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High Profile Scientologists: Tom, Travolta, and More!

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I remember reading some stuff about Katie's escape. Take it all with a grain of salt of course. She got an apartment in her name in NYC while Tom was filming and gave him the impression that his name would go on the lease/mortgage when he returned. There were apparently burner phones in use so that she used to contact her father and the COS couldn't overhear the conversations. They quickly filed while Tom was out of the country and took him by surprise. It was settled within 2 weeks from what I remember. 

My guess is that she threatened to go public unless he agreed to give her custody of Suri. There were rumors he wanted to send Suri to Sea Org when she turned six (I think that was the age). Katie got custody of her daughter and kept her out of the COS and in exchange they and Tom got her silence. 

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On December 10, 2016 at 5:18 PM, spiderpig said:

During the daily coverage of Suri Cruise before Katie took her and escaped, it was pointed out that Scienos regarded children as full-functioning adults and let them make their own decisions about everything - what they ate, what they wore, when they wanted to go to bed, etc.  Suri was depicted as a demanding little tyrant.  Fortunately Katie saw the light and from the blessedly little public exposure Suri has now, she seems to be a normal 10-year-old.

I read that the Travoltas pretty much left Jett to himself, where he'd eat junk food and watch TV all the time.  They used to take Ella out to pose with them on red carpets when she was little and thin. Gorgeous face. Now you only see an occasional informal pap shot.

The two older Cruise kids tend toward the solid, especially Isabella.  So maybe you're onto something.

I remember that Suri always wore summer dresses, often princess-like, refused to wear coats in the dead of New York winters, had to be carried and wore high heeled shoes.   She was always in the company of adults, had no type of schooling, and was constantly traumatized by the pap strolls Cruise forced on them.

Now - Suri is infrequently seen.  But when she's seen, she's often in the company of other children, appropriately dressed for the weather, wearing flats, and walking.  I remember thinking that the first things Katie did after leaving Cruise were - ditch the multiple "minders", trash Suri's ridiculous wardrobe and kitten heels, put Suri in a coat, and set her on her own two feet.  She also stayed in NYC where it would be difficult for the "church" to kidnap her, and ditched Xenu for Catholic school.

People may not remember, but Katie was deliberately (or otherwise) setting up how miserable she was.   She did frequent pap strolls dressed like a bag lady, her unwashed and unbrushed hair with long gray streaks.  She definitely gave the impression she was broken and profoundly depressed.  Meanwhile, her brilliant father was setting up the burner phones, secretly rented apartment, and an iron-clad divorce agreement with enough blackmail material that Cruise immediately signed.  They were divorced in days.

I applaud all of this.  But I'm still feeling slightly bitter toward Katie because I believe she helped alienate Connor and Isabella.  One event is burned into my brain.  Nicole gave an interview stating her children call her Nicole, and that bothers her a little.  Soon after, Katie gave an interview bragging about how Nicole's kids call Katie "mom".   Total bitch move, IMO.  I've also never gotten the impression that after making herself their mom, she tried to reach out to the kids after the divorce.  I also remember that poor Isabella always acted as Suri and Katie's personal assistant.  Isabella would trail behind, carrying their purses, and the stupid blanket that covered Suri because she refused to wear coats.  

I got the impression Isabella and Connor both resented Suri, and how she was treated as the miracle CO$ child, that may or may not be the reincarnation of LRH.   

3 hours ago, fireice13 said:

I remember reading some stuff about Katie's escape. Take it all with a grain of salt of course. She got an apartment in her name in NYC while Tom was filming and gave him the impression that his name would go on the lease/mortgage when he returned. There were apparently burner phones in use so that she used to contact her father and the COS couldn't overhear the conversations. They quickly filed while Tom was out of the country and took him by surprise. It was settled within 2 weeks from what I remember. 

My guess is that she threatened to go public unless he agreed to give her custody of Suri. There were rumors he wanted to send Suri to Sea Org when she turned six (I think that was the age). Katie got custody of her daughter and kept her out of the COS and in exchange they and Tom got her silence. 

I was reading up on this today.  Her dad took care of getting her the apartment and Tom did not know about it. He was blindsided with the divorce.  He was filming in Iceland at the time. The plans were laid out beforehand to do this when he was on location.  Her dad was the intelligence behind the details

Read the Vanity Fair article. It is interesting. Burn phones were involved.  Very cloak and dagger. 

I read it when it first came out and read again today.  I was on the hunt for details it didn't include.  How did she slip her handlers for one.  She and Tom had an apt in NYC so she didn't have far to move but Tom has people in all his houses and I know she had some around her, too. 

I thought I read that her apt was purchased under another name,  her fathers assistant or someone so no one would find out.  Her dad had spoken to a defector to get advice on how to get her out. She told him to denounce the church publically, then Katie would have to choose either her family or Tom.  ThAt plan was trashed, not safe.   It is a good read.  

