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S07.E13: Breaking The Wall / S07.E14: Deja Vu

Tara Ariano
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8 minutes ago, Linny said:


LMAO at that shot of Addie eating from a veggie tray. You know as soon as the cameras were gone those veggies were trashed and the frosting cans and sugar packets came back out.


She was quick to hand her a styrofoam container of what looked like chicken fingers and fries and some kind of dipping sauce in the car after Jeremy dropped Addie off.  I know that's what kids like to eat and it's fine once in a while but it was just funny to mean that she could only bring herself to stage that one meal and then it was right back to deep fried crap.  She could bread chicken strips at home and bake them in the oven and they would be so much healthier!

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22 minutes ago, poopchute said:

She was quick to hand her a styrofoam container of what looked like chicken fingers and fries and some kind of dipping sauce in the car after Jeremy dropped Addie off.  I know that's what kids like to eat and it's fine once in a while but it was just funny to mean that she could only bring herself to stage that one meal and then it was right back to deep fried crap.  She could bread chicken strips at home and bake them in the oven and they would be so much healthier!

You are asking waaaaay too much of Leah. She couldn't even bother to buy fruits and veggies FRESH, cut them up, serve the girls and put the rest away. Instead, she headed over to her local grocery store and bought the ready-made fruit and veggie platters. I recognize that veggie platter as they appeared at several holiday parties this past season.

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35 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I guess I was the only fuddy duddy who thought "Single mothers do not jump out of airplanes"? To me, yeah, there's a very, very small chance that something goes horribly wrong, but it's enough of a chance and the consequences are so ultimate that there's no way I could get around it: that small chance is the small chance that my kids are orphans, and split between two dads, because of something I chose to do, not an unforeseeable circumstance. it just seems really slef-centered. Especially with young kids, incapable of navigating the world on their own, I'm sorry, but to me you have to accept that there are limits on what you allow yourself to do. You can't bring home a stream of sexual partners, you can't go get drunk on a Wednesday night until 4 AM, you can't jump out of airplanes. It's just irresponsible behavior, even if nothing DOES go wrong. 

I hate when these girls complain that they get no "me" time to unwind. Welcome to fucking parenting. 

You most certainly are not the only fuddy duddy who thought that.  I've been a single parent practically since day one, long before my wonderful ex-hubby rode off into the irresponsibility sunset, and I never would have done something like that when my daughter was young.  I had people encouraging me in those days to "let my hair down" in ways you described.  I know that their urging came from a place of love and concern for me, but still.  My daughter didn't ask to be born when I was 22-years-old.  I made that happen, so it was up to me to handle the responsibility.  These "teen moms" don't get it and probably never will.

As for Leah, I truly do envision her dying at some point in the next couple of years, if not sooner.  She just doesn't seem long for this world.  I'm convinced that she's still on drugs (rehab, my ass).  I'm glad the girlses are being raised primarily by Corey.  My only complaint about him is that he needs to put Ali in her wheelchair and remove her from the damn tee-ball team, for God's sake.  

Edited by SuzyLee
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Confused about the timeline. Several of the girls mentioned that filming started right after the reunion. So how long after filming does the reunion happen? It seems like absolutely nothing has changed since last season. Javi is still deployed, all the kids look the same. Why the rush to start filming? 

Speaking of updates I don't follow them when they aren't on every week. So is Leah still with the guy from last season who is never filmed?

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32 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:


I guess I was the only fuddy duddy who thought "Single mothers do not jump out of airplanes"? To me, yeah, there's a very, very small chance that something goes horribly wrong, but it's enough of a chance and the consequences are so ultimate that there's no way I could get around it: that small chance is the small chance that my kids are orphans, and split between two dads, because of something I chose to do, not an unforeseeable circumstance. it just seems really slef-centered. Especially with young kids, incapable of navigating the world on their own, I'm sorry, but to me you have to accept that there are limits on what you allow yourself to do. You can't bring home a stream of sexual partners, you can't go get drunk on a Wednesday night until 4 AM, you can't jump out of airplanes. It's just irresponsible behavior, (ETA once you choose to have children) even if nothing DOES go wrong. 


I'm married and I wouldn't do it. I'm one of those moms who wouldn't get intoxicated even if I had a babysitter. I always imagine the worst happening and my kids needing me to be there for them. FTR, I do think Javi and Jo would make sure those boys got together a lot, especially Jo. But I totally see what you're saying. I just thought it was stupid because Kail constantly acts like this bedraggled mother who needs to blow off steam - yet she takes more vacations in one year than I do in TEN. 

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2 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Confused about the timeline. Several of the girls mentioned that filming started right after the reunion. So how long after filming does the reunion happen? It seems like absolutely nothing has changed since last season. Javi is still deployed, all the kids look the same. Why the rush to start filming? 

