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S07.E07: It's Expensive To Be Me

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6 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Yeah but both Kathryn and Erika were/are full time Housewives, while Eden is just a "Friend of". It could be that former gets a full introduction, while the latter doesn't.

I believe that most newbie FOHs start out as potential full HWs and end up getting reduced to FO for a variety of reasons, so production edits out their "intro" before the season airs.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, zulualpha said:

Wouldn't it have been refreshing if the conversation had gone like this:

Rinna:  Why don't we talk about your arrest?

Kim:  Which one?

Rinna:  Hahaha, pick one!

Kim:  That's hard.  Should I go with the drunken freak out at the Beverly Hills Hotel where I locked myself in the bathroom, had to be dragged out and kicked a cop?  Or the time they got me leaving Target with a cartful of unpaid for stickers and colored pencils?  There's also the lawsuit.

Kyle:  Not the lawsuit.

Eden:  Just speak your truth Kim, my sober woman friend.

Kim: Well when you put it that way, did I ever tell you about the time my sister Kyle here stole my house?

Funny scenario but not really refreshing, we all know about and have seen discussions concerning Kim's well documented screw ups and nasty history. It's been thrown in her face since she has been on the show. I'd be more interested in exposing the dirt and hypocrisy on the soap scum sisters and Eden's personal demons. Funny how they shut the door on their shit but feel no problem about dragging others through the gauntlet of shame. We should direct that same type of questioning  and exposure to them without let up and see how they handle it.

Fucking hypocrites.

  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Yeah but both Kathryn and Erika were/are full time Housewives, while Eden is just a "Friend of". It could be that former gets a full introduction, while the latter doesn't.

Brandi and Dana were FORH and we saw their children early on.  I was just making an observation we have had a lot of Eden without any real background stuff about her other than who her father was and the Kim connection. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, princelina said:

IMO it doesn't matter what Rinna told Eden - as a "sober woman" she should know that there is more going on than Kim's nastiness and Rinna's third tier observations.  Maybe as a "recently sober woman" she has a messiah complex  - or maybe she's just looking for a paycheck.  I guess time will tell . . .

As the Kyle in my family - I agree with what you are saying and I'm here to tell you that while it may not be right, it's probably the most "normal" thing anyone has ever done on a RH show.  My family is nowhere near the mess that they are, but here's what we have in common and why I sympathize with her: When your sibling is the addict and has kids, you HAVE to enable to some degree for the safety of the children.  "Tough love" is all about letting the addict see the consequences of their actions, and when kids are involved you literally can't go there to the degree you might if they weren't.  Then you are also dealing with the family members (in my case parents) who just think you are a bitch and believe everything the addict says, every time they say anything.  (And most of what they say is lies to protect their addiction - but you can pull out police reports and real proof that you are the one telling the truth, and they just need to "get the other side of the story.")  

For example:  If Kim were my sibling, I would be hearing about how she got an important phone call about one of her kids and just HAD to leave Target to take it, and was so distressed that she really, really forgot that she had a cart full of crap that she was pushing.  Really really!  She was that distressed!  Why don't you believe your sister?  You've always been jealous of her!  

And then you've got the kind people who want to see the best in others - in my case it's all of the friends who tell me how "he's such a Great Guy - except when he's been drinking" (which isn't all that great for his wife and kids and all of the holidays and birthdays he's ruined, but whatever - I'm glad he's been polite to you except for when he's drinking :)  I just get it from friends and acquaintances, but I know Kyle gets it here and there and everywhere on the internet.  The current term for it is "gaslighting", where people make you feel like you are the crazy one even though you know it's not true!  So when you are finally proven right all along, you DO want to give the world the finger and say "See?  SEE?"  It's not right but it's very normal, and I think overall she's been really decent about it.

Your point does hit the nail on the head. And I am happy that she's pulled back from the addict story line and has finally stopped the tortured angst, which in turn made others very protective of HER and therefore ended up admonishing her sister in the process.  You have describe it in a way that justifies why Kyle would need to get certain things out there once and for all and even take pleasure in having her side heard and you are absolutely right but now I'm going to outline why, although understandable, I found it not as easy to digest.

I'm the daughter and sister of alcoholics/addicts.

Alcohol, Crack, Cocaine, Heroine (80's status, Boogie down Bronx)

And yes that makes me the Kyle of my family.

Which is why a lot of what I see from Kyle disgusts me. I understand where she's coming from and I also feel that her resentment has gotten the best of her on more than one occasion. I can agree that she's had a hard time of it and totally get it. Don't get me wrong. But being the put upon one doesn't absolve being cruel in those moments of being at the end of your rope. It doesn't absolve her from being vicious and nobody can't tell me that Kyle hasn't ever unleashed hell on Kim because of her addiction. I'm 99% certain that that outburst in the Limo was no where near the first time Kyle has "had enough" and hit low.  And quite honestly I could easily accept that as well if Kyle wasn't so intent on putting forth just the "woe is me" part of her story. If she had been more real and more willing to admit that the struggles affected everyone and yes, has caused even her to lash out aggressively at Kim during really down moments of Kim's addiction I would have been less critical of Kyle. My dislike comes from seeing Kyle give us this whole withering flower persona that is the complete opposite of what a woman who has dealt with lifelong addictions in her family would truly possess. Not saying that she can't be worn down after all these years. Of course she is which is probably why she didn't realize what a BAD decision it was to bring this to a reality show.

