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Scientology Resources: Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole

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14 hours ago, tchaikca said:

I'm quite embarrassed to admit that I found myself humming that damned "we stand tall" for a few weeks after watching Going Clear. (It's vaguely catchy...in an 80's music video kind of way). Plus the Cosby sweaters on the "performers" are precious ! 

Didn't Miscavige's sweater have a big peace sign on it?  Ironic.

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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My dentist has been taking part in a management training program in Florida, the hygienist confided in me that it is connected to Scientology, I checked out the website and sure enough there is mention of LRH and Scientology, it really makes me uneasy about this dentist who I have known for more than 25 years.  His current girlfriend (the one that he cheated on his wife with) wants nothing to do with it and the hygienist refuses to go to any of the training sessions.  The Scientology tentacles seem to reach in to all facets of life even non spiritually.

The funny thing is, I work for a dental consulting firm, we are 10 min. from his office, they must be promising him the moon and stars.

I think this is so ironic....considering LRH had such horrible teeth!

  • Love 11
46 minutes ago, rhys said:

Has anyone tried the Co$ link that shows on the black screen of A&E's show? Something like aftermath letters.com. frankly I'm concerned that link will alert Co$ to me. Yikes!

If you or anyone goes to one of those sites you just need to delete all your cookies from said site afterwards and make sure your anti-virus and malware protection is active, heh.  Doesn't hurt to clear your browser history as well.  I keep my browser set to purge my history every time I close my browser anyway. 

But why go and give the site a "hit" in the first place?  It's just playing into their game.  You can't "talk" to the brainwashed.  They don't know how to listen.  And you know already what they say.  Don't go into a house full of plague people who don't want to be cured.  You are the only one at risk.

Edited by green
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17 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Yes they do target dentists with the promise of making more money.   Now I am suspicious of my new dentist, I recently moved. He smiles way too much.  Lol!

If he tells you he wants to do a fluoride rundown on you, get out of there.

On topic, I just finished Leah's book and started Going Clear.  Both great reads.

  • Love 2

OMG ! I found that one on the xscn.net forum and... Enjoy :D ! (look at the date... That's a sign that I had to share it with you, guys, lol !)


ETA : It's an important one, because that's this one Miscavige "overruled" when he took the leadership from the Broeker after the death of LRH and against the will of LRH !!!

Edited by Diane Mars
adding information
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Thanks for that. Off to google Pat and Annie to see if they disappeared. Lol! 

Many of you may know this, but it is new to me. They did! And they are not the only ones, of course. Seems to be something for Leah and Rinder should mention to the lawyer. 


ETA. Interesting story from detectives looking for Pat, hired by Cos.


Edited by wings707
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For a little levity and perspective, this end of a recent article in the Guardian about Scientologists in Britain getting into trouble for cutting down trees in a conservation area:  "At the 2011 census 2,418 people in England and Wales said they were Scientologists, fewer than the number of people who said their religion was “heavy metal.'"

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

For a little levity and perspective, this end of a recent article in the Guardian about Scientologists in Britain getting into trouble for cutting down trees in a conservation area:  "At the 2011 census 2,418 people in England and Wales said they were Scientologists, fewer than the number of people who said their religion was “heavy metal.'"

I'm converting to "heavy metal" RIGHT!NOW!  Wonder what the conversion process, ritual is.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

What is it with targeting dentists??? Just when I thought I couldn't hate going to the dentist more, now I have to worry about them being run by Scientology!!

Many dentists are not adept at running a business, they often have weak front desk people or bad about collections which can really put them in the red or they do not know how to hire, fire or delegate. These courses are not cheap, our fees depending on what course work you take is $30,000 to $60,000, lord knows what COS charges.  Dentists can generate income like nobody's business which would mean lot of money that can go to Scientology, they just might tell the dentist their success is because of Xenu and the teachings so this must mean Scientology works and wouldn't you believe in and donate to something that has made you wealthy? 

1 hour ago, fastiller said:

I'm converting to "heavy metal" RIGHT!NOW!  Wonder what the conversion process, ritual is.

Just go get an old jacket, and cover it with cut-offs from old t-shirts ,and lots of black band patches.  And pins.

My husband and I won an 80's costume contest.  I bought him an old denim jacket and turned it into a metal lovers dream.  People really thought it was old - kept asking how long he had it.  :D

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2 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

If he tells you he wants to do a fluoride rundown on you, get out of there.