12 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

In loving memory of Albert Jaquier, another one lost to CO$.  I didn't know where else to put this, so I am putting it here.  This is one of the absolute saddest things you will ever read, a word of warning.


"Church" my you-know-what.  Tragic.

Tom Cruise Scientology video (uncut) on youtube.  I cannot copy a link on this damn iPad. 

Is deranged the word I seek? Megalomaniac, yes but there is more.  Doesn't matter, nuts will do.  He does have mean eyes. Big time. 

COS sought, got and pampered celebrities.  Surely they did not suffer any abuse. They used the celebrity center for everything.  By now they must have read what detractors are saying, how could they not?  I doubt they have been brainwashed so is the only reason they visciously defend it, is fear of exposure from auditing sessions? 

That is my biggest curiosity at the moment.  We know that Rinder defended in the same style but we know he suffered serious abuse.  Leah was punished with insane chores among other things but it was less than others because she was a B celeb?  Personally I would put Kirsty in that category too but they ranked her higher it seems. 

Do they know horrific things are going on and ignoring or have they been sheltered  that much?  I don't get it.  

I just remembered another puzzling member -- Greta van Susteren. Goodness woman, use that brain of yours! The Internet tells me that her husband is also a clam and was an advisor to Sarah Palin.

Her sister is a high profile psychiatrist. Greta must have to give even more money than usual to have the church overlook that.

4 hours ago, lordonia said:

I just remembered another puzzling member -- Greta van Susteren. Goodness woman, use that brain of yours! The Internet tells me that her husband is also a clam and was an advisor to Sarah Palin.

Her sister is a high profile psychiatrist. Greta must have to give even more money than usual to have the church overlook that.

Wow. Thanks for this. I have never liked her. Funny how that happens. You sense things. 

5 hours ago, lordonia said:

Rogue box 

5 hours ago, lordonia said:

I just remembered another puzzling member -- Greta van Susteren. Goodness woman, use that brain of yours! The Internet tells me that her husband is also a clam and was an advisor to Sarah Palin.

Her sister is a high profile psychiatrist. Greta must have to give even more money than usual to have the church overlook that.

Miscavige's mother was her accountant. 

2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Coming out as a scientologist today is akin to anouncing you are gay in the 50s.  I am pretty  sure they are but don't talk about it.  

To come out as a scientologist today makes people think you're a nutjob, but that's about it.  Coming out as gay in the 50's got you unemployed, shunned, and quite possibly killed.

Please don't take this as an attack on your comment, I totally get your point that it's not well received to admit to being a scientologist.

Edited by cynicat
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Coming out as a scientologist today is akin to anouncing you are gay in the 50s.  I am pretty  sure they are but don't talk about it.  

I know what you're trying to say, wings.  It used to be that $cienos were in your face about their spiritual superiority.  Now they (especially celebs) try to keep it on the downlow.  They know we're on to them.

What's an interesting common thread among most of these members is how little formal education they have.  Leah's show makes the point that children of members aren't required to attend school, how do they get away with that? 

Lack of a formal education makes it even more difficult when they leave the cult as adults because they can't get jobs.

BTW- Katie's father is a pretty successful attorney. 

I found it pretty weird that Tom told Oprah he called Katie "Katherine". SHUT UP TOM!

I am watching Going Clear now.  There is enough information out for the IRS to take their tax exemption away. 

They have something on Travolta, surely.  They all but said it.  Which means he is carrying on the pretense and not speaking against it.  He was not invited to Toms wedding and that says a lot right there.  Or he was and declined due to a work obligation (excuse). 

Edited by wings707
51 minutes ago, wings707 said:


They have something on Travolta, surely.  They all but said it.  Which means he is carrying on the pretense and not speaking against it.  He was not invited to Toms wedding and that says a lot right there.  Or he was and declined due to a work obligation (excuse). 

Leah said in her book that Tom Cruise didn't like John Travolta or Kirstie Alley.  I'm assuming that's why he was not invited. 

3 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

I found it pretty weird that Tom told Oprah he called Katie "Katherine". SHUT UP TOM!

Oh, that bugged the hell out of me.  She'd been using Katie as her professional working name for well over a decade, but apparently it wasn't sophisticated enough for His Lordship.  Another case (like him steering her around like a piece of luggage on their pap strolls) of his need to utterly dominate other people.

I can't stand that little ****.  (Using asterisks because it's Christmas Day and we're all supposed to be on good behavior.)

In Going Clear.  David called Tom up on stage,  their exchange was a salute, handshake with intense eye contact from Tom.  It was way over the top.  Tom was taking it much more seriously than David and on an entirely different level.  David wanted his celebrity and Tom saw it as him, the person who David wanted.  It was another example of creepy Tom.  David is creepy in a tyrannical way having nothing to do with any principals, only power.  Whatever COS teaches means nothing to him. 