She does deserve that pat on the back. I just don't think this was the way to get it. I get where Kyle was coming from, I really do but I saw the fame whoring underneath as well as the melodrama coming from a woman I can tell is a spit fire so even though I get that it's a trying thing to live through I wasn't blind to her throwing caution to the wind almost gleefully when addressing Kim and her issues publicly. That's what left the bad taste in my mouth.  That there was a point where it wasn't just her having some crumbling emotional, "I don't have the strength" heartbreak needing acceptance and support. To me, she milked it to a degree and here and there contributed to the story lines momentum.  There were surges of anger and resentment that drove some of her behaviors thru a few of the seasons. Just because we all know why and see where it all comes from doesn't make it something that should be excused and the fact that Kyle's never admitted to that side of her and always pushes the "always supportive sister" angle of it while conveniently forgetting those sections of letting the gravity of the situation cause her to lash out is what annoys me. 

She isn't being truly honest and there was a part of the show where I feel Kim was asking her to and to stop always making their discord out to be all Kim's fault.  That didn't escape me. I could tell there was way more to it than what the narrative was and so I've never given Kyle a complete pass on her role in it all. That's all. I do think having Kim's addiction off the table (or only in small doses) helps my opinion of Kyle though. The more lightweight subject matter surrounding Kyle makes it easier to just see her as anybody else and I'm able to not hate seeing her on my screen anymore.

I'm not completely without experience in this area so my take on it isn't without insight or understanding.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

One thing that really jumped out at me was when Kyle was talking about her mother passing away 16 years ago, and Lisar saying to Eden "Oh, you would have loved her mother". I knew they had been friends for a long time, since Lisar has said that she has been at every one of Kyle's White Parties since the very first one, but didn't know they had known each long/well enough that Lisar would have known her mother. Lisar must know a lot about the inside family dynamics, which makes it even worse for her to probe in areas that Kyle finds painful. 

Rinna may have "known" Kyle's mother only through the many stories she has heard about Big Kathy through the years and this was just a very generic statement. She may have never met Kathy nor had any clue to the family dynamics before the show. Rinna inserts herself into relationships and can make her involvement seem more than it is, the words that she uses and statements she makes may not technically be lies but they can imply a familiarity that isn't really there. One example is her conversation with Eden about Kim while shopping this episode. She made statements that Kyle, LVP even we were calling her on.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Brandi and Dana were FORH and we saw their children early on.  I was just making an observation we have had a lot of Eden without any real background stuff about her other than who her father was and the Kim connection. 

I think that Eden is getting the pretty standard 'friend of' introduction. We heard little of Brandi or Dana in the beginning, just the basics about them and their lives, similar to Eden. We learned she has kids, about her famous father, her getting clean and sober, and about her business. Just the basics at this point. I am sure they shot tons of other footage (like Marisa or whatever her name was said they had filmed of her as well), but we don't see it because she didn't make the cut. The interesting part will be if she is able to move up to a FT ho'wife next season like Brandi did. She has said something I've never heard another one of these gals ever say before, and that was that she couldn't see how they could have a next season without her. She seems to indicate that she is a central figure in whatever will happen and that it is big enough that it will need to be revisited next year. Wishful thinking maybe? If it was that important, seems like they would have made her a FT gal this year. 

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Bravo.  Here is Eden's take:

I asked Kyle a lot of questions at lunch.  Questions she did not want to hear or think about.  But after Rinna told me Kyle was an enabler, I felt like I had to get to know Kyle and understand where she is coming from to help Kim.  Because I didn't feel a very welcoming energy at #Game Night.  I wanted to make it my mission to get to know Kyle, and for Kyle to get to know meI think she will find out soon enough I have a #HUGE heart.  And as someone who knows the pain of being an addict, I don't care who it is, or if I am close to them or not, want to help!  There is such an amazing life that comes from being sober and living your #Truth.  I want that for anyone struggling.  And if Kyle chooses not to talk about it with me, or her sister, I just hope Kim knows that I am always here. 

Maybe it is me all I see is a whole lot of I and me in Eden's statement.  She is also a master of the obvious and I am unclear what she wanted Kyle to do to make her feel more welcome.  After the won't let go of Kim after Kim offered her condolences, I pretty much had had enough of Eden.  Perhaps Eden should have extended an invitation to Kim (on or off camera) to have a session or two at her Pilates studio.

Eden, who can't seem to get out of her own way, continues with:

Kyle thought I was being invasive asking questions about her mom.  I didn't mean to make her feel like that, but as the daughter of a recovering alcoholic, (my mother), I know it comes from somewhere.  I know it comes from somewhere.  The more you know about how it started or who it may have been passed from, the more you can learn about yourself.  It helps the whole sobriety process.  One day I hope Kyle recognizes where I am coming from.

Note to Self:  You can't take it personally when others aren't ready to look at the deeper meaning of things.  #These Things Take Time

Kyle realizes Eden is coming from a position of trying to become famous and is desperately trying to find commonality it anything Kyle or Kim Richards.  Eden needs to work on getting herself well and forget about Kim or living life as one long therapy session.  We already have Eileen for that role.

this is kind of different, but I felt for Kyle.  I have awful eyesight, and I only have a daylight drivers' license and don't drive on the highway, or after even a sip of alcohol. .  It's not quite the same thing, but I'll just meet someone and have to mention it for whatever reason  and I'll get eighty-six thousand questions, "oh, have you ever tried to drive on the highway?  can you get surgery?  can you get Lasik or stronger glasses? have you seen other doctors? wow, I feel really bad for you, that must be *so* hard..."