On topic, I just finished Leah's book and started Going Clear.  Both great reads.

He loves to quote The American Dental Association.  Did you know they say you should get a full mouth X-ray every 2 years? Oh hell no.  It has been every 5 years my whole life.   They give me sales pitches and are pushy.  Their office is beautiful and expensive.   This smells suspicious.  

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, wings707 said:

He loves to quote The American Dental Association.  Did you know they say you should get a full mouth X-ray every 2 years? Oh hell no.  It has been every 5 years my whole life.   They give me sales pitches and are pushy.  Their office is beautiful and expensive.   This smells suspicious.  

I get x-rays every year!! And I just looked at my calendar for next month and both my husband and I have dentist appointments on the same day and time.  Different hygienists, but the same dentist! It's a trap!!  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

He loves to quote The American Dental Association.  Did you know they say you should get a full mouth X-ray every 2 years? Oh hell no.  It has been every 5 years my whole life.   They give me sales pitches and are pushy.  Their office is beautiful and expensive.   This smells suspicious.  

I had a veterinarian once ream me a new one because my cat's teeth were bad.  I had her teeth cleaned twice in her life - every 3 years was the recommendation at that time.  She told me you should clean a cat's teeth every 6 months.  So I went to a vet that was further away (that cat would go into hysterics in the car so I was  trying to stay close) but I knew was a great vet.  He shook his head and told me 3 years was correct.  They have to put them under anesthesia to clean their teeth, and every 6 months is too much.  He also said that cats, like people (and L Ron Hubbard) can just have bad teeth.  He then pulled her bad teeth for $400 less than the every 6 months vet quoted me.  Sometimes I wonder where medical people get their "expertise".

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

I get x-rays every year!! And I just looked at my calendar for next month and both my husband and I have dentist appointments on the same day and time.  Different hygienists, but the same dentist! It's a trap!!  

All dentists troll for revenue, that is a given. You can refuse the x rays. They are not necessary every year.  The dentist I had in MA shared that with me.   She was an aquaimtence and we went to a local, huge juried craft fair together every year.  Our jewelry cemented our bond and this ritual.  Definitely not necessary.  X-rays are a money maker. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, deaja said:

I just got an e-mail from my library that my requested copy of Jenna Miscaviage's book is ready.  Perfect timing for my business trip next week when I will have toddler-free reading time!

I just read it.  You have a toddler, huh?  It's going to be a tough read.   Nothing grotesquely hideous, just overall hard to understand neglect of and indifference to children.  It made me hug my children more when I finished.  Her story is going to stick with me the longest, I think, because she was just a child.  Her statutes of limitations have not run out.

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Question for mods: would it be possible to createsome sort of Book Club thread for further discussion about any of the books mentioned here? Or would it be better to keep discussing them in this thread, or the small talk thread? Just curious, since I'm about to start reading Going Clear and anticipate having a few things to say about it. Thanks :)

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

Question for mods: would it be possible to createsome sort of Book Club thread for further discussion about any of the books mentioned here? Or would it be better to keep discussing them in this thread, or the small talk thread? Just curious, since I'm about to start reading Going Clear and anticipate having a few things to say about it. Thanks :)

You can start any related thread you want. Or those books can be discussed in the general Scientology thread. It's your preference. 

Anyone else interested in a book club?

14 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

To Audible - it was just released in audiobook format in November.  I see it's available on Kindle for $5.99, though.

I'm going to start it as soon as I finish my Zombie Apocalypse novel (good juxtaposition, doncha think?)

Audible to what?  I have a phone, laptop and ipad but no kindle.  Do you have a link?  

Edited by wings707
7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Audible to what?  I have a phone, laptop and computer but no kindle.  Do you have a link?  

Audible is another Amazon company, like Kindle.  I'm a long-time member, since I can multitask while listening to books.

Here's a link to their Fair Game page:


(I think it's funny that it's categorized under "Religion-Spirituality")

Edited by spiderpig
  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

Audible is another Amazon company, like Kindle.  I'm a long-time member, since I can multitask while listening to books.

Here's a link to their Fair Game page:


(I think it's funny that it's categorized under "Religion-Spirituality")

Excellent.  I will check it out in more detail when I have a minute later.  If I download it to my laptop that means I cannot access it from my ipad, or phone, correct? 

4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Excellent.  I will check it out in more detail when I have a minute later.  If I download it to my laptop that means I cannot access it from my ipad, or phone, correct? 

