love 4
On 2/22/2017 at 5:03 PM, maraleia said:

Co-sign. It's getting really bad unless the scene involves Marlee or Sean or Ryan. I hate that Constance trained so hard it ruined her wrists because when she was told not to sign anymore the whole show shifted in a bad way WRT to the sign language focus of the show.

Also, I still can't get over the story point where Regina knew about the switch and Bay is the only one to suffer the consequences of the switch other than the meningitis that Daphne contracted when she was a toddler.

Ha props to you for actually mentioning the original premise of the show. Remember when it used to be about that and not... whatever the hell it is now? I hated every single storyline except, oddly John and Kathryn's. 

As someone who is a minority, even I'm rolling my eyes at the race storyline. though this time some of their anger was warranted. But still, way to extend the "angry black" stereotype, switched at birth. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, AmandaPanda said:

It's super clear now that Switched at Birth's UMKC is actually the real-world University of Missouri. The cotton ball incident happened at Mizzou when I was a sophomore in 2010. And then the stuff with the hunger strike and other protests happened in 2015-16. 

Definitely got vibes of a play on the professor trying to grab the megaphone compared to the Mizzou professor who got filmed asking for muscle get rid of the student journalists. Not exactly the same, but they're trying to "rip from the headlines" 100 miles east for sure. I'm betting we'll see more parallels in the next episode. 

  • Love 2

Agreed with everything here. Is Freeform the one behind these shifts toward misery and melodramatic trauma for all characters on their shows now? Both SaB and The Fosters have indeed suffered from it and changed greatly from the kind of mostly heartwarming family dramas they began as. 

Also, though I liked Kathryn calling out the gross client--how did she never point out to her boss/colleague that what he was asking her to do could be considered sexual harrassment. Kathryn would know that and she'd speak up...or at least agonize about it before speaking up. Her frustrating was all over what she was being asked to do but not that she was even being asked to do it really in the first place or who was asking her to do it. It was kind of odd that they didn't come right out and suggest the colleague was harassing her.

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