Speaking of updates I don't follow them when they aren't on every week. So is Leah still with the guy from last season who is never filmed?

Leah and TR Dues are apparently over as a couple.

This season (season 7B) was filmed right after the reunion because MTV didn't want to have new contracts signed, which is why Jeremy and Adam are still on the show in spite of them wanting to quit.  If they had started a new season (season 8) then new contracts would have needed to be signed, and there was a chance Jeremy and Adam wouldn't sign, but instead quit the show. MTV found a loophole. That is according to a story that was linked here a while back.

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7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

This season (season 7B) was filmed right after the reunion because MTV didn't want to have new contracts signed, which is why Jeremy and Adam are still on the show in spite of them wanting to quit.  If they had started a new season (season 8) then new contracts would have needed to be signed, and there was a chance Jeremy and Adam wouldn't sign, but instead quit the show. MTV found a loophole. That is according to a story that was linked here a while back.

Ahhh, thank you. That's interesting. I would find MTV totally sleazy for doing this. But since Adumb is the ultimate sleaze, I kind of like that they got one over on him. 


I'm just totally surprised, at this point, that Leah hasn't remarried yet. 

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The other plotline that needs to go is the "I just am so tired of everyone knowing my business." I wish MTV would take a hard line and just say "If you mutter that on camera, it constitutes breach of contract." If you're so tired of it, get a fucking job and quit this show. You ought to hacve enough of a landing pad of money at the moment you can still get an entry level job at an office and eventually lead a normal life, but that isn't at all what you want. You want to have your cake and eat it too. 

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Well, we didn't see Leah nodding out this episode, which is, sadly, an actual improvement in her life. Now I know it's only been one episode, and we might see her strung out later in the season. But I'm willing to go along and believe she's truly drug-free at the moment.


And if she is clean, then my prediction is that this season will reveal what MTV tried to hide in the early years--the problem wasn't just the drugs ("anxiety"); the problem all along has been Leah herself. Girl's a mess. She had no decent role models growing up, she's been stunted emotionally by her family and the show, and she has no coping skills, hence the turn to drugs. This is the kind of mess that can only get better with lots of persistence and professional counseling. I don't think Leah has the resiliency or the fortitude to make it.

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4 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

The other plotline that needs to go is the "I just am so tired of everyone knowing my business." I wish MTV would take a hard line and just say "If you mutter that on camera, it constitutes breach of contract." If you're so tired of it, get a fucking job and quit this show. You ought to hacve enough of a landing pad of money at the moment you can still get an entry level job at an office and eventually lead a normal life, but that isn't at all what you want. You want to have your cake and eat it too. 

MTV knows without these girls, they themselves won't get paid. Sure they have other tv shows that bring in money, but TM does well and it pays well. That is why the production crew and camera people put up and shut up. That woman who was standing there taking all that drama from Adumb? In a normal, working environment she'd probably throw her hands in the air and say "fuck this shit." But, this is reality television. As someone else pointed out, this whole breaking of the 4th wall seems to be MTVs way of saying to the cast members they can't have it both ways.

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18 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I kept thinking I wish that girl had a thought bubble we could read. "I went to fucking film school, what the balls am I doing on some douche's South Dakota porch begging him to let me film him looking at his phone for the next five hours? And now I'm waiting here and letting myself be filmed...my god dam parents were right again, I should have majored in business or communications or been a teacher like my stupid brother..."

Yes, thought bubbles would be cool. Even better, have a film crew follow the film crew and watch their lives play out.

I sensed that lady was calling the person in charge and telling them how Adumb was being an asshole and not letting them film. They in turn told her to be calm and cool with Adumb and try and get him to talk about why he is mad and refusing to film.

Speaking of Adumb, he thinks if MTV had filmed and aired the scene of him at Aubree's movie night at school, that would somehow show what a great dad he is to his child? He just reinforced my thoughts about his true agenda. It is BECAUSE of the cameras being there to capture him with Aubree would he have been there for movie night.

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

Yes, thought bubbles would be cool. Even better, have a film crew follow the film crew and watch their lives play out.

I bet that's more interesting than whatever the girls are doing, but then we're creating an infinite regress and potentially a universe-consuming singularity :).  I've thought this was a good idea since I saw the infamous "Kristy" episode of Intervention.

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:


P.S. If I saw Adumb at the zoo I'd throw him to Harambe's brother. 



Ghoulina, please don't do that!  As much as Adam irritates me, I'd hate to see an innocent victim killed -- and by innocent victim, I mean Harambe's brother.

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:


I noticed Jenelle's case was handled in HORRY County. Ok, the kid in me laughed. 