I'm a member and can download to any of my devices.  A total lifesaver when commuting/traveling/housework/calling your mother-in-law...

Not sure if the same applies to the free trial.

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So you are saying when I join I can download a book to the device I choose but that book will stay on that device?  I will join, for sure.  I am a victim of the mulit tasking, technology situation.   Just driving to the grocery 1/2 mile away I find myself looking to do something else, too.  I guess my ipad will be my choice since I can take that anywhere.  

13 minutes ago, wings707 said:

So you are saying when I join I can download a book to the device I choose but that book will stay on that device?  I will join, for sure.  I am a victim of the mulit tasking, technology situation.   Just driving to the grocery 1/2 mile away I find myself looking to do something else, too.  I guess my ipad will be my choice since I can take that anywhere.  

Once I purchase a book I can stream it from the cloud amywhere or download it to my desktop, laptop, iPhone and iPad.

I've been a member for over 15 years and have to say I'd rather give up my luggage than Audible!

ETA:  Once downloaded it stays in your library - just like a printed book.

Edited by spiderpig
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You can use the Kindle app on your tablet even if you don't have a Kindle. There is also a Kindle cloud reader you can use on a PC. They will all know where you are and sync up if you switch devices too.


ETA: I don't think there is a membership required for the Kindle app. You just need an Amazon account I think.

Edited by ElsieH
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

Once I purchase a book I can stream it from the cloud amywhere or download it to my desktop, laptop, iPhone and iPad.

I've been a member for over 15 years and have to say I'd rather give up my luggage than Audible!

ETA:  Once downloaded it stays in your library - just like a printed book.

EXCELLENT.  Thank you, perfect.  

I don't hink I've seen it here, but if it's the case, sorry.

A MUST see here, as there are some cut scenes from the serie, and I find it really interesting and enlightning regarding Rinder and his "lack of comapssion" and it also answers the question "do you still think as a Scientologist if you leave the cult or not": https://aenetworks.app.box.com/s/x57qjakkt7xc1w2u5w1a4wfyllfwyjcy 

ETA the source where I found that link, because it's an interesting read/recap too : http://tonyortega.org/2017/01/18/leah-remini-has-changed-scientology-forever-which-episode-was-your-favorite/

Edited by Diane Mars
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@Diane Mars - thanks for sharing the A&E video.  I thought that Leah's comment that the Co$ teaches people to 'peel the onion' (to get to the 'truth' of a matter) was interesting because to me I don't see it so much as asking continual questions of a topic so much as continual ¢ontribution$ to Co$.  She made it sound as if it (the so called search for the 'truth' of a matter) was presented by Co$ to members as an ontological exercize.

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I'm about to finish Tony Ortega's "The Unbreakable miss Lovely" and I know my blood pressure must be high. I can't believe what was done to her. Those dirty, SOB shitheads. On a different level was their assault on the IRS. How lax our security was to government offices that allowed these creeps to infiltrate and rob these offices. I can only hope security is better. Geesh. I never would have thought I would be on the side of the IRS. Get 'em!

I know Paulette eventually got  a settlement, probably a lot, but nothing is enough for what they did to her and continue to do to others.

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On 1/19/2017 at 7:37 AM, 3girlsforus said:

What is it with targeting dentists??? Just when I thought I couldn't hate going to the dentist more, now I have to worry about them being run by Scientology!!

That's so strange. A friend is a dentist and he was considering buying a soon-to-be retiring dentist's practice a few years ago and backed out after he found out the guy is a scientologist. Not until this thread did I learn that targeting them was a thing. Wow.

23 minutes ago, Atlanta said:

That's so strange. A friend is a dentist and he was considering buying a soon-to-be retiring dentist's practice a few years ago and backed out after he found out the guy is a scientologist. Not until this thread did I learn that targeting them was a thing. Wow.

Yes, it is odd.  My dentist (of 25+ years) is involved on the management course level, there is a consulting firm in Florida that is affiliated with COS.  It worries me a bit but he is such a good dentist it is hard to move on to another dentist.  I work for a dental consulting firm that is 5 min away from his office but I guess we don't offer the psycho babble he is looking for.


Has anyone heard of this show?   I wish I had heard about it sooner. It's a one woman play by an actress and former scientologist named Cathy Schenkelberg. It's currently playing in Chicago. 


eta: I just googled Cathy. I remember reading her Tom Cruise story somewhere before, but I don't remember hearing about this play.  I love the title!

Edited by EVS
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