32 minutes ago, Court said:

I think it's important to remember Leah joined as a child. She didn't join as a celebrity. So celebrity or not,she was brainwashed, abused, etc.

Ah, of course. 

I would like more to step forward who were connected to the celebrity center. I found Spanky one of the more interesting. 

On 12/25/2016 at 8:38 AM, hisbunkie said:

What's an interesting common thread among most of these members is how little formal education they have.  Leah's show makes the point that children of members aren't required to attend school, how do they get away with that? 

Lack of a formal education makes it even more difficult when they leave the cult as adults because they can't get jobs.

I would love to know how they get away with these kids not in schools at all. There are many states they are in that are pretty strict about that stuff but for some reason this freaks have "schools" around that are not accredited and its all ok??? My husband and I were "arguing" about it. He tried to say there is no way they can get away with it but yet these places are set up all over and some how manage too. More so, how doe they get away with it when they are sent off to the Sea Org? The fact that abuse goes on in many forms and no schooling at all but making ones work for pennies....how is this allowed? Yet I question how the polygamist get away with the crap they do as well in this stuff too and nothing gets done. I just can't, as a parent, imagine just sending my kids off like that and giving up my rights. SMH That so called school that pathetic Will and Jada Smith set up ended up closing at some point. I don't think it lasted to long but do remember hearing about it here starting up like it was suppose to be some big deal. *rollseyes*

   I will never understand how so many celebs ended up getting involved in this junk that were not born into it. 

I noticed that photo of Tom that was recently shown on this show.  I would like to hear more about him as it relates to COS.  For some crazy reason, I have always REALLY LIKED Tom C. as an actor.  I have to totally separate that from him and COS.   I was never attracted to him, though, he is an attractive man.  But, I did think he had awesome acting skills and liked many of his movies.  So, I am quite curious as to how COS and he relate, especially, at this stage of his life. 

I have always liked John T. too!  To me, he grew as an actor, but, I also liked him as a person or what he put out there as himself.  His connection with COS is also quite bizarre to me.  I wish I knew more.  

And Kirstie.......sweet girl, but, I've always seen her as lost and sad.  I almost got the impression that maybe COS didn't really want her around.  Sad, really.  I recall when John T. would show up in her life.  She seemed so desperate and lonely, like he was all she had to support her.  Are her kids in COS too?

On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 3:45 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Funny how they were looking for a wife considerably younger than Tom.

When he and Katie divorced, someone mathematically compared the age separation of he and his first three wives, and decided Dakota Fanning would be his next wife.  I'm go glad that never happened.

On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 11:38 AM, hisbunkie said:

What's an interesting common thread among most of these members is how little formal education they have.  Leah's show makes the point that children of members aren't required to attend school, how do they get away with that? 

Lack of a formal education makes it even more difficult when they leave the cult as adults because they can't get jobs.

BTW- Katie's father is a pretty successful attorney. 

I found it pretty weird that Tom told Oprah he called Katie "Katherine". SHUT UP TOM!

I remember when he said her professional name would be "Kate" from now on, because that's an adult's name.

On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 4:49 AM, hatchetgirl said:

I don't think Will and Jayda have actually declared  themselves members but they did set up a school based on the teachings. 

Yeah, the Smith's are so obviously CO$, but they've been sure not to speak the words.  Their kids have been absent of supervision for years, as "adults in a child's body".  They pushed their children into entertainment, to the degree that Willow (who was meant to star in the Annie remake), had to ask her parents if she could just be a kid.  The kids seem harmless, but sound out of touch with reality, to the degree that they sound insane.  Jaden thinks he's a brilliant physicist and talks pseudo-science nonsense, and Willow recently stated she has the ability to control time - literally.  Like other CO$ children, they're beyond ignorant, and have no education.  Luckily, they can coast on their parents' wealth.

22 minutes ago, wings707 said:

The Mormon, Jeffs and Joseph cults probably don't do accredited schooling, either  Authorities seem not to care.  

The authorities in the towns of Warren Jeffs' cult belong to his cult.  They do nothing but back up his atrocious rules - even now that he's in prison.  The local police actually capture escaping wives and return them.  The police also harass journalists attempting to cover the cult.  It's ridiculous how afraid the federal government is of "religion".  They forget we supposedly have a secular government. 

31 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I noticed that photo of Tom that was recently shown on this show.  I would like to hear more about him as it relates to COS.  For some crazy reason, I have always REALLY LIKED Tom C. as an actor.  I have to totally separate that from him and COS.   I was never attracted to him, though, he is an attractive man.  But, I did think he had awesome acting skills and liked many of his movies.  So, I am quite curious as to how COS and he relate, especially, at this stage of his life. 