My inner kid laughed too.  Especially since at first glance I thought it was HORNY County.

Leah makes my brain hurt.  I was pleased to see that the girlses buckle up their dollses.  Probably based on horrible experiences riding with Leah.  They're already better mothers than she is.

Isaac makes my heart hurt.  How did Kail produce such a sensitive soul?  Was Lincoln at the graduation party?  I don't recall seeing him.  It would have been nice if Vee had taken ViVi and stepped away from the table while Isaac was Facetiming with Javi.  It was so hard to hear over ViVi's crying and Isaac is so soft spoken, it must have been hard for Javi to hear him.  I felt for Jo during that dinner too.

Adumb is such as ass.  Why does he think Chelsea should notify MTV when he actually does something with his child?  Since when is she his PR person?  He's obviously neglecting the girls when they're with him and I hope Chelsea and Paislee's mom whose name escapes me use it against him.   Poor Paislee still needs a hairbrush. 

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I was bothered by Kail telling Isaac his behavior was inappropriate. I get that she didn't know why he was acting the way he was, but she didn't ask him. He let her know AFTER she reprimanded him. How about asking him first what was bothering him? We get that you are a robot Kail when it suits you. I get you are allowed to be moody, angry, upset, overwhelmed, stressed and all the emotions you have showcased over the seasons,  but apparently Isaac cannot have emotions and feelings. Isaac missing Javi is normal unlike Kail who couldn't wait for Javi to go overseas.

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Leah and TR Dues are apparently over as a couple.

This season (season 7B) was filmed right after the reunion because MTV didn't want to have new contracts signed, which is why Jeremy and Adam are still on the show in spite of them wanting to quit.  If they had started a new season (season 8) then new contracts would have needed to be signed, and there was a chance Jeremy and Adam wouldn't sign, but instead quit the show. MTV found a loophole. That is according to a story that was linked here a while back.

Clearly TM brings in the viewers, so they want to keep as much ex drama as a they can in the show. Germy and Adumb aren't going anywhere as long as the money train rolls. I'm hoping that MTV realizes after this season that it would be just fine to carry on without those two. So do all the "friends" get a payday when they are filmed also? Just wondering. 

I am still reeling about that BS trial. So when does a sherrif's deputy prosecute a case? And his questioning is "tell us what happened. Huh? And who has a jury trial for a misdemeanor? 3rd degree assault, correct? According the the SC code, the absolute max she could have gotten is 30 day and $500, the max. Ad if it's a misdemeanor, how is she saying that it will impact her "career"? Most employers only want to know about felony convictions, and doesn't she already have a few of those? 

BTW, if you want to see delusional, check out the tweets from other people on Janelle's twitter. Are they watching the same show as me?

Edited by poeticlicensed
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12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

The Simms are just as bad as Leah when it comes to the wheelchair.  Check out some of the comments on Jeff Simms' instagram one night.  They all believe that if she walks/runs/plays more then she will develop the muscles.

Yeah, I think Leah is actually better about using the wheelchair than Corey is, sadly enough. Granted, it's so she gets moved more quickly through airport security lines and gets to park closer to where she's going, but still, the end result is Ali is in a wheelchair more often with Leah than Corey.

From what I can gather, Corey's denial is based mainly on the fact that Ali has been able to walk longer than her original (very gloomy) prognosis predicted, so he is convinced that is solely because they didn't "give up" and resort to a wheelchair. He may have changed his tune over the last few years, but as recently as 2015 he was insisting that Leah allowing Ali to use the wheelchair would cause her to be dependent on the wheelchair, and that forcing her to walk would give her strength, despite being told point blank by the doctor that this was not the case.

1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:


I hate when these girls complain that they get no "me" time to unwind. Welcome to fucking parenting. 

Ugh, this really grinds my gears. Hey Jenelle, Kail, Leah, Maci, Cate, and Amber:  you want to know what my "me time" as the parent of two small kids entails? The 8-10 hours I am at work every day, and then the 1-2 hours I sit in traffic commuting twice a day (1-2 hours total, not each way). When I do get my kids wrestled to bed each night, if I have energy, then I clean out the dishwasher, reload it, sweep the floor, fold laundry, pack lunches for the next day, etc. These bitches have babysitters and housekeeping help out the kazoo and they still only ever talk about how stressed they are.

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Yeah, I think Leah is actually better about using the wheelchair than Corey is, sadly enough. Granted, it's so she gets moved more quickly through airport security lines and gets to park closer to where she's going, but still, the end result is Ali is in a wheelchair more often with Leah than Corey.