(my MIL who has known me for like thirty years also enjoys those questions every time she sees me...because she just does not like that about me.)

and I'm always there just cringing, like GET OUT OF MY FACE....it's been a condition since birth, I have exhausted all possible fixes, and I make the best of it (I'm quite the walker!!! and now there's Uber!) and YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 13
32 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think that Eden is getting the pretty standard 'friend of' introduction. We heard little of Brandi or Dana in the beginning, just the basics about them and their lives, similar to Eden. We learned she has kids, about her famous father, her getting clean and sober, and about her business. Just the basics at this point. I am sure they shot tons of other footage (like Marisa or whatever her name was said they had filmed of her as well), but we don't see it because she didn't make the cut. The interesting part will be if she is able to move up to a FT ho'wife next season like Brandi did. She has said something I've never heard another one of these gals ever say before, and that was that she couldn't see how they could have a next season without her. She seems to indicate that she is a central figure in whatever will happen and that it is big enough that it will need to be revisited next year. Wishful thinking maybe? If it was that important, seems like they would have made her a FT gal this year. 

Here is a story about Eden:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/eden-sassoon-on-joining-rhobh-sometimes-when-you-resist-something-its-exactly-what

She is such a f#cking liar.

She begins with being, "received well by everyone at first. They were like, 'You're absolutely fabulous and we love you!'".  Din't she just complain Kyle was not warm or welcoming which would pretty much be the opposite of claiming she was absolutely fabulous, and Kim was in a bad place.

The nonsense continues, and this one is particularly annoying because #MyTruth doesn't jive with reality.

But Eden admitted that she really didn't keep up with RHOBH over the years, explaining that since the series has been on the air she's gotten married, had two children, and gotten divorced, lost her father.

First off the original air date of the show aired October 14, 2010.  It filmed from January to June of 2010.  Eden got married on July 24, 2004, had her daughter May 24, 2005, her son August 29, 2006, filed for divorce April 4, 2008 and it was later in 2008.  Her dad did die in 2012.  So Eden is pretty much just a phony liar.  I am curious if perhaps she joined AA to have a captive audience as friends, who listen to her BS without judgment.

Why don't these women just admit they watched the show and wanted to be a part of it for the opportunity to promote their business or career?  I seriously doubt the producers chased this lying turd down.

  • Love 19
50 minutes ago, teapot said:

this is kind of different, but I felt for Kyle.  I have awful eyesight, and I only have a daylight drivers' license and don't drive on the highway, or after even a sip of alcohol. .  It's not quite the same thing, but I'll just meet someone and have to mention it for whatever reason  and I'll get eighty-six thousand questions, "oh, have you ever tried to drive on the highway?  can you get surgery?  can you get Lasik or stronger glasses? have you seen other doctors? wow, I feel really bad for you, that must be *so* hard..."

(my MIL who has known me for like thirty years also enjoys those questions every time she sees me...because she just does not like that about me.)

and I'm always there just cringing, like GET OUT OF MY FACE....it's been a condition since birth, I have exhausted all possible fixes, and I make the best of it (I'm quite the walker!!! and now there's Uber!) and YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is my complaint among many about Eden, it is not as if Kim needs a kidney and Eden is volunteering to donate one and Kim is refusing.  I think Kim has probably exhausted  many options when it comes to finding support for her sobriety.  Eden doesn't offer a cure (nor is anyone else) she is just being a buttinski.

1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Rinna may have "known" Kyle's mother only through the many stories she has heard about Big Kathy through the years and this was just a very generic statement. She may have never met Kathy nor had any clue to the family dynamics before the show. Rinna inserts herself into relationships and can make her involvement seem more than it is, the words that she uses and statements she makes may not technically be lies but they can imply a familiarity that isn't really there. One example is her conversation with Eden about Kim while shopping this episode. She made statements that Kyle, LVP even we were calling her on.

I think Kathy Hilton would agree with you:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2017/01/19/kathy-hilton-slams-eden-sassoon-probing-kyle-richards-kims-sobriety/  Expanded story:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/lisa-rinna-eden-sassoon-comments-on-kim-richards-kathy-hilton-reacts

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

I was just making an observation we have had a lot of Eden without any real background stuff about her other than who her father was and the Kim connection. 

Yeah, but it's still her 2nd episode. We could see more in time. While there some outliers as you mentioned, I just feel that overall, with Friends of, the show doesn't always focus on their family life the way it does on the main HWs.

Of course, it might not be her decision that we aren't seeing her family. It could be Bravo finds it doesn't fit into the season narrative, or Bravo finds it boring, or the baby daddy doesn't want them appearing on the show (assuming they are under the age of 18).

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:


Which is why a lot of what I see from Kyle disgusts me. I understand where she's coming from and I also feel that her resentment has gotten the best of her on more than one occasion. I can agree that she's had a hard time of it and totally get it. Don't get me wrong. But being the put upon one doesn't absolve being cruel in those moments of being at the end of your rope. It doesn't absolve her from being vicious and nobody can't tell me that Kyle hasn't ever unleashed hell on Kim because of her addiction. I'm 99% certain that that outburst in the Limo was no where near the first time Kyle has "had enough" and hit low.  And quite honestly I could easily accept that as well if Kyle wasn't so intent on putting forth just the "woe is me" part of her story. If she had been more real and more willing to admit that the struggles affected everyone and yes, has caused even her to lash out aggressively at Kim during really down moments of Kim's addiction I would have been less critical of Kyle. My dislike comes from seeing Kyle give us this whole withering flower persona that is the complete opposite of what a woman who has dealt with lifelong addictions in her family would truly possess. Not saying that she can't be worn down after all these years. Of course she is which is probably why she didn't realize what a BAD decision it was to bring this to a reality show.