I have always liked John T. too!  To me, he grew as an actor, but, I also liked him as a person or what he put out there as himself.  His connection with COS is also quite bizarre to me.  I wish I knew more.  

And Kirstie.......sweet girl, but, I've always seen her as lost and sad.  I almost got the impression that maybe COS didn't really want her around.  Sad, really.  I recall when John T. would show up in her life.  She seemed so desperate and lonely, like he was all she had to support her.  Are her kids in COS too?

Cruise is actually a great actor, IMO, because it's all he has.  His intensity really works for some of his greatest roles.  Although I despise him, I still can't resist him when I watch Rain Man.  Someone asked if anyone in Hollywood actually likes Tom Cruise, and I think the answer is yes.  Or at least they used to like him before he fired his long-term manager, and let his CO$ freak flag fly.  Spielberg chose to work with him AGAIN, and that's after the CO$ corruption was well known.  He's always been talked of positively by his fellow actors.  Dakota Fanning adored him after she worked with him.  He's repeatedly stepped in to help normal people who were in danger of being crushed, or were in accidents.  He may have been a good man innately, but he's now an insane megalomaniac, who pretends not to see the abuses of his "church", abandons his youngest child, and cooperated with the parental alienation of Nicole's children.

John Travolta has always had a sweetness about him, but I think it hid his weirdness.  I remember when he would get upset every time he was described as having a "come back".  He was very weird about the publicity of Hairspray.  He said dumb things like he insisted his character have a small waist, otherwise he didn't believe her husband would want to have sex with her.  He was also strange about Ella when she was a little girl.  He rhapsodized about her beauty, and how excited he was to "introduce her to the world".  He just knew she was going to be a big star in the entertainment world.  And there's the way they handled Jett.  Even disregarding the shady health care he may or may not have received, he went from being the adored child JT would pose with on magazine covers, to the child they hid away from the public.  Sure they continued to love him in private, but they acted ashamed of his "condition", which they publically lied about for years.  Kelly insisted on perpetuating the stories that is was all caused by having their carpets professionally cleaned.  I felt at the time that Ella became the "star" of the family, after Jett turned out to be imperfect.  And there's the boy they had after Jett's death, as if a replacement.

I don't know about Kirstie's sweetness.  She's always been aggressive and bitchy.  There's the story of how she met her husband.  He's was having dinner with another woman, and Kirstie brazenly approached them and told the woman he would be coming home with her.  I thought she was pretty nasty about mocking Shelley Long when she replaced her on Cheers.  Kirstie is very loud and screechy about defending her "religion", screaming about how unfair it was, and they wouldn't treat Jews this way.  Then there's the fact that she dumped good friend Maks Chmerkovskiy because HIS friend was Leah's dance partner on Dancing with the Stars.  I find her very willfully blind.

There's also Kirstie's weird story about how CO$ got her off cocaine.   She claimed she was a cocaine addict because of a dental experience when she was a child.  Apparently, she had a dental procedure in which she received cocaine hydrochloride as a topical anesthetic.  At some point her beloved grandfather comforted her.  Therefore, she became a coke addict because she loved her grandpa.  So CO$ miraculously cured her.  Yet they can't do a damn thing about the weight struggle she's had for decades.  A total lack of autonomy or responsibility.  The only thing I remotely respect her for, is keeping her children out of the public eye.  But that may have been her ex's choice, because he's a private person.

On 12/25/2016 at 1:15 PM, juliet73 said:

Leah said in her book that Tom Cruise didn't like John Travolta or Kirstie Alley.  I'm assuming that's why he was not invited. 

I read an interview that the guy that played Balkie on "Perfect Strangers" gave the AV Club a couple of years ago,  and he mentioned that during shooting Risky Business Tom had an odd preoccupation with avoiding "gays".  They were planning to get ice cream from somewhere in the town they were shooting in, and he said Tom was asking if there were "any gays there" and didn't want to go if there were.  So when I think about that, and that he doesn't like Travolta, and the general consensus that the cult is holding Travolta's sexuality/alleged sexual assaults over his head......and I just think hmmmmmmm, that's interesting.

My husband and I were on vacation with a big group of people several years ago. We had just finished checking out of the hotel and left the main lobby. The next guy in our group started to check out while his wife waited nearby with their luggage. The guy turned around and was shocked to see his wife talking to John Travolta. Apparently John and Kelly had just arrived and Kelly was checking them in. JT just walked up to the woman in our group and started chatting with her. He was so unassuming that she didn't even realize who he was. She just thought he was a nice tourist. Her husband walked up as JT walked away and told her who it was so she chased him down and asked for his autograph. Of course, he gave it to her. She couldn't believe what a nice guy he was. 