Is she? I know Leah enjoys the perks the chair gives her when traveling, but other than that, the wheelchair remains at Ali's school during the week. That was mentioned last season and going by the scene where Leah picked up the girls from school, the trailer was hooked up to the SUV, but there was no wheelchair going home. Ali is without a wheelchair from Monday through Friday. It must have been a Monday and Leah had the trailer hooked up to drop the chair off that day. She was too lazy to take the trailer off during the day.

26 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Clearly TM brings in the viewers, so they want to keep as much ex drama as a they can in the show. Germy and Adumb aren't going anywhere as long as the money train rolls. I'm hoping that MTV realizes after this season that it would be just fine to carry on without those two. So do all the "friends" get a payday when they are filmed also? Just wondering. 

I am still reeling about that BS trial. So when does a sherrif's deputy prosecute a case? And his questioning is "tell us what happened. Huh? And who has a jury trial for a misdemeanor? 3rd degree assault, correct? According the the SC code, the absolute max she could have gotten is 30 day and $500, the max. Ad if it's a misdemeanor, how is she saying that it will impact her "career"? Most employers only want to know about felony convictions, and doesn't she already have a few of those? 


Jermy looked as if he was barely tolerating the camera crew. He looks checked out. As for Adumb, with or without MTV that doesn't seem to matter to him as far as child support is concerned. He has been in arrears since an order for support was signed.

Yes, the friends who appear on camera do get paid.

Another poster mentioned the trial was handled by a magistrate. Their court trials are handled a bit differently than a regular courtroom. Think of it as a small claims court case.

Edited by SPLAIN
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16 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Is she? I know Leah enjoys the perks the chair gives her when traveling, but other than that, the wheelchair remains at Ali's school during the week. That was mentioned last season and going by the scene where Leah picked up the girls from school, the trailer was hooked up to the SUV, but there was no wheelchair going home. Ali is without a wheelchair from Monday through Friday. It must have been a Monday and Leah had the trailer hooked up to drop the chair off that day. She was too lazy to take the trailer off during the day.

She's not good about it, by any means, I just mean when it suits her, she does use it. I haven't watched lately so I don't know about now but I think Corey didn't use it at all before. I mean, it got broken on Leah's watch, but I don't know how motivated Corey was to get it replaced. I just meant the 5% of time when Leah wants to use it to cut in line at the airport is still more than the 0% that Corey is using it. But perhaps Corey has been better in recent months.

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

You are asking waaaaay too much of Leah. 


2 hours ago, poopchute said:

She could bread chicken strips at home and bake them in the oven and they would be so much healthier!


Sorry the quotes are flip-flopped - but I think this is asking to much for ANYONE. I'm single with no kids and I know better than to try and make homemade breaded chicken tenders. It would be a nightmare.  F-that.  lol 

I'm glad they're breaking the 4th wall on this series finally. 

We got to see Adam act like a whiney biatch because of it.  What more could we ask for!? 

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6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

She's not good about it, by any means, I just mean when it suits her, she does use it. I haven't watched lately so I don't know about now but I think Corey didn't use it at all before. I mean, it got broken on Leah's watch, but I don't know how motivated Corey was to get it replaced. I just meant the 5% of time when Leah wants to use it to cut in line at the airport is still more than the 0% that Corey is using it. But perhaps Corey has been better in recent months.

It got broken twice on Leah's watch. The second time didn't happen on camera. It was during a trip last year. One of the members here posted her Instagram, I believe, where Leah was blaming the airport for the wheelchair being broken. We surmised she had allowed Gracie and Adderall to play on it as usual. Those two were quick to jump on it as soon as Leah brought that wheelchair home from being repaired.

As for Cory, we barely see him on screen. Leah gets more camera time than he does. The few moments we watched him interacting with Ali in his home, I will admit she wasn't in her wheelchair. I don't know though what that means since her wheelchair is at school for the most part than it is at Leah's and Cory's house.

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I take it to mean that neither parent is good about the wheelchair, but Leah is willing to use it when it benefits her.


I forgot about the second time the wheelchair broke, although a poster here (think it was @Lm2162) said United is absolutely horrible about breaking wheelchairs and that is the carrier Leah used, so I think it's possible that wasn't Leah's fault. 

(Although, in fairness, I will say Leah only brought the damn thing to get through security faster and none of the pictures taken on their vacation showed Ali in her chair, so I suppose it was her fault she brought it along since she did not use it while there).


I'm not defending Leah by any means, merely pointing out that her convenience and Ali's needs DO occasionally intersect :).

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24 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I'm glad they're breaking the 4th wall on this series finally. 

We got to see Adam act like a whiney biatch because of it.  What more could we ask for!? 

Initially I wasn't on board, but now I'm loving it, especially since we get to watch Adam twist in the wind and get called out for his shitty behavior. 