She does deserve that pat on the back. I just don't think this was the way to get it. I get where Kyle was coming from, I really do but I saw the fame whoring underneath as well as the melodrama coming from a woman I can tell is a spit fire so even though I get that it's a trying thing to live through I wasn't blind to her throwing caution to the wind almost gleefully when addressing Kim and her issues publicly. That's what left the bad taste in my mouth.  That there was a point where it wasn't just her having some crumbling emotional, "I don't have the strength" heartbreak needing acceptance and support. To me, she milked it to a degree and here and there contributed to the story lines momentum.  There were surges of anger and resentment that drove some of her behaviors thru a few of the seasons. Just because we all know why and see where it all comes from doesn't make it something that should be excused and the fact that Kyle's never admitted to that side of her and always pushes the "always supportive sister" angle of it while conveniently forgetting those sections of letting the gravity of the situation cause her to lash out is what annoys me. 

She isn't being truly honest and there was a part of the show where I feel Kim was asking her to and to stop always making their discord out to be all Kim's fault.  That didn't escape me. I could tell there was way more to it than what the narrative was and so I've never given Kyle a complete pass on her role in it all. That's all. I do think having Kim's addiction off the table (or only in small doses) helps my opinion of Kyle though. The more lightweight subject matter surrounding Kyle makes it easier to just see her as anybody else and I'm able to not hate seeing her on my screen anymore.

First off there is no evidence to support a lifelong addiction that Kyle has dealt with.  The history seems to be after Kim's fourth child, who is now 21, Kim began drinking excessively.  Which was about five years before Big Kathy died.  That makes it about a 20 year battle with alcoholism.  So I don't know why Kyle would be so knowledgeable.  it seems once it became an issue Kyle did abide by her mother's wishes (and Kim's) that her alcoholism not be commented on publicly by the family.  Kyle had the show whether her sister signed on or not.  it just happened the show came along when Kim's generous child support ran out from Davis and she needed to work.

From the special about Season 1 there is no indication Kyle was gleeful about outing Kim.  The producers have said Kyle pleaded with them not to show the limo footage.  I saw a very, very angry Kyle, not a gleeful one.  Kim and Kyle did not speak for many months after the limo.  Kim nixed rehab and returned for Season 2.  She returned to the show and from all accounts she was not sober. Mostly she and Kim argued-I don't recall Kyle bringing up Kim's alcoholism.  She defended Kim when Brandi accused her of being on meth.  Here is Kyle's blog after the Season 2 finale:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-2/blogs/kyle-richards/my-story  She admits to being angry.  This blog happened after Kim went to rehab in late 2011 and was a no-show for the Reunion.   She had a special interview.

Kyle has twice had to deal with on air slips of Kim's-once in Paris and of course Poker Night.  Kyle outed neither slip, LVP and Kim outed the slips.  Kyle was very supportive of Kim in Paris and tried to help Kim Season 5, but their relationship deteriorated after the season wrapped.  Kyle has been pretty consistent in not bringing Kim and her drinking up-others Rinna, Brandi, Eileen not so much.  En route to Calgary and Amsterdam I never thought Kyle lashed out at Kim, more like she just refused to defend her indefensible behavior and words.  Kyle has asked the new busy body now not to talk to her about Kim.  What Eden chooses to do as far as honoring Kyle's request is on her. 

I always thought if Eden wanted to truly get to the bottom of what Kim was angry about Game Night, she should have either listened to Rinna's apology where she admits and apologizes for being mean and hurtful to Kim or perhaps asked Rinna to expand on her behavior and not talked smack about Kim and Kyle.   

13 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Yeah, but it's still her 2nd episode. We could see more in time. While there some outliers as you mentioned, I just feel that overall, with Friends of, the show doesn't always focus on their family life the way it does on the main HWs.

Of course, it might not be her decision that we aren't seeing her family. It could be Bravo finds it doesn't fit into the season narrative, or Bravo finds it boring, or the baby daddy doesn't want them appearing on the show (assuming they are under the age of 18).

With as much as Eden loves talking about her sobriety and addiction it would have been nice to maybe get her back story.  Instead of all the fake oohing and aaahing between she and Rinna over how fabulous they both are.  And of course the erroneous speculation about other's path to addiction and recovery.

  • Love 13
20 hours ago, msblossom said:

 I'm hoping that Bravo is allowing Kim's sobriety to be perpetuated at the expense of outing Lisa Rinna's drug problem and eating disorder.

There, I said it.

If that makes me a bitch, I'm OWNING IT, Rinna.  

Hypocrtical bitch. Take the log outta your own eye and mind your business.

Lol, perfect! 

I agree and will say it's only out of my tremendous concern for Lisa Rinna that I even mention it, a million times, when people are trying to move on. But, like Lisa, I'm concerned. Super, super concerned, and not in any way trying to make myself relevant. Nope. Just like Rinna.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Part of me feels Lisa R has unresolved issues regarding her own step-sisters addiction and death, and projects it onto Kim. And some of those issues are resentment and anger.

Nahhhh, Rinna just doesn't want anyone to start digging into her real life so she makes sure she puts someone else under the magnifying glass. LOL

  • Love 10
On 1/18/2017 at 9:25 AM, Giselle said:

They don't want to save Kim. They don't give a rat's ass. They want a storyline and screen time.

Eden and Rinna can go fuck themselves. If they were really concerned they wouldn't "help Kim" in front of a camera. We wouldn't even hear of them helping her if they truly meant it.

That lunch between Kyle, Rinna and Edam was an ambush. I'm disappointed in Kyle that she didn't put her foot down at the party snf throw them out nor cut them down during this episode.