Edited by EVS
4 hours ago, wings707 said:

The Mormon, Jeffs and Joseph cults probably don't do accredited schooling, either  Authorities seem not to care.  

I disagree, I think these groups can get around public education by falling under religious schools...this is why Chater Schools can be nightmares, they're in charge of their own paperwork.

5 hours ago, wings707 said:

The Mormon, Jeffs and Joseph cults probably don't do accredited schooling, either  Authorities seem not to care.  

At the same time I have no clue how strict Utah and some of these other states are with that. I would assume thought they are not just because of how they have gotten there hands so deep into everything though so those that should be looking at them turn the blind eye. 

4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Yeah, the Smith's are so obviously CO$, but they've been sure not to speak the words.  Their kids have been absent of supervision for years, as "adults in a child's body".  They pushed their children into entertainment, to the degree that Willow (who was meant to star in the Annie remake), had to ask her parents if she could just be a kid.  The kids seem harmless, but sound out of touch with reality, to the degree that they sound insane.  Jaden thinks he's a brilliant physicist and talks pseudo-science nonsense, and Willow recently stated she has the ability to control time - literally.  Like other CO$ children, they're beyond ignorant, and have no education.  Luckily, they can coast on their parents' wealth.

The authorities in the towns of Warren Jeffs' cult belong to his cult.  They do nothing but back up his atrocious rules - even now that he's in prison.  The local police actually capture escaping wives and return them.  The police also harass journalists attempting to cover the cult.  It's ridiculous how afraid the federal government is of "religion".  They forget we supposedly have a secular government. 

Agree. The Smiths totally are. Those kids are nightmares (I think Jada is one as well though). The claim they tried to go to a public high school but that they couldn't handle it and how they were so much smarter than everyone else. That they write their one books to read from over and over again. They better hope that their parents don't decide to up and give all their money to some "charity" or something when its their time and they are left out in the cold. Either that or that someone manages that money for them because I can see them blow through it and wonder what the heck happened once the well ran dry since they have had no schooling. 

  Yes that whole thing with the Jeff's one is just as sick and disgusting. These sick "cults" obviously make sure to get their people into whatever roles they can or do whatever they can to make sure they get away with all their crap. 

31 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I disagree, I think these groups can get around public education by falling under religious schools...this is why Chater Schools can be nightmares, they're in charge of their own paperwork.

I don't know. Where I am its not so simple yet some how it is for them. I have gone through so much reading on school stuff when I was trying to find a public home school for my daughter a few years ago. They have rules for everything. They even included them in the laws on vaccinations as well so there was no pulling that out of their butts to say its why they didn't get it done for their kids. I will have to do another search though and check on if they do have to be accredited for sure or not when a "religious school". 

Rules for home schools really depend on the state. I'm obsessed with the Duggars and THEIR cult, and I have looked into the homeschooling requirements of oversight that exist in the state of Arkansas. They are barely there. As of 2011, kids are only required to state test after three grades spanning their 12 years of "education." I imagine another red state like Utah has similar rules, or should I say "rules." Jeffs' group isn't trying to get their kids into BYU, so their education is surely scant, if not non-existent. 

As for SeaOrg kids, well, I think that's why there was the edict about members not being allowed to reproduce. A. It costs Miscavige money and B. They would have to classify themselves as some sort of school for the kids, and as I said above, oversight by states greatly varies. Jenna Miscavige Hill's "education" happened at night, after days of hard labor. It consisted of reading; she mentioned nothing of math or science or even history. It was all about reading Hubbard's garbage and "clearing" themselves of words they didn't understrpand before they could continue with a text. She said they spent more times with the clearing rules (all definitions of a word, synonyms, antonyms...well, you get the idea) than they did with the actual reading. She made no mention how this held up as an "education" in California, where she was based as a kid. I think all states mandate 180 days, hours determined by grade. SeaOrg kids seem to have had their routine down from whenever their parents placed them into their program. 

I have no clue what SeaOrg parents who join with kids do now. Unless you're Will Smith or Cruise or Travolta or even the reviled Kirstie Alley, it's a lose-lose situation for kids. Public members have exhorbitant costs that celebs can absorb and SeaOrg members seem to have pretty much waived for their service. They can't afford to have one parent homschooling kids when two incomes are needed to support this "religion." I imagine that Jaden and Willow have a tutor who can get the kids to pass mandated state testing, which I believe is yearly for homeschooled kids in CA. Some states require that lesson plans be submitted before each school year. I haven't looked into CA's requirements in a while, but if a requirement like this is the case, it may explain why Miscavige enacted the no new kids rule. Rules may be the same, or similar, in Florida. But that's SeaOrg. All the celeb kids are/were raised in CA. I don't expect them to attend public school, but there are certainly many private academies that cater to the speshul snowflakes of celebs, regardless of their religious beliefs. 