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And now instead of them being suggested topics to talk about we just see production straight out ask them "so how do you feel about...." and we get an honest answer.  No more set up conversations.  Well maybe still quite a few but I feel like we get a much more direct and honest approach when we can see production interacting with them.  It's not like the real world (show) where the camera crew literally doesn't talk to them, but I love seeing the camera crew on the real world now too lol 

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Why does the kid only have one wheelchair?  Keep one at school and then use the other on the weekends. Leah makes over $200k a year!  She can afford a second wheelchair, even one without all the bells and whistles.  Corey isn't off the hook either. He has tons of man toys.

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I am still perplexed as to why Leah rented a house with a ton of stairs. I mean I guess she is stuck until her lease is up, but when she was looking at the house, did it not occur to her that the house is a logistical nightmare for a family with a disabled child? 

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Jenelle: You've cried more tears about your court case, than you ever have about not having custody of Jace. How was she fount not guilty in that case? I think her lawyers get paid extra to keep her out of jail, because MTV is so desperate to have her on the show.  Also, what imaginary career is going to be ruined by these charges?  You don't work. 

Leah: If things always go wrong when MTV is there, why are you on the show? (I don't buy that BS for a minute). Leah still seems like she's on drugs. Guess treatment worked well for her. 


Kail: Your marriage is over, because you cheated. Javi deserves better. 

Chelsea: I see where you get the baby voice from. Her mother speaks in the same voice.  Doesn't Adam realize that he'd be breaking a contract if he chose not to film? No one is ballsy enough to leave the show, because they all need the money. 

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15 minutes ago, gunderda said:

And now instead of them being suggested topics to talk about we just see production straight out ask them "so how do you feel about...." and we get an honest answer.  No more set up conversations.  Well maybe still quite a few but I feel like we get a much more direct and honest approach when we can see production interacting with them.  It's not like the real world (show) where the camera crew literally doesn't talk to them, but I love seeing the camera crew on the real world now too lol 

It is still set up. It is the same format except now when the producers ask a question, the cast members direct their answers to the camera and crew as well as their friends and family.

@Tatum airlines in general are terrible about damaging items including wheelchairs. I would not put it past Leah to have put the blame on the airlines for a wheelchair that she knew her kids broke. She needed to cover her ass. She lies all the time. She tries to convince the viewers she had a panic attack and that she went to tehab for non-drug reasons. 

2 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Why does the kid only have one wheelchair?  Keep one at school and then use the other on the weekends. Leah makes over $200k a year!  She can afford a second wheelchair, even one without all the bells and whistles.  Corey isn't off the hook either. He has tons of man toys.

Maybe Cory did pay a good chunk for the wheelchair and the subsequent repairs? We know Leah burns through her money. And her kids' trust funds.

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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

It is still set up. It is the same format except now when the producers ask a question, the cast members direct their answers to the camera and crew as well as their friends and family.


Of course it is, the producers direct the storyline.  However now we get fresh answers versus awkward "hey we're suppose to have a conversation about this....."

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53 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I take it to mean that neither parent is good about the wheelchair, but Leah is willing to use it when it benefits her.


I forgot about the second time the wheelchair broke, although a poster here (think it was @Lm2162) said United is absolutely horrible about breaking wheelchairs and that is the carrier Leah used, so I think it's possible that wasn't Leah's fault. 

(Although, in fairness, I will say Leah only brought the damn thing to get through security faster and none of the pictures taken on their vacation showed Ali in her chair, so I suppose it was her fault she brought it along since she did not use it while there).


I'm not defending Leah by any means, merely pointing out that her convenience and Ali's needs DO occasionally intersect :).

All airlines are terrible about breaking wheelchairs. It's the one time I believe Leah.

They are rough and untrained with them. They've broken my husband's power chairs several *dozen* times (not an exaggeration). He travels often for work. He's posted instructions on them, even-- they just push and shove them and willfully remove or jam parts around, like they do with luggage, except that you're a lot more screwed if they bust your wheelchair. It's not just a matter of money-- power chairs are made to fit your body. If something is crooked or bent, it can give you a pressure sore or really injure you. And wheelchair repair is not easy to find or fast.

We take photos before and after now every time to prove it. It's gotten to the point that we just assume the footrests at least will be removed or broken. If they're not we're excited. 

Edited by Lm2162
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3 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I guess I was the only fuddy duddy who thought "Single mothers do not jump out of airplanes"? To me, yeah, there's a very, very small chance that something goes horribly wrong, but it's enough of a chance and the consequences are so ultimate that there's no way I could get around it: that small chance is the small chance that my kids are orphans, and split between two dads, because of something I chose to do, not an unforeseeable circumstance. it just seems really slef-centered. Especially with young kids, incapable of navigating the world on their own, I'm sorry, but to me you have to accept that there are limits on what you allow yourself to do. You can't bring home a stream of sexual partners, you can't go get drunk on a Wednesday night until 4 AM, you can't jump out of airplanes. It's just irresponsible behavior, (ETA once you choose to have children) even if nothing DOES go wrong. 