No they don't.  Frankly neither do I which is why I would prefer they stop freaking talking about it!  Kim is who she is which is an entitled asshole who has been given many chances on this show and she sucks.  I used to be a fan but I tired of her issues being on screen.  Plus we know the real Kim from the behind the scenes season 1 show.  Someone who treats everyone like shit when the camera isn't rolling.    

Now that said, Rinna and Eden were WAY out of line.  Rinna is not an expert on Kim and how the family feels.  The grilling of Kyle was out of line and she had more patience than I would have in a similar situation.  If this season is pantygate and Kims sobriety I am out.  I do not find Dorit, Eileen, Lisa R, Eden, or Kim interesting.  At all.  I kinda like Erika and I am intrigued watching someone with money trying to make a music career happen.  Its kind of silly but think of all the jobs she is creating!!!  

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Part of me feels Lisa R has unresolved issues regarding her own step-sisters addiction and death, and projects it onto Kim. And some of those issues are resentment and anger.

Maybe it starts with her sister was 21 and maybe wasn't an addict but foolishly mixed alcohol and seconal.  Not everyone who overdoses or mixes substances is an addict.  Her sister would have died in 1969, when Rinna was six and the two did not share the same mother.   I would think she would be angry over her sister dying so needlessly.  I believe both Rinna and Eden better turn off the projection and claims of how Kim reminds them of their sisters. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 7
On 1/18/2017 at 10:38 AM, zoeysmom said:

No incorrect.  At the beginning of Game Night, Kim asks Kyle what she knows of Eden and Kyle says nothing.   Catya Sasson was four years younger than Kim.  There only time working together was in 1984, when Kim was 19/20 years old and Catya was15 /16.  Eden would have been 11 years old and Kyle 15 years old.  Kim was with Monty and shortly after the movie was released became pregnant and married Monty.  The other super stars in the movie, James Spader 24 years of age at the time of filming and Robert Downey Jr., 19 years of age, went on to film a lot of movies and were part of the '80s Brat Pack.  Catya nor Kim are part of Brat Pack.  Eden's big recollection is RDJ and maybe Kim, it is unclear from her double talk. may have been at the Sassoon family home (the former home of Frank Stallone-for some reason she finds that relevant) and RDJ liked playing the piano, and she had a crush on Kim.  Any dirt Eden may have run cross probably comes from the same sources we read.  Eden never even spoke with Kim. I think Eden was taken back when Kyle didn't call her mother an alcoholic. 

I noticed a pattern with Eden, "my sister and Kim worked on their first film together," it was her sister's first film, certainly not Kim's, and their one and only time working together.  To me, it gives the vibe that she and Kim went on to other projects together or they got their start in Hollywood together.  One thing for certain neither Kim nor Kyle ever sported a Sassoon haircut.

From Eden's blog she is trying way too hard to create familiarity with the Richards family where none truly exists. 

Omg.  I didn't realize Eden was younger than Kyle.  Girl looks older than Eileen.  

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

But she grew probably grew up thinking of her as family. And to lose her sister while so young, and so needlessly, could left some long term scars on her.

I agree and she has certainly expressed her sentiments.  Her scars should be used as an excuse to hurt others though.  There is basically zero similarities between Kim and Rinna's sister.  So to keep raising the issue under the guise of similarities is what bugs me.  It might be more interesting to her from Rinna how her parents dealt with the situation when she was growing up-were they overly strict, did they stay in a grief state, did they not talk about it.  To me that would make it more relevant.  I was shocked when I learned that Rinna's mother had been kidnapped by a serial murdered and survived the attack.  What was weirder is she told the story and said it coloured her raising of her daughters and she was fiercely protective.  It seemed to fly in face of Rinna's behavior and parenting in NYC, the episode had just aired. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

First off there is no evidence to support a lifelong addiction that Kyle has dealt with.  The history seems to be after Kim's fourth child, who is now 21, Kim began drinking excessively.  Which was about five years before Big Kathy died.  That makes it about a 20 year battle with alcoholism.  So I don't know why Kyle would be so knowledgeable.  it seems once it became an issue Kyle did abide by her mother's wishes (and Kim's) that her alcoholism not be commented on publicly by the family.  Kyle had the show whether her sister signed on or not.  it just happened the show came along when Kim's generous child support ran out from Davis and she needed to work.

From the special about Season 1 there is no indication Kyle was gleeful about outing Kim.  The producers have said Kyle pleaded with them not to show the limo footage.  I saw a very, very angry Kyle, not a gleeful one.  Kim and Kyle did not speak for many months after the limo.  Kim nixed rehab and returned for Season 2.  She returned to the show and from all accounts she was not sober. Mostly she and Kim argued-I don't recall Kyle bringing up Kim's alcoholism.  She defended Kim when Brandi accused her of being on meth.  Here is Kyle's blog after the Season 2 finale:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-2/blogs/kyle-richards/my-story  She admits to being angry.  This blog happened after Kim went to rehab in late 2011 and was a no-show for the Reunion.   She had a special interview.

Kyle has twice had to deal with on air slips of Kim's-once in Paris and of course Poker Night.  Kyle outed neither slip, LVP and Kim outed the slips.  Kyle was very supportive of Kim in Paris and tried to help Kim Season 5, but their relationship deteriorated after the season wrapped.  Kyle has been pretty consistent in not bringing Kim and her drinking up-others Rinna, Brandi, Eileen not so much.  En route to Calgary and Amsterdam I never thought Kyle lashed out at Kim, more like she just refused to defend her indefensible behavior and words.  Kyle has asked the new busy body now not to talk to her about Kim.  What Eden chooses to do as far as honoring Kyle's request is on her. 