On 12/25/2016 at 3:38 PM, spiderpig said:

Not liking Kirstie I could understand.  But I thought JT was generally liked around town (if you weren't a male masseur).

Does anyone in Hollywood seem to actually like Tommy?

I heard a story on a podcast- I think it was Adam Corolla talking about doing an interview with Tom and mentioning in passing that he (Adam) wanted to ride motorcycles.  He said Tom talked about some guys he trained with in preparation for the Mission Impossible movies. A couple of days later he gets a package and it's this fancy box and inside is an invitation to a driving weekend with this motorcycle trainer. All expenses paid from Tom Cruise.  He said it was one of the nicest things someone had done for him in Hollywood.

So there is at least ONE guy that likes him...

1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Rules for home schools really depend on the state. I'm obsessed with the Duggars and THEIR cult, and I have looked into the homeschooling requirements of oversight that exist in the state of Arkansas. They are barely there. As of 2011, kids are only required to state test after three grades spanning their 12 years of "education." I imagine another red state like Utah has similar rules, or should I say "rules." Jeffs' group isn't trying to get their kids into BYU, so their education is surely scant, if not non-existent. 

As for SeaOrg kids, well, I think that's why there was the edict about members not being allowed to reproduce. A. It costs Miscavige money and B. They would have to classify themselves as some sort of school for the kids, and as I said above, oversight by states greatly varies. Jenna Miscavige Hill's "education" happened at night, after days of hard labor. It consisted of reading; she mentioned nothing of math or science or even history. It was all about reading Hubbard's garbage and "clearing" themselves of words they didn't understrpand before they could continue with a text. She said they spent more times with the clearing rules (all definitions of a word, synonyms, antonyms...well, you get the idea) than they did with the actual reading. She made no mention how this held up as an "education" in California, where she was based as a kid. I think all states mandate 180 days, hours determined by grade. SeaOrg kids seem to have had their routine down from whenever their parents placed them into their program. 

I have no clue what SeaOrg parents who join with kids do now. Unless you're Will Smith or Cruise or Travolta or even the reviled Kirstie Alley, it's a lose-lose situation for kids. Public members have exhorbitant costs that celebs can absorb and SeaOrg members seem to have pretty much waived for their service. They can't afford to have one parent homschooling kids when two incomes are needed to support this "religion." I imagine that Jaden and Willow have a tutor who can get the kids to pass mandated state testing, which I believe is yearly for homeschooled kids in CA. Some states require that lesson plans be submitted before each school year. I haven't looked into CA's requirements in a while, but if a requirement like this is the case, it may explain why Miscavige enacted the no new kids rule. Rules may be the same, or similar, in Florida. But that's SeaOrg. All the celeb kids are/were raised in CA. I don't expect them to attend public school, but there are certainly many private academies that cater to the speshul snowflakes of celebs, regardless of their religious beliefs. 

My understanding is that CO$ members only push their kids to go to school through middle school. There are scientology schools in FL, CA and a couple of other states. For the hard core SeaOrgs, the kids are pressured to sign contracts starting at age 12. There is a woman who appears on Love and Hip Hop and she talked openly about the fact that her mom, who was a senior Sea Org member told her at 13 that she had to join or leave home. She spoke to he mom only sporadically after she left, and her mom never seemed concerned that she turned a 13 year old out into the street.

As for Willow and Jaden I would guess when they are working that they get regular tutoring as required by law.  Not sure what happens the rest of the time. They certainly seem self-involved and Jaden sounds dumb as all get out, so if they only did crappie Scientology classes it wouldn't surprise me  

3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Rules for home schools really depend on the state. I'm obsessed with the Duggars and THEIR cult, and I have looked into the homeschooling requirements of oversight that exist in the state of Arkansas. They are barely there. As of 2011, kids are only required to state test after three grades spanning their 12 years of "education." I imagine another red state like Utah has similar rules, or should I say "rules." Jeffs' group isn't trying to get their kids into BYU, so their education is surely scant, if not non-existent. 

As for SeaOrg kids, well, I think that's why there was the edict about members not being allowed to reproduce. A. It costs Miscavige money and B. They would have to classify themselves as some sort of school for the kids, and as I said above, oversight by states greatly varies. Jenna Miscavige Hill's "education" happened at night, after days of hard labor. It consisted of reading; she mentioned nothing of math or science or even history. It was all about reading Hubbard's garbage and "clearing" themselves of words they didn't understrpand before they could continue with a text. She said they spent more times with the clearing rules (all definitions of a word, synonyms, antonyms...well, you get the idea) than they did with the actual reading. She made no mention how this held up as an "education" in California, where she was based as a kid. I think all states mandate 180 days, hours determined by grade. SeaOrg kids seem to have had their routine down from whenever their parents placed them into their program. 