I hate when these girls complain that they get no "me" time to unwind. Welcome to fucking parenting. 

So - no one with kids should ever sky dive? That seems extreme to me.

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

I am still reeling about that BS trial. So when does a sherrif's deputy prosecute a case? And his questioning is "tell us what happened. Huh?

It's common in smaller jurisdictions and for less serious cases for police officers to ask the questions / act as the prosecutor for their own cases.  I've seen it a number of times in N and S Carolina, OH.  

Someone upthread wondered about Nathan and Jess not being prepped for their testimony, etc and that doesn't really happen when there's no formal prosecutor or you don't have  your own attorney if you're the defendant.  The police officer in this case may have run through his line of questions with them but even if that happened it was nothing as extensive or as formal as what you see on tv.   

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30 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Why does the kid only have one wheelchair?  Keep one at school and then use the other on the weekends. Leah makes over $200k a year!  She can afford a second wheelchair, even one without all the bells and whistles.  Corey isn't off the hook either. He has tons of man toys.

One "without all the bells and whistles" would likely seriously injure her if used at all regularly, wheelchairs aren't interchangeable if you don't have full control over your body. But yes, they could afford it, though they'd have to pay out of pocket. Insurance won't pay for more than one. 

A wheelchair would likely not be broken by kids jumping on it. What breaks it is fiddling with the various attached parts and bending them (usually happens because airline employees aren't trained to work them and don't want to ask, so they force the metal parts to do things they're not meant to do) or grown men shoving against something else heavy. It takes strength and force to break it.

Of course the main issue is that they don't want her to be in a wheelchair. It embarrasses and upsets them. They should realize that their ableism and selfishness are only hurting their child. I think both of them are equally at fault. Corey will never get a pass for that with me just because he's a nice guy and Leah sucks. A nice guy can still be ableist and ignorant and endanger his child because of his own hangups about wheelchairs. Leah likely just doesn't put her in it because she's lazy and doesn't care enough, but the motivations don't matter. What matters is the outcome for Ali. The fact that I personally like Corey and hate Leah, which I do, doesn't make the outcome of the wheelchair issue any different for their daughter.

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, gunderda said:



Sorry the quotes are flip-flopped - but I think this is asking to much for ANYONE. I'm single with no kids and I know better than to try and make homemade breaded chicken tenders. It would be a nightmare.  F-that.  lol 

I'm glad they're breaking the 4th wall on this series finally. 

We got to see Adam act like a whiney biatch because of it.  What more could we ask for!? 

Really? It's really so easy!  Just buy the package of chicken tenderloins and drag them through some egg and breadcrumbs.  Bake in oven.  It's seriously 10 minutes of prep time!

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7 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

So - no one with kids should ever sky dive? That seems extreme to me.

I don't think that was his point.  Skydiving is dangerous, not just the risk of death, but serious injuries like a broken back can occur.  

Kail as a single parent is the ONLY connection Issac and Lincoln have, if she dies or is paralyzed, the two boys will grow up apart.

It's an uncessary risk that is selfish in her particular case, that is all.  Of course, voluntarily being put under for plastic surgery while your husband is deployed is an even bigger selfish risk.

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6 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

One "without all the bells and whistles" would likely seriously injure her if used at all regularly, wheelchairs aren't interchangeable if you don't have full control over your body. But yes, they could afford it, though they'd have to pay out of pocket. Insurance won't pay for more than one. 

Of course the main issue is that they don't want her to be in a wheelchair. It embarrasses and upsets them. They should realize that their ableism and selfishness are only hurting their child. 

Just out of curiosity- how much (ballpark) would a second chair like the one she has cost Leah? I thought we talked about this awhile back and it wasn't just the financial concern- doesn't building one of these chairs require communication with the doctors and some other red tape to cut through, even if you're paying cash? Thought I remembered something about that.

Just speculation, but I think Corey and Leah are equally uninterested in pushing Ali to use the wheelchair regularly. Leah just recognizes that it occasionally benefits her to drag it out and then does so.

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Leah and TR Dues are apparently over as a couple.

This season (season 7B) was filmed right after the reunion because MTV didn't want to have new contracts signed, which is why Jeremy and Adam are still on the show in spite of them wanting to quit.  If they had started a new season (season 8) then new contracts would have needed to be signed, and there was a chance Jeremy and Adam wouldn't sign, but instead quit the show. MTV found a loophole. That is according to a story that was linked here a while back.