I always thought if Eden wanted to truly get to the bottom of what Kim was angry about Game Night, she should have either listened to Rinna's apology where she admits and apologizes for being mean and hurtful to Kim or perhaps asked Rinna to expand on her behavior and not talked smack about Kim and Kyle.   

I found plenty of indications.  Because people don't perceive things the same way it's easy for glaring details to be overlooked.

My opinion comes from a very relevant place at least to me. No one has to see it but it's there. Trust me or not makes no nevermind to me.

Excuse the "lifelong" faux paus. How about, not for one second do I believe the woman I've seen on my TV all these seasons didn't ever strong arm the situation and was always reduced to this whimpering victim of big bad Kim and her addiction. Frustrated? Yes. Resentful? Yes. Concerned and worried? Absolutely. At her wits end? I'm sure. But some weak, door mat of Kim's and her addiction? Not buying it. Surely she's suffered but I'm sure she also laid down the law on occasion asserting some authority over Kim as well over the years in multiple attempts to regulate her behavior and make it less destructive. This was a back and forth not just some captive, captor situation. 

I'm not saying she hasn't been completely drained and emotionally rocked by it all but I feel where an honest account over her natural battles with this issue would have been sufficient to garner the sympathy she craved and understanding she desired (all justified I must say) she also decided to add an extra tear on occasion, an exaggerated facial expression, a nicely time pearl clutch and extreme case of the vapors from time to time. All of which is hard to call out cause it was coming from a genuine place during obvious strife and confrontations however some of these "soul crushing" moments came across as just a tad bit over the top and scene stealing. I have to say. Like there was a "pop of color" thrown in.

That's where my issues with Kyle has mostly stemmed from. It almost came across as if she wanted to push herself as an abused portion of Kim's addiction and struggles as opposed to that point just coming out organically and I found that pretty unfair. I found an underlying sense that Kyle sort of wanted Kim to pay for all those years of being a burden to them and it came out in how she decided to present her narrative of it all. There were times I honestly felt she was consciously directing the narrative a specific way. "Hmmmmm should I just give enough to prove my point or should I go for the gusto and really lay it on thick?".

We all know what I think Kyle chose.

Kyle's backed off that particular ride though, thank God and I'm all for it. This is how I wish Kyle treated all things Kim on this show from day one. There WERE times where she could have let things fizzle out, damage done, truth caught on film. Kim's embarrassing slips. Disorientation, etc. etc. Kim was digging her own grave and yet I don't know. Sometimes I noticed a perfectly timed quick comment or declaration or subtle reaction by Kyle that just gave the situation just a tiny bit more bitter flavor without be blatantly obvious.  Me being the Kyle of MY family, no matter how fed up I was I would have NEVER allowed myself to go to certain places Kyle did. And we are talking about years of heroine, crack cocaine addiction with some alcohol thrown in for good measure. Look I can appreciate people being human and shit like this getting the better of them. I just feel that Kyle sits herself over in the normal corner where their dysfunction stems from Kim's addiction therefore making it ALL on Kim which I don't is the crux of ALL their problems so I don't think that's the healthiest of approaches and hinders their progress. But that's just me.

I'm not interested in having this debate all over again. That's how I feel about Kyle and that's all there is to it.

However, Kyle isn't bugging me this season and for that I am grateful. I hope she can keep her neutral ground and if she finds it within herself to start shutting bitches down in defense of her sister and their families right to their own way of coping with Kim and her struggles then even better I say.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

They don't have to be exactly similar issues to bring out whatever it is Lisa R is feeling. And given that Lisa was so young when it happened, those feelings she had when she was a girl could be clouding how she deals with the situation today.

Either way, if she still has those unresolved issues, she should deal with on her own and talk to a professional about them, instead of taking out her feelings on Kim.

  • Love 3
On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:05 PM, Straycat80 said:

Oh no they are not going to take a trip down dinosaur road and make us relive the whole Kim debacle again?! And if they are bringing Eden on the show just to stir up all this Kim drama again I would rather she go back to wherever she came from. Eden should be more concerned about her botched boob job. The one side looked rippled. 

I didn't even pay much attention to the end scene with Eileen, Dorito and Rinna. I'm so sick of them rehashing who said what and who was offended, blah, blah, blah.

the plus side of this episode was the house porn in Malibu and the vacation porn in Greece. Beautiful! 

I am SICK TO DEATH OF LISA RHINNA!!!! SHUT YOUR BIG LIPS...Kyle needs to shut them down..

Edited by byrd
  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

They don't have to be exactly similar issues to bring out whatever it is Lisa R is feeling. And given that Lisa was so young when it happened, those feelings she had when she was a girl could be clouding how she deals with the situation today.

Either way, if she still has those unresolved issues, she should deal with on her own and talk to a professional about them, instead of taking out her feelings on Kim.

Absolutely she should talk to a professional and hopefully receive counseling about the inappropriateness of grinding on others issues .  Like I said I would like to see how her parents dealt with it.  If the parents hid their feelings about daughters death and repeated (if there was) substance abuse situation.  That might be a better segue for Rinna to discuss with Kyle (without Eden).  Kyle was kind of opening up to Brandi about Kim's alcoholism and her mother and Brandi cut her off with a snide comment and then went nuts on her the same night at Poker Night.  Maybe a lesson learned by Kyle about opening up.  So in one car that night we had Brandi and Kyle having a real discussion and an under the influence Kim with Rinna.  Talk about contrasts.  Kyle was feeling so positive about her sister's sobriety.

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

They don't have to be exactly similar issues to bring out whatever it is Lisa R is feeling. And given that Lisa was so young when it happened, those feelings she had when she was a girl could be clouding how she deals with the situation today.