I have no clue what SeaOrg parents who join with kids do now. Unless you're Will Smith or Cruise or Travolta or even the reviled Kirstie Alley, it's a lose-lose situation for kids. Public members have exhorbitant costs that celebs can absorb and SeaOrg members seem to have pretty much waived for their service. They can't afford to have one parent homschooling kids when two incomes are needed to support this "religion." I imagine that Jaden and Willow have a tutor who can get the kids to pass mandated state testing, which I believe is yearly for homeschooled kids in CA. Some states require that lesson plans be submitted before each school year. I haven't looked into CA's requirements in a while, but if a requirement like this is the case, it may explain why Miscavige enacted the no new kids rule. Rules may be the same, or similar, in Florida. But that's SeaOrg. All the celeb kids are/were raised in CA. I don't expect them to attend public school, but there are certainly many private academies that cater to the speshul snowflakes of celebs, regardless of their religious beliefs. 

I'm actually in So. Cali. Like I said I have to look it up again but from what I remember with looking up homeschooling options, there are 3 here. One is setting up your own, which when you do that you have to apply every year in Oct to do so and have a name for your "school" and I think it is considered a bit like a private school. There is the option of public homeschool (which we do with our youngest) and then there is the option of home study with a school. Which really the home study is only so long for most schools. At least in our area that is how it works. I go through our county for everything. We have a teacher we go see once a month to turn in work and we do a report card of sorts 4 times a year. They give me all the books and a guideline of sorts for what to do each month in each subject. My daughter had gone to public school from K until a little over half of 3rd grade. Long story on why we went this way. Yet as far as I can remember though I know that there are certain laws for sure a private school does have to follow with the state. Such as registering their school, keeping track of certain things (sorry can't remember all of what it is but if I remember right attendance was one thing)....I was thinking about it but I almost wonder if the Smith kids are registered with some online school and have someone else doing the work for them? You can tell they have not had much schooling...if any at all and they obviously do not have parents in their lives raising them. I was just thinking of this because I know the high school ones are all online. My oldest has had to do credit recovery and up until this year they did not require you to do anything with a webcam but they are saying to take a class finale you have to do so and set up the time for it. Which I am guessing they suspected many parents either doing the kids work or helping them get further along at a fast pace. I had assumed this is how Kyle Jenner ended up graduating since she claimed she was and graduated. I can see people like that hiring someone else to do the work. Which it shows in so many ways. I know by law you have to have your child in some sort of schooling until they are 18. So its why I wonder how groups like this get away with stopping at 12-13 with their crap and even it being legal for them to sign off on joining the SeaOrg. 

Oh and btw, I was told that if a high school was not accredited and they wanted to go to college that the college may not take them from a non-accredited school. Obviously with this group of freaks they would never care though. LOL

Oh and btw, I was told that if a high school was not accredited and they wanted to go to college that the college may not take them from a non-accredited school. Obviously with this group of freaks they would never care though. LOL

Absolutely true, as was your entire post. I looked into the CA standards after I posted (being a childless by choice Californian [Bay Area all my life], I was curious). I can say absolutely that these people don't care how the kids in Sea Org fare; it's assumed that they will take places in the higher organization at some point. Rembember, they are considered adults in bodies that just haven't grown yet. And without the training from educated people in special fields who are aging out or flat out leaving, and no generations coming up behind them....what then? Cruise's losers? Willow and Jaden? LMAO 

Seriously, there is nothing coming up to make Miscavige's empire sustainable. I doubt it is even now, considering the hit he must have taken in the '08 crash; I doubt he paid cash for all those palaces and their renovations. I bet that the after effects of the Crash had a lot to do with people going into the Hole and people defecting left and right, including Micavige's own father, as they could. 

There are few people I hate, but the more I read about Miscavige, from his own family no less, the more I hate him. He's addicted to Cruise, but Cruise doesn't cut him off, so he's an enabler. Cruise has enough fame and money to get out of this angle of "fame," espeically in the last 10 years or so. 

2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

There are few people I hate, but the more I read about Miscavige, from his own family no less, the more I hate him. He's addicted to Cruise, but Cruise doesn't cut him off, so he's an enabler. Cruise has enough fame and money to get out of this angle of "fame," espeically in the last 10 years or so. 

I agree wholeheartedly.  I have never heard of a single kindly or positive act on the part of DM.  He's a savage, vindictive monster and that Tommy C chooses to hitch his wagon to DM's star makes him a permanent bunghole in my book.

I can't wait until the little dictator gets his comeuppance - and after much too long in the driver's seat, I honestly feel it's finally coming.  I want his downfall to be public and humiliating.