Could they be legally allowed to make a season 7C all the way to the end of the alphabet (Gawd forbid the show last that long) to avoid contract renewals? I'd actually like to see that happen, no pay increases, and Adam and Jermy are bound by contracts to stay on the show. Sweet justice for watching these fools make lots of money for doing what every parent does, have kids and raise them (sortove raise in regards to most of the cast members).

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2 minutes ago, TaxNerd said:

I don't think that was his point.  Skydiving is dangerous, not just the risk of death, but serious injuries like a broken back can occur.  

Kail as a single parent is the ONLY connection Issac and Lincoln have, if she dies or is paralyzed, the two boys will grow up apart.

It's an uncessary risk that is selfish in her particular case, that is all.  Of course, voluntarily being put under for plastic surgery while your husband is deployed is an even bigger selfish risk.

Good point- while sky diving with young children to care for may not be the most practical thing to do, if we were to make a list of all the selfish, irresponsible, impractical things these girls have done, sky diving sadly may not even make the top 25. Or top 50. Or top 100.

1 minute ago, Calm81 said:

Could they be legally allowed to make a season 7C all the way to the end of the alphabet (Gawd forbid the show last that long) to avoid contract renewals? I'd actually like to see that happen, no pay increases, and Adam and Jermy are bound by contracts to stay on the show. Sweet justice for watching these fools make lots of money for doing what every parent does, have kids and raise them (sortove raise in regards to most of the cast members).

I wondered that as well.

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LOL at the absurdity of Leah thinking viewers will believe her "panic attack" over not being able to find her keys and running late.  That was a tantrum.  I've got a tip for the girl:  How about making sure you're totally prepared for filming, you know... like having the house clean, the girles in clean clothes, bathed, hair brushed, and fed, the car cleaned out, etc.  I noticed she'd had plenty of time that day to make sure her makeup was done to perfection and her own clothes were neat and clean, yet she never thought to check to make sure she was OK to walk out of the house when it was time to go?  Uh, huh, sure, it only happens when MTV is there filming.  SMH

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17 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Just out of curiosity- how much (ballpark) would a second chair like the one she has cost Leah? I thought we talked about this awhile back and it wasn't just the financial concern- doesn't building one of these chairs require communication with the doctors and some other red tape to cut through, even if you're paying cash? Thought I remembered something about that.

Just speculation, but I think Corey and Leah are equally uninterested in pushing Ali to use the wheelchair regularly. Leah just recognizes that it occasionally benefits her to drag it out and then does so.

My husband's took a year to get last time with all the red tape. He is a quadriplegic but has great control over his body unlike Ali, so I don't know what extras she would need, but his was $50,000. Insurance paid for $40,000 of it. I'm assuming a pediatric wheelchair is more like $30,000, but again that depends a LOT on the individual needs.

His wheelchair van was $100,000, but he drives it so it's specialized for him. One like they have (where the person in a wheelchair is a passenger, not a driver) would be around $50,000. That's all out of pocket, no insurance pays for that (unless there's some magical insurance I don't know about).

I totally agree that they're equally uninterested. It's more than a shame, it's fucked up.

Edited by Lm2162
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4 minutes ago, rayndon said:

LOL at the absurdity of Leah thinking viewers will believe her "panic attack" over not being able to find her keys and running late.  That was a tantrum.  I've got a tip for the girl:  How about making sure you're totally prepared for filming, you know... like having the house clean, the girles in clean clothes, bathed, hair brushed, and fed, the car cleaned out, etc.  I noticed she'd had plenty of time that day to make sure her makeup was done to perfection and her own clothes were neat and clean, yet she never thought to check to make sure she was OK to walk out of the house when it was time to go?  Uh, huh, sure, it only happens when MTV is there filming.  SMH

Leah has no common sense. Someone with common sense would find a wall close to a door and hang a hook. From that hook, hang your keys. Get yourself in the habit of always hooking the keys then you can always find them. We put up a shelf for our cell phones and hooks below for our keys and its located right inside the garage door. We also keep an extra set of car keys for each car on the hooks just in case we forget. 

I'm not sure what the problem is with Leah. Is it drugs? Didn't Mama Dawn ever teach her simple things when she was growing up? I know having 3 kids is rough, but she doesn't have them all, all the time. Corey has the girlses half time and Germy has visitation. Leah has no job. What is the freaking big deal about getting your kids fed and out the door? I just don't get it.

Speaking of kids, as much as I can't stand Kail, her kids always look well groomed and wear nice clothes. Same with  Aubree. Leah's kids always look like a WalMart vomited on them. Leah too. Those leggings she had on. Just ugh. 