Either way, if she still has those unresolved issues, she should deal with on her own and talk to a professional about them, instead of taking out her feelings on Kim.

Did the sister even live with Rinna's family at the time or did she live on her own? I would think that HH bothers deaths from alcohol addiction would have had a greater impact on Rinna as it wasn't all that long ago and they had the same main addiction as Kim, that being alcohol. So, why isn't she sharing those details with us and even though she says her sister overdosed, has she made the claim that her late sister was an "addict"?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Part of me feels Lisa R has unresolved issues regarding her own step-sisters addiction and death, and projects it onto Kim. And some of those issues are resentment and anger.

I really feel there has to be something like that to it. Because her obsession with Kim just doesn't make sense than me. All the women on the show have had to deal with Kim's issues at one point or another. Rinna acts like she's the SOLE of Victim of the Kim Express. It's just maddening.  Harry had addiction in his family as well. Maybe all this trouble makes her think she's some sort of expert. I don't know what it is, but she has got to STOP. 

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I believe that most newbie FOHs start out as potential full HWs and end up getting reduced to FO for a variety of reasons, so production edits out their "intro" before the season airs.

That happened in a very janky way on RHOC a few seasons ago; Lizzie's friend Danielle was supposed to be a full HW, if memory serves me correctly, and then she was edited down afterwards to barely be a FOH. It was weird.

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Did the sister even live with Rinna's family at the time or did she live on her own? I would think that HH bothers deaths from alcohol addiction would have had a greater impact on Rinna as it wasn't all that long ago and they had the same main addiction as Kim, that being alcohol. So, why isn't she sharing those details with us and even though she says her sister overdosed, has she made the claim that her late sister was an "addict"?

Rinna's parents met when they were living in San Francisco, and then moved to Newport Beach where Rinna was born.  Rinna moved to Medford,, Oregon when she was seven.  There is probably a high probability that her sister was raised by her mother in the Bay area. 

Rinna also said HH had been sober for three years in Amsterdam cut to the first episode of Season 6 and he is drinking a beer at Rinna's birthday party.  Maybe she meant mostly sober.  Maybe his brother's died and weren't addicts.  I have a hard time with Rinna and her accounts.   She claimed Eileen had six relatives die in a year.  Well not according to Eileen.  It was four-and four is very sad.  Between her husband disputing what she said at the Reunion, her screwed up conversation with Yolanda, which led Yolanda to believe LVP started the Munchausen's conversation (which Rinna did admit, in her blog it was she was the one responsible not LVP-a little too late) I don't find her to be reliable at all.  

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

First off there is no evidence to support a lifelong addiction that Kyle has dealt with.  The history seems to be after Kim's fourth child, who is now 21, Kim began drinking excessively.  Which was about five years before Big Kathy died.  That makes it about a 20 year battle with alcoholism. 

I thought it was pretty well established that Kim and Kathy were completely coked-out party gals in the 80s, and Kim, in particular, blew through a prodigious amount of money on her habit during her various marriages. Fortunately she managed multiple wealthy husbands, and maybe Kyle and Mauricio weren't supporting her and the children financially during those years (as they were definitely the poor relations), but as the straight-laced sister I'm guessing she was still picking up a lot of the pieces during that time, especially with regards to the children.  Did Kim have a long, stable period of sobriety pre-Paris?   

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, teapot said:

this is kind of different, but I felt for Kyle.  I have awful eyesight, and I only have a daylight drivers' license and don't drive on the highway, or after even a sip of alcohol. .  It's not quite the same thing, but I'll just meet someone and have to mention it for whatever reason  and I'll get eighty-six thousand questions, "oh, have you ever tried to drive on the highway?  can you get surgery?  can you get Lasik or stronger glasses? have you seen other doctors? wow, I feel really bad for you, that must be *so* hard..."

(my MIL who has known me for like thirty years also enjoys those questions every time she sees me...because she just does not like that about me.)

and I'm always there just cringing, like GET OUT OF MY FACE....it's been a condition since birth, I have exhausted all possible fixes, and I make the best of it (I'm quite the walker!!! and now there's Uber!) and YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in the same boat sight-wise and I hate those questions!  You've given me insight (no pun intended) .  

  • Love 6

Production went all the way to Mykonos just so we can watch Erika tap the twat (™Giselle) while she lip syncs? What a waste of a trip.

Also, if Mrs. Girardi is going to refer to Erika Jayne in the third person, then she shouldn't use "I" (as opposed to "she") in the very next sentence. Either commit to having two personas, or just drop it altogether.


That's the 2nd time LVP has been inappropriate in front of Portia?

Eh, Kyle's dropped the F-bomb in front of Portia, so it's not like the kid has virgin ears in that sense. Maybe LVP can manipulate Portia into not remembering what she heard.


Is it bad that I am falling in love with Dorit and her crazy ass accent?

Naw...I'm digging what she's bringing to the show so far. And, I agree with Kyle about Dorit's fashion sense - her style's pretty fly.


  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, jaync said:

Production went all the way to Mykonos just so we can watch Erika tap the twat (™Giselle) while she lip syncs? What a waste of a trip.

Also, if Mrs. Girardi is going to refer to Erika Jayne in the third person, then she shouldn't use "I" (as opposed to "she") in the very next sentence. Either commit to having two personas, or just drop it altogether.

Eh, Kyle's dropped the F-bomb in front of Portia, so it's not like the kid has virgin ears in that sense. Maybe LVP can manipulate Portia into not remembering what she heard.