2 hours ago, spiderpig said:

I agree wholeheartedly.  I have never heard of a single kindly or positive act on the part of DM.  He's a savage, vindictive monster and that Tommy C chooses to hitch his wagon to DM's star makes him a permanent bunghole in my book.

I can't wait until the little dictator gets his comeuppance - and after much too long in the driver's seat, I honestly feel it's finally coming.  I want his downfall to be public and humiliating.

I agree, especially with the first (bolded) part.  Similarly, as I've mentioned on other threads, I have never heard of a single act that Co$ does that actually helps improve the planet.  I know that the advertising is all about how they're saving the planet, but I've never heard any single act or venture or undertaking that is actually pushing towards attaining this.  I've never seen a research paper into sustainable energy that has the Co$ imprimatur; I've never seen any developments by Co$ that will clean our seas, or our forests, or our cities.  The only thing I can recall is Narcanon which isn't anything new or Co$-created. 

55 minutes ago, fastiller said:

I agree, especially with the first (bolded) part.  Similarly, as I've mentioned on other threads, I have never heard of a single act that Co$ does that actually helps improve the planet.  I know that the advertising is all about how they're saving the planet, but I've never heard any single act or venture or undertaking that is actually pushing towards attaining this.  I've never seen a research paper into sustainable energy that has the Co$ imprimatur; I've never seen any developments by Co$ that will clean our seas, or our forests, or our cities.  The only thing I can recall is Narcanon which isn't anything new or Co$-created. 

I just finished Leah's book and she mentioned how a Scientologist couldn't just donate money to the Red Cross to help with something like Hurricane Katrina.  You have to give the money to Scientology first and they supposedly send help in those kinds of situations.  Riiight.  You know that money goes right into Miscavige's pocket.  She said they couldn't show her a single instance where even a bottle of water was handed out on behalf of the Church.

And count me in as someone who despised the whole "She shall now be known as KATE!" crap from Cruise.  I adore the Royal Family and it still bugs me that Prince William publicly refers to Kate as "Catherine" most of the time.  I certainly don't think he's doing it to be a controlling bastard like Tom, but still.

8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Seriously, there is nothing coming up to make Miscavige's empire sustainable. I doubt it is even now, considering the hit he must have taken in the '08 crash; I doubt he paid cash for all those palaces and their renovations. I bet that the after effects of the Crash had a lot to do with people going into the Hole and people defecting left and right, including Micavige's own father, as they could. 

See this is where we disagree. They have been investing in real estate, and that presents several opportunities for them. If they decided to exploit non-believers and SP's, as some other insular religions do it could present the opportunity to develop an ongoing revenue stream for the religion that doesn't rely on member $s. I just look at some of those empty centers they have (I watched the first look last night and they showed them), and thought that they could actually be making money off of them as conference centers. They could also turn current property over to developers for future development of commercial or mixed use, maintaining ownership of the land. Those sorts of ventures would provide a long revenue stream, however it would necessitate them admitting that the number of members *might* be a smidgen or two less than what they have been claiming - something I don't see the COB ever saying publicly. 

18 hours ago, EVS said:

My husband and I were on vacation with a big group of people several years ago. We had just finished checking out of the hotel and left the main lobby. The next guy in our group started to check out while his wife waited nearby with their luggage. The guy turned around and was shocked to see his wife talking to John Travolta. Apparently John and Kelly had just arrived and Kelly was checking them in. JT just walked up to the woman in our group and started chatting with her. He was so unassuming that she didn't even realize who he was. She just thought he was a nice tourist. Her husband walked up as JT walked away and told her who it was so she chased him down and asked for his autograph. Of course, he gave it to her. She couldn't believe what a nice guy he was. 

One of my first bosses has a stepdaughter who is a filmmaker and made a movie with Travolta, and both she and her husband visited the set and said he was the nicest guy. He took a picture with her, her husband, and her stepdaughter and she treasured it and kept it in her office. This was in 2004. (The movie in question is boring AF though. I rented it and watched with my mom. Put us both to sleep.)

My mom's friend had an encounter with Tom Cruise in an elevator years ago when he was still married to Nicole Kidman. She didn't recognize him. (She said he had longish hair and was wearing a baseball cap.) She was in an elevator with him, her husband, and a flower delivery guy holding a giant bouquet. Tom said to the delivery guy, "Oh, I'll take those, they're for my wife." My mom's friend was like, "Oh, that's so nice, bringing your wife flowers" and nudged her husband like "Hint hint!" Her husband, who DID recognize Tom, was mortified. And she kind of fussed over Tom some more and he was very polite and charming, and then Tom got off the elevator and my mom's friend husband was like "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS?" and she was like, "No, who?" We teased her about it for a long time. This was before he fully let his Scientology freak flag fly.

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