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Just now, Lm2162 said:

I actually don't think she's on drugs, at least anymore. I think she's just a shitshow. 

I agree. I have a cousin who's a drug addict and she actually looks worse when she's sober than she does when she's using. 

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15 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Could they be legally allowed to make a season 7C all the way to the end of the alphabet (Gawd forbid the show last that long) to avoid contract renewals? I'd actually like to see that happen, no pay increases, and Adam and Jermy are bound by contracts to stay on the show. Sweet justice for watching these fools make lots of money for doing what every parent does, have kids and raise them (sortove raise in regards to most of the cast members).

Doubt it. I think MTV found a loophole for this B season. They likely had contracts that allow MTV to film scenes or add episodes as needed. Many shows need filler scenes and episodes just in case. The contracts likely have end dates such as "filming is allowed to continue for the 2016 season until December 20, 2016."


I think both of them are equally at fault. Corey will never get a pass for that with me just because he's a nice guy and Leah sucks.

@Lm2162 I am not seeing passes given. I just don't see enough of Cory to make a call that he is not using the chair during the time he has his kids in his care.

I have not heard Leah or Cory mention anything about being embarrassed about their child's disability.  That is a stretch and an assumption IMO. It is no secret Cory and Leah's families both want the best and hold out hope for Ali against all the medical information they have been given. It is not unusual for families to expect a different outcome than what they are being told. That doesn't mean Cory and Leah are embarrassed about their child. I think there is a lot more than we know. What we do know is, the chair is at school all week. It costs a whole lot of money to purchase a wheelchair. Insurance is not going to pay for another one. Leah is irresponsible with money. I think Ali should be in her chair as much as possible. She needs to be accustomed to being in it for longer periods of time. Cory is hardly shown on screen. When he is shown, it may be during the week when Ali's chair is at school. Leah has stairs in her home which makes it hard for Ali to maneuver around with or without a chair.


I know having 3 kids is rough, but she doesn't have them all, all the time. Corey has the girlses half time and Germy has visitation. Leah has no job. What is the freaking big deal about getting your kids fed and out the door? I just don't get it.

Word. That is what I was saying last night. Adderrall wasn't even with her during that mess. How hard is it to keep her car keys in her purse?

The thing about that drama was, if Leah hadn't made such a spectacle, it would have looked like a normal, everyday parent trying to find their keys. Heck, MTV likely wouldn't have even aired the footage if she didn't blow up.  I know I have misplaced my purse or my glasses. It is understandable when one is in a hurry as I am sure we all have had those moments. I think Leah over-slept and that was the start of things not going right.

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52 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

So - no one with kids should ever sky dive? That seems extreme to me.

It sort of sounds that way, but really, to me, no one who is the sole provider for a pair of children whose fathers you were either never married to or are in the midst of divorcing (and therefore have questionable financial ability to support them in the way that they've become accustomed to), not to mention they would in every likelihood be split to other parents and no longer together, then skydiving is unfortunately an irresponsible choice. If you're kids are grown, and you're sure they're going to be secure should something happen, or they're adults and on their own entirely, then it's a different story. But single mother to two children under the age of seven? Not a responsible choice. 

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@GreatKazu, I guess, but I would need evidence the other way since Corey previously called the wheelchair "giving up" (which I think is embarrassment and ableism) even after they were repeatedly told the need for it by the doctor, she's rarely in the wheelchair in any photos, and they both talked at the last reunion about her playing T ball. Now maybe he has had a major change of heart, but his opinion was always that she should use the wheelchair as little as possible, long after the doctor told them the opposite. If it's not embarrassment, maybe it's just laziness? Holding out hope *for their child* would mean using the wheelchair, not avoiding it.

I understand that parents are going to be upset but it's not about them anymore and it's been years. Their feelings don't matter, their child's health does. I haven't seen any evidence that either of them is good with the wheelchair and I don't know why it's at school since they have a wheelchair van, which is as expensive as a wheelchair itself, to transport it. Highly irresponsible and selfish. I hope that behind the scenes he's made a shift in his attitude for the sake of his daughter, and I think he has more of a chance of being responsible with it than Leah does, but I'm not going to assume anything. 

Edited by Lm2162
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and they both talked at the last reunion about her playing T ball.

Now this is what bothers me. The episode last night mentioned the girls going to their t-ball game. How is it Ali is still being allowed to play? That is both Cory and Leah's doing and I can support the idea these two are not seeing the bigger picture. Why don't they get her into other hobbies that are not taking a toll on her physically? Maybe they do and MTV just doesn't show it? Either way, I am not sure what it will take to ensure Ali has use of a chair during the week. Will she have to lose the ability to walk? I feel so bad for her.

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