Naw...I'm digging what she's bringing to the show so far. And, I agree with Kyle about Dorit's fashion sense - her style's pretty fly.


Kyle even tweeted that Mauricio drops F bombs in front of Porsha, so Lisa saying once is no big deal. LOL

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, Giselle said:

Funny scenario but not really refreshing, we all know about and have seen discussions concerning Kim's well documented screw ups and nasty history. It's been thrown in her face since she has been on the show. I'd be more interested in exposing the dirt and hypocrisy on the soap scum sisters and Eden's personal demons. Funny how they shut the door on their shit but feel no problem about dragging others through the gauntlet of shame. We should direct that same type of questioning  and exposure to them without let up and see how they handle it.

Fucking hypocrites.

We've seen how Eileen handles questions about "the affair"!  Please, no more, no more!  :)

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, kassa said:

I thought it was pretty well established that Kim and Kathy were completely coked-out party gals in the 80s, and Kim, in particular, blew through a prodigious amount of money on her habit during her various marriages. Fortunately she managed multiple wealthy husbands, and maybe Kyle and Mauricio weren't supporting her and the children financially during those years (as they were definitely the poor relations), but as the straight-laced sister I'm guessing she was still picking up a lot of the pieces during that time, especially with regards to the children.  Did Kim have a long, stable period of sobriety pre-Paris?   

I don't think there is any evidence that supports Kim being coked out-she was mostly pregnant a good part of the mid to late eighties.  She did blow through a lot of money because per Kim old man Davis, her FIL gave her $1,000,000.00 to spend, and she did.  Kim's issues seem to start about early to mid nineties.  She did get close to 30k a month in child support from Davis but the girl can spend money.  Mauricio came into Kyle's life about the time Kim started having trouble.  I am thinking if Kyle and Mauricio were living in a two bedroom apartment 17 years ago-they weren't in the position to help Kim.  Yes, she was sober prior to Paris' climb to fame.  I am not saying she didn't party but I believe Kim's biggest issues have always been with alcohol.  After she drew attention to herself a few times publicly with her drinking she withdrew and drank at home.  I do think she did use more than alcohol when she was around Monty-Vicodin comes to mind. 

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think Kim's kids said that her problems aren't just with alcohol when they were on Dr. Phil.

They said she smoked pot.  I will say when Kim went to see Dr. Paul Nassif and rattles off her prescriptions their were a fair number of drugs for anxiety and depression and other assorted mental illnesses.  I will see if I can find the list-Paul, told her she should not be drinking with the drugs.http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-2/videos/kims-intoxication-perception  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-2/blogs/kyle-richards/hard-to-handle Kyle's blog about it:

Edited by zoeysmom
56 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

They said she smoked pot.  I will say when Kim went to see Dr. Paul Nassif and rattles off her prescriptions their were a fair number of drugs for anxiety and depression and other assorted mental illnesses.  I will see if I can find the list-Paul, told her she should not be drinking with the drugs.http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-2/videos/kims-intoxication-perception  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-2/blogs/kyle-richards/hard-to-handle Kyle's blog about it:

Wasn't there some rumor about Kim having a huffing problem as well that came out a couple of years ago? I remember reading about it but I can't remember the details.

Also, Taylor outed that Kim had been an addict for 30+ years at a reunion ( when Brandi made her "Kyle wants Kim to fail" accusation) and Kyle acknowledged (nodded her head "yes") that that length of time was correct.

  • Love 1

This is the first episode where I actively noticed how much Mauricio's success with the Agency has changed Kyle's lifestyle.

Lets go on a day outing to see the fabulous house that Mauricio will sell for a huge commission.

Let me pause here while I elevate the car so I can drive into the parking lot.

Sure Erika, I can jet off to Mykonos to see you perform. 

4 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

This is the first episode where I actively noticed how much Mauricio's success with the Agency has changed Kyle's lifestyle.

Lets go on a day outing to see the fabulous house that Mauricio will sell for a huge commission.

Let me pause here while I elevate the car so I can drive into the parking lot.

Sure Erika, I can jet off to Mykonos to see you perform. 

It has, and I think it is interesting and for the most part, unexplored. I can think of no other ho'wife who has had such a drastic change in her life with regard to finances during the run of the show. I guess the closest thing would be Bethenny. I remember back in the first season - or maybe the second - when her tagline was that she wasn't the richest girl in BH, but she was the luckiest. She was surrounded by gals who had so much more money than she did - LVP, Camille, Adrienne. Now she is legit mega-rich. My guess is that she and Mauricio have more money than LVP and Ken do. Probably more any of the current gals. I don't think the show had really explored what a change this must be in her life. 

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Wasn't there some rumor about Kim having a huffing problem as well that came out a couple of years ago? I remember reading about it but I can't remember the details.

Also, Taylor outed that Kim had been an addict for 30+ years at a reunion ( when Brandi made her "Kyle wants Kim to fail" accusation) and Kyle acknowledged (nodded her head "yes") that that length of time was correct.

Wasn't that because Kim'spost-arrest tox screen showed a substance often associated with huffing (too lazy to look it up)?


25 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

A beer?  So does "sober" now mean complete abstinence?

As far as I know, it always has.

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Is it bad that I am falling in love with Dorit and her crazy ass accent?

As long as that accent is channeling all the things I want to say Eileen when she goes all "I'm a resolver.  We must resolve this) No.  Absolutely no!

Dorit, with all her flaws, for me, makes up everything, when she goes right to the point with Eileen's nonsense.   And shuts her up.  Or gets her to make one of those shocked, confused faces.  It's the "how do you not understand I'm right and you are wrong" look.

  • Love 13

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